CHRISTOPH BUTSCHER, PHD KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Adenauerring 20b, Geb. 50.40 Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW) 76131 Karlsruhe, Department of Engineering Geology E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 721 608-43414


PROFESSIONAL PROFILE  Geologist with focus on applied geology (engineering geology, hydrogeology, environmental geology, resource geology)  International research experience (MIT, Northeastern University)  Teaching in Engineering Geology and Applied Geosciences  Strong background in geological and numerical modeling (GOCAD, 3D-MOVE, GIS, UDEC, FEFLOW, MODFLOW, AQUASIM, COMSOL multiphysics)  Research projects related to swelling of clay-sulfate rocks, shallow geothermal energy, karst hydrogeology

EDUCATION 2015 Habilitation and venia legend in the field of Applied Geology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany 2007 PhD in Geosciences, University of Basel, 2000 Diploma (MSc equivalent) in Geology, University of Tübingen, Germany

EMPLOYMENT Since 2012 Assistant professor at KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany (Applied Geosciences, Engineering Geology) 2011-2012 Research associate at Northeastern University, Boston, USA (Civil and Environmental Engineering) 2010-2011 Research fellow at MIT, Cambridge, USA (Civil and Environmental Engineering) 2008-2010 Post-doctoral researcher at University of Basel, Switzerland (Applied and Environmental Geology) 2003-2007 PhD candidate at University of Basel, Switzerland (Applied and Environmental Geology) 2000-2002 Scientist at State Geological Survey (LGRB) in , Germany (Resource Geology)

AWARDS Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), research fellowship for advanced researchers Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), research fellowship for prospective researchers Freiwillige Gesellschaft Basel (FAG), research grant

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Research affiliate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fachsektion Ingenieurgeologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (FI-DGG) Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (FH-DGG)

2 CHRISTOPH BUTSCHER, PHD KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Adenauerring 20b, Geb. 50.40 Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW) 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Department of Engineering Geology E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 721 608-43414

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES  Reviews for international scientific journals, including Engineering Geology, Contaminant Hydrology, Energy Conversion & Management, Energy Policy, Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T), Hydrogeology Journal, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), Ground Water, Grundwasser, Journal of Hydrology, Science of the Total Environment, Water Resources Management, Water Resources Research  Evaluation of research grant proposals  Session convener at EGU general assembly

TEACHING Present courses at KIT:  Lecture: Landslides (MSc-program)  Field course: Engineering Geology (MSc-program)  Laboratory course: Engineering Geology (MSc-program)  Field course: Geological field methods (BSc-program)  Seminar: Presentation of geoscientific topics (BSc-program)  Supervision of MSc and BSc theses  Student field trips Didactic training: “Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik” (200 academic hours workload)

THIRD-PARTY RESEARCH GRANTS Bold: as applicant and/or principal investigator; else as co-principal investigator

2014 Integrated hydrogeological and geochemical processes in swelling clay-sulfate rocks (funded by DFG) 2012 Influence of the geological-hydrological frame and construction-related procedures on swelling of anhydrite-bearing clay rocks at the Belchentunnel (funded by Swiss Federal Roads Office ASTRA) 2010 Laboratory Experiment related cyclic deformation of clay rocks, Mont Terri (funded by swisstopo) 2010 Geothermal energy use map (funded by Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Canton Basel-Landschaft) 2009 Geothermal energy use concept (funded by Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Canton Basel-Landschaft) 2008 Swelling of the Gipskeuper Formation in the Chienberg tunnel (funded by Swiss Federal Roads Office ASTRA)

FURTHER TRAINING 2014 Geochemical modeling with PHREEQ-C Oct 2009 “Hydrogeology of consolidated rocks” organized by the FH-DGG (German Association for Hydrogeologists) at the University of Freiburg, Germany Oct 2007 “Structural Geology in the Petroleum Industry” by P. Vrolijk (ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company) at RWTH Aachen, Germany Mar 2007 “Writing efficiency” at Advanced Study Center, University of Basel, Switzerland Sep 2003 “Simulation and data Analysis with AQUASIM” by P. Reichert at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology EAWAG, Zürich-Dübendorf, Switzerland Sep 2003 “Environmental Systems Analysis” by P. Reichert at Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology EAWAG, Zürich-Dübendorf, Switzerland 3 CHRISTOPH BUTSCHER, PHD KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Adenauerring 20b, Geb. 50.40 Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW) 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Department of Engineering Geology E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 721 608-43414

