Absolutely everyone is welcome. So please do join us and take this wonderful opportunity the night before Christmas to say hello and wish well to all your neighbours, family, friends and everyone in Glendale the Glen. And of course perhaps join in with a few tunes if you’re feeling a little musical. Natalie Page |

1 News and Glendale Wildlife & Nature

The main highlight of the autumn has come from outer space, Views rather than Iceland and Siberia, as we have experienced numerous beautiful displays of the aurora borealis or Northern Lights in the To all the Residents and skies over Glendale.

Friends of Glendale The sun is just coming to the peak of its 11-year solar cycle, with the ‘solar maximum’ currently predicted to be in May 2013. And the surrounding area During its peak, the sun has the most sun-spots and it is eruptions from these, called Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which trigger Happy Christmas, Solstice and spectacular auroras, in our skies.

Fulfilling New Year 2013 CMEs travel relatively slowly, which usually allows scientists to give us between one and three days’ notice of impact. Then we Winter 2012 - The Glendale Trust - Suggested Donation £1 just need to hope for clear skies, with no moon, when one arrives. Company No. SC 327627 – Charity No. SCO38741 During October and November, we had over 10 nights when the th aurora was visible in Glendale. The most vivid aurora of the Results of the EGM on 12 December autumn was on the night of October 8th/9th. It was visible Chaired by Chrissanne MacDonald SCLVO throughout the UK and widely reported in the press. However, it was nowhere near as impressive as the aurora we experienced in April that was missed by the UK at large.

A huge thanks is due, to all those who made it out to the People who have never seen the aurora before are often very Hall, in freezing temperatures. There were 40 attendees at disappointed, as they expect to see the dazzling colours of the least which I think was incredible and unexpected! photographs with their naked eye. In reality, most auroras just appear white to the eye and if you see a milky, moon-washed It is great to say there has been a new board unanimously glow to the North, when there is no moon, then you are almost elected consisting of 5 new directors and 2 previous certainly seeing the aurora. The way we prove it is to take a directors. Their aim to work in the best interests of photograph on a long exposure and if it captures greens then it is definitely the aurora. Glendale in an open and transparent manor and more details will come out when they publish their minutes etc. You can view photographs of all these auroras on the Glendale The Trust is now in a very strong position to move forward web-site at http://www.glendaleskye.com/aurora_borealis.php with a wide range of skill base ages and levels of and there is also a Facebook page providing advance warning of expected auroras at indigenousness! http://www.facebook.com/GlendaleSkyeAuroras

New Committee: Ray Coughlin, Ellie Knight, Gordon Back on Earth, the autumn migration got under way on September th Thompson, Joy Talbot, Richard Powell, Maggie 20 , when the first skeins of geese and whooper swans began arriving from Iceland. The first of the winter thrushes reached us MacPhee and Angela Finlay. Well done!! By Elgar. on October 13th, with some small flocks of blackbirds and redwings around the glen. Then on October 27th, the whole of Glendale Free Church Carol Service

Christmas Eve 24th December 2012 - 6.30 pm - 7.15 pm All Welcome Precentor John Angus Gillies….and featuring Home Baked Mince Pies and Refreshments

After the phenomenal success of last year’s carol service in Glendale Free Church (standing room only for the latecomers!) John Angus Gillies has agreed to precent again this year. Daniel will give the service from 6:30 to 7:15pm after which there will be homemade mince pies, tea and soft drinks.

