QUOTE “Though in silence, with 3 5 c blighted affection, I pine, p e r c o p y Yet the lips that touch li­ quor must never touch litiiu ciriP mine!” —G. W. Young Plus ONE HUNPRED TWENTIETH YEAR— No. 44 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1991 Area Churches Special Holy Week, f - Easter Worship Services

Chelsea-area churches are planning will be open for prayer and meditation Calvary. Much of the service will be in mm special Holy Week and Easter ser­ on Friday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. candlelight. The Chancel Choir, I Si vices marking the death and resurrec­ ___N<>rth . Lake United Methodist soloists, and instrumentalists will also tion ofJesus Christ. church will hold a ^ennebrae Service participate. Pew communion will be m m Area pastors affiliated with the at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. observed. Easter Services will be a t 8 9 h Chelsea Ministerial Fellowship met Other Holy Week services include i s Ws a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The annual on Tuesday. March 19 to co-ordinate thefollowing. ------“ Easter breakfast will be served from MKH W fi services for Good Friday this Friday. St. Barnabas Episcopal church ■mm 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., with church school A community Good Friday Service plans a Mass and Laying Bare the at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Erwin Koch's will be held from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at m m Altar at 7:30 p.m. on Maundy Thurs­ sermon title is “A Never-Ending m m the First Congregational church on E. day. Friday from noon to 3 p.m. will 'W>im Story.” Holy Communion will be serv­ m Middle St. be Tre Ore. On Saturday The Great ed at both services. a Two of the newest area church Vigil of Easter will be featured at 7:30 First Congregational church will iiijs . leaders will be the featured speakers. p.m. Mass of-the Resurrection will be ®L w x m have a Service of Tenebrae and Com­ WM mmm&M m m The Rev. William Matthews of the held at 10 a.m. Sunday. munion at 7:30 p m . Thursday. Easter Chelsea Christian Fellowship church North Lake United Methodist Sunday begins with an Early Commu­ CHARGE OF Tlfe EASTER EGG BRIGADE was held youngsters scrambled for 200 dozen dyed, hard-boiled will give a sermon with the title, church will have a candlelight Maun­ nion Service and Baptism at 8 a.m., last Saturday morning at the Chelsea High school football eggs. Eggs were donated by Polly's Market, “That I May Know Him.” The Rev. J. dy Thursday service at 7:30 p.m. It followed by breakfast a 9 a.m. Wor­ field at the annual community Easter Egg, Hunt. The Keith Roberson of the First Congrega­ will feature the reading of scriptures ship and Communion Service will be tional church will speak on “Re- and the gradual extinguishing of at 10 a.m. Crucifying Christ.” lights in the sanctuary. Easter Sun­ mmm' day Celebration will begin with an 8 Immanuel Bible church will start Organist for the service will be Easter Sunday with pastries and cof­ Kathryn West of the First Congrega­ am . service led by the youth of the i.- «,'V;S fee in the church basement from 9 ‘mm® tional church. Bev Slater will be a church on the theme of “The People of E aster.” Breakfast will be at 9 a.m. a.m. to 9:45 am . Sunday school mm l l t l soloistrAsWng triofeaturingAddinist- classes for all ages will follow until %. Alice Rhodes, celloist Irwin Holland-’ and an Easter Egg Hunt will follow at 10:45. At 11 am. a Resurrection i t 9:30.The full worship service at 10:30 Moritz, and soloist Joseph E. Dudley Celebration Service will be held. At 8 w will also provide special music. a.m. will feature display of two new Easter banners. p.m. a video, “Jesus,” will be presented. The film is considered a mPX The offering for the service will be St. Paul United Church of Christ Biblically accurate film and the only r „ used for a community project, which will hold a Service of Tenebrae and S;,yV‘. if. words Jesus speaks are His words had not been decided as of press time. Holy Communion on Thursday at 7:30 recorded in the gospel of Luke. O . 11 Wtm mm Mi Many area businesses will be closed p.m. -Part of the 1991 confirmation from noon to 3 p.m. on Friday to allow V&H class will participate. The service will First United Methodist church will m ‘x m their employees the opportunity to at­ m feature a gradual darkening of the have a traditional Easter breakfast at tend services. sanctuary as the story of Christ’s pas- 7:30 a.m. No sunrise service will be sion and death nears its climax on m H St. Paul United Church of Christ held. ,mW$mm 3>sf M Council Tells DDA *$k m It Can Use Village Lot As Site for House

ONCE THE EXCITEMENT SUBSIDED, these three 200 dozen dyed, hard-boiled eggs In less than five minutes, The house behind the Chelsea 14th site for a number of reasons, in­ DDA redevelopment project. Once the South school youngsters decided to count the eggs they and IQ children won special prizes. From left are Valisa District Courthouse that was schedul­ cluding the relative ease with which house is moved, the 50-space collected last Saturday at the annual community Easter Thompson, Ryan Bowerman, and Cansey Bauer. ed to be moved to the former Pump ’N the house can be moved to it as oppos­ municipal lot behind the the Main St. Egg Hunt at Chelsea High school. Youngsters picked up Pantry site as part' of the Downtown ed to the Park St. lots. businesses can be constructed. Development Authority’s parking lot Details about purchase price of Mogdis said the clean-up of the ^project is now likely to be moved to a either lot have yet to be worked out. Pump ’N Pantry site could take quite village-owned lot on W. Middle St. DDA approached the village about a while because the owners and the Council Approves July 4th - PDA ha«—riecidetL the estimated the ______lots because it _needs a place to Department of Natural Resources are $50,000 cost to move the house to the move the house by the end of May. still trying to decide how to go about corner of Orchard and Main Sts. and Demolition was the last option, cleaning up ground contamination. renovate it for use as an addition to Heydlauff said. “At the very least, we’d like to see if Fireworks, With Contingencies McKune Memorial- Library is too If the house is used as a residence, it we can (grass) seed it,” Mogdis said. much money to spend. will require less renovation than it DDA had planned to spend $200,000 Chelsea Village Council appears village and the Chelsea Community Fireworks, the company Chelsea 1995 Last Tuesday, village council told would to be used as a library because, on the library project, Heydlauff said. willing to lower its liability insurance Fair as insured parties. wants to handle the show. DDA chair Mark Heydlauff and finan­ among other things, it will not have to That money may now be used in other requirements for a Fourth of Juljr lastyeartheshow was not held.------The fairgrounds has offered to lease cial consultant FranzMogdis that be modified to handle the additional areas. For example, about $25,000 is fireworks display this summer. — This year Chelsea 1995 organization the fairgrounds to the village for <1 for , DDA could move the house to one of weight of books and will not necessari- being earmarked for a study on a new Two years ago, the last year village wants to sponsor a show. Council the show, two village-owned sites—the W. Mid- ly have to be handicap accessible; library addition. resident Harold Allen organized the authorized the show with a $2 million Allen said he might sue the village if die St. lot or the vacant lots on Park No matter which lot is used, “As it turned out, while we were stu­ program, Allen was required to come insurance^Mlicy, $1 million of which it lowers its liability insurance re­ St. opposite the First United Heydlauff said “now the pressure is dying the (house project) we got up withar|3 millionpollcy naming the__ grill he provided by Independence quirements. He said he lost a substan­ Methodist Church that were purchaa- off” because there’s little chance the about half-way through a study of tial amount of moneymthel989show ed severaLyears ago as a site for a house move.will delay the rest of the (Continued on page three) and part of the reason was “the new village lull, unreasonable requirements” for in- However, on Friday Heydlauff said f- surance. ___ the W. Middle St. lot is the preferred 7 \ ‘I A % <;:>. . s t f . j ~ i v *"■, > i ' .-r/'M ? <■ - - A Vf ■ j' Area Bus Riders 4 h' d V'Jn ’ 1 Trying To Organize ■A Support for Route— 7: , : / 4> The fate of the Chelsea-Ann Arbor until a funding decision is made. !&}£i St*/, v > bus rou|e offered through Ann Arbor Council has indicated it does not Ml Transportation Authority has not .want to subsidize the route by itself, K. been determined. partly because many of the bus riders IS’ AATA has asked the village to con- "from the Chelsea-area apparently dtr - '?*A* $ | inouiG more uiair ror six not live in the village.------months of service under a new con­ A group of bus riders asked council , *■ / ('iv tract. State money for the project to consider temporary funding < " v runs out at the end of the month. through September while a task force Village council tabled action on t&e is formed to study alternative sources request at their Tuesday, March 19 of funding. Doug Worthington told ^ 7 " > ‘t meeting. Users of the service are try- council some riders depend onthe sor­ ing to find sources of funds other than - vice to go to work. Another rider, Tim ., Jl*1 * -* ^ ’ * ‘M l village coffers for the route. They had Heeter, said the bus “is a good thing JtojV? - i■?*!?' planned to talk to the various for the environment.” .. township boards. AATA has indicated the bus route P * r . ^ AATA has told the village it will will be discontinued without the fund- t e f e . . grant an extension beyond March 31 lng.

Take Variety of Drugs

addition to the »7S0 in cash. Stolen were pain killers, such as Thieves gainwi access to-the store ii ..... Tylenol with codeine, as well as a by cutting a hole In the roof. They JENNIFER JOHNSON, age 6, stopped to take a look at all the Eastereggs variety M a^tiv w , such as valium disarmed the alarm and exited through the back door. - \ w^ eoaeo fd UwlSaturdayduri^ the aimtalcomnipn^^ Foete rsaid he had reloads he couM Chelsea High school. Warm weather and high winds greeted lie mahy various amphetamines, and elaborate youngstersadkOtooKpart methodone. on. The Chelseo Standard, Wednesday, March 27,1991 MICHIGAN MIRROR

M m - By Werrvo M, Hovl. Sectary. Michigan Pres* Association

State Fine Jumps In Prison Case Enslen will decide whether to collect Attorney General Frank Kelley and The complaint asks the court to U.S. District Judge Richard Enslen or forgive the fine. Department of Natural Resources issue a permanent injunction against has ordered the state to begin paying Following the announcement of the Director David Hales said the suit, further discharge; ordefr full payment $10,000 a day for failing to make pro­ increased fine, Truscott said the ad­ which orders the airport to stop the of damages to natural resources; gress on its promise to build a ministration was disappointed. discharge, alleges that facility order the airport to pay $10,000 per psychiatric prison for mentally ill in­ “But we saved half the amount of violated its National Pollutant day for each violation of the permit or mates. money that would have been spent if Discharge Elimination System per­ the state laws which occurred before The order to increase the fine we would have done nothing. So we mit because it failed to properly May 31, 1990, and $25,000 for each (which officially took effect March 15J consider it a minor victory.” sample the waste. violation which has occurred since denies the personal appeal made by The state is nearly two years behind The complaint was filed in Ingham that date; order the airport to con­ Gov. Engler last week in Kalamazoo. schedule in complying with a 1984 County Circuit Court and also alleges struct waste treatment facilities to Established Telephone Engler argued that the fine, which agreement with the U.S. Justice that the airport has violated the comply with its permit and order the 1871 ®l|E <2U|eljaea Stanbarii (313) 475-1371 C stood at $1,000 per day since Oct. 22, Department to develop treatment for state’s Water Resources Commission airport to reimburse the state for 300 N. Main St.. Chelseo. Mich. 48118 should not be jumped to $10,000 a day mentally ill prisoners. Act and the Environmental Protec­ costs of the suit. as .scheduled because his administra­ tion Act. Walter P. Leonard and Helen Moy Leonard Publishers ond Editors Attempts were made last year to tion has not had sufficient time to cor­ put the prison in Potterville, Bath Brian Hamilton...... Assistant Editor rect the prison problems created by township and Perry, but residents former Governor James Blanchard. Tam 's W Blding, Published every Wednesday ot 300 N. Main Street Chelsea. Mich. protested the proposed 400-bed facili­ Following the meeting between ,48118. and second class postage paid at Chelsea, Mich, under the ty and the Corrections Department’s Engler and Enslen, Engler spokes­ Act of March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Send address changes to The process of choosing a site. I n c , man John Truscott said, ‘‘the judge Chelsea Standard, 300 N: Main St.. Chelsea. Mich. 48118. - Sen. Jack Welbom (R-Kalamazoo), was very receptive to the measures who co-ordinated the transition team ■ STEEL FABRICATION USPS No. 101-720 the state has put in place.” on corrections and participated in the Truscott said Engler was actively meeting with the judge, said the judge ■ WIRE FEED (MIG) Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance) working to locate the prison hospital, called the governor’s appearance on ■ HELIARC (TIG) In Michigan Outside Michigan: as ordered by Enslen, and has ap- the case' “unprecedented" and One year in advance ...... 12.50— One yeor in advance ...... $15, 50 pointed his senior policy advisor, Den- represented a commitment’-not naOLgierce Road -XHELSEA^ MJ...... Six months...... $ 7.00\ Six months...... $ 8.50 nis Schomack, to oversee the process. demonstrated by the Blanchard ad­ Single copies mailed...... $ .75 “We want7 it (selected) as soon as ministration. 313-475-0180 IMIfl possible because we’d like to put the Welbom said Engler told the judge National Advertising issue behind us,” Truscott said. he would establish a task force to Representative Engler also indicated other steps work with the Legislature to satisfy MICHIGAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. his office has taken to comply with the court order so that the contempt NATIONAL NEWSPAPER 827 N. Washington Ave. federal orders, including the elimina­ charges may be dropped at a hearing OVERWORKED... ASSOCIATION Lansing, Mich. 48906 tion of the Corrections Commission on May 29. and the impending direct appoint­ • • • _ WORN OUT HAIR ment of a new director for the Depart­ State S.ues Metro Airport------ment of Corrections to replace Robert Over Pollution Discharge Brown. “That person will be ordered The state has filed a lawsuit against For total revitalization, JUST REM INISCING to expedite the process,” Truscott Wayne County Detroit Metropolitan /nki'H ftm>) thv lilt's of IIir ( h r/sru .SlriMilfinl said. . Airport over the discharge of we recommend Matrix Enslen’s order will allow the state wastewater containing excessive Essentials. Matrix clean­ chereau, as well as a state finalist in to pay only half the fine up front. The amounts of deicing compounds, oil, 4 Years Ago . . . parliamentary procedure competition sing, conditioning, and rest must be placed in a separate ac­ grease, ammonia, phosphorous and Wednesday, April 1, 1987— to the convention. In award presenta­ hair revitalizing regimen At a hearing of the Michigan count until May .31, by which time other pollutants into drainage ditches. tions, the Chelsea chapter received a replaces precious Historic Preservation Review Board, -siiver-certlfieate-fcr-membership to— the 107-year-old railroad depot of conclude their participation in the moisture and builds ------Chelsea was nominated for listing in 1977 state FFA convention on a high strength and resilience. the National Register of Historic note. Places. This nomination would be con­ Unlimited honors appeared to Call today for your per­ sidered by the National Park Service. mark the future of at least one sonalized Matrix hair According to Kathryn B. Eckert of the Chelsea youth, Tim Weishans, as he Move Meetings to c a re p lan . Michigan Bureau of History, a par­ was awarded a certificate for high ticularly impressive part of the achievement as an Outstanding FFA Chelsea presentation was a series of Junior. He. received the award during color slides showing the completely presentation ceremonies at the FFA Sylvan Town Hall matrix KAWANDSK^ICAWE restored exterior of the 1880 building. State Convetion in East Lansing. Lloyd Grau was named Outstanding Weishans is the president of the Chelsea Village Council has held its meetings. Council had considered Farmer of the Year by the Kiwanls Chelsea FFA chapter. last meeting in the council chambers, moving to another night, but nixed the Club of Chelsea. Qrau had farmed in Two Chelsea High school seniors, at least for the foreseeable future. idea. the Chelsea area for 25 years. He was Kathleen Treado and Susan Leach Council meetings will be held at Village planning commission a 1962 graduate of Michigan State were selected as being among the Sylvan Town Hall on the second and meetings will be moved from the University. Grau has always been ac­ country’s most outstanding high fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 fourth to the third Tuesday, of the tive in the community. He was vice- school music student^. In recognition p.m., starting in April. month, also at the town hall at 7:30 president of the Chelsea School p.m. of the honor, the names of both girls Council decided a couple of months Board, executive vice-president of the Zoning Board of Appeals will also would appear in the 1977 edition of ago to move the meetings to a site Chelsea Community Fair Board and move its meetings (third Wednes­ Who’s Who In Music. with handicap access.'■ is active in the Zion Lutheran church. =Perhaps ___ in reaction to the well day, 5 p.m.) to the hall. 1020 S. Main St., Chelsea, MI 48118 (318) 475-7006 Beth Ann Leeman and Susan publicized, tragic kidnap-murders of Sylvan towrbldp holds- its- regular----- The^village is-also moving its-publi ------HOURS: Mon.-Thura.. 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ^chmunk of Chelsea were chosen to at least four children in the Oaklan<| board meetings pn the first Tuesday address and tape recorder system to Frl., 8:30 Sim. to 6:UU p.m. Sat, ,.8 a.pn. to 5 p.m . , participate in the New county area, three Chelsea element of t(ie month, which required the the hall, and the township board may York/Washington,. Youth Seminar tary school children reported an alleg* village to change- at least one

for the kiddies m lady wanted next to his tool shed in the THE took yard. I didn’t go into it at the meeting, but We have everything my old lady has started dropping hints about a early, ekrly garden that EASTER you’ll want for Easter are ad suttle as a flatiron up side the ' ☆ corsages head, Up to now all I’ve done is nod, but this can’t last BUNNY ☆ floral baskets Yours truly, Uncle Lew. ☆ blooming bulb plants Friday & Saturday •mutvKmttM xm woe Match 29th-30th -☆ Easter lilies 10 a.m. to 12 noon— a m enagerie of and stuffed anim als' y a i f e - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. just for Easter! Properties • incorporated

V isit our model 7141 Dextff-Pinckney Road Dexter, (Just N. of N. Territorial) 8070 Main St., Dexter Open Dally; l p j n . - 5 p,m. - Bob Vopko, S ate Manager— Ph. 426-3025 313/426*8888

a Health Assessment The Chelsea Standard, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 Team Available SENIOR To Older Patients MENU & Older persons with health problems have a special resource available to ACTIVITIES them at the University of Michigan , . S; Family Practice Center in Chelsea. Weeks of March 27 • April 5 if||f|||t|§ A team of experts from a variety of Food, Fun and Fellowship for Seniors disciplines is available to provide a Senior Center, Faith in Action Bldg. * comprehensive health evaluation for, Chelsea Hospital Grounds. Ph. 4759242 elderly Individuals who are Wednesday, March 27— j experiencing a problem with their Pinochole and euchre every physical and/or psychological well* Wednesday. being. Past Matron’s 2nd Wednesday of This team of professionals includes each month. physicians who have special geriatric LUNCH—Braised sirloin cubes over training, a social worker, nutritionist, rice, French green beans, heritage clinical pharmacist, and geriatric slaw, roll and margarine, fruited Jell- nurse practitioner. 0, milk. Each team member conducts an 1:00 p.m.—Bowling. [ assessment of the older individual and 1:00 p.m.—Fitness. shares their findings with the Thursday, March 28— assembled team. A summary letter Pinochole and euchrd every Thurs­ including specific recommendations day. - is provided to the individual's regular LUNCH—Meatloaf with gravy, mash­ physician to aid in better manage­ ed potatoes, chopped spinach, whole ment of future health concerns. 1 * wheat bread and butter, chocolate Any older person or concerned cake, milk. caregiver of an older person with 1:00 p.m.—Kitchen Band. health-related problems is welcome to Friday, March 29— arrange an evaluation. 9:30 a.m.—Jackpot bingo. Typical reasons for seeking such an LUNCH—No meals served. - assessment include failing general MondayrApril-l— - - health, safety concerns with recent DeFANT-ROOT: Carol DeFanl of Chelsea arid Pete DeFant of Florida have 9:30 a.m.—Bingo. ~ falls; appetite or weight changes; announced the engagement of their daughter, Angela, to Phillip Root, son of 9:30 a.m.—China Painting. ENGAGED: Mr, and Mrs. Joseph O'Neil have announced the engagement changes in personality or memory Mr. and Mrs. David Root of Ann Arbor. The future bride Is a 1987 graduate of Quilting club; First Monday of each of their daughter, Kelly Maureen, to Douglas A. Paul, son of Mr. and Mr*. Ar­ problems; consideration of nursing Chelsea Highschool and is employed as a multi-function operator at ADP Net­ month. thur Paul, Sr. The future bride is a 1983 Chelsea High school graduate and is home placement. Widow's group; Second Monday of work Services in Ann Arbor. The future bridegroom is a 1988 graduate of employed at Schneider's Grocery in Chelsea. The future bridegroom is a 1980 - The full evaluation includes a home Saline High school and is a junior at Michigan State Unitersity, where he is stu­ each month. visit from the nurse practitioner and a LUNCH—Chicken tetrazini, Califor­ graduate of Chelsea High school and is employed at TelCom Service Corp. of < dying labor and industrial relations. He is manager of Homestead; Furniture Ann Arbor. An OCt7 5"weddih'g-Trbeing planned. half-day visit to the Family Practice and Gallery, Ltd. of Lansing. An Oct. 12 wedding is planned. nia blend vegetables, tossed Salad, Center to be seen by the pharmacist, roll and butter, lemon meringue pie, nutritionist, social worker and physi­ milk. .,*, • ,*> 7*1 •/*',.7*, ./*' cian. If desired, an evaluation by a Child Study Club Cong. Dave Camp 1:00 p.m.—Bingo. single member of the team can be ar- Tuesday, April 2— . YOU ARE INVITED „ ranged (e.g., a nutrition assessment Members Tour Backs ‘Fast Track’ Pinochole and euchre every Tues­ It will be an honor aild 'a1 privilege to share with all in the com­ or a pharmacist review of medication day. munity. Easter, worship service Sunday, March 31 at Our Savior 9:30 a.m.—Creative Expres- use). Faith in Action Home Negotiating Authority Lutheran Church as we celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior. Any older person or concerned sions/Crafts class taught by Sharon The February meeting of Chelsea Michigan’s representative on the Jesus Christ. Mr. Dan and Mrs. Cindy Ruhlig w,ill welcome those caregiver is welcome to inquire about Hunt. Child Study Club was held in the new House - Agriculture Committee sup- “in attendance at the 7 a.m service; and Mr. Terry and lyirs. Bar­ an evaluation by calling Diane at Faith in Action building. The Rev. ports extending “fast track" LUNCH—Porcupine meatballs, green bara Burke will greet worshippers at the 10:30 a.m. service. The 313475-1321. The Family Practice Beaumont gave^ the^ club a tour negotiating authority for trade beans, cole slaw, whole wheat bread Phoebe Guild will be.sponsoring an Easter Breakfast of ham and Center participates fully with through their new facility and then agreements. 10th district Con­ and butter, fresh fruit, milk. Medicare and other major insurance gave a presentation on all the ac­ gressman Dave Camp told Michigan 1-3 p.m.—Drawing right side eggs to be served at 8 00a.m. Please, come with us and ceiebrate- carriers. tivities Faith in Action is involved in. Farm Bureau members meeting in brain. Our Risen Lord. He is Risen Indeed! The Club welcomed its newest Washington, D.C., recently, that a Wednesday, April 3— member, Miriam Sass-Zuidveld. If “fast track” provision will, reassure Pinochole and euchre every The first national organization of anyone is interested in attending any our trading partners that the Bush Ad* Wednesday. workers to endure to the present, the of our club meetings, please contact ministration can negotiate a trade Past Matron’s Second Wednesday Typographical Union, was first Nancy Grau,. 475-7333 or Linda treaty without being second-guessed of each month. We. now have paper by the pound; organized in 1852, according to “Im­ LUNCH—Crispy baked filets with sA Leatham, 475-9612. later by Congress. rubber stamp and embossing supplies. portant Events in American Labor “ Without this authority, it would be lemon, creamed potatoes, beet salad, History,” a U.S. Labor Department bread and margarine, apple slices Subscribe today tcTThe* =ilkeyouorTtryfegtogeta house loan publication. and not having the loan officer be able with cinnamon and sugar, milk. to commit to the loan until a board 1:00 p.m.—Bowling. C o m e in and see our n ew store reviews it,” Camp said. “That just ' 1:00p.m.—Fitness. doesn't work. The countries we Thursday, April 4— THE VILLAGE SHOPPE negotiate with need to know that our Pinochole and euchre every Thurs­ 104 N. Main St., Chelsea 475-6933 trade representatives have the day. / authority to negotiate an agreement.” LUNCH—Pepper steak, rice, stewed Fast-track negotiating authority tomatoes, wheat roll and butter, D O Y O U R would extend the time for further apricots, milk. world trade talks and enable discus­ 1:00 p.m.—Kitchen band. GROUP PKGS. sions to go forward on a possible 24 p.m.—Square dance...... vt - Friday, April 5— v. _♦ v ark 1 Nprfh Amerlpaq free trade agtee- D ani el A . R acz ^ w i t h | m enf “Congress will still have the op­ 1 9:30 a.m.-Jbckpofiiinigfoli11 B,1J , portunity to review the trade LUNCH—Roast pork with gravy, .. ACCEMX4KBL agreements and approve them,” sweet potato slices, chopped spinach, C O N S T R V C T 4 r :‘.0 i ,N rye bread and butter, dessert, milk. ■ >■■ ■■ i* i 1 11 fig"— ■ 1 j l|l.n|i 1 W — TRAVEL Camp said. * Special Rates an 4 8 & Bus Trips to: Council Approves ■/A - Tell Them s Ypsilanti^Mic ifi- ■«*»•' TICEfe STADIUM • FRANKENMUTH Move of House SHIPSHAWANA • SPECIAL EVENTS Y o u -j To Village Lot ------Catlike for Details Com iit^rciSd^ (Continued from page one)_ Real R e a d i t ACCENT ON TRAVEL what the library should have.” 102 N. Main StM Chelsea Ph. 475-8030 In Heydlauff said. “Now We’ll go ahead and finish that Opei N ItlM . TaM.-Frl., *304. Sat., HM The Standard process^ They should end up with a £ schematic design and some general Taylored Cuts 5 cost estimates. They’Jl also be guaranteed the lot will be available for them.” Some of the remaining $175,000 may be used to help the library with im­ Total hair Care for vou a YOURS mediate needs, such as handicap ac­ 1 to 3 p m . cessibility. Other money may be spent 3 0 on short-term landscaping of the next- Saturday, March C h e l s e a . M ic h ig a n 4 8 i 18 313 475-2740' door lot. “If none of that can be done, we might go back to one of the projects we eliminated, such as landscaping at f e . V - BEETLEJUICE! the depot,” Heydlauff said. W ERE FIGHTING FOR BEETLEJUICE! \ O U R LIFE BEETLEJUICE! r Appearing exclusively i i i i at ------0 mm A m erican Heart A ssociation of Michigan ■ m The Easter Parade

Has Arriveds 4,1 Nippers Chicks'and bunnies frolic happily, celebrating the joy that Easter brings. Each one is charmingly crafted from Kids haircutting room — Swarovski-erystaUHop right down and see them today, EASTER they're adorable additions to our • Meet Beetlejuice! Swarovski Silver'Crystal collection. swmovski SPECIAL SILVER CRYSTAL • Receive an Easter surprjpe!! Now open at 8 a.m. Saturday! A Gift In a i Balloon • HAIRCUTS - .MANICURES WINANS JEWELRY • Register • PERMS • ACRYLIC NAILS *4“ llllllHIHIUHinillHHMHIHHHIHHHWllHimniHHunnHmninwiw«HiHWftM»HMi to win a free haircut!!! • HI-LIGHTS • HOT-OIL TREATMENTSl • WOLF TANNING BED Stuffed animals, candles, our Home-made fudge, etc. EAR PIERCING Call S Order Seonl with.purchose of piercing 107 N. Main Street earrings. Parental consent Dpwntown Chelsea is The Place to be! 426-0081 FREE required under 18. OPENS EVENINGS! WALK-INS WELCOME! Village Emporium 304M readSt., Dextar - liiiititHiiiittiiiMuiiiiitttmiiimimitiiiiifilitiitiiiiiiliriiMmiiiiuiiimiiimtHnipitiitiuiiitiltdnnii

-V \

m m TheChelseo Standard, Wednesday, March 27, 1991

4*0-0010 ” - -n n ^

Central Street Station § ? d o w n t o w n ocxter Lvi4<^ J Country & Victorian Gifts & furniture V-;# ■ JV?V: Located in a turn of the century home '7 ^ ^'5:;;. 7.7 next to the County Sheriff. Station. w' &. */$? ' f ;V; & - VW- 5}''1 **fww9 Dried Flower Wreaths and Anrungomonts ft* V'; *J On Sale through March . r4$ -VjV. m tif- «r. OPEN M-T-W 11-6, Thurs.-Fri. 10-6, Sot- 9:30-S. Sun. 12-4.

CONVENIENT FREE PARKING NEXT TO OUR SHOP NORTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL BUI Wescott reads to Mrs. Harris’ second graders during March Is Reading Month activities at the school. The month was filled with activities designed to promote and celebrate reading.

