252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

Feet First April 2

Bible Story: Feet First (Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet) • John 13:1-17 Bottom Line: I can put others first by serving them. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

GETTING READY 1. Opener/Closer What You Need:  Host dressed as soccer player (every week) o Soccer jersey o Headband o Shorts  Soccer balls (several; some can be used as decoration)  Soccer goal (see “Create the Environment”)  Three vuvuzelas (1 for Host; 2 for competition)

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):  Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room  (Optional) “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki  SFX: “Gooooal!”

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  Goal! Theme Slide  Humility Slide  Memory Verse Slide  Bottom Line Slide

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.  Download the weekly SFX from the download page under the “Large Group for K_3 and 4_5” panel.  Download the music from a resource such as iTunes® and have it ready to play. Note: Legally a song belongs to the /composer who created it and the publisher who markets it. Performance rights organizations (PROs) license public performances (live or recorded) of their members’ music. Usually, but not

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 1 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

always, PROs give general permission for performances in worship services. We recommend you obtain permission from the PRO representing the song or the publisher of the song you wish to play. PROs in the U.S. are ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. For a list of PROs in your part of the world: www.iamusic.com. Look at the copyright on the CD or sheet music to discover the PRO or publisher of the song. It is up to you to make sure your church has permission to perform or play a recording of a song.  This month Host is a huge fan of all things soccer and just can’t get enough. Host can wear a soccer jersey, headband, wristbands, shorts, and gym shoes. But don’t worry, your Host doesn’t have to be good at soccer or even the best athlete, though he desperately tries.  Set up a goal on stage that can stay there all month. Check out the “Create the Environment” document for more ideas for how to decorate your stage for this theme.

2. Bible Story What You Need:  Storyteller  Bible  Duffel or large sports bag containing: o Soccer goalkeeper gloves (or something similar) o Three small plastic sports megaphones o Four small orange cones o Two towels o One dirty soccer cleat o One full sports water bottle (one you can squeeze) o One yellow card (used in soccer) o One red card (used in soccer)

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  One Big Story Timeline  Humility Slide  Bottom Line Slide

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper. Note: We provide standard and widescreen image sizes if you choose to display the Big Story Timeline on your screens. If you prefer to have a printed version, head to www.ThinkOrange.com, click “Orange Store,” and search “Big Story Timeline” to order a high quality poster.  Pre-set all of the items in the duffel bag, including a full water bottle.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 2 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

Feet First

Bible Story: Feet First (Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet) • John 13:1-17 Bottom Line: I can put others first by serving them. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter – Sing & Shout CG: Lighthouse Kids Slide

Worship TNT WORSHIP LEADER: “Good Morning kids. It’s time to worship.

VFX: Shout Hosanna

CG: Goal! Theme Slide

Opener SFX: “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki (optional)

TNT team exits. Host runs on stage with a soccer ball and starts dancing and clapping to the music. He gets the crowd pumped up, clapping, jumping, especially on the chorus of the song. He tries a few complicated footwork tricks—but just ends up looking like he’s trying really hard. After a minute or so of this, Host lines up a shot and kicks it into the goal that’s been set up on stage.

SFX: “Gooooal!” Host runs around, arms raised, as if he just scored the winning goal.

HOST: “He shoots; he scores! In stoppage time, [Host’s name] runs the length of the field and puts his team over the top! The crowd goes wild!”

Motion for the crowd to erupt in cheering and applause.

“Whew! Before things get too crazy, let me welcome you all to the [your environment’s name] Soccer Club! I’m pumped that you’re all here for the start of a brand new month and a brand new Life App! A

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 3 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

Life App is something that God does IN us to change the world AROUND us, and this month we’ve got a great one. We’re talking about humility!”

CG: Humility Slide

“Humility is putting others first. I’m not sure about you, but I LOVE that announcer after I scored that goal. Let me hear that again!”

SFX: “Gooooal!”

“That’s so great! I think I want that to happen every time I do something, like . . . (bend over to tie shoes) . . . YES! I tied my shoes!”

SFX: “Gooooal!”

“On my way to church this morning, I totally got every green light!”

SFX: “Gooooal!”

“I found a matching pair of socks . . . and they didn’t even have any holes in them!”

SFX: “Gooooal!”

“Okay, I need to get you all in on this action. One way that fans show their appreciation at a soccer match is to make a lot of noise with THIS. (Hold up vuvuzela.) Does anyone know what this is called?”

Treat the vuvuzela with the same reverence as Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur. Speak in awed tones.

“I’ll give you a hint. This is a noisemaker of epic proportions. This will strike fear into the hearts of the opposing team. THIS is a vuvuzela. Gaze upon its greatness!”

Raise the vuvuzela over your head in a triumphant pose.

“The only way to describe the sound of the vuvuzela is to combine ‘awesomeness’ with ‘ferocity,’ making it ‘awesome-ocity-ness’! Feast your ears and weep, mere mortals!”

Raise the vuvuzela and sputter a few weak notes. Squeeze a few more squeaks out, and then look into the end of the vuvuzela.

“Hmm. I wonder if this thing is plugged up.”

Try again, but don’t succeed in getting a huge sound out of it.

“Well, that didn’t go as planned. (Pause, as if getting an idea.) Hey, wait! I wonder if anyone out there can do better! Is there anyone who wants to try getting a bigger sound out of the vuvuzela?”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 4 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

Choose two older kids, and give each of them their own vuvuzela. Then lead the two in a contest of who can play the vuvuzela the loudest. After several tries each, the audience plays judge, voting by cheering for who they think played the loudest. Once the winner is determined, raise his or her hand in the air.

SFX: “Gooooal!”

“Congratulations! Let’s give a big round of applause to our awesome volunteers! We’re going to keep things rolling with some amazing announcements!”

Anne/Host exits as Storyteller enters. CG: Love Inc Logo or Project Logo

Announcements ANNE: “We are kicking off our new outreach project (fill in name). From now till April 30, Lighthouse kids will be collecting wash clothes for families who don’t have them. You will get more information about this at small group.” Storyteller enters as Anne exit. Storyteller is carrying a duffel or large sports bag. Inside are pre-set props that will help tell the story.

SETTING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “Good morning kids. My name is (Leader’s name) and I absolutely love being your Storyteller—and I love reading and sharing stories from the Bible. I hope you like this one today as much as I do!”

“If you’ve been here for the past few months, you might remember that we’re taking a trip through God’s One Big Story! This is the amazing story God has been writing since the very beginning of time. We’ve seen Adam and Eve, Moses and Joshua, and we’ve even experienced Jesus’ birth. And we start this month talking about a new ‘chapter’ about Jesus in God’s One Big Story as we look at His humility.” CG: Humility Slide

“Humility means putting others first.” Open the Bible. Throughout the following Bible story, you will ask volunteers to reach into the duffel bag and pull out certain props—all soccer related—to help illustrate the story.

“Let’s begin! Four men—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—wrote all about Jesus’ life, His teaching, what He said, and what He did. These writings were collected and put in the Bible as part of the New Testament. We’re taking a look in the book of John, one of four books in the Bible known as the Gospels. You might have heard that word before. The word gospel means ‘the good news.’ In John 13:1-17, John writes about something that Jesus did that was, well, REALLY good news.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 5 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

FORECAST: PALMY WITH A CHANCE OF PRAISE STORYTELLER: “Every year, thousands of Jews traveled to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover and remember how God had saved them from slavery in Egypt. Now, some people believed Jesus was a king sent by God to take over.”

Choose a volunteer to reach into the duffel bag, pull out the soccer goalie gloves, and put them on.

“When a goalie blocks a kick from scoring in soccer, it’s called a save. Well, the people thought Jesus was a king sent to save them as well! When they heard He was coming, people ripped branches from palm trees and rushed out to the road. People knew about the amazing miracles Jesus had done, and the city of Jerusalem was buzzing about Jesus as He arrived!”

“Crowds gathered as Jesus and His friends approached the city. Now, kings usually make a big entrance with lots of pomp and circumstance, big white horses with golden reins, the works. Instead of riding a powerful horse like a king, Jesus humbly rode into the town on the back of a donkey.”

Choose a volunteer to reach into the duffel bag and pull out three small plastic megaphones. The volunteer then hands two to other kids next to him and keeps one for himself. CG: John 12:13

“At a soccer match, people in the crowd might use these megaphones to cheer for their favorite player. Well, the crowds in Jerusalem were cheering for their Savior, Jesus! The people really didn’t care that He rode in on a donkey. They shouted and sang and hollered and praised anyway! Check out what they shouted out in John 12:13. (Read from the Bible and indicate to volunteers with megaphones to say these phrases.) “Hosanna!” “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!” (NIrV)

“People waved the palm branches high, singing and praising, and some even threw their robes across the road as Jesus passed by! Jesus could have made himself a real king right then and there! But Jesus didn’t do that. Instead, He spent the next few days doing what He always did—teaching people about God and humbly caring for everyone.”

A SERVANT’S DEED STORYTELLER: “When Passover arrived—the actual day for the special meal and celebration—Jesus and His friends went together to an upstairs room, in a quiet place, away from the large and noisy crowds.” Choose a volunteer to reach into the duffel bag and pull out four small orange cones. Then have the volunteer set up the cones in about a four-foot square in the middle of the room, clearing everyone out of the sectioned-off space.

“In a soccer match, one might use orange cones like these to show an end line or to section off the field for something special. Well that’s exactly what happened that Passover evening, as Jesus and the disciples met in a small, secluded place for the Passover meal. They had sectioned off a place to get

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 6 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

away from everyone and celebrate the feast together. There was only one problem. There was something wrong with Jesus’ friends’ feet.”

Choose two volunteers: one to reach into the duffel bag and pull out two towels, and one to pull out a dirty soccer cleat. Have the volunteers spread one towel out on the ground and place the other towel and the cleat on it.