Skye was flooded with a massive influx of fieldfares and we had over 1500 stripping rowans around Holmisdale House. The scale of Meeting with Dave Thompson MSP this invasion was unprecedented in Glendale, as we normally only rd see isolated flocks of fewer than 30 fieldfares in winter. On the 3 December I met with Dave Thompson our MSP. We discussed Broadband connection, Emergency Healthcare, VAT on On November 4th, Skye was invaded again but this time with rural businesses and the Dental Practice waiting lists. As I have embarked on this process, prompted by concerns over emergency beautiful waxwings from Siberia. They were mostly concentrated Page | in the Broadford area but we were lucky enough to find a flock of health care access, it has become clear that there are many issues 14 in a garden at Upper . of concern for Glendale residents i.e. those issues that I was able 2 to raise with Dave Thompson and more that have come to light In the latter half of November, Mairi Fawkes was again hosting an and my appreciation thereof since e.g. transport, grid connections extremely rare visitor at her bird feeders: a female great-spotted and overfishing by foreign boats. It is clear that all of these issues woodpecker, which we believe is a first for Glendale, the closest have been around for some considerable time and that some other record being one at in 1985. Andy Stables individuals interested in specific issues, all community groups and the LDO have put a great deal of work into researching specific problems and exploring solutions. Las columnas de Alhóndiga Bilbao We are one of a number of special geographical cases within the A great setting for art highlands or especial remoteness as well as being on the very “Behind columns people hide, they fall in love, they kiss… Behind outer boundary of the constituency and this is the cause of some columns people spy, they kill, a quote is born…” Philippe Stark’s but not all of the issues affecting us. It is clear that we need to reflection has come to life in the Atrium of Cultures of Alhóndiga take the initiative in maintaining regular communication with our Bilbao. The 43 pillars holding up the three buildings symbolise, representatives at a local, regional and national level so that we according to Lorenzo Baraldi, the millions of columns and the can ensure that we are not forgotten but are instead involved in infinity of cultures, architectures, wars and religions man has gone discussions at Inverness, Edinburgh and London that affect us. Not through over history. The Italian theatrical designer has, in this only do we need to ensure that we are canvassed as a community space, brought to life the cinematographic vision of the designer in the process of finding solutions but that we benefit from any proposed solution as well. So with regard to emergency healthcare Dave Thompson reassures us that there is no intention to cut or relocate the ambulance service in Dunvegan. The first responder scheme does appear to be the solution for bridging the gap left by the long ambulance response time to Glendale. We are not the only area in the highlands and Islands with long ambulance response times but it seems that only Ardnamurchan has response times longer than of Alhóndiga Bilbao in his particular interpretation of this place. Glendale. To enter the Alhóndiga Bilbao atrium is to become lost on a During our discussion I learnt about the 1912 Report of the journey through that cultural and geographical diversity which has Highlands and Islands Medical Service Committee aka the Dewar influenced man’s transformation. There is no established order, report. This surveyed medical care in the highlands and no closed script to travel through this history. Every visitor can transformed it through the establishment of the highlands and contribute their view, creating their own itinerary, awakening islands medical service, the forerunner of NHS and their capacity to invent histories. The only aspect governing the eventually the NHS for the UK as a whole. 100 years on, lay-out of these sculptures is the intention of not placing columns demographics, mobility, communities and needs have changed. of a similar material or style together, so that each one has its One particular issue being the ability to attract and retain medical own importance and just relevance. This journey is an opportunity staff in remote rural areas, the commitments, responsibilities that to reflect on the importance art has in our lives, even when we are we can reasonably expect from them and the access to training unaware of it. and further support that they require. For this reason an The stage designer, Lorenzo Baraldi, stage designer by career, has independent body Rural GP has established a centenary Dewar used his great professional experience to materialise the idea and committee to celebrate and review primary healthcare in the the sensations this space suggested to Philippe Starck. Once the highlands. Early in November Alex Neil, Cabinet Secretary for concept had been defined, he resorted to the most skilful Health and Wellbeing endorsed plans to go forward with the workshops and craftsmen to develop each column. That is why establishment of a pilot review by the Scottish government and the pieces have come from Milan, Rome, Florence or Eibar. Ann NHS Scotland. Bowes

Message from the Universe Contents: 1. Results of EGM, Carol Service, Wildlife and Nature In the beginning, before there were beaches to walk along, Notes clouds to float upon, or stars to wish on, Dear Reader, the 2. Las Columnas, Meeting with Dave Thomson Universe was dreaming of you. 3. What’s on? Dunvegan Players 4. Community Notes, Hogmanay, what’s on, Poem 5. Community growth plan- what next? Shop hours 6. Community Council, Glendale Trust

