QUOTE “Though in silence, with 3 5 c blighted affection, I pine, p e r c o p y Yet the lips that touch li­ quor must never touch litiiu ciriP mine!” —G. W. Young Plus ONE HUNPRED TWENTIETH YEAR— No. 44 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1991 Area Churches Special Holy Week, f - Easter Worship Services Chelsea-area churches are planning will be open for prayer and meditation Calvary. Much of the service will be in mm special Holy Week and Easter ser­ on Friday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. candlelight. The Chancel Choir, I Si vices marking the death and resurrec­ ___N<>rth . Lake United Methodist soloists, and instrumentalists will also tion ofJesus Christ. church will hold a ^ennebrae Service participate. Pew communion will be m m Area pastors affiliated with the at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. observed. Easter Services will be a t 8 9 h Chelsea Ministerial Fellowship met Other Holy Week services include i s Ws a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The annual on Tuesday. March 19 to co-ordinate thefollowing. ----------------------- “ Easter breakfast will be served from MKH W fi services for Good Friday this Friday. St. Barnabas Episcopal church ■mm 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., with church school A community Good Friday Service plans a Mass and Laying Bare the at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Erwin Koch's will be held from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at m m Altar at 7:30 p.m. on Maundy Thurs­ sermon title is “A Never-Ending m m the First Congregational church on E. day. Friday from noon to 3 p.m. will 'W>im Story.” Holy Communion will be serv­ m Middle St. be Tre Ore. On Saturday The Great ed at both services. a Two of the newest area church Vigil of Easter will be featured at 7:30 First Congregational church will iiijs . leaders will be the featured speakers. p.m. Mass of-the Resurrection will be ®L w x m have a Service of Tenebrae and Com­ WM mmm&M m m The Rev. William Matthews of the held at 10 a.m. Sunday. munion at 7:30 p m . Thursday. Easter Chelsea Christian Fellowship church North Lake United Methodist Sunday begins with an Early Commu­ CHARGE OF Tlfe EASTER EGG BRIGADE was held youngsters scrambled for 200 dozen dyed, hard-boiled will give a sermon with the title, church will have a candlelight Maun­ nion Service and Baptism at 8 a.m., last Saturday morning at the Chelsea High school football eggs. Eggs were donated by Polly's Market, “That I May Know Him.” The Rev. J. dy Thursday service at 7:30 p.m. It followed by breakfast a 9 a.m. Wor­ field at the annual community Easter Egg, Hunt. The Keith Roberson of the First Congrega­ will feature the reading of scriptures ship and Communion Service will be tional church will speak on “Re- and the gradual extinguishing of at 10 a.m. Crucifying Christ.” lights in the sanctuary. Easter Sun­ mmm' day Celebration will begin with an 8 Immanuel Bible church will start Organist for the service will be Easter Sunday with pastries and cof­ Kathryn West of the First Congrega­ am . service led by the youth of the i.- «,'V;S fee in the church basement from 9 ‘mm® tional church. Bev Slater will be a church on the theme of “The People of E aster.” Breakfast will be at 9 a.m. a.m. to 9:45 am . Sunday school mm l l t l soloistrAsWng triofeaturingAddinist- classes for all ages will follow until %. Alice Rhodes, celloist Irwin Holland-’ and an Easter Egg Hunt will follow at 10:45. At 11 am. a Resurrection i t 9:30.The full worship service at 10:30 Moritz, and soloist Joseph E. Dudley Celebration Service will be held. At 8 w will also provide special music. a.m. will feature display of two new Easter banners. p.m. a video, “Jesus,” will be presented. The film is considered a mPX The offering for the service will be St. Paul United Church of Christ Biblically accurate film and the only r „ used for a community project, which will hold a Service of Tenebrae and S;,yV‘. if. words Jesus speaks are His words had not been decided as of press time. Holy Communion on Thursday at 7:30 recorded in the gospel of Luke. O . 