“As Jesus and the disciples arrived in the room, their feet were absolutely, disgustingly filthy. They had been walking around in sandals all day, and their feet were caked with mud and dust from the roads. Normally there would be a servant to wash everyone’s feet after walking in the dust and mud, but there wasn’t a servant around to do that.”

“As everyone gathered around the table, the disciples might’ve felt that it was an important time. Jesus was incredibly popular. Crowds of people loved Him. At that time, the Jewish people weren’t too thrilled with the way Rome ruled the Jewish people. They were thinking maybe Jesus would be their new king. It’s possible that, even as they all sat around the table to celebrate Passover, the disciples were thinking Jesus would stand and announce that He would take over and rule!”

“Jesus stood, but it wasn’t to make some grand announcement. It wasn’t to tell everyone that He would be the new king. Instead, He didn’t say a word. He simply rose from the table and took off His outer robe, hanging it over the back of His chair.”

Have a volunteer reach into the duffel bag and pull out the squeezable water bottle, already full of water. The volunteer places the water bottle next to the dirty cleat.

“Jesus took a towel and some water, and before anyone even knew what He was doing, He knelt down in front of one of the disciples and took one of his dirty, muddy feet in His hands, and began to wash it off.” Take the water bottle and the towel, and over the towel laid out on the ground, begin to wash off the dirty cleat. NOT MY FEET; NO WAY STORYTELLER: “The other disciples couldn’t believe what they were seeing—especially Peter! Jesus was supposed to be a KING, and kings don’t wash other people’s feet! That’s totally a servant’s work, not the job of a king! Jesus continued to wash all of the disciples’ feet, one by one. When Jesus started on Peter’s feet, Peter thought he had to put a stop to all of this.”

Reach into the duffel bag and pull out a yellow card and a red card. CG: John 13:6-7

“In soccer, the referee holds up a yellow card if a player is doing something he’s not supposed to be doing. In this case, Peter thought Jesus was doing something He wasn’t supposed to be doing! By the time Jesus reached him, Peter had made up his mind. (Hold up the yellow card.) Peter asked: “Lord . . . are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus replied, “You don’t realize now what I am doing. But later you will understand” (John 13:6-7 NIrV).

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 7 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

“Peter still protested! In soccer, if the referee holds up the RED card, it means the soccer player has to stop playing the game immediately and take a seat on the bench. Well, Peter wanted Jesus to stop immediately! (Hold up the red card.) “No,” said Peter. “You will never wash my feet!” (John 13:8, NIrV).

CG: John 13:8

“Jesus looked at Peter with compassion in His eyes. Peter sometimes spoke without really thinking, but Jesus knew his heart. Listen to what Jesus said in John 13:8 (read from the Bible): “Unless I wash you, you can’t share life with me” (NIrV). In other words, Jesus wasn’t the one getting the red card; Peter was. Unless Peter stopped arguing, he wouldn’t be able to continue walking, talking, and learning alongside Jesus.”

CG: John 13:9-10

“Jesus’ words nearly knocked the breath out of Peter. Whether Jesus was a king or a servant, there was no way Peter wanted to be left out. In typical Peter fashion, he went overboard by saying (read John 13:9-10) “Lord . . . not just my feet! Wash my hands and my head too!” Jesus answered, “People who have had a bath need to wash only their feet. The rest of their body is clean. And you are clean” (NIrV).


CG: John 13:12-15

STORYTELLER: “When Jesus was finished, He sat back down. Everyone’s eyes were on Him, and Jesus knew they were open to hearing what He had to say. “Do you understand what I have done for you? . . . I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also should wash one another’s feet. I have given you an . You should do as I have done for you” (John 13:12-15, NIrV).

CG: John 13:16-17

“Jesus was talking about more than just washing each other’s feet. He was talking about how to treat others—everyone. He was talking about putting others first. Jesus went on. He said: “What I’m about to tell you is true. A servant is not more important than his master. And a messenger is not more important than the one who sends him. Now you know these things. So you will be blessed if you do them” (John 13:16-17 NIrV). Pick up the now clean soccer cleat and show it to the kids.

“Even with everyone praising Him, even with crowds gathering and shouting His name, even with His own friends wanting Him to be king, Jesus instead served humbly by washing other people’s feet.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

“We can do the same, kids. [Bottom Line] I can put others first by serving them. Can you say that with me?”

STORYTELLER AND KIDS: [Bottom Line] “I can put others first by serving them.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 8 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

STORYTELLER: “Jesus made it pretty clear. The most important, noble thing any of us can do isn’t to stand in front of a crowd and receive praise and applause. Our most important job is to quietly put the wants and needs of others ahead of our own. Let’s pray.”

Pray STORYTELLER: “God, thank You so much for Jesus. He teaches us so much not only with what He said, but also by how He acted. Lord, help all of us find ways to serve others in the same way that Jesus did—maybe not exactly by washing their feet, but by looking to the needs of others more than our own. Please help us be bold in serving others. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.” Storyteller exits as Host enters. Closer HOST: “Kids, I know I say this a lot, but wow, what a great Bible story! Jesus totally deserved to be treated like a king, because He was God’s Son, but instead of looking for the spotlight He spent His entire life serving others, putting others first, listening to them, teaching them, and even washing their dirty feet! He showed us over and over that we can put others first by serving them. We can put aside what WE want in order to give others what THEY want.”

CG: Memory Verse Slide

“The memory verse for this month is a long one, but it’s so, so good. It says: Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves, Philippians 2:3 (NIrV).

“Value others more than yourselves. Have you ever tried letting someone else get first controller on the XBox® so they can pick the game? What about letting someone else go first in line at school? Maybe you’ve got a sweet LEGO® set, and your little brother REALLY wants to help. Would you let him because it’s what he wants, even though you want to build it all yourself? That’s what Jesus was talking about. Let’s take one last look at our Bottom Line for today.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

[Bottom Line] “I can put others first by serving them. Can you say that with me?”

HOST and KIDS: [Bottom Line] “I can put others first by serving them.”

HOST: “In other words, God put us first by sending us His Son. Jesus put us first by serving us on the cross. We can put others first by serving them. Speaking of serving, do you remember that awesome goal I scored this morning? And the announcer that came on and said . . .

SFX: “Gooooal!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 9 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 1 Large Group, K-3

HOST: “Well, I left out something pretty important. That’s not how it really works on a soccer field. You can’t really score all by yourself. If you were a team of one, you’d lose every game. In fact, it’s just as important to kick someone else the ball so THEY can score in soccer! You are actually giving up what YOU want—the ball—to someone else so they can kick it in! Now let’s kick it in our small groups!”

Dismiss children to their small groups.

SFX: Play high-energy music as the kids exit – April Life App Song CG: Small Group Slide.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 10 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

Follow the Game Plan April 9

Bible Story: Follow the Game Plan (Jesus Praying in the Garden) • Matthew 26:36-46 (Supporting: Luke 22:39-46) Bottom Line: I can put others first by letting go of what I want. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

GETTING READY 1. Opener/Closer What You Need:  Host dressed as soccer player (every week) o Soccer jersey o Headband o Shorts  Soccer balls; 1 for each small group

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):  Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room  “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki  SFX: “Gooooal!”

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  Goal! Theme Slide  Humility Slide  Memory Verse Slide  Bottom Line Slide

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.  Download the weekly SFX from the download page under the “Large Group for K_3 and 4_5” panel.  Download the music from a resource such as iTunes® and have it ready to play.  Collect enough soccer balls for each small group. Have them on stage for the Host to use during the opener.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 1 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

2. Bible Story What You Need:  Storyteller  Host  Bathrobe for Host  Bible  Pocket-sized Bible

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  Humility Slide  Bottom Line Slide

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.  Have the bathrobe and pocket-sized Bible set back stage for the Host to put on during Worship.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 2 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

Follow the Game Plan April 9

Bible Story: Follow the Game Plan (Jesus Praying in the Garden) • Matthew 26:36-46 (Supporting: Luke 22:39-46) Bottom Line: I can put others first by letting go of what I want. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter – Sing & Shout CG: Lighthouse Kids Slide

Worship TNT WORSHIP LEADER: “Good Morning kids. It’s time to worship.”

VFX: Shout Hosanna

CG: Goal! Title Slide

Opener SFX: “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki Host enters with high energy and working out his soccer skills. After a minute or so of dancing, clapping, and trying soccer fake-out footwork tricks, Host brings up a volunteer from the front onto the stage, passes him or her the soccer ball, and motions for the volunteer to kick the ball into the goal.

SFX: “Gooooal!” Host runs around with the volunteer’s arm raised up in the air as if he just scored the winning goal.

“He shoots; he scores! With no time left on the clock, [kid’s name] bends it like Beckham and scores the winning goal! The crowd goes wild!

Motion for the crowd to erupt in cheering and applause.

“See? I learned something about soccer! It’s not a solo act; it’s a team effort! I put [kid’s name] first by SERVING him the ball! Let’s give him another loud ‘GOOOOOAL!’

SFX: “Gooooal!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 3 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

As the SFX plays from here on out, join in and motion for the whole crowd to join in with you.

“Awesome way to KICK off the morning, huh?! Welcome back to Lighthouse Kids! We are continuing our look at humility, our Life App for this month. Let’s take a look!

CG: Humility Slide

“Humility is putting others first. Whether it’s giving up a seat, serving up a treat, or washing someone’s feet, it’s looking to the needs of others more than yourselves. It’s a GREAT lesson Jesus taught us!

Pick up a few soccer balls from the stage.

“To kick us off for today, how about a contest that serves things up to others the whole time? We’ll have small group vs. small group—a grudge match for the ages—where something as simple as a soccer ball can determine who WINS!

SFX: “Gooooal!”

“Hop into your small group and let’s get this over/under match started!

Lead a relay-style game. Guide each small group to stand in a line, facing one direction. The “lead” person in each line is given a ball. On your “Go,” the lead person hands the ball, overhead, behind them to the next person in line, who takes it and puts it under (through their legs) to the person behind them. The third person then takes it and puts it over, and so on. When it reaches the last person, the whole team turns around to face the opposite direction and repeats the process. Once the ball goes all the way down the line and all the way back, the first team to sit is the winner!