PUBLICATIONS Under review Butscher, C., Breuer, S., Blum, P.: Swelling law for clay-sulfate rocks revisited. Submitted to International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences. Ghasemizadeh, R., Yu, X., Butscher, C., Padilla, I., Alshawabkeh, A.: Improved regional groundwater flow modeling using drainage features: a case study of the central northern karst aquifer system of Puerto Rico. Submitted to Hydrogeology Journal. Katibeh, H., Farhadian, H., Huggenberger, P., Butscher, C.: Optimum Model Extent for Numerical Simulation of Tunnel Inflow in Fractured Rock. Submitted to Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.

Peer-reviewed papers Butscher, C., Mutschler, M., Blum, P.: Swelling of clay-sulfate rocks: A review of processes and controls. Submitted to Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, in press. Butscher, C., Einstein, H.H., Huggenberger, P. (2015): Darcy flux as hydrological indicator for the swelling potential of clay- sulfate rocks in tunneling. Engineering Geology 197, 11-19. Ghasemizadeh, R., Yu, X., Butscher, C., Hellweger, F., Padilla, I., Alshawabkeh, A. (2015): Equivalent Porous Media (EPM) simulation of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in a highly permeable karst aquifer. PLOS ONE 10(9). Huebsch, M., Fenton, O., Horan, B., Hennessy, D., Richards, K.G., Jordan, P., Goldscheider, N., Butscher, C., Blum, P. (2014): Mobilisation or dilution? Nitrate response of karst springs to high rainfall events. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 18, 4423-4435. Hartmann, A., Weiler, M., Wagener, T., Lange, J., Kralik, M., Humer, F., Mizyed, N., Rimmer, A., Barberá, J.A., Andreo, B., Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2013): Process-based karst modelling to relate hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characteristics to system properties. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 17, 3305-3321. Butscher, C. (2012): Steady-state groundwater inflow into a circular tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 32, 158-167. Ghasemizadeh, R., Hellweger, F., Butscher, C., Padilla, I., Vesper, D., Field, M., Alshawabkeh, A. (2012): Review: Groundwater flow and transport modeling of karst aquifers, with particular reference to the North Coast Aquifer of Puerto Rico. Hydrogeology Journal 20 (8), 1441-1461. Butscher, C., Einstein, H.H., Huggenberger, P. (2011): Effects of tunneling on groundwater flow and swelling of clay-sulfate rocks. Water Resources Research 47, W11520. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P., Zechner, E., Einstein, H.H. (2011): Relation between hydrogeological setting and swelling potential of clay-sulfate rocks in tunneling. Engineering Geology 122, 204-214. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P., Zechner, E. (2011): Impact of tunneling on regional groundwater flow and implications for swelling of clay-sulfate rocks. Engineering Geology 117, 198-206. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P., Auckenthaler, A., Bänninger, D. (2011): Risikoorientierte Bewilligung von Erdwärmesonden (Risk-oriented approval of borehole heat exchangers). Grundwasser 16 (1), 13-24. Butscher, C., Auckenthaler, A., Scheidler, S., Huggenberger, P. (2011): Validation of a Numerical Indicator of Microbial Contamination for Karst Springs. Ground Water 49 (1), 66-76. Butscher C., Huggenberger, P. (2009): Modeling the Temporal Variability of Karst Groundwater Vulnerability, with Implications for Climate Change. Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) 43 (6), 1665-1669. Butscher C., Huggenberger P. (2009): Enhanced vulnerability assessment in karst areas by combining mapping with modeling approaches. Science of the Total Environment 407, 1153-1163. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2008): Intrinsic vulnerability assessment in karst areas: a numerical modeling approach. Water Resources Research 44, W03408. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2007): Implications for karst hydrology from 3D geological modeling using the aquifer base gradient approach. Journal of Hydrology 342 (1-2), 184-198.