11 Wtm mm Mi Many area businesses will be closed p.m. -Part of the 1991 confirmation from noon to 3 p.m. on Friday to allow V&H class will participate. The service will First United Methodist church will m ‘x m their employees the opportunity to at­ m feature a gradual darkening of the have a traditional Easter breakfast at tend services. sanctuary as the story of Christ’s pas- 7:30 a.m. No sunrise service will be sion and death nears its climax on m H St. Paul United Church of Christ held. ,mW$mm 3>sf M Council Tells DDA *$k m It Can Use Village Lot As Site for House ONCE THE EXCITEMENT SUBSIDED, these three 200 dozen dyed, hard-boiled eggs In less than five minutes, The house behind the Chelsea 14th site for a number of reasons, in­ DDA redevelopment project. Once the South school youngsters decided to count the eggs they and IQ children won special prizes. From left are Valisa District Courthouse that was schedul­ cluding the relative ease with which house is moved, the 50-space collected last Saturday at the annual community Easter Thompson, Ryan Bowerman, and Cansey Bauer. ed to be moved to the former Pump ’N the house can be moved to it as oppos­ municipal lot behind the the Main St. Egg Hunt at Chelsea High school. Youngsters picked up Pantry site as part' of the Downtown ed to the Park St. lots. businesses can be constructed. Development Authority’s parking lot Details about purchase price of Mogdis said the clean-up of the ^project is now likely to be moved to a either lot have yet to be worked out. Pump ’N Pantry site could take quite village-owned lot on W. Middle St. DDA approached the village about a while because the owners and the Council Approves July 4th - PDA ha«—riecidetL the estimated the ______________lots because it _needs a place to Department of Natural Resources are $50,000 cost to move the house to the move the house by the end of May. still trying to decide how to go about corner of Orchard and Main Sts. and Demolition was the last option, cleaning up ground contamination. renovate it for use as an addition to Heydlauff said. “At the very least, we’d like to see if Fireworks, With Contingencies McKune Memorial- Library is too If the house is used as a residence, it we can (grass) seed it,” Mogdis said. much money to spend. will require less renovation than it DDA had planned to spend $200,000 Chelsea Village Council appears village and the Chelsea Community Fireworks, the company Chelsea 1995 Last Tuesday, village council told would to be used as a library because, on the library project, Heydlauff said. willing to lower its liability insurance Fair as insured parties. wants to handle the show. DDA chair Mark Heydlauff and finan­ among other things, it will not have to That money may now be used in other requirements for a Fourth of Juljr lastyeartheshow was not held.------ The fairgrounds has offered to lease cial consultant FranzMogdis that be modified to handle the additional areas. For example, about $25,000 is fireworks display this summer. — This year Chelsea 1995 organization the fairgrounds to the village for <1 for , DDA could move the house to one of weight of books and will not necessari- being earmarked for a study on a new Two years ago, the last year village wants to sponsor a show. Council the show, two village-owned sites—the W. Mid- ly have to be handicap accessible; library addition. resident Harold Allen organized the authorized the show with a $2 million Allen said he might sue the village if die St. lot or the vacant lots on Park No matter which lot is used, “As it turned out, while we were stu­ program, Allen was required to come insurance^Mlicy, $1 million of which it lowers its liability insurance re­ St. opposite the First United Heydlauff said “now the pressure is dying the (house project) we got up withar|3 millionpollcy naming the__ grill he provided by Independence quirements. He said he lost a substan­ Methodist Church that were purchaa- off” because there’s little chance the about half-way through a study of tial amount of moneymthel989show ed severaLyears ago as a site for a house move.will delay the rest of the (Continued on page three) and part of the reason was “the new village lull, unreasonable requirements” for in- However, on Friday Heydlauff said f- surance. ___ the W. Middle St. lot is the preferred 7 \ ‘I A % <;:>. s t f . j ~ i v *"■, > i ' .-r/'M ? <■ - - A Vf ■ j' Area Bus Riders 4 h' d V'Jn ’ 1 Trying To Organize ■A Support for Route— 7: , : / 4> The fate of the Chelsea-Ann Arbor until a funding decision is made. !&}£i St*/, v > bus rou|e offered through Ann Arbor Council has indicated it does not Ml Transportation Authority has not .want to subsidize the route by itself, K.
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