PENDLE HILL PAMPHLET 2 A Religious Solution To The Social Problem Howard H. Brinton PENDLE HILL PUBLICATIONS WALLINGFORD, PENNSYLVANIA HOWARD H. BRINTON 2 A Religious Solution To The Social Problem ABOUT THE AUTHOR Howard H.Brinton, Ph.D., Professor of Religion, Mills College; Acting Director, Pendle Hill, 1934-35. Published 1934 by Pendle Hill Republished electronically © 2004 by Pendle Hill email:
[email protected] HOWARD H. BRINTON 3 A Religious Solution To The Social Problem A religious solution to the social problem involves an answer to two preliminary questions — what social problem are we attempting to solve and what religion do we offer as a solution? Since religion has assumed a wide variety of forms it will be necessary, if we are to simplify and clarify our approach, to adopt at the outset a definite religious viewpoint. To define our premises as those of Christianity in general is not sufficiently explicit because historic Christianity has itself assumed a wide variety of forms. For the purpose of the present undertaking I shall approach our problem from the original point of view of the Society of Friends, which, in many ways, resembled that of early Christianity. Such an approach need not imply a narrow sectarian view. Early Quakerism exhibited certain characteristics common to many religious movements in their initial creative periods. Later Quakerism has shared the fate of other movements in failing to carry on the ideals of the founders. As for the social problem for which we seek a solution, it is the fundamental dilemma out of which most present-day social problems arise.