
Finger knitting demonstrates the formation of knit stitches as well as fabric construction using different types of . Basic Chain 1. Place a loop [or slipknot] over the index finger — Use your non-dominate hand to hold stitches. 2. Hold the yarn tail between your thumb and fingers. Tension will aid in adjusting the loops. 3. Wrap the ball yarn around your forefinger and anchor it between first & second fingers as shown. 4. Lift the first loop over the second and let it drop off the tip of your finger. You have knit one stitch. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 winding new yarn around the finger and knitting old stitch over new to lengthen the chain. Expanding the Cord Width As your hands become accustomed to forming a chain over one finger, it is time form a cord. 1. Continue wrapping the yarn circularly as above. Now include your first and second fingers in the wrap. 2. The first wrap on the second finger has no stitch to be knit. Just skip to the first finger to knit that one. 3. Repeat step 2. This second pass provides the second stitch to knit. You have a two-stitch cord. 4. When you are ready, add a third stitch by including the ring finger in the wrap. Notice that you are becoming proficient at holding the yarn and at making consistently even loops. You will want to push your stitches down toward your knuckles to prevent having them drop off your fingers ahead of time. 5. Lastly, knit a four-stitch cord by including the little finger in each round. 1. Begin at the last stitch knit, i.e., the stitch with the yarn tail. 2. Pick up the last loop and place it onto the neighboring finger. Bind off by knitting the stitch over and off the finger as usual. 3. Repeat step 2 until one stitch remains. 4. Cut yarn leaving a tail and run the tail through the last stitch to prevent unravelling. Hide tail inside cord. Finishing • Embellish with knots fringe buttons beads sequins pompoms…as you like. • Glue to secure beads and knots. • Knit a cord about 3 times longer than finished length. Bind off and twist into a chain (as pictured).

There are numerous ways to finger knit. This is a circular tube similar to the type shown in this tutorial: Do explore others!

Snakes 1. Knit a two-stitch cord for desired length of snake’s tail. Move the stitches to your 2 middle fingers to begin the head. 2. cord width to four stitches by winding around first and little fingers. Knit 3 or 4 rounds. Bind off 2 middle stitches. Knit 1 round then bind off. 3. Add forked tongue and eyes. Insert chenille stem for bendable body.

Peggy O’Neill —