“Yes! The winner is [SGL’s name]’s small group! Let’s give them a proper soccer celebration!

SFX: “Gooooal!

“Wow, this morning is shaping up to be pretty exciting. Let’s continue the excitement with announcements.” Host exits as Anne enters.

Announcements ANNE: “Good Morning. We have a couple announcements. First it is a Route 6:6 Sunday here at the Lake Forest Campus. The kids are back in the clubhouse. (Fill in information about story.) Also, last week we kicked off our new outreach project called (insert name). From now till April 30, Lighthouse kids will be collecting wash clothes for families who don’t have them. You can drop them off in the lobby. Next Saturday is the Familly Easter Celebration. Come bring your friends to hear about the story

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 4 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

of Easter and our annual Easter egg hunt. You can join us at the Lake Forest or Crossroads campus at 11am. Finally, let’s watch this. Springhill is coming in June. Come for an exciting week of bunge jumping, water slides, games, fabulous small groups and more. Camp starts on June 19th.”

CG: Love Inc Slide CG: Family Easter Celebration VFX: SpringHill 30 second video CG:VBS Slide! Storyteller enters as Anne exit. Storyteller is going to interview Host, who is acting as one of Jesus’ disciples.

SETTING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “Well, here we are again, kids, and it’s my favorite time of the morning—the time I get to spend with you, telling you another amazing story from the most amazing book ever written! With this particular story, however, I think we’re going to get a firsthand account of things. I think we might even have a disciple on standby to help tell it! To kick off this story, let’s start with getting our bearings. We’re talking about humility.

CG: Humility Slide

“Humility is putting others first. It’s finding ways to serve others, to help others, to prefer what others want over what you want. (Open the Bible.)

“Like last week, we’re in the Gospels—the four books written by four men who were close to Jesus OR who were friends with folks who were close to Jesus. And these four books were all gathered together and they make up the first four books of the New Testament. The story we’re going to be looking at today comes from the version that’s written in the book of Matthew, verses 36-46, in chapter 26. So, let’s bring out our disciple! James? Are you back there? Are you ready for your interview?”

Over the microphone we hear loud snoring. Host is sleeping backstage and starts mumbling in his sleep.

HOST as JAMES: “ZZZzzz . . . grab those hotdogs from the cart . . . ZZZzzzz . . . sea monkey’s got my money . . . ZZZzzz . . . is that a unicorn with a top hat? ZZZzzz.”

STORYTELLER: “Wait. Is that snoring? Hang on one second, kids. I’ll see what’s going on.

Storyteller goes backstage, and hidden from view, wakes up Host.

“Hey! James! Wake up, we’re ready for you!”

HOST as JAMES: “Whaaa? Hey. Hey, hey, HEY! I’m up. I’m up! Just dozed off for a second there!”

Both Host and Storyteller enter from backstage. Host is dressed in a bathrobe. Both sit in front of the kids, and when they do, Storyteller turns and looks at Host’s outfit.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 5 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

STORYTELLER: “I thought it was supposed to be a Bible robe.”

Host pulls a small pocket Bible out of the pocket of the robe and waggles it at Storyteller.

STORYTELLER: “Bible. Robe. I see what you did there.”

HOST as JAMES: (Yawn and stretch.) “Oookay! Let’s get this story started!”

STORYTELLER: “Well, let’s set the scene first. If you remember, Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast. People came from all parts of the city to gather and see Him enter. Do you remember?”

CG: John 12:13

HOST as JAMES: “Yes! It was AMAZING. Everyone was shouting: “Hosanna,” and “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” (John 12:13, NIrV). They wanted Jesus to be a new king, but He wasn’t down with that at all. He rode in on a humble donkey.”

STORYTELLER: “Exactly. And at the Passover feast, Jesus did something even more amazing.”

HOST as JAMES: (Hold up foot.) “Cleanest toes in Jerusalem. Jesus washed my feet! He did it to show us how to serve others. We were flabbergasted.”

STORYTELLER: (To kids) “That means shocked.”

HOST as JAMES: “That too.”

POST-PASSOVER PRAYER TIME STORYTELLER: “Well, let’s continue the story. Is it okay if I interview you about some of the details?”

HOST as JAMES: “Absolutely! I’m here to serve!”

STORYTELLER: “The Bible says that when Jesus was in Jerusalem, He often went to a place called Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives to pray, correct?”

HOST as JAMES: “Yep. Tons of olive trees there. Pretty comfortable too, under those branches.”

STORYTELLER: “After He ate the Passover meal with you and your friends, He led you there as usual. But nothing else was usual, was it? All week, Jesus had been trying to prepare you for what was to come. Could you tell us what Jesus told you about what was to happen?”

CG: Matthew 26:2 & CG: John 12:32

HOST as JAMES: “Yeah, it was kind of hard to believe. He kept saying stuff like: “The Son of Man will be handed over to be nailed to a cross” (Matthew 26:2, NIrV) and “I am going to be lifted up from the earth. When I am, I will bring all people to myself” (John 12:32, NIrV). Jesus leaving the earth? Lifted up? Honestly, we thought it was maybe a parable or something—a story to teach us a lesson.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 6 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

STORYTELLER: “Jesus had tried to explain where He was going and what was about to happen. It was a pretty serious moment. So, after the Passover meal, He brought you up to the spot in Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives where you guys often prayed. What happened then?”

HOST as JAMES: “Well, we were all wondering why Jesus was so serious and sad. He moved slowly, as if He was carrying a heavy weight on His shoulders. We all got to the grove of olive trees, and He asked us to sit and wait while He went off by Himself to pray. He asked three of us to come farther with Him.”

STORYTELLER: “Yes, yes. That’s what the Bible tells us too.”

CG: Matthew 26:38

HOST as JAMES: “Right. Jesus asked Peter, John, and me to come with Him. He was . . . well, He was pretty sad. I had never seen Him like that before. He even said: “My soul is very sad. I feel close to death” (Matthew 26:38, NIrV). Then He asked us to stay, to pray with Him, and keep watch.”

STORYTELLER: “Wow, that’s pretty intense. What happened after that?”

HOST as JAMES: “After that? You mean after we came back down from the Mount of Olives?”

STORYTELLER: “No, right when you sat down and kept watch with Peter and John. What did Jesus do? Did He pray? What things did He say? Did He talk with you?”

HOST as JAMES: “Well . . . I . . .”

STORYTELLER: “Were there more miracles?”

HOST as JAMES: “I can’t really say.”

STORYTELLER: “Did you hear God’s voice?”

HOST as JAMES: “I didn’t really hear anything.”

STORYTELLER: “You . . . what? Didn’t hear anything? But you were sitting right there!”

ZONKED HOST as JAMES: “I . . . kind of fell asleep.”

Storyteller stares blankly at Host.


HOST as JAMES: “Yep.”

STORYTELLER: “You’re kidding.”

HOST as JAMES: “Nope.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 7 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

STORYTELLER: (Suddenly bent out of shape) “How could you fall asleep? The Savior of the world asks you to watch out for Him, probably at the most important time in His life so far, and you fall asleep?!”

HOST as JAMES: “Dude, we’d just had a big meal. And it was really late at night. Have you ever tried to stay awake all night on Thanksgiving after eating a huge meal?”

Storyteller goes to say something with a finger pointed, then closes his mouth. STORYTELLER: “Touché.”

HOST as JAMES: “That Passover meal was HUGE. It was late and we were all snuggled up under the branches of the olive trees, and we just fell asleep.”

CG: Matthew 26:39

STORYTELLER: “Well, while you were sleeping, the Bible tells us that Jesus was praying with every fiber of His being. He prayed: “My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from me.” He was sweating, intense, and still, through it all, Jesus said: “But let what you want be done, not what I want” (Matthew 26:39, NIrV).

HOST as JAMES: “Wow. That’s powerful stuff. I wish I would’ve stayed awake.”

STORYTELLER: “What did Jesus do when He came back and found you asleep?”

CG: Matthew 26:40-41

HOST as JAMES: “Well, He wasn’t thrilled, I can tell you that. He shook us out of our sleep, begging us to stay awake. He said: “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour? . . . Watch and pray. Then you won’t fall into sin when you are tempted. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Matthew 26:40- 41, NIrV).

STORYTELLER: “He was serious.”

HOST as JAMES: “Yeah. We promised to stay awake this time. Even did a few jumping jacks, slapped our faces a few times. Jesus took off once more to pray.”

STORYTELLER: “So this time you heard Him, I’m sure. What did He say?

Host just sits and stares at Storyteller. “No, you didn’t.”

HOST as JAMES: “We fell asleep literally like two minutes later.”

CG: Matthew 26:42

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 8 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

STORYTELLER: “Come on! Well, let me fill you in. The Bible tells us that Jesus did pray again, and He pleaded with His heavenly Father. How about we read it? (Read Matthew 26:42.) “My Father, is it possible for this cup to be taken away?” He waited, and waited. Then He said: “But if I must drink it, may what you want be done” (NIrV). Did you know that Jesus came back and checked on you a second time?”

HOST as JAMES: “I THOUGHT I heard Him! He was talking about . . . something.”

STORYTELLER: “Probably wondering how you could fall asleep again, and asking you to be alert and stay awake.”

HOST as JAMES: “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

NOT WHAT I WANT STORYTELLER: “And yet a third time, Jesus prayed to God. He pleaded with God one more time. Even though God didn’t speak, He sent an angel to strengthen and comfort Jesus.”

HOST as JAMES: “No way! And I missed it? A real angel?”

CG: Matthew 26:39

STORYTELLER: “Jesus prayed again: “Let what you want be done, not what I want” (Matthew 26:39, NIrV). He prayed with such power and intensity that the sweat poured from His face, tinged red like blood. Finally, He sensed the time had come. Jesus got up again and went back to you snoring guys.”

HOST as JAMES: “Out like a light. But this time I remember what He said when He woke us.”