Opening Mid-April r\,y \y'\% f- A SWEET SURPRISES ‘-fel 7 - rtf Fine Candies. Nuts & Drtad fruits % ~ AT BULK PRICES — .V* • Located In tha roar Oreenhouse of the "Country Rota" _____ ► \ i^i V- --■ L -& u. MANICURE.... .$10 Now $7.50 112 E. Middle St., Chaliaa a / — Sanders Easter Candles .1 !*’* PEDICURE^... .$22.50 Now $18 Available Novell— — MANICURE/PEDlCURENow $20 Village Hair Design i 1 ~ ~ «~1 ■ w~ I I \U7 f“77>,v ACRYLIC NAIL TIPS$35 Now $28 2846 Baker Rd., Dexter it.. “FILL-INS” ...... $18 Now $15 7s, Ph. 426-8486 x '7 lC " '~Jk ~4 ^ ■ m M I'Ttwd. - w h u id . - //f f /. good thru y m April 30. 1991 «/ EASTER t ' vt; ‘ 1 TheEpiderm y 9477 North Territorial JESSICA FLINTOFT of Chelsea, an 8th grader at Beach Middle school, BUNNY Dexter recently took second place in an essay contest at History Day Competition sponsored by the Detroit Historical Society. The competition had a civil rights Ph. 426-8090 W il l B e a t theme. Flintoft’s essay, “Four Bills of Justice,” detailed four bills passed over the last century dealing with civil rights but concluded that “Civil rights can COUNTRY ROSE hot always he obtained and preserved with acts and laws.,.civil rights needs to be reinforced in the minds of young children and adults.” Her essay will go on to state-wide competition. She is the daughter of Peter and Carol Flintoft of SATURDAY, MARCH 30 Chelsea. from 11 a.m; to 3 p.m. Castor oil is used as a lubricant In jet planes. Greeting children

with balloons wiyo C helsea C om m unity H ospital and candyT To the Editor: family member or neighbor. Lent TO Fitness C enter C lasses I EASTER? And the Lord said, “Go.” renews our will-power and our THE And I said, “ Who me?” character. And He said, “ Yes, you.” Then this Good Friday when we Aijd I said, “But I’m not ready yet, remember Jesus died on the cross for COUNTRY ROSE and there is company coming, and I each of us, the whole world will stand M/W 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. can’t leave the kids. And you know beneath the cross. The world needs to 6:45 - 7:45 p.m. 112 E. Middle St. Ph. 475-8188 T/TH 11:40-12:20 p.m. there’s no one to take my place.” .... look upon a crucifix and know the full 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. And He said, “You’re stalling.” ‘ meaning of the word LOVE. There are 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Low Level And the Lord said, “Go.” many sacrifices made by our family 6:45 - 7:45 p.m. And I said, “But I don’t want,to.” of service people all over this world, 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. And He said, “ I didn't ask you if you and those lefLat home to wait, -pray S at. 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Eye Care wanted to." and hope. i. ... ■ ; ■•'V 7 ' \ And I said, “ Listen, I’m not the kind Search out a crucifix, and look upbn Satellite Clamea ...... Cheryl Huey, M.D. ____ of person to get in controversy. it and there at the feet of Christ lay T /T h 0:30-10:30 a.m. Dance Arts Academy Chelsea t. Resides, my family won’t like it and your troubles and anxieties. He knows 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Manchester Fitness Mager School Ophthalmologist • Eye Physician and Surgeon M/W what will the neighbors think?” your hearts and he will heal, and sus­ Sat. 6:48 —& 45 p.m. Manchester Fitness 332 E. Main WHAT CAUSES CATARACTS? And He said, “Nonsense.” tain you. He promised that. M/W 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Grass Lake Fitness George Long School M/W 7* 15 - 6:18 p.m. Stockbildge Fitness Middle School A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. The And yet the third time the Lord said, Every Good Friday that we ex­ liens is positioned directly behind the pupil, and nor- “Go.” perience prior to Easter Sunday Fee for eight week session April 8 • June 3 I mally it is optically clear. Any disturbance to the lens And I said, “Do I have to?” teaches us a simple lesson. That in 2x week $4S/3x week $66/4x week $60 [will cause it to become cloudy, and we th.en call it a And He said, “Do you loVe me? ” everyone’s life there must be a Good I"cataract". And I said, "Look I’m scared; Peo- Friday before there can be the endless Usually, the clouding ofthe lens intorarararact a cataract is a slowstow process; occurring pie are going to ridicule me, and call joy of EasterHVfayycurEasterJoy- as we age. Sometimes, however, we will see cataracts form in very young me a radical and a fanatic, I can’t exceed your expectatiensr -individuals The grpat majority nf Ihpae rases are of unknown cause. Occa- -take-it-all by-myself. ’ ’ A Blessed Easter to-you and. yours. sionally there seems to be a hereditary factor in cataract formation. Recent And He said, “Where do you think evidence supports the theory that.long-term exposure to the sun may hasten To all our service men and women cataract formation, and it s possible that persons who spend much of their I'll be?” who give so much for us all—and for time'outdoors may be more likely to get cataractSrShielding the eyes fronrthe- _AncLthe_Lord said, “Go.”__ ^ whaMhey believe in^Freedom for sun or wearing glasses that block ultraviolet light may slow development of And I sighed, “Here lam , send all—everywhere. God bless us all, cataracts. ' me.” with His Holy Peace. Long-term use-ofeortisone-or other steroid-drugs has been-associAted-with ------Thesewords-must be the-thoughts-of ------...... Mrs. Millie Warner.__ Boch class to divided Into warmup and dervbics. body toning and cataracts. Trauma to the eye can cause cataract formation, either immediately every single person who has ever 9tntching. Both regular and lowtinpact are demonatmtedln the dosses. or delayed. Cataracts are seen in some diseases of the eye such as iritis, and in stood tall for a noble cause. Yet, when VI8A and MASTERCARD accepted extreme nearsightedness. They are more common in diabetics and in persons the Lord touches one He really does with atopic dermatitis. Many other rare diseases have been linked to cataract Chelsea Student Attends formation. ----- not let go, till-we say our "Yes.” So to Christians everywhere, the Albion Scholarship Day Chelsea Community Hospital Lord says, “Go.” “Go live Me to all -776 South Miin Street If the lens clouds enough to seriously affect vision, modern cataract surgery, Brett Salamin has begun planning- Chelsea, Michigan 48118 with lens replacement by intraocular lens implant, can restore excellent vi­ you meet. Be My eyes, My ears, My for college by attending Albion Col­ n 4 7 5 - 3 9 3 6 sion in the great majority of patients. tongue, love with My heart. Bring Me, lege’s scholarship day. your Lord, to those who hunger anc Prospective students~ and their Cheryl Huey, M.D. need fulfillment-” parents toured the campus, attended There is no time on the calendar of academic information sessions and Ann Arbor Eye Care this year more appropriate than now Liberty Medical Complex (313) met Albion faculty and students. A during Lent. Lent—a time of soul special recognition of scholarship 3200 West’ Liberty searching and making an earnest ef­ Ann Arbor. Ml 48103 award winners was held during a lun­ 6 6 2 - 2 0 2 0 fort to do better by prayer, which we cheon at Baldwin Hall. all are doing a lot of these days for Salamin, a senior at Chelsea High World Peace, and protection of those school, is the son of Mrs. Carolyn who serve for justice in our Armed Salamin of 303 Railroad St., Chelsea. Forces. One could do some self denial Albion College is a private, co­ of the common ordinary things we educational, liberal arts college take for granted. All or some, of the located in the south central Michigan goodies we munch on would be an ex­ town of the same name. cellent beginning. Acts of charity to a Com prehensive M am m ography Services

M aking an appointm ent for your yearly preventive m am m ogram is easier than ever, now that A rborScio Professional C enter offers the ^ I - - 1 latest low-dose m am m ography screening.

Or, if it’s m ore convenient, make your m am m ography appointm ent at Chelsea Com m unity Hospital: * - * * 13$ call 475-3970. • i 313/998-1900 0 • Easter & Spring Flowers - Lillies, Tulips, Daffodils and more. Custom arrangements & silks available < • Authentic Panoramic Eggs - handmade, beautifully decorated’confections, various sizes (remember these?) • Adorable plush animals and other gifts for bakset-filling ’ Visit the new Dexter Flower & Gift Shop for your Easter & Spring needs

Wlro tervlc* A Dotwiy Morfynn A VouQhan 8054 Main St. < 434-1240 ------6276^ackson-R oad^tw een-Bakei^ad-Ze€b) Upport.Owmra Affiliated with Chelsea Community Hospital Cr*d» Cordi Woloomo \

The Chelsea Stondord, Wednesday, March 27, 1991______WJ,;! Today's ' V ' Investor Chelsea Man Severely Injured By Thomas E. O’Hara When Car Rams Tree Saturday Chairman, Board of Trustees A Chelsea man suffered critical in­ Ambulance. Chelsea police and fire National Assoc, of Investors Corp. juries in a one-car crash on Old US-12 departments were also at the scene. Ralph L. Seger, Jr., President early Saturday morning. Police said the use of alcohol ap­ NAIC Investor Advisory Service According to the Washtenaw County peared to be a factor in the crash. The • • * Sheriff’s Department, Glenn Lamar incident is still under investigation. Q. My wife’s mother Just passed Ungerfelt, 62, of 103 Shoreview, was away. She left $28,000 each to our son driving west on Old US-12 when he lost who is eight and our daughter, six. control of his car, crossed the center Give a Would you suggest a way we could in­ line, left the road, and struck a . tree vest the money so it will be of max­ head-on two-tenths of a mile west of Gift Subscription to imum help when our children are Freer Rd. The Chelsea Standard I ready to go to college. Hie money was Ungerfelt was taken to Chelsea left to the children with my wife as the Community Hospital by Huron Valley custodian. I believe that means the earnings are taxable to the children. A. The first $500 of dependent children’^ income is not taxable. The next $500 of income is taxable at 15%. BUSH & HUTCHINSON, P.C. Above $1,000 the income is taxable at the parent’s maximum rate. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS The costs of college education seem to be rising faster than the 5% current Bookkeeping, Tax Consulting, Payroll rate of inflation. We suggest the funds Financial Planning, Business Stprt’Up be invested in a conservative manner PERSONAL - BUSINESS - CORPORATE • FARM so the rate of return will outpace infla­ tion. Currently, the yields on 10- to MICHAEL W. BUSH, MBA, CPA 8064 Main St., Daxtar 16-year maturity, zero-coupon U.S. DIBORAHJ. HUTCHINSON, CPA Tel jphone: 426-3043 Treasury bondsare 8.2% to 8.4%TWe would suggest that half the money for each child be invested in zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bonds. That’s $14,000. Since college is normally four years, S a e A , SjM nep,

'I ). TheCHelseo Stondord, Wednesdoy, Morch 27, 1991 COMMUNITY CALENDAR

M o n d a y — lions Club, first and third Tuesday of every OES Past Matrons dinner and meeting at Senior Chelsea Ugh School P.T.T. (Parenta-Teachers - 6:45 - - p m , at Chelsea - - Community - • -Hospit litaf. Citizen site, Faith in Action building, second Ph. 7334 or write P.O. Box 121, Chelsea. Wednesday every month at 11:4B a.m. Pn. 476*1141 Together), second Monday ol each month, 7:30 I • • for reservations by Monday proceeding meeting. p.m., in Board of Education Room. sec- • • • t Chelsea Rod and Gun Club reL 6 8 8 Lima Township Board meets the first Monday of ond Tuesday of each month at the cli Linguae Rd. VFW Post 4076 meeting second Wednesday of each month at • pjn., Lima Township BatL 49tf month, 7:30 p.m. VFW Hall, 106 N. Main. advrttf • • • Chelsea Recreation Council 7:30 p mn., , fourth Chelsea Rebekah Lodge No. 130 meets the first Pittsfield Union Grange, No. 882, meets the sec­ and third Tuesday of each month, a t 7:30 p m ond Wednesday of each month, 8 p.m. at Pittsfield Monday of the month, VUlageGooncll chambers. « • * Grange Hall, 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd., Ann Ar- • • • Chelsea Amateur Radis .Club, toe., fourth Tues­ bor. 31tf Chelsea Klwanis Club meets every Monday, 6:15 day of each month, 7 p.m.. Society Bank basement. p m at Chelsea Community Hospital. Friends of McKune Memorial library meets at 7 Rotary Club, Tuesday noon, Woodlands Room, p.m. first Wednesday of each month upstairs at McKune Memorial library. Visitors are welcome. Chelsea School Board meets the first and third Chelsea Community Hosptial For more informa­ • • 8 Mondays of each month, 3 p m , in the Board tion call Dr. Frederik van Reesema, 475-3925. • ■ • * Chelsea Depot Association will meet the first Room. • • • Chelsea Chamber of Commerce Board of Direc­ Wednesday of each month at 7 a.m. at the Chelsea f**tna liooessTsecond Monday of each month tors meetings, second Tuesday, each month, noon, Depot. Every third month, beginning with the at the Meeting Room in the Society Bank on M-62, Chelsea Community Hospital, private dining room. month of November, the meetings will be at 7 p.m. Chelsea, at 7 JO p m Call 473-1781 for information. All interested persons are welcome to attend. • • « 4 I • • 6 8 Waterloo Area Historical Society Board of Direc­ Downtown Development Authority, second Tues­ Chelsea-Manchester Chapter No. 108, OES, tors meets the third Monday of each month 7 30 day each month at 8 a m in the Chelsea Village meets the first Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p m , at Waterloo Farm Museum. For more infor­ Council chambers. It is a board of directors p.m., Masonic Temple, 113 W. Middle. meeting. The public is welcome to attend. ma tkn call Nancy Kaufman, 475-3692. • I • • * * T h u r s d a y VFW Ladies Auxiliary; second Mi of each Smokers Anonymous—Every Tuesday (except — month, 7:30 pm. at 106 N. Main St., the first Tuesday of each month) at St. James ------—--- E...... ■------De*tevMI>i ! — second floon^MurtfcIc Women In Abusive Relationships, drop-in sup­ 8:30 p.m. Questions? Call 426-8896. 4tf • HAT DAY was one of the many March Is Reading Morgan, Katie Taylor, Shelly Clemons, Kate Fahrner, port group, 7-8:30 pun., Chelsea Community Chelsea Rod and Gun Club Auxiliary regular Month activities at South Elementary school. Here, prin­ Traci Kern, Michelle Dettllng, and Justin Scbanz. In the Hospital, ra^Kresge House. 9734242 or 24-hour meeting, second Thursday of each month, 7:30, W e d n e s d a y — clubhouse, Ungane Rd. cipal Bob Benedict gets into the swing with ‘some of his top row, from left, are Adam Wint, Justin Kivi, Joe Frost, crisis line: 9964444. • • • Chelsea Garden Club, fourth kids. In front, from left, are Cara Long, Lindsey Patrick, Tiffany Buckingham, Aubrey Lambert, Benedict, Heidi Chelsea Area Players Board meeting second T u e s d a y — Wednesday of each month, March Thursday of each month, 7.-30 p.m., at Society Marjorie Sacks, and Elise Murphy. In the middle row, Layher, Amanda Taylor, Aaron Ruhlig, and Aaron Chelsea Village Council, second and fourth Tues­ through October, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Bank meeting room. For more Information call from left, are Erica Bloomensaat, Molly Harris, Megan Schmell. 475-2629. . day of month, 7:30 pjn., at Sylvan Township Hall. 509 Wellington, Chelsea. For Informa­ a a aN . 112 W. Middle St. - adv44o « • • tion call Doris Hammel, 475-7107. > American Legion Post No. 31. General meeting Chelsea Village Planning Commission, third First meeting Wednesday, March 27. the first Thursday of each month at the post home, M arch Is Reading M onth Tuesday of month, 7:30 pun., at Sylvan Township Topic: “Starting Tender Tubers and Cavanaugh Lake. a • • Hall, 112 W. Middle St. acMJtf CLASSIFIED 6 8 • Seeds Indoors.” Dried flowers made Knights of Columbus Women's Auxiliary, second A t N orth, South Schools Sylvan Township Board regular meetings; .first Thursday of each month, 8 p.m. at K. of C. Hall, from Osage orange. 20750 Old US-12. Tuesday of each month, 7 pun. Sylvan Township • • * a a • “March Is Reading Month” is again hall, 112 W. Middle St. advtf Sclerosis Readathon all month. • • * Chelsea Zoning Board of Appeals, third Wednes­ Substance Abuse Lecture Series: Meetings: 7:15 being celebrated at North and South Volunteer students read books and 'R ea tifyu so tk American Business Women’s Association 6:30 day of month, 5 p.m., at Sylvan Township Hall, 112 p.m. every Thursday; Chelsea Community Elementary schools this year. p.m. at the Chelsea Hospital fourth Tuesday of W. Middle St. ■* a , • ♦ adv44tf Hospital, Dining Room. Series is open to the public seek pledges to raise money for the each month. Call 475-2041 for Information. to provide awareness and education regarding The over-all theme is “Launch Into Multiple Sclerosis Society. • • • Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ladles Auxiliary No. various aspects of alcoholism or other chemical Reading.” North school’s theme is Olive Lodge 158 F&AM, Chelsea. Regular 2164 meet second, fourth Wednesday of each dependence abuse. month, 7:30 p.m., 7630 Jackson Rd. a i $ “Reading Is Out of This World,” while meeting, first Tuesday of each month. • a a New Beginnings—Grief Group first and third the South school theme is “Launch lima Township Planning Commission, third Chelsea Athletic Boosters membership meeting Thursdays, 7:304 p.m., Faith in Action Building at JAMES BARRY Tuesday of each month, 8 p.m., Lima Township third Wednesday of each month; Board of Direc­ 775 S. Main St., Chelsea. Mr. Benedict To The Moon,” in Hall. advx30tf tors meet the second Wednesday; 7:30 p.m., reference to their retiring principal ACCOUNTANT A TAX ADVISOR Chelsea High Media Center. tf F r id a y — Bob Benedict. Senior Citizens meet third Friday of every month Each school has set a reading goal. TAX PLANNING AND RETURN PREPARATION for pot-luck dinner, games and cards, 6 p.m. at Students at North school are reading COMPLETE ACCOUNTING ANDTAX-SERVtCES ' ~ Senior Citizen Activities Center at Faith in Action PARTNERSHIPS AND CORPORATIONS to all the planets in the solar system NOTARY PUBLIC Parents Anonymous, a self-help group for and back to earth. At South school, abusive or potentially abuse parents, Fridays, 7-9 9412 HORSESHOE BEND p.m. Separate children's group, same night. Call students want to send Benedict to the 475-3952 or 475-9176 for information. moon before he retires. DEXTER Many students at the schools are TELEPHONE 426-2395 S a tu r d a y — .also participating in the Multiple DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENTS “ Operation Desert Storm Support Group, Chelsea-Dexter Chapter meeting every Saturday, 9 a.m., Faith Anti-Drug Museum in Action, 775 S. Main St., Chelsea. For more information contact Rev. Offered April 3 Mearl Bradley,’ 475-9868. By Faith in Action Faith in Action is alive and well but Mine. JSotic.es—. — always in need of community support, Support. Our Soldiers, Washtenaw so, Wednesday, April 3, from 3 to 8 County, holds support group meetings p.m, they are sponsoring an Anti- every Tuesday evening, 7-9 p.m. at Drug Museum which will be located in the U.S.'Army Reserve Center, 1980 S. the Meijer’s parking lot at Arm Ar- Industrial) Aim Arbor, and Saturday bor/Saline Rd. AdrtjisBlbh ,ib|fTee^ mornings‘10-12 a.m. at the First of however, good will offerings will be America Bank, 8123 Main St., Dexter. appreciated. “ For further information contact The museum is a caravan of dis­ Charlene Harris, 665-8171, Kay plays designed to inform parents as Stevens, 426-3487, or Stacy Maier, well as children about the dangers of 475-2826. c40tf * • * drug abuse. " Hospice of Washtenaw is recruiting “direct Parents are urged to take this op­ care volunteers’’ in the Chelsea area. Volunteers portunity to learn the facts, along with irovide emotional and social support for terminai- M yiil-patients and their families. The next training- their children.______Session will be held during the month of May. For A representative from Faith in Ac- more information please call Mary Jo Kioster, tion will be present to answer any 6774617. 48-5 ..... • » • questions concerning the organiza­ Parent to Parent Program: in home, friendly, tion. visiting support system for families with children. W asn't This Fun, —Cali 475430&. ______:------• • • Parents Without Partners, support group for Subscribe to .. single parents. Youth activities, social events, The Chelsea Standard! D . H.T discussion groups. For membership information, call recording at 973-1933. ♦ • • Home Meals SeW i^ Chelsea7MeaIs served dai- ' HAPPY 50th ly to elderly or disabled. Cost per meal, $2.60 for those able to pay. Interested parties call Ann Kleinschmidt Feeney, 475-l493Tor Mary Erskine, 475-2821. BIRTHDAY Chelsea Social Service, 475-1581, 2nd floor of Insurance Village Offices. Thursdays, 10 to 4, or if an emergency need at other times, call Jackie at M a rc h 2 9 We Offer 475-1925■" or. Bonnie at 4754137.9 i i ______We're so-proud of you,— Assault Crisis Center has moved to 1886 Packard Rd., Ypsilanti 48197. Ph. 483-RAPE, 24-hour crisis h o m e Love, line, 483-7942, businessline. • * • Auto D is a b il it y Alcoholics Anonymous group, every Tuesday, 12 noon, 2nd floor, 104 E. Middle St., Chelsea. A. A, ------l if e a n d Bu s in e s s Kathy & the Alonon meets every Saturday at 7 p.m., 2nd floor, TOfrE. Middle St.; Chelsea. — I n s u r an c e o r ______0 P e s e S * o t D a n Faith in Action House Community Center, open a l l types daily throughout the week provides vartmarree- services to those in need. Services include food, clothing, financial help uiy otf forms of assistance. NRd friendly help?? Call us Our Companies Include from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 475-3305. • •• • Chelsea Together. For information, call 475-4030, M-F, 8 azn.-O p.m., or 475-5938, M-F, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Waterloo Senior. Nutrition program meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon, Waterloo Township Hall. For reservations call 475-7439 be­ tween, 10 a.m. to 1 pjn. Lunches, cards and fellowship.

Give a Gift Subscription to __ A x ______The Chelsea Standard i [ SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM I I f o r \ I * I I 0i]C (UljelfiTa §>tanbarii I 4 I n " ...... ' ....“ ' “ BY MAIL DELIVERY elsew here In l United States...... $15.50 I Michigan...... $12*50 -■'1 ' « Noma 8 I Address. I 1 C ily * * .— .Stole. "The Agency that Offers a Choice." I If yea ora notprasentlyotobscrlbar, receiving your Standard by mall, « SOB CAST HURON ilia and send with payment In advance to __Ann amor t tH I CHELSEA STANDARD, 300 N. MAIN, CHELSEA 4811* 1 — —

I- The Chelseo Standard, W ednesdoy, March 27, 1991 Three Severe W eather* Health-ORama T rain in g Sessions Set FREE Dan Harsh, director of the Office of to report threatening weather. Emergency Management for Washt The first gathering will be held at naw county, announced this wee* 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, at the 5 x 7 Enlargem ent Slated April 13 at there will be three informative train­ Superior Township Hall, 3040 N. Pros­ with every roll of color prlqt film ing sessions within the county at p e r Rd., Ypsilanti, and will be spon­ developed and printed. which Severe Weather Spotter Train­ sored by the Superior Township Com­ ing will be offered, free of charge. munity Watch Program. Enlargement made from 110, 126, Disc and Each of the three sessions is provid­ 35 mm color negative. Scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Chelsea Hospital ed the citizens without charge by the Offer good: March 25-31. 1991 Washtenaw County Office of Emer­ April 16, at the Chelsea UAW Hall, 2795 Chelsea-Manchester Rd. (M-52), Chelsea Community Hospital will gency Management, the National vider. It is, however, good medicine to the second session will be sponsored be offering Project Healtb-O-Rama on Weather Service, and a sponsoring use a screening test so that if a condi­ by the Chelsea Communications Club Saturday, April 13, between 9 a.m. community group or agency. tion is developing, there may be a and the UAW. and 1 p.m. chance to detect and treat it early. Each session is approximately two Health-ORama offers a variety pf hours in length, and will include infor­ Participants with abnormal test The final session of the three begins free or low cost health screenings to mational materials, in addition to HURON CAMERA SERVICE results are referred to their health at 7:30 pjm. Wednesday, April 17, at adults age 18 and over. A number of care provider to receive further slides and films. W# repair all makes and mode It cameras 4 projectors For those attending who are at least the Scio Township Hall, 827 N. Zeeb health professionals from the evaluation. Rd., and will have three sponsoring 8060 Main St.. Daxtar Ph. 426-46S4 Hospital’s service area will assist in For more, information call the 18 years bid, a “Spotter’s ID Number’’ . i the screenings and health screening Chelsea Community Hospital Educa­ will be assigned. units, the Dexter Area Fire Depart­ Only 10 mlnyfot from Ann Arbor, Choltoo A Plnckttoy counseling. tion Department, 475-3935. No pre­ This number is to be used when call­ ment, the Scio Township Fire Depart­ Health screenings include hearing, ing Emergency Management, a law registration is required. ment and Scio Farm Estates. blood pressure, height, weight, shin enforcement agency, or a fire agency, cancer testing, pulmonary function testing, vision, glaucoma screening, oral/dental screening and others. Health-ORama is sponsored by ATTENTION! Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan, Channel 7 WXYZ-TV, and United A S Z PLAN Health Organizations. Health screen­ BUYERS ARE ing is not meant to replace a physical ELIGIBLE. examination by a health care pro* YOU & YOUR PET By Linda Haidar Director of education Humana Society of Huron Valloy A P P ★ Easter Rabbits . . . FINANCING Next Sunday the Easter bunny FOR UP TO makes, his annual appearance to the delight of little chidren. Sadly, many 48-MONTHS parents purchase live baby rabbits and chicks to add to Easter baskets. While the tiny creatures are indeed- adorable, their fragile bodies cannot stand up to the rough handling of ex­ cited children. Once the novelty has worn off, the baby animals usually receive inadequate nutrition and care. Those that do not die usually end o£ up abandoned outdoors where they cannot survive for long or at animal shelters like ours. Owning a domestic rabbit as a pet is rewarding, as long , as one under­ SUBURBAN DETROIT FORD DEALERS stands and accepts what is involved. Rabbits live five to 10 years, so a long­ term commitment to the pet is essen­ tial. Rabbits range in size from two to 20 pounds, averaging about five pounds. Housing for each rabbit should be a wire mesh cage at least two. by two by four feet long, with a wirg mesh bottom covered in part by r; Z i* s ' ioi ... a wooden slab. A removable tray fill­ GAS STINGY ed with shavings or clay litter will facilitate cleaning the cage, which should be done daily. Necessary supplies for a rabbit in- elude a water .bottle^a heavy food dish, and a box with a towel inside for sleeping and hiding. Rabbits eat rab­ bit pellets and chopped alfalfa (available at feed and pet supply stores) and occasional (once or twice a week) fresh carrots and dark green vegetables. Rabbits also require a branch to chew on and a salt lick in their cage. Rabbits should never be picked up theihe_ear8J>r leg&Jnstead, use one hand to grasp the skin at the back of the neck; use the other under the rab­ bit’s body to support the hind feet. Rabbits can produce large litters of babies monthly. Breeding bunnies is not recommended, however, due to the difficulty of finding good homes for the babies. Male and female rab- >lts—may—be—ne utered by a (2) FESTIVA GL, SPA estim ated 42 Kwy. m pg; 35 City mpg. veterinarian, which often calms their nature. Sick rabbits should be treated by a veterinarian who specializes in them.

"Next Week: “Canine Heart worm.”

New Federal Highway Ford Festlva GL equipped with special value Plan Could Reduce option package 383A. Package includes: Funds for Rural Roads ■ 1.3L EFI5 Speed Transaxle ■ Cloth & Vinyl A PS High Back Bucket Seats ■ Electronic AM/FM Fahn Bureau is concerned about a FINANCING new federal highway plan that could FOR UP TO Stereo w/ Digital Clock ■ Sear Window mean less money for rural roads and 48-MONTHS Wiper Washer ■ And More... bridges, according to A1 Almy, direc­ tor of public affairs for Michigan Farm Bureau. He said a Bush Ad- ministration five-year highway plan road system and changing the ratio of CHECK OUT THESE OTHER GREAT OFFERS! federal versus state funding. “We’re very strongly opposed to thi$;” he said, “We feel that rural roads and bridges have been UKE 7.9% FINANCING. OR UP AND IF YOU'RE A FIRST-TIME PLUS, GET AN ADDITIONAL neglected for the past 35 years while $500 CASH BACK IF YOU QUALIFY the Interstate system was belng com- TO $1000 CASH BACK ON SELECTED BUYER. GET AN ADDITIONAL pleted, and we don’t feel there is any TJEW FORITCARS AND TRUCKS: SEE $1000 CASH BACK ON SELECTED FOR FORD'S COLLEGE GRADUATE reason why the federal ^government PROGRAM. SEE DEALER FOR cannot now increase the folding ratio DEALER FOR DETAILS. NEW FORD CARS AND TRUCKS. for the rural segment « our road SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. system .”

