WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Weekly Top News WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News Compiled by Wolfgang Büschel January 5Th, 2006 (BC-DX #742)
WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Weekly Top News WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News compiled by Wolfgang Büschel January 5th, 2006 (BC-DX #742) Link to WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Homepage You are visitor number of the WWDXC Web Pages since July 1st, 1996. ANGOLA 7216.7 RNA (tent), Mulenvos, tentatively logged on 29 Dec 2315- ..., Vernacular (tent), talks; 12441, vy.strg. adj QRM de ChinaRI in Sp. on 7210 kHz. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 2) ANTARCTICA 15476 R.Ncaional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, logged on 27 Dec 1939-1955, Spanish, mx; 14331, adj QRM de GRC 15485. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 2) ARMENIA 4810 Armenian National R, Yerevan, 0355-0555 UT fade out, on Dec 24, Armenian talk and hymns relayed from HS, except 0430-0500 UT FS in Farsi, 45444 // 9965 until 0500* UT. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Dec 28) AUSTRALIA Reactivated from Northern Territories on 120 mb? Noted at 2000 UT on Dec 17th, on 2485 (strong), // 2310 (good), // 2325 (very poor). (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 17) Reshuffled to new RIZ Zagreb-Croatia txs? 100 kW units lowered to 50 kW of power. (wb) AUSTRALIA HCJB Australia is receiving a second 100 kW tx shipped from Ecuador which will arrive on site early this year. This represents a gift of approximately one million Australian Dollars. They will need to retrofit the tx to make the motors adaptable to their 240 volt single phase power and the 50 cycle as opposed to the 60 cycle used in the U.S. In addition, the tx will need to be fitted with special ducting and connections to the antenna switcher.
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