STORYTELLER: “What did He say?”

CG: Matthew 26:45-46

HOST as JAMES: “He said: “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look! The hour has come. The Son of Man is about to be handed over to sinners. Get up! Let us go! Here comes the one who is handing me over to them!” (Matthew 26:45-46, NIrV). And there was Judas, that backstabbing traitor. He had left the Passover supper to get a huge mob of soldiers to arrest Jesus!”

STORYTELLER: “What happened next?”

CG: Matthew 26:50

HOST as JAMES: “Well it’s a bit of a blur . . . but I remember that Judas, in order to let the guards know which one of us was Jesus, came over to Him and kissed Him on the cheek. Ugh, a betrayer’s kiss—it makes me sick just thinking about it! Jesus just stood there and took it. He even said: “Friend, do what you came to do” (Matthew 26:50, NIrV).

STORYTELLER: “So Judas pointed out which one was Jesus. Then what happened?”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 9 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

HOST as JAMES: “Everything happened really fast. The guards rushed over and tried to grab Jesus. He didn’t even resist. All of us were shouting, trying to get them to stop. People were grabbing one another, pushing people out of the way. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Peter rip out his sword and swing it through the air.”

STORYTELLER: “Oh my goodness!”

CG: Luke 22:51

HOST as JAMES: “He caught a guard’s ear with his sword and sliced right through it! The guard fell to one knee, grabbing at his own sword to fight back. Right at that moment, Jesus held up His hands and loudly said: “Stop this!” (Luke 22:51, NIrV).

Host and Storyteller pause for a moment.

“Everything immediately stopped. An eerie calm covered everyone. Jesus reached forward and, with a single touch, HEALED THAT MAN’S EAR.” Host pauses again and takes a breath. WRAPPING UP THE STORY HOST as JAMES: “Jesus turned back to the mob. He allowed them to grab Him and haul Him away to the high priest. We were scared. We panicked and ran. I know Peter and John tried to follow the mob from a distance, but none of us could understand why Jesus would choose to give Himself up— especially to those who hated Him.”

STORYTELLER: “Wow. I knew it was intense. Thank you so much for shedding some light on this story, James. Even though you were asleep through the main parts.”

HOST as JAMES: “Touché.”

STORYTELLER: “Kids, will you help me thank James for sharing his story with us?”

Storyteller leads the kids in applause as Host exits. Host goes back stage and gets ready to come back out for the Closer.

“Jesus asked God to spare Him from what was about to happen, but ultimately Jesus said, ‘God, let YOUR will be done, not Mine.’ He let go of what He wanted and did what God wanted instead. God had a plan to rescue us through Jesus. Jesus set aside what He wanted and carried out God’s plan.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

“We can do the same, kids. [Bottom Line] I can put others first by letting go of what I want. Can you say that with me?”

STORYTELLER and KIDS: [Bottom Line] “I can put others first by letting go of what I want.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 10 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

STORYTELLER: “Jesus made it pretty clear that the most important, noble thing any of us can do isn’t to stand in front of a crowd and receive praise and applause. Our most important job is to quietly put the wants and needs of others ahead of our own. Let’s pray.”

Pray STORYTELLER: “Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Son. He is so amazing to us; just thinking about what He gave so that we might be saved is awesome. Please help us to learn from His example of how He let go of what He wanted to serve You. This week, please give us opportunities to serve others by choosing what they want over what we want. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.” Storyteller exits as Host enters in his “soccer” clothes.

Closer HOST: “Wow! Did you catch that? Jesus said He wanted God’s will to be done, not His own. That’s pretty important, isn’t it? Sometimes God might ask us to do the same thing. Check out our memory verse for this month. It talks about how we can have the same mindset that Jesus had in the humility we show toward others. Take a look.”

CG: Memory Verse Slide

“Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves, Philippians 2:3 (NIrV).

“Value others. It’s what Jesus did on the cross. Thankfully, none of us will face a choice to give up our lives for the sake of the whole world like Jesus did! But we DO face decisions every single day about letting go of things that are important to us for the sake of someone else.”

“Like maybe it’s your turn to choose the restaurant your family gets to go to after church. You REALLY want Red Robin, but your family wants Chipotle. But you don’t like Chipotle as much as Red Robin. You don’t want to go there. So, maybe this time, you let go of what you want for what other people want. Or your best friend is sleeping over at your house for the first time. You like the room super dark to help you sleep better, but you know that your friend is sorta, kinda, just-a-little-bit afraid of the dark. So, instead of keeping it pitch black, you find a nightlight to plug in so your friend will sleep better, even though it takes you longer to fall to sleep.”

“Look to others’ needs more than your own. When you’re looking, you’ll find new ways every day to set aside what you really want in order to put others first. That’s why it’s important to put others first by letting go of what you want.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

[Bottom Line] “I can put others first by letting go of what I want. Let’s say that together.”

HOST and KIDS: [Bottom Line] “I can put others first by letting go of what I want.”

HOST: “Humility isn’t something that comes easily, but God can give you the strength and creativity to put others first when you ask. Let’s keep digging and discuss all of this in our small groups! See you next week, everyone!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 11 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 2 Large Group, K-3

Dismiss children to their small groups.

SFX: Play high-energy music as the kids exit – Life Application Song CG: Small Group Slide

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 12 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Bible Story Outline, K-3

Bible Story Outline The Comeback (Jesus Is Crucified, Buried, and Resurrected) • John 18:12 – 20:23

SETTING UP THE STORY  Today we’re celebrating when Jesus defeated death, rose from the grave, and fulfilled His purpose and promise on the earth—giving His life that we might spend eternity in heaven with Him  I can’t wait to share with you the story of how it all happened  One Big Story Timeline  You might remember that we’re taking a trip through God’s One Big Story  Life App: Humility is putting others first by giving up what you think you deserve.  Sometimes it’s pretty hard to do that, but think about Jesus; He gave up His own life for us  We’re in the Book of John this week, chapters 18 through 20



AN EMPTY TOMB  See script

WRAPPING UP THE STORY  When Jesus was arrested, hurt, beaten, and finally hung on that cross, it was a dark time  Lights out  People thought that when Jesus was in that tomb, He was there to stay  Shine flashlight on cross  Jesus knew that in order to save us all, He would have to take the pain, the burden, the weight of sin  Even though everyone thought He was dead, it wasn’t the end of the story  Move the flashlight to reveal “ALIVE”  Everything—all of the events, all of the things Jesus did, everything He said—all led up to this moment  Jesus is alive  He chose to put US first when He gave His own life  When we believe in Jesus, He gives us the power through His Holy Spirit to put others first too  BL: I can put others first because Jesus put me first.

©2017 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 1 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

The Comeback April 16

Bible Story: The Comeback (Jesus Is Crucified, Buried, and Resurrected) • John 18:12 – 20:23 Bottom Line: I can put others first because Jesus put me first. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourself.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

GETTING READY 1. Opener/Closer What You Need:  Host in same costume as previous weeks  Symbols for SGLs (see “What You Do”)  Soccer ball  Packages of Peeps®  Depending on which Peep games you choose, you may need: o Spoons (enough for every member of two small groups) o 5-8 buckets (or boxes, or something similar) o A center line (masking tape, a rope, or something similar)

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):  Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room  “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki  SFX: “Gooooal!”  “Olympic Fanfare and Theme” by John Williams

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  Goal! Theme Slide  Humility Slide  Memory Verse Slide  Bottom Line Slide  PDFs of Peeps® Games

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 1 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

 Download the weekly SFX from the download page under the “Large Group for K_3 and 4_5” panel.  Download the music from a resource such as iTunes® and have it ready to play.  Each small group needs to be designated by a color or symbol, proudly emblazoned on the Small Group Leader somewhere.  Collect props needed for the Peeps® Games you decide to play. Directions for each game can be found in “17Apr_LgGrp_Visual_45_Week3.” There are more activities than what you will need. You can choose the ones that best fit in your environment and your time constraints. Place the instructions on stage for the Host to use during the Opener.

2. Bible Story What You Need:  Storyteller  Bible  Large flashlight or work lamp  6-foot table  Large prop box containing the following: o Shaving cream can o The Game of Life® board game box (empty) o Large candle o Half roll of paper towels o Windex® bottle o 6-8 LEGO® figures o Body wash bottle o Cereal box o Two rulers o Rubber bands o Small floral foam block o Hammer o Camelbak® water bottle (or similar) o Coffee mug o Medium-sized book o Skinny roll of wrapping paper o Scissors o Shoebox with detachable lid o Silverware (metal fork and knife) o Squeezable hair gel

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  One Big Story Timeline  Humility Slide  Bottom Line Slide  Story Map example  Story Map Video (see “What You Do”)  Printed script for the Storyteller

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 2 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper. Note: We provide standard and widescreen image sizes if you choose to display the Big Story Timeline on your screens. If you prefer to have a printed version, head to www.ThinkOrange.com, click “Orange Store,” and search “Big Story Timeline” to order a high quality poster.  This Bible story is told in a very unique way—the Storyteller will pull out and place objects on a table. Each object will have something to do with the script, but the kids will have no idea what the objects are ultimately for. There will be a surprising reveal during the closer.  Print the Story Map to use as reference. Set up all of the items according to the map example and the video, and test it out to see how it projects up on the wall. Once everything is set, “spike” the floor with pieces of masking tape exactly where the table legs go. Then, gather all of the objects on a separate table or bin.  The Story Map Video can be found in the Facebook Group “252 Basics Partners” once we get closer to March. Note: Check with your Orange Specialist if you are unable to find the video.  You will need to practice this before the kids come in to be sure that the props are placed in the right spaces on the table. This does take some work, but the result is worth the effort. The reveal at the end will be a cool way to celebrate that Jesus is alive!  You will also need to make sure your Storyteller has a copy of the script, as it needs to be performed nearly verbatim in order for it to make sense and for all of the items to be placed in order.

3. Worship What You Need:  Worship Leader(s)

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):  “Happy Day” from Live It Out*  “Generation for You” from Alive* *Live lyrics video available from https://amberskyrecords.com/

What You Do:  Download all songs (available on AmberSkyRecords.com) and have them ready to use.  Download and print this week’s tech sheet for everyone helping with Large Group.

4. Additional Resources GET REEL: This month with Get Reel 2.0, kids will work together to practice humility and find that working together can lead to a goooooal!

This week, we recommend playing the Live Loud video to inspire the key faith skill of Worshiping with Your Life. Also on Get Reel 2.0, you can enhance your environment with themed audio transitions (instrumental) to help you move between segments in your Large Group production.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 3 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

The Comeback April 16

Bible Story: The Comeback (Jesus Is Crucified, Buried, and Resurrected) • John 18:12 – 20:23 Bottom Line: I can put others first because Jesus put me first. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourself.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter – Sing & Shout CG: Lighthouse Kids Slide

Worship TNT WORSHIP LEADER: “Good Morning kids. It’s time to worship.”

VFX: Song Picked by Kat

CG: Goal! Theme Slide

Opener SFX: Play “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki

TNT exits. Host enters with high energy while working out his mad soccer skills.

Preset on the stage are packages of Peeps® marshmallow treats. During the song, the Host opens up a package of the Peeps®, pulls them into individual pieces, and drop- kicks them through the soccer goal one at a time. When he is done kicking the Peeps®, the SFX starts.

SFX: “Gooooal!” Host runs around with arms raised up in the air as if he just scored a winning goal.

HOST: “No one has seen the likes of this Cinderella story out of nowhere! His patented Peep® Kick wins the World Cup! The crowd goes wild!”

Motion for the crowd to erupt in cheering and applause.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 4 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

SFX: “Gooooal!”

As the SFX plays, join in and motion for the whole crowd to join in as well.

“Well, kids, it is a HUGE day today. We have so many amazing things planned for you I can hardly contain myself. Ah! Where are my hosting skills?! Welcome to Lighthouse Kids and Happy Easter! If you’re here for the first time, you are here on the PERFECT day, and we are right smack in the middle of learning about a great Life App. A Life App is something that God does in us so we can change the world around us. This month’s Life App? We’re learning about humility. Take a look!”

CG: Humility Slide

“Humility is putting others first. In other words, it’s looking to the needs of others more than yourselves.

Grab a few more packages of Peeps® from the stage. Take on an air of a ringside announcer, pumping up the crowd before the main event.

“And I don’t even think you’re ready for what’s about to happen. You have no idea what you’ve walked into this morning! You think you’re ready? You think you’ve got what it takes? Are you man enough or woman enough to take on the Peeps?! Well, we’re about to find out! Maestro, cue music!”

SFX: “Olympic Fanfare and Theme”

As the music begins, the Small Group Leaders all start to file onto the stage, one by one, in Olympic Parade of Nations fashion. Each small group is designated by a color or symbol, proudly emblazoned on the SGL somewhere. Each SGL holds several packages of Peeps.

“Please welcome to the stage your Small Group Leaders!

Host leads the large group in applause for each SGL, calling them out by name one at a time.

“This morning we are taking a trip—nay, a JOURNEY—to the furthest reaches of this planet. We’ve gathered the best games, activities, relays, and challenges from all over the globe and brought them here this morning for you to compete in the World First Inaugural Peeps Olympic Games!”

The SFX continues as all SGLs hold their Peeps aloft, as if saluting some grand marshmallow ideal. It is all very tongue-in-cheek and comically reverent.

“As you can see, we’ve totally Peeped out our space this morning. You will compete. Oh, yes. You WILL compete: brother versus brother, sister versus sister, friend versus friend, that guy (point to a SGL) versus . . . that other guy (point to someone else). A battle of wits that will test the very limits of your abilities! Are you ready?!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 5 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

Host leads another eruption of applause and cheering.

“Let us begin! Host then leads the small groups to compete in the Peep Olympics. Assign points to winners as games are played, and award the winning small group with—you guessed it— more Peeps®.

“Wow, you’ve proven yourselves worthy of superior Peepdom! Let’s gather up all of these Peeps, clean up our space, and hop right into announcements!”

Host exits as Anne enters.

Announcements ANNE: “Wow, what a fun time we are having. Good morning and Happy Easter. We have a few announcements. Our outreach project for April is (insert name). From now till April 30, Lighthouse kids will be collecting wash clothes for families who don’t have them. You can drop them off in the lobby. VBS is just around the corner. It will be at the Crossroads campus from June 12th to June 15 (Confirm dates). There will be games, snack, crafts, ultimate opening and closing large group in which someone or multiple people will get slimmed. So, bring your friends and sign up on line. Finally, let’s watch this. Springhill is coming in June. Come for an exciting week of bunge jumping, water slides, games, fabulous small groups and more. Camp starts on June 19th.”

CG: Love Inc Slide CG:VBS Slide! VFX: SpringHill 30 second video Storyteller enters as Anne exit. A table is set up in front of the Large Group so everyone can see what is placed on it. Throughout the story, prompts will be given for specific objects to be placed at specific times.

SETTING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “Happy Easter! What a fantastic day of celebration! Around here we go a bit overboard for Easter, and why wouldn’t we, right? I mean, Jesus is ALIVE! Today we’re celebrating when Jesus defeated death, rose from the grave, and fulfilled His purpose and promise on the earth— giving His life that we might spend eternity in heaven with Him! It was such a huge sacrifice—the biggest—and I can’t wait to share with you the story of how it all happened!”

“If you’ve been coming for a while now, you might remember that we’re taking a trip through God’s One Big Story! We’re taking a look, from start to finish, at the amazing story God has been telling since the very beginning of time. (Refer to the timeline.) We’ve seen Jacob and Esau, Joshua and the wall, David and Goliath—and now we’re right in the middle of Jesus’ life and death! This month we are continuing to learn about humility.” CG: Humility Slide

“Humility is putting others first. It’s an act of kindness that goes beyond just doing something nice for someone, but actually putting aside what YOU want for what someone ELSE wants. Sometimes it’s

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 6 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

pretty hard to do that, but think about Jesus. He gave up His own life for us! I can’t think of a more humble thing to do! (Open the Bible.)”

“We’re in the Book of John this week, chapters 18 through 20. John was a disciple of Jesus and a close friend. John’s writings give us a firsthand account of things that happened when Jesus was alive!”

TRUMPED-UP CHARGES “We’re picking up the story after Jesus had been taken away by armed guards. Judas had betrayed Jesus and His friends, the disciples. There was a fight, and Peter fought back, cutting a guard’s ear. A bit of a close shave.”

Take the shaving cream can and set it in place on the table.

“Jesus stopped everyone and healed the guard’s ear with a single touch. The armed mob of guards took Jesus away anyway, and the rest of the disciples were left to flee or follow. Most ran away in fear. And now Jesus was being brought before a high priest, who was kind of like a judge. Jesus was being put on trial.”

CG: John 16:5, 7

“Jesus had warned His friends, the disciples, about this. He had told them that He wasn’t going to be around much longer—at least not here on earth. He said: “Now I am going to the one who sent me. . . . It is for your good that I am going away” (John 16:5, 7, NIrV). What was Jesus really saying? That He was ready to give His life for what He believed.”

Take The Game of Life box, remove the lid, and place the lid (face up) and the bottom box in place on the table.

“Jesus was taken first to Annas, a high priest, and then to Caiaphas, his son-in-law, who was another high priest. Even though neither of these men was really in charge, both treated Jesus as if He were a criminal on trial. It seemed like they hated Jesus with a burning passion, and they wanted to find Him guilty!” Take the candle and set it in place on the table. CG: Matthew 26:63 & 26:64

“They asked about His disciples, His teaching, what He said, where He went, what He did. Caiaphas demanded: I am commanding you in the name of the living God. . . . Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God! (Matthew 26:63 NIrV). And listen to how Jesus answered (read directly from Matthew 26:64): “You have said so” (NIrV).

“While it seems like that’s not a big deal—after all, we believe that Jesus was and is the Son of God— admitting that to the Jewish high priest was just about the worst thing Jesus could say at that moment. As far as all the religious leaders were concerned, Jesus had just committed the greatest crime imaginable: claiming to be God. Caiaphas couldn’t even believe it. In his eyes, Jesus was just a man claiming to be God himself! So Jesus was taken away again, this time to the Roman governor, Pilate. The religious leaders wanted Jesus put to death, but they didn’t have the authority to do that. They

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 7 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

wanted the government to step in and find Jesus guilty of some kind of law. Then they could put Him to death. They wanted the Roman government to clean up this mess.”

Take the half roll of paper towels and set it in place on the table.

“Pilate, the Roman governor, came out to meet with the religious leaders. They pressured him to make some kind of decision to find Jesus guilty. So Pilate went back inside and interviewed Jesus, asking Him questions to see if there was any evidence of wrongdoing, but he could see clearly that there was no reason to put Him to death.”

Take the Windex bottle and set it in place on the table— using it to hold the bottom of the board game box upright.

CG: John 19:6

“Pilate even had Jesus whipped and crowned with thorns to satisfy the religious leaders. Once Pilate was finished with Jesus, he brought Him back to the religious leaders. He said: Look, I am bringing Jesus out to you. I want to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him (John 19:4 NIrV). But a crowd had gathered, angry and frenzied.”

Take the LEGO figures and set them in place on the table. CG: John 19:6

“They shouted: Crucify him! Crucify him! (John 19:6 NIrV). Pilate once again interviewed Jesus and tried to set Him free. But the mob was ruthless. So finally, Pilate had handed Jesus back over to the religious leaders. He washed his hands of the entire affair.”

Take the body wash bottle and set it in place on the table.

“Soldiers took charge of Jesus, leading Him away. They hit Him and hurt Him even more. They didn’t even give Him anything to eat.” Take the cereal box and set it in place on the table.

