75¢ COLBY Thursday June 26, 2014 Volume 125, Number 100 Serving Thomas County since 1888 8 pages FFREEREE PPRESSRESS Clemency sought by convict By Sam Dieter shot Harkins, who had been a vice Colby Free Press president of Sunflower Bank, in
[email protected] her home in Colby on March 31, 1997. A Colby man convicted for His story during the ensuing murdering his fiancee in the 1990s trial was centered around money. applied for executive clemency, The two got into an argument in an act which could get him out which Harkins criticized Pabst’s of jail or result in a shorter prison latest job opportunity, he said, Courtesy of LaDonna Regier sentence. and made him feel worthless. So Dr. LaDonna Regier showed pictures of people “hawking” (above), or selling produce by the roadside produce near a village This is the last day the public he gave his fiancée a .44 caliber in Ghana last Thursday while talking about her mission trip there. Nurses in the clinic talked with a mother (below) about her can comment on the case of Tod revolver, telling her to shoot him child. Regier’s security guard Baba posed for a shot (bottom right) with the new generator installed at the clinic where she Alan Pabst, who shot his fiancée if he was so worthless. But in- worked. Regier herself was shown in a pictures (bottom left), making a traditional dish out of cassava and plantains. Phoebe Harkins in 1997, and ap- vestigators gathered ballistic evi- plied for clemency this month. dence contradicted this claim at The public had until 15 days after the scene, where Harkins was shot the notice of his application was twice.