
12/1/2015 Main Survey



If respondent is informant, not Hispanic and selected only 1 race INFRSAME=1, HISP_N=2, AND AMIND_N+PACIS_N+ASIAN_N+BLACK_N+WHITE_N=1  GO TO PRGMR INSTR 6

If respondent is not informant INFRSAME=2  GO TO A1

If respondent is informant and Hispanic INFRSAME=1, HISP_N=1  GO TO A1

If respondent is informant, not Hispanic, and selects multiple races in screener INFRSAME=1, HISP_N=2, AND AMIND_N+PACIS_N+ASIAN_N+BLACK_N+WHITE_N>1  GO TO A1

A1. I want to start by asking you a few questions about yourself. What one race do you consider yourself?


White or Caucasian ...... 1 GO TO P. I. 6 African American or Black ...... 2 GO TO P. I. 6 Hispanic or Latino/a ...... 3 GO TO P. I. 6 Asian or Asian-American ...... 4 GO TO P. I. 6 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ...... 5 GO TO P. I. 6 American Indian or Native American (OR ALASKAN NATIVE)...... 6 GO TO P. I. 6 Biracial ...... 7 GO TO A1_1 OTHER, MULTI-RACE OR MIXED ...... 8 GO TO A1_1 DK ...... DK GO TO A1_1 RF ...... RF GO TO P. I. 6

1 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 A1_1. If you had to pick one, which category best describes your racial background?

White or Caucasian ...... 1 African American or Black ...... 2 Hispanic or Latino/a ...... 3 Asian or Asian-American ...... 4 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ...... 5 American Indian or Native American (OR ALASKAN NATIVE)...... 6 BIRACIAL ...... 7 OTHER, MULTI-RACE OR MIXED ...... 8 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


If respondent is informant, not Hispanic and selected only 1 race in screener INFRSAME=1, HISP_N=2, AND AMIND_N+PACIS_N+ASIAN_N+BLACK_N+WHITE_N=1

Then set RACE_GRP to selected race from the screener

All others, set RACE_GRP to selected race in A1 or A1_1

Where RACE_GRP values and text fills are…

1=White 2=Black 3=Hispanic 4=Asian 5=Pacific Islander 6=Native American 7=Biracial 8, DK and RF=Racial Group


A2. Are you currently in school?

YES ...... 1 GO TO A2_1 NO ...... 2 GO TO A3 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO A3

A2_1. What type of school?

Junior high or Middle school ...... 1 High school ...... 2 Trade or Vocational School ...... 3 College or University ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

2 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 A3. [Was/is] your [high school / school] public or private?

IF A2_1=1 or 2: Is your school public or private?

IF A2_11 or 2: Was your high school public or private?

Public ...... 1 Private ...... 2 GO TO A3_1 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A3_1. [Was/Is] your [high school / school] formally affiliated with a religion or part of a church?

IF A2_1=1 or 2: Is your school formally affiliated with a religion or part of a


IF A2_11 or 2: Was your high school formally affiliated with a religion or part of a church?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A4. What portion of people in your [school /high school] [are/were] of the same race as you?

IF A2_1=1 or 2: What portion of people in your school are of the same race as you?

IF A2_11 or 2:What portion of people in your high school were of the same race as you?

All ...... 1 Most ...... 2 About half ...... 3 Some ...... 4 Few ...... 5 None ...... 6 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


IF A2_1=1 or 1 SKIP TO A5_1

3 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 A5. What is the highest degree you have received so far?


GED ...... 1 High School Degree or Diploma...... 2 GO TO A6 Post high school vocational certificate ...... 3 GO TO A6 A Bachelors Degree ...... 4 GO TO A6 Associates Degree ...... 5 GO TO A6 Masters or MA ...... 6 GO TO A6 Ph.D, J.D., Ed.D., M.D. or some other advanced degree ...... 7 GO TO A6 NO DEGREE ...... 8 OTHER ...... 9 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A5_1. What is the last grade of [school / high school] you completed?

IF A2_1=1: What is the last grade of school you completed?

IF A2_11: What is the last grade of high school you completed?

Seventh grade or less ...... 7 Eighth grade ...... 8 Ninth grade or Freshmen ...... 9 Tenth grade or Sophmore...... 10 Eleventh grade or Junior ...... 11 Twelfth grade or Senior ...... 12 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

4 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Schools

IF A2=0: Now I’m going to read you a few statements about your school. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

IF A20: Now I’m going to read you a few statements about your high school. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

A6. My [school / high school] [has/had] all the resources it [needs/needed] to provide students with a good education. Do you…

IF A2_1=1 or 2: My school has all the resources it needs to provide students with a good

education. Do you…

IF A2_11 or 2: My high school had all the resources it needed to provide students with a good education. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A7. Most teachers at my [school / high school] put the well-being of the students ahead of their own. Do you…

IF A2_1=1 or 2: Most teachers at my school put the well-being of the students ahead of their own. Do you…

IF A2_11 or 2: Most teachers at my high school put the well-being of the students ahead of their own. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

5 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 A8. My parents or other adults in my life [are / were] actively involved in my education. Do you…

IF A2_1=1 or 2: My parents or other adults in my life are actively involved in my education.

Do you…

IF A2_11 or 2: My parents or other adults in my life were actively involved in my education. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A9. I [am receiving/received] a very good [education at my school / high school education]. Do you…

IF A2_1=1 or 2: I am receiving a very good education at my school. Do you…

IF A2_11 or 2: I received a very good high school education. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


A10. Have you ever taken [a high school / an] American government or civics course?

IF A2_1=1: Have you ever taken an American government or civics course?

IF A2_11: Have you ever taken a high school American government or civics course?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

6 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 A11. [Have/Did] you [had/have] sex education in [school / high school]?

IF A2_1=1: Have you had sex education in school?

IF A2_1=2: Have you had sex education in high school?

IF A2_11 or 2: Did you have sex education in high school?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A11_1. What format did it take? Was it …

Part of another class like gym or health class ...... 1 A separate course dedicated only to sex education ...... 2 BOTH ...... 3 OTHER ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

A11_2. Did the class focus only on abstinence, meaning not having sex, or did it also include attention to safe sex?