CRUCIFIED, DIED, BURIED STORYTELLER: “The soldiers then took Jesus to prepare Him. They were going to crucify Him—to hang Him on a cross—on a hill called Golgotha. A cross—you all know what it looks like. Two pieces of wood put together to look like a lower-case T. But kids, it means so much more than that. Jesus’ love for us was measured by what He did on that cross for us—all of us.”

Fashion a cross out of the two rulers and use rubber bands to fasten them together.

“The guards put the cross together and stood it up on a hill on Golgotha.”

Take the cross and press it into the green floral foam block, creating a freestanding cross. Then place the foam block in place on the table.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 8 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

“The guards then took Jesus, beat Him and hurt Him, and finally nailed Him to that cross, crucifying Him and leaving Him there to die.”

Take the hammer and set, head down and standing upright, in place on the table.

“They made fun of Jesus hanging on the cross, and they didn’t even give Him anything to drink except a rag soaked with vinegar.” Take the Camelbak water bottle and set it in place on the table.

“John, Jesus’ friend who was near the cross, probably wondered why Jesus didn’t just call on armies of angels to save Him. Why was Jesus letting this happen? Why didn’t He just stop it? Why didn’t Jesus wake up?” Take the coffee mug and set it in place on the table.

CG: John 19:26 CG: John 19:27

“John didn’t understand why. All he could do was watch his friend suffer on that cross. Jesus’ mother, Mary, was nearby. Jesus, hanging on a cross between two other men, met John’s eyes. Jesus looked down at His mother, His eyes filled with great pain and compassion. “Dear woman, here is your son” (John 19:26 NIrV), Jesus said to her. Then He nodded toward John, and said: “Here is your mother” (John 19:27 NIrV). He was asking John to take care of her like his own mother. John nodded, speechless. Even as Jesus was crucified and dying, Jesus was thinking of others and putting them before His own pain. It seemed like this was the end. It seemed like this was the final chapter in Jesus’ story.” Take the book and set it in place on the table. CG: John 19:30

“Soon after, Jesus cried out: “It is finished” (John 19:30 NIrV). Then He bowed His head and died. John and all of Jesus’ friends were really, really sad. They couldn’t grasp that Jesus wasn’t with them anymore. It seemed that Jesus had given himself up for nothing. Later that day before sundown, a follower of Jesus named Joseph took Jesus’ body and wrapped it in burial cloths.”

Take the roll of wrapping paper, cut it in half with scissors, and set the pieces in place in the coffee mug on the table.

“Then Joseph buried Jesus in a garden tomb. Nicodemus, a religious leader who had followed Jesus, helped. Together, they rolled a heavy stone into place against the entrance.”

Take the shoebox, LID ON, and hold it in your hands.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 9 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3


CG: John 20:2

STORYTELLER: “For three long days, Jesus’ friends hid out, afraid the religious leaders would come for them next. But on the morning of the third day, Mary Magdalene arrived at the home where Peter and John were staying. She was frantic. ‘I went to the tomb,’ she said, ‘And Jesus is gone!’ (Read directly from John 20:2) They have taken the Lord out of the tomb! We don’t know where they have put him! (NIrV). Peter and John burst through the door and sprinted for the garden. John said, ‘Look, the stone’s been rolled away. The tomb is empty!’

Take the lid off of the shoebox, showing that it is empty, and place both the box and the lid in place on the table.

“They were shocked. Peter and John returned home, but Mary Magdalene stayed behind, weeping. When a man approached, she thought at first He was a gardener. But kids, it wasn’t a gardener. It was Jesus! He said her name, ‘Mary,’ and immediately she recognized Him. It was Jesus! He told her to go and tell everyone who believes that He was no longer dead. She immediately ran back to the disciples and told them what she saw. They were amazed! They couldn’t believe what she had seen! But they didn’t have to wait long to see for themselves. That evening, while they were eating in an upper room with the doors locked, Jesus appeared before them.”

Take the silverware and place it on the table.

“The disciples were overjoyed to see their friend and Lord. He had defeated death for everyone who believes in Him. Death had no control over Him, and the tomb could not hold Him! And His friends would dedicate the rest of their lives to telling others about it.”

Take the hair gel and set it in place on the table. Take a step back, and walk around the table.

WRAPPING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “When Jesus was arrested, hurt, beaten, and finally hung on that cross, it was a dark time for Him, His friends, His family, and the disciples.”

Motion for someone to turn out the lights. LIGHTS: Turn lights down

“People thought that when Jesus was in that tomb, He was there to stay, that darkness had won, that nothing could be done.”

Turn on the flashlight and shine it up on the makeshift cross placed on the table, projecting a large cross shadow on the wall. Shine the flashlight on other objects on the table while speaking.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 10 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

“Jesus knew that in order to save us all, He would have to take the pain, the burden, the weight of sin. He had to die on that cross, willingly, humbly, giving up HIS life for ours. And kids, even though everyone thought He was dead, it wasn’t the end of the story.”

Take the flashlight, and slowly move it into place. Revealed on the wall, created by the shadows of the objects on the table, is the word “ALIVE” in big block letters.

Let this moment sink in. Let the kids recognize the word, and let them discover it instead of you reading it. After a few moments, continue.

“Everything—all of the events, all of the things Jesus did, everything He said—all led up to this moment, this world-changing moment, this history-altering moment. Alive. Jesus is alive!”

“What Jesus did for all of us—wow! It just takes my breath away! Jesus IS God’s Son. He could have called down angels to save Him when He was arrested or during His fake trial and when He was hanging up on the cross. But He didn’t. He chose to put US first when He gave His own life. He knew that’s what it would take to give us the chance for a new relationship with God and a life forever with Him. And when we believe in Jesus, He gives us the power through His Holy Spirit to put others first too.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

“You could say it like this: [Bottom Line] I can put others first because Jesus put me first. Let’s say that together.”

STORYTELLER and KIDS: [Bottom Line] “I can put others first because Jesus put me first.”

STORYTELLER: “Jesus rescued you. And because of that, you don’t have to live life just focused on yourself and what you want. Because Jesus put others first, He made a way for you to follow His example and put others first. Let’s pray and thank God for Jesus!”

Pray STORYTELLER: “Lord, thank You for Jesus. Thank You for what He did for me and for each of us on the cross. Even though He was hurt, He was made fun of, He was betrayed, and He was finally crucified, He put aside wanting to save His own life and thought of us. Please help us understand You even more, and help us each grow closer to You. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Storyteller exits as Host enters.


©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 11 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 3 Large Group, K-3

This is a perfect moment to share a personal story about your own relationship with Jesus. Be age appropriate, but make it honest and personal. Talk about how you came to know Jesus and how He’s working in your everyday life.

HOST: “You’ll probably never be in a place to die for someone else, but you’ve got chances every day to give up something for the people around you. It might be a few minutes of your time. It might be the awesome cookie in your lunch. It might be asking your friends to donate toys to kids in foster care instead of buying you birthday gifts. Whatever the situation, God can give you the strength to put others first and to value others more than yourself. Let’s look at our memory verse for this month.

CG: Memory Verse Slide

“It says: Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves, Philippians 2:3 (NIrV). Listen, kids, Jesus lived and died and rose again! And when you believe this, God will begin to change you from the inside out. Let’s keep this Easter celebration going and head to our small groups to talk more about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus and put others first like He put us first. Have a great time, and we’ll see you next week!”

Dismiss children to their small groups.

SFX: Play worshipful music as the kids exit - Worship Song CG: Happy Easter Slide.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 12 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). Peep(R) Game Instructions, Story Map • Choose which opening Easter games you want to play and give the related instructions to Host to use during large group opener.

Large Group Visuals • K-3; Game Instructions and Story Map ©2017 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. April 2017, Weeks 3 PEEP FACE

Best Location: Outdoors or Indoors in a large room or gym Group Size: Any Duration: 5-8 minutes Materials: Peeps (and faces) Activity Level: Medium Best for Age: All Ages!

Instruction: Frustrating and hilarious, Peep Face is just what it sounds like—the two components you need are peeps . . . and faces.

Pit Small Groups against each other and give every child a Peep. Have the kids place the Peep on their foreheads, or on the bridges of their noses, with heads tilted back. On your “GO!” they have to try to work the Peep down their faces and eat it—with no hands.

First team to pop the Peeps in their pucker wins! PEEP TOSS

Best Location: Any Group Size: Any Duration: 5-8 minutes Materials: Peeps Activity Level: Low Best for Age: All Ages!

Instruction: Simply put, this game is Egg Toss—but with the marshmallow-y gloriousness of Peeps!

Have kids partner with whomever they want for this one. The last ones standing (you can stop it at the final 4 or 6) will get points for whatever Small Group they represent. PEEP LAUNCH

Best Location: Outdoors or Indoors in a large room or gym Group Size: Any Duration: 5-8 minutes Materials: Peeps, spoons (one per person), 5-8 buckets Activity Level: Medium Best for Age: All Ages!

Instruction: Set up the buckets in the center of the room, in a circular configuration of your choosing. Each bucket will represent a point total.

Take each Small Group, one group at a time, and give each child a spoon and a Peep. Then, have kids stand circling the buckets, about 10-15 feet away. On your “3, 2, 1 . . . Peep Launch!” the kids launch their peep by flinging them with their spoon at the buckets. If a peep lands in a bucket, count the points for that bucket and tally up the total!

Give each Small Group three Peep tosses each—and declare a winner!

Note: If you have a large number of Small Groups, have two groups go at a time with different colored peeps to help keep track! ROLLIN’ IN THE PEEP

Best Location: Outdoors or Indoors in a large room or gym Group Size: Any size, better with large groups Duration: 10 minutes Materials: Peeps Activity Level: Medium Best for Age: Any Age

Instruction: This game will appeal to all kinds of . . . Peep-le.

Give each Small Group a Peep, and let them know that all Small Groups will be competing against one another in this Relay to End All Relays.

