
Inflorescence and fruit

Avon Catchment Council Grevillea paniculata

Plant features Growth form Round spreading 0.6m-3m tall. Often lightly prickly. Leaves Bright mid green leaves. The leaves are round in cross section

PROTEACEAE and divide once and sometimes twice into three spikes ending in moderately sharp spines. Usually over 25mm in length. Flowers White/cream/yellow with a strong honey-vanilla odour. Flowers in Aug and Sept. Flowers originate between leaf and stem junction. Fruits Deeply wrinkled fruit, oval in shape. Around 13mm long. One seed per fruit, although often empty. Turns from bright green to grey brown when ripe. Bark Grey/brown on all parts.

Distribution Commonly found across the Avon Floodfringe

catchment and into the lower areas Floodway

of the South west. Normal winter level

Zone, habitat Prefered habitat of Grevillea paniculata Found on floodfringes and across the landscape. Grows on a variety of soil types. Often found on sand hills and sand plains next to waterways. Additional information A very useful mid shrub that is excellent in providing dense habitat for birds. in clumps to assist with the forming of thickets. It is not waterlogging or salt tolerant. Can be grown from tubestock or possibly direct seeded. It is an important food source for a range of fauna when flowering. Its network of roots also helps stabilise sandy floodplains. Seed needs to be collected as soon as ripe or alternatively branches can be bagged just before ripening.