(Iowa City, Iowa), 1964-06-25
city, ".-W.... cfay, JIIIII 24, '* ed Into the /lecond round by d& feating Heathet Cheadle of Britain, 7·5, 6-1. Warmer MNtty '*' 1M ,........: TO AAU FINALS- Warmer f.!MIt ." ........, ....... NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. ttl - .. fl. Pertly c'-'r MIll ...., The top college broad jumpe~, ail owan w_ flrWey. Gayle Hopkins oC Arizona, and a Serving the State University of ICHDtJ and 1M Peopl8 of 10W4 CU~ pole vaulter who has cleared 1~ Ceet, Ohio State's Bob Neutzling, Jon CIty, [ -11wrIda.y, JUDe 15, 11M were added Tuesday to the field Cor this weekend's National AAU track championships, Other Asians Grave- Viet Ham Strong Man Backs .Ambassador Shift by U,S. Dulles in Jackson; AIGO " lai. Cl'O. ~uyen t..1}anh, r dil amba d • id Wedn day th am' unti.commu- WANTED NAACP Demonstration ni. t war i at hand, 'The frc world (; untri· ar right at our ' d,~ tJ) • ~troog RIDERS Marlon to Iowa City. MondlY throuib Saturday. 337·1356. Carol Altorlley Gener.al Robert K.nnedy sh.ak~~ hallds Wednesday with man premier told his people in Potter. 8-2( ... ... memb.rs of the National Au.cialion fOl' the Adv.nc.ment of e.l· a peech at R cb Ola, on the Gulf . MALE ROOMMATE to share new ored People. He greeted th.m during • m.rch .t the Department of Thailand. "and If necessary will aparlment. Preter grad student. Call tackle the problem of communism 337·7271 before noon. 8-2S of Justke in silent protest over the disappearance IIf thrft Y""" U_S.
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