Some ideas for Peep Relays:

1. Place the peep under the chin and hop down around a point and back. 2. Two teammates tossing the Peep back and forth down around a point and back. 3. The Peep under your armpit and hopping on one leg down around a point and back. 4. Teammates line up in leapfrog formation and first player hops over players while holding peep and then tosses the peep to next player in line to do the same. 5. Roll the Peep on the floor with just your feet, soccer-style, down around a point and back.

Have fun with this one! You can add your own Peep inspired relays—but don’t do the “peep between the knees.” It’s a bit too suggestive for this age group. ULTIMATE PEEP WAR

Best Location: Any Group Size: Any size Duration: 5-8 minutes Materials: Peeps, center line (tape, rope, etc.) Activity Level: High Best for Age: Any Age

Instruction: This game has been banned in 17 countries. Fair warning.

The Ultimate Peep War pits everyone against everyone else. Divide the number of Small Groups evenly on either side of a center line. (Meaning if you have 8 Small Groups, put four on one side and four on the other). Have the teams get on their knees.

Then, dump as many Peeps as you have on either side, trying to give each side an even amount of peeps. The more Peeps the better.

The purpose of the Ultimate Peep War is to throw as many peeps to the other side as possible. At the end of time, the side with the least amount of Peeps wins. You’re not hoarding the peeps . . . you’re trying to get rid of them.

Put 30 seconds on the clock, and on your “3, 2, 1 . . . PEEP WAR!” have kids start chucking the Peeps away from their side. Once time is up, stop all play and count the number of Peeps. Lowest tally wins!

Note: When playing this game, an enterprising young boy decided to gather as many peeps as he could, waited for the countdown, and then dumped all of the peeps on the other side at the last second. Clever . . . but unfair. Watch for these kinds of tactics! STORY MAP

Instruction: The following image is a suggestion for how you’ll set up your table.

We suggest a 6’ long table.

Take a long piece of butcher paper and copy the following design onto the page.

Tape the butcher paper to the top of the table as a reference for the Storyteller.

Be sure to check the 252 Basics Partners Group on Facebook for an instructional video for how to set this up and execute it on Easter Sunday. 252 Groups April 2017, Week 5 Large Group, K-3

Team Player April 23

Bible Story: Team Player (Humility of Jesus) • Philippians 2:3-8 Bottom Line: Put others first. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourself.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter – Shout & Sing CG: Lighthouse Kids

Welcome ANNE: “Good Morning Lighthouse. We are glad to see you here today. It is the Sunday after Easter and we have something special for you today. But first announcements. Watch this.”

VFX: SpringHill Video

ANNE: “Springhill is coming to the Lake Forest Campus on June 19th. It is a week of fun. I mean real fun. If you have been to Springhill raise your hand. (Kids raise hands.) What did you like about Springhill? (Kids respond). It is not to late to sign up. Tell your parents to sign up on line and bring a friend.”

VFX: VBS Video

ANNE: “Want more fun in the summer? Then check out VBS at the Crossroads campus this summer. The planning has begun for games, crafts, surprises at the opening and closing ceremony. Who will be slimmed? We will find out in June. Right now it’s time for worship.”

Anne exits. TNT worship team enters Worship TNT WORSHIP LEADER: “Good morning. We are going to sing . . . “

VFX: Worship Song TNT exits. Host enters. Opener HOST: “Welcome to Lighthouse kids! I am stretching and getting ready for the another week of large group and soccer. Next week we are going to wrap it up with some real fun you won’t want to miss. I will tell you it involves Peep and Olympics. Who can tell me our life application this month? (Kids respond)” Humility. Good job.”

CG: Humility Slide

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 1 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 5 Large Group, K-3

HOST: “Humility is putting others first. Let’s say that together.”

HOST and KIDS: “Humility . . . . putting others first.”

HOST: “Last week, we heard the message of the cross. How Jesus died, was buried and rose again. How we can put others first because Jesus put us first. Today, we have a special story to tell you. A story how Jesus can be your Forever Friend. It’s told from the Wordless book.”

Host exits. Storyteller enters. SETTING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We’ve learned a lot so far, and we’ve also heard some amazing things about Jesus. He died, He rose from the dead. Today I am going to tell you something really exciting. Storyteller uses the Wordless Book. Show verses for each color. Gold Page: CG: Jeremiah 31:3 & John 3:16

Dark Page: CG: Romans 3:23 & Romans 6:23a

Red Page: CG: Hebrews 9:22b & 1Corinthians 15:3-4

Clean Page CG: John 1:12 & Ephesians 2:8

Green Page CG: 1John 1:9 Storyteller exits as Host enters.

WRAPPING UP THE STORY HOST: Shares faith story.

HOST: “Our bottom line today is . . ..

CG: Bottom Line Slide

[Bottom Line] “Put others first. Short, sweet, and to the point. Let’s say it together.”

HOST AND KIDS: [Bottom Line] “Put others first.”

HOST: “Let’s close our time in prayer.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 2 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 5 Large Group, K-3

Pray HOST: “Jesus put us first by dying on the cross for us. While we will never be asked to do something like that for our friends, there are other ways we can put others first. Get yourself out of the way and let others take the lead. Give up what you want and hand it over to someone else. It’s hard, believe me, but I know with God’s help we can do it! Let’s pray.”

HOST: “Let’s head to our small groups! See you next week, everyone!”

Dismiss children to their small groups.

SFX: Play high-energy music as the kids exit – Say Amen CG: Small Group Slide.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 3 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

Pass It On April 30

Bible Story: Pass It On (The Great Commission / Ascension) • Matthew 28:16-20 (Supporting: Acts 1:6-11) Bottom Line: I can put others first by doing what Jesus said. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

GETTING READY 1. Opener/Closer What You Need:  Host (in same costume as previous weeks)  Two soccer balls  Two blindfolds  Many LEGO® pieces  Two SGLs  Masking Tape or painter’s tape

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):  Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room  “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki  SFX: “Gooooal!”

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  Goal! Theme Slide  Humility Slide  Memory Verse Slide  Bottom Line Slide

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.  Download the weekly SFX from the download page under the “Large Group for K_3 and 4_5” panel.  Download the music from a resource such as iTunes® and have it ready to play.  Pre-set the soccer balls on stage.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 1 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

 Place a bucket of loose LEGO® pieces on stage before the kids arrive. Host can dump out the pieces onto the stage as he’s explaining the game during the Opener.  On opposite sides of the room tape an outline resembling a goal used in soccer.

2. Bible Story What You Need:  Storyteller  Bible  Two Snuggies®  Twenty pieces of white cardstock  Ten feet of adhesive-backed Velcro® tape  Two sets of bold colored markers

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):  Bottom Line Slide

What You Do:  Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.  Purchase or borrow two Snuggies. (Optional: if you are not able to find Snuggies, you could use fleece blankets and have a similar effect. Have kids hold up the blankets instead of wear them.)  Cut the Velcro tape into 6-inch lengths. Stick a strip to each piece of cardstock, using the hook side only. During the Bible story, these will be stuck to people wearing Snuggies. Divide them into two piles and place them on stage ahead of Large Group.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 2 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

Pass It On April 30

Bible Story: Pass It On (The Great Commission / Ascension) • Matthew 28:16-20 (Supporting: Acts 1:6-11) Bottom Line: I can put others first by doing what Jesus said. Memory Verse: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV Life App: Humility—putting others first. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting.

SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter – Sing & Shout CG: Lighthouse Kids Slide

Welcome/Announcements ANNE: “Good Morning Lighthouse Kids. It is great to see you. Today is the last day of our outreach project (insert name). We have been collecting wash clothes for families who don’t have them. Now watch this (VBS video), VBS is just around the corner. It will be at the Crossroads campus from June 12th to June 15 (Confirm dates). There will be games, snack, crafts, ultimate opening and closing large group in which someone or multiple people will get slimmed. So, bring your friends and sign up on line. Finally, Springhill is coming in June. Come for an exciting week of bunge jumping, water slides, games, fabulous small groups and more. Camp starts on June 19th.”

CG: Love Inc Slide CG:VBS Video VFX: SpringHill slide

CG: Goal! Theme Slide

Opener SFX: Play “Time of Our Lives” by Chawki

Host runs on stage and starts dancing and clapping to the music. He grabs a soccer ball and a volunteer. He then stands in front of the makeshift soccer goal and has the volunteer try to score. Host blocks a few and then lets one go past with a slow motion dive the wrong way.

SFX: “Gooooal!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 3 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

Host grabs the arm of the volunteer and runs around, arms raised, as if the volunteer just scored the winning goal.

“In a shootout, [volunteer’s name] scores the winning goal! The crowd goes wild!”

SFX: “Gooooal!” As the SFX plays from here on out, join in and motion for the whole crowd to join in with you.

“What a fantastic month we have had - the Peep® Olympics, the message of the cross, the shadow art, the wordless book—and I can’t wait to kick off another amazing week with you today. I’m really excited you’re here as we continue talking about humility.”

CG: Humility Slide

“Humility is putting others first. Even if you think you deserve to get something, humility means you give it up to put others first. You were the one who hit the home run to win the game? Put others first by saying you have great teammates who helped you the whole game. You were the one who scored the winning goal in the soccer game? Put others first by congratulating those who passed you the ball to score! Even more than that—look for ways to put others first by setting THEM up to score.”

“There’s an important thing about humility we haven’t even touched on yet, and that’s listening—putting off what you want to say to listen to someone else. Sometimes, when we want to do things our own way, we don’t listen to anyone. You’re trying to build something amazing with LEGOs, and your older brother tries to offer a way to maybe build it better. If you aren’t putting others first, and you aren’t practicing humility, you aren’t going to listen. In fact, you might get a little annoyed with the suggestion!”

Pick up two soccer balls from the stage.

“You might be thinking, ‘Whaddya talking about? You think I don’t know how to build something? I’m a LEGO master!’ But allowing room in your heart and space in your ears to listen to others is a huge part of humility. And I have just the perfect way to illustrate it! Are you up for a little contest?”

