Church of the Blessed Sacrament 607 Central Avenue Albany, 12206 - Phone 482-3375 Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas 273 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 465-3685 Rev. John J. Bradley, Pastor Rev. Francis A. O’Connor - Shrine Church Chaplain Rev. Brian K. Slezak – Parochial Vicar

Organist: Ed Savoy Religion Education: Mrs. Kelly Hession Pastoral Associate: Sr. Judith Kapp, RSM Mrs. Christina Wiley Parish Secretary: Fred Talarico School Principal: Sr. Patricia Lynch, RSM In Residence (Retired) Rev. George St. John School Secretary: Mrs. Nancy Kelly In Residence Rev. Francis A. O’Connor Shrine Church Pastoral Associate: Sr. Grace R. Diaz, S.N.J.M. Parish: School: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Religious Education Office: 446-0997 Blessed Sacrament School: 438-5854 Established 1902

Feast of The Baptism Of The Lord January 9 - 10, 2016

Processional: Baptized In Water - Gather #798 Holy, Holy: Music Card #3 Gloria - Music Card #1 Mystery of Faith: We Proclaim – Music Card #5 Responsorial Psalm: “The Lord will bless his people, Great Amen: Gather #168 bless his people with peace.” Lamb of God: Gather #171 Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia - Gather #258 Communion: Gift Of Finest Wheat – Gather #815 Offertory: Praise To You O Christ Our Savior- Recessional: Joy To The World – Gather #343 Gather #515

From the pastor’s desk:

This Sunday we end the Christmas Season with the Baptism Of the Lord Jesus at the Jordan River by John the Baptist. It continues the Christmas theme of the revelation of Christ as the Savior of the World; at Bethlehem to the Shepherds, at the Epiphany to the Magi, and at the Jordan River to John, Jesus’ followers and those gathered. At this point the Father’s voice would be heard announcing Jesus as His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. From here Jesus would go out and begin His public Ministry.

At our Baptism we were called and sent to make Christ present in the world. In this Feast let us thank God the Father for the Christmas gift of Jesus His Son, and pray for the spiritual strength and vision to welcome Him into our lives, and to make Him present to others through us.

Please review the notes below about our School Open House, January 31st, and help promote it with lawn signs, flyers, available at the exits, and word of mouth.

The School Alumni Committee’s planning the 100th Anniversary of the opening of the School beginning with events this September, will meet on Monday evening, January 11th at 6:30 PM in the Forman Room in the Church Hall. New members are ALWAYS WELCOME.

SCHOOL NEWS: The School will be conducting an Open House in conjunction with Catholic Schools Week on Sunday, January 31st from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Please come over before or after Mass to see the school. The whole school is a beautiful facility that is a credit to all of you who make it possible. Refreshments will be available in the School Hall. If you are interested in sending a child here next year, or know someone who is, please come and see the school and the teachers. Spread the news of this event. There are flyers at all of the exits describing what the school offers and the date of the Open House; please take them and give them to families who may be interested. Thank you for your help in publicizing this event. Lawn signs are available this Sunday.

SCRIPTURE READINGS: Scripture readings for this week: IS 40: 1-11; TI 2: 11-14; LK 3: 15-16, 21-22;

COLLECTION NEWS: Regular collection $10,684; Additional Christmas Collection $3,159. When away, please remember envelope gift upon return. We appreciate and need your ongoing support. The second collection next Sunday is the monthly for the Parish School. Thank you.

FABULOUS FEBRUARY: Tickets are $10 for a drawing every day in February. On Valentine’s Day $1,000 is given; on weekends $100 and weekdays, $50. All winners are put back into the drum and could be pulled again. Invite others to help this School fundraiser by buying and helping to sell these popular tickets. Red flyers at the exits list daily prizes and bottom is the ticket. Detach and return it with $10 donation. This is major school fundraiser. Thank you for your support

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: “Bereavement Support Group” at Blessed Sacrament continues to meet. If you would like to explore these sessions, please contact Sr. Jude Kapp, RSM, Pastoral Associate, at the Rectory at 482-3375.

