Subject Index

ABA 63, 64, 69, 70, 71, 77, 78, 153 Agathis 389 Abies 69, 399, 403 - australis 403 - alba 11, 431 Agonis 433 - balsamea 21 agricultural production 464 abscisic acid see ABA Agrobacterium 314, 444 Acacia 433 - radiobacter 444 - alb ida 461 - tumejaciens 322 - auriculiformis 440 Agrostis stolonifera 418 - niloiica 80, 461 air gaps at the soil/root interface 62 - paradoxa 48 Albizzia 249 Acanthus 420 - julibrissin 249 Acaulospora 457 - lebbeck 440 - morrowae 466 - lophanta 252 acclimatization, metabolic 197 aldolase 140 Acer negundo 82 alga, supralitoral 84 - platanoides 71, 408 alleles 326 - pseudoplatanus 304 - frequencies 326 - saccharum 69, 82 Allium commutatum 409 acetyl-CoA 14 Allocasuarina 432, 433, 450 Achillea 167 allosarnidin 339 - lanulosa 166 allozymes 282 - millejolium 165, 166 Alnus glutinosa 439 -- clones 167 - incana 431 Achlya 84 - rubra 441 Acmella oppositifolia 135 altitude effect 13 Acremonium 466 Amanita muscaria 431, 436, 437 Actinidia deliciosa 466 Amaranthus edulis 13 Actinomycetales 333 - hypochondriacus 306, 310 adaptibility, metabolic 170 Amblyodon dealbatus 366 adaptive potentials 165 Ambrosia artemisiifolia 403 Adelothecium bogotense 364 Amentotaxus 389 adenoviruses 332 amino-acid 147 adenyl ate translocator 141 Amperaea 433 adg-l mutant 306, 309 Amyema 401 adg-2 mutant 306, 309 amylopectin 301, 302, 304, 305 Adiantum 217 amyloplast 142 - capillus-veneris 231 amylose 301, 302, 304 ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 141, 303, amylose extender mutant 307, 308, 312, 315 304, 306, 309, 313, 314 amylose-free mutant 307, 310 Aegialitis 420 Anabathra 379, 380 - annulata 421, 422 Anacardium excelsum 79 Aegiceras 420 Anemia 381 - corniculatum 419 Angiopteris 381, 384 Ajzelia ajricana 441 angiosperms 372 Agapanthus 44 Angophora 433 474 Subject Index anthophytes 390 Baiera hallei 387 anthropophytes 407 Barinophytaceae 378 Antirrhinum 284 Bauhinia 64 aperture 45 Bellemnitella americana 3 Apium 50 Bennettiales 390 aquatic 7 Beta vulgaris 280 Arabidopsis 72, 77, 171, 207, 208, 216, Betula glandulosa 83, 403 217, 219, 227, 228, 291, 324, 326 - pendula 431, 435, 447 - thaliana 39, 42, 205, 206, 228, 306, 309, - pubescens subsp. tortuosa 403 321, 323, 325 bicarbonate pump 9 Arachis hypogaea 60 bioindicators 369 Arachnoxylon 382 bladder hairs 420 Araucaria 389 blue light 143 Archaeocalamitaceae 382 -- response of stomata 68 Archaeocalamites lazarii 382 -- /UV-A photoreceptor 202, 209, 224, archeophytes 407 227 Archidium alterni/olium 367 Boletopsis leucomelaena 431, 443 Ardisia 80 Boletus luridus 431 Aristida lati/olia 149 - suillus 440 Armillaria 84 Borago ojjicinalis 282 Artemisia norvegica 402 boreal forests 83 - tridentata 463 Bougainvillea 49 ascorbate 143, 144 Brachiophyllum 389 Asimina 46, 49 Bradyrhizobium 258 Asparagus stipularis 409 Brassica 38, 39, 41, 50, 206, 288, 289, 290, aspartate aminotransferase 436 291, 295 Aspergillus 122 campestris 281, 286 - melleus 122, 124, 125 napus 290 asperiactone 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 oleracea 286, 290 asperiine 122 pollen-stigma interaction 290 aspyrone 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126 rapa 205 - polyketide synthase 125 self-compatible mutants 288 Aster tripolium 423 SLR genes 291 Atrichum angustatum 367 SRK gene 288 - undulatum 367 breeding system 276 Atriplex canescens 419 Brenneria potomacensis 386 - halimus 422 brittle-2 mutant 308, 309 - prostrata 419, 422 Bruchia vogesica 363 attractors, strange 198 Bruguiera 80 aurea mutant of tomato 209 Bryochenea sachalinensis 365 Avena 217 Bryohutuliinia 360 - barbata 463 bryophytes 354 - 369 - sativa 205, 206 atlases 362 Avicennia 420 bioindicators 369 - germinans 423 chemotaxonomy 355 - marina 73, 421, 422 cytology 360 Azolla 382 ecology 366 Azosirillum brasilense 465 endangered species 363 evolution 356 Bacillus megaterium 346, 349 floristics 361 - mycoides 465 fossil 360 - polymyxa 450 -- record 375 bacteria as mycorrhization helpers 443, 447 gene diversity 356 - photosynthetic and anaerobic 135 geography 363 bacterial sensor proteins 215 hybridization 360 Baeckea 433 isoenzyme variation 355 Subject Index 475

long-distance dispersal 365, 367 carbonic anhydrase 136, 149 morphology 354 carboxyarabinitol-l-P 138 in the Neotropics 364 Carlina biebersteinii 401 in the Paleotropics 365 - vulgaris 401 pollution 368 Carpinus 403 RNA sequencies 356 carpophore formation 446 spore dispersal 367 Carya illinoinensis 39 systematics 356 Cassia 236 tropical rainforests 367 - jasciculata 229, 252, 253 Bryum argenteum 367 Castanea 399 bieolor 358 Casuarina 432 - demaretianum 358 cation exchange capacity 104 - erythroearpum 358 Cattleya 468 Buellia jrigida 85 Caytonia 386 butalactin 127 Cecropia obtusifolia 79 butterflies 12 celery 147 cell cycle of yeasts 339 13C values and growth temperature 10 Cenocoeeum geophilum 433, 434, 440 -- in trophic and edaphic chains 11 Ceratodon 217 13Cfl2e ratio 4 - purpureus 216 Cr C4 intermediate