I have let Dave Thompson know that we would very much like to In the ‘good old days’ we entered three plays in the Skye Festival, be part of this review process. Undoubtedly solutions to some of two in English and one in Gaelic. Sadly, today it is a struggle to get the issues are likely to involve communications technology which sufficient folk to enter even one. However, with a bit of bullying for Glendale overlaps with Broadband connectivity and again and cajoling we generally manage something, and this coming because of our especially peculiar geographical position we are year I hope will be no exception. I know we are called Dunvegan beyond the radius of the proposed next generation broadband Players but anyone from the Dunvegan area; Glendale, , (NGB). Stuart Bell has done some considerable work on this issue Struan and all places in between are welcomed. Page | which I made Dave Thompson aware of on the 3rd. Dave Thompson asked me to contact Ian Anderson, his There are three other clubs on the island as well as a youth club 3 parliamentary assistant, who confirms that HIE and BT are now from High School and those who can devote the time and working on a roll-out plan so that 98% of the Highlands and commitment join together in late summer to start rehearsing a Islands will have 20mb by 2020. However it is a possibility that full-length play which we put on at Aros in Portree for two nights. Glendale is within the remaining 2%. I need to brush up on this It is a commitment, as many cast and crew members have up to a issue with Stuart to see what more there is we can do and Stuart fifty mile round trip two or three times a week for rehearsals. and I will update on this in the next newsletter. That’s dedication for you!! We have done this fairly successfully Dave Thompson also reassured me that provisions have already for a number of years, performing such plays as Michael Frayn’s been made to bring forward those currently waiting to be Noises Off, Noel Coward’s Blythe Spirit and Allo, Allo by Jeremy registered with a Dentist. These measures have included accepting Lloyd and David Croft. This year we took on a fast moving comedy more dental students and restoring salaries. Ian Anderson has said farce I’ll Get my Man by Philip King. We had fun rehearsing and that the last time he checked with NHS Scotland their estimate at the audiences had a lot of laughs. I don’t think you can beat live the time was that the backlog clearance was imminent. He has entertainment on a miserable November Saturday night. In this requested an update from them which I will pass on by email as day and age you need not miss any of your favourite TV soon as he lets me know and will endeavor to keep tabs on this programmes because we all have the wherewithal to record them situation. If nothing appears to be happening in the next 6 months and watch them at a later date or even on your PC or tablet. perhaps we can, as a community, survey those still waiting and petition. I have had the privilege of holding the post of National Vice-chair Finally I raised the issue of the impact of VAT on rural businesses of SCDA for the past two years and have travelled the country i.e. outlays often being non VATable goods and salaries supporting meeting other clubs in all corners of Scotland as well as the low profit margins which give rise to a heavy tax burden when English, Welsh and Irish at the British Final which rotates around these small businesses reach the VAT threshold. Dave Thompson the four countries. By the time clubs have reached this level, very has expressed considerable sympathy with this view. VAT is a tax little divides them performance-wise from the professionals, in governed by EU law and there is limited scope for maneuver at fact in many cases they are better! the state level and hence further removed from us by those limited national variations being set in London. Ian Anderson has I am sure there are people in our area who would enjoy coming also sent me information on a small and unique case of VAT being along and taking part, either on or off stage. We can always use reduced for Ski Lift businesses in the highlands. I will review this you so why not give it a try, we really do have fun. Just phone or and will attempt to have a meeting with Charlie Kennedy to see if email me Joy Talbot, 01470511291, [email protected] this is an issue that we can somehow pursue. I will update on all the above in the next newsletter. In the Community Notes:- meantime, a very happy Christmas. Natalie

