BIOMEMBRANES 2018 International Conference 1–5 October 2018 Book of Abstracts

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BIOMEMBRANES 2018 International Conference 1–5 October 2018 Book of Abstracts Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes BIOMEMBRANES 2018 International Conference 1–5 October 2018 Book of Abstracts ORGANIZED BY Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Russia iHuman Institute, China University of South California (USC), USA SUPPORTED BY The Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project no. 18-04-20075) GENERAL SPONSORS TechnoInfo Helicon PROGRAM COMMITTEE Valentin Gordeliy (IBS, France/FZJ, Germany/MIPT, Russia) –Chairman Ernst Bamberg (MPI for Biophysics, Germany) –Co-chairman Vadim Cherezov (USC, USA/MIPT, Russia) Norbert Dencher (MIPT, Russia/TU Darmstadt, Germany) Michiru D. Sugawa (Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Germany/Chiba University, Japan) Vladimir Anisimov (Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Russia) Vladimir Skulachev (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Valentin Borshchevskiy (MIPT) –Co-chairman Andrey Rogachev (MIPT/JINR) –Co-chairman Tatiana Murugova (JINR/MIPT) –Scientific secretary Alexey Mishin (MIPT) Vladimir Chupin (MIPT) Ivan Gushchin (MIPT) Nikolay Ilyinsky (MIPT) Ivan Okhrimenko (MIPT) Anastasiia Gusach (MIPT) Eugenia Chirkina (MIPT) Nina Malyar (MIPT) Alina Remeeva (MIPT) Egor Marin (MIPT) Aleksandra Luginina (MIPT) Ivan Maslov (MIPT) Pavel Kuzmichev (MIPT) INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Raymond Stevens (iHuman Institute, China/Bridge Institute USC, USA) Ernst Bamberg (MPI for Biophysics, Germany) Andrei Lupas (MPI for Developmental Biology, Germany) Werner Kühlbrandt (MPI for Biophysics, Germany) J Bioenerg Biomembr CONTENTS Contents 2 Conference Program 14 Preface 23 LECTURES Structure and dynamics of receptor-bound neuropeptides 23 Ferré G, Saurel O, Czaplicki G, Demange P, Marie J, Fehrentz JA, Banères JL, Stevens RC, Cherezov V, Milon A Towards the optical cochlear implant: viral gene transfer into auditory neurons 24 Rankovic V Structural biology study of human cannabinoid receptors 24 Zhi-Jie Liu Challenge the Bfree radical theory of ageing^ and the BAß peptide extracellular plaque hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease^ 25 Dencher NA, Bogorodskiy AO, Borshchevskiy VI, Gordeliy VI, Malyar NL, Maslov IV, Okhrimenko IS, Podolyak EY, Dani D, Decker V, Dzinic T, Frenzel M, Kratochwil M, Meckel T, Schäfer E, Ramallo Guevara C, Poetsch A, Kuter K, Hauß T, Sugawa MD Structural characterization of amyloid beta species, their assemblies and intermediates—and how to develop a successful treatment 28 strategy for Alzheimer’sdisease Willbold D Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial protein homeostasis in health and disease 28 Cenini G, Bruderek M, Rüb C and Voos W Serial crystallography at the European XFEL: first results and present opportunities 28 Mancuso AP Light-efficient tool for control and analysis of nervous system 29 Bregestovski P Flavin-binding fluorescent proteins as genetically encoded photosensitizers 29 Gensch T Serial-serial crystallography, SAXS-WAXS, SPI and other future opportunities at the SPB/SFX instrument of the European XFEL 30 Round AR Atomistic details of the mechanisms of membrane remodelling by phospholipase A in bacteria: implications for virulence adaptation and 31 biofilm formation Kovacic F, Bleffert F, Granzin J, Caliskan M, Siebers M, Dörmann P, Gholke H, Batra-Safferling R, Jaeger KE Structural studies on SLC transporters 31 Guskov A Modulation of lipid membrane structure and dynamics in the presence of amyloid-ß peptide 32 Hauß T Application of the ribosome-inactivating small molecules 32 Pellegrino S, Meyer M, Prokhorova I, Mathieu V , Kornienko A, Lafontaine D, Vanderwal C, Blanchard S, Yusupova G, Yusupov M Single-molecule localization microscopy: where next? 33 Sauer M Fragment-based approach in the drug-discovery process 33 Musil D Novel rhodopsins from metagenomic screenings 33 Roselli R and Rodriguez-Valera F Counting subunits within receptor complexes using single-molecule localization microscopy 33 Karathanasis C, Baldering T, Fricke F, Krüger C, Malkusch S, Dietz M, Hummer G, Heilemann M Microbial halorhodopsins: light-driven chloride pumps 34 Engelhard M Gauge theory: protein topology and dynamics 34 Begun A, Gerasimenyuk N, Korneev A, Molochkov A, Niemi A Proteins and membranes: born to be together—a computational view 35 Polyansky AA, Kuznetsov AS, Volynsky PE, Efremov RG Random network viewpoint on the creation of membrane inhomogenieties 35 Gorskiy A J Bioenerg Biomembr Towards a model of the human pancreatic beta cell 36 Stevens RC Optogenetic vision restoration and regeneration of photoreceptor outer segments 36 Busskamp V Probes for high-photostability super-resolution fluorescence microscopy