plants 150 Ceratopetalum apetalum 432 C4 plants 5, 12, 17, 18, 149 Cetraria delisei 85 -- chloroplast 149 - nivalis 85 -- types 7 Chalara elegans 459 Ca2+ 153 Chaloneria 379, 380 - probe 224 Chamaebatia joliolosa 20 cadmium 446 chaperones 214 Caesalpinia 49 Chara 59 382 - corallina 83 Calamophyton 382 Cheirolepidiaceae 388 calcitolerant 442 chemical potential 182 calcium 223 Chenopodium album 138 - oxalate 439, 442 chitin 433 Calliergon 358 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 136, 144, 306, callose 47 310,311 - response 290 ChIarella kessleri 140 Calluna vulgaris 467 Chlorochytrium 355 calmodulin 44 Chlorojlexus aurantiacus 135 Calvin cycle 137, 149 chlorophyll fluorescence 75 Calyeularia crispula 365 chloroplast(s) 135, 137 CAM plants 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 151, stroma 137 152 - transporters 142 CAM-idling 152 - volume 137 Campylopus 364 cholera toxin 218, 220 - japonicus 365 chorological elements 409 Candida intermedia 338 chorotypes 409 - pseudotropicalis 340 chromatin 329 - utilis 338 Chromolaena odO/·ata 406 canopy transpiration 80 chromosomes 319 Cantharellus cibarius 443 Cieer arietinum 138 Capsicum annuum 464 citrate 152 carbon allocation 446, 448 Citrus aurantium 155 cycle, global 137 cladistic approach 372 isotope abundances 391 374 translocation 437 seed plants 373 uptake 135 vascular plants 374 476 Subject Index

Cladonia portentosa 85 Cypripedium 40 - sulphurina 84 Cyrtandra pendula 40 Cladophora 84 cytokinin 153 Cladopodanthus 357 cytology of bryophytes 360 Cladoxylon 382 cytoplasmic male sterility 38 378 - promoters 337 climatic change 403, 406 cytoskeleton 43, 44 -- warming 404 - components 44 Clusia 152 - inhibitors 44 CO2 154 - organization 44 - concentration, intercellular 9 cytosol 185 -- mechanism 85 Czekanowskia 387 - diffusion 9, 155 coccolithophorids 136 Dactylorhiza incarnata 468 Coccoloba uvijera 424, 433 - majalis 468 Cochliobolus spicijer 129 Daemonorops 50 codon usage 323 Dammarites 389 Coenopteridales 380 Dampiera 433 cohesion theory 66 dark respiration 155 Columbea 389 Datura jerox 204 concanavalin A 435 Daucus 291 Coniferophytina 37 Dawsonia 355 coniferopsids 388 deciduous forests 82 Conocarpus erectus 419, 423, 424 Dendrolejeunea 357 conservation 408 denitrification 446 continental effect 13 Dermocybe cinnamomeolutea 430 control coefficient 180, 189 Desmodium 239, 240, 243, 244, 245, 255, - theory 179 256 Coprinus cinereus 292, 293 - motorium 238, 254 Coptophyl/um 381 deuterium content in organic mate- copy number 324 rial 14 cordaitopsids 388 Deutzia 401 Cortinarius odorijer 431 diallelic loci 281 Corylus avel/ana 433, 434 Diaphorodendron 380 corystosperms 386 diatoms 136 Crataegus 408 Dicranel/a palustris 85 Craterostigma plantagineum 86 Dicranum 363 critical taxa 399, 400 Dicroidium 385, 386 Crossidium seriatum 366 Dictyostelium discoideum 216 cryoimmobilization 34 dihydrogladiolic acid 128, 129 cryotechniques 36 Dillwynia 433 Cryptandra 433 Diplachne jusca 419, 421, 422 cryptochrome 227 Dipterocarpaceae 450 Cucumis 206 dispersal of bryophytes 365, 367 - melD 72 - long distance 405 - sativus 205, 207 distribution factors 403 Cucurbita pepo 14, 15 - maps, history 399 cuticular transpiration 71 distylous species 281 cyanobacterial lichens 85 DNA analysis 459 Cycadeocarpus columbianus 384 - replication 263 - 272 Cycadophytina 37 -- bacteriophage..1. 264, 265, 269, 270, cycads 384 271 cyc1itols 426 -- E. coli chromosome 264, 269, 270, Cylindrocarpon destructans 443 271,272 Cylindrotheca 139 - - F plasmid 268, 271 Cymbidium 42 -- initiation in bacteria 265, 269, 271 Subject Index 477

-- P1 plasmid 267, 271 gas exchange 440 DNA-binding proteins 221 glutamine 436 DnaA 266-271 greenhouse effect 446 Draba 402 growth responses 437 Drepanocladus badius 358 Hartig net 431, 432, 433 Drosophila 222 haustoria 443 drought effect 404 Hawaiian flora 433 - resistance 78 herbaceous/shrubby species 433 - stress 144 hormones 434 drought-dependent peroxidation 75 host specifity 440, 441, 449 drought-stress-induced proteins 74 hyphal mantle 432 Dryas octopetala 432 -- mats 442 Dryopteris dilatata 400 IAA 434, 435, 451 - sparsa 231 identification of types 431 dull mutant 307, 308, 311 influence by man 444 Dunaliella 59, 83, 136, 145 invertase activity 437 melanin 433 ecology of bryophytes 366 methionine-rich lectin 435 ecosystem(s) 155 methods 448 - evoliltion 391 micronutrients 439 ectendomycorrhizae 434, 450 molecular biology 430 ectomycorrhizae 430-450 natural synthesized 431 acid phosphatase 435, 436 nitrogen 445, 450 afforestation 447 -- assimilation 436 allopatric populations 441 -- nutrition 439 arctic zone 433 nucleic acid research 434 aspartate aminotransferase 436 ontogeny 433 associated bacteria 431 ozone 445 bacteria 443, 447 parasitic fungi 443 biochemistry 450 pesticides 445 calcitolerant 442 phenolics 435 calcium oxalate 439, 442 phosphate nutrition 438 carbon allocation 446, 448 phosphorous-rich substrates 432 -- translocation 437 photosynthesis 440 carpophore formation 446 pine-compatible 435 cell wall alteration 433 pollution-acidification 445 chitin 433 polymerase chain reaction 448 cold storage period 448 polypeptides 435 compatibility/incompatibility 435, polyphosphate granules 434 450 protein pattern 434 concanavalin A 435 recognition 435 cytokinins 435, 451 restriction fragment length polymor• cytoskeletal components 434 phism 448 denitrification 446 rhizomorphs 431, 437, 438, 449 descriptions 431 rhizotrons 441 detoxification 451 saprophytic fungi 443 drought resistance 451 SEM and TEM 433 ecology 440, 449 septal pores 434 ectomycorrhizins 436, 450 shoot: root ratio 438 enzymes 436 species-dependent persistance 448 fertilization with lime or nitrogen 444 stomatal conductance 440 fructose 436, 437 strain variability 432 fungal pathogens 449 succession 441, 442, 449 -- penetration 433 symbiosis-specific changes 436 fungicides 445 tanins 435 - -dependent characteristics 431 toxic metals 446, 449 478 Subject Index ectomycorrhizae (cont.) microcorys 441 -- substances 447 torelliana 441 - transpiration rate 440 viminalis 442, 464 - tree clones 433 Eucommia 48 -- damage 447 Eutacta 389 tree-dependent characteristics 431 exine 45, 49 tuberculate 431, 444 biochemistry 47 ultrastructure 433, 434 coating 50 unidentified 431 sculpture 49 vegetative propagules 441 substructure 46 water 440 exocytosis 39 ectomycorrhizins 436 extinction 408 elasticity coefficient 175 Elkinsia polymorpha 383 Fagus 46, 66, 403 embolism 62, 65 - sylvatica 430, 444, 447 embryophytes 375 Faidherbia alb ida 80 Empetrum hermaphroditum 444 Felicia 47, 50 end-of-day far-red response 206 ferns 379 endangered species of bryophytes 363 - leptosporangiate 379 endemism 410 Festuca scabrella 106 endexine 45, 46 Fissidens 364 endodermis 62 Flaveria brownii 150 endomycorrhizae 434 - linearis 148, 150 endophytes, 457 flexible response 167 endophytismus 355 flora atlases 399 energy profile 177 floras 396, 397, 398 Entoloma saepium 432 floristic areas 411 Entrophospora 457 floristics of bryophytes 361 environment 166 floury mutant 307, 313 - external 165, 181 flux control 172, 178 - macro- and micro- 194 - stability 188 environmental cusp 195, 196 foot layer 45 enzyme characters 171 fossil bryophytes 360 enzymes of ectomycorrhizae 436 - record 372 Eophyllophyton bellum 378 Frankia 439, 441 Eostangeria ruzinciniana 384 Fraxinus excelsior 82 Ephedripites 390 - pennsylvanica 82 Epidendrum ibaguense 151 freeze-fixation 35, 39 epigenetic processes 168 freeze-substitution 35 epiphytic bryophytes 366, 367 - high pressure freezing equilibrium reaction 180 - rapid freezing 35 382 Frenelopsis 388 Equisetum 376, 377, 382 P-fructokinase, PPi-linked 147 Erdtmanitheca 390 fructose 436, 437 ergosterol 439, 448 fructose-l,6-bisphosphatase 140, 147, 148, Ericales-mycorrhizae 467 157 Eruca sativa 280 Frullania dilatata 368 Escherichia coli 135, 140, 147, 171,212, Fulfordianthus 357 263-272, 313, 332, 340, 348 Funaria hygrometrica 356 ethanol 174 fungal acid phosphatase 435 ethylene 78 - pathogens 449 Eubacteria 14 fungi, endomycorrhizal 457 Eucalyptus 63, 66, 433, 436, 438, 439, 441, - phytopathogenic 84 442 fungicides 445 camaldulensis 440 fusalanipyrone 126, 127 - globulus 432, 435, 436 Fusarium solani 126 Subject Index 479

G-proteins 217,218 macrocarpum 464, 466 Galium anisophyllum 402 mosseae 458, 459, 460, 461 - pumilum 402 versiforme 459 gametophyte 37, 376 Glossopteris 385 - fossil record 376 glucose dehydrogenase 346, 349 gametophytic self-imcompatibility 277, 278 glutamine 436 Ca2+ signaling pathway 285 - synthase 436 dephosphorylation 285 glutathione 143, 144 male determinant 290 glyceraldehyd phosphate dehydrogenase 188, protein phosphorylation 285 191, 194 Rosaceae 277, 278 Glycine 254 single locus polyallelic 283 glycine betaine 77 Solanaceae 277, 278 glycocalyx 37 GAP dehydrogenase, nonreversible 139, glycolate-P 145 140 glycolytic metabolites 189 Garcinia mangostana 69 giycophyte 416 gas exchange 440 glycoproteins, Rosaceae 284 -- of mosses 85 associated with specific S-alleles 284, gene diversity in bryophytes 356 286 - expression 329 Scrophulariaceae 284 - flow 282 - Solanaceae 284 adaptions for outbreeding 282 - stigma-specific 286 methods for determinating 282 Gnetales 390 in plant populations 282 Gompholobium 433 selfing species 282 Gondwana element 361 - potential 170, 171 Gossypium hirsutum 425 generative cell 40 Gothanophyton 377 genetic engineering 332-350 Goupia glabra 79 - environment 323 Grandeuryella 381 - recombination 276 granule-bound strach synthase 304, 305, genome adaptation 165 310, 314, 316 genotypes 166 Graptopetalum paraguayense 151 geography of bryophytes 363 gravitropism 207 - of plants 396-411 greenhouse effect 446 Geranium purpureum 406 Grimmia mesopotamica 366 - pyrenaicum 406 growth 58, 106 germination 72, 202 rate 158 - of spores 434 - responses 437 -- gluconic acid 434 - temperature and 13C values to gibberellins 148 guard