Only on abstinence ...... 1 Included attention to safe sex ...... 2 OTHER ...... 3 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

7 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 B—RAP MUSIC

B1. The researchers are interested in how people your age feel about rap music. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about rap music and rap music videos.

On average, how often do you listen to rap music?

Every day ...... 1 Several days a week ...... 2 Once a week ...... 3 Once or twice a month ...... 4 Rarely ...... 5 GO TO B4 Never ...... 6 GO TO B5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

B2. Monday through Friday, about how many hours a day do you listen to rap music?

READ AS NEEDED: How many hours that you are awake do you listen to rap music?


HOURS: ______(1-18, DK)

B3. Saturday and Sunday, about how many hours a day do you listen to rap music?

READ AS NEEDED: How many hours that you are awake do you listen to rap music?


HOURS: ______(1-18, DK)

8 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 B4. In the last few months, what three rap artists have you listened to most often?


B4_1 ______(50 char, DK/RF)

B4_2 ______(50 char, NONE, DK/RF)

B4_3 ______(50 char, NONE, DK/RF)

B5. On average how often do you watch rap music programming on television?

Every day ...... 1 Several days a week ...... 2 Once a week ...... 3 Once or twice a month ...... 4 Rarely ...... 5 GO TO B8 Never ...... 6 GO TO B8 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

B6. Monday through Friday, how many hours a day do you watch rap music programming on television?

READ AS NEEDED: How many hours that you are awake do you watch rap music programming on television?


HOURS: ______(1-18, DK)

B7. Saturday and Sunday, how many hours a day do you watch rap music programming on television?

READ AS NEEDED: How many hours that you are awake do you watch rap music programming on television?


HOURS: ______(1-18, DK)

9 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015

B8. I’m going to read you a number of statements about rap music videos. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

Rap music videos contain too many references to sex. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

B9. Rap music videos should be more political. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

B10. Rap music videos have too many references to violence. Do you …

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

B11. Rap music videos portray Black women in bad and offensive ways. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

B12. Rap music videos portray Black men in bad and offensive ways. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4

10 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

11 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 C—EFFICACY AND SELF-ESTEEM

Rosenberg Self-esteem

C1. Now please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements about you and how you feel about yourself.

On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C2. I am able to do things as well as most other people. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C3. All in all, I believe that I am a failure. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Perceived Social Support

C4. I feel loved and wanted. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

12 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 C5. I know people upon whom I can always rely. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Personal or Self-Efficacy

C6. Again, thinking about yourself, please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

When faced with a problem, I can figure out the right solution and fix the problem. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C7. I am confident that I can deal effectively with unexpected events. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Nihilism Scale

C8. I have to look out for myself and forget about other people. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C9. People judge me by what I can buy and what I own. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

13 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 C10. Life is not fair and people like me never get their fair share. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C11. There are no good jobs for people like me. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Political Efficacy

Personal political agency:

C12. Okay, now I want to talk a bit about politics. Again, tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements.

I believe that by participating in politics I can make a difference. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C13. I have the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in politics. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

14 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Political Cynicism

System Responsiveness / Openness:

C14. The leaders in government care very little about people like me. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

C15. The government is pretty much run by a few big interests looking out for themselves and their friends. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Disagree ...... 3 Strongly Disagree...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

15 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D—POLITICAL PARTICIPATION

Parental Socialization

D1. Okay, now think about your parent or the person who raised you who was most interested in politics.

How often did that person follow what was going on in government and public affairs?

Most of the time ...... 1 Some of the time ...... 2 Only now and then ...... 3 Hardly at all...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D2. How often did that person vote? (That is how often did your parent or person who raised you vote?)

In every election ...... 1 In most elections ...... 2 Only in important elections ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Not at all ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


IF AGES 15-17, GO TO D4

Political Activity

D3. Now I want to ask you some questions about your political activity.

Please tell me if you voted in a national or local election during the last 12 months.

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO D4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D3_1. Did you vote in the 2004 presidential election?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO D4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO D4

16 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D3_2. Did you vote for George Bush, John Kerry or someone else?

George Bush...... 1 John Kerry ...... 2 Someone else ...... 3 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D4. Thinking about other political activities. Tell me if you have done any of the following in the last 12 months. Have you…

…contacted a public official or agency?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D5. (In the last 12 months, have you)…signed a paper or e-mail petition?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D6. (In the last 12 months, have you)…attended a protest meeting, demonstration or sit-in?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D7. In the last 12 months, have you participated in a Boycott?

READ AS NEEDED: By boycott I mean not buying something because of the conditions under which the product is made or because you dislike the conduct of the company that produces it.

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D8. Have you engaged in buycotting, that is buying a certain product or service because you like the social or political values of the company that produces or sells the product (in the last 12 months)?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

17 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D9. (In the last 12 months, have you)…been active in or joined a political group?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D10. In the last 12 months, have you written and sent an email or written a blog about a political issue, candidate or political party?

READ AS NEEDED: A blog: is a personal journal published on the web. It is a public web site updated frequently where users post informal journals of their thoughts, comments, and philosophies.

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D11. (In the last 12 months, have you)…given money to a candidate, party or political issue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D12. (In the last 12 months, have you)…worked or volunteered on a political campaign for a candidate or a party?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D13. In the last 12 months, have you talked with family or friends about a political issue, party or candidate?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D14. (In the last 12 months, have you)…worked with the people in your neighborhood on a political issue or problem?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

18 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D15. (In the last 12 months, have you)…written an article or letter to the editor about a political issue or problem

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D16. Are there ways that you participate in politics that I have not mentioned?

YES ...... 1 GO TO D16_1 NO ...... 2 GO TO D17 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO D17

D16_1. What other ways have you participated in politics?


______(200 char, DK/RF)

D17. Where do you get most of the information that you trust about politics?


______(200 char, NO PLACE, DK/RF)

D18. Are you a member of an organized group, such as one run through school, church or the park system? Any group or organization counts, not just political groups.

READ AS NEEDED: The researchers mean any formal and regular gathering of people in which you participate or any organization of which you are a member.

YES ...... 1 GO TO D18_1 NO ...... 2 GO TO D19 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO D19

D18_1. How many organized groups do you belong to?