4 CHRISTOPH BUTSCHER, PHD KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Adenauerring 20b, Geb. 50.40 Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW) 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Department of Engineering Geology E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 721 608-43414

Book chapters Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P., Scheidler, S., Affolter, A., Epting, J. (2011): Chapter 3.3, Vulnerability and Quality Control Systems. In: Huggenberger, P., Epting, J. (eds.): Urban Geology. Process-Oriented Concepts for Adaptive and Integrated Resource Management. Springer, Basel. Epting, J., Butscher, C., Simovic Rota J. (2011): Chapter 3.4, Climate Change. In: Huggenberger, P., Epting, J. (eds.): Urban Geology. Process-Oriented Concepts for Adaptive and Integrated Resource Management. Springer, Basel. Huggenberger, P., Epting, J., Regli, C., Affolter, A., Scheidler, S., Butscher, C., Page, R.M. (2011): Chapter 5.1, Groundwater Protection and Hydrogeoecology. In: Huggenberger, P., Epting, J. (eds.): Urban Geology. Process-Oriented Concepts for Adaptive and Integrated Resource Management. Springer, Basel. Butscher, C., Epting, J., Huggenberger, P. (2011): Chapter 5.5, Geothermal Energy. In: Huggenberger, P., Epting, J. (eds.): Urban Geology. Process-Oriented Concepts for Adaptive and Integrated Resource Management. Springer, Basel.

Conference proceedings: peer-reviewed papers Butscher, C. (2014): Hydrogeological controls on the swelling of clay-sulfate rocks in tunneling. Conference paper accepted for the IAEG XII Congress, Torino, September 15-19, 2014. Butscher, C., Einstein, H.H., Huggenberger, P. (2013): Hydrogeologischer Ansatz zur Beurteilung des Quellrisikos anhydritführender Tonsteine. Proceedings 19. Tagung Ingenieurgeologie, March 13-16, 2013, München. Butscher, C., Auckenthaler, A., Scheidler, S., Huggenberger, P. (2011): Vulnerability of karst aquifers to fecal bacteria: Validation of a numerical indicator of microbial contamination. H2 Karst. – Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology, 1-3 September 2011, Besançon, France, pp. 83-86. Butscher, C., Auckenthaler, A., Scheidler, S., Huggenberger, P. (2011): Estimating the vulnerability of karst springs to microbial contamination based on numerical flow modelling. In: Schirmer, M., Hoehn, E., Vogt, T. (eds.): Groundwater quality management in a rapidly changing world. IAHS Red Book 342, pp. 481-484, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK. Epting, J., Huggenberger, P., Butscher, C. (2011): Thermal groundwater use in urban areas - spatiotemporal scales and concepts. In: Schirmer, M., Hoehn, E., Vogt, T. (eds.): Groundwater quality management in a rapidly changing world. IAHS Red Book 342, pp. 67-70, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.

Conference proceedings: abstracts (only as first author) Butscher, C. (2014): Hydrogeological controls on the swelling of clay-sulfate rocks in tunneling. Abstract accepted for the IAEG XII Congress, Torino, September 15-19, 2014. Butscher, C., Einstein, H.H., Huggenberger, P. (2013): Hydrogeologischer Ansatz zur Beurteilung des Quellrisikos anhydritführender Tonsteine. 19. Tagung Ingenieurgeologie, München, March 13-16, 2013. Butscher, C. (2012): Estimating exposure to groundwater contaminants in karst areas (invited). Abstract H11F-1248 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 3-7, 2012. Butscher, C., Auckenthaler, A., Scheidler, S., Huggenberger, P. (2010): Estimating the vulnerability of karst springs to microbial contamination based on numerical flow modeling (abstract). Groundwater Quality 2010, the 7th International IAHS Groundwater Quality Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 13-18, 2010. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P., Auckenthaler, A., Bänninger, D., Epting, J., Kirchhofer, R. (2010): Wie gefährlich sind Erdwärmesonden? – Risiken der untiefen Geothermie und Folgerungen für die Bewilligungspraxis. FH-DGG Tagung, Tübingen, May 12-16, 2010. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 67. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2009): Swelling of clay-sulfate rocks and groundwater flow in tunnel engineering. Abstract H23F-1025 presented at 2009 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 14-18, 2009. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2009): Modeling the effects of climate change on the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources. AquaTerra Final Conference, Tübingen, March 25-27, 2009. Tübinger Geowiss. Arbeiten (TGA), C113, 104. 5 CHRISTOPH BUTSCHER, PHD KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Adenauerring 20b, Geb. 50.40 Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW) 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Department of Engineering Geology E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 721 608-43414

Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2008): Beurteilung der Vulnerabilität in Karstgebieten anhand globaler numerischer Modelle. FH-DGG Tagung, Göttingen, May 21-25, 2008. Schriftenreihe Deutsche Gesellschaft Geowiss. 57, 28. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2007): Intrinsic vulnerability assessment in karst areas: a numerical modeling approach. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 15-20, 2007. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 1260. Butscher, C., Huggenberger, P. (2005): Vulnerability assessment by combined 3D-geological and mathematical modeling. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 24-29, 2005. Geophysical Research Abstracts 7, 3600.

