A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Transylvania University
atrairgglfranfa Journal of iftmcfnfr»=3Ertra. A OP THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS ' y TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, JANUARY, 18*6. LEXINGTON, KY: CLARKE S; CO. PRINTERS—UPPER STREET. 1836. TRUSTEES. ROBERT WICKLIFFE, Esq., CA’m., Hon. THOMAS M. HICKEY, BENJAMIN GRATZ, A. M., THOMAS NELSON, Esq., Rev. NATHAN H. HALL, HENRY CONYERS PAYNE, Esq., Rev. SPENCER COOPER, BENJAMIN TAYLOR, Esq., Rev. JACOB CREATH, Jr., WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Esq., Hon. FIELDING L. TURNER, WILLIAM A. LEAYY, Esq., WALTER DUNN, Esq., LESLIE COMBS, Esq., JAMES WEIR, Esq., THOMAS A. RUSSELL, E.q, FACULTY. Ret. THOMAS W. COIT, D. D., President, and Morrison Professor of Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics. BENJAMIN WINSLOW DUDLEY, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. CHARLES CALDWELL, M. D., Professor of the Institutes aud Clinical Practice. JOHN ESTEN COOKE, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. WILLIAM HALL RICHARDSON, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Womenand Children. CHARLES WILKINS SHORT, M. D., a and Medical and Dean Professor of Materia Medic Botany, of the Medical Faculty. LUNSFORD PITTS YANDELL, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. ROBERT PETER, M. D., Librarian of the Medical Library. Hon. DANIEL MAYES, Professor of Statute and Common Law. Hon. GEORGE ROBERTSON, L. L. D., and Constitutional Law and Professor of National , Equitable Jurisprudence. CHARLES CALDWELL, M. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Rev. SAMUEL Y. MARSHALL, A. M., Professor of Languages. ROBERT PETER, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in Morrison College. JOHN A. ROUSSEAU, Principal of the Preparatory Department. GEORGE AITKIN, Assistant.
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