Choose two small groups and their leaders. The contest, appropriately titled “Soccerblind Minefield,” pits the two Small Group Leaders against each other. Each SGL will be blindfolded and placed at one end of the room. At the other end of the room stands a makeshift (or real) soccer goal. (It can even be taped right to the wall). With their shoes off, the SGLs must make their way across the room, blindfolded, and kick the ball into the goal. However, the floor is littered with LEGO pieces. Each small group can stand off to the side and shout directions at their SGL—all at the same time. When a SGL scores, play the SFX and have kids join in.

SFX: “Gooooal!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 4 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

“Wow, congratulations! Let’s take a minute to get into your Small Groups—because I’ve got a few questions for you to talk about.”

Give kids a few moments after each question to discuss with their small group. Then take an answer or two from the crowd.

“Was it easy or difficult for the Small Group Leaders to do what they were told? Why?”

“Is it easy or difficult for you to do what you’re told? Why?”

“What can you change to be better at doing what you’re told?”

“Another fantastic kickoff, kids, and we’ve got much more in store for today. My prayer is that you have ears to hear what God has for you this morning.”

Storyteller enters as Host exits. This Bible story is told using “Human Felt Boards”—kids wearing Snuggies with arms outstretched while other kids stick pictures to them.

SETTING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “[Host’s name] was right; last two weeks have been pretty amazing. Getting to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, getting to hear how He defeated death and rose from the grave—I just love being a part of it every time! The wordless book last week. Today you’re in for a treat! I mean, just you wait until you hear about what happens next. (Open Bible.)”

“Our story continues in the Book of Acts. This book reads like a suspense novel, an action adventure story, and an epic journey all rolled into one! Some of the things that happen in the Book of Acts are pretty incredible—and the crazy thing is that they’re all true! We begin at the best place: the beginning. We’re in Acts chapter 1. But before we get started (hold up Snuggie) I’m going to need a little help. It’s time for ‘Human Felt Board’! Let me explain how it works.”

Storyteller, with assistance from the Host or Small Group Leaders, chooses two small groups to participate (choose different groups than were used in the Opener, if you have at least four small groups). One representative from each group puts on a Snuggie to be the “human felt board.” The kids wearing the Snuggies should stand on either side of the Storyteller, in front of the audience. Their respective small groups can be seated near them. Each group should be given a stack of Velcro-backed cardstock and some markers.

“Throughout the story today, I’m going to ask these two groups to draw something on the cardstock with the markers and slap it on their human felt boards. You can slap it on the back, the front, the sides, anywhere on your felt board, as long as it sticks! Now, let’s set up our story today with a little recap.”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 5 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

NOW YOU SEE ME STORYTELLER: “When Jesus was arrested and killed, His friends felt as though they were living in a nightmare. Three days later, when Jesus returned to life, it still seemed like a dream—especially when Jesus appeared in the same room with them, even though the door was locked. Teams, draw me a nice big door with a huge lock on it!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

“Jesus stayed with the disciples for a time, ate with them, and He even showed them the scars in His hands and side to let them know He was real. All of the disciples were gob-smacked—that means utterly astounded, astonished, shocked, flabbergasted, amazed—Jesus was right there with them! Teams, draw what you think Jesus’ hands looked like. And go!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

“Everyone was SHOCKED. Well, all except one disciple named Thomas. He wasn’t any of those things because, well, he wasn’t there. Thomas was a normal guy, like you and me, and he was the type of guy who believed what he saw. When he heard about Jesus showing up, he said, ‘I must see the nail marks for myself! That’s the only way I’ll believe!’ If you’ve heard the term ‘Doubting Thomas,’ this is where it comes from. Thomas knew Jesus, and he knew what Jesus had done in the past, but in this case he decided that seeing was believing.”

“Well, in less than a week, Thomas got his chance. Jesus appeared in the room with the disciples again, and this time Thomas was there! He was able to put his hands on the scars and to see Jesus with his own eyes, and Thomas was gob-smacked just like the rest. Teams, draw me a big set of surprised eyes! Go!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

“Jesus continued to show up for His friends for more than a month. Remember, He had died already, but here Jesus was walking around and chatting with the disciples. Later, He even told Peter where to catch a huge amount of fish. Teams, are you ready? Draw a boat, a fishing net, and a school of fish in the water. This one’s more involved, so you’ll get 30 seconds. Ready? Go!”

Give the two teams 30 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

“Peter was gob-smacked again! He waved from the boat, saying: It is the Lord! (John 21:7 NIrV). After showing Peter where to catch a ton of fish, Jesus made breakfast on the beach for Peter and several of the other disciples. Teams, draw your favorite breakfast! Go!”

Give the two teams 30 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 6 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

A HEAVENLY TO-DO LIST STORYTELLER: “During the 40 days that Jesus was with His friends, He told them that everything that He had done on earth was part of God’s plan to rescue His people—His death, His resurrection, all of it. But Jesus also made it clear that the story was just beginning.”

“Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, Peter, Thomas, and the others climbed the Mount of Olives. They were really excited to see Jesus again! If you remember the Mount of Olives, it’s where Jesus and the disciples went to pray when Jesus was arrested. Teams, you know what olives look like, right? Small, round, and black or green? Draw me a mountain covered in olives. 20 seconds! Go!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

SFX: Acts 1:6

“The disciples were curious about what was going to happen now that Jesus was back. Was He going to take over? Was He going to overthrow the Romans and give the land back to Israel? In fact, when they were eating with Him on the Mount of Olives, they asked Him: Lord, . . . are you going to give the kingdom back to Israel now? (Acts 1:6 NIrV). Teams, draw a nice, big, beautiful crown . . . and go!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards. SFX: Acts 1:7-8

“Listen to what He said. This is from Acts 1:7-8 (read directly from Bible): “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria. And you will even tell other people about me from one end of the earth to the other” (NIrV). Jesus was instructing the disciples to go into all the world and tell more and more people about Jesus. Teams, draw planet earth. Then draw lots of stick figures all over the planet. I’ll give you 45 seconds this time. Go!” Give the two teams 45 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards.

JESUS ASCENDS STORYTELLER: “Peter and the others didn’t have long to consider what Jesus had said. Because before their eyes, Jesus began rising from the ground and up to heaven. He rose right up into the air! The disciples were shocked again! Jesus rose and rose and rose until He was completely covered by the clouds! Teams, draw me a nice, cloudy sky. And go!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards. SFX: Acts 1:11

“The disciples—still shocked, because it’s not every day that you see someone rise off the ground and disappear into the clouds—were wondering what to do next. They just stood staring up into the sky. As they stood and stared, two angels dressed in white appeared beside them. The angels said: Men of Galilee, . . . why do you stand here looking at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 7 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

heaven. But he will come back in the same way you saw him go (Acts 1:11 NIrV). Totally amazed! Teams, draw the most totally amazed face you can think of. Go!”

Give the two teams 20 seconds to draw and stick their pictures on their human felt boards. WRAPPING UP THE STORY STORYTELLER: “Amazed—and a bit dazed—the disciples finally climbed back down the hill to Jerusalem. They realized what a big job Jesus left for them. They were to spread the good news—the gospel—of Jesus Christ to all the ends of the earth. They were to take it to every nation, every language, and every tribe. They knew they needed to do what Jesus asked. And to accomplish this big task, they knew they needed God’s help. For the rest of their lives, Jesus’ followers would set aside their own plans. They dedicated their lives to sharing the story of Jesus with everyone they met, both close to home and far from it. Teams, on your earth picture with all of the people, draw a huge heart around it and stick it back on your human felt board.”

Give the two teams a few seconds to update their pictures and stick them back on their human felt boards.

“The mission Jesus gave His disciples? AMAZING! Jesus told His friends to spend the rest of their lives pointing others to Him: their neighbors, people they met in town, people in other cities, and even people in the most faraway places they could imagine!”

“That’s our mission, too! Telling people about God and showing them how Jesus lived is an incredible way you can put others first.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

[Bottom Line] “I can put others first by doing what Jesus said. Can you say that with me?”

STORYTELLER and KIDS: [Bottom Line] “I can put others first by doing what Jesus said.”

STORTYELLER: “And Jesus said quite a lot when He was here on earth. There are so many things in the Bible that can help us put others first, and all we have to do is know what Jesus is asking us to do. Let’s pray.”

Pray STORYTELLER: “Lord, I pray that all of us in this room have a hunger for learning all about what Jesus has said and what He has told us to do. Lord, please give us opportunities—even today—to prefer others, to serve others, and to put others first by doing what Jesus told us to do. I thank You for the Bible and the way it teaches us. We love You and we pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Storyteller exits as Host enters. Closer HOST: “Hey, kids! Do you remember the game we played at the beginning with your Small Group Leaders? It was all about listening and doing what you were told to do, right? Sometimes it’s pretty hard to know what to do, just like it was hard to hear which way to go when everyone was shouting. But check this out: If you get rid of all of those other voices telling you what to do and focus on what JESUS is telling you to do, you can put others first no problem!”

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 8 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date). 252 Groups April 2017, Week 4 Large Group, K-3

“At the beginning, I said that a huge part of humility is listening—putting off what you want to say to hear what someone else has to say. So we need to hear what Jesus said, and not just hear, but do what He says, too! You put others first any time that you live out the things Jesus told His followers.”

CG: Memory Verse Slide

“The memory verse totally fits with what we’re talking about today! It says: Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves, Philippians 2:3 (NIrV).

“Value others. When someone hurts you, and you choose not to hurt them back—you put others first. When you comfort someone who is sad or sick, you put others first. When you help make peace between two of your friends who are fighting, you put others first. When you take time to pray for someone, you put others first. When you follow Jesus and the things He’s told us to do, you’ll start to put others first without even thinking about it! Let’s head to our small groups and let others go first ahead of us to get there!”

Dismiss children to their small groups.

SFX: Play high-energy music as the kids exit – Say Amen CG: Small Group Slide.

©2017 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com 9 If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).