Ai m m In Offink Qtntenini m*tuln» Garden or Bake (1) C ash bonus or 1.9% APS financing through Ford Credit for customer savings, lake new vehicle retail delivery from dealer at Home for qualified buyers. 48 months at $21.65 per m onthper SIQ00 stock.by 3/29/91.1.9% APS not available to X plan buyers. financed with 10% down. Dealer participation m ay affect See dealer for details. " NGELICA FOODS Help ui do tomethlnt about the traraitlon to clean food In thl* country I We need emall-eccle home producer* la your arei NOW. For more info eend 50e poetafe AND a lott| SASE to: ANGELICA FOODS ^ • xj***c;;* » . r-

The Chelsea Stondord, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 R egistration P a r i s h o & c o m p a n y D ates Listed fo r Pinluvtional CuiTii>ii JAMES (JAY) W. PARISHO, C.P.A. W CC Classes CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Two locations to servo you Registration begins soon fot I90S Pouline Bouldvord, Suite 5 107‘/, South Main, P.0. Box 25! Washtenaw Community College off- Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103-5001 Chelsea, Michigan 48116 campus classes in Chelsea and Dex­ 313/995/5656 313/475-9640 ter. The spring classes available offer WE SERVICE: Personal — Corporate ■■‘-nportnership — Farms ACCOUNTING — TAX PREPARATION & CONSULTING — FINANCIAL PLANNING many opportunities to residents. There are 23 courses offered at three dppointJMflfi avaUaMe Monday through Saturday different locations. Classes range from Basic Mathematics to Small Business Management. Anyone in­ terested in continuing their education is invited to register. Registration will be held on the following dates and times for classes held in the Chelsea and Dexter areas: For classes held in Chelsea: f r a n k Chelsea High school, Thursday, April 25,6-8 p.m., or Friday, April 26, 2-5 p.m.; Western Regional Center Q r o h s register at the Western Regional -Center, 134 W. Middle S t, Tuesday, April 30,6-8p.m.; Wednesday, May 1, CHEVROLET-GEO 6-8 p.m. For classes held in Dexter: , -THE- Dexter High school, 2651 Baker Rd.,_ Thursday, April 25, 6-8 p.m.; or DISCOUNT OUTLET Western Regional Center, dates and times above. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS from Chelsea and Dexter got Johnson, James Stewart, Robin Melton, and Sonny Counseling services will be 426-4677 together last Saturday for their annual Bowlathon at Bee man. Dexter bowlers, below, are, front from left, Jan available for the Chelsea, Dexter and Chelsea Lanes to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Associa­ McCullough, Niles Mayrand, Marlene Husak, and Kim Manchester areas at the Western 7120 DEXTER RD. • 1-94 EXIT 169 tion. Bowlers collected pledges. Chelsea bowlers collected Knight. In back, from left, are Jim Campbell, Dan Henry, Regional Center on the following $1,150 while Dexter bowlers collected $375. Chelsea Billie McCullough, and Sally Kaczor. Sonny Bee man had dates: Thursday, April 25, 5-8 p.m., bowlers, above, are, front from left, LUy Worden, Kim high game for Chelsea at 150 and Robin Melton had high Friday, April 28, 2-5 p.m., Tuesday^ Degener, Pat Stewart, and Judy Kaiser. In back, from series at 417. For Dexter, Jim Campbell rolled a 174 and a April 30,5-8 p.m., Wednesday, May 1, • left, are Gay Bolanowski, Norman Colvia, Darlene 478 series. 5-8 p.m. 2 9 tk rfm tivenA anty For more information on classes of­ fered in the western region areas, con­ tact Cynthia Colvin at 475-5935.

Wildlife Rehabilitation SALE!!! Workshop Offered IXICUTIVI PRIV. OWNID By Humane Society CARS A TRUCKS CARS A TRUCKS Due to increasing lo& of habitat, each year more of Washtenaw county’s wildlife depend on communi­ 1991.CAVALIER RS 1990CHEV.EXT.CAB ty residents for their survival. 350 V-8. Loaded. Low miles. 4-dr., auto., air. Two to choose from. During 1990, more than 1,900 or­ 921,000 NEW phaned and injured wild animals were $ 9 ,7 9 5 brought to -the Humane Society of SAVE $15,900 Huron Valley. Thanks to the dedicated volunteers of the Wildlife 1991 S-TO BLAZER Rehabilitation program, over 50% of 4-dr., Tahoe, Sport Trim. 1990 S-IO PICK-UP these animals were released back into WAS $21,063. Tahoe. 15,000 mifes. Red and black. their natural habitat. For those persons interested in NOW $19,460 Sale Price $7,695 learning to foster and release wild birds or mammals, the Humane 1991 RS CAMARO Society is sponsoring a one-day 1989 CHEV PICK-UP workshop taught by area wildlife CONVERTIBLE 350 V-8. Loaded. Low miles. Silverado. Sharp! rehabilitation experts. The workshop V-8, leather. Loaded. is scheduled to be held April 20, at Washtenaw Community College. SAVE $19,395 $ 1 1 ,8 9 5 Space is limited, so you must prer register; the cost of the workshop is 1985 SILVERADO $20 per person. If you are interested 1988 CHEV 4x4 P.U contact the Education Department at Pick-Up . Red^m-rlM-'i 662r5545, weekdays unW &pjp. ^ SAVE 310,295 $ 1 1 ,*9 S

D ial-A -G arden 1991 S-10 Ext. Cab 1988 FORD PICK-UP m 6 cy!., 5-speed. Extra sharp. 2 WD, V-6. Loaded, VeVy few miles. Topics Listed $ 1 3 ,3 5 0 Special $5,995 The following is a weekly schedule M of Dial-A-Garden, the system of pre­ 1991CAVAUBt24por 1986 FORD PICK-UP C elebrates E asier Sunday fit recorded daily gardening tips spon­ Auto., air, stereo. V-8, topper. Auto. sored by the Washtenaw County Co­ MADY TO OO. operative Extension Service. The u a d y to oo m va$Vi O ui dtrwcT- special' system is in operation 24 hours a day, $ 5 ,9 9 5 seven days a week. Interested persons $ 9 ,7 9 5 M are invited to call 971-1129 at their con­ w venience to listen to timely, up-to-date 1991 CAPRICE CLASSIC gardening information. 1986 OLDS CUTLASS 'B n Two-tone point. Loaded. FRIED Wednesday^ March 27=“ Deep Bed Brougham. Loaded. Dk. Burgundy. Gardening.” $ 1 7 , 9 9 5 " - ...... a n d — ...... - Thursday, March 28—“Growing Root $ 4 ,9 9 5 Crops.” HONEY GLAZED HAM Friday, March 29—“Growing Leafy 1990 LUM INA EURO Crops.” 198$ OLDS CUTLASS DINNER UK 4-dr., V-6, air, tilt, cruise, p.w., p.l. O Monday, April 1—“Growing Peas.” SALE PRICE V-6, air. Sharp. Along with potato Tuesday, April 2—' ‘Gardenias. Wednesday, April 3—“Cold Fram es $ 1 3 ,8 9 5 and vegetable and Hotbeds.” m SERVED FAMILY STYLE 1989CORVETTE CONV 1983 FORD PICK-UP 2«i Workshop Slated on Loaded, leather. V-8. One owner. Low miles. Med. We will send you home • l i Health Benefits for WAS $39.371 Blue. Automatic. W with the left-overs. $ 5 ,4 9 5 i: ¥i Military Dependents NOW $29,895 Ifc Washtenaw County Chapter of the- m American Red Cross is holding an in­ A ll O u r n formational meeting for individuals M o re Used Cars a T l f o r interested in the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed A Trucks 8.95 8K Exc. Cars Services (CHAMPUS) on Monday, April L at 7 p.m. at the Red Cross of­ A va ila b le Have 3-Mortth War­ fices, 2729 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor. n 111 ranty Unless Noted Childcare will be provided, fo r more Stop By & Take A look n 113 S. MAIN, CHELSEA f i information call 971-5300. "As-ls" n m.t i John Mercer, Marine Petty Officer, 475-1922 m a military Health Benefits Advisor o (HBA) will present information and BECAUSE OF THE LARGE answer questions on the health and W & medical program for military de­ INCREASE IN USED CAR pendents. SALES, WE ARE PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES! S 16th Annual OFF (1) ADMISSION WITH THIS AD $1 COME IN & SEE US! 'Sower MANY PRIZES & DRAWINGS Fieidhouse - IN ARBOR B U D G E T L O T ★ APRIL 5-7, t991 1985 Pontiac P arlslen n e EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 4>door..V>6. air. tl ,895

BOWEN FIELDHOUSE ANN ARBOR .1987Chrysler LeBaron FREE PARKING: All day on April Adaor, ou,o., a ir...... ,495 & LEISURE LIVING 6 & 7 and from 5-9 p.m. on April 5 1985 CHEVROLET CAPRICE V-S. automatic...... ,4 9 5 FREE HOME AND LEISURE SALINE 198$ Audi $000 ------LIVING MAGAZINE AS' IS iTrTTTTTT ti i , t , * • . . * « • • ♦ ,295 OVER 120 EXHIBITS 1977 Ramcharger ,995 ;VV> T^rExJfflbltors^^form ation: Hours: April 5, 3-9p.m.; April 6, lba.m.-9 p.m.; April 7 ,1 0 ijv ^ 4 M T Call: Ron Clark, Brenda Clark or Jeff Grolis ______;____ ;______immmmmmLmwmm fflirelBEaStandarb

S e c tio n 2 Chelsea, Michigan, W ednesday, March 27, 1991 P a g e s 9 -20

4 \

SERVICE TO AGRICULTURE AWARD was presented to Chelsea’s Ralph McCalla last Thursday at the annual Agriculture Banquet at Chelsea High school. Ken McCalla, left, accepted the award on behalf of his father. Loren Heller, president of die agriculture council, right, made the presentation.



VaVoom Volume Generators* the sensational volume gener­ ating system from Matrix energizes hair with incred­ ible body and shine. Add home styling excitement and magnificent volume for today's ANNUAL AGRICULTURE BANQUET was held last Thursday, March 21 president, William Blumenaner, treasurer, Harold Trlnkle, and Bill Ames, active world with VaVoom at Chelsea High school for Washtenaw county farmers. Farmers and their county extension service agent. Standing, from left, are Jim Bristle, Reuben by Matrix. families were treated to a dinner prepared by Wolverine Food & Spirits as well Lesser, Dennis Trlnkle, Bob Mast, Bill Nixon, Bob Heller, Paul Rothfuss, Jerry as entertainment. Above are agriculture council members. In front, from left Kuhl, Dennis Huehl, Dave Wolfgang, Charlie Koenn, Nick Heller, and Richard are Loren Heller, president of the agriculture council, Mark Blumeuauer, vice- Cort. About 400 people attended. HAIR AND SKIN CARE Huron River Pollution Merkels Take Manchester Man Abatement Project Wins State Award O ption on Lot Washtenaw county’s Huron River -Pat -and Jack Merkel of Chelsea Pollution Abatement Project was have been given a two-year option on Killed in Monday selected as State Winner in the “1991 a lot in the village’s industrial park 6n Take Pride in America” campaign. Sibley Rd. 1020 S. Main St , Chelsea, MI 48118 (313) 475-7006 The HEPAP also received a Cer­ Village council granted the option at Motorcycle Crash tificate of Appreciation from Gover­ $50dper year. The money would either nor John Engler in recognition of their be forfeited or be applied toward the A Manchester man was killed and a Grossman Rd. at 6:13 p.rfi. when he HOURS: Mon.-Thin's., 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. - efforts. State winners are eligible for Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. purchase price. Gregory woman severely injured in a failed to negotiate a right-hand curve selected participation in an awards The Merkels plan to build a facility motorcycle crash early Monday eve- in the road. He drove off the side of the ceremony held in Washington, D.C., -for^a-cilent, which they have not yet—nlng-inin. Manchester township road and started to side-slip. .thisjjpmmer,. found.,. Pat Merkel, told „ c.ojwk|1. h e .■.According to Washtenaw County clockwise, traveling 200 feet before * A- ... ** - V* i • •*• #•» / ?>> - t* > ^ 4',~ <■ - •; didn’t think they’d have any problem Sheriff’s Department, Richard L. hitting an AtlasFeed building. Bag­ finding one. Baggett, 34, of 6431 Sharon Hollow gett, and his passenger, Susan Kay If another buyer for the lot is found Rd., was riding his motorcycle west DuRussel, 38, of 5217 Joslin Lake Rd., by the village, the Merkels have 72 on Austin Rd. one-quarter mile east of Gregory, fell off the motorcycle and hours to exercise their option, the vehicle continued to slide another 200 feet. Baggett and DuRussel were taken by Survival Flight to University of Brass Pass9 Program Michigan Hospital. Baggett died of closed head injuries. The crash is under investigation as Starts This Thursday an « alcohol-related crash. Chelsea High school is beginning its “Brass Pass” program this Thurs­ day, March 28 with the distribution of report cards. The program is designed to honor Put a Boss to Work achlevingydiseiplinedstudents by giv­ ing them a card that entitles them to discounts at participating local businesses. 028 Super Stihl Wood Boss® To qualify for the program, students must have a. 3.5 grade point average or an Increase of .1 In GPA, *399 V iW have three or fewer absences for the SAVE marking period, have no discipline problems, and-have nomore-than one. - $30 negative comment on the report card. Incentive discounts are being of­ fered by Dayspring Gifts, Gina’s • 3.1 cubic inches; 12.4 pounds Cafe, Main Street Flower Shop, and • Stihl anti-vibration system The Village Shoppe. Specialty impregnated cylinder Other businesses and individuals Quickstep” standard. • Front and rear hand guards who are providing financial support to • Stihl Quickstep™ Inertia other aspects of the recognition pro­ Chain Brake _ gram include BookCrafters, Inc., Chelsea Milling Co., Klink Ex­ cavating, Lewis Publishers, Richard EVERYTHING YOU HEAR ABOUT THEM IS TRUE. All promt McCalla, McKernan Realty, Roberts PLUS: FREE EXTRA CHAIN Paint and Body, and Staffan-Mitchell g o t o Funeral Home. Hurry! Supply Limited! Local businesses who are interested community service in participating njay contact principal JOHNSON'S HOW-TO STORE Ron Mead or assistant principal Joe llON. Main St., Chelsea Ph. 475-7472 prefects— ------Rosst at475-9I3L— — —— ------—

Give a STIHL FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Gift Subscription to NUMBS* ONV w oB um m s The Chelsea StandardI 6*30 a.m. till noon, 3 to 3*30 p.m* •>

— o m f David W. Swan, D.D.S. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 Comprehensive Dental Care for Children Sc Adults 8*30 flaWia to 4 p.m. Preventive Care • Cosmetic Procedures Implants •.Wisdom Tooth Removal « Root Canals • fillings • Dentures • Bridgework

HEYDLAUFF'S, 113 N. Main St. „ Intravenous and/or nitrous oxide sedation available. ■ When You Buy from Kiwanit You Support: Initial visit includes blood pressure and oral cancer exam screening. "HELP LINE" • MOTT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL • POLICE 4 FIREMEN RECOGNITION • SPECIAL OLYMPICS A CHELSEA SCOUTS . • BASEBALL FIELD BLEACHERS • KIDS PARADE-CHELSEA FAIR • CHEL«A

. i » /«. r • r

TO______TheChelseo Standord, Wednesday, March 27, 1991

Let’s Go Bulldogs! B j

Injuries, Other Factors Royce9 Terpstra Are Pillars Could Play Big Role Of Chelsea Boys Track Team Chelsea Bulldogs boys track team will feature two of the strongest field events performers in the area this season. In Dog Baseball Season Beyond junior Jon Royce in the high jump and junior Mike Terpstra in the While coach Wayne Welton remains shot put and discus, the team is large­ optimistic about the chances for his ly untested, and is extremely young, Chelsea Bulldogs baseball team this ^ “ Our goal this season is simply to be season, he knows his team could be competitive,’* said head coach Pat — anywhere torn- average—to-spee- Clarke, who joins assistant Roger Cox tacular depending on a number of fac­ as the team’s new coaches. ' tors, some of them out of his control. “The Southeastern Conference is Welton recently had to suspend two one of the toughest track leagues in of his top players for half the season the state. We’ll be sort of the midgets for rules violations. It’s likely but of the league.” uncertain they’ll return. It’s also Nevertheless, if Royce ever loses it unknown what kind of reception will be an upset. Royce, last year’s they’ll get from the team if they state high jump champion, set a new return. Welton said “1*11 take them school record in his first attempt this back with open arms.” The suspen­ season, at Siena Heights College last sions at least temporarily deprive the Saturday. His new record is 6’ 8”. He team of their lead-off hitter and has a goal of 6’ 10” this season, while number five hitter, as well as thr Terpstra would like to hit 50’ in the school’s stolen-base leader. shotput. The second factor is how well junior “If they reach those goals, we’ll all Ben Hurst will be able to compete be tremendously happy,” Clarke said. with a broken left wrist. The right­ Royce is also working on the hander is slated to be' a key in hurdles, a new event for him and one Welton’s pitching rotation. Of the toughest of track events. : “Ben is the real key,” Welton said. Senior Joe Blough is Clarke’s top “Basically, I feel real good about distance runner and senior Rans our staff but if Ben can’t perform Kemnitz is the team’s top long jumper someone else will have to step up. and sprinter. Senior Martip Cheng is That’s tiie case with (the suspended one of the best hurdlers andean com­ players) too. If they don’t play, some­ pete in any running event from the 800 one else who probably would have on down. been bit players will have to step for­ Senior Jim Hassett, Clarke Said, ward.” ROB CLEM takes a turn hitting whiffle balls during early-season practice. can literally compete in any track . Senior.Hob Clem and junior Jake Gem will be one of coach Wayne Welton’s top two pitchers this season. event, from hurdles to pole vault. Rindle are Welton’s top pitchers. He’ll be filling in where he’s peeded. JUNIORS Jon Royce, left, and Mike Terpstra, right, are two top performers Senior Craig Ferry should be the however, probably won’t be known However, we’re down four of those Other distance runners include on the Chelsea boys track team this spring. Royce has tflri^yHfrroken fateawn number three starter. However, until after the team comes back from peopl&now. If we can peak at the right sophomores Justin White, Tobin school high jump record. Terpstra is aiming for SO feet in the shotput. Ferry recently injured his ankle and its spring training trip to Florida. time the season could be a lot of fun.” Strong, Dan Zatkovich, Jody Shaw may be out for part or all of the “I know Kerry and Jake will hit and Chelsea’s schedule, as usual, is one and Scott Pbstiff, freshman Jim Ben­ season. with a full team we potentially have of the toughest around. Among non­ nett and Chris Leatham, and junior Other pitchers include juniors Chris more power than we’ve had in a conference opponents are Ann Arbor Jim Robinson. Royce Breaks Own White and Adam Taylor, and number of years,” Welton said. Pioneer, Brighton, and Jackson Coun­ Others on the team include senior sophomores Steve Grau and Ken “Without those other players, ty Western, all potential play-off- Far Raduane (exchange student from Slane. however,* we’ll probably be slower teams. France) in the sprints and long jump; High Jump Record The Bulldogs do appear to be strong than we have been in a long time and Welton’s assistants include Akel sophomore Chris Schiller; sophomore behind the plate. Taylor returns as we might have to play for the big inn- Marshall, who’s back for his 12th hurdler Mike Kennedy; sophomore Welton’" top rereiver while senior ing more often.’ Season. Todd Starkey, who’s in his sprinter Ryan Skelley; junior half; Tucker Steele backs him up. Tecumseh and Saline appear to be third season, and Randy Brier, who’s miler and quarter-miler Mike Reese; “ The infield is still a little ques­ the teams to beat in the leagues, in his fourth. In addition, Chelsea resi- senior quarter-miler Ty Darden; tionable depending on what happens Welton said. Milan, Dexter, and! dent and former Detroit Tiger Fred senior distance runner and hurdler Several members of the Chelsea mate David'Beeman placed eighth at to the missing players. Rindle and Pinckney should also be competitive' Holdsworth has been working with the Lonnie Allgood, freshmen shotputters Bulldogs boys track team placed in a 40’ 2” . senior Kelly Beard will see time at . and Lincoln always has outstanding pitching staff. Starkey and Brier are David Beeman and Matt Dymond; 32-team invitational at Siena Heights In the 1600 run, senior Joe Blough first base, and senior shortstop Kerry athletes, he said. former standout Chelsea players. sophomore sprinter and long jumper College last Saturday. placed 10th in 4:56.8. Plank has been one of the highlights of “I think we can compete with any of “It’s a unique experience for the Brian Piasecki; and freshman Dan Junior Jon Royce set a meet record Senior exchange student Raduaone the early season. Juniors Rick Gouse them if we don’t suffer any more set­ kids to have coaches of that quality Alber. . and a new school record in the high Farr placed 14th in the long jump at and Jason Adams are battling for the backs,” Welton said. who a re willing to give their time," Clarke said the standout teams of jump with a leap of 6’ 8” to take first 17’ 5”. second base job and Ferry had a lock “We have a veteran team with 11 Welton said. the SEC should be Lincoln, Milan, and place. The 800 relay team of Mike Reese, on third base until his injury. Grau players back, including eight seniors. defending champion Pinckney. Junior Mike Terpstra placed second Martin Cheng, Farr, and Royce plac­ and Gem could see time at the hot in the shot put at 47’ 2”, while team ­ ed 12th in 1:43.3. corner. ~ ; Welton is loaded'with potential out­ Monti, Sprint Medley LisaUnterbrink__ fielders, including sophomore Chris AMERICAN Dunham, senior Rick Westcott, Pitching for Steele, Beard, and Gem. Plank has been swinging the best Team Win at Siena Columbus College FLAGS! bat of the early season, Welton said. 5:18.9, with a strong, evenly-paced Former Chelsea High school stu- __ “He’s hitting well, his arm is Chelsea Bulldogs girls track team • State of Michigan race, according-tfrcoaeh Bill Balnton. Unterbrink-is-pitchingfor stronger than last year, and he looks • Foreign • U of M 32-team Siena Heights Shamrock In­ The sprint medley team also won the Columbus (Ga.) Lady Cougars refreshed after a strenuous basketball • EMU • MSU season,” Welton said. vitational last Saturday. with a time of 4:38. Laura Paton led softball team this spring. TENTiES flags and m ore/ Plank and Rindle will likely hit The Bulldogs placed first in two off in the 400 and put Chelsea in the Unterbrink recently pitched 14 inn­ AWNING c a third or fourth. The rest of the line-up, events. Lisa Monti won the 1600 run in lead. Leah Hadley and Theresa Royce ings in a double-header against Ken- added to the lead on the 200 legs, and nesaw State College, lost the first Monti finished it off with a 2:33 in the game', 3-1, won the second game, 2-1, 617 $. ASHLEY • ANN ARBOR • (313) 665-9126 800 leg. and gave up only one earned run. Chelsea Aquatic Club, Spring 1991 There were other placers as well. “lisa did everything we could have Royce took fifth place in the long possibly asked her to do,” said her ** ***• coach, Larry Keyes. & v jump at 14’ 5” . In the first game, Unterbrink had a The 800 relay team of Hadley, (313)475-9830 Amanda Nimke, Jessica Holton, and 1-0 lead going into the seventh-before Paton finished fifth in 2:00.5. a two-base error in centerfield ruined her effort. ' SPRING YOUTH SOCCER c% The 32QH relay of Sarah Brosnan, Sarah Henry, Beth Bell, and Tracey Unterbrink is a sophomore. COME JOIN IN ON AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING SPORT Walesplaced fourth in 11:13.0. clu® clo® “I think we made an outstanding Moke cheeks payable to C.A.C. showing for so early in the season,” Learn CPR . GRADES K-8TH: EMPHASIZING INSTRUCTION AND FUN Bainton said. — NBVFOR1W1: PROGRAM EXTBCffl TO INCLUOeTTW AflDrTW QflADGB The meet featured teams from WERE FIGHTING'FOR • ' We do not compote at a team during the Spring Ses­ southern Michigan and Ohio. YOUR LIFE APRIL 10:7-10PM: 0RGANIZAT10NAL/IN8TRUCT10NAL sion. Instead we offer the Spring Stroke Clinic. Swim­ » J k mers Improve their technique through specific stroke MEETING FOR COACHES AND REFEREES AT THE Give a American Heart drills.; Improvement of starts and turns Is also emphasis­ Association HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA ed. The Individual and group videos we used last spring Gift Subscription to * worked very weli end we plan to use this teaching of Michigang a n AU-MC nm iD PAHr«8AFEWBjCOMtAHDB «O m AnH>TOATTBC method again this year. The^helseaStandardi APRIL 13: INSTRUCTIONAL/ PRACTICE DAY AMYOFMmucnoN for earn pwmcrMaiP«PBin SPRING 1991 SCHEDULE Y ou m ake a lot of prom ises O STttOKI CUNlCt 4/A-5/J Mop/Wed/Prl 5:00-4:00 11 yrs. ft eldar , APRIL 20 • JUNE 1: SATURDAY: GAMES Coat 430.00 4:00-5:00 10 yrt. A younger to your, fam ily. . . MVINOt 4/0-5/30 (• wfcf.) Tuet./Thurt. 3:00-4:00 Beginners Coat! 430 4:00-5:00 Adv. Beginners U niversal Life helps you FEES: $14.00 (SYLVAN/LYNDON/DEXTER TOWNSHIPS) SWIM LESSONS - Seoelon I Tuet./Thurt. 4:00-4:30 Beginner I . k e e p t h e m — ------— Coat! 435.00 t 4:30-5:00 Beginner II $20.00 {ALL OTHER TOWNSHIPS) * 4/0-5/2 4:30-5:00 twinImotor • M<0 8UR0HW9E FOR NONOONIHtUIMa TOWNtHPS ^A pald-off mortgage, college for the kids, an SWIM USSOMS - Soaalon II Tuet./Thurt. 4:00-4:30 toglnnor I Income for your family. You can keep these Coat! 595.00 4:30-5:00 Soglnnor II 5/7-5/30 4:30*5:00 Iwlmnwr promises—even If you die—with a Universal Life WATCH THI8 SPACE FOR MORE INFO ON SOCCER AND policy from Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company of Michigan. It's an ideal way to accumulate cash OTHER CHELSEA RECREATION COUNCIL PROGRAMS IN SATURDAY SCHEDULE: 4/13-6/1 (8 WKS.) and earn tax-deferred Interest, toO.Xall today, so DAVI ROWS, CPCU Instead of empty promises, you can give your FUTUREWEEKS Adult Aerobics Coat: 430.00 9:00-10:00 a.m. 121 S. Mein family a fulfilling future. *MaldM your fdture Chelsea, MV45115 PROGRAM REGISTRATION " Coat: 425.00 10:00.10:30 o.m. FM M BU XAiJ fM a ante more Phone: 475-5154 Coat: 425.00 10:30-11:00 o.m. i " predictable. PLEASE PRINT AN0 COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION Beginner II Cost: 425.00 11:00-11:30 elm. aWlRMRSf Coat: 425.00 11:30-12:00 p.m. Parent-Tot Coat: 425.00 12:00-12:30 p.m. ______I ______I. MOST VCR's REPAIRED PAffTiaPANTNAME BtfTTHMY CMOS UFSOUARO COUfttl • KID CROftt CSftTINCATION 5/7-5/31 .1 M F IN 1-2 DAYS CITY 2POOOK Ttfes./1hurs. Coat: 425.00— Books 4:00-10:00 p.m. 425.00— Instruction J YMYLA8AMAL t PHONE 8NRT5tZE: YOUTH ; ADULT This court# It offered to twlmmert oge 15 through adult. A 500-yard con- VILLAOI VCIK tlnuoui twlm It required for entry. Enroll by May f. , ______J. 920S. MAIN, CHUM* P M M N I *4.: Bosoar, B a a b *~ ) O uM tlom t Call Jill Taylors 473-2172 or Linda Parrt 47S*3240 MON -FRI., a-8 P.M. SAT. 1 'i:.'