NUMBER OF GROUPS: ______(1-15, DK/RF)

19 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D19. In the last twelve months have you engaged in organized volunteer or community service work— that is, worked for others for no pay

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Most Important Issue

D20. What do you think is the most important issue facing young people like you?

______(200 char, DK/RF)

Public Opinion on Issues

D21. Now I’m going to read you several statements about current political issues; please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

The government should make it legal for same-sex couples to get married. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D22. The government should make it illegal to get an abortion under any circumstances. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

20 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D23. The only sex education programs the government should fund are abstinence-only programs. Would you say you…

READ AS NEEDED: Abstinence-only sex education programs are those that emphasize not having sex and do not provide students with information about contraception and other methods of protection during sex.

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


D24. There is a lot of talk these days about what it means to be a citizen. Please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements about citizenship and opportunity in the United States.

Generally, I feel like a full and equal citizen in this country with all the rights and protections that other people have. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D25. The government treats most immigrants better than it treats most Black people born in this country. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

21 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D26. In the United States, everyone has an equal chance to succeed. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Feeling Thermometers

D27. Now I'd like to get your feelings toward groups of people and individuals. I will use something we call the feeling thermometer and here is how it works: I'll read the name of a group or individual, and I'd like you to rate that group or person on a scale of 0-100. Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable and warm toward them. Ratings between 0 degrees and 50 degrees mean that you feel cool or don't care much for that person or group. And a 50 degree rating means you don’t feel either warm or cold; you are in the middle. Don’t forget, you are free to pick any number between 0 and 100.


Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D28. Latinos

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D29. Whites

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

22 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D30. Asian Americans

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D31. Arab Americans

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D32. People who identify as mixed or biracial

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D33. Gay men and lesbians

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D34. The Democratic Party

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D35. The Republican Party

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

23 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D36. President Bush

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

D37. The police

REPEAT AS NEEDED: Please pick a number between 0 and 100. 0 is cool or negative. 100 is very warm or favorable.

Number: ______(0-100, DK/RF)

Criminal Justice Issues

D38. Okay, now I’m going to ask you some questions about your experience with the police.

Have you ever called the police for help?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D39. Have you ever been the victim of a crime?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D40. Have you ever been unfairly treated by the police?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D41. Have you ever been stopped by the police?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

24 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 D42. Have you ever been arrested?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO E1 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D43. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO E1 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

D44. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

25 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 E—RELIGION

E1. Now I want to ask you a few questions about your religious beliefs and activities.

How important is religion in your life?

Very important ...... 1 Somewhat important ...... 2 Of little importance ...... 3 Not important ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

E2. What is your current religion?

PROBE IF NEEDED: Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox Christian, some other religion, or no religion at all?

READ AS NEEDED: A protestant is any Christian denomination that is not a part of the Roman Catholic Church.

Protestant...... 1 GO TO E2_1 Catholic ...... 2 GO TO E3_1 Muslim (SUNNI / BLACK MUSLIM / SHIITE/ISLAMIC) ...... 3 GO TO E2_1 Jewish (JUDAISM) ...... 4 GO TO E3_1 Orthodox Christian...... 5 GO TO E3_1 NONE ...... 6 GO TO E3 OTHER ...... 7 GO TO E2_2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO E3

E2_1. What specific denomination or branch is that?

______GO TO E3_1 (200 char, DK/RF)

E2_2. What is your current religion?

______GO TO E3_1 (200 char, DK/RF)

26 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 E3. Do you consider yourself an atheist, agnostic, spiritual but not religious or none of these options?

READ AS NEEDED: An atheist is a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of God or some supreme being.

Someone who is agnostic is unsure whether there is or is not a God.

Atheist ...... 1 Agnostic ...... 2 Spiritual, but not religious...... 3 None of the above ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

E3_1. What was your religion when you were growing up?

READ AS NEEDED: A protestant is any Christian denomination that is not a part of the Roman Catholic Church.

Protestant...... 1 GO TO E3_2 Catholic ...... 2 GO TO E4 Muslim (SUNNI / BLACK MUSLIM / SHIITE/ISLAMIC) ...... 3 GO TO E3_2 Jewish (JUDAISM) ...... 4 GO TO E4 Orthodox Christian...... 5 GO TO E4 NONE ...... 6 GO TO SKIP AFTER E3_3 OTHER ...... 7 GO TO E3_3 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO E4

E3_2. What specific denomination or branch was that?

______GO TO E4 (200 char, DK/RF)

E3_3. What was your religion when you were growing up?

______GO TO E4 (200 char, DK/RF)


If respondent has no current religion or past religion E2=6 and E3_1=6  GO TO F1

If respondent has a current religion E2≠6  GO TO E4

27 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 E4. How often do you attend religious services?

Never ...... 1 GO TO E6 Rarely ...... 2 Only on religious holidays ...... 3 Once or twice a month ...... 4 Once a week ...... 5 Daily ...... 6 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

E5. How often do you engage in activities at your place of worship? I mean how often do you do things like serve on a committee, give time to a special project, or help to organize a meeting?

Never ...... 1 Rarely ...... 2 Only on religious holidays ...... 3 Once or twice a month ...... 4 Once a week ...... 5 Daily ...... 6 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

E6. How often do you engage in religious activities outside a place of worship, like reading religious books at home, praying before meals or listening to religious music?

Never ...... 1 Rarely ...... 2 Only on religious holidays ...... 3 Once or twice a month ...... 4 Once a week ...... 5 Daily ...... 6 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

28 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 F—HEALTH

Most Important Health Issues

F1. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about your health, the quality of health care in this country and important health issues.

What is the most important health issue confronting young people like you?

______(200 char, DK/RF)

Medical Care

F2. Has there been any time over the past year when you thought you should see a health care provider but you did not?

YES ...... 1 GO TO F2_1 NO ...... 2 GO TO F3 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO F3

F2_1. What kept you from seeing a health care provider when you really needed to?

______(200 char, DK/RF)

F3. Where do you receive most of your medical care?

Private doctor’s office ...... 1 GO TO F4 Community health clinic ...... 2 GO TO F4 School or student health services ...... 3 GO TO F4 Hospital ...... 4 GO TO F4 Emergency room ...... 5 GO TO F4 Home ...... 6 GO TO F4 Some other place ...... 7 GO TO F3_1 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO F4

F3_1. Where is that other place where you receive most of your medical treatment?