cell(s) 145 Gibbs-Duhem relation 183 -- carbon metabolism 67 Gigaspora 457 Gyrodon lividus 431 - calospora 465 - margarita 458, 459, 466 H + -ATPases 426 Ginkgo 37, 383, 386 2H/1H ratio 12 - biloba 387 Halimione portulacoides 422 - yimaensis 387 halophytes 416 - 427 Gliocladium vermoesenii 126 - membrane composition 424 Gliricidia sepium 440 - non- 416, 417 Glomus 84, 460, 463, 466 Harrisiothecium 386 - clavum 461 harzianolide 127, 128 - etunicatum 459, 466 harzianopyridine 128 - fasciculatum 459, 460, 464, 466 haustoria 443 - fuegianum 457 HCO; pump 136 - globiferum 457 heat balance 66 - intraradices 459, 460, 461, 462, 465 - shock proteins 263 - 272 480 Subject Index heat balance (cont.) hydraulic conductivity and conductance of DnaJ 264, 267 - 272 the stomata, coordination 70 --- DnaK 264, 267 - 272 hydrogen exchange 17 --- GrpE 264, 267 - 272 4-hydroxymellein 122, 125 -- response 263, 264 3-hydroxypropionate cycle 135 -- rpoh 264, 265, 269 Hyenia 382 heavy metals 368 Hylocomium 363 Hebeloma 436, 438 - splendens 85 crustuliniforme 431, 433 Hymenoscyphus ericae 467 - cylindrosporum 432, 434 Hyoscyamus niger 322 - hiemale 434 hyphal mats 442 Helianthemum guttatum 432, 450 Hypogymnia physodes 85 - nummularium 432, 433 Hysterangium setchelii 442 Helvella lacunosa 431 hysteretic loop 192 hepatics 358 - lectotypification 359 Ibyka 382 Heracleum mantegazzianum 406 Ice Age 150 hermaphrodite 275 illumination effect upon stomatal aper- Herzogiella 357 tures 67 Heterobasidion annosum 445 Impatiens 36 Hieracium 400 - glandulifera 406 HIR responses 208 inbreeding 283 Hirmeriella 388 depression 276, 283 histone(s) 319-330 - neighborhoods 283 developmental regulation 325 - sib-matings 283 - function 328 inheritance, extrachromosomal 332-350 - genes 321, 322 inositol hexaphosphate 439 replacement 327 interactions, dynamic 169 -- replication-dependent 327 - network 169 -- tissue-specific 327 interplant transfer 460 phenotypic modulations 326 intine 48, 51 - polymorphic 325 invaders, spread of 406 - role 319 invertase activity 437 Hizemodendron 380 Ipomopsis 49 Holodontium 357 isoasperlactone 122, 125, 126 Hordeum jubatum 418 /soetes 45 - vulgare 307,310,311,321 Isopterygium 357 host control 458 isotope composition of natural materials 4 - specifity of epiphytic bryophytes -- units 3 366 - fractionation 3, 6 Hz emission 20 of carbon 5, 9 humic substances, definitions, chemical and -- kinetic 3 structural characteristics 98 - 101 -- thermodynamic 3 -- effect on growth and nutrient contents isotopes, stable 1-21 of plants 106, 107 isotopic standards 3 effect on soil fertility 102 -106 isozyme variation in bryophytes 355 and plant nutrition 97 -113 iterons 265, 266, 268, 269 role as natural chelats 112 uptake 109, 110 Juglans 63 Huperzia 378 - regia 403 Hyacinth us 43 Juniperus occidentalis 69 hybridization in bryophytes 360 Kalanchoe 7 Hydnangium carneum 438 - daigremontiana 16, 17, 152 - sublamellatum 432 killer plasmids 334 Hydnellum peckii 431 phenotype 338 hydration of membrane structures 56 - toxin 335, 338, 339 Subject Index 481

-- immunity 335 Leucodon sciuroides 368 -- mode of action 339, 340 lichen(s) 137 -- signal sequences 344 - photosynthesis 85 - virus-like particles 338 life-cycles, angiosperms 294 kinetic approach 169 - early land plants Kluyveromyces drosophilarum 332, 343 - fungi 294 - fragilis 340 light 155 - lactis 332-335, 337, 338, 340-344, 346, - reflection by neighboring plants 204 348-350 - soil penetration 202 - thermotolerans 338 light-harvesting pigments 156 - vanudenii 338 light-mediated activation 140, 147, 153 Kosteletzkya virginica 419, 424 lignophytes 377 Kunzea 433 Ligusticum scoticum 406 Lilium longijlorum 40, 41, 44 Laccaria amethystina 431 Limonium 422 - bicolor 438, 439 Linaria 36 - laccata 431, 438, 439, 443-445, 447 Linopteris 385 - proxima 447 Liquidambar 82 Lactarius deliciosus 435 Loeskhypnum 358 - deterrimus 435 Lolium perenne 461 Laminaria saccharina 143 Lomatogonium 401 land plants, paleobotany 372-392 Lonicera 64, 402 -- origin 375 Lorophyton goense 378 Landolphia kirkii 73 low-temperature scanning electron Langucularia racemosa 420, 423 microscopy 448 Larix 439 Lupinus 257 - laricina 83 Lycoperdon perlatum 431 latitude effect 13 Lycopersicon 38, 39, 208 laurel forest 80 - esculentum 205, 321 leaf movement 236 - peruvianum 284 -- biological clock 254 lycophytes 378 -- circadian 243, 254, 256 Lycopodium c1avatum 45, 430 -- ecological implementations 257 -- heliotropic 236, 257, 258 Magnolia 40, 41 -- light-induced 244 malate dehydrogenase 153, 174, 188, 191 -- nyctinastic 236 male germination unit 42 -- parahelitropic 257 - sterility, cytoplasmic 38 -- photonastic 236, 245, 252 mangroves, nonsalt-recreting 423 -- phototropic 236, 245 - salt resistance 416-427 -- scotonastic 236, 252 Manihot esculenta 311, 314 -- ultradian 243, 254, 256 mannitol 139 - water uptake 86 Marattiales 379 Ledebouria 36, 51 Marchantia 357 Lemna 222 marine food webs 20 - gibba 221 Marsilea 381 Leopoldinia 405 Marsileales 381 - pulchra 405 Marsupella aquatica 359 Lepidium 402 - emarginata 359 Lepidodendron 380 mass action 174 Lepidopetalum 402 -- ratios 187 Lepidophloios 380 mating types 292 Leptospermum 433 -- in fungi 292 Leucaena leucocephala 258, 440 Matoniaceae 381 Leucobryum 357, 363 meadow soil moisture dynamics 83 - glaucum 363, 401 Medicago 40 - juniperoideum 401 - monantha 400 482 Subject Index