I m A

Cribbage T ourney The ch»lse0 Standard: Wednesday, March 27, 1991 n Finalists Named Qualifiers for the finals of the Chelsea Cribbage Tournament were determined after the third week of play on Tuesday, March 19. The final night featured some major Split Week-enders League Senior House League Chelsea Bantams League changes in the standings. - Standby u of March 17 Standings after the third week are > W L Standings as of March 25 Standings as of March 93 Dire Strikes..’...... SO 25 . W L W L as follows. The top eight qualified for M & M's...... 70 as Thompson’s P ta a ...... 61 18 Vargo...... 45 15’ the finals. Jobii...... :.:w M Waterloo Village Market...... 49 28 Kaiser...... 40 90 Steele’s Heating...... 49 28 Sparetimers...... 89 46 Sayers...... ,...30 30 Pts. Spr. Farmerclsts...... 84 Casual Sports...... 47 30 51 McCalls Feeds...... 47 30 Team No. 4...... 5 50 1. Bob Woodard 43 219 Sweet Things...... 53 52 Boys, games over 50: M. Vargo, 00; B. Sayers, 2. Hod Hull 42 170 FourW’s .:...... 53 52 DAPCO...... r.44 33 81; R. Kaiser, 57. Easy Rollers...... 51 Smith’s Service...... 42 38 Boys, series over 100: B. Sayers, 162; M. Vargo, 54 Detroit Abrasives...... 42 35 3. Everett Gier. 39 152 dark Bar...... 47 53 146; R. Kaiser, 101. 4. Torn Haight 38 145 Kahuna*-.-..-:...... 47 88 Furniture Doctor...... 42 33 Boys star of the weds: R. Kaiser, 25 pins over Myti’s ...... 4K62 Chelsea Realty...... 38 39 average for series. 5. David Brennan 38 84 Pm Heads...... 4K64 Parts Peddler ...... 38 41 6. Rick Loomis 38 43 Nobody’s ...... 37 88 BauerBullders...... 33 44 Vacant...... 31 53 Chelsea Lumber...... 32 45 7. John Campbell 38 34 Klink Excavating...... 32 45 Mid-Morning Mixed League Male, high games-1’ ML Frlnkle/246: i Socks, Vogel’s Party Store...... 31 46 8. Tami Boyer 37 71 200; D. Mygrents, 196; H. Lossy, 190; R. Wurster, Ann Arbor Well Drilling...... 27 50 Standings as of March a 9. WaltWasielewski 36 126 189; D. Beaumont, 187. VFW No. 4076...... 26 51 -• ' W L Male, high series: M. Frinkle, 646; R. Wurster, Team No. 17...... 15 62 Tlmberwolves...... 56 28 10. Fremont Boyer 36 122 532; J. Socks, 531; D. Mygranto, 531; K, Sprague, Strike Force...... 50 34 llv Wendell Aten 36 115 528; D. Beaumont, 496. High series, 526 and over: K. McCalls, 546; R. Ameel, 546; M. Dault, 563; D. Clouse, 531; T. Dart, Team No. 4...... 50 34 12. Winston’Boyer 35 179 Female, high games: S. Barker, 190; M. A. 571; G. Brower, 567; D. Adams, 581; G: Packard, Bollinger Sanitation...... 49 35 Sprague, 177; S. Rodgers, 169; T. Losey, 165; J. 564; D; Trinkle, 532; J.Vogel, 531; J. Hughes, 547; Super Bowlers...... 49 35 13. Duane Boyer 35 85 Socks, 163. E. Williamson, 642; M. Walx, 564; F. Hutchinson, Team No. 11...... 39 45 14. Bill Howard Female, high series: J. Socks, 473; T. Ball, 470; 552; E. Riddle, 597: J, Layher, 563; D. Gentler, Gutters...... 37 47 M. A. Sprague, 463; V. Worster, 444; S. Barker, 562; T. Elsele, 530; B. Faron; 525; M. Fouty, 563; D. Team No. 10...... 38 48 15. Danny Williams 443; A. Pearson; 441. Noye, 566; E. Vasas, 691; F. White, 579; R. Zator- The Dudes...... 31 53 16. David Babcock skl, 560; J, Atwell, 555;-ArClous* 530.------Team No. 12...... 83 61 HigiLseries, 600 and over: J. Audet, 663; M. Male, games over 100: P. Lynch, 102; J. Strock, 17. PegPatchett Junior House League Schanz, 889...... - 167; J. Clark, 144; B. Jedele, 136; R. Dunlap, 134; 18. Dan Campbell Standings as ot March 21 High games,-200 and over: K. McCalls, 204; R. D. Price, 129; B. Hicks, 128; R. Weiner, 12?; B. Ameel, 215;' M. DaulL-213: D. Clouse, 212: G, Jankovlc. 125: B. Miller. 116: J. Fletcher, 112; J. 19. Forrest Goll ------' W L 20. BobGuth Mark IV Lounge...... 67 17 Brower, 207; D. Alexander, 200; D. Adams, 202, Stetson, 1087m. Hicks, 101. ^71 Smith's Service...... 62 236; F. Zuehlke, 209; M. Walz, 223; F. Hutchinson, Male, series over 300: P. Lynch 491; J. Strock, 21. Nan Hunt 30 -31 22 235; J. Audet, 258, 215; E, Riddle, 214; J. Layher, 440; R. Dunlap, 401; B. Jedele, 354; J. Clark, 380; Chelsea-Woodshed...... 61 23 22. Bob Smith 30 -34 Jiffy Mix...... '...... 60 24 203; D. Gentler, 201; M. Schanz, 217,248, 224; M. R. Weiner, 362; D. Price, 347; B. Jankovlc, 319; B. Little WtfCk Excavating...... 53 31 Fouty, 232; D. Noye, 201; E. Vasas, 229; F. White, Miller, 314; J. Fletcher, 310. 23. Everett Goss 29 44 Schumm’s ...... 44 40 217; R. Zatorski, 222; J, Atwell, 203; B. Reed, 209. Female, games over 100: A- Tuttle, 124;- E. 24. A1 Schiller 29 -12 Print ,43V* 40* Kellman, 101. , Drywall...... 40 44 Female, games over 300: A. Tuttle, 322, 25. Ginny Wheaton 28 98 i Glass...... 38 46 Male star of the week: J. Bacon, 91 pins over 26. Ed Stockwell 27 -223 Chelsea Lanes...... 35 49 Tri-City Mixed League average for series. Eder Lime Spreading...... 32 52 Female star of the week: E. Kellman, 53 pins 27. Tom Lannon 26 *155 Vogel’s Party Store...... 31 53 Standings as of March 22 over average for series. 28. Harriet Haught 28 -179 W L Washtenaw Engineering...... 31 S3 29. Lyle DeMoulpied 24 -40 JENEX...... 30 54 Wolverine ..;...... 132 71 Duffs...... 130 73 3-D Sales & Service...... 22* 61* Chelsea Youth Mixed League 30. Darrel Clark 15 -322 Ind games: E. Vasas, 237; E. Buku, 233: D, Chelsea Lanes...... 123* 79* 31. Bonnie DeMoulpied 14 -395 Adams,, ; J. Harook, 226; J. Lyerla, 223; C. Gip- Colonial House Salon...... 122 81 Standings as of March 23 son, 21o. Chelsea Telecom...... 120* 82* W L Ind. high series: E. Vasas, 618; D. Adams, 615; Alstron Electric...... v...... 117 86 Pin Punchers...... 60 24 J. Harook, 602; C. Ewen, 599; P. Lehman, 591; D. Sportsman’s ...... 116 87 Wolverines...... 60 24 Gipson, 560. M * M’s...... 113 90 Mark IV...... 108 96 Landalet MFG...... 60 17 Lucky Thirteen...... 100 103 McCalla Feeds...... 55 29 Y oung Wrestlers Express Lounge...... 98 105 The Dead Milkmen...... 50 34 Chebea Lanes Mixed League Atwood Asphalt...... 95 108 The Nothings Again...... 50 34 Standings as of March 22 - Century Dodge ...... 69 114 The Right Stutf.______45 39 Win Medals at CAPTAINS of this year’s Chelsea Bulldogs tennis team are seniors Chris W L Fun Four...... 81 122 Team No. 12...... 44 40 Dual Painting...... 120 97 Tanning Hut...... 77 126 Chelsea Wolverines...... 43 41 Haugen, left, and Richard Mason. Four Spares...... 119 96 Blind...... 2 201 Darlin Starllns...... 39 45 Jackson Meet Wild Four...... 117 100 Women,- games 150 and over: N. Cavender, 154, Team No. 5...... 34 43 Chelsea recreation wrestlers com­ The Lakers...... 112 106157, ISO; K. Fletcher, 156,190,158; J. Harms, 181, The Best Of The Rest....: ...... 32 62 Howlett Hardware...... 107 110 171; M.J. Boyer, 173, 176; K. Cavender, 186; J. Tazmanian Devils...... 32 52 peted Saturday, March 16 at Jackson Los Amigos...... 103 114/-'Schulze, 155; J. Zlel, 164; G. Ritchie, 156; C. Staf­ The Girls...... 25 50 Northwest. Twenty-Nine Boys TenPlnen...... 103 113 fer, 199; T. Ritchie, 170,156, 171; K. Mlatech, 154; Cats...... 20 64 The Striken...... 87L. USMann, 192,151; C. Knapp, 164>. A. Swltgenberg, a a Four...... 9 75 First-place medals were won by Women, 425 series and over:F. Zatorski, 435; K. 169; M. Ridenour, 151, 165; P. Mullins, 161; C. Boys, games over 115: P. Urbaniek, 187; J. But- Cameron Fanner and Gary Farmer. Stepp, 428; D. Clark^466; D. Richmond, 469; L. .... Mlllor, 1M ...... zky, 177; J. Horn, 169; K. Judson, 156; B. Jedele, Brent-Young won a second-place Benue, 456; A. Clemes, 446; B. Buss, 469; J. Women, series 450 and over: N. Cavender, 461; 154; J. Schick, 150; M. Mil&zzo, 145; C. Grossman, 145; M^Malsano, 142; B. Hansen, 138; J. Marie 11, InTennis-Tryouts- Schmude, 430; B. Kaiser, 551; M. Boyer, 461. K. Fletcher, 504; J. Harms, 482; M.J. Boyer, 495; medal and Kevin Bloomensaat won a Men, 475 series and over: R. Zatorski, 538; N. K. Cavender, 451; C. Staffer, 472; T. Ritchie, 497; 133; M. Randolph, 131; J. Mooney, 126; E. Mc­ third-place medal. Griffin, 522; T. Schulze, 495; J. Richmond, 524; R. L. Mann, 470. ^ Calla, 123; R. Chase, 122; J. Bergman, 120; M. Twenty-nine boys are trying out for Jachalke, Hoosiflnan Nightengale, Huschke, 120; E. Walker, 110; J. Klvl, 119; K. Ken- Others who participated included Schmude, 510; J. Hetzel, 506; B. Martin, 536; B. Men, games 175 and over: A. Stump, 203,178; C. the Chelsea Bulldogs varsity tennis Dan Stahl, Aaron Tanner, Adam Cook, 580. Gipson, 216, 182. 221; P. Fletcher, 177, 248; D. drich, 117. Matt DeLong and Tim Rickelman. Boys, series over 345: P. Urbanek, 520; J. But-, team this year. Tillman, and Mike Tremper. Women, 150gamea and over: F, Zatorski, 165; K. BukitriaO; T. SdnilzeI 182rl80r2934JLJVade, 214, Sam Stepp, 154; D. Clark, 150, 163,152; D. Richmond, 179; J. Ritchie, 180; S. Cavender, 196, 179; A. zky, 477; J. Horn, 435; K. Judson, 434; B. Jedele, ~ “That makes ihe~competition for “ With such a large squad, we will 183, L. Behnke, 184; A. Clemes, 446; B. Buss, 172, Rosentreter, 190: T. Livingston. 192. P. Fltecher.. 394; B. Hansen, 382; J. Schick, 381; M. Milazzo, water and won a first-place medal. 161; J. Schmude, 161; B. KalaerTI94, 20ff; ST. Jr., 200; T. LaCrob. lM; tTKuW, 200,188; W. Patt, 370; M. Malsano, 364; J. Mooney, 354; E. McCalla, the 10 varsity places, four at singles have a very powerful junior varsity Boyer, 177! 192; K. McKlmmy, 177. 351 { C. Grossman, 346. and six at doubles, extremely keen,” team,” Capper said. Men, 175 games and over: R. Zatorski, 196; N. Men, series 475 and over: A. Stump, 531; C. Gip­ Girls, games over 115: E. Olberg, 166; H. Glffin, 200; T. S£hulzer200; J. Richmond, 214; R. son, 619; P. Fletcher, 589; T. Schulze, 585; T. GreenLeaf, 156; C. Vargo, 156; R. Lindmeier, 139; said coach John Capper. Capper said the strongest teams the Schmude, 169,185; J. Hetzel, 189; B. Mai 184, Wade, 567; S. Cavender, 633; A. Rosentreter, 496; M. Beeman, 127; S. Franklin, 125. Seniors Chris Haugen and Richard' Bulldogs should face are Saline, Ann 190; D. Kruszewskl, 183; R. Clark, 185; B. T. Livingston, 624; T. La Croix, 497; T. Kuhl, 651; Girls, series over 345: H. GreenLeaf, 430; E. Arbor Greenhills, and Jackson Lumen 220, 187. W. Patt,'504; L. Sauers, 487; K. McKlmmy, 498. Olberg, 419; R. Lindmeier, 391; C.. Vargo, 380. Chelsea Realty Super Six League Mason will co-captain the team, along Boys star of the week: M. Randolph, 106 pins with Booby Lenzel, a Yugoslavian ex­ Chrlsti. The team has 15 scheduled over average for series. Standings as of Much 26 matches before post-season play. — Senior Fun Time League Girls star of the week: R. Lindmeier, 118 pins W L change student. over average for series. ’ Team Pending...... 118 85 Juniors returning include some of Standings as of March M Sunday Nite Come O ns Stud Finders...... 113 90 W L Standings as of March 17 Do Not Know's...... Ill 102 the strongest players in Scott Larry’s Loves...... 74 42 w L Aces...... 101 102 Pacheco, Ben Manning, Rob Coelius, Triple acuAction< ...... 64 52 Sixty Nlners...... 70 35 Leisure Time League K. of C. Land Lovers...... 91 112 Tell Them . Jolly...... irta. 763* -52*- The SportsFour...... 8 8 ~ 39 Standings u of ...... -.86 117 and Sean Daigle. Scott Dale and Scott Dorothy & Fellows...... 61* 54* Four W’s...... 63 49 • • \, 1 W L 150 and over games: J.. Armstrong,: 151; T.. Leeman are returning sophomores., You Read It Ten Pina...... 61 55 Jam’r ...... 61 44 Stars Strikes...... 72 40 Whitley, 180,170; S. Bain too, 165,176;G. Baczyn- CBM.dU.i.-;...... 61 55 Casual Sports...... 61 48 Gutter Boxes...... 60* 51* skl, 156, 184; R. Hummel, 159, 151; R. HUligoss, I%Bt>year players Include Jason Green Ones'...... 60 56 New Team No. 15...... 60 45 New Girls...... 59* 52* 164: D. Borders, 179,161,157; S. Elsele, lSOTlfl; S. Allan, Tim Bowers, Cory Brown, In Wood chopper?. .59* 56* Nlc’s & Rose’s____ ...... 56 49 Sweet Rollers...... 59 53 Steele, 174,167; C. Ziegler, 171; J. Hatch, 162; D. Vince Dunn, David Burkel, Jason Good Timers:...... 59 57 C*V ...... 54 51 Alley Kata...... 56 66 Stetson, 156; C. Hall, 168; B. Green, 159. THE STANDARD Three Ole Gals...... 68* 67* Nolds...... 52 53 M isfits...... 53* 58* 450 and over series: D. Borders, 497; S. Elsele, Grayeski, Jeff Gietzen, Alex Ham- Three G’s...... 56 60 Waterloo Aces...... 50 55 Country Belles...... ,...... 52 60 465; S. Steele, 486; T. Whiteley, 497; S. Bainton, merschmidt, Steve Harness, Matt ThreeCookies...... 47 69 . The Diners...... 49 58 Oldies But Goodies...... 51 61 460; G. Baczynskl, 475. Strikers...... 48 70 Proctor Racing...... 46 57 Alley Kata...... 51 ■ 61 Go Getters...... -.43 73 Neighbors...... 45 60 Nifty 50’s...... 45* 66* Men, high series: M. Nicholas, 5rt; J. Rich­ Bottom's Up...... 44* 53* Games over 140: S. Shepherd, 156; P. 1 mond, 492; E. Curry, 467; G. Beeman, 466. Lucky Fours...... 44 61 140,156,152; S. Wheaton, 144,138; C. Hoffman, 158, Women, high series: D. Richmond, 466;. G. Whatchamacallits... 41* 60* 161, 166; G. Myers, 148r J. Van Meer, 167; J. Puckett, 457; M. Kuahmaul, 446; L. Parsons, 444; New Team No, 16. .. 66 GolighUy, 192,142, 145; R. Kuntzman, 141,146; M. F. Noworyta, 437; C. Brooks, 427; I. Mayr, 415; E. The Happy Campers 60 Kolander. 170.157,170; E. Heller, 167,194,160; S. Wnlkar ------;------Women, 150 games and over: K. Rosentreter, Friday, 166, 141, 141; K. strock,...iso, m ; M. Men, high games: B. Nicholas, 169,201: J. Rich- 160; P. Lesser, 155; K. Fouty, 168; M. Fishwick, Birtles, 164; L. Stoll, 144, 142; H. Hickey, 141; B. mond,_178,T65; G. Beeman, 176,156; F. Dillon, 151, 163,172; G. Reed, 163; S. Fletcher, 151; J. Rosen- Kies, 140,157; K. Haywood, 143; G. Wheaton, 156, taeterrieg, 172; 8. NleoUrl63rT76r SrRtddle,153r-i40rJulieJLuhlrWr 143rl^ ; M. Wooster, 144rl71; McKinnbnTlM; B. kush^ul,152; J .-Staffer, 161. L. Parker, 158; D. Vargo, 153; B. Ahrens, 16^ 165, R. Rudd, 147, 185; P, WhttesaU, 160, 160,169; B. Women, high series: M. Kusfamaul, 147, 170; L. 161; K. Strock, 174,153,152; B. Houk, 164; G. dark, Zenz, 141; C. Fischer, 156; K. Cross, 169, Parsons, 144, 141,159; D. Richmond, 146,164, 156; 165,202. Series over 500: C. Hoffman, 506; E. Heller, 521; F. Noworyta,i37,J54,144: C. Brooks, 134,142,151; Men, 175 games and oyer: M. Fouty, 181, 180, R. Rudd, $32. I. Mayr, 154, 136; E. Walker, 147,146; D; Lentz,' 189; W. Weston, 190; M. Fouty, 201: J. McDaniels, Series over 400: S. Shepherd, 408; P. Weigang, • 142; G. Creason, 130, 142; McGuire, 133, 136; J, 202; S. Dault, 233; A. Fletcher, 190, 196, 206; D. 448; J. Golightly, 483; R. Kuntzman, 408; M. Buckingham, 141; M. Nicholas, 130, 137; G. Parker, 176; R. Riddle, 178,214; C. House, 160; D. Kolander, 497; S. Friday, 448; K. Strock, 485; L Puckett, 153,148, 156. Seyfried, 165; M. Dault, 230; M. tyalz, 182,254,192; Stoll, 421; B. Kies, 419; G. Wheaton, 433; Julie SpUtaVF. Noworyta, 5-7-tO;H.Matthews, *7-9; PTVargo, 178; BTCalkins, 224; r i 86i R. Kuhl, 48l; M. Woosterr42S; P. WhittaaH, 499rBr- E. Walker, 7-9-10; C. Brooks, 3-10; E. Curry, 3-10; Walz, 175. Zenz, 404. L. Parsons, 8-10. Woraert; 450 series and over: M. Fishwick, 462; J. Rosentreter, 481; S. Nicola, 488; B. Ahrens, 494; K. Give a Strock, 479; G. Clark, 504. Rolling Pin League Men, 500 series and over: M. Fouty, 550; M. Fou­ ty, 515; J. McDaniels, 515; S. Dault, 527; A. Flet- Standings as of March II Gift Subscription to chcr, 594; n. m ddter530; M.-Dauit,-572^M, Walz, W L Kookie Kutters...... '.:...... ' “69 43~ The Chelsea Standard 1 ^ ; b. c^kins, 554 Sugar Bowls...... 65 47 Beaters.,...... 62 56; Tea Cups...... : ...... ,.62 50> Grinders...... 59 53 56-56- Coffee Cups...... 50 62 Get a Regular — You’ll also get Blenders...... 50 83 Happy Cookers...... 48 66 Checking Account total checking Louunps...... 41 71 500 series: G. Clark, 520; P. Harook, 518. free of monthly convenience. OPEN 400 series: J. Edlck, 477; D. Haber, 441; P. Weigang, 427; S. Blumenauer, 425; J. Kuhl, 454; C. Staffer, 437; J. Lindmeier, 426;^, Strock, 493; J. service charges • 24-hour ATM access with Wackenhut, 473; E. Schulz, 427; M. Hanna, 409; B. 5 ;C .r a-Society.®Cash Card...... BOWUNG Haist, 468; M. Plumb. 431. 200 games: G. Clan, 206; J. Edlck, 204. Package Plus. 140 games: G. Brier, 149: L Oran, 168; D. ► Overdraft protection** Hafner, 161,148; P. Weigang, 189; 3. Blumenauer, 157; J. Edlck, 146; J. Ilrtdmeler, 176: C. Staffer, Package Plus lets you use your loan SCHEDULE 166; J. Kuhl, 156, 154, 146; M. Birtles, 150; L. Wacker, 146; J. Wackenhut, 179,157; 5 . Strock, balances to waive service chaiges on the Check out this limited- 194,163; M. Hanna, 141,140; P. Harook, 189, 169, 160; E. Schulz, 156,141; C. Ramig, 163, 149,147;, banking services you use most. Combine time gift offer. SUN.. .11:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M. Forner, 177; G. Clark, 181; M. numb. ITS, 140; A. Gnu, 173, 163; B. Wolfgang, 180, 164, 145; B. your Society Regular Checking, Savings* Haist, 192,147. Now when you open a Regular *8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m and Installment Loan balances to meet the Checking Account MON. T T t T .—,,—.— —. Noon-—6:15 —1 N ile O w l required minimum balance, and you’ll StaattngsasotMarcfelS and get a Society 9:00 p.m.-l 1:00 p.m W L qualify for these savings: Chelsea Lions....,...... 50 32 C ash C ard, y o u ’ll Chelsea Lanes...... 52 39 TUES...... 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Bad Boys...... 38 S3 • A Regular Checking Account with receive a Black & * Lyndon Sod Busters...... U,S3 561 High games: T. Pulley,205; EL Pearson, 196,210, < no monthly service charges Decker Spotlit^ ♦ *0:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m. 222. I • High series; J. Nicola, 502; T. Pulley, 525; H. Rechargeable Light. ¥ Pearson, 628. • A M asterCard® or Visa® with no WED...... Noon- 6:15 p.m. H. Pearson, 160 pins over average. Offer is limited, so hurry to the * annual fee**— 9:00 p.m .-l 1:00 p.m. Society office nearest you. * Chelsea Suburban League A l/2^> discount on your next * THURS...... Noon- 6:15 p.m. 8tawUog* m of March M * Certificates of Deposit and IRAs excluded - W L installment loan** * 9:00 p.m.-l 1:00 p.m. Walkowe Home Improvement...... 131 72 “ Subject to credit approval ' McCalla Feeds...... :I)0 73 One Spotliter per household, please. * Chelsea Lanaa...... 115 88 Member FDIC FRI...... Noon- 6:30 p.m. Chelsea Pharmacy...... 113 10 * DAE Entorpriaes...... 109 94 Belser Builders...... 108 10 * *6:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Tower Mart...... 103 100 Chelsea Mining...... 1 0 2 1 0 1 9:00 p.m.-Midnight Tbompeon’i Pizzeria...... 1...... 108 101 * FtowEzy...... 100 103 ¥ Arm Art»r Centerless...... 80114 SAT. •****«•••• . .8:30 a.m.-Midnight Team No: 8...... 18 187 Gamea of 155 and over: B. Harden, 158; D. Clarx, •Limited number of lane* available. 174; D. Collins, 190; J* Summers, U7; D. Schulz, ¥ 165,160; E. Schulz, 159; 3. Sohuh, 151: M. Larder, t PIw o m call lor lanae on wook-ondt. 156; T. Saarinen, 158,155; K. Bauer. 167,198,208; RMOnMtlene «Mpt«d-475

The Chelseo Stgndord, Wednesday, Mqrch 27, 1991 Poster, Essay Contest

Slated by H um ane Society

In celebration of “Be Kind to Arbor Dog Training Club. More than Animals’' week, the Humane Society 10 different breeds of dogs will be of Huron Valley is once again holding represented and their handlers will its annual Poster and Essay Contest. give demonstrations of obedience The contest is open to all tri$ls> relays and fly ball. Washtenaw county students, grades kindergarten through 12. Prizes will Any student may enter his or her be awarded for all first through third own poster and/or essay that place winners (both poster and essay) creatively expresses this year’s in the following categories: theme, “Sharing Our World With Kindergarten, lst-2nd grades, 3rd-5th Animals.” Entry deadline is April 22. grades, 6th-8th grades, and 9tb-12th Winners will be announced during grades. This year’s prizes will in­ “Be Kind to Animals" week, May clude: Tigers tickets, video rentals, M l. C.D.’s and much more! Two grand prizes will be awarded to For contest information and rules, the top poster and essay. Grand prize contact the HSHV Education Depart­ for the top essay will be a classroom ment at 662-5545, Monday through Fri­ visit by Steve Marsh. Steve is well day. known throughout the county for his The Humane Society of Huron live animal, hands-on, educational Valley is a private, non-profit programs. Grand prize for the top organization serving Washtenaw poster is an in-school mini-dog show county’s homeless and injured presented by the members of the Ann animals.

Mlnix Printlna and Office Supplies, Inc.