______(200 char, DK/RF)

29 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 F4. How do you rate the quality of health care in this country? Is it…

Excellent ...... 1 Very good...... 2 Good ...... 3 Fair ...... 4 Poor ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

F5. How do you rate the quality of health care you receive? Do you think it is…

Excellent ...... 1 Very good...... 2 Good ...... 3 Fair ...... 4 Poor ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

F6. Would you say your health is…?

Excellent ...... 1 Very good...... 2 Good ...... 3 Fair ...... 4 Poor ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

F7. Where do you get most of the information that you trust about important health issues?


______(200 char, NO PLACE, DK/RF)

30 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 HIV / AIDS

F8. What do you think your chances are of getting AIDS? Would you say:

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National AIDS Line and the number to call is 1-800-342-2437. Are you okay to continue?

Very high ...... 1 High...... 2 Low ...... 3 Very low...... 4 None ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

F9. Do you know or have you known someone personally with HIV or AIDS?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National AIDS Line and the number to call is 1-800-342-2437. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Health, Race and Public Opinion

F10. Now I’m going to read some statements about health and healthcare. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

If more white people had AIDS, the government would do more to find a cure. Do you…

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National AIDS Line and the number to call is 1-800-342-2437. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

31 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 F11. In the healthcare system, Blacks are treated less fairly than whites. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

F12. There are so many things that I have to deal with that taking care of my health is just not something I really have time for. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

F13. How often do you trust the information you receive from the media about health care issues?

All the time ...... 1 Most of the time ...... 2 Sometimes ...... 3 Not that often ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


F14. During the past 30 days, how many days have you felt down, depressed or helpless?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National Hopeline Network and the number to call is 1-800-784-2433. Are you okay to continue?

DAYS: ______(0-31, DK/RF)

F15. During the past 30 days, how many days have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National Hopeline Network and the number to call is 1-800-784-2433. Are you okay to continue?

DAYS: ______(0-31, DK/RF)

32 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Violence READ: Next I have a few questions related to violence that may seem a little sensitive. Please remember that all of your answers are totally confidential and no one else will know what you said. Also, remember that you are free to skip any question in this survey that you want. Please try to be honest in all the answers that you give.

F16. Please tell me how often the following things happened over the last 12 months to you or someone you know. How often did you or someone you know carry a weapon such as a gun or knife. Did this happen…

Everyday ...... 1 Once a week or more ...... 2 Nearly every week ...... 3 About once a month ...... 4 Several times ...... 5 Once or twice ...... 6 Never ...... 7 DK/ ...... DK/RF

F17. Over the last 12 months how often were you or someone you know threatened with a weapon.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-799-7233. Are you okay to continue?

Everyday ...... 1 Once a week or more ...... 2 Nearly every week ...... 3 About once a month ...... 4 Several times ...... 5 Once or twice ...... 6 Never ...... 7 DK/ ...... DK/RF

F18. Over the last 12 months how often were you or someone you know in a physical fight?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-799-7233. Are you okay to continue?

Everyday ...... 1 Once a week or more ...... 2 Nearly every week ...... 3 About once a month ...... 4 Several times ...... 5 Once or twice ...... 6 Never ...... 7 DK/ ...... DK/RF

33 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015

F19. Over the last 12 months how often were you or someone you know forced to engage in sex.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

Everyday ...... 1 Once a week or more ...... 2 Nearly every week ...... 3 About once a month ...... 4 Several times ...... 5 Once or twice ...... 6 Never ...... 7 DK/ ...... DK/RF

F20. Over the last 12 months how often were you or someone you know physically wounded like being stabbed or shot.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-799-7233. Are you okay to continue?

Everyday ...... 1 Once a week or more ...... 2 Nearly every week ...... 3 About once a month ...... 4 Several times ...... 5 Once or twice ...... 6 Never ...... 7 DK/ ...... DK/RF

F21. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship in which you were physically abused like being kicked, slapped or punched?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-799-7233. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

34 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015


G1. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

Men and women should share equally in childcare and housework. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

G2. It is better if a man is the main financial supporter of his family. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

G3. A single mother can bring up her child as well as a married couple. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

G4. In this country, how much discrimination is there against women? Would you say…

A lot ...... 1 Some ...... 2 A little ...... 3 None at all ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

35 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 G5. In the [RACE_GRP] community, how much discrimination is there against [RACE_GRP] women? Would you say…

IF A1_1=7, 8, DK, RF: In your racial group, how much discrimination is there against women

of your same race? Would you say…

IF A1_17, 8, DK, RF: In the [RACE_GRP] community, how much discrimination is there against [RACE_GRP] women? Would you say…

A lot ...... 1 Some ...... 2 A little ...... 3 None at all ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

G6. In this country, how much discrimination is there against lesbians and gays? Is there…

A lot ...... 1 Some ...... 2 A little ...... 3 None at all ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

G7. In the [RACE_GRP] community, how much discrimination is there against [RACE_GRP] lesbians and gays? Would you say…

IF A1_1=7, 8, DK, RF: In your racial group, how much discrimination is there against

lesbians and gays of your same race? Would you say…

IF A1_17, 8, DK, RF: In the [RACE_GRP] community, how much discrimination is there against [RACE_GRP] lesbians and gays? Would you say…

A lot ...... 1 Some ...... 2 A little ...... 3 None at all ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

G8. Do you know someone personally who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

36 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H—SEX AND SEXUALITY

READ: Next I have a few questions about sex that may seem a little sensitive. Please remember that all of your answers are totally confidential and no one else will know what you said. Also, remember that you are free to skip any question in this survey that you want. Please try to be honest in all the answers that you give.

Sexual Behavior

Oral Sex

H1. Have you ever engaged in oral sex, meaning given or received oral sex?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO H5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO H5

H2. How old were you when you first engaged in oral sex?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

YEARS: ______(5-25, DK/RF)

H3. With how many different people have you given or received oral sex?


READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?


37 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H4. Thinking of all the times when you gave or received oral sex, how often did you or your partners use protection like condoms or dental dams to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea or herpes?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National STD Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-227-8922. Are you okay to continue?

