Calvert County
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MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CALVERT COUNTY MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CALVERT COUNTY BALTIMORE THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS I907 J2orb (S>afttmore (preee BALTIMORE, MD., U. 8. A. COMMISSION EDWIN WARFIELD, President. GOVEBNOE OF MABYLAND. GOEDON T. ATKINSON, COMPTBOLLEB OF MABYLAND. IRA EEMSEN, Executive Officer. PRESIDENT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. E. W. SILVESTEE, Secretary. PRESIDENT OF THE MARYLAND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. SCIENTIFIC STAFF Wm. Bullock Clark, State Geologist. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE SURVEY. Edward B. Mathews, . Assistant State Geologist. George B. Shattuck, Geologist. B. L. Miller, Geologist. C. K. Swartz, Geologist. E. W. Berry, Geologist. A. Bibbins, Geologist. Also with the cooperation of several members of the scientific bureaus of the National Government. LETTER OF TRANSM1TTAL To His Excellency Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland and President of the Geological Survey Commission. Sir:—I have the honor to present herewith a report on The Physical Features of Calvert County. This volume is the fourth of a series of re- ports on the county resources, and is accompanied by large soale topo- graphical, geological, and agricultural soil maps. The information con- tained in this volume will prove of both economic and educational value to the residents of Calvert County as well as to those who may desire in- formation regarding this section of the State. I am. Very respectfully, Wm. Bullock Claek, State Geologist. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, January, 1907. 2 CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE 17 INTRODUCTION 21 DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING THE PHYSICAL FEATURES OF CALVERT COUNTY, WITH BIBLIOG- RAPHY. By Geobge Burbank Shatttjok 25 INTHODUCTOBY ^5 Historical Review 25 The History of Geographic Research 26 The History of Geologic Research 31 Bibliogbaphy 39 THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF CALVERT COUNTY. By GEORGE Bcrbank Shattuck 55 Introdtjctoby Topographic Description 56 The Drainage of Calvert County 59 The Structure of the Coastal Plain 61 Topographic History The Sunderland Stage 62 The Wicomico Stage 63 The Talbot Stage 6^ The Recent Stage 65 THE GEOLOGY OF CALVERT COUNTY. BY GEORGE Bubbank Shattuck ' ^ Introductory The Eocene The Pamunkey Group 6^ The Nanjemoy Formation 68 The Miocene The Chesapeake Group 7® The Calvert Formation 70 Areal Distribution 70 Strike, Dip and Thickness 72 Character of Materials 73 Stratigraphic Relations 73 Sub-Divisions 73 12 CONTENTS PAGE Fairhaven Diatomaceous Earth 73 Plum Point Marls 75 The Choptank Formation 78 Areal Distribution 79 Strike, Dip and Thickness 79 Character of Materials 80 Stratigraphic Relations 81 Sub-Divisions 81 The St. Mary's Formation 83 Areal Distribution 83 Strike, Dip and Thickness 84 Character of Materials 84 Stratigraphic Relations 84 Sub-Divisions 85 Local Sections 86 Origin of Materials 92 The Pleistocene 93 The Columbia Group 93 The Sunderland Formation 94 Areal Distribution 94 Structure and Thickness 95 Character of Materials 96 Stratigraphic Relations 96 Local Sections 98 The Wicomico Formation 99 Areal Distribution 99 Structure and Thickness 100 Character of Materials 100 Stratigraphic Relations 101 Local Sections 101 The Talbot Formation 101 Areal Distribution 102 Structure and Thickness 102 Character of Materials 103 Stratigraphic Relations 103 Local Sections 104 Origin of Materials 105 The Interpretation of the Geological Record 106 Sedimentary Record of the Nanjemoy Formation 106 Sedimentary Record of the Chesapeake Group 106 Sedimentary Record of the Columbia Group 107 THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF CALVERT COUNTY. BY Benjamin L. Miller 123 Introductory 123 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 13 PAGE The Natural Deposits The Clays Tertiary Clays ^^4 Quaternary Clays I20 The Sands The Gravels l2^ The Building Stone 12® The Marls 128 The Diatomaceous Earth 130 The Water Resources Springs Dug Wells 132 Artesian Wells 133 The Magothy (?) Horizon 133 The Calvert Horizon 134 THE SOILS OF CALVERT COUNTY. BY JAY A. Bonsteel AND R. T. Avon Bubke 135 Introductory 135 Physical Geography 135 Geology 137 Soil Types 1^1 The Norfolk Loam 141 The Leonardtown Loam 143 The Susquehanna Gravel 147 The Windsor Sand 148 The Norfolk Sand 151 The Sassafras Loam 154 The Sassafras Sandy Loam 157 The Meadow Land 158 The Swamp Land 160 The Agriculturai, Conditions 161 THE CLIMATE OP CALVERT COUNTY. By C. P. VON Herrmann 169 Introductory 169 The Pactors Controlling Climate 169 The Physiographic Peatures of Calvert County 171 The Influence of Water on the Distribution of Temperature 173 Meteorological Data Available for Calvert County 177 Temperature Conditions 178 Precipitation •" 181 14 CONTENTS PAGE The Climatology of Solomons 182 Introductory 182 Temperature Conditions ; 183 Means of Maximum and Minimum Temperatures 191 Extremes of Temperature: Duration of Warm Periods 192 Frequency and Duration of Cold Periods 195 The Advent of Spring 197 Precipitation 198 Duration of Dry and Wet Periods 201 Snowfall 203 Winds and Weather 204 THE HYDROGRAPHY OF CALVERT COUNTY. By N. C. Grover 207 Hall Creek 207 Lyons Creek 208 St. Leonard Creek 208 THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION IN CALVERT COUNTY. By L. A. Bauer 209 Description of Stations 209 Meridian Line 210 THE FORESTS OF CALVERT COUNTY. By H. M. Curban 213 Area of County 213 Woodlands 213 Slope Timber 213 Stream Bottoms 214 Old Fields 215 Forest Trees 216 Wood Consumption 218 Past Treatment of Woodlands 218 Future Improvement 219 Cultukal Treatment 221 INDEX 223 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE FACING PAGE I Fig, 1.