Meesia triquetra 355 -- membrane potential 243 Melaleuca 433 -- potassium transport 239 melanin 433 -- proton transport 237 Melilotus alba 69 Mougeotia 217, 223, 224, 226, 230 mellein(e) 121, 122, 125 mucilage 79 Meloidogyne 466 mutant plants 301-316 membrane composition of halophytes 424 mutants 306-313 - hydration 57 mutations 304 Mendel, Gregor 301, 312 mycorrhizae 430-451, 457 -468 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 74, 151, - agricultural production 464 152, 153, 426, 427 - ecology 461 Mesophellia pachytrix 441 - ectendomycorrhiza 450, 451 Mesotaenium 230,231 - 430-450 metabolic network organization 172 - effect on plants 458 - parameter structure 181 - Ericales- 467 - perturbations 187 - lycoperdioid mycothallus interaction 430 - switching 185, 193 - Orchidaceae- 468 Meterosifieros polymorpha 406 - pesticides 466 methionine-rich lectin 435 - plant fitness 464 6-methoxymellein 121, 122 - plant health 466 6-methylsalicylic acid 119, 120 - population dynamics 462 -- synthase 119 - sDil fertility 464 Michaelis-Menten formalism 172 - synergistic effects 465 Microcycas 37 - water logging 462 migration routes 401 mycorrhizal classes 449 Mikasastrobus 389 Myrica faya 406 Mimosa 237 Myrothamnus 86 - pigra 406 - pudica 248 lSN/14N ratio 19 Mirbelia 433 lsN-labelled compounds 20 mistletoes 10, 12 Nz fixation 20 mitochondria 135, 145 Na+ 149 mitochondrial respiration 145 Na + IH + antiporters 425 mitotic apparatus 40 NAD redox charges 190 Molaspora 381 NADP+ reduction 14 molecular chaperones 263, 272 NADP-ME plants 18 -- protein folding 263, 264 NADPH feedback loops 178 monensin 44 Navicula pelliculosa 136 Monoc/ea 355 Neckeropsis 357 - forsteri 355 Nectandra 401 - gottschei 355 nectriapyrone 126, 127 Monophyllaea horsfieldii 40 Nepenthes 364 Morchella esculenta 84, 432 Neurospora 333 morphological plasticity 166 - crassa 292 moss phytochrome 216 Nicotiana 36, 41, 42, 286 mosses 143, 359 - alata 284, 285 - gas exchange 85 - glauca 68 - osmotic potentials 85 - langsdorfiixalata 285 motor cells 236 - tabacum 205 - - apoplastic pH 238 nitrogen 156, 445 -- ATPase 237 - assimilation 76, 436 -- Cl- transport 240 - nutrition 439 -- intracellular potential 244 NMR imaging 61 -- ion channels 237, 241, 254, 255 Nothofagus 66 -- malate pool 240, 241 nucleosome(s) 319, 320, 329 -- mechanism of swelling, shrinking 237 - assembly 322 Subject Index 483

- core 319 Panicum 153 - linker 319, 320 - dichotomi/lorum 406 Nuphar 49, 50 - maximum 69 nutrient contents of plants 106 Papaver 36, 284, 287 - uptake, mechanism 108 - rhoeas 285 -- energy metabolism 109 Papillaria 357 -- membrane properties 110 Pappophorum pappi/erum 422 -- rates 108 - philippianum 422 nutrients 102, 155 parameter changes, environmentally in- duced 182 \80/\60 ratio 19 parasitic fungi 443 02 reduction 143 Paripteris 385 - stress 144 Parnassia palustris 402 Oclloa cesariana 383 pathogenesis-related protein 459 Oenothera 401 Paurodendron 379, 380 - syrticola 406 Paxillus involutus 433, 434, 435, 436, 439, Olea 399 440, 441, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447 - europaea 69, 368 Pedicularia dasyantha 433 Olisthodiscus luteus 139 Pelargonium zonale 41 oncus 51 Pelletixia 381 opaque gene 0 313 Peltigera aphthosa 85 Ophioglossales 379 penicillic acid 122 Ophioglossum 37,48 Penicillum cye/opium 120 Ophiorrhiza 51 - gladioli 129 Opuntia 15 - patulum 119 - ficus-indica 154 Pennisetum 323 orbicules 46 PEP carboxylase 5, 6, 7, 147, 151, 153 Orchidaceae 7, 9 Pericalymma 433 - mycorrhizae 468 peristome morphology 354 Ornithogalum 41 Peristylus spiranthes 48 orsellinic acid 119, 120 peroxidase 195 Orthotrichum 357 Pertica 377 - flowersii 366 pertussis toxin 218, 220 - ibericum 357 pesticides 445, 466 Oryza sativa 69, 307, 310, 321, 322, Petasites hybridus 406 324 Petroselinum crispum 228 osmoregulation 57 Petunia 38, 286 osmotic potentials of mosses 85 - hybrida 284 Osmundales 381 - inflata 284, 285 Ostrya 403 Phaeodactylum tricornutum 158 outbreeding 275 Phalaenopsis 39, 41 - beneficial mutations 276 Phanerosorus 381 - dioecy 275 Phaseolus 76, 236, 238, 239, 243, 248, 250, - evolution 276 253-255 - selfing 275 - coccineus 240, 241, 246-250, 253, 256 outcrossing 276 - vulgaris 138, 229, 244, 245, 247, 249, Oxalis 254, 255, 256, 257 258, 459, 466 oxidation damage upon cell ultrastruc- niger 431 tures 73 phenolics 435 Oxrodia 379, 380 phenotypic modulations 326 Oxylobium 433 Philophyllum 357 ozone 445 phosphate nutrition 438 - translocator 141, 142, 148, 157 Pachycerus pecten-aboriginum 463 phosphokinases 171 paleobotany