Every time ...... 1 Almost every time ...... 2 Some of the time ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Sexual Intercourse

H5. Have you ever had sexual intercourse? By sexual intercourse I mean any type of vaginal or anal penetration?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


If no sexual activity H1=2, DK or RF and H5=2, DK or RF  GO TO H14

If only oral sex H1=1 and H5=2, DK or RF  GO TO H13

All others  GO TO H6

38 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H6. How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

YEARS: ______(5-25, DK/RF)

H7. With how many different people have you had sexual intercourse?


READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?


H8. When you have sexual intercourse, how often do you or your partners use protection such as a condom to prevent getting a sexually transmitted disease?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National STD Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-227-8922. Are you okay to continue?

Every time ...... 1 Almost every time ...... 2 Some of the time ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

39 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H9. If you have vaginal intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, how often do you or your partners use contraception to prevent pregnancy; meaning do things like take birth control pills, use condoms, get a shot of Depo Provera, or use a contraception patch?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is America’s Pregnancy Hotline and the number to call is 1-888-672-2296. Are you okay to continue?

Every time ...... 1 Almost every time ...... 2 Some of the time ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Sexual Enjoyment

H10. On average, when you have sex how often do you enjoy it?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

Every time ...... 1 Almost every time ...... 2 Some of the time ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Pregnancy, STDs and HIV

H11. Have you ever [been / gotten someone] pregnant?

MALE: Have you ever gotten someone pregnant?

FEMALE: Have you ever been pregnant?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is Exhale After-Abortion Counseling and the number to call is 1-866-439-4253. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO H13 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

40 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H12. [Have you ever had an abortion / Has someone you’ve gotten pregnant ever aborted the pregnancy]?

MALE: Has someone you’ve gotten pregnant ever aborted the pregnancy?

FEMALE: Have you ever had an abortion?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is America’s Pregnancy Hotline and the number to call is 1-888-672-2296. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H13. Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National STD Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-227-8922. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H14. Have you ever willingly been tested for a sexually transmitted disease?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National STD Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-227-8922. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H15. Have you ever willingly been tested for HIV/AIDS?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National AIDS Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-342-2437. Are you okay to continue?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

41 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H16. What do you think your chances are of getting a sexually transmitted disease? Would you say:

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National STD Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-227-8922. Are you okay to continue?

Very high ...... 1 High...... 2 Low ...... 3 Very low...... 4 None ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Information about Sex

H17. Where do you most often get information that you trust about sex?


______(200 char, NO PLACE, DK/RF)

Sexual Self-Efficacy

H18. If you wanted to have sex, how sure are you that you could tell a partner what you felt comfortable doing?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

Very sure ...... 1 Somewhat sure ...... 2 Neither sure nor unsure ...... 3 Somewhat unsure ...... 4 Very unsure ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

42 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H19. If you had been seeing someone for a while, how sure are you that you could tell that person you were not ready to have sex?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

Very sure ...... 1 Somewhat sure ...... 2 Neither sure nor unsure ...... 3 Somewhat unsure ...... 4 Very unsure ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H20. How sure are you that you could persuade a sex partner to use a condom or another form of protection before you started having sex?

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is the National STD Hotline and the number to call is 1-800-227-8922. Are you okay to continue?

Very sure ...... 1 Somewhat sure ...... 2 Neither sure nor unsure ...... 3 Somewhat unsure ...... 4 Very unsure ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


If no sexual activity H1=2, DK or RF and H5=2, DK or RF  GO TO H23

All others  GO TO H21

43 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Sexual Empowerment and Control

H21. Thinking about yourself, please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements

When I have sex I feel in control. Do you…

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H22. When I have sex I feel good about myself. Do you…

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is RAINN and the number to call is 1- 800-656-4673. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Public Opinion on Sexuality

H23. People today have lots of different ideas about sex and sexuality. Again, I am going to read a few statements about sex, please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

It is okay for teenagers to have sex if they are in a serious relationship. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

44 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H24. It is okay for teenagers to have sex as long as they are emotionally ready for it. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H25. It is okay for teenagers to have sex if they use protection. Would you say you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Sex and the State

H26. The government should actively promote marriage by offering special benefits to married couples, such as lowering their taxes or paying for childcare. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H27. Sex education should be mandatory in high schools. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H28. Abortion should be available to teenagers without the permission of their parents. Would you say …

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

45 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H29. Condoms should be available in high schools. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Moral Absolutes

H30. I am going to read some statements about what some people believe is right and wrong. Please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with these statements.

It is always wrong to have sex before you are married. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H31. Homosexuality is always wrong. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H32. Abortion is always wrong. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

46 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Pregnancy Consequences

H33. The next questions are about the possible consequences people face from having a baby before they are married. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements.

If you [had / fathered] a baby before you were married it would be embarrassing to your family.

MALE: If you fathered a baby before you were married it would be embarrassing to your family.

FEMALE: If you had a baby before you were married it would be embarrassing to your family.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is America’s Pregnancy Hotline and the number to call is 1-888-672-2296. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H34. If you [had / fathered] a baby before you were married, it would be embarrassing to you.

MALE: If you fathered a baby before you were married, it would be embarrassing to you.

FEMALE: If you had a baby before you were married, it would be embarrassing to you.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is America’s Pregnancy Hotline and the number to call is 1-888-672-2296. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

47 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 H35. If you [had / fathered] a baby before you were married, you would have to stay with the baby’s [father / mother].

MALE: If you fathered a baby before you were married, you would have to stay with the baby’s mother.

FEMALE: If you had a baby before you were married, you would have to stay with the baby’s father.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is America’s Pregnancy Hotline and the number to call is 1-888-672-2296. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H36. If you [had / fathered] a baby while a teenager and before you were married, it would be difficult to fulfill your goals.

MALE: If you fathered a baby while a teenager and before you were married, it would be difficult to fulfill your goals.

FEMALE: If you had a baby while a teenager and before you were married, it would be difficult to fulfill your goals.

READ AS NEEDED: What you just said concerns me. I have the number of a hotline that you might find helpful. The service is America’s Pregnancy Hotline and the number to call is 1-888-672-2296. Are you okay to continue?