—View showing indurated layer near base of Miocene, Lyons Creek ^ PiG. 2.—View of Patuxent River showing works of Maryland Silicate Company 32 II Fig. 1. View showing Calvert formation at mouth of Parker Creek ^ pig 2.—View showing fossils in Calvert formation, 1 Vi1 miles north of Point of Rocks 56 III. Fig. 1—View of the Calvert Cliffs near Governor Run 64 Fig. 2.—View showing the Choptank formation near the Mouth of St. Leonard Creek IV. Characteristic Fossils of the Miocene formations of Calvert County. 72 V. Fig. 1.—View showing St. Mary's formation at Cove Point 80 pig. 2.—View showing the Sunderland formation near Battle Creek ^ VI. Characteristic Fossil Plants from the Pleistocene of Calvert County VII. Fig. 1.—View showing Sunderland surface near Huntingtown.... Pig. 2.—View showing Sunderland-Wicomico scarp, Wlcomico surface in foreground. Hunting Creek Valley •••• loi VIII. Fig. 1.—View showing fossil vegetation in Talbot formation, near Cove Point 112 pig. 2.—View showing cross-bedding in Wlcomico formation, valley of Lyons Creek 112 IX. Fig. 1.—View showing Talbot formation near Dare's Wharf 120 pig. 2.—View showing Wicomlco-Talbot scarp along Patuxent River south of Cocktown Creek 120 X. Fig. 1.—View showing cliffs of Diatomaceous earth, Lyons Wharf 123 Fig. 2.—View of Diatomaceous earth, pit of Maryland Silicate Company, Lyons Wharf 12X XI. Fig. 1.—View showing Cypress swamp, Battle Creek 214 Fig. 2.—View showing Slope Timber 214 XII. Views showing Second-growth Cypress In Stream bottoms 216 XIII. Fig. 1.—View showing Scrub Pine seeding eroded slopes 218 Fig. 2.—View showing Scrub Pine seeding eroded slopes 218 XIV. Fig. 1.—View showing development of the White Oak as a Shade Tree 22'' Fig. 2.—View showing Scrub Pine for Cordwood 220 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 1. Diagram showing Ideal Arrangement of the Various Terrace Forma- tions in the Maryland Coastal Plain 93 2. Diagram showing approximate position of shore-line of Wicomico Sea 110 3. Diagram showing approximate position of shore-line of Talbot Sea.. Ill 4. Diagram showing pre-Talbot valley 115 5. Diagram showing advancing Talbot shore-line and ponded stream., liy 6. Diagram showing later stage in advance of Talbot shore-line 117 7. Ideal section showing advance of Talbot shore-line ns 8. Annual mean Temperature curves Igg 9. Maximum Temperatures during August, 1900 194 10. Minimum Temperatures during February, 1899 igg 11. Precipitation for each month in the year at Solomons 200 PREFACE This volume is the fourth of a series of reports dealing with the physi- cal features of the several counties of Maryland. The Introduction contains a brief statement regarding the location and boundaries of Calvert County together with its chief physical char- acteristics. The Physiography of Calvert County, by George B. Shattuck, com- prises a discussion of the surface characteristics of the county, together with a description both of the topographic forms and of the agencies which have produced them. A fuller discussion of this subject has been presented by Dr. Shattuck in his report on the Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits of Maryland. The Geology of Calvert County, by George B. Shattuck, deals with the stratigraphy and structure of the county. An historical sketch is given of the work done by others in this field to which is appended a complete bibliography. Many stratigraphical details are presented, ac- companied by local sections. • The Mineral Resources of Calvert County, by Benjamin L. Miller, deals with the economic possibilities of the various geological deposits of the county. Those which have been hitherto employed are fully dis- cussed, and suggestions are made regarding the employment of others not yet utilized. The Soils of Calvert County, by Jay A. Bonsteel and E. T. Avon Burke, contains a discussion* of the leading soil types of the county and their relation to the several geological formations. This investigation was conducted under the direct supervision of Professor Milton Whit- ney, Director of the Bureau of Soils of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture. The Climate of Calvert County, by C. F. von Herrmann, is an impor- tant contribution to the study of the climatic features of the county. 18 PREFACE Mr. von Herrmann is Section Director in Baltimore of the U. S. Weather Bureau and is also Meteorologist of the Maryland State Weather Service. The Hydrography of Calvert County, by N. C. Grover, gives a brief account of the water supply of the county which, as in the case of the other Coastal Plain counties, affords but little power for commercial pur- poses.