of land plants 372-392 phosphorylase(s) 171, 304, 305 Pandanus odoratissimus 47 photogene 221 484 Subj ect Index photoinhibition 142, 145 synthesis 212, 213 photomodulations 222, 229 transduction chain 217 photomorphogenesis 201 types 205 photomorphogenetic mutants 205 Phytophthora 61 photoperiodism 201 phytoplankton 136 photorespiration 136, 143, 145, 150, Picea 403 155 abies 321, 324, 430-433, 435 -437, 442, photosynthesis 134-158, 440 443, 445, 447, 448 - efficiency 158 excelsa 66 photosynthetic bacteria, anaerobic 135 - glauca 21, 59 - CO2 fixation, types 5, 7 - mariana 83, 438, 448 - electron transport 142, 157 - sitchensis 433, 437, 438, 440, 442, 450 phototransduction 250 Piceirhiza oleiferans 431 Ca2+ 252 Pichia inositovora 333 calmodulin 253 Piloderma croceum 436, 441, 442 IAA 253 pinitol 426, 427 phosphatidylinositol 252, 253 Pinus 37, 389 photcireceptors 251 banksiana 37, 438, 448 phreatophytic plants 80 caribaea 438, 441 phycocyanobilin 212, 213 contorta 439 phycoerythrobilin 213 densiflora 432 Phycomyces 84 elliotii 441 phylogenetic tree 458 halepensis 403 phytochoria 410 nigra 445 phytochrome 201-231 - palustris 445 - A 208 - patula 431 -- structure 211 - pinaster 434, 440 assembly systems 212 pinea 436 aurea mutation 209, 219 radiata 431,434 B 206 - resinosa 438, 442 Ca2+ 220, 223, 224, 225 - rigida 439, 446, 447 conformational changes 212 - strobus 69, 432 dephosphorylation-phosphorylation - sylvestris 403,431,436-439,441,442, cascade 214 444 - 446, 450 DNA-binding proteins 221 taeda 61,438-440, 445 ecological significance 202 - thunbergii 66 end of the day response 202, 206 - wallichiana 432 G-proteins 217,218 Piper 68 gene activation 221 - auritum 79 HIR responses 208 - nigrum 466 immunolocalization 226 Piroconites 390 interactions with the BL receptor 228, Pisolithus 84 230 - tinctorius 431-441, 443, 445 -447, intracellular localization 226 450 isomerization 213 Pisum sativum 13, 16, 17,205,307,309, lower plants 216 312, 321, 326 mosses 216 Pityostrobus 389 mutants 205, 217 Plagiomnium ellipticum 360 overexpression 207, 210 - medium ssp. curvatulum 360 photomodulations 222, 229 plant geography 396-411 phototropic sensor 204 - migration 401 protein kinase 216 Plantago 426 seed germination 202 Ian ceo lata 461 shade response 203, 207 - maritima 425 signal transduction 214 - media 425 structure 210, 211 plasma membrane 49 Subject Index 485 plasmids 332-350 Polystachia pubescens 40, 48 eukaryotic 333 Polystichum a/farii 404 kl 334 Polytrichadelphus 355 k2 334 Polytrichum 355 killer 334, 338 Populus 15, 66 pGKLl 333, 334, 345, 347 - balsamifera 448 pGKL2 333, 334, 345, 346, 347 - delta ides 66 pJKLl 345 -- xalba 44 pKDl 343 Porphyra 84 pRKLl22 349 Porteresia coarctata 420 prokaryotic 333 Portulacaria afra 68, 153 pWKLl 349 Potamium 357 upstream conserved sequences 337, 345 Prasiola crispa 84 plasticity 167 precipitation, total 13 - metabolic 168 preparation methods of pollen and - morphological 166 spores 34 plastid inheritance 41 preprophase band 41 plastids, strach synthesis 141 pressure-volume analysis 57 Platanus acerifolia 460 primexine 48 plate tectonics 402 productivity of plants 154 Platysace 433 proline 77 Poa botryoides 400 protein kinases 214, 216 - krylovii 400 proteins, terminal 347 - nemoralis 400 protoplast, swelling 224, 225 - palustris 400 Prunus 432 Poaceae 6 Pseudomonas fluorescens 443 Podospora anserina 333 - striata 464 poikilohydric cormophytes 86 Pseudosporochnus 382 - plants 83 Pseudotsuga menziesii 431,437, 439, pollen buds 51 441 - 444, 448 coat peptides 290 Pseudovoltzia 388 coating 290 Psi/a tum 217 germination 43 pteridosperms 385 mitosis 39 Pterostoma 384 RNA 285 Pterostylis concinna 40 and spores, cytology and mor• Pultanaea 433 phogenesis 33-51 pulvinus 236 -- preparation methods 34 carbohydrate metabolism 246 - 250 -- terminology 33 energy metabolism 250 - tubes 43, 277 extensor 236 pollenkitt 50 flexor 236 pollination 291 pyrroline carboxylate reductase 178 poIlinium 48 Pyrus 284 pollutant 144 - communis 40 pollution of bryophytes 368 - sera tina 284 Polygonum 405 pyruvate dehydrogenase 12 - viviparum 432, 433 - Pi dikinase 149 polyketide biosynthesis 118 -130 Pythium ultimum 466 - synthase(s) 118, 119, 124 Polylepis 12 Quercus 69, 81, 82 polymerase chain reaction 448 - alba 445 polyols, acyclic 426 - ilex 65, 403, 404 - cyclic 426 -- woodland 81 polyploidy, origin 391 - myrsinaefolia 433 Polypodium polypodioides 86 - petraea 65 - virginianum 86 - pubescens 65 486 Subject Index

