Posted on Authorea 16 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. igShen Jing in therapy China anticoagulation central for options and attitudes Neurologists’ oH n e a hudb osdrdjitsno author. senior joint considered author be *Corresponding should author. Cao first Fei joint and considered Hu be Bo should Li Man and Shen Jing China 3 China 2 China , Technology, 1 PhD Chen China Shengcai central PhD, in therapy Shen anticoagulation Jing for options and attitudes Neurologists Neurologists’ drugs. appropriate anticoagulant out lacking. of is carry choice training hospitals corresponding the the of on but guidelines learn, proportion necessary. to the is the willingness with training strong but gaps professional a AF, Continuous and some therapy about still anticoagulant towards learn are attitude There to positive monitoring have of willingness for Conclusions: frequency accounts and high the Warfarin, low. level use but of a is INR, educational the choice have the training the but clinicians’ monitoring Clinicians to influencing regularly 93.8%, Warfarin related reason is with inconsistent. first is Warfarin patients anticoagulants the recommend is of clinicians choose is oral rate the risk direct physicians of use Bleeding of 97.7% of the use hospital. 88.9%. clinicians, 80% preferred The the by the of than low. used location is extremely more ever geographical Warfarin is drugs fibrillation, the anticoagulants think anticoagulant atrial oral physicians the direct neurologists of infarction, Among of 611 treatment cerebral rate 93.8%. of and best as total fibrillation the high A atrial For as with Results: drug survey. patients face-to-face therapy. For this anticoagulant through therapy. to about questionnaire anticoagulant options respond anonymous and hospitals standard-structured attitude in 38 a the conducted basis from completes a include is establish neurologist study problems to cross-sectional and Each The choices, A their interviews. China. Methods: of intensity central guidelines. the and the in anticoagulants of of province implementation use effective the affecting neurologists’ factors improving the for out find to aim We Aims: Abstract 2020 16, July Health 2 1 Cai Zhuoyuan eateto erlg,TeFrtAlae optl colo eiie hhz nvriy , University, Shihezi Medicine, of School Hospital, Affiliated First The Wuhan, Technology, Neurology, and of Science Department of University Huazhong and College, Medical Science Tongji of Health, University Public of Huazhong School College, Medical Tongji Hospital, Union Neurology, of Department uzogUiest fSineadTcnlg ogiMdclCleeSho fPublic of School College Medical Tongji Technology and Science of University Huazhong Hospital Union Wuhan 1,3 1 D h,MnLi Man PhD, MD, , a Li Man , 1 oHu Bo , 1 D h,Yn Bi Ying PhD, MD, , 1 hy Cao Shiyi , 1 n e Cao Fei and , 1 D h,SiiCao Shiyi PhD, MD, , 2 uu Lu Zuxun , 1 D hounCai Zhuoyuan MD, , 1 2 unegXia Yuanpeng , 1 2 D uu Lu Zuxun MD, , 1 D oHu Bo MD, , 1 hnciChen Shengcai , 2 D unegXia Yuanpeng MD, , 1,* D h,FiCao Fei PhD, MD, , 1 igBi Ying , 1 D PhD, MD, , 1,* MD, , 1 , Posted on Authorea 16 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. antx o IJCP.docx neurologists-attitudes-and-options-for-anticoagulation-therapy-in-central-china analy- for data drafting text C, analysis/interpretation, main Shengcai data X, Yuanpeng L, analysis; review, and S,Man file critical collection Jing Hosted article, data of C, Zhuoyuan revision approval. B, critical final Ying L, and sis/interpretation. Zuxun C, concept/design, Shiyi C, article, Fei H, Bo interest. of conflict contribution no Author have (no. they that China declare BH). of authors to Foundation All NCET-10-0406 China Science (no. of University Education Natural in Higher Talents National Excellent of Century Disclosures of Program New Doctoral and Program the BH), Youth 81571110 to for Foundation 20120142110068 YPX). no. Research (no. and to (no. National 81820108010 China SCC). 81771249 of for (no. Program 81801172 China Development no. and of Research Foundation BH, Key Science to National Natural the National by and part 2018YFC1312200) in supported was provided) research cases This of number the of on hospital based people’s Central Funding is The order Wuhan, hospital, hospital.(Ranking of people’s hospital people’s Hospital, sixth Central The Hospital, Enshi Wuhan, County, Hospital, of Hefeng Huimin hospital of ninth Hospital , General Central The County, peo- Hospital, Yangxin hospital, Central No.1 of people’s Hospital No.2 Shipping, Central Hospital, River Hospital, Central the General of Corporation hospital Hospital, Motor Pu’ai of Dongfeng Prefecture, Wuhan Region autonomous hospital, Miao Campus, Military ple’s and East Tujia EnShi Hospital the of Hospital Pu’ai of Central Wuhan Hospital hospital, The Army, people’s General Liberation provincial Wuhan People’s Chinese hospital, Hubei hospital, the Taihe people’s Hospital, central No.1 Affiliated No.1 Wuhan Xiangyang hospital, Wuhan, Hospital, Jingzhou, of people’s Central of Hospital hospital No.1 Central people’s Jingmen The first Medicine, study: The of University this Hubei participating of to hospital units following appreciate We Acknowledgments 01186-27-85726028 Fax: and 01186-27-85726028 Science Tel: of University Huazhong College, China Email:[email protected] 430022, Medical Wuhan Tongji Avenue, Jiefang Hospital, 1277 Wuhan, Union Technology, Neurology, of Department PhD MD, Hu, Bo 01186-27-85726028 Fax: and 01186-27-85726028 Science Tel: of University Huazhong College, China Email:[email protected] 430022, Medical Wuhan Tongji Avenue, Jiefang Hospital, 1277 Wuhan, Union Technology, Neurology, of Department PhD MD, Cao, Fei Correspondence: title: Short erlgss pin o anticoagulant for options Neurologists’ vial at available 2 Posted on Authorea 16 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. 3