Open Day Dunvegan Players The Glendale Community Open Day held on Saturday the 8th of December had a great Have been in existence for over forty years and competed in the turnout. There was only a Scottish Community Drama Association’s one-act play festival period of 10 mins from almost every year since the club was formed. They have been 9:30am until 7pm when quite successful over the years and have reached the Scottish there was no one learning Final on more than one occasion, the most recent being in 2009 about the ongoing projects when we went to Edinburgh with ‘Say Something Happened’ by being undertaken in Alan Bennett competing against the best of Scottish Amdram in Glendale and providing the Church Hill Theatre. valuable feedback. Many members of the community were particularly interested in the projects which have recently won lottery funding, the Meanish Peir and Mini Croft Projects. Over the last year a considerable amount of work has gone into each of these projects not only to obtain the funding but also to begin the work and commission suppliers in order to create more detailed planning. All feedback received was positive and there seemed to be a strong interest in the digital Costs £10 per session per person, or £70 for all 8 sessions projects and aspirational projects which include a digital map of I am also a professional in massage for relaxation with Glendale and exploring the uses for buildings such as the school. singing bowls and I am trained in Family Constellation and There is still a long way to go in all projects, each will require Dances of the Universal Peace. further community consultation and open days but progress is Registration and further information: definitely being made to ensure Glendale remains a vibrant place Marlies Schulz-Köster, Tel. 01470 511433 to live. Details of each project can be found in the Glendale Page | Growth Plan a copy is available in the Glendale Hall or it can be Email: [email protected] emailed upon request. It was great to see such interest and a huge 4 thanks has to be given to all those who attended on a busy Message from the Universe. Saturday and to all those who helped out with making teas and Dear Reader, when you move, I move. When you reach, I washing up throughout the day! Special thanks must be given to reach. And when you go the extra mile, I clear the way. But the Glendale Shop and Post Office who provided the refreshments not a moment sooner. Which is why before you move, and Rural Design who provided large colour printing. I look reach, and go, things sometimes look so scary. forward to holding more open days and community consultations Dear Reader, "I do" if "you do." Settled? over the coming months and sincerely hope that wider community continues to be so actively involved. Elgar, I now pronounce us unstoppable. Just like that, I was impressed and inspired by the research and work The Universe accomplished by Elgar together with other local groups. I enjoyed looking at the visions for projects in the Glen in terms of affordable housing, Meanish Pier area, the Heritage trail and Glendale visitor app and the Local Market. Ocean Moorings Committee Glendale Community Hall A number of individual heating problems were solved, with the help of the plumber Billy Shanks, the hall heating system is now The Glendale Mooring Association was established in 2006 functioning at something close to its intended level. There is still as a result of the Crown Estate contacting some local boat some work to be done, particularly to try to find out why the owners with regard to mooring fees payable. It was meeting room is not maintained at a comfortable cheaper and more easily managed to form an association temperature, but overall good progress has finally been made and and pay our dues this way. the heat level in most of the hall is, I think, satisfactory. Gordon We are licenced for 16 moorings between the slipway and the offshore Islet and since day 1 most if not all the What is on? moorings have been taken up. The present fee is £55 per annum, a proportion of this has Christmas gift fair and Ceilidh always been set aside to help enable the laying of mooring Friday 21st Dec from 6-11pm trots and with the help of Norman Macpherson 8 were laid The Hall is having a last minute Christmas gift fair and we this year. will also celebrate with a licensed ceilidh serving mulled The slipway is in poor condition and is part of the proposed wine and mince pies. buyout from the council orchestrated by the Glendale Trust. With suitable funding we are looking forward to the Gift fair and Santa's grotto day when the slip can be repaired. If any one wishes to become a member or wants more Saturday 22nd Dec from 12-4pm information please contact Greg on 511310 or Ian on The Hall is holding a gift fair and a Santa's grotto with 511275. Greg Lane Treasurer. children's games, tombola and raffle. Refreshments will be available, tea, coffee, soup with roll and cakes. Rowena Hogmanay, Tibetan Healing Yoga at the Hall BBQ, Music and Fire At Meanish Pier, BYOB I teach Gentle Yoga to harmonise and stabilise body, spirit Glendale community council and soul. We develop an emotional awareness within our own body. Identify and clear tension and blockages Here lies our land - Poem Come to inner calmness and centre yourself. Find your own Here lies our land: every airt Beneath swift clouds, glad glints of sun, strength and develop your inner potential, with the support Belonging to none but itself. of Tibetan singing bowls. Suitable for both We are mere transients, who sing beginners and Its westlin’ winds and fernie braes, advanced learners Northern lights and siller tides,