FOOD PANTRY FACTS: In the coming weeks if you are thinking of making a donation, could you please consider donating disposable razors, deodorant or tooth paste. Thank you so much for your continued support! Saturday 01/09/16 Monday 01/11/16 Wednesday 01/13/16 Friday 01/15/16 4:00 Carroll Family 7:00 For The People 7:00 Joseph and Frances Bologna 7:00 Celia Beauchamp Thomas Horan 12:00 Eugenia Sowek Mary and John Miller 12:00 Mary Rourke – 1st Anniv Jackson Waleski 12:00 Melba Antonetti 7:00 Consalata Calabro Casey Ryan Lynch Mary Dwyer Mary and John Lynch Thomas Riddick – 1st Anniv

Sunday 01/10/16 Tuesday 01/12/16 Thursday 01/14/16 9:00 For The People 7:00 Margaret K. Shatraw 7:00 Helen Neilon – 70th Anniv 10:30 Carmela Crisafulli 12:00 Antoinette Dura 12:00 Gonzalez and Segarra Domenica Crisafulli Mary Ford Families John and Catherine Curran Colleen Moore Kathleen Dolan 12:00 Gutter Crebs Souls In Purgatory


FAITH FORMATION: Happy New Year. We look forward to growing in Gods infinite love. Faith Formation classes will resume this Sunday, January 10th and Monday, January 11th. There will be no classes on Sunday, January 17th and Monday, January 18th due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.

YOUTH MINISTRY: Stay up to date on all events and activities- Kelly Hession 518-446-0997 or [email protected] Follow us on or e-mail [email protected] For Youth Ministry activities check us out on social media: Facebook: Twitter @ BlessedYM and Instagram Blessed Sacrament YM.

COLONIE CENTER SCHOOL BUCKS: Any purchases made can be registered in the name of our school. Receipts must be registered at the Service Desk (now located near the 1st floor entrance near Barnes and Noble, under the movie theater, in front of Five Guys) within 60 days of purchase. Receipts will be collected from Aug – June. Please help our school win cash prizes by registering your receipts in our school’s name. You have helped us win in the past and we appreciate your support. Invite others to help us. If you would like to have one of our volunteers register your receipts, please put them in the collection or leave them at the rectory in an envelope with your name and address on it. You can register receipts from all stores and restaurants in the Center, as well as the Post Office, Time Warner, and Verizon. Please help the school again and ask others to help us with this program. We are grateful for your support. Christmas Purchase Receipts must be made within 60 days of purchase. Thanks for your help.

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: English classes for adults are held each Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Forman Room. Please pass this information on to anyone who may be looking to learn English. Anyone who is interested is asked to come on any Wednesday or Friday.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NIGHT: with the Siena Saints Team. The will take on the Siena Saints Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 7 PM. The RCDA Grace Notes will perform the National Anthem! Discounted tickets are available for Catholic school families and group seating is also available for those who purchase in advance. Questions: contact Kevin Borden (Siena) @ 518- 487-2235/[email protected]

EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration for Vocations, First Friday after Noon Mass; Closing Prayers at 1:30 PM.

DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Prayed the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tues of each month after noon Mass. Instruction/prayer cards will be offered.

LEGION OF MARY: Meets every Tuesday at 6:00 PM in the Forman Room.

RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: First Tuesday of month after noon Mass; 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month, 6:00 PM.

HOLY NAME SOCIETY: 50/50 WINNERS for January: 1st Prize ($500) P. Davies, seller R. Aviza; 2nd Prize ($50) H. Leromaine, seller J. Dobek; 3rd Prize ($25) M. Giso, seller P. Giso. The 50/50 raffle supports parish, youth, and school activities. Tickets available in the Sacristy before or after Mass. Next meeting/drawing: Monday, February 1st - 7:00PM in the church hall. New members are always welcome.

THRIFT SHOP: OPEN Wed. and Sat., 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Items that are clean and in good working condition can be dropped off when the store is open. Stop in and check us out. We are always in need of household items, small appliances, lamps and linens.


NEW TO THE PARISH? Welcome! Please sign below and drop in the collection. You may also use the form to receive envelopes and/or “The Evangelist”. Check the appropriate boxes.

Name: ( ) I am new to the parish Address: City Zip ( ) Send me “The Evangelist” Phone: ( ) Please send church envelopes Email: