Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 魚 類 学 雑 誌 Vol.20,No.3.1973 20巻3号1973年

Holacanthus interruptus,a Valid Pomacanthid Species, Distinct from fisheri

Yoshiaki Torninaga and Fujio Yasuda

(Received May 25,1973)

Abstract Holacanthus interruptus(Tanaka)is proved to be a valid species,being distinct from Centropyge fisheri Snyder.The holotype of the species is reexamined and illustrated. Additional material of various sizes are also examined.

Introduction caudal.Eye diameter 3 5/9,interorbital width The original description of Angelichthys in- 2 9/10,snout 3 1/5,maxillary 4 in head length. terruptus is entirely in Japanese language,brief, Dorsal XIV,17;anal III,17;pelvic I,5;branch- and without figure(Tanaka,1918).Without ed caudal rays 15.Scale rows counted below stating reasons,Tanaka(1931)himself syn- lateral line 18.Teeth on mandible slender and onymized the species with Holacanthus fisheri densely set.A long and stout spine at angle Snyder,1902.Since then all Japanese ichthy- of preopercle;vertical edge above the spine ologists followed him regarding the fish which markedly serrated.Caudal very slightly agrees with the description of A.interruptus as rounded. H.fisheri(Centropyge fisheri by recent authors). Color in formalin:head light gray with faint On the other hand,Fraser-Brunner(1933:584) red tint,anterior portion of body adjacent to stated:"Angelichthys interruptus Tanaka is de- head light brown and slightly redder than head, scribed entirely in Japanese and no figure is posterior part of body blackish brown with red tint,caudal peduncle yellowish gray.Blackish given.It is unlikely that a species from Japan belongs to this (Holacanthus subgenus brown stripes on head,interrupted here and Angelichthys)and it may prove to be a Po- there,forming elongate spots.Irregular spot macanthus." Obviously he did not check the on each scale above pectoral on body.Spinous original description in Japanese and he might dorsal gray;soft-rayed part black,with indigo have implicitly assumed that Angelichthys is the blue stripes along its margin of anterior part and subgenus confined to the Atlantic. parallel with soft rays posteriorly.Narrow The holotype of Angelichthys interruptus is re- black line along whole margin of dorsal.Anal examined and is proved to be different from H. black with indigo blue streaks.Pectoral yellow at middle;peripheral areas white;and blackish fisheri.It belongs to the genus Holacanthus,not to Centropyge nor Pomacanthus(all generic areas scattered at base.Pelvic gray;its spine names in this sentence,sensu Fraser-Brunner). and tip of 1st soft ray black.Caudal mostly Further informations on individual variations, yellow near.base;periphery slightly gray.Fork changes with growth,life color,geographical length 149 mm.Collected by Nuizo Ui at distribution,etc.,are obtained by the study of Tanabe,Wakayama Pref.,Japan. the additional material of H.interruptus. Holacanthus interruptus(Tanaka) renten-yakko)( Word-for-word translation of the original description(Tanaka,1918:224) Angelichthys interruptus Tanaka,1918:224(o- riginal description;Tanabe,Wakayama Pref.); Angelichthys interruptus,sp.n. Ui,1929:199,fig.77(brief note;Tanabe, (Chaetodontidae)renten-yakko Wakayama Pref.);Fraser-Brunner,1933:584 Head length 3 3/4,body depth 2 1/7,depth in foot-note).( of caudal peduncle 8 in body length without Holacanthus fisheri(non Snyder);Tanaka,1931:

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33(name only);Kamohara,1935:731(brief scales in lateral line 35 to near the end of soft note;Susaki,Kochi Pref.);Okada and base,1 pored scale slightly behind the Matsubara,1938:272(key)*;Kamohara, continuous series,and 1 separate pored scale on 1950:187(brief desc.);Kamohara,1961: caudal peduncle(right);no pyloric caeca. 32,pl.32,fig,1;Masuda and Hata,1969:71 Teeth on both jaws are brush-like,trilobed (upper left fig.,Hachijo-jima). with lateral lobes much shorter than the median, Centropyge fisheri(non Snyder);Matsubara, and arranged in four rows;internal ones are 1955:939(key)*,Imajima,1969:165(listed; shorter.The vomer and palatine lack the teeth. Ogasawara Is.);Hiyama and Yasuda,1971: The anterior opening of the nostril has a raised 27,pl.55 and p.294(color photo;Ito,Shizu- fleshy rim.Eye diameter is shorter than the oka Pref.);Burgess and Axelrod,1972:37, interorbital width.The ventral margin of the fig.57(same photo as that of Hiyama and 1st infraorbital(preorbital)is free from the Yasuda,1971);Kataoka et al.,1970:24 cheek.On the 1st infraorbital,there are several (listed;Ogasawara I). blunt spines or serrations along its anterior and Holacanthus(Centropyge)fisheri(non Snyder); ventral margins;spines on the anterior rim are Kamohara,1958:44(listed);Kamohara,1964: more or less separated from those of the ventral 57(listed);Kamohara,1965:395,fig.988; rim by a notch between them.The preopercle Masuda and Abe,1972:pl.131 and 132,and has a stout spine at the angle and 0-2(usually p.193(Futo,Izu Pen.,and KOzu-shima). 1)spines in front of it;posterior vertical mar- gin has 10N30 spines of various sizes and Material shapes.The interopercle has 1-4 spines antero- ZIUT(Zoological Institute,Faculty of Science, ventrally.The rim of the subopercle has 2-10 the University of Tokyo)8343.Holotype. weak spines.Posterior exposed rim of the Collected at Tanabe,Wakayama Pref.,pre- sup racleithrum are also finely serrated.Some served in formalin and recently transferred of spines or serrations on the posterior vertical into alcohol. rim of the preopercle,subopercle,and supraclei- ZIUT 22315.Obtained at Tokyo Fish Market. thrum are minute,resembling the ctenii of the Unknown date,before Mar.,1931. scales adjacent to them.Number,size,and ZIUT 52760 to 52763.Donated by Mr.Hajime shape of spines are much variable not only among Masuda.Assumed to be captured near Futo, specimens but also from left and right sides of a Izu Pen.(34°54'N,139°08'E),from 1969 to same specimen. 1970.Preserved in formalin without data. Scales are rather deciduous for the pomacan- ZIUT 52762(male)is partly dissected and thids.They are stronglyc tenoid,except those stained with alizarin. on the areas of the belly hidden by the pectoral ZIUT 52793 .Donated by Mr.Hajime Masuda. and pelvic fins which are cycloid or weakly Collectedat Futo,Izu Pen.,from the depth of ctenoid.Scales are set regularly on the body about 30 m,on Sept.17,1967. below the lateral line,but rather irregular above it.Scales located dorsoanterior to the eye are Description minute and their ctenii are erected against the The counts and measurements of the holotype body surface,so as to give the head spinulose and other specimens are shown in Table 1.The appearance.Auxiliary scales are marked and following counts are constant for all specimens numerous along the lateral line;owing to their studied.Dorsal XI V,16;anal III,17;pelvic I, presence it is difficult to count pored scales.On 5;caudal branched rays 8+7.Vertebrae 10+14 the region anterior to the anus and below the (terminal half vertebra counted as 1);branchi- pectoral fin there are occasionally auxiliary ostegals 6;predorsal bone 1.The following scales.The lateral line is continuous to slightly data are based on a male,ZIUT 52762.Gill anterior to the posterior end of the dorsal base; rakers on the first gill arch 7+1+16;pored posterior to the continuous series of pored scales, * Key characters used by them are those of true several isolated pored scales are present on the Centropyge fisheri,but Japanese records are based caudal peduncle.Third to 6th branchiostegals on Holacanthus interruptus. are scaled.

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Fig.1.Ho(acanthus interruptus and Centropyge Jisheri.Upper left:holotype of H.interruptus. ZIUT 8343.118.9 mm in standard length; upper right:head region of the holotype to show spines and serrations:lower left:a Juvenile specimen of H.interruptus.ZIUT 52793,52.8 mm in standard length:lower right:holotype of Cenrropyge fisheri.USNM 50881.78 mm in standard length(after Snyder.1904).

