Lee, Susan P. Memoirs of William Nelson Pendleton. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1893.

Birth, ancestry, background in army, bishop, 1-130 Secession and outbreak of war, Rockbridge Artillery, 132 -35 War prospects, 136 Lincoln, 136-37 Enlistment to command artillery company, duty, 138-40 Rockbridge Artillery, 140ff Piety and preaching, 142 Duty and work of death, 142-43 Traitors in Virginia, 143 Evacuation of Harpers Ferry, 143 Without tents, rain, 144 Respect for Yankee soldiers, 144 Fall Waters, 145-46 Colonel of artillery, First Manassas, Bull Run, 146-54 Captured artillery pieces, increasing Confederate artillery force, contractors, powder, 154-60 Preaching, 161 Illness, 162-63 Lewis Coleman, 164 Daily routine, 165 McClellan, 166 Statement of artillery strength, 167-69 Winter quarters, Centreville, 169 Worship in camp, chapel, 170-71 Fort Henry and Donelson, 171 Retreat from Centreville, 172-73 Death of Bishop Meade, 174-76 Peninsula campaign, 176ff Marching to Richmond, 177 Promotion to brigadier general, 177-79 Yorktown, 180-82 Williamsburg, 182-83 Chickahominy, 184 Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, 185 Defending Richmond, Lee, 187-88 Jackson in the Valley, 189 Seven Days, Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, A. P. Hill, Malvern Hill, 193-98 Artillery regulations, 198-99 Artillery taken to the rear, 199 Richmond hospitals, Mrs. Pendleton, 200-1 Concerned about son’s religious character in camp, 202-3 Cedar Mountain, 203-4 Hanover Junction, Second Manassas, Bull Run, 204-10 Richmond, Jefferson Davis, 205-6 Diarrhea, diet, pickle juice cure, 208, 227-29, 231


Antietam campaign, artillery losses, report to Lee, 210-225 Sabbath, 228 Army stronger, 230 Preaching, 232-33 Fredericksburg, cold, 233-39 Fredericksburg, 239-48 Scarcity of food, prices, 249 Winter quarters, 250 Confederate money, 251 Mud, 252-53 Yankee barbarism, 253 Preaching, chaplain, 254 Chaplain meeting, 255 Baptism, 256 Hooker, Chancellorsville, 257-69 Death of , 269-72 Sandie Pendleton, dysentery, 273-74 Federals along the Rappahannock, 275-76 Stuart and cavalry, 277 Winchester, 278 , 279-94 Retreat from Gettysburg, Vicksburg, 295-97 Food, 297 Preaching, religious services, 301-2 Bristoe Station, 303-5 Destruction of churches, 305 Rappahannock Station, 305 Mine Run, 306-8 Dalton, Georgia, reorganizing Joseph Johnston’s artillery, Hardee, Hood, 314-18 Methodist preaching, 313 Preaching, 317 Richmond, Jefferson Davis, Bragg, 320-21 Minnegerode, St. Paul’s Church, 321-22 Thefts of meat at home, 322 Overland campaign, 323ff Wilderness, Longstreet, 325-27 Spotsylvania Courthouse, 328-332, 335 Cold Harbor, 333-34 Lee in bad health, 356-57 Assessment of Grant, 357 Hunter, 1864 Valley campaign, 339 Providence, 340 Worried about Lexington, Virginia, 340-41 Yankee destruction and barbarism, black soldiers, 342 Sermon and General Wise, 344 Yankees in Lexington, Virginia, Hunter, 344-49


Fear of black soldiers, 349 Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, 351ff Grant’s strategy, Petersburg, 355 Crater, Petersburg mine, 357-60 Preaching, 359 Meade, flag of truce, burials, 359 , Maryland, Sandie Pendleton, 360-65 Petersburg, earthworks, Chaffin’s Bluff, digestion problems, 365-67 Reams Station, 367 Death of Sandie Pendleton, Woodstock, providence, 368-72, 376-77 Petersburg, 374ff Religious service, sermon, 374-75 Pegram, 375 Dining with General Lee, 375-76 Wood, 378 Sherman and Savannah, 380 Johnston and Hood, 380 Christmas, Yankee outrages, 381 New Year’s 384-85 Fort Fisher, Wilmington, 385 Robert E. Lee and communion, 389 Yankees in Staunton, 391 Lee’s promotion, 394-95 Fort Steadman, artillery, 395 Evacuation of Petersburg, 398 Amelia Courthouse, 398 Rice’s Station, Southside Railroad, 400-1 Appomattox, 403-7 Postwar military occupation, religious work, 407fff Recollections of Robert E. Lee, 494-537