SLE9 bus time schedule & line map

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The SLE9 bus line (Witham St Hughs - Sleaford) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Sleaford: 7:15 AM (2) Witham St Hughs: 4:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest SLE9 bus station near you and nd out when is the next SLE9 bus arriving.

Direction: Sleaford SLE9 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Sleaford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:15 AM Robins Crescent, Witham St Hughs Tuesday 7:15 AM Greennch Crescent, Witham St Hughs Tall Pines Road, Witham St. Hughs Civil Wednesday Not Operational

Bassingham Road, Thurlby Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Letter Box, Haddington Saturday Not Operational Bridge Farm, Haddington Road, With Haddington

Bus Shelter, Aubourn Royal Oak Lane, Aubourn With Haddington Civil Parish SLE9 bus Info Direction: Sleaford Melbourne Way, Waddington Stops: 37 Trip Duration: 64 min Somerville Close, Waddington Line Summary: Robins Crescent, Witham St Hughs, Station Road, Waddington Civil Parish Greennch Crescent, Witham St Hughs, Road, Thurlby, Letter Box, Haddington, Bridge Farm, Hill Bottom, Waddington Haddington, Bus Shelter, Aubourn, Melbourne Way, Waddington, Somerville Close, Waddington, Hill Tinker's Lane, Waddington Bottom, Waddington, Tinker's Lane, Waddington, Millers Road, Waddington, Vicarage Lane, , Millers Road, Waddington Church Lane, Harmston, Rectory Road, Coleby, Rose Cottage Lane, Coleby, Blacksmith Lane, Boothby Vicarage Lane, Harmston Graffoe, Main Street, , Rose Cottage, , Church Lane, Navenby, Lion & Royal Ph, Navenby, Crosseld Road, Navenby, Church Lane, Harmston Pottergate Road, , Highcliffe, Wellingore, Barnes Lane, Wellingore, Old Rectory, , Cow Rectory Road, Coleby Lane, Welbourn, Hall Lane Green, Welbourn, William Robertson School, Welbourn, North Road, Rose Cottage Lane, Coleby , The Green, Leadenham, Sleaford Road, Heath, The Jolly Scotchman Ph, Blacksmith Lane, Boothby Graffoe , Road, Sleaford, Jubilee Grove, Sleaford, Tennyson Avenue, Sleaford, Methodist Main Street, Boothby Graffoe Chapel, Sleaford, Market Place, Sleaford

Rose Cottage, Navenby Church Lane, Navenby

Lion & Royal Ph, Navenby

Crosseld Road, Navenby

Pottergate Road, Wellingore Pottergate Road, Navenby Civil Parish

Highcliffe, Wellingore Millgate, Wellingore Civil Parish

Barnes Lane, Wellingore

Old Rectory, Welbourn

Cow Lane, Welbourn Beck Street, Welbourn Civil Parish

Hall Lane Green, Welbourn The Green, Welbourn Civil Parish

William Robertson School, Welbourn

North Road, Leadenham

The Green, Leadenham

Sleaford Road, Fulbeck Heath

The Jolly Scotchman Ph, Holdingham Lincoln Road, Sleaford Civil Parish

York Road, Sleaford

Jubilee Grove, Sleaford

Tennyson Avenue, Sleaford

Methodist Chapel, Sleaford

Market Place, Sleaford East Gate, Sleaford Civil Parish Direction: Witham St Hughs SLE9 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Witham St Hughs Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:10 PM Spar Shop, Sleaford Tuesday 4:10 PM Sibthorpe Court, Sleaford Road, Sleaford Civil Parish Wednesday Not Operational

St Edmunds Road, Sleaford Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Copeland Court, Sleaford Copeland Court, Sleaford Saturday Not Operational

236 Road, Sleaford

Level Crossing, SLE9 bus Info Bus Shelter, South Rauceby Direction: Witham St Hughs Rauceby Drove, South Rauceby Civil Parish Stops: 42 Trip Duration: 61 min Southgate Spinneys, South Rauceby Line Summary: Spar Shop, Sleaford, Sibthorpe Court, Sleaford, St Edmunds Road, Sleaford, Cliffe View, South Rauceby Copeland Court, Sleaford, 236 Grantham Road, Sleaford, Level Crossing, South Rauceby, Bus Shelter, , South Rauceby, Southgate Spinneys, South Rauceby, Cliffe View, South Rauceby, Primary School, North St Peters Close, North Rauceby Rauceby, St Peters Close, North Rauceby, Sleaford Road, Fulbeck Heath, The Green, Leadenham, North Road, Leadenham, William Robertson School, Sleaford Road, Fulbeck Heath Welbourn, Hall Lane Green, Welbourn, Cow Lane, Welbourn, Old Rectory, Welbourn, Barnes Lane, The Green, Leadenham Wellingore, Highcliffe, Wellingore, Pottergate Road, Wellingore, Crosseld Road, Navenby, Lion & Royal North Road, Leadenham Ph, Navenby, Church Lane, Navenby, Rose Cottage, Navenby, Main Street, Boothby Graffoe, Blacksmith William Robertson School, Welbourn Lane, Boothby Graffoe, Rose Cottage Lane, Coleby, Rectory Road, Coleby, Church Lane, Harmston, Hall Lane Green, Welbourn Vicarage Lane, Harmston, Millers Road, Waddington, The Green, Welbourn Civil Parish Tinker's Lane, Waddington, Hill Bottom, Waddington, Somerville Close, Waddington, Melbourne Way, Cow Lane, Welbourn Waddington, Bus Shelter, Aubourn, Bridge Farm, Beck Street, Welbourn Civil Parish Haddington, Letter Box, Haddington, Bassingham Road, Thurlby, Greennch Crescent, Witham St Old Rectory, Welbourn Hughs, Robins Crescent, Witham St Hughs

Barnes Lane, Wellingore

Highcliffe, Wellingore

Pottergate Road, Wellingore Pottergate Road, Navenby Civil Parish

Crosseld Road, Navenby

Lion & Royal Ph, Navenby Church Lane, Navenby

Rose Cottage, Navenby

Main Street, Boothby Graffoe

Blacksmith Lane, Boothby Graffoe

Rose Cottage Lane, Coleby

Rectory Road, Coleby

Church Lane, Harmston

Vicarage Lane, Harmston

Millers Road, Waddington

Tinker's Lane, Waddington

Hill Bottom, Waddington

Somerville Close, Waddington

Melbourne Way, Waddington

Bus Shelter, Aubourn Royal Oak Lane, Aubourn With Haddington Civil Parish

Bridge Farm, Haddington South Hykeham Road, Aubourn With Haddington Civil Parish

Letter Box, Haddington

Bassingham Road, Thurlby Moor Lane, Thurlby Civil Parish

Greennch Crescent, Witham St Hughs

Robins Crescent, Witham St Hughs SLE9 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved