The Flora of the Pyramid Lake - Mt Beaumont Districts, Near Esperance, Western Australia

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The Flora of the Pyramid Lake - Mt Beaumont Districts, Near Esperance, Western Australia Klnda 1Q)t217-253Q9m) The flora of the Pyramid Lake - Mt Beaumont Districts, near Esperance, Western Australia M.A. Burgmanl and K.R. Newbey2' i Departmenof Bolany,Univenity ofwsstem Ausrralia,Stirling Highway,Nedlands,6009 PEsentAddress: For$try S€4ion,University of Melboume,Creswick, Victoria 3363 '1Cl-Westem Aushlian Herbarium,Depanmenr of Conservationand Land Management, P.O.Box 1O1.Como. Weslem Australia 6152 Abstract Bu3man, M.A. and Newbey, KR The flora of fte ryramid Lake - Mr Beaumo Disrrias, rIear EEerance, Wesrem Ausrnlia. KillgialQ):211-253 (1990). A total of l35l vasorlar flartuxa were i&ntified frorn afpoxirnately 4000 colle.tioir made infie eastem Roe Botanical District between I 9 80 and 1984. Frequency and coverAburdance data were collec!€d for each taxon in each oflhe eigh landfomsprese Life form, corNeNalion statrs, rEprcffntarim on existing ccnservalion lesewes,and disrriburion within seven biogeographical regions were aho rccorded. the flora war dominated by tara from d|e Myiac€{e (l-lEo),Ptote:(re€ (8Co)ard Mimosac€ae (E/,). Dwarf sluuhs e5%) werc d}e domine[ life forrrl Endsnism was high (lwo) ad dte number ofexoticplarts tow (J%). the floa ofdrc strdy alea bears sEongest relationship to dle Sodh-west Botanical Province, with 32% of dre uxa also occuning rhere. Tvr'enryper crnr ofthe tor.l tata ae also forrd in Soutl Austxalia. Tne florj ctrrtf2ircn2f6 Qfrno) undescribedlaxa and 149 taxa (1 l7o) were considercd !o be ruq Ceographicaly lesllided or very poorly known. Or y a small proportion offie total flora (177o) and very few ofthe mre species were known tobe adequately rePres€xfedon existing consewalion regervesornatioml pa*s. Theeefacrs emplnsisei the neri for further detailed bornical slrdies beforc any land in the study area is consider€d for rele{se for agricultural aleveloprnmr. Introduction This study was undertrken to record the flora of land proposedfor agdcultual development northofEsperance. The Ruraland Allied IndusEiesCouncil (R.A.LC. 1979) considered that there were 2.7 million hectaresof vacantCrown Land available,which may be suitable for agricultual developmentin the Fonestiana-LakeJohnston and SalrnonGums-Israelite Bay areas. Theseareas includedthe PyramidLake andMt BeaumontDisricts, north of existing famland betweenthe No. 1 Rabbit Proof Fence, north-eastof Ravensthorpe,and the western boundary of the Cape Arid NationalPa* (Figure1). The strdy areais largelywithin theRoe Botanical Disfict, with a smallsoutl- eastemsection within the Eyre BotanicalDisrict (Beard1980). Farmlandaround Salmon Gums separatesthe two districts which togethercover approximat€ly 12,000kmr. They are referred to collectivelyhere as the study area. Since theR.A.I.C. ( 1979)report was released, someland in theMt Beaumont District, and near Cascadesin the Pyramid Iake District was made available for agricultue. However, the SlateGovernment presently has a moratoriumon further land release. + Dceased July 23, 1988 KingiaVol. I, No.2 (1990) F .-i z I M.A. Burgman& ICR. Newbey,Tlte flora of the PyramidLake-Mr BeaumontDist.icts 219 The flora of the study area has not been documented. An earlier assessmentof conservation reservesby the ConservationThrcugh Reseryes Committee (1974) did not recommendthat any sectionsof the study areabe consideredfor preservation,undoubtedly because very few collections of flora and fauna had been made there. A private overview survey Oy KRN) of the study area recordeda numberofrare speciesand a few new to science. This deficiency in biological dafawas recognized by staff of the Westem Australian Wildtfe ResearchCenFe, and led to successful applications by S.D. Hopper for funds for botanical survey work from the Australian Biological ResourcesStudy and from the Westem Australian Govemment. Consultanciesarising from these grants werc awardedto us to undertakeappropriate surveys, Thespecific aims ofthis studywere to: a) list all taxarecorded by usduring four surveyscarried out since1980; b) assesstie frequencyand cover/abundanceof eachtaxon on eachlandform; assessthe distribution of eachlaxon within southemWestem Australia; d) assessthe conservationstatus ofeach taxon (re-assessingtle conservationvalues for thosetaxa listed by Marchantand Keighery l979,Leigh et al.l98l,Leigh et al.1984, RyeandHopper 1981, Patrick and Hopper 1982,Rye 1982); e) assessthe statusofplants recordedby us from the Frank Hann National Pa* (KRI9, PeakCharles National Pa* (KRlo and conservationreserves within the study area MAB); 0 list thosetaxa consideredto be rare or geographicallyrestricted, for gazettalas rare flora; c) assessthe completenessof our flora list andthe extentof invasionof exotic taxa; h) presenta life form spectrumfor the taxacollected. BiophysicalEnvironment Climate The climatemay be describedas semi-arid Mediterranean (Specht and Moll 1983),with mostof tle rain falling betweenMay andOctober. The climate at SalmonGums in the north ofthe study areais only weakly Mediterraneanand tends towardsnon-seasonality (Beard 1973a,b). As there are no daily recordingmeteorological stations within thestudy arca, the spatial and temporal rainfall pattems arepoorly kno\rn. Averageannual and monthly rainfall, andmaximum and minimurn temperatues for nefiby stationsat Lake King, GrassPatch, Salmon Gums, Espnrance, Balladonia and Ravensthorpe aroprovided by Hall €tal. (1981)and Newbey (1983a). Estimated average annual rainfall vades from 670 mm nearthe southemcoastto 300 mm inland. Snowis a mre event(one year in 20) anda few days eachsummerexceed 40oC. Geology Bedrock of Archaeanganite underlies the study area, but it is largely covered by soil. The tectonically stablebedrock was erodedinto a seriesof suMued uplandsdissected by broad, saucer- shapedvalleys. Most of the valleys drainedto the southcoast but a few on the nofth-eastemseciion of thestudy area &ained east and north to theNullarbor Plain (Yan deGraaffet a|,1977). During the Cretaceous,rainfall declined and the valleys were reduced to a string of salt lakes. A marine transgessionduring theEocene fiued river valleys with sediments(spongolite), and most ofthe land surfacewas eroded flat (Cockbain1968). With the fall in sealevel to thepresent, rivers in the westem half of the study area (the Young, Lort and Oldfield Rivers) have erodedthe spongoliteback to KingiaVol. I, No. 2 (1990) bedrock. Granite exposuresrepresent later intrusionsof Proterozoicgranite through the Archaean bedrock. They havesince been eroded into roundedhills conspicuouson the marineplain (Morgan andPeers1973; Thom et al. 1977). Landforms and soils Landform classificationfollows the systemdevised by K.R. Newbeyand A.V. Milewski for the biological surveyof the eastemgoldfields of WesiemAustralia (Newbey 1984). Eachlandform with itsassociatedsoilsisdescribedbelow. Soilsweatheredir Jirr fromthegnnitoidbasementareslighdy acidic and often highly leached. Soils of the marineplain havea high CaCO3content, due to deposition of salts leachedfiom the uplands. Aeolian and alluvial soils are associatedwith valley bottoms andsalt lakes. Aeolian soil sheets,some with fossil dunes,are present on somesections ofthe marineplain. Breakaway(B): In a few placesin the studyarea, the underlyingkaolinized ganite is exposedon the ancientland surface. Abreakaway consists ofthe following elements: rim, freeface, scree slope, and pediment. The summit andrim consistof materialmore resisf.ant to wqrthering than the underlying material and this controls the breakawaymorphology. Shallow to skeletalgdtty sandscover tie summit and fill small pocketson the rim. Bedrock fragmentsin skeletalgdtty sandscover the scree slopes. The pediment consistsof finer material washedoff the other elements. Soil drainageis excessiveon the summit, rim, free face and screeslopes. However,the pedimentobtains additional moisturefrom run-off from these elemenls. Soil pH is generally6.0-6.5. Drainage Line (D): This landform is confined to the Pyramid Lake District and occus along the upper reachesof the Lort, Young and Oklfield Rivers. Thesesaline watercourses,with ephemeral flows, drain to the southcoast. Drainagelines dissectthe sandplainsand their commonboundary is .rhere the river banks changefrom erosionalto depositional(colluvial). This varies from 2 to 10 meEesabve theriver bed. Soilsare colluvial, or alluvialon narrowriver flats. They areusually sandy,and saline within a few metresofthe riverchannel. SoilpH is generally6.0-6.5. Flat Plain(Fl andF2): Mostof thestudy area east of PyramidLake consists ofplain levelledby the EoceneSea (see Marine Plain below) with an internalrelief thatrarely exceeds5 m. Awide rangeof soilsare presentwhich can be divided into tworelatively distinctive groups having unique vegetation andflorisrics (F I andF2). Both may containsmall freshwaterswamps up to 250m acrossthat fill to a depth of 1 m only after very heavyrarn. Fl consistsof nutrientpoor andslighdy acidic sandsand sandy gavels. Theyare duplex soilswith a sandyclay B horizonthat is usuallyslightly to highly calcareousbut occasionallyslighdy acidic. Fossil amlian sandsheets, sometimes with dunerelicts, arepresent in someareas. F2 consistsof loamsto clayswith significandyhigher nutrient levels than Fl soils.The profile is calcareousto highly calcareousthroughout with a clay loam B horizonoften with a higherpH thanthe A horizon. Carbonatenodules are often presentin the B horizon. GraniteExposwe (G): This landformis mostcommon in theMt Beaumontdistrict of tle studyarca and it is presentin two phasesrelated to the origin of the rock. Most commonare tie
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