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

48 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Bodies

H37. Now I am going to read you statements about how you might think about your body. Again, tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with them.

I like the way I look without my clothes.

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

H38. People think I have a nice body.

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

49 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 J—RACIAL ATTITUDES AND DISCRIMINATION

Racial Attitudes

Public Opinion on Blacks:

J1. Now I’m going to read you a few statements about Black people. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

Too many young Black people have the wrong morals about important things like sex and work. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J2. It is hard for young Black people to get ahead because they face so much discrimination. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J3. Sometimes young Black people have to act White to get ahead. Would you say…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J4. On average, Black youth receive a poorer education than white youth. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

50 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 J5. On average, the police discriminate much more against Black youth than they do against white youth. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J6. Most Black people over 40 do not respect young Black people. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Racial Group Esteem

J7. Now I’m going to make a few statements about your racial group. Again, thinking of yourself and your racial group, please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree.

I am proud of [RACE_GRP] people. Do you…

IF A1_1=7, 8, DK, RF: I am proud of my racial group. Do you…

IF A1_17, 8, DK, RF: I am proud of [RACE_GRP] people. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

51 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 J8. Other racial groups view [racial group] people in a positive manner. Do you…

IF A1_1=7, 8, DK, RF: Other racial groups view my racial group in a positive manner. Do you…

IF A1_17, 8, DK, RF: Other racial groups view [RACE_GRP] people in a positive manner. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J9. I believe that what happens to most [racial group] people in this country affects me. Do you…

IF A1_1=7, 8, DK, RF: I believe that what happens to most people in my racial group in this country affects me. Do you…

IF A1_17, 8, DK, RF: I believe that what happens to most [RACE_GRP] people in this

country affects me. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Personal Discrimination

J10. Now please tell me how often you have been discriminated against because of the following factors. How often were you discriminated against because of your race? Would you say…

Very often ...... 1 Often ...... 2 Every now and then ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

52 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 J11. (How often have you been discriminated against because of )…your sex meaning male or female? Would you say…

Very often ...... 1 Often ...... 2 Every now and then ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J12. How often have you been discriminated against because of your sexual orientation? Sexual orientation describes who you are attracted to: men, women or both. People often use categories like heterosexual, straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual to describe their sexual orientation. Would you say…

Very often ...... 1 Often ...... 2 Every now and then ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J13. (How often have you been discriminated against because of )… your class or how much money you or your parents make? Would you say…

Very often ...... 1 Often ...... 2 Every now and then ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J14. (How often have you been discriminated against because of )…your age? Would you say…

Very often ...... 1 Often ...... 2 Every now and then ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

53 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 J15. Now I have a few final questions about race and racism.

How likely is it that racism will be eliminated during your lifetime?

Very likely ...... 1 Somewhat likely...... 2 Not very likely ...... 3 It will never happen in my lifetime ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J16. Some people say that Blacks would have more political impact if they worked in coalition with other people of color, like Asians or Latinos. Other people say that Blacks would have more of a political impact by forming their own political organization. What about you? Do you think that Blacks should work with other people of color or form their own organizations? Would you say it is better for Blacks to…

Work with other people of color ...... 1 Form their own organizations ...... 2 BOTH ...... 3 NEITHER ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

J17. Is it more important for Black women to fight for racial equity or gender equity?

Racial equity ...... 1 Gender equity ...... 2 EQUALLY IMPORTANT TO FIGHT FOR BOTH...... 3 NEITHER ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

54 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 K—LIVED EXPERIENCE

Neighborhood Esteem and Collective Efficacy

K1. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about the neighborhood where you grew up.

In the neighborhood where you lived most of your life, how much of a problem were things like drugs, violence, gangs, and crime? Would you say…

A big problem ...... 1 Somewhat of a problem ...... 2 Not much of a problem ...... 3 No problem at all ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

K2. People often have a range of views of the neighborhood where they lived most of their life. Considering things like the quality of schools, the types of businesses, and how well your neighbors took care of their properties, would you say you grew up in a…

Very good neighborhood ...... 1 Good neighborhood ...... 2 Okay neighborhood ...... 3 Not so good of a neighborhood ...... 4 Bad neighborhood ...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Neighborhood (Collective) Efficacy

K3. Now tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.

People working together in my neighborhood can solve many of our problems. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

K4. People in my neighborhood are able to get the government to respond to our needs. Do you…

Strongly agree ...... 1 Agree ...... 2 Neither agree nor disagree ...... 3 Disagree ...... 4 Strongly Disagree...... 5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

55 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L—DEMOGRAPHICS


L1. Were you born outside of the United States?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 GO TO L2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO L2

L1_1. Which country?

Country: ______(100 characters, DK/RF)

L2. Were either of your parents born outside the United States?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L3. Were any of your grandparents born outside the United States?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Relationship Status

L4. What is your current relationship status? Are you…

Single ...... 1 GO TO L4_1 In a steady relationship ...... 2 GO TO L4_1 Engaged...... 3 GO TO L4_1 Married ...... 4 GO TO L5 Separated ...... 5 GO TO L5 Divorced ...... 6 GO TO L5 Widowed ...... 7 GO TO L5 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO L4_1

56 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L4_1. Have you ever been married?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


L5. Do you have any children?

YES ...... 1 GO TO L5_1 NO ...... 2 GO TO L6 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO L6

L5_1. How many children do you have?


L5_2. How old were you when your first child was born?

YEARS: ______(10-25, DK/RF)


L6. Are you currently employed?

YES ...... 1 GO TO L6_1 NO ...... 2 GO TO L7 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO L6_1

L6_1. On average, how many hours a week do you work?


NUMBER OF HOURS: ______(1-100, DK/RF)

L6_2. What type of work do you usually do?

______ GO TO L8 (200 char, DK/RF)

57 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L7. Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you…

Temporarily laid off ...... 1 GO TO L7_1 Unemployed ...... 2 GO TO L7_1 A homemaker ...... 3 GO TO SKIP A student ...... 4 GO TO SKIP Receiving disability ...... 5 GO TO SKIP DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO SKIP

L7_1. What type of work do you usually do?