121 Herbert Street P.O. Bos 157 Stockbridge, M I 49285 (517) 851-8824

PARENTS AND FRIENDS of the Chelsea Bulldogs baseball team helped PAUL MIN1X, President erect the outfield fence last Saturday morning and afternoon at the Held. The Bulldogs head off to Florida this week-end for their annual spring, training trip. JOEL KRICHBAUM of Chelsea took first place in the m aster division of whltetail heads at the state taxidermy competition March 14-17 in GramT Rapids. Krichbaum is the “son" of Jim & Son Taxidermy on Waltrous Rd. Krichbaum’s work actually involved parts of two deer and took 40 hours worth of work. The deer has its eyes focused on a butterfly sitting on its nose, which Silvio DeCola Joel created out of plastic and pipe cleaners. The master division is the highest Ceramic Tile Contractor i., -i_j DESERT STORM division and Krichbaum has finished in the top three in each of the last three years. He plans to take his mount to national cpmpetition. Joel, a 1981 Chelsea High school graduate, has been helping his dad but since he was 10 and has Kitchens • Bathrooms • Porches • Stairways SUPPORT GROUP been a full-time taxidermist since his graduation. Jim, incidentally, took sec­ Brick Paving • Free Estimate ond and third in two fish categories at state competition. Saturday mornings - 9:00 a.m. 30 Years of Experience a t th e Faith In Action Building (313) 971-0355 • Ann Arbor (Chelsea Hospital Campus - North Drive) Everyone Welcome "PRAY >M Weather Is Arriving ------P I N C K N E Y The Chelsea Free M ethodist Church is open for Severe weather information, in­ Tornados have been recorded prayer every day from 6:30 a.m, to 11 p.m. cluding tornado and Lightning safety traveling as far as 300 miles. rules, will be presented for citizens An approaching tornado is CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC within' Washtenaw county at three characterized by heavy rain, hail, training meetings sponsored by the lightning/thunder, and ominous dark DR. MARY S-. READ Office of Emergency Management masses of clouds from which hangs 422 Dextor-PIncknoy Rd. Pinckney, Mich. and other agencies during the coming the funnel-shaped cloud. Tell Them You Read it weeks. As the storm moves along, the end Early detection and treatment of Injurles/lllnesses Although most everyone knows that of the funnel may touch the ground, the snow and ice is probably not gone then skip over an area to touch down, afford the best opportunity for recovery. in The Standard for the year, early signs of spring-like again, further on. weather are beginning to appear. A roaring sound will accompany the Ph.(313)878-3113 Tornado-Time tornado when it touches the earth’s Day and loaning Appointments Available Tornados ^generally occur irf’ute- surface.3 Michigan area, beginning in early It has been estimated that the winds spring through mid- to late-fall. “ accompanying a tornado may be as. C6C( CHELSEA EYEGLASS < Whether or not a tornado develops strong as 500 miles per hour. depends on the shape of the cold front ' Recently, research hais found that at the time. tornadic winds do much more damage After forming, tornados usually than the eye. FAMILY VISION CARE travel 25-40 miles per hour, and nor­ An area over which the eye of the mally move from the southwest to the storm passes first experiences wind CONTACT LENSES northeast. from one direction, then wind from another direction, as the rear wall of Huron Meadows the storm passes overhead. Michigan Statistics Dr. Nelson Edwards Optometrist Metropark Golf Tornados in Michigan are generally Raymond P. Howe, D.D.S., M S. the “mini" type, and provide very lit­ 515 South Main Street Course Now Open tle advance warning time. - — - Chelsea, Mi 48118 ,475-2260 475-1122 The 18-hole golf course at Huron Tornados in Michigan have formed Meadows Metropark south of diring severe thunderstorm watches 136 W. Middle St.. Cholioq (Next to Fjro Hall) BrightoninLivingsion county covers and warnings. ------6,647 yards with a par of 72. Lightning is the cause of more NEW PATIENTS WELCOME is now open (weather—deaths than tomados, and Michigan FVAMINATinttf APPOINTMF.NT WITHOUT CHARGE ]T'S ANT SEASON... permitting). ranks high, nationally, in the number Hours are (when weather and frost of lightning deaths, annually, conditions permit) 7 a.m. to dusk dai­ ly, with earlier hours on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Course hours EXTERM INATING, INC. will be extended as the daylight In­ c r e a s e s . ______will give you Golfers must provide their own equipment; however, power carts, personalized service hand carta and a limited line of golf SINCE 1929 pryourant problem accessories are available at the Golf UR TIS 5 B ® StarterBuildlngrFornddltionatinf or- and all your pest mation, persons should contact Huron —controtneeds— Meadows M*>troparfcr phone 231-4084 , ! or 1-800-23-GOLF-4 (toll-free). We’re small enough to really care. ..and large Junior (17 years of age and under) and Senior Citizen golf rates are FRUIT BASKETS enough to give expert service. available weekdays only (except holidays). for This site also has a driving range. 662-0113 Food service is available at the Snack Bar at the Golf Starter Building. EASTER Persons travelling north or souths along US-23 near Brighton can reach BULK GARDEN SEED Huron Medows by taking the Silver K o f C Lake Rd. Exit west to Whitmore Lake SEED POTATOES Rd., south 1/8 mile to Winans Lake Rd., then west 1/2 mile to Rickett Rd., DORMANT OIL FISH & SHRIMP then travel north 11/4 miles to Ham- mel Rd. FERTILIZER DINNERS A 1991 Vehicle Entry Permit is re­ ® \\ quired (annual: regular • $10, senior POTTING SOIL m i AND citizen * $5; or daily $2). The first strike by a permanent SA LA D BAR union was in 1792 by an organization DON'T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR of Philadelphia journeymen cord- ■SEEDLINGS A TRANSPLANTS U."hJL: . wainers, according to “Labor Firsts All You Can Eat! in America," a U.S. Labor Depart­ ment publication. The cordwainers protested against a reduction in wages. ALL BIRD FEEDERS $6.50 ’K' 40% OFF FRESH SENIOR CITIZENS $6.00 FRUITS 4 Childrens Portions Available DEXTER RENTAL • Power Tool* M ILK & COFFEE...... 50$ - town 8 Gordon Equipment GEE FARMS • Gonordtore • Pott Hole Dlggert STOP IN OR CALL • Carpet Cleaner* FRIDAY NIGHTS • Bobcot loader (517) 769-6772 • Chlpper/Shredder Last Fish Fry of the • Canopy Tehtt 14926 BUNKERHIM. RD., STOCKBRIDGE w 5 p.m.*8 p.m. • Tablet 8 Chain 6 - - Vtta A Moitf Cord Accepted---- OPEN YEAR AROUND 9 - 8498 dantral 84., D tittr AREAS LARGEST WALK THRU NURSERY M a n c h e s t e r K of C Hall , (313) 426-2216 AX Brighton Hospital’s The Chelsea Standard, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 13 ‘...... ^:;::/.‘^ f^ ^ F v ' Standard Want Ads **«*___ " 1 %>$$, <¥&>&' ' Programs Focus (*et Quick Hamits! [D on’t b e a n On Intervention heartbreaker During April Brighton Hospital will host two free community programs GOD MADE EARTH aimed at helping the family and friends of chemically dependent peo­ FOR HIS CHILDREN ple. HELP SAVE IT The first program, on Tuesday, April 2, focuses on how family iS. members, friends, and employers can confront and help a chemically de­ pendent person. The title of this eve­ ning’s lecture is: “Intervention: The Direct Approach to Treatment and Recovery.” ' Brian Duguay, the lEfli/ hospital’s Intervention Specialist, is the featured speaker. l i i i i According ta Duguay, the family fcEi& s M s r and friends of someone who is abusing ••A ssociation alcohol and other drugs realize that MAKE AN*EFFORT _they_need to take some action but are 475-7900 not sure how to begin. In an interven­ tion the group confronts the individual with the reality of his or her drinking or drug use in a factual, concerned, and non-judgmental manneF. In most cases, says Duguay, the S o m eo n e DOES Core. person Intervened upon will seek treatment.-Another-important-result is that the IndividtiaFs family and THIS HAY FIRE at the Jay Hopkins farm on M-52 Injured. As of press time the fire was still of undetermined friends have begun to help themselves north of Chelsea caused about $500 damage to the barn origin. by taking some action toward resolv­ but no loss of livestock last Friday, March 22. Nn nne was . ______ing the problem. The second session will take place Animal Agriculture on. Tuesday evening, April 16. The topic of this lecture is “Adult Children Plan Gets Boost of Alcoholics: Breaking the Cycle.” . . Ler Us Help Chelsea Village From Gov. Engler The April 16 program, part of a Chelieo Together series conducted at the hospital by In Cooperation with SOS A Michigan Farm Bureau com­ co n 475 0111 Livingston Counseling and Assess­ (SOS Will Help You) modity specialist said that' the ment Services and the Women’s Council Proceedings livestock Industry is pleased that Resource Center, presents informa- Govemor Engler has committed to tion on addiction and breaking the ey- totally funding the $67 million Animal cle of alcoholism and other types of Regular Session. Tuesday, March 5,1991 Agriculture Initiative over a one-year DRAINS and SEWERS The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Steele. drug problems. It is a special effort to period rather than the originally pro* reach people who are in relationships Present: President Steele, Clerk Anderson, Assistant Village Manager posed four-year time span. Kuehn, Administrative Assistant Fredette. with chemically dependent people, CLEANED ELECTRICALLY Trustees Present: Kanten, Merkel, Steele, Dorer, Hammer, Hall, Myers. “The nice thing about the speed-up who were raised" in chemically de­ Others Present: Suzanne Morrison, L. McDougal, D. Bulson, M. Wonderly, in funding is that it will almost pendent homes, or who are them­ Cecil Clouse, Kathryn Lambert, Dave Prohaska, Lisa Gray-Lioh, Diane Poon, guarantee that all parts and facets of selves chemically dependent. Both programs begin at 7 p.m. in FLOOR Mae Hadley, Fred Mills, Brian Hamilton, Doug Waslyton. ttie project will be completed on time the Brighton Hospital chapel. Reser­ Motion by Myers, supported Dorer, to approve the Consent Agenda as sub- and on schedule,” said Kevin Kirk of DRAINS niittcd Michigan Farm Bureau’s Commodity vations are not required. Brighton ------Motion by Hammer, supported-by Kanten-te-purehase-a used eompaetoF— Activities and Research Division.— MAIN for the Landfill in the amount of $62,000 from AIS‘Construction Equipment “The one-year funding could also save jusiottexiuju or tnei-^expressway, LINES Corp. Motion c arrie d ...... up to $10 "million off the final tab for The AATA Service Contract was discussed. Assistant Village Manager the project.” progran^, contact ine nosp w PROMPT SERVICE STORM Kuehn reported that Dexter’s cost for the bus service is between $3,000 and Kirk said the Animal Agriculture ^ SEWERS $4,000. Several members of the audience spoke in favor of keeping the bus in Initiative is designed to revitalize the 10 ' P Chelsea and submitted letters requesting continuation of the service. Assistant" state’s livestock industry by financing 8P\ Village Manager was instructed to check with the school, townships and research and teaching positions, and various other organizations in the area in an effort to solicit monetary support building and renovating livestock in funding the $9,053=00 fee^This matter will be placed on the March 19th Agen­ facilities at Michigan State Universi­ Pinckney Area Students SEPTIC TANKS—Cleaned, Installed, Repaired da. ty. “This investment will not only Graduate from WCC DRAINFIELD & OTHER EXCAVATING Motion by Kanten, supported by Hammer, to deny the request of Dave Pro- boost our animal agriculture in­ Washtenaw Community College haskajor the establishment of an Industrial Development District at 102 S. dustry,” he said, “it will generate ad­ ••'RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL studentswho-graduated in December Main. Motion carried. - ditional jobs and income from the pro­ Trustee Hall gave a report to Council on the fireworks issue and recom­ cessing and distribution industries 1990 were recently announced. Graduates from the Pinckney area mended that Chelsea 1995 be required to obtain $2 million liability insurance for and produce over $625 million a year BOLLINGER SANITATION SERVICE include: Donna J. Darrow, Bobby G. the event. It was the consensus of Council to postpone a decision on this m atter in direct and indirect value for the Hill, Saundra K. Hunawill, and Donna PHONE (313) 473-2097 until the Fair Board discusses it and offers their recommendation. Michigan economy.” M. Nester. lotion by Myers, supported by Hally to donate $400.00 to the America^ . r-"> j i on for theuptirehaaeftf AapufOkrUftwaAs Motion etitried. 4? I n r the placement of a street light in the 500 block of Arthur Street. Ayes: Hall, Kanten, Merkel, Dorer, Myers. Abstain: Steele. Hammer absent. Motion car­ ried. Motion by Myers, supported by Hall, to authorize personnel to solicit bids for two trucks from the Village garage. (A 1971 Chevy utility truck and 1973 Dodge pick up.) Motion Carried1: \ Motion by Hall, supported by Dorer, to authorize the Village President to sign an Agreement with Sylvan Township relative to the township hall. Motion

RESOLUTION ADOPTING FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 BUDGET AMENDMENTS BE IT RESOLVED, that the. Village Council of the Village of Chelsea does hereby adopt the Budget Amendments for the various funds attached hereto for Fiscal Year 1990/91. Motion by Myers, supported by Kanten, to adopt the above Resolution. Mo­ tion carried. (Amendments attached to these minutes as Appendix B.) Motion by Myers, supported by Kanten,-to charge $1.00 per foot in-the removal of snow and ice by Village crewsLas authorized in Ordinance #94. Mo- tion carried Motion by Kanten, supported by Hall, to set the rent on the Sibley house at $625.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion-by-KanteRrSupportedbyMyers, tohire^Ir.RobertHotling-for-aTee- not to exceed $200.00 to offer a training seminar to the Zoning Board of Appeal members. Motion carried. * * Motion by Kanten, supported by Myers, to enter into Executive Session. Motion carried. Time; 8:45 p.m. Motion by Kanten, supported by Myers, to adjourn Executive Session. Mo­ tion carried. Time, 9^:50 p.m.^ ^ ^ im nm a to adjourn regular scaalon. M tion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m._____ ' AUeiTL.'Anderson, Clerk. Unofficial Minutes F o r 7 9 W ai^G oiiify has p a id a of 'account than When you see news happening savings Bank! call 475-13711 Isn’t it T im e Y ou G et In te re s t-ed A nd O pen A n InterFirst BUY HIRE - PAY HERE Money Master Account! NEED A CAR OR TRUCK? with a m onthly statem ent. Yq u g e t a ll HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED DOWN ELSEWHERE? It is the right tim e to get int’erest-ed . W hy not m ake the m ost on your m oney the benefits without tying up"your m oney! • CREDIT PROBLEMS...... ^ OK and earn this exceptional < Think about it - it’s • NO CREDIT...... * * OK rate w hen you open an w here the sm art • DIVORCE...... OK InterFirst M oney M aster r m oney is today. Open • BANKRUPTCY...... ^ OK Account. There is no an interFirst M oney YOUR JOB US YOUR CREDIT! InterFirst M aster Account n o u j penalty for early Federal Savings Bank withdrawal and and get infcresf-ed in the CALL COLLECT InterFirst Federal highest interest paying M ra rV a n Riper Savings-Bank gives you limited check account ofthiskindirTW ashtenaw-County. 313-473.1800 or 313-473-8730 writing and other special privileges along You’ll like our full range of banking services. WE SILL DEPENDABLE, AFFORDABLE CARS YO Interest is compounded monthly. A minimum ot $10,000 must be maintained in your account or a service charge may be assessed. Rates are subject to Change. . ESTABLISH OR RE-ESTABLISH CREDIT

THE HOME OF CHELSEA S AUTO CREDIT! NO REJECTS! « ? ? H elping you EOUAl H0USIH0 LENDER THE A WARD-WINNING DEALER DEALERSHIP wmmiMt in m oney w ays SM Come to any of our flue Conveniently located full-service branches in Washtenaw county. FORD MERCURY ANN ARBOR B Otwn YPSII ANII B YRS/l AN V Iwp MU AN SAUNF

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UNDERSTANDING PEACE Church Services 'World peace Is not only possible but inevitable. from The Promise of World Peace Assembly of God— Free Methodist— FIRST UNITED METHODIST Baha'i Writings FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHELSEA FREE METHODIST 128 Part St. 14900 Old US-12, Chelsea 7865 Werkner Rd. The Rev. Dr Jerry Parker, Pastor The Rev. N. James Massey, Pastor. Mearl Bradley, Pastor Thursday, March 28, Maundy Thursday— (313) 475-2718 or (313) 498-3273 Every Sunday- Wednesday, March 27— 7:00 p.m.-Communion worship service. 9:46 a.m.—Sunday school. 9-10 am .—Faithful Fitness. Friday, March 29, Good Friday— 10:45 a.m.-Sunday morning worship, and 9:3O*)l:30 a.m.-Ladies Bible study. 12:30 p.m.-Community Good Friday service at children’s service. 7:00 p.m —Mid-week family night. the First Congregational Church. 6:00 p.m.-The first Sunday of each month, Thursday, March 28— Sunday, March 31, Easter Sunday— church service and youth service. 9:00-11:00 a.m.-Ladies Bible study. 7:30 a.m.—Easter breakfast. Every Wedneaday- 7:00 p.m.—“Messiah in the Passover"—Shema 8:15 am.—Crib nursery opens. 7:00 p.m. Mid-week services. Yiarael, communion. 8:30 am .—Worship service. Friday, March 29- 8:30 a.m.—Supervised dare for pre-school CHELSEA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Senior teen planned famine. children. 337 Wilkinson St. 7:30 p.m.—Mlcahel Card Concert—Hill 9:30 a.m —Fellowship time. * Wm. Matthews, Pastor Auditorium. 9:45 a.m.—Qiurch school for all ages. Church tel. 4794306 Hone tel. 476-6673 Sunday, March 31— 11:00 am.-Worship service. Every Sunday— 8:30 a.m.—Early celebration. 11:00 a.m.-Supervised care for pre-school SARAH GAULEY 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 9:45 a.m —Easter breakfast. children. 10:30 a.m.—Morning Worship. 9:45 am .—Sunday school. v 11:30 am.-ACT for kindergartners and first The brown Indian muntjac, or barking deer, barks like a dog. The buck 6:00 p.m.-Evenlng Worship. 11:00 am .—Morning celebration. graders. Free Methodist is 30 inches tail and has two-tined antlers, about foujr inches long. Wednesday, Family Night— 6:00 p .m .-“Resurrection of Jesus Christ." 12:00 noon-Fellowship time. 7:00 p.m.-Adult Bible study. Monday, April 1— Monday, April 1— 7:00 p.m.—Youth ministry. 9-10 a.m —Faithful fitness, 7:00 pm.—Softball League meeting in the Speaker Will Show 6:30 p.m.-Intercessory prayer hour. Education Building. ' 6:30 p.m.—Tri-W. 7:30 p.m.—Work Area on Education meets. Passover Elements B a p tist— 7:30 p.m.—LOTT. Wednesday, April 3— 7:30 p.m.—GENESIS. . 6:30p,m.—Prs Chelsea F ree Methodist church will CHELSEA BAPTIST CHAPEL Tuesday, April 2 - 7:00 p.m.—Study Groupmeeta. welcome Sarah Galiley, associate of 775 S. Main, Chelsea. 9:30 a.m.-Community Pastor’s Prayer (Faith in Action Building.) meeting. METHODIST HOME CHAPEL Shema Yisrael of Southfield in pre­ The Rev. Stan Blair, Pastor 4:305:30 p.m.—Faithful Fitness. Every Sunday— senting “Messiah in the Passover” on Every Sunday-^ ------7 : 30 pm,—Growth group.----- i : 45 a.m.-Worship service. _ 49a.m.—Sunday school,— -Wednesday; Aprils— - - Thursday, March 28 at 7 p.m.----- 00 a.m —Morning worship. 9-10 a.m.—Faithful Fitness. NORTH LAKE The demonstration illustrates the 00 p.m.—Evening worship. 9:30-11:30 a.m.—Ladles bible study. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH . 7:00 p.m.-Mld-week family night. 14111 North Territorial Road central theme, “Christ the Lamb of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GREGORY 7:00-8:30 p.m.—Choir. The Rev. Sondra Wlllobee, Pastor God Who takes away the sin of the Every Sunday------world.11—During- this informative (313J 496-2591 9:30 a.m.—Church school. Every Sunday— OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN 10:30 a.m.-Worahlp service. presentation, the elements of a tradi- 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. 1515 S. Main, Chelsea 11:30 a.m.—Fellowship time. tional Passover Seder are displayed. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. The Rev. Franklin H. Giebel, Pastor 6:00 p.m—Youth Group, 7:00 p.m.—Evening worship. Thursday, March 28— The historic and spiritual significance Every Wednesday— SHARON UNITED METHODIST 7:00 p.m.-Mid-week service. 1:00 p.m.—Bible class. of each item is explained, climaxing 7:30 p.m.—Maun day Thursday, communion. Comer Pleasant Lake Rd. and M52 with the explanation of Communion as 8:00p.m—Choir practice. Friday, March 29— The Rev. Erik Alsgaard, Pastor Every Sunday— Jesus celebrated it with His disciples NORTH SHARON BAPTIST 7:30 p.m.—Good Friday worship. Sunday, March 31— 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. at the Last Supper. Sylvan and Washbume Rds. 7:00a.m.-5>unrise, communion and Easter 11:00 a.m.-Worship service. The Rev. William Wininger, Pastor breakfast. Easter services at the Chelsea Free Every Sunday— M o r m o n — 10:00 a.m —Sunday school. 9:00 a.m.-Bible classes. . * Methodist church will begin at 8:30 11:00 a.m.—Worship service. 10:30 a.m.—Easter worship with communion. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST a.m. with the early worship service. He lives! 6:00 p.m.—Senior High Youth meeting. Youth Monday, April 1— OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS choir. 7:30 p.m — Bible class at V. Franke’s. 1330 Freer Rd. Breakfast will be served at 9:45 a.m. Oh, shout the glorious word, Sam Skidmore, president The second service will be at 11 a.m. 7:00 p.m.—Evening worship service; nursery ST. JACOB EVANGELICAL available. Every Sunday— At 6 p.m. the video, “The Resurrec­ And. let it echo round the world Every Wednesday- LUTHERAN 9:30 a.m.-Sacrament meeting. 7:00 p.m.—Bible study-and prayer meeting, 12501 Rlethmillar Rd.. r.ra.is Lake 10:50 a.m.—Sunday school, adult and child, tion of Christ” will be shown, a con­ ’Til every person will have heard! The Rev. Thomas Johnston. Pastor 11:40 a.m.-Prie Relief Society. nursery available. Bus transportation available. Every Sunday— tinuation of the series, “Surprised by Oh, tell them, “Christ is risen,” 9:00 a.m —Sunday school. yon-Denominutional— Suffering,” by Dr. R.C. Sproul. 10:10 a.m.—Divine services. His victory o’er the grave C a th o lic - CHELSEA FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER Everyone is welcome. 1194 S. Main St. (Rebekah Hall) Is theirs ... it’s yours! it’s mine! In him Si. MARY Ed Sauvageau, Pastor The church is located at 7665 The Rev. Fr. David Philip Dupuis, Pastor Every Sunday- Werkner Rd. We live!* Every Sunday- ST. THOMAS LUTHERAN 10:00 a.m.-Worship service. -E . RUTH GLOVER — 8:00a.m.-Maas. 10001 W. Ellsworth Rd. Every Wednesday— IOlQO a.m-Mass. (9 miles south and 3 miles west of Deiter) _ . 7:80. p.m—Bible study. __ Every Saturday- , The Rev. John Riske, Pastor 3 rsssssssieseataws 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m.—Confessions, Every Sunday— CHELSEA HOSPITAL MINISTRY 6:00 p.m— Maas. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. Every Sunday- 10:45 a.m.—Worship service, 10:00 a.m.—Morning service, Chelsea Commun­ Christian S c ie n tist . ity Hospital Chapel. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST TRINITY LUTHERAN CHELSEA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 1863 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor • 5756 M-36, three miles east of Gregory COVENANT Every Sunday— ------William J. Trwlen, Pastor ------50 N. Freer Rd. 10:30 a.m.—Sunday school, morning service. 8785977 church, 8765016 pastor The Rev. Siegfried S. Johnson, Pastor invites you to come and be a part Pinckney, Michigan. Every Sunday- Every Sunday- 9100 a.m.—Church school. of our church family Church of Christ— .8:00 a.m.—Worship, 10:30 a.m.—Worship service. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible class. CHURCH OF CHRIST Every Thursday— 10:45 a.m.—Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Choir rehearsal. 13661 Old US-12, East Communion 1st ana 3rd Sunday 8:00 a.m. Minister, R.D. Parnell Communion 2nd and 4th Sunday 10:45 a.m. Every Sunday— CHELSEA FULL GOSPEL Chelsea Christian Fellowship’s Bible- 9:30 a.m. -Bible classes, ail ages. ^ 11452 Jackson Rd. 10:30 a.m.-Worship service. Nursery available. John it Sarah Groesser, Pastors centered program is planned to reach hearts 6:00p.m.-Worship service. Nursery available. ZION LUTHERAN ' 475-7379 Every Wednesday— E.L.C.A. Every Sunday- and lives in Chelsea and around the world. 7:00 p.m.-Bible classes, all ages. Comer of Fletcher and Waters Rd. 10: 00 a.m.—Sunday school. First and Third Tuesday of every month— The Rev. Mark Weirauch, Pastor 11:00 a.m —Morning worship. 7:00 p.m.-Ladies class. Thursday, March 28— 6:00 p.m.-Evening worship. 7:30p.m;—Maundy-Thur8dayworahlp— This is accomplished by: E p isco p a l— services. 7:00 p.m —Family Night. 8:00 p.m.—Men’s Prayer group. ST. BARNABAS 7-9 p.m.—Community prayer time. . . i EVANGELISTIC PREACHING Friday, March 29- — ; First Friday of the month— 20500 Old US-12 7:00 p.m.-Youth party. • BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES (Directly across from the Fairgrounds) 1:30 & 7:30 p.m.—Good Friday worship ser­ The Rev. Fr. Jerrold F. Beaumont, O.SIP, vices. Sunday, March 31 — IMMANUEL BIBLE • PRAISE-FILLED SERVICES 475-2003 145 E. Summit St. Every Sunday— 7:00 a.m.-Easter Sunrise service, Easter breakfast. Ron Clark, Pastor • HAPPY GOSPEL SINGING ______10:00 a.m.—Worship and Holy Communion Every Sunday— 10:00 a.m.—Church school, K-12. — - . _ JiQkftjn,-Special Sunday School program,. . • GENEROUS MISSIONS PROGRAMS ISmo, B,!l M.iuhcu- ,,*1 f.muly 10:15 a.m.—Easter worship. 9:45 a.m.-Sunday school, nursery provided. 10:00 a.m.—Nursery. 11.00 a.m.-Moming worship, nursery provided. 11:00 a.m,—Family coffee hour. Tuesday, April 2 - 7:15 p.m.—Senior choir. 6:00 p.m.—Evening worship. • COMMUNITY OUTREACH • VARIOUS FAMILY RELATED MINISTRIES Wednesdays during Lent­ Every Wednesday— e n p.m—Light supper. ' 7:00 p.m —Family hour, prayer meeting and *7:30 p.m.—Bible study and discussion. Methodist . ---- SAhEMGROVE-UNITED METHODISE------BUae stufly SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES 3320 Nottcn lid The Rev. Mike Bosslngham :------MT. HOPE BIBLE------Sunrise Service ...... 8:00 a.-m . L u th e r a n — 12884 Trist Rd., Grass Lake Every Sunday- The Rev. Joseph A. O’Neill, Pastor. FAITH EVANGELICAL 9130 a.m.-Church school. Easter B reakfast...... , . . . , ...... 9:00 a.m. 9675 North Territorial Rd. 10:30 a.m.—Morning worship. Every Sunday— The Rev, Mark,Portnaky, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. M o r n i n g S e v i e e ...... 1 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . Church: 428-4302 FIRST UNITED METHODIST 6:00 p.m.-Evening service. Wednesday, March 27- Parks and Territorial Rds. 6:30 a.m.—Men’s Bible study. The Rev. Merlin Pratt Every Wednesday— W e d n e s d a y — Thursday, March 26- Every Sunday— 7:00 p.m.—Bible study. School Forensics meet. 9:30 a.m.—Worship service. FAM ILY N IG H T-A dult • Y outh • Children - 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.—Maundy Thursday' worshi ST. VLADIMIR ORTHODOX CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. The Rev. Fr. Paul Karas, Pastor 9900 Jackson Rd. N U RSHRY AVAILABLE FOR ALL SERVICES FridayTSareh 29- WATERLOO VILLAGE 7:30 p.m.-Good Friday worship. (between Steinbach and Dancer Rds.) UNITED METHODIST Sunday Services— Sunday, March 3i- 8118 Washington St. 9:30 a.m.—Hour. ---- 8:30 a.m .-“Sunrtse" service. The ReV. Merlin Pratt 7:30 a.m.-Easter breakfast. Every1 Sunday— 9:45 a.m—-Holy Confession. CHELSEA CHRISTIAN^ 9:00 a.m.-Vldeo. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. 10:00 a.m.—Divine Liturgy. 10:00 a.m.-Easter festival worship. The Full-Gospel Family Church 11 .-l^a.m.—Worship service. Presbyterian— ____ FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 337 Wilkinson, Chelsea Ph. 475-5873 -Unadilhr The Rev. Mary Groty Every Sunday Salem Grove 9:30 a.m.—S schooL United Methodist Church 11:00 a.m.—W service. 3320 Notten Road > United Church of Christ— BETHEL EVANGELICAL AND :------REFORMED " Freedom Township EASTER SUNDAY BREAKFAST The Rev. Roman A. Relneck, Pastor. Easter Reason Every Sunday— ' 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-Worship service. Love Offering taken CONGREGATIONAL 121 East Middle Street Worship Service, 9:00 a.m. The Rev. J. Keith Roberson, Interim Minister Office hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. • 12 p.m. A t &L Barnabas Every Sunday— All ore Invited 10:00 a.m.-Worship. 10;00 am - Sunday school, K«7. Nursery provld- ed. Last Sunday of the month: coffee hour after wor­ . The message of the Easter Season is one of sacrifice, love and salvatipn for ship. Every Thursday— 7:00 p.m.—Caoir practice all.______Wednesday, March 27— • Sacrifice for us by God who cares so deeply that H i gave His Son to. bear our sins by the Chelan Ministerial Fellowship. Enter, March 31— - -■— - even to the death of the cross. r ~ ' 8:00 gjn.-Eariy communion service. • Love so deep that Christ willingly died that we might live. ~ 9:00 a.m.-Moming breakfast. 10:00 a.m.-Worship and communion service. • Salvation for us in our sins being forgiven and in the promise of life enternal in the ST. JOHN’S Risen Lord. V, f -> ... p Rogers Comers, Water! and Fletcher Rds. The Rev. Ann Marie Coleman, Interim Pastor It is a very special Season. Accept G od’s great gifts for you, gifts unearned ) a.m.-Worahip service, Sunday school. yet freely given. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED GOME AND WORSHIP THIS SEASON. COME AND GRfiET THE Francisco The Rev. Michael Pemunen LORD OF YOUR LIFE. COME HOME TO CHURCH. 10:88a.m.—Simday school and worship service. First Sunday of every month— Communion. iSTPAUL The Rev. Erwin R. Koch, Pastor Wednesday, March 27- l&ster $es00n $cJfefiule 7:30 p.m,—Chancel choir. S u n d a y o f Passio n (P a lm S u n d a y ) ...... 10:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Palms and Mass Thursday, March 28, Maundy Thursday- 7:30 p.tfi.-Worshlp service. Monday in Holy W eek; ...... 7 :3 0 p .m . M ass Friday, March 29, Oood Friday- 1:00-3:80 p.m.-Communlty service, First Con- Tuesday in Holy W eek...... 7 :3 0 p .m . M ass U.C.C, Calvary : 0050:00 p.m.- Prayer Vigil, St. Paul U.C.C. W ednesday in Holy W eek ...... 7:30p.m . Mass Sunday,'March 31— was sin’s force 8:00 ajn.-Worshlp service. Maundy Thursday ...... 7 :3 0 p .m . M ass a n d L aying B are th e A lta r thrust upon 9:00.10:18 a.m.-Easter breakfast. ^Worship service. GoodTriday.______12:00 to 3:00 p.m . Tre Ore the Christ. 10:30 a.m.—Infant and Toddler nursery; Caster Holy Saturday ...... 7:30 prm . The Great Vigil of Easter Still he said, Activity Time for 8 year olds through 1st grade. Easter D ay...... — 10:00 am . Mass of the Resurrection “Come,” with outstretched, pierced hands. CLASSIFIED H isH o v e ; fo r U8, is unceasing.* 20500 Old US-12 Chelsea, Michigan —JEAN RASMUSSEN The Chelsea Standard, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 15 uties Report Crashes