Course and Venue Small folk playing our part. Every Wed 10 – 11.30am, ‘Come all ye’, the country says th th 16 Jan - 13 March You win me, who take me most to heart. Every Fri 5pm – 6.30pm Kathleen Jamie 18th Jan – 8th March At Glendale Community Glendale Shop and Hall

Post Office for local people to enjoy better access to the area and sea. Christmas opening times Ownership and proper management will attract more services, jobs and provide a greater all round offering to December Monday 24th 11am-6pm visitors. Tues 25th and Wed 26th Closed The culture and the history of Glendale will be preserved th th and, the completion of the extension to the cemetery wall Thurs 27 and Fri 28 1-5pm Page | Sat 29th and Sun 30th Closed will undoubtedly improve the historic aesthetics of the st area. The Heritage Projects will preserve the extensive, 5 Mon 31 11am-6pm exciting, colourful history and culture of the area in a January st nd professional and sustainable way. The Video and Tues 1 and Wed 2 Closed Thurs 3rd and Fri 4th 1-5pm Applications will add to the existing offering and involve the Sat 5th and Sun 6th Closed whole community both young and old in their delivery Monday 7th open as normal while also acting as potential revenue generating vehicles. Nancy and Stuart wish all the people of Glendale a Merry Education through the broadband initiative will allow the community to be digitally included and educated on the use Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. of IT and the benefits of broadband. The provision of WiFi Community Growth Plan from the Glendale Community Hall will benefit the tourists who come to visit the craft fair and hall. The community will Vision for Glendale also be able to support the ambulance service by learning the techniques required to become First Responders Glendale Development Officer Sustainable management of the environment will allow the

waters of Loch Pooltiel to be protected, and allow the area

The below table details the current on-going Stage Funding Completion projects, stages and completion schedules. The majority of projects are currently at stage 2. Appendix B shows how each of these projects fit to the vision indicators. Project Heritage trail app and video 2. Project Planning Requires £61,000 End of 2013 Heritage Centre 2. Project Planning TBD TBD Meanish Pier Ownership 4. Instigated Project Obtained £10,000 End of 2012 Delivery. Meanish Pier 2. Restoration TBD TBD Affordable Housing 2. Feasibility Obtained £10,000 End of 2013 Get IT together 5. Ongoing N/A Complete 2014 Extension of Cemetery Wall 2. Project Planning TBD TBD Farmers Market 2. Project Planning TBD TBD Renewable Energy 2. Project Planning TBD Not before 2022 Protection of Pooltiel 2. Project Planning TBD TBD Hamara Loading Bay 2. Project Planning TBD TBD First Responders 2. Project Planning N/A By end 2013 Jetty 1. Idea Stage TBD TBD to continue producing high quality local produce. Correct The challenge for the community of Glendale is to management of the environment will also allow for the demonstrate that the area is capable of growing provision of high quality local produce to continue, while sustainably. This will ensure the population is healthy, and creating further jobs and revenue generating initiatives has adequate access to important services and facilities into such as a high end outdoor farmer’s market facility. the future. The management of renewable energy resources as a way The most important enabler for success is that community of generating sustainable energy and revenues to the area groups, committees and organisations within the area will also be a target. This will ensure clean energy can be agree to work together for the greater benefit of generated thus supporting the wider environment while Glendale. There are a significant number of on-going and also improving the community’s chances of delivering a aspirational projects which will mutually benefit these higher standard of project. Revenue generation is a key groups as well as the wider community and environment. target as revenues will directly affect the delivery, The provision of affordable housing will play a key role in completion and development of further aspirational the retention and attraction of younger families to the area, projects. ensuring the population demographic becomes more Community ownership and successful management of local evenly distributed. assets can allow the area to flourish into the future. The ownership and improvement of the Meanish Pier and Next Steps other community assets will improve local facilities, There are several bodies working within Glendale to ensure encourage private investment and provide opportunities the area remains a vibrant and sustainable place to live.