Dorsal spines grow gradually longer from the caudal fin is truncate and scaleless. 1st to last; the 1st spine is more than 3/4 length of the 2nd.Membrane between the 1st and 2nd Coloration spines is nearly cleft to the base,and notches be- In life,the ground color is orange yellow with tween following spines becomes successively more or less pinkish tint anteriorly and becomes shallower; membranes between the 1st and 3rd violet blue posteriorly.Some individuals are spines are scaled only at the base,but remaining mostly bluish,moreover,a single fish kept in membranes are covered with minute scales an aquarium may change its dominant color except the distal margin.Except anterior 3 within several days.Irregular blue bars are spines,their bases are covered with scales and scattered on the head.and blue spots on the flesh,so that the base line of the dorsal fin is not dorsoanterior part of body.The eye is sur- distinct in the external view. rounded by a blue circular line which is inter- Anal spines become longer from the 1st to rupted anteriorly.Blue dots which are confined 3rd:membrane between the 1st and 2nd spines on each scales are scattered on the body above is nearly cleft to the base.Soft-rayed part of the pectoral fin.The preopercular spine is blue. anal fin is much similar to the soft dorsal.Soft The pectoral fin and caudal fin including the cau- portions of the dorsal and anal fins are somewhat dal peduncle is yellow.The dorsal and anal fins pointed.The pectoral fin is scaled only at the are margined with blue.Several longitudinal base:4th and 6th rays form its distal tip.The blue and black stripes of the similar width are pelvic fin is scaled except its distal margin.The present on the posterior parts of' the dorsal and 1st ray of the pelvic extends filamentously near anal fins; these stripes may be absent,or confined to the anal origin.The hind margin of the only to the anal fin in smaller specimens and .

―160― Tominaga and Yasuda:Holacanthus interruptus,a Valid Pomacanthid Species entirely absent in those less than 100 mm in the 1st infraorbital has blunt spines in H.inter- standard length.The filamentous 1st ray and ruptus,1-3 sharp,backward recurved spines sometimes distal margin of the pelvic fin is blue; characteristic to Centopyge fisheri or C.fla- remaining part of the fin is yellow. vicauda are never present. A young specimen,about 32 mm in standard In addition to the peculiar markings on the length was caught alive in late Nov.,1972 from head and body,H.interruptus has fewer dorsal Futo,Izu Pen.at the depth of about 20m and has soft rays for known Holacanthus(sensu Fraser been reared up to Aug.,1973.According to its Brunner);16 dorsal soft rays were reported only color photographs,blue spots and bars are more in H.venustus. conspicuous but less densely set on the dorsal The juvenile marking similar to H. interruptus side of the body and base of the dorsal fin except on the soft dorsal also appears in H. diacanthus anterior part of the head than larger specimens. and H. trimaculatus(Fowler and Bean, 1929:170, The soft dorsal is provided posteriorly with a fig.8;Hiyama and Yasuda,1972:246). blue-edged black spot. Posterior to the black Acknowledgments spot,the dorsal fin is yellow,and blue and black stripes in the adult are absent on the dorsal and We thank Mr.Ha jime Masuda who pre- anal fins.The black spot on the dorsal fin is sented specimens and informations of present: species,and to Mr.Akira Watanabe who assisted perhaps the marking peculiar to the juvenile stage,as well as absence of blue and black stripes Fujio Yasuda in rearing a young of H.inter- on the dorsal and anal fins.Such juvenile char- ruptus. acters are also evident in ZIUT 52793,52.8 mm Literature cited in standard length. Burgess, W. and H. R. Axelrod. 1972. Pacific In formalin,the ground color is warm brown marine fishes. T. F. H. Pub. Inc. Ltd., Hong Kong,. and is darker posteriorly.Blue markings when 280 pp., 489 color photos. alive are turned to be dark brown.The black Fowler, H. W. and B. A. Bean. 1929. The fishes. stripes on the dorsal and anal fins of adult of the series Capriformes, Ephippiformes, and specimens are darker than the neighboring blue Squamipinnes, collected by the United States. stripes. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer" Albatross", chiefly in Philippine seas and adjacent waters. U. S. Nat. Habit and habitat Mus., Bull. 100, 8: xi+352 pp., 25 figs. Mr.Hajime Masuda informed us that this Fraser-Brunner, A. 1933. A revision of the species inhabits rocky shores at the depths from chaetodont fishes of the subfamily Pomacan- 15 to 60 m,rather common in Izu Pen.,Izu thinae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1933: 543-599, Shichito,and Hachi jo-jima 29 figs., 1 pl . Hiyama, Y. and F. Yasuda. 1971. Living fishes Distribution of the Japanese coastal waters. Kodansha Co., Tokyo, 377 pp., 240 color photos. In Japanese. Pacific coast of central to southern Japan; Kamohara, T. 1935. Tosa san chochouo ka gyorui known from Susaki,Kochi Pref.to Izu Pen., no bunrui. [The classification of the Chaeto-