A car-tree crash reported at 9:15 Transport truck's trailer was left of David Louis Esch of Ann Arbor was p.m. Saturday, March 16, on North center and struck the front fender of unable to avoid striking and killing Territorial Rd., just east of Scully an automobile. the deer. Rd., resulted in serious injuries to a Deputies Marshall and Pickett were ------Detroit husband and wife. dispatched to investigate a report Deputy Stan Yates reported the received at 8:40 p.m. Thursday, Siandanl Want A (in vehicle in wffieh they rode was east- March 14, regarding a car-deer colD\ ., , fJ ... bound on (Ndrth Territorial, when it sion. <>t t (Junk Results! went off the south shoulder, continued on the grass, struck a “no passing” sign and several small trees, then col­ FRAME & SULLIVAN HARDWOODS lided with a large tree, before coming to rest. Excellent Quality Kiln Dried Hardwood Both victims were transported to at 40% off Lumberyard Prices University of Michigan Hospital by Rough Sawn or Custom Milled , Huron Valley Ambulance. Also available: pre-made panels & counter top stock Deputy Deacons investigated a crash reported at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, ’ Oak • Ash « Maple • Cherry * W March 12, on Dexter Town Hall Rd., just south of Stinchfield Woods Rd. We Buy Standing Timber Deacons explained in his report of Call D avid or Lisa Frame at the incident, the first vehicle had pull­ ed out of a driveway, making a wide 3 1 3 /4 7 5 -9 5 6 7 after 5:30 p.m. or w eekends turn, when it was struck by another MARCH IS READING MONTH has been celebrated all Miller, Katrina Judsoo, and Kelly Curtis. Below are first auto, which was traveling south and month long at both North and South Elementary schools, graders in Mrs. Schiller’s class who got into the button Read a “Button Day tried to avoid the first car. but was UaaA “ n "*'” was one of the special days at South spirit. In front, from left, are Ryan Shears,. Carla Hoop- unable to. school recently. Above, in front from left, are Scott ingarner, ferin Matheson, Sean Spence, Jeff Johnston, and Due to a curve in the road, the Hinderer, Sarah Maynard, Joe Koengeter, Melissa WE'LL BEND TO YOUR NEEDS Steven Hoogerhyde. In the middle row, from left, are Kel­ driver of the first vehicle was Sprague, Peter Cieglo, Mallory Wentz, Nathan Hinderer, ly O’Grady, Melissa Collinsworth, Alissa Porter, Kelly prevented from seeing the second • CUSTOM SHEET METAL FABRICATION, • SHEARING Lisa Armstrong, and Karen Tabaka. In the middle row, Barnett, Alike Milliken, Kevin Riddle, Allison Williams, auto. • PLASMA CUTTING • WELDING from left, are Matt Swope, Teya Schoening, Stephanie • PRESS BRAKE and Travis Elliott. In the top row, from left, are Refer The second vehicle struck a tree • HELIARC Gaul, Jared Daniel, Jeff Rickerd, Chrissy Grapes, Katie Cieglo, Sarah Poley, Bethany Giebel, Mike Bowdish; after a collision with the other car. Taylor, Bobby Gray, Mark Taylor, and Ben Muha. In the Susan Frederick, Samuel Norton, Jessica Poxson, Dan The driver of the second auto was top row, from left, are Thomas Power, Dennis Watson, ALL SEASON COMFORT CO. Wurzel, Wesley Vermeylen, and Alex Rendell. injured in the crash and transported Carla Dettling, Laura Nelson, Aubrey Lambert, Tom Your AMANA dealer .for heating & cooling products to Chelsea Community Hospital by the 115 W. MIDDLE CHELSEA Livingston County Ambulance. i A i m m i m t o Patricia Lorraine Botti of Westland 4 7 5 -7 6 1 7 was unable to avoid a deer which ran suddenly in the path of the vehicle she drove on Waterloo Rd. at Cassidy, about 5:50 p.m. Friday, March 15. Deputy George McAllister in­ vestigated the incident. (313)475-9656 Two drivers were seriously injured in a crash reported on' southbound M-52, near the 1-94 entrance ramp, at Pork Avenue Excavating 3:25 p.m. Sunday, March 10. Both victims, James Patrick RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Thompson of Hazel Park and Man­ chester resident Deanna Lynn SNOW REMOVAL Hayden, were transported to Univer­ ■ DRAIN FIELDS ■ GRADE WORK DRIVEWAYS sity of Michigan Hospital by HVA. Doug Wolthana Deputy McAllister noted in his 3675 $. Fletcher Rd.. Chelsea report the first driver was traveling south on M-52, getting ready to turn onto the eastbound 1-94 entrance ramp and did not observe the second vehi­ cle, as he made a turn, striking the Over 18 Years of Satisfied Customers other auto. A car-deer crash was reported on North Territorial, west of Dexter- Pinckney Rd., at 6 p.m. Tuesday, DON POPPENGER March 12. Rights Act Coining Closer to Approval Golf Course at Deputy Lanny Dunigan was dis­ Used Car Sales patched to investigate the incident, With the recent introduction of ‘taking’of their property as a result of Hudson Mills Park PALMER MOTOR SALES House legislation, Congress is moving wetlands regulations,” he said. "We . ■ and reported a Brighton motorist, -closer to approval of a Private Pro- have also had agricultural property-in Heady for SeaSOU Daniel David Luria, was unable to perty Rights Act, according to Al the Upperf Tnnav* PeninsulaDAsilnanla 1 impacted,irv^rvo Mii/i byK«# %/ v striking the animal as aflfifiy, director of public affairs for' th e 18-hole golf course at . Hudson across North Territorial Rd1/ "1 wilderness designations, and' the Mills Metropark near Dexter covers m Michigan Farm' Bureau. He said the pesticide labeling, .requirements for Deputy Steve Piatt investigated a 6,634 yards with a par of 71. 4 7 5 -1 8 0 0 measures are designed to lessen the two-vehicle crash reported on S. Flet­ endangered species have affected cer­ Hours are (when weather and frost impact that federal regulations have tain area# of northwest .Michigan,” cher Rd., south of Jackson Rd., at 8 conditions permit) 7 a.m. to dusk dai- See Don for Your. Next-New-©r-Use4r- 4 7 5 -3 6 5 0 on the use and value of private proper­ a.m. Friday, March 15. Alray said the Private Property lyL.with earlier hours on Saturdays, Car or Truck. You’ll be happy you did! Rights Act would apply only to federal ' At a curve in thetead, a Recyclers ty- Sundays and holidays. Course hours “Fanners are being faced with^a agencies. will be extended as the daylight in-, creases. C h arlo s E. Golfers - must provide their own equipment; however," power carts, hand carts and a limited line, of golf Sullivan Plumbing accessories are available at the Golf Licensed Michigan Master Plumber Starter Trailer. For additional information, persons • Water Heaters _ should "contact Hudson Mills •Remodeling 4 7 5 " 8 1 T 4 M etro p ark , phone 426-0466 or • Service & Repair ^ W ■ m ~W 1-800-23-GOLF4 (toll-free). -— — • New Construction ' F r e e E s tim a te s Junior (17 years of age and under) -..... • Water SoMners and-Senior-golf-rates-are-available— • Sewer Cleaning Weekdays only (except holidays). ^ . Reasonable Rates Food service is available at the Snack Bar located in the Golf Starter. Trailer. Entrance to the golf course is at 4800 Dexter-Pinckney Rd., between the . Village' of Dexter and_ Nortn Ter­ ritorial Rd., and this entrance is separate-from the regular park ed Did you forget trance to Hudson Mills on North Ter­ ritorial Rd. GRADUATION A 1991 Vehicle Entry Permit is re­ quired (annual: regular-$10, senior ANNOUNCEMENTS citizen - $5; or daily $2).------C heck o u t the selection WE'RE FIGHTING FOR of announcements ~ YOUR LIFE a t M inix Printing and Big ear O ffice Supplies, Inc. 121 Herbert Street 0 ... . little car P.O.Box 167 Am erican Heart Stockbridge, MI 49285 (517 ^851-8824 Association It's all the same to us. PAUL MINIX, President of Michigan

When you need to finance a big car, a little car, a new kitchen, a house . . . whatever th'e need foriunds; yourlocally owned community bank is there with the cash you need. Stop in, let’s talk about it. You’ll find T h e M o s t A d v a n c e d C a t a r a c t S u r g e r y the friendly sign, the Chelsea State Bank sign, in the heart of Chelsea. A n d L e n s I mplantation T e c h n i q u e s

N o w P e r f o r m e d I n C h e l s e a We w ill be CLOSED from noon to 3 p.m. on March 29th in observance of GOOD FRIDAY. Eye physician and surgeon Dr. Sensoli participates Dr. Anthony M. Sensoli with Medicare, Blue Cross, 9 is now accepting patients Care Choices, and most for a new type of cataract major insurances. surgery that uses ultra­ sound to minimize the size For an appointment or » of the incision and speed more information, recovery. call 313/475-5970. CSB 'OW Anthony M. Sensoli, MD ■r Middle Square Professional Building MEMBER FDNj 134 W. Middle St., Chelsea r

The Chelsea Stondord, Wednesday, Morch 27, 1991

DEADLINE Ju*t “ NOON, ‘ Phone 5ATURDA1 PUT IT IN THEt+i [: h + f il+ H iJ M L y 4 7 3 -1 3 7 1

Automotive 1 |F o r Sale Real Estate CLASSIFfCA TIONS For Rent 12H B us. Services '80 CHEVY PICK-UP — $800 or best 55-GAL. DRUMS for burning trash, Nice Country Setting Automotive...... 1 W an ted ...... 11 GRASS LAKE — 2-bedroom apart- GUITAR REPAIR — Free estim ates. offer. Coll 428-7496.______;£44 with tops out, $5.50 each. 10960 Motorcycle*...... la ment, $525. Available April l! Call Guitars bought and sold. Ph, 475- '87 DAYTONA SHELBY Z — Very Stlnchfield Rd., Pinckney (313) Wanted to Rant... ..11a 475-7336 or 475-9217.______44 2964.______'4 8 * 426-3732. c45-2 on 4-plus acres. Easy access to 1-94. Form & Gordon...... 2 clean. 5-speed. Low miles. Loaded. Tri-level, 3-bedroom, 1 'A baths, UVvfTvd/ f«M For Rant...... 12 MANCHESTER — Unique and exciting, WALLPAPERING and Interior painffg. $6,000. Coll 498-3599.______c44 ENTRANCE DOOR — Steel with full fireplace, family room. 24x50' pole Hm m i, Apeftweeti, Lad one-bedroom loft. Hardwood Professional service. Call 475-0278 gloss. Prehyng, interior doors. Recreational Equip.. . . 3 * 7 8 CHRYSLER LeBARON — V-8 , born. Call 475-2313. MIk . Notlcos. , , . . . . 13 floors, high ceilings and more. $465. for estimates. -cl-11 426-4208. -C4S-2 Boats, ttttars, ShovmU h . * runs good. Priced to sell at $400...... C44 P erso n al*...... 14 Ph. (313) 553-3840 days. eves. t-(313) HAULING — Yard and tree work, 475-7134.______^44 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN magazines, FOR SALE — New modular homes on Sports IfdpaMHt. 960-1538.______c44-2... - roofing, carpentry, painting, odd '86 VOYAGER — 7-passenger; Air, ' from 1967 to 1987, $75. 475-1828. 1-acre lots. Gross Lake schools. For Solo (Omni)...... 4 Entertainment...... 19 2-BEPROOf* jC,TED ENT In Chelsea, lobs. (517) 769-6720anytime.___ -45J •c44 five-speed. No rust. $2,500. Call Coll (517) 522-5196. ______-44 Auction...... 4a Bus. Services...... 16 Ph. 475-6?.%.475-£!**v *mmr______c44-2cAA.O PAINTING — Time available now, 475-1981.______^44 GIRLS SCHWINN BIKE — 5-speed, BRICK 3-BEDROOM RANCH — attach- Ooettal DEXTER AREA — Efficiency apart­ winter discounts, free estlmojgs. all terrain type, ages 7 to 12 yrs., Oarage Solo*...... 4b ’85 DODGE 600 SE Turbo for sale ed garage, 2 boths, family room, A n tiq u e *...... 4c Capaitnr/CoMttacrioN ment on Chain of lakes. $300/ Ph. 475-1886.______-<*5-6 62K. Power everything, cruise, ex­ excellent condition, $85. Ph. oak flooring, Andersen windows. Izcrrotfeg/l ads fghg month, plus utilities. 663-2319. A 1 cellent condition. $2,995 or best. Ph. - 475-2989.______-c44-2 Barn, 3 acres. 7225 Bush Rd. Real Kstato...... 9 ______c44 A - l 5* 475-0426.______^44 USED SPINET — Delivery included. 475-1767. Off Waterloo Rd. $120,000, lad, Hunt, Cottages Rsgdrs DUPLEX FOR RENT — 2-bedrooms. The Music Co., 1202 Wildwood, more.______-48-6 1985 DODGE 60*0 — Black, 2-door, Mobile Homo*...... 9a Totortng/lMtnKtloo 1 boths. washer and dryer. Located STUMP REMOVAL clean. Body In great shape, no Jackson. Call (517) 783-2785. OVER 6 ACRES, rolling agricultural. In Chelsea Village. No pets. Utilities ol c44 Animal* A Pot*...... 6 Heoftfi ad Rteosi rust. $2,800 or best, (313) 475-2603. horse land/ near Cavanaugh Lk. Financial...... 17 not included. $575 per month. Coll - — TREE & SHRUB ______A4 30” FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE — Waterloo Recreation. Will split Lost A Found...... 7 475-1346 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Trimming and Removal 1991 DODGE VAN — Take over white with smoked glass front. Ex­ parcel. Price from. 475-8572. -c46-4 Help Wanted.. . . .8 Bus. Opportunity. . .18 ------;------c44-2 ------—Stump-Grinding— payments. Ask tor Jerryr-Coll (517) cellent condition. Call 475-2794 after CALL 426-4110 , Work Wanted...... 8a Thank You...... 19 OFFICE SPACE in beautiful Sylvan 522-8988. c47-4 Sp.m, -c44 FOR SALE BY OWNER Momorlom ...... 20 cl -13 KAWAI GRAND PIANO — From re­ ^AdultXaro...... 9 Btdgr525 sq; ft. available now,.Ph, '87 PLYMOUTH HORIZON — 5 speed, 475-1132. ______c41tf INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING — ■ good condition. $2,000. .Call possessed dealer. 5‘T0" Must sell. 3-BEDROOM RANCH in Chelsea's Child Coro ...... 10 Legal Notice.. _____.21 STOCKBRIDGE DUPLEX, 2-bedroom, 8 , . 475-7893 or this car moy be seen 6 t The Music Co.„ 1202 Wildwood, Lonewood addition. Beautifully (517) 787-1755 wash, dry hook-ups; stove, count. References. the corner of Cavanaugh Lake and Jackson. Coll (517) 783-2785. decorated, new carpet, professional­ CLASSIFIED A P S THANK YOU/MEMQRIAM anytime. c45-9 -PierceRds. —______t44 f c44 ly landscaped, sauna, two full baths, refrigerator, new carpet, $475. Ph 1-(313) 344-B709.______- 1979 FORD VAN for sale — Ph. l-BEAM FRAME — Ready to vaise 6 / plus many additional features. Priced CHaSEA ACCOUNTING 769-1138. C45-2 for pole barn 40x20'. All hord- $127,900. Call 313-475-8257. CASH RATES: CASH RATES: wore. First $300 takes. 475-2578. -c44 ______-C44-2 Retail Space '89 GMC SIERRA Vi ton. 4x4, p.s.T 10 figures...... *1.00 SO fig u re s ------. .S 3 .0 0 a n d TA X SERVICE p.b., AM-FM stereo with cassette, LOWREY KAWAI ORGANS — All re- FOR SALE BY OWNER — Custom • lOC/flgure over 10 ranch home. Country setting on lt»« per figure oyor 50 1,000 sq. ft. retail space, Main St., Since 1953 ^ [ V-8 engine, automatic. Dura liner, duced. The Music Co., i 1202 Wildwood, Jackson. Coll (517) acre lot. Built in 1985. Hanover/ When p a i d by noon Saturday W»en paid by noon Saturday downtown Chelsea. Additional Computer checked Dura trunk. Low miles, excellent con­ storage space available Ph. 783-2785.______.______£44 Horton schools, near J.C.C. Easy ac­ dition. $11,500 or best offer. Call 475-7472. c36tf Bob Greenough 475-2460. c44 METAL CABINETS — 14 lineal ft. + /- cess to highway. Beautiful 20'x40‘ CHARGE RATES: CHARGE RATES: deck, above-ground pool. Priced of wall and base cabinets. Good Ifcftguros...... *3.00 FOR RENT — fair Service Center Ph. 769-0931 '81 VW Diesel Rabbit, good. $500 or $142,000. Call (517) 529-9624, -c44-3 SO figures...... *5.00, best. Ph. 475-9568.______-cAA condition. Coll 994-9317.______e44tt MMmhn dtargsi $5.00 for • meetings, parties, wedding 216 East Washington VACANT LAND WANTED — 5, 10, 15 Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 '86 FOR SALE — 3 solid ook 30"x80" ' —N receptions, etc. Weekdoys or week­ MUSTANG GT — Good condition, or 20 Acres (relatively squore) for DEADLINES C45-J0 loaded, $5,500. Call 475-7827 or bi-fold doors, list $154 ea., new in AII adv»rtitirt thould check their ad the firtl ends. Contact Cheryl Haab, 475-2548 box, 3 for $150. Budget 2000-lb. chain a retirement home. Some or all of week The leader cannot accept reipotuibilt- after 6 p.m. c2 0 tf BUILDING — Carpentry, drywall aid (313) 498-2164 after 6 p.m. -C44-2 the following features desired in the ty for error! on adt received by teKphone fall, $100. Craftsman 750 watt but will make every ellort to moke them ap­ CLASSIFIED PAGES shower wail repair, cabinets, g en erato r, new in boXj, $250. order of importance: rolling wooded, Misc. Notices plumbing, paint, renovations. Licens- BODY SHOP stream, tome wet land and zoned pear correctly Refund! moy be made only Saturday, 12 noon 475-2813. '______44 when an erraneou! ad i! cancelled oiler the ed. Don, 426-4866.______-c44-4 agricultural. 10 to 15 mile radius finiweek thot it appeon. COMPLETE FULL TIME' BEDROOM SET — Light , from Dextpr/Chelsea or Chelsea/- v ; "C0M7INUID" CLASSIFIEDS EASTER BREAKFAST LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER — double bed, dresser with 4'x4' mir­ Jackson along the 1-94 corridor. Monday, 12 noon . Rep-oi r & installatio n. Free. Estimates Available ror, and A drawers, night stand with SUNDAY, MARCH 31 estimates. Call Rick, 475-8213 Evenings 313-455-2681.______-c44-12 -5 ^7 * PALMER FORD drawer, chest 36 "x20 with 3 large Help Wanted 8|Child Care WATERLOO TOWNSHIP HALL drawers. 663-8228.______c4tf , 8 : 0 0 a.m. to 1 0 :0 0 a.m. SNOWPLOWING — Reasonable rates. 222 S. Main 475-1301 BEAUtlFUL MAHOGANY dining room No contract required. You call and 17tf BRIDGETOWN Chelsea Community Hospital Sponsored by Waterloo Village set. 6 8 " long table with 3 leaves ACQUAINT YOURSELF UNITED METHODIST CHURCH we ll be there. Ph. 475-3670 anytime.’ Motorcycles and table pods. 6 upholstered chairs CHILDREN'S CENTER ______■ (host and hostess chairs with arms) Condominiums with opportunity. If you have prior Freewill Donation 1 and 4 straight chairs. Buffet with A experience testing and trouble­ Ages 2Va weeks to 5th grade c44 '86 YAMAHA Maxim X, 700cc, 3,700 NOW AVAILABLE—(2)-3 bedroom, Jack's Tree Removal mi. M.S.T.A. $2,200, (517) 851-8884 drawers and 2 side doors. Chino shooting PC Boards, we'have the |ob Openings as available. Entertainment closet with beveled glass doors plus including 2 -car garage, full base­ just for you I A high-tech Ann Arbor after.5 p.m.______-44 ment, potio deck, with many built- • Fast, courteous-service 3 large drawers. Must see to ap- company has several openings. All 475-3922 • 50' boom .SCOOTER — Hondo Elite, 1988. preciote. Ph. 663-8228.______*c2tf ins. From shifts. Exceptional pay rates! Call to­ - 1,281'miles. Very good condition, 37 tf R ent A SIGNS, SIGNS, SIGNS — We hove day for your personol interview Ph. 475-1026 $450 or best offer. 475-3055. -c44 $105,000 665-3757 or 665-5511. the one you're looking for at The Wanted after 6 p.m. 1990 YAMAHA Radian 600 motor­ JUKE BOX Chelseo Standard, 300 N, Main St., Models open dolly 12 p.m.-5 p.m. ______cycle, only 800 miles. Black with Chelsea. ml MANPOWER WE BUY ANYTHING of value — chrome, mint condition, less than Ph, (517)851-8803.______c45-S For Y o u r SANDI'S TYPING/WOROPROCESSING — Desktop Publishing: Resumes, fet­ year old, MbsJ s6 e, and must sell. Auction Chelsea. 475-7810. c44 Only $3,000 or best offer. Ph. ______c49tf WANTED TO BUY P a rtie s ters, reports, transcription, laser printing. 426-5217. -c33-52y 475-2460. c44 IDEAL BUILDING LAND — 40 acres in Zoning Officer/Planner S tan d in g Form & Garden Washtenaw county, 'A mile from and Entertainment AUCTION Jackson county, 12 miles southwest . The Village of Dexter Is seeking Hardwood Timber of Chelseo. 35 acres beoutiful rolling applications from qualified in­ Less than half the cost, of a-band. INTERNATIONAL CADET. Lawn Trac­ ESTATE-ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBIES tor — Completely rebuilt. Call hills, 1 mile from Jackson county in dividuals for the position of Zoning Free estimate on 5 acres or more. Make your selections of music and Washtenaw county. 8 % interest, Enforcement Official/Pjanner. Ap­ your favorite artists. Real Estate One. 475-8330 after 6 p.m.______c44 tBCHlOAtra LA TOUT UAL HfArM COVrAHt SAT., MARCH 30 land controct. Coll 1(517) 688-9259 or plicants should possess the following W hittaker Timber Corp. FARMER WANTED to form land on (313) 428-7687. minimum qualifications: ZEMKE North Territorial (near Joslyn Lake' TT:00 a.m. TTTfT Working knowledge of stare and- 3623 Elmwood Rood Rd.) Call 475-8317, evenings. -c44 STOCKBRIDGE LEGION HALL local zoning lows, practices, con­ , 0 ,„ ^ossC jty^ijC h,,,48726 OPERATED MACHINES ROTOTILLER 7 hip. Arfensr $350, Ph'. t^CH ALPINE cepts, and recent dev'eloprriants. v.v-- (517) 872-3065 {toys./'' 426-4208. For o flyer coll: Call 662-1771 for details -C45-2 Familiarity with building codes. nr (517) 872-3405 evenings c25tT COLE & CO. T OR-SALE BY OWNER standard construction practices, C47-8 SWETLAND land-use planning, and legal land AUCTIO N SERVK Lorge corner lot, walking distance to descriptions, including "metes and Wanted to Rent FARM SUPPLIES beautiful Ann Arbor Country Club bounds", ability to read blueprints, (517) 851-8803 and 2, private lakes. Ready to build 'plats, and plans Including topograph­ SUMMER MONTHS — Retired couple (343) 475-9774 Grain Hauling on. $48,000. Terms neg. Call Herb at ical detail. Qualified applicants will from Plymouth desire clean, fur­ -c44 possess some municipal-level ex­ nished, reasonable accomodations. We Sell 426-3476 doy, 426-5167 evenings. perience in zoning and land-use No pets. Will consider housesitting. D.H.M., INC. Fertilizer-Line-Seed Corn e ! 2 tf jV e d ly Garage Sales planning. Position is part-time (20-25 Call collect (813) 481-0670. c46-4 Full Line of Farm Seeds & Farm Supplies Mobile Homes nours per week). Village residency Is Topsoil, Sand and Fill Dirt. (343) 475-7236 MOVING SALE — leavin SMALL ROOM to be used as a small. ----Free Delivery with a good deal. not required but the chosen can­ business office. Working hours Dozer, Hoe, Dredging,. Hauling doyT didate musf be reodlfy available dur- -6:30 o.m. to 6;00 p.m, Prefer Dexter -475-3201 Please Leave Message 30, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m ., ------j (517) 522-4143 sale. Ph. 769-1138 or 761-5376. ing the work week and as needed Area or Chelsea. Please coll -C48-5 10K FARM HOME - 10 ACRE Center Rd., 3 miles west of Parker C45-2 evenings and weekends. 426-0160. C44-4 WE SELL FIREWOOD — 9 face cord, Nice older'+ome has 3 BRs,' 1 410 N. Portage Rd., Jackson Rd., south ol Scio Church Rd. 1985 Codilloc Eldorodo Bierritz. Antique 3 Duties of the position include: $250 delivered. WE build fences, baths, fireplace, with walko 45-2 Animals & Pets For Rent basement, near county park keyboard Thomas organ. Utility Q Enforcement of Village zoning or­ woven wire, barb wire. WE do light BALER TWINE for sale at spring hauling. (517) 769-2627. c47-5 Clear Lake. Has 15 x24' finish trailer, three 3 -wheelers, tobies, BEAGLE PUPS for sale — A.K.C. dinance and public nuisance or­ LARGE FURNISHED ROOM in private prices. Both fiber and plastic twine dinance; receipt, review, and recom­ outbuilding and on a paved roa ladder-back,chairs,, 2 sets patio fur­ Registered. Days (517) 851-8824, home for working female. In immediate posession. Price R available. Call Harold Trinkle & Sons, niture, refrigerator, upright freezer; mendation of vorious zoning permits 475-8992 or 475-8970.______’ c43tf evenings (517) 851-7914.______-cA5 Chelsea Village. Utilities included, MERKEL CLEANING SERVICE duction $117,500—Call Bill. ~ Case 14 h.p. lawn tractor with cart and site-plan submittals; inspection }- laundry. $300. Ph. 475-3527. -c44 Carpet and upholstery and snowblower; Toro mower, 2 gos- of properties, structures, and flx- NORTH LAKE-WATERFRONT UPPER — Nice 1 -bedroom, 20 mins. ------— 5351-Joy Rd.-, Dexter- mately 30 to 40 lbs. Ph. 475-7923. grills, plus miscellaneous.______c44 tures subject to zoning, restrictions: Very nice homer-All^tew-klfchen -C44-2 DOG OBEDIENCE and provision of odvlce and west of Chelsea, off 1-94. $350/mo. Call; Dave, 426-3550. with dining orea overlooking GARAGE SALE — 4 hours only, assistance to Village.Manager and includes utilities. Call (517) 522-8302. ______-c48-6 lake. All new carpet. 2-bedroom Recreation Equip. c44 144 Dewey St., Chelsea, Friday, CLASSES planning commission with regard to ROOFING —. Barns, homes, repairs year-round lakefront home. All March 29. 9 a.m. to 1 o.m. Bovs ynninn nnH innH.iiftt* nlnfSnina Snlnrv DEXTER — First floor, 1 bedroom. of all types. 16.years experience, new interior. Owner anxious -ilconoad. Frco etflmatea. Cal) (517) $125.000—Coll Nellv.______ffered ot cotlons. $355/mo. plus utilities. Coll 426-8307. 522-5175. Kirk Randall. -49-7 UNIQUE BUSINESS IntnrftOftd individuals should submit c44 TOK OPPORTUNITY 10K "GARAGE.SALE — Thurs.-Sun., 8 to RED BARN KENNELS o letter of application with resume -3-bedroe m farm home on S-ocro 6 p.m., Mon.-Fri., 4 to* 8. p.m. to: James M. Palenick, Village parcel on a paved road, natural Starting week of April 8 RECORDS Garden tractor and attachments; Manager, 8140 Main S’t., Dexter, Ml.1 gas and a stocked pond. 3,000 sq. wood burning stover Defiant; dinette ft., fully equipped meat process Add to your collection -c45-3 -48130. The Village of-Dextor Is an- set; adult clothing on hangers; can­ equal opportunity employer. tng~operatton is ready for an am Golden Goodies Records ning jars; sauerkraut crocks; work SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC of the Huron ______c44 bltfous person. Less than 15 miles bench; old door and car key9 and key Vblley Humane Society. Ph. (313) north of Chelsea. Stockbridge 18rpm.; old '30's, '40’s labels: Victor, blanks; books; squore dance clothing 662-4365, 10o.m. to 4 p.m.______xltf schools. Offered ot $139,500. Call Bill. ‘ » Coro), Columbia and others. .1 and accessories; clothes hangers; and horse equipment—Forjecart. Lost & Found RECEPTIONIST OLDER VILLAGE HOME 10K Good condition. Much, much more • Come and see. Remodeled 1987, mechanical up­ Cpmer^of Beeman and Cassidy Rds., CAT LOST — Tiger (ash grey, muted) Part-time/Week-ends — with bright green eyes. Young dated, Merilet kitchen cabinets, ------Coil 662-1771 — - some hardwood floors. Rooms c4tf Beaman. •44 female. Lost Saturday. Call 936-2443 Requires light typing and good w/versatility, separate wing for days or 426-0241 evenings.______c44 Antiques telephone skills. Please apply at: children. Sensibly priced, For Sale DOG FOUND — Long-haired, black Chelsea Methodist Retirement $84,900. Coll Nelly. „ E male. Medium-sized mixed-breed. Home, 805 W. Middle, Chelseo, or HUSKY BUILDINGS — 24x40x8, ANTIQUES WANTED — Old postcards, 10K SPECIAL OFFERING 10K ' By Chelsea Rod & Gun Club. Call call (313) 475-863^. 73 AC. FARM LAND $3,990. For garoges," shops, marbles, books, gloss, quilts and 475-3012. "______-c44 ' f______44 linens, military Items, crocks and 40 ac. tillable, 30 ac. wooded, storage. Entrance and overhead LOST CAT — Black & white, long­ doors. Optional colored siding. Free jugs. Anything old. No big furniture. OFFICE MANAGER for local insur­ with small starter home. Lots of haired, deformed ear. Call ance office, 20 to 25 hours per LOVILY 2-STORY aluminum sided home In peaceful rural setting. On potential. Paved road, Dexter Tr., quotes, quick construction, licensed Coll Jeon Lewis, (313) 475-1172. •c44 ond experienced. 800-292-0679. c2tf •______-C23-38 475,3419. week. Flexible schedule perfect for large newly landscaped lot with good garden area & many trees. Only Stockbridge schools. Price change FOUND — Beagle dog, near someone with children In school. to $129,500. Call Bill. L.C. possi­ PIONEER POLE BLDGS. — 30x40x10 ANTIQUE BEDROOM SET — Beautiful 1 mile to 1-94. 3. bedrooms, study, formal dining room. 3-car garage. North Territorial Rd. ana Dexter Must hove typing ond computer ble. $5,790. 12" overha ng, choice of 12 walnut single bed, spring ond mat- skills. Coll 475-8570 to arrange for In- Natural gs heat. Very affordable. Come take o look I $87,000. colors, sidina, roofing, trim. Roof in­ tress. Dresser with large mirror and Town- Hall -Rd^—Coll 426-8664 be ­ PlltOHTFUt COlONfAtronty^yeors otdln the Waterloo Rec. Areo. EXECUTIVE COLONIAL tween 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. -c44-3 terview. c44-2 sulation, riage light, 2 x6 trusses 3 drawers. Excellent condition. Aluminum sided 2-story has much charm with on old-fashioned wrap­ on 10 ac., just north bf the Chelsea Village limits. Features Fast construction and free quotes. 663-8228. „ c4tf HUMANE SOCIETY of Huron Valley, around porch. Large kitchen w/dining space flows Into family room 3100 Cherry,Hill Rd., Ann Arbor. SUMMER GUIDE positions open for family room w/stone fireplace, 800-292-0679. ______e2tf w/fireplace. Formal dining room for those special occasions. 4 Real Estate Call the Shelter (313) 662-5585 for high school and college students spacious kitchen, formal dining lost and found, adoptions, 7 days a from June 1-Aug. 31 at Waterloo bedrooms, 2 Vi boths. Overlooks Waterlod Golf Course B close to htkng room. 4 BR, 1st floor laundry, COIN OPERATED 2,7-ACRE BUILDING SITE on Pierce week, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. c30tf Area, Farm Museum. Requirements & horse trails. Good access to 1-94. $120,000. 2-car garage, full basement & ef­ Rd. Perked. $27,900. Calf 475-3088. include an interest In early American . ONLY A FEW WEEKS TIL LAUNCH TIMEI Beautifully remodeled 2-story ficient low cost heat. Reduced PINBALL & VIDEO •C44 Help Wanted history and a willingness to work on prlvate-oil-sports Cavanaugh Lake wllLafford you years of pleasure $194,900. Call Nelly. w ithine publTcT The museum is open both summer & winter. Large master bedroom suite with gorgeous -ORIAT FAMILY HOME— 10K GAMES------FUU TIME, immediate office cof- Tuesday through Sunday from 1 to 4. view of lak’e . . . fall asleep to the sound of lapping on 2 + at. w/smoU orchard, room > fee route driver. $6 to start with, Guides conduct tours approximately •For Your Home Use for a born. Older farmhouse GOLFING raise after completion of orientation. 45 minutes In length of museum waves . . . soothing. 1 ’/* baths, darting kitchen, lovely, glassed porch & nice living room. Large lot. Nice dock. $139,000. features 3 bedrms., fireplace, hot C all Excellent benefits! Apply in person ot house and grounds. Training ses­ water heat. Just off paved rood, AT YOUR DOOR Arbor Mitchell Corp., 3968 Jackson sions will begin In Moy. Please send NORTH LAKE ARIA— Lovely ranch on the 9th fairway of Inverness 20 min. from Ann Arbor Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml. No phone calls, fetter of Interest and/or resunie fo Golf Course. Access to private beach area on North lake. Membership 662-1771 2,000 sq. ft., 3-bedroom, 3-bath, im­ 92,500.00. Call Bill 475-9771. please. ______c44 Diane Zatkovtch, 13789 Riker, Immediately available to Inverness CC. 3 BR’s, green house, 2.5-car att. maculate ranch home on the 9th fair­ L-SHAPI RANCH •c25tf. FULL-TIME automotive parts counter Chelsea 48118. Questions? Call (313) way of Inverness Golf Course.. Extra garage. Nice private patio area. Large lot, nicely landscaped. If you're Charming w/many extras. 2”x6" WEDDING STATIONERY - Prospec­ person. 1 year experience required. 475-9664 or (517) 596-29561 46-3 large lot. North Lake access. Chelsea - a goiter, don’t let this one slip oway. Coll for an appt. today! $710,000/ const., dream kitchen, master tive brides are Invited to see our 405N. Main, Chelsea. (313) 475-3741. schools. $219,000.6505 Lombardy Dr. MATURE INDIVIDUAL needed for. LANDWOOD. GREAT FAMILY HOME close fo school, park, tennis bath w/lacuzzi, full bsmt, 2-car complete line of Invitations and wed­ By owner. Coll 475-7341. ______block & white Darkroom Photo­ courts & town. Quality updoting thru-out. Newly decorated In neutral 'garage, 200 amp. SVC, 3'/* coun­ ding accessories. The Chelsea graphy processing negotlvet and ■c46*4 colors. Private patio & nicely landscaped yard. 3 BR’s, lovely kitchen, 3 try tie's, Chelsea schools. Standord/300 N. Main. Ph. 475-1371. printing. Approximately 10 hrs./wk. Soles Help Wonted bedrooms, large family room, Lots of storage. $139,900. $149,900. Call Nelly. k ------.....------— ------x8tf Great position for retiree. Please SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME Due to the growth of our- business, contact The CHeliMitonddrd-Dexfer CALL US FOR YOUR LANONEBDS-»Wef>ove many pretty parcels of Leader ot 475-1371. e44-2 various sizes. W/vl«W; v0.f loflg_vLak*.-.. A we are looking for sOveral good peo­ bedrooms, mod. const, with ple to sell our products locally. Full 2-story brick addition. Beautiful and/or part-time. For more Informa­ fireplace In large family room. tion call ECO-WATER SYSTEMS OF Work Wanted Full basement, 2-car garage. WOOD INTKIIPRISBS WASHTENAW, 665-7220. FR ISIN G ER & Associates Chelsea schools $119,900. Call ______C4W RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE — Bill. ( CUSTOM CAOINITS Reasonable rates, attention to 93S Main Street, Chelsea MI (313) 475-8681 OUTSTANDING CONDO details, thorough. References. Call In Bridgetown w/lg. master BR,! • KITCHEN /BATH » WALL UNITS N O W HIRING Ann, 475-8394, >c44 f i t Chelsea's 1 s t • established 1964 Q •ac. kitchen w/all appliances, i * COUNTRY CURIOS • TABLES/DESKS All Positions Child Care fireplace, qent(al air, softner & Full-time or Part-time garage. Backs up to woods for1 privacy. $115,000. Call Nelly. COMPLETE INSTALLATION"------Apptyinpanon------BABYSITTING— l have openings for Paul Frlslnger...... 475-2621. John Pierson. . . . . ______475-2064 l-yr.-olds, in my home near North CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE — BRAD WOOTON Norm O'Connor. ; . 475-7252 Joann Warywoda...... 478-8674 Chelsea Big Boy school. Playmates, meals provided. Herm KoennA. ___ .,475-2613 Boh-Koch...... 231-9777 ANN ARBOR OFFICE' 995-1616 < Interested, coll ^75-3320. -44 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 313-426-0022 1610 S. Main St., Chelsea Jim Utsler...... ,475-2685 . c13tf