______(200 char, DK/RF)


If R is a underage teen AGE=15-17  GO TO L9

All others  GO TO L8

L8. Have you ever served in the military?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L9. Were you ever a member of Jr. ROTC or ROTC?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L10. Do you or does anyone with whom you have lived belong to a labor union?

READ IF NEEDED: A labor union is an organization of workers or employees that negotiates work contracts.

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

58 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L11. Now I want to ask you some questions about you. I will ask questions about your family and household a little later.

Currently where you live, do you personally own the property?

YES ...... 1 GO TO L12 NO ...... 2 GO TO L11_1 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO L11_1

L11_1. Currently where you live, do you pay rent, make a monthly financial contribution that is not the rent, stay for free or something else?

Pay rent ...... 1 Make monthly financial contribution...... 2 Stay for free...... 3 Something else ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


L12. Which of the following income groups includes your (and only your) total income last year?


$0 – 999...... 1 $1000 - 4,999 ...... 2 $5,000 - 9,999 ...... 3 $10,000 - 14,999 ...... 4 $15,000 - 19,999 ...... 5 $20,000 - 29,999 ...... 6 $30,000 - 49,999 ...... 7 $50,000 - 74,999 ...... 8 $75,000 - 99,999 ...... 9 $100,000 and over ...... 10 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

59 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 Parents


L13. Now I want to ask you some questions about your family.

Is your biological father the person who has primarily acted as a father to you?

YES ...... 1 GO TO L14 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L13_1. Throughout your life, what one person has primarily acted as a father to you?


IWER: IF MORE THAN ONE PERSON NAMED PROMPT. PROMPT: Which of the people you listed is most like a father to you?

______(200 char, NONE, DK/RF)



L14. How close do you feel to your [father / person who acted as a father to you]?

IF L13=1: How close do you feel to your father?

IF L131: How close do you feel to your [L13_1]?

Not close at all ...... 1 Somewhat close ...... 2 Very close ...... 3 Extremely close ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

60 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L15. What is the highest level of schooling [your father / the person who acted as a father to you] completed?

IF L13=1: What is the highest level of schooling your father completed?

IF L131: What is the highest level of schooling your [L13_1] completed?


No school ...... 1 Grade school ...... 2 Some high school ...... 3 Completed GED ...... 4 Completed high school ...... 5 Post high school – vocational education ...... 6 Some college ...... 7 College graduate ...... 8 Professional school or grad school ...... 9 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L16. Throughout your life, how often has [your father / the person who acted as a father to you] had a paid job?

IF L13=1: Throughout your life, how often has your father had a paid job?

IF L131: Throughout your life, how often has your [L13_1] had a paid job?

All the time ...... 1 Most of the time ...... 2 Sometime ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 GO TO L18 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

61 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L17. What type of work does [your father / the person who acted as a father to you] do most often?

IF L13=1: What type of work does your father do most often?

IF L131: What type of work does your [L13_1] do most often?

______(200 char, DK/RF)


L18. Is your biological mother the person who has primarily acted as a mother to you?

YES ...... 1 GO TO L19 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L18_1. Throughout your life, what one person has primarily acted as a mother to you?


IWER: IF MORE THAN ONE PERSON NAMED PROMPT. PROMPT: Which of the people you listed is most like a mother to you?

______(200 char, NONE, DK/RF)



62 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L19. How close do you feel to your [mother / person who acted as a mother to you]?

IF L18=1: How close do you feel to your mother?

IF L181: How close do you feel to your [L18_1]?

Not close at all ...... 1 Somewhat close ...... 2 Very close ...... 3 Extremely close ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L20. What is the highest level of schooling [your mother / the person who acted as a mother to you] completed?

IF L18=1: What is the highest level of schooling your mother completed?

IF L181: What is the highest level of schooling your [L18_1] completed?


No school ...... 1 Grade school ...... 2 Some high school ...... 3 Completed GED ...... 4 Completed high school ...... 5 Post high school – vocational education ...... 6 Some college ...... 7 College graduate ...... 8 Professional school or grad school ...... 9 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

63 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L21. Throughout your life, how often has [your mother / the person who acted as a mother to you] had a paid job?

IF L18=1: Throughout your life, how often has your mother had a paid job?

IF L181: Throughout your life, how often has your [L18_1] had a paid job?

All the time ...... 1 Most of the time ...... 2 Sometime ...... 3 Rarely ...... 4 Never ...... 5 GO TO L23 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L22. What type of work does [your mother / the person who acted as a mother to you] do most often?

IF L18=1: What type of work does your mother do most often?

IF L181: What type of work does your [L18_1] do most often?

______(200 char, DK/RF)

L23. [IF OVER 18 READ: While growing up] with whom [did /have] you [live / lived] most of the time?

AGE 15-17: With whom have you lived most of the time?

AGE 18-25: While growing up with whom did you live most of the time?

IF R SAYS "MY FAMILY", PROBE: And who would that be? ______(200 char, DK/RF)

L23_1. With whom do you live now?

IF R SAYS "MY FAMILY", PROBE: And who would that be?

______(200 char, DK/RF)

64 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L24. Which best describes your biological parents’ marital status throughout most of your life? Were they…

Married ...... 1 Divorced ...... 2 Separated ...... 3 Widowed ...... 4 Both deceased ...... 5 Never married ...... 6 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L25. How closely [did/do] the adults in your life monitor what you (did/do) and with whom you (spent/spend) time [USE ONLY IF RESPONDENT OLDER THAN 17: while you were growing up]?

L13=1 AND L18=1; AGES 15-17: How closely do the adults in your life monitor what you do and with whom you spend time?

L13=1 AND L18=1; AGES 18-25: How closely did the adults in your life monitor what you did and with whom you spent your time while you were growing up?

Extremely closely...... 1 Very closely ...... 2 Somewhat closely ...... 3 Not closely at all ...... 4 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L26. [AGE 18-25: While growing up was] [AGE 15-17: Has] there ever [AGE 15-17: been] a time when the people you lived with received any form of public assistance from the government like welfare, TANF, WIC, public housing, section eight, Medicaid, or food stamps?

AGE 15-17: Has there ever been a time when the people you lived with received any form of public assistance from the government like welfare, TANF, WIC, public housing, section eight housing, Medicaid or food stamps?