Other Publications Huggenberger, P., Wiesmeier, S., Butscher, C., Bänninger, D. (2014): Webbasierte Erdwärmesondenkarten. Aqua & Gas 7/8, 28-33. Huggenberger, P., Butscher, C. (2012): Einfluss der Grundwasserströmung auf das Quellverhalten des Gipskeupers im Chienbergtunnel. Berichte der Forschung im Strassenwesen Nr. 1383. Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK, Bundesamt für Srassen, Bern. Butscher, C. (2009): Wie der Klimawandel die Sauberkeit des Grundwassers beeinflusst. GWF Wasser - Abwasser 150 (6), 402. Butscher, C. (2007): Groundwater vulnerability assessment in karst areas using 3D-geological and numerical models. PhD thesis, University of Basel, Switzerland. Butscher, C. (2004): Karte der Mineralischen Rohstoffe von Baden-Württemberg und Erläuterungen, Blatt L 8316/L 8516 Stühlingen/ am Hochrhein. Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg i. Br., Germany.

6 CHRISTOPH BUTSCHER, PHD KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Adenauerring 20b, Geb. 50.40 Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW) 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Department of Engineering Geology E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 721 608-43414


Jan 2015 Habilitation and venia legendi in the field of “Applied Geology” at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences. Thesis: “Groundwater flow in highly heterogeneous geological systems - Concepts, models and applications” Since Jul 2012 Assistant professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Department of Engineering Geology Oct 2011 – Jun 2012 Research associate at Northeastern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boston, USA. Project: “Dynamic Transport and Exposure Pathways of Phthalates and TCE in Karst Groundwater Systems”, NIH (National Institute of Health) superfund research program “Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats (PRoTECT)” Oct 2010 – Sep 2011 SNF fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, USA. Project: “Swelling of clay-sulfate rocks and groundwater flow in tunnel engineering” Jan 2008 – Sep 2010 Post-doctoral researcher at University of Basel, Applied and Environmental Geology, Switzerland. Projects: “Influence of groundwater flow on the swelling of the Gipskeuper Formation in the Chienberg tunnel” (ASTRA), “Geothermal energy use concept” and “Geothermal energy use map” (Basel-Landschaft) Dec 2007 PhD in geosciences at University of Basel, Switzerland. Thesis: “Groundwater vulnerability assessment in karst areas using 3D-geological and numerical models” (Supervisor: Prof. P. Huggenberger, co-referee: Prof. M. Sauter, Göttingen) May 2006 – Dec 2007 Researcher at University of Basel, Applied and Environmental Geology, Switzerland, different hydrogeological projects Apr 2003 – Dec 2007 PhD candidate at University of Basel, Switzerland. Project: “Quellen – Trinkwasserspender und Lebensraum”, interdisciplinary mgu (Mensch-Gesellschaft- Umwelt) project on sustainable use of springs (karst hydrogeology) Jan 2003 – Mar 2003 Travel abroad (Chile, Argentina) Dec 2000 – Dec 2002 Scientist at State Geological Survey of Baden-Württemberg (LGRB) in Freiburg (Germany), division of resource geology Aug 2000 Diploma in geology at University of Tübingen, Germany (corresponding to M.Sc.). Thesis “Genesis of a Precambrian amphibolite-gneiss complex in southern Norway” (in German) Feb 1998 – Apr 1998 Internship at State Environmental Agency of Baden-Württemberg LUBW, Institute of Lake Research (sedimentology, hydrography) Oct 1997 – Aug 2000 Geology student (M.Sc. level) at University of Tübingen, Germany Aug 1996 – Sept 1997 Geology student (M.Sc. level) at University of Oslo, Norway Oct 1993 – Jul 1996 Geology student (B.Sc level) at University of Tübingen, Germany Apr 1993 – Jul 1993 Industrial internship at company ifm-electronic gmbh (mechanics, electronics) Oct 1992 – Mar 1993 Travel abroad (Australia, New Zealand) Aug 1991 – Oct 1992 Civilian service, work with mentally disabled persons, Ulm, Germany Jul 1991 University-entrance diploma (Abitur), Tettnang, Germany