Shizuoka Pref.,Hachijo-jima,and Ogasawara dontidae of Tosa Province]. Shokubutsu oyobi Gunto.No records nor information have been DObutsu [Plants and ], 3: 730•`736. In hitherto present from Ryukyu Is.or Formosa. Japanese. Kamohara, T. 1950. Description of the fishes from Note the Provinces of Tosa and Kishu, Japan. Kochi- Holacanthus interruptus is different from Cen- ken Bunkyo KyOkai, Kochi, 3+ 288+ 5+ 48+ 26 tropyge fisheri(Snyder)( locality,Hawaii) in pp., 220 figs. In Japanese. the body color and markings(Fig.1).Although Kamohara, T. 1958. A catalogue of fishes of Kochi the color patterns of the pomacanthid fishesare Prefecture (Province Tosa), Japan. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. Sta., 5 (1): 1•`76. subject to wide intraspecific variation,the differ- Kamohara, T. 1961. Coloured illustrations of the ences between them are beyond the species level. fishes of Japan (II). Hoikusha, Osaka, xi-I-168 pp., In markings on the body,H.interruptus is some- 68 pls. In Japanese. what similar to C.potteri.The ventral rim of Kamohara, T. 1964. Revised catalogue of fishes

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of Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Rep. Usa Mar. Biol. 1902 (1904): 513•`38, 13 pls. Sta., 2 (1): 1•`99, 63 figs. Tanaka, S. 1918. Nippon san gyorui no 12 shinshu.

Kamohara, T. 1965. Chaetodontidae. In Okada, (Tweleve new species of fishes of Japan). DO- K., S. Uchida, and T. Uchida ed. New illustrat- butsugaku Zasshi (Zool. Mag., Tokyo), 30 (356) : ed encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan (III). Ho- 22•`227. In Japanese. kuryu-Kan, Tokyo, 390-395, 23 figs. In Japanese. Tanaka, S. 1931. On the distribution of fishes in Kataoka, T., S. Kitamura, M. Sekido, and K. Japanese waters. J. Fac. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Yamamoto. 1970. Coral fishes of the Ogasawara Sec. 4, 3: 1-90, 3 pls.

(Bonin) Islands. Report on the marine biological Ui, N. 1929. Kishu gyofu (Descriptions and illus- expedition to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, 1968. trations of fishes from the Province Kishu). rev. Toba Aquarium and Asahi Shimbun Pub. Co., ed. Kindai-Bungei-sha, Osaka, 284+45 pp., 108 7•`40, 3 figs., 33 photos. In Japanese. figs. In Japanese. Matsubara, K. 1955. Fish, morphology and hier- archy. 2. Ishizaki Shoten Co., Tokyo, 791-1605, (Department of , University Museum, the Universty of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113, figs. 290—536. In Japanese. Japan: Tokyo University of Fisheries, KOnan, Mi- Masuda, H. and T. Abe. 1972. Sea fantasy. Wonders nato-ku,Tokyo,108,Japan) of fish life in Japan's coastal waters. Mainichi Shinbun-sha, Tokyo, etc., 201 pp., 172 color pls. レ ンテ ンヤ ッコ の 学 名 と形 態 In Japanese and English. 富 永 義 昭 ・安 田 富士 郎 Masuda, H. and M. Hata. 1969. Marine life of レ ン テ ン ヤ ッ コ は 原 産 地 が ハ ワ イ のCentropyge Japan. Gakushu Kenkyusha Co., Tokyo, ii + 198 fisheri Snyderと は 異 な る 種 類 で あ る こ と が 判 明 し た. pp., many color photos. In Japanese. レ ン テ ン ヤ ッ コ の 学 名 に はHolacanthus interruptus Okada, Y. and K. Matsubara. 1938. Keys to the (Tanaka)を 用 い る の が 妥 当 で あ る.レ ン テ ン ヤッ コ fishes and fish-like animals of Japan. Sanseido の 完 模 式 標 本 を 再 査 し た ほ か 他 の 標 本 も 調 べ,個 体 変 Co. Ltd., Tokyo and Osaka, x1+584 pp., 113 pls. 異,成 長 に 伴 う変 化,生 時 の 色 彩,地 理 的 分 布 な ど を In Japanese. 明 ら か に し た. Snyder, J. O. 1904. A catalogue of the shore fishes collected by the steamer" Albatross" about the (113,東 京 都 文 京 区 本 郷 東 京 大 学 総 合 研 究 資 料 館: Hawaiian Islands in 1902. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 108,東 京 都 港 区 港 南 東 京 水産 大学)