of live cells 36 Lukyanov KA, Perfilov MM, Gurskaya NG, Mamontova AV, Bogdanov AM, Mishin AS Integrating novel biophysical approaches in fragment based lead discovery workflow: MST and nDSF for screening and validation 37 Rak A How caffeine fires up the powerhouses of cells 37 Haendeler J, Ale-Agha N, Goy C, Jakobs P, Ameln F, Altschmied J Nanocrystallization of bacteria nucleoid at stress conditions 37 Krupyanskii YF, Loiko NG, Kovalenko VV, Tereshkina KB, Sokolova OS, Popov AN Should the treatment of amyloidosis be personified? Molecular mechanism of amyloid formation by abeta peptide and its fragments 38 Galzitskaya OV, Surin AK, Glyakina AV, Rogachevsky VV, Selivanova OM Protein family based approach in drug discovery: cytochrome P450 38 Gilep AA, Usanov SA, Strushkevich NV X-ray data collection strategy and radiation damage 38 Popov AN Structural biology at the ESRF: present and future 39 Leonard GA Transmembrane signal transduction in two-component systems 39 Gushchin I, Gordeliy V BAchilles heel^ of the bacterial membranes: computational modeling of lipid II—target for novel antibiotics 39 Chugunov AO, Panina IS, Nolde DE, Efremov RG Alpha-synuclein aggregation as a trigger for neuronal death in PD or how physiology becomes pathology 40 Angelova PR, Choi ML, Horrocks MH, Gandhi S, Abramov AY Basic topology of curves, polygons and long molecules 40 Melnikov D, Niemi AJ, Sedrakyan A Comparing modern and classic techniques for integral membrane proteins purification 40 Demidenko A, Avilova E Molecular physiology and pathophysiology of K+ coupling in glutamate transporter 41 Fahlke CM Proteins and time crystals 41 Niemi A Axial helix rotation in transmembrane signal transduction 41 Lupas AN, Ferris H, Bassler J, Martin J, Schultz J, Dunin-Horkawicz S, Hartmann MD, Coles M Trace amines and trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs) 41 Gainetdinov RR Diverse roles of cytoplasmic domains in Kv ion channels 42 Sokolova OS, Gluhov GS, Malak OA, Loussouarn G Structure of intermediate filaments: progress and challenges 42 Strelkov SV Lipidic nanocarriers for drug delivery 42 Kouzmitchev PK, Chupin VV A decade of GPCR structural biology 42 Cherezov V Early optogenetics transferring bacteriorhodopsin into the inner mitochondrial membrane and observing protein synthesis at a ribosome 43 by optical tweezers Büldt G Engineering the cell membrane for bioelectronics 43 Maybeck V, Jin L, Brinkmann D , Li W, Wang JL, Wei R, Offenhäusser A J Bioenerg Biomembr YOUNG SCIENTISTS SESSION Determination of an underneath binding in the transmembrane domain of smoothened receptor 44 Zhou F, Ding K, Zhou Y, Liu Y, Liu X, Zhao F, Wu Y, Zhang X, Xu F, Zhao S and Tao H Activation and allosteric modulation of muscarinic acetylcholine M4 receptor 44 Wang J, Hua T and Liu ZJ Structural basis of G protein couple receptor polypharmacology 45 Peng Y, McCorvy JD, Harpsøe K, Lansu K, Yuan S, Popov P, Qu L, Pu M, Che T, Nikolajsen LF, Huang XP, Wu Y, Shen L, Bjørn-Yoshimoto WE, Ding K, Wacker D, Han GW, Cheng J, Katritch V, Jensen AA, Hanson MA, Zhao S, Gloriam DE, Roth BL, Stevens RC, Liu ZJ STMS: cell–spatiotemporal multi-scale modeling of eukaryotic cells 45 White KL, Francis JP, Chen JH, McClary K, Singla J, Sha F, Larabell C, Stevens RC Effects of mono- and divalent cations on GPCR stability 45 Luginina AA, Gusach AY, Mishin AV, Marin EV, Popov PA, Lyapina EA, Katritch VY, Borshchevskiy VI, Cherezov V Optimization of G protein-coupled receptor expression for functional studies 46 Gusach A, Luginina A, Lyapina E, Shevtsov M, Safronova N, Khorn P, Borshchevskiy V, Mishin A, Cherezov V Functional and structural characterization of the OLPVR1 viral rhodopsin from giant virus in Antarctica 46 Zabelskii D, Kovalev K, Astashkin R, Bratanov D, Soloviov D, Balandin T, Vaganova S and Gordeliy V Structural and functional features of the light-driven sodium pump KR2 46 Kovalev K, Polovinkin V, Gushchin I, Alekseev A, Shevchenko V, Borshchevskiy V and Gordeliy V Exploration of a conformational landscape for a membrane protein via single-molecule fluorescence microscopy 47 Maslov IV, Ilyinsky NS, Khorn PA, Vistunov VK, Safronova NA, Kuzmichev PK, Maksutov AM, Bogorodsky AO, Gensch T, Mishin AV, Cherezov VG and Borshchevskiy VI Successful GPCR structure determination using PAL XFEL 47 Marin E, Gusach A, Luginina A, Kovalev K, Liu W, Weierstall U, Hyun Nam K, Cho Y, Mishin A, Borshchevskiy V, Cherezov V THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BMECHANISMS OF AGING AND AGE-RELATED DISEASES" Gerontology in the Russian Federation: yesterday, today, tomorrow 47 Anisimov VN Aging and age-related diseases: prevent, postpone, or threat? 49 Anisimov VN Biodemography of aging and longevity: testing the hypothesis of lifespan limit 51 Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS TERT—not only a nuclear weapon
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