AGE 18-25: While growing up was there ever a time the people you lived with received any form of public assistance from the government like welfare, TANF, WIC, public housing, section eight housing, Medicaid or food stamps?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

65 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L26_1. Are you currently receiving any form of public assistance from the government like welfare, TANF, WIC, public housing, section eight housing, Medicaid, or food stamps?

YES ...... 1 NO ...... 2 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

L27. In the place where you lived the longest [READ IF OVER 18: while growing up] did the adults own the property?

AGE 15-17: In the place where you lived the longest did the adults own the property?

AGE 18-25: In the place where you lived the longest while growing up, did the adults

own the property?

YES ...... 1 GO TO L28 NO ...... 2 GO TO L27_1 DK/RF ...... DK/RF GO TO L27_1

L27_1. In the place where you lived the longest [READ IF OVER 18: while growing up] did the adults pay rent, make a monthly financial contribution that was not the rent, stay for free or something else?

AGE 15-17: In the place where you lived the longest did the adults pay rent, make a financial contribution that was not the rent or something else?

AGE 18-25: In the place where you lived the longest while growing up, did the adults pay rent, make a financial contribution that was not the rent or something else?

Pay rent ...... 1 Make a financial contribution ...... 2 Something else ...... 3 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

66 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L28. Which of the following income levels includes your total household income [AGE 18-25: on average while growing up]--meaning the combined income of everyone in the home where you were raised?

AGE 15-17: Which of the following income levels includes your total household income—meaning the combined income of everyone in your household.

AGE 18-25: Which of the following income levels includes your total household income on average while growing up—meaning the combined income of everyone in the household where you were raised?


$0 – 999...... 1 $1000 - 4,999 ...... 2 $5,000 - 9,999 ...... 3 $10,000 - 14,999 ...... 4 $15,000 - 19,999 ...... 5 $20,000 - 29,999 ...... 6 $30,000 - 49,999 ...... 7 $50,000 - 74,999 ...... 8 $75,000 - 99,999 ...... 9 $100,000 and over ...... 10 DK/RF ...... DK/RF


L29. How many brothers do you have? (Include adopted brothers, stepbrothers and half-brothers…)


L30. How many sisters do you have? (Include adopted sisters, stepsisters and half-sisters)

NUMBER OF SISTERS: ______(0-10, DK/RF)

67 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 L31. In terms of the children your biological parents had together, which child are you—first born, second born, or what?

First born ...... 1 Second born ...... 2 Third born ...... 3 Fourth born...... 4 Fifth born ...... 5 Sixth born ...... 6 Seventh born ...... 7 Eighth born...... 8 Ninth born ...... 9 Tenth born ...... 10 Eleventh born or more ...... 11 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

Sexual Orientation

L32. What is your sexual orientation? Would you call yourself…

Heterosexual or straight ...... 1 Gay ...... 2 Lesbian ...... 3 Bisexual...... 4 Transgender...... 5 Queer ...... 6 Same gender loving...... 7 DK/RF ...... DK/RF

68 BYP – Final Version Post Walkthru, 12/1/2015 12/1/2015


FULLNAME. Now I need to ask you some mailing information, so we can send you a check for $20. Please tell me your name as you would like it to appear on your check:


FNAME MNAME LNAME (30 char) (30 char) (50 char)

STREET. What is your street address?

STREET1 (50 char) STREET2 (50 char)

APT_NUM1. Is there a separate apartment or unit number?

YES ...... 1(GO TO APT_NUM2) NO ...... 2(GO TO CITY_ST)

APT_NUM2. READ IF NEEDED: What is your apartment or unit number?


CITY_ST. What is your city and state?


ZIPCODE. What is your ZIP code?

ZIP5 ZIP4 (5 char) (4 char)






REQUEST. The University of Chicago research team is planning on conducting follow-up interviews with some of the participants in this study either this fall or next year. These follow-up interviews will be conducted in your area and will be a face-to-face interview in a public location such as a community center or public library. If you were selected and agreed to participate, you would be given $50 cash in appreciation of your time. Is this something that you might be interested in?

READ IF NEEDED: The follow-up interview would take about 2 hours.

READ IF NEEDED: The follow-up interview would be scheduled at a time that was convenient for you.

YES ...... 1(GO TO PHONE1) NO ...... 2(GO TO IW_RACE)

PHONE1. Great! If you are selected, should we call this telephone number to notify you?

YES ...... 1(GO TO REQUEST2) NO ...... 2(GO TO PHONE2)

PHONE2. What is the best number to call to reach you?

PHONE2 ( ) - -

REQUEST2. In case we can not reach you at this phone number, we would like the name, address, and telephone number of two relatives or friends who will always know where you could be reached. Please give me the name of someone who is not currently living in your household.

READ IF NEEDED: Sometimes people give us the name of their mother or their sister or their aunt.

READ IF NEEDED: We will only contact these people if we can’t reach you at your current phone number next year.

CONTACT1. What is the name of the first person?


C1FNAME C1MNAME C1LNAME (30 char) (30 char) (50 char)






C1_REL. And what is their relationship to you?



C1_PHONE. What is [C1FNAME+C1LNAME]’s telephone number?


C1_ADDR1. And their mailing address?

C1STRT1 (50 char) C1STRT2 (50 char) C1CITY (50 char) C1STATE [DISPLAY FULL STATE NAME IN DROP DOWN LIST; CODE TO 2 CHAR] (2 char) C1ZIP5 C1ZIP4 (5 char) (4 char)

IW_RACE Before we conclude, I have two questions for you. We would like to know what kind of things people can tell just from listening to a person’s voice over the phone. During the interview what race did you think I was?




IW_AGE What age did you think I was?

AGE: ______(15-99)




CLOSE4. Thank you very much for your participation in this survey. Your check will be processed in the next few weeks. If you have any questions about this University of Chicago Study please call 1- 800-714-2153. Again, thank you. Good-bye.

CLOSE5. Thank you very much for your participation in this survey. Your check will be processed in the next few weeks. If you are selected for the follow-up interview, you will be notified by an interviewer at the number you provided. If you have any questions about this University of Chicago Study please call 1-800-714-2153. Thanks, again. Good-bye.