Manuscript received 24 October 2018 Revised manuscript received 15 May 2019 Manuscript accepted 16 May 2019

© 2019 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. Published online 6 June 2019

First direct evidence for a contiguous shelf to the south of the Rheic Rolf L. Romer1* and Uwe Kroner2 1German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany 2Department of , Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Bernhard-v.-Cotta Strasse 2, 09599 Freiberg, Germany

ABSTRACT ter point has seen major modifications: Franke Sea-level rise after the Hirnantian glaciation resulted in the global inundation of continen- et al. (2017, p. 257)—favoring models involving tal shelf areas and the widespread formation of early black shales. Black shales that several microplates separated by oceanic litho- were deposited on shelves receiving drainage from earlier glaciated areas have high uranium sphere—stated “only the Rheic Ocean between (U) contents because large-scale glacial brought rocks with leachable U to the surface. and peri-Gondwana was wide enough In contrast, black shales receiving drainage from non-glaciated areas that had lost leachable to be unambiguously recorded by biogeogra- U earlier have low U contents. Early Silurian U-rich shales formed only on shelf areas that phy and palaeomagnetism”. The limitation of had not been separated from earlier-glaciated mainland Gondwana by oceanic lithosphere. paleomagnetic­ constraints was additionally Therefore, early Silurian U-rich black shales within the Variscan orogen provide direct evi- highlighted by Franke et al. (2017, p. 277): “it dence that these areas had not been separated from mainland Gondwana, but were part of is worth remembering that Palaeozoic palaeo- the same, contiguous shelf. This implies that the Rheic Ocean was the only pre-Silurian ocean magnetic poles from Armorica, Iberia, Saxo­ that opened during the early extension of the peri-Gondwana shelf. thuringia and Bohemia, are few and of variable quality, and there are time gaps with no data”. INTRODUCTION The Rheic Ocean is the only ocean common to These statements support the view that current The assembly of western Pangea included all models of this type. Other proposed paleomagnetic data cannot be taken as evidence the collision between and the East commonly are of limited extent and are not against a contiguous shelf (Kroner and Romer, European­ to form Laurussia (Caledonian necessarily present in all models (Fig. 1B). 2010, 2013). ) followed by the collision of Gondwana The second group of models includes two plates The late to Early ex- with Laurussia in Europe (Variscan orogeny) (Gondwana and Laurussia) (e.g., Robardet, tension in peri-Gondwana eventually leading and the final closure of the remaining Rheic 2003) and one single divergent plate boundary, to the separation of Avalonia resulted in the Ocean between western Africa and North Amer- i.e., the mid-ocean ridge of the Rheic Ocean. In redistribution of chemically distinctive sand- ica (Alleghanian orogeny). Avalonia, which is these models, post-Silurian collision resulted in stones. The occurrence of such redeposited the most important Gondwana-derived long-lasting -accretion processes of sandstones implies that the corresponding pre- to the north of the Rheic Ocean, had separated the segmented shelf of both plates, culminating Variscan blocks had not separated from Gondwana before the late Cambrian and in intraplate continental subduction during the from mainland Gondwana before the Early docked to the before col- late stages of the Variscan collision (Kroner and Ordovician (Noblet and Lefort, 1990). More- liding with Laurentia (Matte, 2001; Kroner and Romer, 2010, 2013). over, there are numerous additional indirect Romer, 2013; Franke et al., 2017; Stephan et al., arguments favoring a contiguous pre-Silurian 2019a). There is a long-lived disagreement about THE DEBATE: CONTIGUOUS SHELF shelf to the south of the Rheic Ocean. Ordovi- the number of pre-Silurian oceans and, thus, in- VERSUS SEVERAL MICROPLATES cian to fossil assemblages suggest dependently moving blocks of Models of the Variscan orogen involving that the Variscan massifs to the south of the (microplates) between mainland Gondwana and the presence of several independently mov- Rheic Ocean and mainland Gondwana were mainland Laurussia (Fig. 1). ing microplates separated by pre-Silurian oce- part of the same shelf (Robardet, 2003). The Basically there are two end-member groups anic lithosphere use essentially the same data age distribution of detrital zircon in Cambrian of models for the Variscan orogen. The first as models for a contiguous shelf. The debate to Devonian sedimentary rocks demonstrates group of models involves two plates (Gondwana originates from the contrasting weighting of that the different Variscan massifs were part of and Laurussia) and several independently mov- the various data sets, none of which is decisive. the Gondwana shelf (Stephan et al., 2019a, and ing microplates or —now preserved in For instance, paleomagnetic data were widely references therein), with different zircon assem- the various Variscan massifs—between them, believed to provide key evidence for viewing blages on the western and eastern parts of the all of which were separated by oceanic litho- the Variscan massifs between mainland Gond- contiguous shelf. The presence of detrital zircon sphere (e.g., Matte, 2001; Franke et al., 2017). wana and mainland Laurussia as independently of eastern-shelf provenance in Ordovician and moving microplates that were separated by Silurian sediments of the western shelf requires *E-mail: romer@​gfz​ wide oceans (e.g., Tait et al., 1997). The lat- a contiguous shelf during redeposition of sedi-

CITATION: Romer, R.L., and Kroner, U., 2019, First direct evidence for a contiguous Gondwana shelf to the south of the Rheic Ocean: Geology, v. 47, p. 767– 770, https://​doi​.org​/10​.1130​/G46255.1

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Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 ducing conditions, U sourced from terrestrial A Contiguous East European Craton A.S. 250 Ma weathering becomes preferentially sequestered Peri-Gondwana shelf S.P. in the proximal shelf, eventually resulting in a south of the Laurussia I drawdown of U supply to the distal shelf and Rheic Ocean the adjacent abyssal plain. Avalonia Paleozoic hot shales reflecting major global Rheic anoxic events are known for instance from Tornquist suture (middle Cambrian to Early Ordovi- North II III Iapetus suture American cian Alum Shale), northern Gondwana (early Craton Silurian Lower Graptolite Shale), and North Iberia Variscides Tethys America (mid-Devonian Chattanooga Shale). IV The most important feature of these shale de- Adria equator posits—apart from their high U content—is that coeval black shale deposits on other continental Gondwana shelves do not have particularly high U contents C.S. Variscan overprint (Fig. 2). This implies that continuous input of U is essential, i.e., the fertility of the drainage area West Menderes serving as the U source controls whether a black African Arabia Craton shale turns into a hot shale or not (Romer and Cuney, 2018). High U input from surface runoff 1000 km U-deposit districts: I -Teplá-Barrandian on one shelf cannot be trapped in black shale Unit / Saxo-Thuringian Zone; II-French deposited on another shelf, i.e., U source and U B Earlier proposed sutures south of the Rheic suture Massif Central; III - Armorica; IV-Central Varisca Iberian Zone / Ossa Morena Zone trap cannot be separated by oceanic lithosphere. n deformation front STZ RHZ post-Variscan U-mineralization Uranium is readily mobilized in the con- TBU MSZ Rheic suture Silurian “hot shales” tinental environment, in particular in a highly M Paleozoic (meta)sediments with oxygenated or CO -rich atmosphere by oxida- AM Hirnantian tillites and dropstones 2 tion of U-rich sedimentary rocks, oxidation of t C.S. Devonian Chattanooga Shale ine fron uraninite in granites, and leaching of metamict FMC Alp N S.P. Silurian shales of Poland Iberia A.S. Cambro-Ordovician Alum Shale OMZ silicate minerals (Romer and Cuney, 2018). 500 km SPZ CIZ AM- ; CIZ- Central Iberian Zone; Thus, near-surface rocks are readily depleted in FMC-French Massif Central;M- Galicia-Southern-Brittany (Matte, 2001) MSZ- Moravo-Silesian Zone; OMZ- Ossa Morena U and, thereafter, do not represent a U source. Al Zone; RHZ- Rheno-Hercynian Zone; SPZ- South pine fr Saxo-Thuringian (Franke et al., 2017) For black shales to become hot, they have to ont Portuguese Zone; STZ- Saxo-Thuringian Zone; Galicia-Moldanubian (Franke et al., 2017) TBU- Teplá-Barrandian Unit receive drainage from an area that still is a U source, i.e., leachable U must not have been lost Figure 1. A: Pangea reconstruction for 250 Ma (Stephan et al., 2019b) showing distribution of Hirnantian tillites and dropstones, early Silurian hot shales, and post-Variscan uranium previously. Tectonic uplift followed by strong mineralization (as a proxy for hot Siluran shales in orogenically overprinted peri-Gondwana erosion is a process that brings rocks not de- crust; yellow dots). Note early Silurian hot shales are restricted to the Gondwana mainland pleted earlier in U to the surface and thereby and Variscan blocks to the south of the Rheic suture. Data sources: Thickpenny and Leggett establishes a U source. Major glaciation also (1987), Lüning et al. (2000), Le Heron et al. (2009), Romer and Cuney (2018), Porębski et al. removes rocks that have lost their leachable U (2019). B: Simplified tectonic map of Variscan orogen showing earlier proposed oceanic su- tures (compiled from Matte, 2001; Franke et al., 2017). and brings rocks with leachable U to the surface. Because a U source may be rapidly depleted in U, the presence of a U trap at the time a U source ments from the eastern shelf onto the western FORMATION OF HOT SHALE becomes available is essential for the formation shelf (Stephan et al., 2019b). Black shales reflect anoxic conditions on of hot shale. Post-Silurian ophiolitic complexes, which the local, regional, or global scale. The most Early Silurian black shale is directly related classically are interpreted as remnants of differ- important black shales form on continental to the Hirnantian glaciation, more closely to the ent oceans (Matte, 2001; Franke et al., 2017), shelves in settings of high organic production melting of the Hirnantian ice sheet that resulted are spatially related to the Gondwana-Laurussia and restricted circulation, which eventually re- in eustatic sea-level rise and transgression on plate boundary zone and not in conflict with sults in the oxygen depletion of the water body, shelf areas. Paleo-depressions such as former a contiguous shelf to the south of the Rheic combined with limited carbonate production glacial outwash valleys and structural intrashelf Ocean (Kroner and Romer, 2013, and refer- and limited detrital silicate input (e.g., Werne basins eventually developed anoxic conditions ences therein). The Variscan high-pressure, et al., 2002). Black shale deposits typically that reflected the effects of high organic pro- ultra­high-pressure, high-temperature, and ultra­ are enriched in redox-sensitive elements that duction and restricted circulation (Lüning et al., high-temperature metamorphic units far from are scavenged from the water column. Aver- 2000; Le Heron et al., 2009). Anoxic conditions the Rheic suture, which in part have been inter- age black shale has ~8.5 ppm U (Ketris and on the shelf may have persisted for a relatively preted as traces of oceanic sutures (e.g., Matte, Yudo­vich, 2009). There are, however, black short period, as the continued rise of sea level 2001), have been reinterpreted as remnants of shale occurrences that may have >1000 ppm U (1) moved the coastline inland, which is essen- intracontinental subduction within previously (e.g., Leventhal, 1991). Even if all U contained tial to reducing dilution of the black shale by stretched peri-Gondwana lithosphere (Kroner­ in the water column is concentrated in a 1-m- coarse siliciclastic material that gets entrapped and Romer, 2013, and references therein). thick layer of black shale, this shale would have in retrograding river mouths, and (2) eventu- Hence, present evidence does not require addi­ <10 ppm authigenic U. Thus, high U contents in ally resulted in better water circulation on the tional oceanic spreading centers to the south of shale require a continuous supply of U provided shelf and, thus, less-anoxic conditions (Lüning the Rheic Ocean. by surface runoff from the continent. Under re- et al., 2000).

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Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 (Ma) The high U content of early Silurian black 280 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (ppm) U 0200 4000(API) 200 (API) shale on the northern Gondwana shelf is di-

PERM. Gamma logs Gamma logs 300 rectly related to the Hirnantian glaciation. The Hirnantian glaciation removed U-depleted near- 320 surface rocks. Thus, formerly glaciated areas, as well as fine-grained glacial and peri-glacial 340 sediments, represented for a short time source rocks for U leaching (Romer and Cuney, 2018).

CARBONIFEROUS Hangenberg event (359 Ma) 360 The melting of the Hirnantian ice sheet made glacially exposed source rocks available for U 380 Chattanooga Shale leaching, whereas the rising sea level, which was Kellwasser event (372 Ma) the direct result of the melting of the ice sheets, 400 resulted in the development of anoxic condi- DEVONIAN tions on the shelf areas (Fig. 3). Thus, the same Upper Graptolite Shale 420 process that made U available for redistribution also gave rise to the U trap. On other continents ILUR. 440 R Lower Graptolite Shale without major ice sheets, the rising sea level also resulted in anoxic conditions on shelf areas, but Glacio-marine tillites of the 460 Hirnantian glaciation Logs from northern Africa Logs from the there was no U source available because U on (Lederschiefer) and the Arabian Peninsula East European stable continents had been lost previously. 480 Craton


Gondwana The spatial distribution of early Silurian 520 Avalonia black shale is well documented, largely be- Laurentia Average black shale East European Craton CAMBRIAN (Ketris & Yudovich, 2009) cause these rocks represent an important source 540 lithology for oil and shale gas (Lüning et al., Figure 2. Temporal variation of uranium in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (mostly 2000; Le Heron et al., 2009). On northern shales) from Gondwana, Avalonia, Laurenita, and the East European Craton. Periods Gondwana, i.e., present-day North Africa, Ara- of global black shale (black boxes along time axis) and Hirnantian glaciation are bia, and Middle East (Jordan, Iraq, Iran), such shown schematically. Note hot shale occurs on all continents, but is not coeval, shale is characterized by anomalously high U which reflects the need of a suitable local or regional uranium source for develop- contents that produce very distinctive peaks in ment of hot shale. Early Silurian hot shale is restricted to Gondwana; i.e., northern Africa, Arabia, and Variscan rocks to the south of the Rheic suture (Fig. 1). Silur.— gamma logs of drill holes (Fig. 2). Although Silurian; Perm.—Permian. Left side: Bulk rock chemical data. R—major U deposits it is a typical feature of black shale to have (Lederschiefer and Lower Graptolite Shale) in Ronneburg district (present-day enhanced U contents because of the cumula- Germany). Right side: Gamma logs for drill holes from hydrocarbon exploration. tion of authigenic U during deposition of these (100 API [American Petroleum Institute] units correspond to the radioactivity of a typical shale.) Data sources: Lüning et al. (2000, 2003), Linnemann and Romer sediments (Ketris and Yudovich, 2009), early (2002), Cruse and Lyons (2004), Ross and Bustin (2009), Romer and Hahne (2010), Silurian black shale of northern Gondwana is Linnemann et al. (2012), Porębski et al. (2013), Smolarek et al. (2017). particular because of the following reasons. (1) The hot shales were deposited on a post- glacial shallow shelf or in intrashelf basins (Le A Hirnantian glaciation Heron et al., 2009). (2) Black shale deposited Retreat of ice sheet directly on top of Hirnantian (ca. 445–443 Ma) glacial and glacio-marine sediments has higher U contents than younger Silurian black shale Sea level 0 (Lüning et al., 2000). Early Silurian (and lo- cally also latest Ordovician) black shale on the Glacially sculptured land surface Cadomian basement of Iberia, Armorica, and Glacio-marine sediments the Saxo-Thuringian zone (all crustal blocks B Post-Hirnantian sea level rise Sea level 2 that became involved in the Variscan orogeny) Sea level 1 Improved circulation Initial transgression Oxic conditions also is characterized by anomalously high U Restricted circulation Low organic content in shale contents. In contrast, early Silurian black shale Anoxic conditions Black shale from Avalonia, the East European Craton, and Laurentia does not show such anomalously high U contents (Fig. 2) even though there may be lo- Hot shale on submerged Hot shale in underfilled cal dropstones derived from Gondwana-derived continental shelf glacial paleovalleys icebergs (Porębski et al., 2019). Figure 3. Schematic diagram connecting melting of ice sheets with sea-level rise The spatial distribution of post-Variscan U and formation of black shale (modified after Le Heron et al., 2009). Note hot shale mineralization indirectly reflects the distribu- only forms on shelf areas receiving drainage from an area that had not been tion of U-rich early Silurian shales within the depleted in uranium previously; i.e., on shelf areas bordering (1) tectonic active areas, e.g., eroding orogen, or (2) glacially eroded areas. For early Silurian hot Variscan orogen, in part because these shales shales, melting of Hirnantian ice sheet is the causal link for coeval development served as a direct U source, and in part because of uranium source and uranium sink. they were involved in Variscan crustal melting

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