20101115-NEWS--1-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 11/12/2010 4:09 PM Page 1 Vol. 31, No. 45 $1.50/NOVEMBER 15 - 21, 2010 Fourth Frontier atop FitzGerald’s goals By JAY MILLER variety of programs and was the con-
[email protected] County executive-elect outlines economic development strategy duit for $15 million in state and fed- eral economic development funds. Cuyahoga County executive-elect Frontier technology devel- bank as an incentive to These proposals mesh to a Ed FitzGerald won’t take office until opment program. He’s calling promote business expan- degree with ideas recommended by The next Frontier Jan. 1, but he’s already thinking it the Fourth Frontier and sion. a citizen-led county transition advi- Developing a $100 million venture about his relationship with the busi- he hopes it will have a $100 ■ Pursuing the elusive sory group in a report released last fund a la the Third Frontier, however, ness community and the impact his million kitty with which to goal of providing “one- September. That group suggested will depend on Mr. FitzGerald’s ability administration can have on business work. stop shopping” for busi- the county’s economic develop- to cut the cost of running county expansion in the region. ■ Assembling a group nesses seeking to expand ment efforts should be on a finan- government. In an interview with Crain’s, he of loaned executives who in or move into the county. cially larger scale than they are The county transition group said four items are at the top of his would consult with county FitzGerald The new county execu- currently.