Quercus (cont.) - sequences in bryophytes 356 robur 65, 73, 445 Robinia pseudoacacia 14 - rubra 65, 66, 433 root growth 60 hydraulic conductivity 62 Racomitrium canescens 358 - pressures 63 - heterostichum 358 - system(s) 60 - lusitanicum 357 -- water distribution 61 Ramonda 86 - water uptake 60 Ranunculus acris 280 root-shoot signals 67 Raphanus sativus 280 Rosa 408, 432 rb mutant 307, 309 - hybrida 461 reaction sequence 176 rubisco activase 138 recombination 275 - 295 RuBP carboxylase 138, 139, 149, 156 recretion 420 -- photorespiration 139 red lists 408 Rubus 400, 401, 408 relaxation times 177 Rudbeckia laciniata 406 RepA 267, 271 Ruffordia 381 RepE' 268, 271 rugosus mutant 301, 307, 312 replacement histone genes 327 Rumex acetosa 83 replication 335 - crisp us 83 adenoviral 336 - cyprius 81 - sequences, autonomous 341 - palustris 83 - strand displacement 336 Russula brevipes 431 replication-dependent histone genes 327 - ochroleuca 431 resistance 197 respiratory CO2 from soil 11 34S/32S ratio 20 restriction fragment length polymor- S-alleles 280 phism 282 - dominance hierarchy 287 retranslocation of salt 422 S-genes 291 Reynoutria japonica 406 S-glycoproteins 285 Rhexoxylon 386 - RNase activity 285 Rhipidopsis 388 S-locus 280, 281 Rhizobia 460 glycoproteins 286 Rhizobium 465 male and female products 284 Rhizoctonia 468 polyallelic 280 - solani 466, 468 synthesis 286 Rhizomnium gracile 360 S-locus-related genes 291 - magnifolium 360 S-receptor kinase 288 - pseudopunctatum 360 S-RNases 285 Rhizophora 420 - stylar-pollen interactions 285 - mangle 418, 423, 424 Sabal 64 Rhizopogon luteolus 431, 434 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 84, 212, 292, 332, - subareolatus 443 333, 338, 340-345, 348-350 - vinicolor 438 - italicus 338 Rhodococcus erythropolis 333 - rouxii 338 Rhododendron 43, 50 Saccharum 323 - maximum 433 Saccoglottis gabonensis 79 Rhodomyrtus 80 Sagenopteris 386 Rhodospirillum rubrum 139 Sahel woodland 80 Rhytidiadelphus 363 Sa/icomia europaea 64 Riccia 357 Salix 430, 441 Ricinus 63 - arctica 83 Rigodium 357 - herbacea 69 Ris-0 mutant 307, 313 salt elimination 420 RNA polymerase 328 excluders 418 -- target DNA 328 - exclusion from the leaves 419 Subject Index 487

-- from the xylem 418 - fungi 276 glands 420 - gametophytic 277, 278, 290 includers 418 -- mechanism 286, 287 regulation 417,418 gene flow 282 resistance 416-427 genetic basis 280 retranslocation 422 gymnosperms 276 stress 182 heteromorphic 277, 278 tolerance 417 -- single-locus diallelic sporophytic 281 components 424 - homomorphic 277, 278 -- ions 424 -- single-locus multiallelic -- Na + IH + anti porters 425 sporophytic 281 Salvinia 382 isogamous algae 276 Salvinales 381 late-acting 282 Samanea 236-243, 246, 250, 251, 254, molecular basis 284 255 ovarian 277 - saman 225, 249 ovular 277 Sambl.{cus 42 post-zygotic inhibition 277, 282 Saprolegnia 59, 84 postfertilization ovular inhibition saprophytic fungi 443 282 Schizaceae 381 pre fertilization barrier 277, 282 Schizophyllum commune 292, 293 276 Sciadopityostrobus 389 selfing 282 Scleroderma citrinum 431 sexual differentiation 276 Sclerotium rolfsii 466 Solanaceae 284 Scolecopteris antarctica 381 sporophytic 277, 278, 289, 290 Scopelophila cataractae 356, 367 -- molecular basis 286 Scrophularia nodosa 106 self-pollination 277 Scutellospora 457 selfing 275 - gregaria 458 - mechanisms 275 Scytalidium vaccinii 467 Seligeria irrigata 357 seasonal effect 13 Senecio medley-woodii 78 Sebacina vermifera 468 sexual dimorphism 292 Sedum hispanicum 406 - reproduction 275-295 - praealtum 13 shade 203, 204 seed plants 382 - plants 155 -- fossil record 382 Shorea 444 seeds, inbibition 72 - leprosula 442 maturation 71 shrunken mutant 307, 311 moisture content 71 shrunken-2 mutant 306, 308 recalcitrant 73 sib-mating, gene flow 283 water relations 71 inbreeding 283 seiridin 127 - outbreeding 283 Selaginella 40, 217 - reduction 283 - lepidophylla 86 sibling compatibility 283 - martensii 217 Sigillaria 380 selection forces 276 signal 192 selectivity of K+ INa+ 419 - transduction 214 Selenastrum minutum 139 Silene pusilla 400 self-fertilization 276, 294 Simarouba amara 79 - advantages 276 Sinapis alba 208 - habital 276 skotomorphogenesis 201 self-incompatibility 275 - 295 soil fertiliy 102, 464 angiosperms 276, 277, 278, 279 micro flora 155 dimer hypothesis 284 organic matter 11 di- and tristyly 277, 279 physical properties 102 frequency of sib-matings 282 root water transfer 61 488 Subject Index soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, water - debranching enzyme 304, 305, 312 flow 61 - industrial applications 315 Solanum chacoense 284 - metabolism 141, 301-316 - richardii 405 - mutants 306-313 - tuberosum 284, 307, 310 - structures 301 soluble starch synthase 304, 305, 311 - synthase, granule-bound 304, 305, 310, solvent perturbation 184, 185 314, 316 Sonneratia 420 -- soluble 304, 305, 311 sorbitol 139 - synthesis 303, 304 Sorbus torminalis 404 stem hydraulic structure 64 Sorghum 206, 207, 323 Stenokoleaceae 377 - bicolor 205, 307, 310, 426 Stenokoleos holmesii 377 - halepense 71 Stipa pulchra 463 Spartina aiternif/ora 418, 421 stomatal apertures, illumination effect 67 - anglica 421, 425 - biology 67 - townsendii 426 - conductance 440 sperm cells 42 - responses to CO2 concentration 68 - dimorphism 42 -- to soil drought 69 spermatozoids 37 -- to VPD 69 Sphagnum 85, 143, 357, 358, 363, 368 - sensitivity to water stress 69 - isoviitae 358 - sizes and densities 69 - olajU 358 storage substances 39 - rubiginosum 358 Straminergon 358 sphenopsids 382 stratigraphic occurrences of plants 373 spiciferinone 129, 130 street trees 82 spicifernin 129, 130 stress 144, 151, 165-198 spiciferone A 129 - genes 168 - B 129 - proteins 171 - C 129 Suaeda calceoliformis 423 Spinacia oleracea 13, 304, 309 - maritima 419, 424, 425, 426 Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena 468 succulence 423 spore dispersal 367 sucrose, biosynthesis 146 - germination 434 - export 148 -- gluconic acid 434 - invertase 304 - pollen grain development 35 - synthase 304 Sporobolus virginicus 420 sucrose-P synthase 146, 157 sporoderm 37 sugary mutant 308, 312 - development 44 sugary-2 mutant 308, 312 - strata 51 Suillus borinus 439, 445 sporophytic self-incompatibility 277, 278 - brevipes 431 -- Asteraceae 277, 278 - granulatus 432, 441 -- Brassicaceae 277, 278 - luteus 433, 435 -- male determinant 290 summation effect 176 -- mechanism 289 sun plants 155 -- model proposed 289 sweet corns 315 -- single locus polyallelic 283 Synchysidendron 380 sporopollenin 47 systemic property 169 - biochemistry 47 - production 47 Takakia 356, 357 - receptors 47 - ceratophylla 356 st-3 mutant 306, 311 - iepidozioides 356 stable isotopes 1-21 Tamarix aphylla 422 -- abundance 1 Tambourissa 48 staining protocols 34 tannins 435 starch 154 tapetum 33, 38 - branching enzyme 304, 305, 312 Taraxacum 400 Subject Index 489 taxa, critical 399, 400 - subterranum 463 - differentiation in time and space 401 Tripsacum 38 Taxus baccata 409 Tristerix aphyllus 12 telomere(s) 345, 348 tristylous species 281 temperature, stress 144 Triticum 39 Tephroseris integrifolia 408 - aestivum 205, 308, 321, 322, 326, 425 Terfezia 432, 450 - tauschii 418 thallus water contents 84 - turgidum 425 Thamnobryum cataractarum 358 trophic and edaphic chains, 15 13e values 11 Thelephora terrestris 431, 435, 438, 439, tropical rainforest 79 440, 447, 448 -- bryophytes 367 Theobroma cacao 280, 282 Trymalium 433 thermodynamic driving 173 tryphine 50 Thuja plicata 59 Tsuga heterophylla 59, 448 Thysananthus 357 Thber aestivum 448 Tilia 50 - albidum 436, 448 - cordata 81, 82, 404 - brumale 443 Timiella 36, 37 - melanosporum 433, 434, 443 Tirmania 432, 450 Thlasnella calospora 468 tissue-specific histone genes 327 tundra 83 tolerance 197 TYlospora fibrillosa 433, 437, 438 Tomentella crinalis 431 tonoplast 151 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 304 Torreya 37 upstream conserved sequences in Tortula rigescens 366 plasmids 337, 345 - ruraliformis 85 urban floras 406 - ruralis 74 Usnea sphacelata 85 Torulopsis glabrata 338 Ustilago 293 tracheophytes 376 - hordei 292 - Lycopodiopsida 376 - maydis 292, 293 - Psilophytopsida 376 Tradescantia 41 Vaccinium myrtillus 467 transcription factor 221, 330 vacuole 151 - and protein synthesis 74 Vallisneria gigantea 225 transfer cell concept 36 Vanilla fragrans 7 transgenic cUltigens 409 Vatica 73 - plants 301-316 vectors 332 - studies 313 - construction 340 transpiration depending upon - freely replicating 332 microclimate 79 - integrating 332 - rate 440 - linear 343 transplantation experiments 368, 369 - multiple integration into the ribosomal transport-catalysis switch 194 DNA of yeast 341, 342 trees 154 - yeast artificial chromosomes 342, 343 Trentepohlia 84 -- centromeric plasmids 342 Trichoderma harzianum 127 -- episomal plasmids 342, 343 Tricholoma acerum 430 -- integrating plasmids 341, 342 - robustum 434 - yeast-replicating plasmid 341, 342 - vaccinum 431, 433 vegetaion history 403 Trichopherophyton teuchansii 379 Velizia 388 Trichospermum mexicanum 79 - inconstans 387 Trichosporium vesiculosum 466 vermopyrone 126, 127 Trifolium 253 Veronica filiformis 406 - alexandrium 422, 460 vicariance biogeography 402 - pratense 459 Vicia faba 38, 145, 230, 321, 324 - repens 243 - unijuga 321, 326 490 Subject Index

Vigna 34,48 Weinmannia 367 Viola epipsila 408 wheat 137, 156 violaxanthin 143, 144 white core mutant 307, 313 viscin threads 49 Vilis 64, 399 Xanthoria 85 Voltziales 388 Xerophyta scabrida 86 Xerosicyos danguyi 152 Wahlenbergia 401 xylem sap 63, 64 Waitea circinata 468 yeast(s), cell cycle 339 Walchiostrobus 388 - linear killer plasmids 332-350 warming of climate 404 - telomeric sequences 348 Warnstorfia 358 Yimaia recurva 387 water 155 - flow along hyphae 84 Zea 291 -- through the soil-plant-atmosphere con- - diloperennis 323 tinuum 61,70 - mays 5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 68, 308, 309, -- through stems, velocities 66 311, 312, 321, 323, 333 - relations 65 - 86 zeaxanthin 143, 144 -- of cells and tissues 56 zinc 136 -- of seeds 71 zonation, altitudinal 411 - stress 74-79, 152, 182 Zosterophyllidae 378 -- stomatal sensitivity 69 Zoysia japonica 420 - transport through the shoot 64 - matrella 420 - use efficiency 10, 76 Zwischenkorper 51 waxy mutant 306, 307, 308, 309, 315 Zygosaccharomyces 332 weeds 203 - rouxii 58, 338