These include the Glendale Community Hall Association, position to move forward into the future. The Glendale Trust, The Glendale and Colbost Mooring Associations, The Community Council, The Townships and None of this would have been possible without the hard of course the Glendale Estate (who are in fact a community work carried out by the previous board which was of shareholders/landowners in their own right). Each of unanimously thanked by the attendees at the EGM. these groups has their own objectives, all of which significantly impact the wider community while also The community council Page | providing various facilities services and opportunities for These are the members; 6 area. All the groups are significantly helping the overall area Norman MacPherson - Chair - not only by volunteering their time, but also by undertaking [email protected] projects that will benefit the local community, environment Tony Livesey - Treasurer - [email protected] and overall area. Fay Thomson - Secretary - [email protected] To achieve the shared objectives and those of the wider Charmian Thomson - [email protected] community the vision for Glendale must involve all of these Stuart Edinburgh - [email protected] groups working together in a coherent co-operative manor. Nick Carter - [email protected] There are many areas where the objectives may overlap, Roddy MacKinnon - [email protected] particularly when seeking funding and delivering specific on-going projects. The benefits of mutual cooperation are The Council held their first meeting in March 2012. Our clear. There is also the need for the implementation of the main role to date has been to liaise with Council plan to involve clear communication with the wider on practical issues such as road repairs; repair and community including the business community; this will maintenance of local signage; provision of waste disposal ensure support, transparency and accountability through facilities and health and safety matters. We are working the delivery of any projects which are taken forward. It is with Elgar to draw up an inventory of new signage which anticipated that there will be a number of public workshops would benefit the area, and signage in need of repair or held to discuss the contents of the plan. These workshops improvement. will allow the projects contained within to be allocated to For several months now we have been investigating the the appropriate body while also ensuring that good possibility of building a traditional stone wall around the communication can be set up across the groups and the new part of the cemetery. This is a project for which many wider community. local residents have indicated their support. Having Elgar Finlay. consulted Highland Council and assessed the likely cost of the project, we are now at a stage of seeking funding with the help of Elgar in his role as LDO. It is likely that we will The recent Glendale Trust EGM run a local fund raising event for the project in the near was fantastic, the meeting room booked in the Glendale future. hall was full and people were required to stand. This really The Council was keen to contribute to a Christmas event for showed the support an organisation like the Trust has by older members of the community. We have therefore the community and members. A new board was elected donated £100 to the Christmas dinner in the hall and have which comprises of 7 members. 5 are new directors and 2 offered to assist those attending with transport. from the previous board. They are Joy Talbot, Margaret As the Glendale Trust was not in a position to run the McPhee, Elly Knight Angela Finlay, Raymond Coughlin, Hogmanay Bonfire at Meanish Pier, the Community Council Gordon Thompson and Richard Powell. The new board has is organising the event this year. a wide and excellent skill base and a willingness to work for We hope to be more active in 2013 and welcome the community in an open and transparent manor. There suggestions from community members on projects or are now people on the board that have gone to school in activities they would want the Council to undertake. Glendale right through to the newest members of our Many thanks, Fay, ‘Ceiteag's’, 2 Lephin, Glendale, Isle of community, the ages of the board being somewhere in the Skye, IV55 8WJ. Tel: 01470 511398 , Mob: 07703 610396 same range!!

The progress the Trust has made in projects such as the The Glendale News and Views Meanish Pier and Mini Croft scheme as well as many more 3 people answered my request for feedback on the future detailed in the community growth plan are now set to funding of the newsletter, which is not enough to make a continue. The area and community will now not miss out on change, so the newsletter will continue as it is for now the 10s of thousands of pounds in awards and hopefully which is by donations and GT support. Next issue will be out 21st March, deadline for articles is Highlands and Islands Enterprise will continue to support th and fund the local development officer post, which has 15 March. Please note that there will now be a place by been key to securing the funding and supporting the donation for goods and services for sale or recycling, community volunteers in their hard work. The first steps of Articles on community news, art, crafts, nature, gardening, the new board will be to elect office bearers and ensure history, science, ‘what’s on’, poems and more are invited. that the transition is carried out as smoothly as possible. Contact: Ocean 511351. [email protected] Bringing order to the finances and general administrative tasks in the short term will ensure the Trust is in a strong