» TheChelseo Stondord, Wednesdoy, Morch 27, 1991 17 UTTLE WANT ADS! BIG PLUSES FOR BIG RESULTS! Washtenaw County's Busy Marketplace... Quick, Economical Results. 1371

Bus. Services 16^|Bus. Services )6flC ard of Thanks ^■Legal Notice LITTLE WACK EXCAVATING — THANK YOU M ich-C A N Screens and Storms BURNS Licensed 8 Insured. Basements, MORTGAGE SALE - Default havihg Drainflelds, Digging, Bulldozing, On behalf myself, Clyde Mar­ been made In the terms and conditions of a R epaired CONSTRUCTION Trenching, Black Dirt, Sand, Gravel. tin, and Madeline, we would like certain mortgage made by GERALD L. S ta te w id e Paul Wackenhut, (313) 428-8025. 23tf ZONCA. a simile man, Mortgagor, to Stand­ Jhermopanes Replaced NEW HOME BUILDING to say thank you for the quick ard Federal Savings and Loan Association, A d N e tw o rk • REMODELING response on getting me to the now known as STANDARD FEDERAL JERRY WHITAKER BANK, a federal sayings bank, Mortgagee, Chelsea Glass GARAGES • ADDITIONS Chelsea Hospital. Those to be dated November 10,1661 and recordedIn the DECKS • ROOFING • SIDING thanked are Chelsea Fire Dept., office of the Register of Deeds for the County 140 W. Middle Excavating & Construction Pree Estimates • Licensed HVA, Chelsea Hospital Emergen­ of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on $ Local Route $ The fastest $23,700 Per Year To Start Ph. 475-8667 • Drainflelds November 21,1983, In liber 1904, Page 161, of growing multi-billion dollar in­ Piua Benefits. Postal Owner Participation Welcome • Driveways cy Room, and a special thanks to Washtenaw County Records, on which mort­ dustry ever! No selling! Hand­ Government jobs available. CUSTOM PIPE CUTTING and thread- Rough or Finish • Basements the fantastic care I got in Inten­ is there is claimed to be due at the date of notice, for principal and Interest, the le name brand products such For exact exam and applica­ ' ;lng, V4" to 2". Johnson's How-To- Thom Heidtman Jim Burns We do good work! sive care at Chelsea Hospital, sum of Sixty-One Thousand Four Hundred as Frito-Lay, Nabisco, tion information in this area, Store. 110 N. Main, Chelsea. Ph. (313) 475-3384 (517) 625-3254 and to the staff, and for putting Sizty-Two and 70/100 (161,462.70) dollars; 475-7472.______>■ 25tf -______-C50-1Q Call 475-7841 And no suit or proceedings at law or In Welch’s. Census shows part call 1-900-446-6779, ext. up with my largo family. To my equity having been Instituted to recover the time earnings of $38,000 per SHARPENING SERVICE available. We ______~ -48-S 4204 6am-8pm • 7 days - sharpen almost anything. R. L. BAUER daughter, Anita, Michael and debt secured by said mortgage or any part year. Requires cash invest­ $12.95 Fee. Jaym a, we love your And last of thereof. Now, Therefore, by virtue of the Johnson’s How-To-Store, 1 1 0 N. pqwer of sale contained In said mortgage, ment of $21,540. Call 1-800- Main, Chelsea.______„ 25tf B u ild e rs SAND GRAVEL all, to all of my family and,, -arid pursuant to the statute of the State of 225-9733, Operator 6. Become A Veterinary Assls- friends, your caring for my fami­ Michigan In. such case made and provided, LICENSED and INSURED notice Is hereby given that on Thursday, tant/Anlmal Care Specialist. W e O ffe r Custom Building ...... KUNK ly means so much. Thank you so April 26,1691, atteno’doCk, a.m., local time, Auto Loans! Bad CraditOKL Home study. Turn your loveof Houses • Garages '• Pole barns very much to all of you. Madeline said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at Free information. Call now! 1 - animals into an exciting Sales & Service EXCAVATING public auction to the highest bidder, at the Roofing ^Liiding^jConcrete Work and I love you all. west Entrance, Washtenaw County 800-437-8929 Must be 18, career. Free fact-Titted litera­ — Fttt ESTIMATED Clyde Martin. Building, in the City of Ann Arbor, one refused! ture. 800-362-7070 Dept. . B & W and Color TVs ■ Bulldozer— Backhov------"Wtshtefaw County, Michigan (that being Road Work — Basements r NuTone - Channelmoster Call 475-1218 Legal Notice the building where the Circuit Court for the "$100.00 Reward!" for any Wlngord • Cobra CB Radios , Trucking — Crane Work County of Washtenaw is held), of the 7tl premises described in said mortgage, or so wet basement we can’t per­ A Wonderful Family Ex* .'V, Master Antenna-Specialists ___ STATE OF MICHIGAN-9th Judicial Circuit much thereof as may be necessary to pay the Antenna Rotor Insurqnce Job uramtieiainfield — beptic5 -c44*2 46tf A copy of this Order shall be sent to Dated: February 15,1991. $1.29/min. All Lifestyles. KEN LEISER Benedict Onnukwe Ok ware at the last known STANDARD FEDERAL BANK, perienced or inexperienced, (313) 498-2878-(517) 750-2280 THAI LCREB< LANDSCAPE SEAWALLS address by registered mall, return receipt a federal savings bank, training is FREEI (includes BOAT LAUNCH RAMPS requested, before April 16,1991, and the af­ Mortgagee CDL orientation). Pay pack­ Wolff Tanning Beds Com­ FLOYD SCHULZ fidavit of mailing shall be filed with this JOHN M. WELLS mercial-Home units. From (313) 426-3236 ECOLOGICALLY-SAFE CHEMICALS court. age industry’s best; tractor and LAWN1 CARE I Attorney for Mortgagee $199.00. Lamps- Lotions-Ac- *______-1-10 CONTACT Dated: March 19,1991. 346 West Michigan Avenue purchase/lease programs Complete Landscape Design Hon. WILLIAM G. SCHMA Kalamazoo, Michigan 46007 cessories. Monthly payments MASONRY WORK — Brick and block, March27-Apr3-10 Mar27-Apr3-10-17-24 available. Call 1-800-648- basements, crawlspaces, fire- and Installation WAVE BREAKER 7825. Ext NB-3. low as $18.00. Call Today iioces, chimneys, footings, cement Retaining Walls-Patios-Decks FREE Color Catalog. 1-800- finishlng, and oil repairs. 475-7478. Finished grading-seeding-sodding SYSTEMS MORTGAGE SALE-Default has been . MORTGAGE SALE - Default having 228-6292. made in the conditions of a mortgage made been made in the terms and conditions of a Is Walkingno An Uphill Battle?I ______46-9 Old Landscape Renovation by RONALD P. KWIATKOWSKI and Brush Hog-Fleld Mowing ot certain mortgage made by JOSEPH W. NewAJsed Scooters as low as Portage Lake KAREN L. KWIATKOWSKI, husband and MOONEY and LORI GROSS MOONEY, his A Doctor Buys Land Con­ Lawn Mowing wife, to HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORA­ $700. Call Halsom 1-800-345- LUICK CONSTRUCTION wife, Mortgagor, to STANDARD FEDERAL tracts lump sum cash. Fast . Seasonal contracts or monthly Ph. 426-5500 TION, Mortgagee, Dated November 12,1964, BANK, a federal savings bank, Mortgagee, LIFT. f t NEW HOMES Vocation Mowing- and recorded on November 15,1984, In Liber dated February 19,1988, and recorded In the decisions. No commissions. «MMODELING • KITCHENS & BATHS, Spring Clean-up 1968, on page 567, Washtenaw County office of the Register of Deeds for the County x47tf Records, Michigan, on wMch mortgage Postal Jobs Info: carrier & 313- 335-6166 or 1 -800- 346- POLE BUILDINGS - GARAGES Organic Granular lawn fertilizing of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on 8080. Tutoring/lnstruction there Is claimed to be due atrUie date hereof March 3, 1968, In Liber 2210, Page 914, of other positions available 9 - Llseented & Insured Think Spring-Call Today the sum of Nine Thousand Three Hundred j _____ Washtenaw County Records, on which mort­ nationwide. Starting Nine and 38/100 Dollars (99,386.38). gage there is claimed to be due at the date of $11,79/hr. W/Benefits. 1-602- Place Your Statewide Ad -TUTORING Remedial . Reading,— - it^uald"bjr the undersigned, PIT IR YOUNC vestment, 24-hr. recorded message. necessary to protect Its Interest in the C alll-800-299-1321. c44-2 premises, which said premises are describ­ ed as follows: CUSTOM BUILDIR All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the Township orSuperior, County Specializing In Older Home Restoration w. and State of Michigan, and described as follows: fa Additions. ------_____ Lot sixty-eight (68), Geddes Ridge Sub- vision, as recorded i * Contemporary Spacious Kitchens - Ceramic Tile Sages 75, 76 and 77, Winhtenaw County. • Roofing . Sid ing - Replacement Windows S Doors Records. During thesis months immediately follow­ PHONE (313)475-7866 ing the sale, the property may be redeemed except that In the event that the property la Days or Evnnlngt MAGNIFICENT HISTORIC BRICK FARM HOMB — on over 20 determined to be abandoned pursuant to LICENSED (No. 079SSS) INSURE Largest dam In the world is the Fort Peck Dam. It MCLA 600,3241a, the property may be acres. 5 bedrooms, formal dining room, large country kitchen with stretches almost four miles across the Missouri River in redeemed during the 30 days Immediately fireplace. All interior lyitemi have been updated. Outbuilding! and following the sale. northeastern Montana. Dated: February 15,1991. fenced patturet for hone facility. $219,000. DARLA BOHLENDER STANDARD FEDERAL BANK, 475-9193 or 475-1471. a federal savings bank,, Mortgagee C a ll CHELSEA REAL1Y, IN C . ------SILMNKING Carpentry, remodeling* JOHN M. WELLS LAKEFRONT HOMB— in the heart of the Waterloo Recreation Area V4I4S. Main St. ChulMa. Ml 4S11S r e n o v a t io n Attorney for Mortgagee ghrw ■> astonishing array of pleasures fashioned by man end nature. 346 West Michigan Avenue 475-HOME (4663) Anytime DATERS Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and office or guest's apartment. $249,000. Mar27-Apr3-10-17-24 Uttrsn feb « n 4TVVTO Or«g Jahnton 4M -M M •With Plain Die Plates I Opwn 7 4ayt. Sunday t-J ^ HELEN LANCASTER 475-9193/475-119I or MARCIA thdla Kwby 4SM S1I 0*w*yKtin«r4T»-Sm ! 24 hr, am w ring wvlca 1 KIPPMILLER 475-9193/475-9334. •With Flat Bands •Ooters 1250 SQ. FT. RANCH — 3 bedrooms, forms! dining room, partially •Various Sizes finished upstairs. Near South Elementary School in Chelsea. Only $74,200. HELEN LANCASTER 475-9193 or 475-119$. JES-KEY T E D M I C K A GRAPHIC SERVICES Spociklbing in Old Homes ______, =*-otri0 acies.—Spacious finch tlcensedStnsured~ The Amazon is too wide at features living loom with brick fireplace, cathedral ceilings end many i. 263-1322 many points for a parson (517) 536-4371 on one bank to see the op­ windows to enjoy the southern exposure. Flelditone fireplace in base­ 4106 N. ADRIAN HWY- ment Bam all sat up for horses. Jackion County. $152,000, SANDY posite shore. BALL 475-9193 or 475-2403. _ f. • FANTASTIC COUNTRY HOME-*-for entertaining. 2000 sq. f t ranch with 4 bedrooms, 2 J baths, living room fireplace, finished basement T IN M IN U T II PROM ANN ARBOR—Complete with In-ground poo)| and inground pool. Jackson County. Only $103,000. SANDY BALL and marbled floor solarium. Four generous bedrooms, two baths, for- 475-9193 or 475-2403. (1445) ^ mal dining, attached garage. $164,900. Ask far Greg.

AN ENJOYABLE 3 BEDROOM — 3 J bath home on North Lake, $URPRI$I IN $IM —Manufactured ham* will win you over. Seller has remodeled and WOW. Country decorating right out of Better Homes. | Fwnily REALTY WORLD Chelsea Schools. room Withflrqrlscc,dining tndUving room with Terrific deck, Small barn. Ask Dewey to snow you. great views of lake, woods, swans, herons and sunsets. $399,000. COMFOltTABlI FAMILY H O M I1 AOTHIR-IN4AW APARTMENT—lots of roomfor two families to live] MARCIA KIPHMILLER mile from Chelsea Village limits. In comfort and privacy. Wooded site near North lake. $148,000. Ask for j This well maintained 2>story has 3 Dewey. posslble bedroomsr a full hath, BUILDING ItT E I-W # have two lots on M-52 |ust north of Stockbrldgel Vacant Lend formal dining, and a deck In the Village, and three 10-acre porcels on Llebeck . All are worth your att*n-| FANTASTIC VIEW— on ali sports Clear Lake in Waterloo Rec Area. fenced backyard. Realsofe Home tlon. Ask for Short-6r Greg. ' 1 Wdrronty,$84,9b0, Steve llseman : Hilltopsetting with 1001 frontage. .73 (+/•) acre. .Chelsea Schools. RfTIRS WITH ALL THI e©NVWliN


J8_____ ;______The Chelaeo Standard, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 SHARING THE ROAD SAFELY- Legal Notice Legal Notice SYLVAN TOWNSHIP MORTGAGE SALE-DefauM has been MORTGAGE SALE-Default having bean made in tbe terms and conditions of a mort­ made In tbe terms and conditions of a certain BUSH ROAD PROPERTY OWNERS gage entitled "Mortgage and Trust Inden- mortgage made by BLACK SHEEP ' made by The economic Development TAVERN,aMichiigan««>*rtBerahip,-of A Public Hearing will be held Monday, April 1, 1991, af 7:30 Corporation of tbe City of Ann Arbor, a Manchester, Michigan, Mortgagor, to Michigan public corporation, and a related MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK,, a national p.m. In the Sylvan Township Hall, 112 W. Middle St., Chelsea. mortgage entitled "Parting Lot Mortgage” banking association, successor by merger to Washtenaw County Road Commission will be present with made by Boardwalk Inn Company, a Minhioen National Bank-Ann Arbor, Mort­ Michigan copartnership, now Boardwalk gagee. dated tbe 13th day of March, 1966, and plans of re-construction on Bush Road from Ivey Rd. to Pierce Inn Company, Ltd., a Michigan limited part­ recorded In the office of tbe Register of Rd. nership, each in favor of National Bank of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw, and must be in an approved safety seat Detroit, now NBD Bank, N.A., the Mort­ State of Michigan, on the 18th day of March, By Richard H. Austin gagee, each dated May 1,1880, and recorded 1966, in Liber 2037 of Washtenaw County M ic h ig a n Secretary of State when riding in the front seat, SYLVAN TOW NSHIP onJuly 3,1980, in Liber 1783, pages 24 and 83, Records, on page 466, on which mortgage however, whpn riding in the hack, respectively, Washtenaw County Records, there la claimed to be due, at the date of this Q: A child age 1 to 4 years old riding Michigan; and an amendment to said mort­ notice, for principal and Interest, the sum of in the BACK SEAT of a car: (check they must be protected by an approv­ Mary M. Harris, Clark gages dated October IS, 1980, recorded (a) Note No. 1367, Sixty One Thousand Seven for answer at end of article) ed safety seat or safety belt. March 13, 1961, in Liber 1794, page 213, Hundred Seventy One and 21/100 Dollars We know that use of child safety y Washtenaw County Records, Michigan, and (661,771.21); and (b) Note No. 1823, One Hun­ a. is not required to be in a safety a second amendment to said mortgages dred Forty Five Thousand Three Hundred belt or approved child safety seat. seats and safety belts has increased dated December 26, 196$, recorded Thirty> (and______92/100 DcUm (6140,330.92) .. . since the law passed. Research shows December 30,198$, in Liber 202$, page 628, Ana no suit or proceedings at law or In b. must be held by an adult. Washtenaw- County Records, Michigan,’, equity haring beenm instituted to recoverre the c. must be correctly fastened in a us this. But still, according to a 1990 under which Ann Arbor Hotel limited Part­ debt secured'by said mortgage or any part safety belt or approved child safety survey by the University of Michigan NOTICE nership, an IlHhoislimlted partnership, now thereof. Now, Therefore, by virtue of the Mid American Hotel Limited Partnership, power of sale contained in said mortgage, seat. Transportation Research Institute, an Illinois limited partnership, assumed said and pursuant to tbe statute’of the State of When I drive through Michigan as while safety seat and belt use is ap- TO VILLAGE OF CHELSEA mortgages; on which mortgages there Is Mldugan in such case made and provided,- proximately 78.4 percent for all claimed due to Metropolitan Lire Insurance notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the Secretary of State/1 am always sur­ AND OTHER AREA RESIDENTS Company the sum of Seven Million Two Hun­ 9th day of May, 1991, at 10:00 o’clock am. prised to see young children standing children up to age 3, only 39.3 percent dred Twenty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Local Time, said mortgage will be foreclos­ of children ages 4 to 15 buckle up. Four Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ed by a sale at public auction, to the highest, in the front seat or playing in the back W ITH INTEREST IN THE (97,228,804.7$) plus interest at the rate of fif­ bidder, at the main lobby of the Washtenaw of a car or minivan without the protec­ These older children need and CHELSEA DEPOT ASSOCIATION teen (15%) percent per annum, plus Con­ County Courthouse, Huron Street entrance, tive benefits of a child safety seat or deserve protection, too. And they will tingent Interest as defined in the Mortgage in Ann Arbor, Michigan (thaMreing the ~ The Chelgga .Depot Association will hold Its Annual-Meeting in - and Trust Indenture. ___;______building where the Circuit Court for the safety belt. Children are our .most soon have it with implementation of Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure County of Washtenaw is held), of the precious cargo. Buckling a child in a Public Act 90 of 1990, which requires the Meeting Room at the Chelsea Depot bn Wednesday, April entered February 7,1991, by the Washtenaw premises described in said mortgage, or so all children ages 4 to 16 to wear a safe­ County Circuit Court, notice is hereby given safety seat or safety belt takes so little 3, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. ■ ■ “ ^ that said mortgages will be foreclosed by a time, but has the potential to do so ty belt wherever they ride in a motor .aale .nf.the mortgaged premises, at a public The agenda for the meeting will consist of a review of the auction to the highest bidder on Thursday, thirteen percent (13%) per annum, and (b) ich. In a very brief and unexpected “Depot Association's current financial status, nominations anch April 4, 1991, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at Note No. 1823 (13%) per annum, and all legal moment a young life can be saved. District of Columbia have child Main-Lobby of Washtenaw County Court— costs, charges and expenses, including the safety laws, beginning vote on Trustees and any other business as may be brought House, Huron Street entrance, Ann Arbor, attorney fees allowed by law, and also any before the Trustees. Michigan. sum or sums which may be paid by the are the number one killer and crippler April-1, 1991, Michigan’s law will be Said premises are situated til the City of undersigned, necessary to protect iu In­ of children in the United States. Even among the strongest. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, terest In the premises, which said premises There is no better time to celebrate, and are described as follows: are described as follows: more astounding is jh e fact that na­ Commencing at the Northwest comer of All of that certain piece or parcel of land tionally between 1978 and 1989, ap­ this new law than during National Section 9, T3S, R6E, City of Ann Arbor, situated in the Village of Manchester in the Child Passenger Safety Awareness Washtenaw County, Michigan; thence S 01° County of Washtenaw, and State of proximately 12,000 children under age .40’ 20” E 1066,00 feet along the West line, of ‘ Michigan, and described as follows, to wit; five were killed in traffic crashes and Week, Feb. 10-16. Throughout NOTICE said Section 9 and the center line of State PARCEL 1: Easterly 22 feet In width of Lot Michigan and the nation, special Road; thence N 87* 21’ 10” E 640.60 feet for a 3, "Block 3, Original Plat of the Village of more than 600,000 were injured, ac­ Point of Beginning; thence continuing N 87* Manchester. cording to the National Highway Traf­ awareness activities and events will BEGINNING IN THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1991, 21’ 10" E 73.06 feet; thence N 01° 52’ 00” W PARCEL 2;. Westerly 11 feet In width of fic Safety Administration (NHTSA). be held to encourage parents and VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETINGS, PLANNING COM­ 171.51 feet; thence N 88* 06' 00” E 473.8$ feet; Lot 3, also the Easterly 11 feet in width of Lot caretakers tot correctly buckle all thence S 01* 40’ 20" E 543.05 feet along the 4, Block 3, Original Mat of the Village of These numbers mean that motor vehi­ MISSION MEETINGS AND ZONING BOARD OF West line of Boardwalk Drive; thence S 87s Manchester. cle crashes cause more injuries and young children. 21’ 10” W $46.41 feet; thence N 01* 40’ 20" W PARCEL 3: Westerly 22 feet In width of The simple snap of the buckle takes APPEALS MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT THE 378.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, being a Lot 4, also the Easterly $ feet and 1 Inch in deaths of young children than do the part of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 9, width of Lot 5, block 3, Original Plat of the seven most common childhood i a moment of time for everyone, but SYLVAN TOWNSHIP HALL, 112 W. MIDDLE T3S, R6E, City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Village of Manchester. diseases combined. can save a lifetime of memories. STREET. County, Michigan. PARCEL 4; Lot 5 excluding the Easterly $ Answer to question:. Together with an easement for the In­ feet and 1 inch in width thereof, Block 3, It is so easy for us as parents and The m eeting dates of the Village Council have been stallation and maintenance of a sanitary Original Plat of the Village of Manchester. c. In Michigan, all children ages 1 to sewer and appurtenances, said easement be­ During the six months immediately follow­ caregivers to save many of these changed. Council w ill meet every 2nd and 4th Tues­ precious young lives and reduce the 4 riding in the back seat of a motor ing describes as follows: Commencing at the ing the sale, the property may be redeemed. day of the month at 7:30 p.m. Northwest comer of Section 9, T3S, R6E, Ci­ Dated at Farmington HlllsrMichigan on injuries associated with motor vehicle vehicle must be correctly fastened in ty of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michi­ March 20,1991. a safety belt or an approved child The meeting date of the Village Planning Commis­ gan, thence S 01* 40' 20" E 1068.00 feet along MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK, crashes. Very simply, child safety the West line of said Section 9 and the a national banking association, seats and safety belts have the poten­ safety seat. It’s the law. sion has also been changed. The Commission w ill centerline of State Road; thence N 87* 21' 10” MORTGAGEE E 713.68 feet; thence N 01“ 52’ 00” W 171.51 MICHAEL J. RYAN, ESQUIRE tial, when used correctly, to prevent meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30,p.m. Qf ttoRlnnlnfl; then™ ™ ntinl1- Attorneymeyforn for Mortgagee deaths by 71 percent and injuries by 67 ing N01“ 52' 00" W 22.00feet; thenceS89*41' "2777TmkflferRaaJTlWS)------“ Zoning Board of Appeals w ill continue to meet the 5 r E 87.48 feet; thence S 38“ 21’ 49" W 24.48 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 percent,“according tcrtfHTSA. 3rdW

