History of Psychology Library Exercise

Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr.

Note: In answering each of the following questions, indicate the full references for the sources that you used.

1. Who were the 1st, 10th, 20th, and 30th presidents of the American Psychological Association, and where were the APA meetings held in the years of their presidencies?

2. Who were Leonard Troland and Edward Stevens Robinson and how did they die?

3. Provide complete references for five publications of Mary Whiton Calkins.

4. Locate at least two published sources on E. B. Titchener’s group known as “The Experimentalists” or the “Society of Experimental Psychology.” Why did Titchener found this group?

5. List two American psychology journals that began publication in 1917 and name their editors.

6. Find the death dates for , Harry Kirke Wolfe, Leta S. Hollingworth, and Francis Cecil Sumner.

7. Find three published sources on the history of projective testing.

8. Where are the unpublished papers (that is, the manuscript collections) located for , G. Stanley Hall, , and the British Sexological Society?

9. Name two in Hungary prior to 1933 and indicate the universities where they received their education.

10. List the complete references for three articles on child rearing that appeared in popular magazines published in the 1930s.

11. Briefly describe the psychological ideas attributed to Juan Luis Vives. List his birth and death years.

12. List the authors and titles of three papers presented at the 1938 annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association.

13. Provide the complete references for four biographical sources for .