PLANtilNG^GMMISSION NOTICE David Bacon, Chairman— HM ANNUAL- OTICE TOW NSHIP MEETING ANNUAL NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN , TOW NSHIP MEETING That the next Annual Township Meeting of the Electors of the NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN* That the next Annual Township Meeting>of the Electors of the TOW NSHIP of LIM A TOWNSHIP OF LYNDON County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan , . , % - will be held at _ County of Washtenaw,Stale of Michigan willbe Haldol “ — ' Lim a Township Hall

11432 Jackson Read Lyndon Township Hall Beginning at 1:00 o'clock p.m. (Comer of North Territorial RowmI and Townholl hood) o n Beginning at 7t00 p.m. on Saturday, Match 30,1991

TUESDAY, APRIL 9,1991 AG ENDA ITEM: I. Discussion of proposed 1991-92 budget. * v At such time in addition to other regular bull nets and In ac* 4 cordanco with the law; a budget covering proposed expen­ diture* and estimated revenue* of the Township shall be sub­ Regular monthly meeting for April will be held Monday, mitted for consideration. A copy of the budget Will be open for April 1 ot Lima Township Hall. Inspection ot the annual township mooting. T*f A special board meeting will be held Immediately following Signed: ARLENE BAREIS the annual mooting. ------...... Township Clerk. Signed: UNDAWAOE :;Ma*ir2srwT. ------„ Township C lerk#___ Dottd: March 14,1991. &c*


The Chqjseci Stondord, Wedneadoy, March 27, 1991 a r e a d e a t h s Newland H, Begole Genevieve Topping Reuben Lindemann Milan Darlington, S.C. 4015 Dexter Town Hall Rd. Newland H. Begole, 80, of Milan, (Formerly of Stockbridge and Gregory) Dexter died Wednesday, March 20, 1991 at Genevieve T. (Brotherton) Top­ Reuben E. Lindemann, 4015 Dexter Whitehall Convalescent Home in Ann ping, 82, of Darlington, S.C., formerly Town Hall Rd., age 95, died Monday, Arbor after a long illness. of Stockbridge and. Gregory, died March 25,1991, at St. Joseph Mercy He was bom June 18, 1910 in Yp- Thursday, March 21, 1991 in Darl­ Hospital, Ann Arbor. silanti, the son of Delancey and Mabel ington. He was bom Jan. 8, 1896, in Lima (Carpenter) Begole. On Oct. 11,1933 -S h e was bom Aug. 29, 1908 in White township, the son of Emil W. and he married Neola C. Bachman in Oak township, the daughter of Burt Fredericka Kuebler Lindemann. Milan, and she survives. and Anna Z. (Conklin) McDonald. On Mr. Undermann was a life resident Other survivors include three Dec. 26, 1930 she married Olin R. of the Chelsea-Dexter area, and farm­ daughters, Mrs. Ronald (Jean) Sat- Brotherton, who preceded her in ed for many years. terthwalte of Chelsea, Mrs. Ray (Bar­ death in 1973, and on May 15,1976 she He was a member of St. Andrew’s bara) Roble of Plymouth, and Mrs. married Norman. Topping, who United Church of Christ, and the Harland (Joan) Rendel of Milan; four preceded her in death in 1983. Washtenaw County Farm Bureau. grandchildren, Rodney Satterthwaite Survivors include a daughter and He was married to Hilda Marie of Woodstock, m., Curtis and Lance son-in-law, Janet and Wallace Kemp Lesser, Oct. 8, 1932, in Dexter. Satterthwaite of Chelsea, and Brin of Darlington; grandchildren David He is survived by his wife; one son Rendel of Milan; three, sisters, Knope and wife, Georgia, of Dexter, and his wife, Dale E. and Vivian Eudora Wood of Tuscon, Ariz., Ger­ and Diane Berry and husband, Clyde, Lindemann of Dexter; a daughter, trude Kern of Chelsea, and Mrs. of Cassleberry, Fla.; great­ Mrs. Eugene (Joann M.) Luckhardt of Harold (Arabella) Faust of Nakomas, grandchildren Matthew, Chad and Saline; five grandchildren, and six Fla.; and many nieces and nephews. Alyssa Knope, and Kristen and Sean great-grandchildren. He was preced- He was preceded- in death by , an infant...... Berry; two T.stepdaughters, ^ _____ Hester ed in death by two brothers, Eugene son, Gerald Begole, in 1939. Fillmore of Stockbridge and Eleanor and Elmer Lindemann, and two sis- pie had been“a~Milan rest*—Breniser of Gregory; two step-sons,—ters, Elsa Hoffman and Mayme dent for the past 62 years. He was a Douglas McKim and Gordon Topping, Binder; member of the Stony Creek United both of Stockbridge; 14 step- Funeral services will be held at 2 Methodist church of Ypsilanti and had grandchildren and 20 step-great- p.m, Thursday, March 28, at St. An- . . . He grandchildren. She was also preceded drew’s United Church of Christ^wit was a member of the Washtenaw in death by a brother, Lawrence the Rev. Gary J. Kwiatek officiating. PAT PAGELS is opening a new store called Kits N blue ribbon at a local fair and began her long-time love of County Farm Bureau and had been McDonald. Burial will follow in St. Andrew’s Krafts in the former Chelsea Office Supply building on S. the crafts. employed by the Ann Arbor Public Mrs. Topping was a homemaker Cemetery. Main St. Here Pagels shows off her first quflt. It won her a School System as a custodian for and a member of the Stockbridge Memorials may be made to St. An­ several years. First Presbyterian church. drew’s United Church of Christ. Funeral services were held Satur­ Funeral service was held on Sun­ Envelopes are available at the New Downtown Business Aims at day, March 23 at the Robison- day, March 24 at Caskey Funeral Hosmer Funeral Home, Dexter, Bahnmiller Funeral Home, Saline, Home, Stockbridge, with the Rev. where friends may call on Wednes­ with the Rev. Harland Rendel of­ David Smith officiating. Burial was in day, 1-9 p.m., and at the church, ficiating. Burial followed in Oakwood Plainfield Cemetery, Unadilla. Thursday, from 1 p.m, until the serv­ Quitters, Cross Stitchers, Hobbyists Cemetery, Saline. township. ice. Memorial contributions may be Memorial contributions may be Arrangements were completed by A new store geared toward people toward the classes, with the materials terest. Stenciling and sweatshirt made to the Stony Creek United made to Stockbridge First thfe Hosmer Funeral Home, Dexter. interested in quilting, counted cross and tools needed to complete a pro­ painting could also be covered. Pagels Methodist church or the Multiple Presbyterian church or Stockbridge stitch, knitting, crocheting and ject. said she would find experts willing Sclerosis Foundation. Ambulance Co. similar hobbies is scheduled to open Classes will be offered in virtually to teach. She has already been in Gertrude E. Clark Monday, April 1 downtown. any craft, provided there is enough in­ touch with a whittler. 805 W. Middle St., Chelsea Pat Pagels, a licensed practical LaVema B. Arnett (Formerly of Dexter) nurse on the University of Michigan ALL M A K E S (517)522-5122 Gertrude E. Clark, 805 W. Middle Hospital I.V. Team, and a previous Chelsea St., Chelsea, a former Dexter resi­ owner of the Log Cabin Restaurant, is ----- T^Vemfl R Arnotf, M, Hind Mnn. the PAINT JOB dent, age4)9,died^©ndayrM ^ . _ AS IOW AS A daughter, Madison Nicole, March day, March 25, 1991 at the Cheisea 1991, at the Chelsea United Methodist ~K its N Krafts, located in the former 5, to Latry and Linda (Wiedmayer) United Methodist Retirement Home. Home. home of Chelsea Office Supply be- CARS Keezer of Fremont, Ind. Mrs. Keezer She was bom Aug. 12,1905 in Ithaca, She was bom March 27, 1901, at tween Chelsea Motorcycle Supply and ISO TRUCKS Mich. On Feb. 23, 1928 she married Wolverine, the daughter of George Dayspring Gifts on S. Main St. graduated from Chelsea High in 1984. COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE-BODY REPAIRS Maternal grandparents are Larry and Roger P. Arnett in Owosso, and he and Flora L. Freer Lewis. “It’s the kind of thing I’ve always Margaret Wiedmayer of Grass Lake. later entered the ministry. He was. Mrs. Clark was a resident of the dreamed of doing,’’ Pagels says. _____ FREE ESTIMATES Paternal grandparents are Sharon assistant minister at Glennwood Dexter area for many years, and a “I’ve always wanted to do all those Mahon of Westland and Ed Keezer of Methodist church in Wyandotte and member of the Dexter United crafty things and make a business out was better known as the handicapped Methodist church. » of it.” ELIS COLLISION Taylor. Great-grandmothers are Mrs. 142 W. Michigan Av*? O rottLake Hilda Metzner of Vince, Fla., Mrs. minister. He preceded his wife in She was a member of the Washte­ Kits N Krafts will be primarily a Norma Wiedmayer of Cherokee death on Aug. 23,1973. naw Chapter 302, Order of Eastern retail store carrying DMC yams, col­ Village, Ark., and Mrs. Myrtle Higbie ored threads, craft patterns, bolts of is survived by on(rson and Ms 100 percent cotton fabric, photo­ of Allen Park. Arnett of Ludmgton and Richard ,, . .“ . . , scissors, and various other Arnett of Belleville; one daughter,, supplies. However she also plans to Ovality Service Is Our Business A daughter, Krystin Lynn, March Faye Stanis, of Milan; two daughters- ter’ ,®ranc^ct!}|ldre^’ ‘ 20, to Priscilla and Carl Schwarze of in-law, Val Arnett of Whitemore Lake grandchildren. She wa_s preceded in hold evening crafts classes in the and* Rerthfl ‘nHinetnn -^nri death by her husband Jack A. Clark, various products she sells. She’s also Chelsea. Maternal grandparents are and Bertha Arnett of Ludington, and ^ 1970> a daughter, Jean Klein, likely to brftnch intdwhittllng supplies Sherry and Dick Drew of Chelsea. seveh grandchildren and six great- 3, 1974, .J^o sisters, Thressa Paternal grandparents are Fred grandchildren. „ Oct. and classes, sewing repair, Angus and .Bernice Cook, and a and other sidelines/ Schwarze of Novi and Carla Cun­ EXCAVAfING INC. ningham of Florida. Krystin has two Funeral services will be held today, brother, Leslie Lewis. "People are telling me they’re are brothers, Nathan 2%, and Matthew Wednesday, March 27 at 1 p.m. at the Funeral services will be held at 11 dying*to see this store open,” Pagels 1%. Chelsea United Methodist Retirement a.m. Thursday, March 28, at the Dex- says. 4 7 5 -1 9 9 0 Home Chapel, with the Rev. James ter United Methodist church, jsith ih e_ -“If they are as sincere as they Simmons officiating. Burial will Rev. Leland E. Penzieir officiating. sound, it could be a real good r V u '■J it- follow at the Hillcrest Memorial Burial will follow in.Forest Lawn business.” Bawmsnts-Droinfields-Septic Tonks-Sewer Tell Them Gardens in Owosso. Cemetery, Dexter. Pagels says she first got interested Backhoe Work-Bulldozer-Truckihg-Gravel Memorials may be riiade to the Dex­ in crafts about 18 years ago when she Sarri-Topsoil'Srraw Removal You Read It Memorial contributions may be ter UnitedJMethodist church or to the made her first quilt, entered it in the made to the Chelsea United Methodist Chelsea United Methodist Home. _ Armada Fair in Richmond and won a In —Envelopes are available at the blue ribbon. She’s been a quilter ever Retirement Home. ; HONESTY • INTEGRITY • SATISFACTION THE STANDARD Arrangements were handled by Hosmer Funeral Home, Dexter, since and has taken up other hobbies, Staffan-Mitchell Funeral Home. where friends may call, Wednesday, most recently whittling. MICHIGAN'S OLDEST FORD DEALER 12 noon to 9 p.m., and at the church, Whittling is a craft. I think a lot of Thursday, 10 a.m. until thetime of the people would like to trybut don’t know {Washtmnaw County Since April 1912) service. — how to start,” Pagels says. SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL Arrangements were completed by “It’s something Chelsea hasn’t had THE AWARD WINNING DEALER -the Hosmer Funeral Horner-Dexter. before.” ALL LAWN A GARDEN TRACTORS Pagels also wants to sell kits geared *39M Cemetery Markers I Michigan's Oldest Ford Dealer Replace plugs, adjust carb , sharpen blade, clean air Open: Mon. and Thurs. 8:30 atm. - 8:00 p.m. cleaner, change oihjmHubr Pushed Over _ -Jueswr Wedr, and Frl. 8:30 a.m . - 6:00 p.m. Free Pick-up and Delivery Four grave markers were knocked Weeks of March 27 • April 5. Sat. 'til 3:00 p.m. - Service Open Sat. tool ■ in immediate area. over in Oak Grove Cemetery on Satur­ -Wednesdayr-March—27—Chuck^- VISA & Mastercard Accepted day, March 23. The vandalized markers spread wagon patty on a bun, potato waffle, DEXTER RENTAL from the northern edge of the vegetable sticks, applesauce, milk. 28-Tacos with 3511 Central S t., Dexter Open 8 -6 Mon.-Sat. PH. 4 2 6 -2 2 1 6 geacnS S S dMiaaiejcnooi d le school . ___ er" *__ *_ * °y jteredcom^f sauce> lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, but- Cemetery workers have discovered ^ 0Q Vn _._hnAl similar incidents before. r — Friday, March 29-No school, BUUWUU.WUW.WUCLULC spring break begins. LACY HALL SCOTT RICI TOM KIRN 426-0417 M o n a g m r 313 os WE WILL MATCH YOUR CASH 4 2 6 - 3 3 3 0 DOWN PAYMENT OF UP TO $1,000 ON SELECTED VEHICLES!

1«M MOMMY COUGAR XR-7 1987 FORD TIMPO Block beauty, automatic. 4-dr., gray, 5-*pped. C o s t n e w ...... $ 1 9 ,7 8 5 .Cost N e w ...... $ 1 1 ,3 5 0 C E R T IF IE D J k j B lu r B o o k ...... $ 1 1 ,6 2 5 B lu e B o o k ...... $ 5 ,7 2 5 28 - YEARS / T / S /y Palmar Prlca...... $9,765 Palmar Prlca...... $4,995 / Early Bird 1990 MUSTANG LX 198S GRAND MARQUIS LS 5-liter V-6, auto., 9,000 miles. A real black beautyi DINNER C o st N a w ...... $ 1 3 ,9 0 0 C ost N e w ...... $ 1 8 ,9 8 0 g ? A / 6 B lue B o o k ...... $ 1 0 ,M b B lu e B o o k ...... — $ 1 2 ,7 2 5 SPECIALS Palmar Price... .$12,400 Palmar Prlca...... $8,980 19B7 FORD RANOIR 4x4 1990 FORD CLUB WAGON Just $3.95111 ^ Blue. Sharp truck. 5,000 miles. Auto., air. C a f e C o st N e w ...... $ 1 2 ,8 0 0 C ost N d w ...... $ 1 8 ,1 2 5 B lu e B o o k ...... $ 8 , 5 9 5 B lu e B o o k ...... $14,750 8erved From3:00-5:00 R.rn. Now Through March 29th Palmar Price. . . . . $7,795 Palmar Prlca... *$13,900

MOWERS Monday ' Frlad Chicken Potty with french fries & cot# stow Our Choboa Auto Credit GUY HOB-PAY M W

LAWN TRACTORS fuotday Prtod Smelt Plato with french fries * cola slaw VahtdiB alto qualify for the matching $1,000 ca$h CHAIN SAWS down payment. Call Patti Van Riper collect today, m y w Wednesday OrlHod Catfish with french fries 5 cole slaw SNOW BLOWtttS 318473-1000. NO RIJICVS. 0017 C AM S Thursday Voal Clltlot with mashed potatoes 6 veggie Open: Men. and Thurs. 0:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday Porch.Botkot with french fries 6 cole slaw tuas., Wad., and Frl. 0:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.ftif. 28 -YEARS Sat. 'tll 3:00 p.m. - Service Open Sat. toctl EXPERIENCE fam ily /Dining •Oh approved credit EXIT 1S9 -1-94,1/4 MILE NORTH T -(3 1 3 )4 7 5

t The Chelsea Standard, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 School

Board AUTOMATED BUSINESS SERVICES IM Helping Business To Do Their Business No /ob is >00 small ■ Give us a coll and we con discuss your special needs ond Notes customize a bookkeeping program to fulfill these needs Phone 313-475-9150 • Computer Software Sales Fax 313-475 0422 Present at a regular meeting of the • Bookkeeping Services P.O Box 274 Chelsea Board of Education Monday, • Complete Payroll Processing yChelsea.'MI 48118 March 18, were Redding, Satter- thwaite, Feeney, Eisenbeiser, Dies­ ing, McCalla, superintendent Are You New to the Chelsea Area? Piasecki, assistant superintendent Mills, principals Stielstra, Benedict, Newcomers Welcome Service Wescott, assistant principal Rossi, community education director sponsored by Rogers, curriculum director Bissell, the area's leading merchants special education director DeYoung, aiH athletic director Welton, guests. The Chelsea Chamber of Commerce would like to visit you Meeting called to order at 8 p.m. by Sally H e il vice-president Satterthwaite. and help you become acquainted Chelsea Representative with your new community Entered as official communications To arrange for a visit 13909 Scio Chutch Rd. were (1) notification from the Univer­ please call 475-3149 Chelsea, MI 48118 sity of Michigan that Chelsea High school has been awarded accredita­ tion for 1990-91; (2) notification that board president Anne Comeau will receive the Award of Distinction at TEN EASTER EGGS were marked for special prizes left, Charlene Armstrong, 4, Carl Skodak, 6, Jenny ElUns, MASB’s annual regional meeting on and the children who found them last Saturdaywon 6, Billy Brown, 5, and Shawndra Mundlnger L Below, Tuesday, March 19. Easter baskets, provided by Harold Alien of Chelsea. Nor- from left, are .Brittany Petsch Johnson, 2, Sarah mally there are two eggs for each age group but because Castleberry, 6, Stephanie Lunquist, 10, Robert Pulford, 7, Community education director the pre-school turnout was so large, a little last-minute and Caitlln Power, 5. Jackie Rogers reviewed with the BUY IT rearranging had to take place. Winners, above, are, from board her reports on building use statistics and the status of a summer d. j iiiu iq u iji.il um .i J 1 o school program. She reported that 468 > • THTTIflii— siai ■»i i > 1 1 i l t i n i n 111 building-use permits were processed from August, 1990, through March, FOR LESS 1991, and that building use of all schools after the normal school day totaled 17,163 hours. The summer at Faist-M orrow school program, which would serve the constituency of the western Washtenaw county school districts, would be a pilot program evaluated NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! annually. Mr. Rossi would serve as principal, the Chelsea curriculum would be utilized, and community 1991 Oldi Cutlass Supreme 4-dr...... $13,900 education would handle marketing 1991 Olds Calais 4-dr...... $10,900 and enrollment procedure. This will be an action item at the next board 1991 Bulck Century______. t t t -,— y . .$13,900 meeting. 1990 Geo Prlzm 4-dr...... $7,995 r ._i_^ 1989 Bulck Skyhawk 4-dr...... $7,995 Debbie Osborne, who recently in­ itiated a petition in support of a soccer 1988 Chev Beretta G.T...... $7,495 program for the district, was present 1988 Chev Corsfcb 4-dr. CL...... $5,995 at the meeting. She compared her cost 1988 Mercury Topaz 4-dr. L.S...... $5,995 figures with those recently submitted 1988 Ford F-150 4x4 Pick-Up,...... $6,995 by athletic director Welton, and lengthy discussion was held by other 1988 Chevrolet 16-Ton Pick-Up 4x4...... $8,995 audience members on the issues of 1988 Chevrolet %-Ton Pick-Up 4 x 4 ...... $12,900 cost and facilities. The superintendent 1988 Chevrolet 16-Ton Pick-Up Extended...... $7,795 and board expressed appreciation for the community members1 input, and 1988 Chevrolet S-10 Blazer...... $10,900 advised that a soccer program has 1987 Olds Delta 88 Royale...... ■.■-.-tttv-... .$5,995 Raha’is Celebrate been under consideration on an ongo­ 1987 Pontiac Safari Sta-Wagon...... $5,995 ing basis. The three most important 1987 Chevrolet Astro Van...... $7,995 RCA Championship Sale factors affecting a decision are the Their New Year. 4QBZ Chevrolet Monte Cdrln SS...... $9,995 ChrtsM.ftFW M w ’is and (fiends of focil^es. apd Ww’ effects * m ex­ 1WGMC Safari Van...... $6,995 joined vrith the Jackson Baha i com­ isting sports programs, The soccer 1986 Chevrolet Comoro...... $4,495 fans were advised that until such time munity in a celebration of the Baha’i 1986 Olds Delta 88 Royale 4-dr...... $6,495 FINAL FOUR New Year on Wednesday, March 20 at as the district makes this sport the Faith in Action Building. available, they could operate as a 1986 Fortl Thunderbird...... $5,995 club. Festivities began with a special 1986 Cutlass Ciera 4-dr. Brougham...... $3,995 1986 Chev 16-Ton Pick-Up, CIO...... $5,995 NawRuz (New Year) prayer offered In action items, the board by Alexandra Rivera of Jackson. • appointed the auditing firm of 1986 Ford 1 -Ton 4x4 Pick-Up...... ___...$10,900 FUN! After the pot-luck dinner, Shanti Curtis. Bailey, Exelby and Sposlto to 1985 Bulck Century 4 -d r...... , ...... $4,995 Vadlamudl of Lyndon township conduct the 199031 audit 1985 Chevrolet Caprice Wagon...... $3,995 . of the MASB damental principles of the Baha’i to perform an analysis of current 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity 4-dr...... $2,995 Faith. Shanti explained that the board policies 1985 Bulck LeSabre 4-dr Limited...... $5,495 Baha’i Faith centers around the •. changed the starting time of board 1985 Chev S*10 Pick-Up . . ..t. r ...... $3,995 oneness of God, the oneness of His meetings from 8 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., ef­ Prophets, and the Unity of Mankind. fective with the April 15 meeting 1984 Ford Bronco II...... $3,495 She noted that the Baha’is had been • approved the appointment of Fred 1984 Olds Tornado...... $3,995 fasting from sunrise to sundown for Mills as election administrator for the 1982 Ford F-150 16-Ton Pick-Up...... $2,995 the previous 19 days, and that the June JNawRuzieast marked the end of the 1982Tord Bronco, full size___ .... t . . .t t $2,995 fast and the beginning of the Baha’i The board convened in executive year, 148 Baha’i Era. session to discuss personnel and The QUALITY Used Cars are a t Faist-Morrow Entertainment for the evening in­ discipline matters at 9:30 p.m., BUICK * OLDS ★ CHEVROLET * GEO cluded a newsreel featuring the reconvened in public session at 10:56 growth of the concept of the unity of p.m., and djoumed at 10:57 p.m. Call Dave Dfestng, Fred Mink, or John Popovich at mankind and the Baha’is contribution to this concept from Mongolia to rural South Carolina. The video emphasized Jeep Vandalized the underlying oneness of religion, M et dou net bided* FAIIT also. At Dealership license and The celebration was concluded with Someone may have tried to steal a ORROW iod of fellowship* 1991 Jeep Cherokee .from Village Motors on Thursday, March 7. Two CHS Students A window vent on the vehicle was 1500 S. Main St. OPEN Until 8:00 p.m. broken and a license plate was stolen. CHELSEA . Monday & Thursday P46150WK Chosen for Awards « 475-8663 OPEN 9:00-3:00 Sat. RCA Projection TV Two Chelsea High school students 1 Standard Classified Ads • 16"


* MMBMBIRI Heavy meat-eating came* cancer*, dlabets*. ulcer*, kidney—ana Qall>*tone*, F27185DW G27210TN pithma,piinma, and much more, RCA 27" dia. Monitor/Receiver j-eoting contaminate* and RCA 27" dia. Monitor/Receiver Meot-eatln •.Contemporary table-model- waste*t our< wotor supply. • The big 27" picture delivers all design that delivers championship Medt-Wln,TO, _rtri&ta«»o* erosion the action within a space-saving of top*oil, at theYote-of"------fwrfortnance without g f A A Q g contemporary swivel A million acre* a year; taking up a lot of space. D / / 75% already gone. base cabinet. * 6 9 9 9® Meat-eating cause* Ion of forest*, at yet# of I acre ■ every 8 second*. V acre farmland will produce 20 ton* potatoes; or 25 ton* tamatoe*; or 30 ton* celery; or 10 ton* apple*; or 15 ton* HEYDLAUFF'S carrots; or 5 ton* bepns; , but only 250 POUNDS beef. m m 113 N. Main » . THIS It MV LAST COiUMNI CHflttA— So, Good-by*; jand God flfiii f .. 4 7 5 -1 2 2 1 And re e d . . , . ■ — Q flH — Mon.-Omr*. ItHMiOO TuM.W»4M,MfrStSO SsIttC . A NIW AMMICA. J t

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