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November 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994

11-3-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 03, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Southern Illinois University at Carhondalc City criticized By Chad Anderson said. ··Later, we went uptown and Staff Reporter USG members blan:,e ·council for poof planriirig had a good time. I think everyone that made it out ori Sunday deserve!> dent, to th.: citv coundl."" Sawvcr deserved recognition. : Umkr!!radualc Swden1 Gm·cm­ do not act with respect. Why is it a rouna of applause." ,aid. ··We can cith.:r continue 10· be mcnt cx~cuti,-· cabinet member, that pl"Ople cannot take the Strip and ··Saturday night started out won­ Parsons a~,;o thanked the volun­ cri1iqued thc Halloween ,,eekend i!!nnred hv the citv council. or we go home like every other weekend'? derful. We had over 50 volunteers. teers who gave their time over the mcku, .u 1he nn!:mi1lllion·, ,cnate l~lll beconic the cit~• council."' Because 'it is only on Halloween and I we left a positive out­ weekend. "I'd like to thank every­ meelinn Wcdn;,da\' ninht in lhc Sawvcr also l"oinmented on the that the· city forces students into a look on everyone:· she said. "It one who supponed the Halloween S1udcnt"Center. · · "' i!!11<1r:ince the council showed reactinn:!IV state of mind."" soon became a madhouse as I 0 Safety Committee," he said. 'This USG pn:,ident Edwin Sawyer. t~warJ the ,1udents ofSIUC. Parsons. agreed with Sawyer on p.m. approached."" weekend. many people made sacri­ ,pol-.c about the failure of the ··our :u:ademic reput.ition ha, the cnuncirs :1ctions ....The city Musak ga\'e thanks to the volun­ fices tu improve a bad situation:· Carbond:1lc Cil\' Council. and said Ix-en tarnished. and our communitv foiled. because they don"t under­ teers who helped in the·cJeanup on The student government pre.,;ent• he w:111t, to n,ic ,tut.lent, onto the Im, been dev:1lul-fender Ltigh Kenny said. "If he and-a-half hour·question and· attorneys failed to gel one of the semiautomatic rifle at the White wan:.!d to h.urt somebody. he had answer period which immediately four charges agains: him dismissed. House. where Pre.~ident Clinton wa.~ followed. ·• who was dishonorably dis- relaxing after his trip to the Middle see GUNMAN, page 5 The meet_i.rig was more orga-


-- ' - . ) . -·_ ~ Election ·94 Opinion Sports f/ ~ ·-. -:-See page 4 Jackson County Board Comics D~wg: defe·,1s~ sliows.'. p'fowess-: i~ .. -See page 13 • candidates announced Classified .: Gateway's top· statijtjc;~ •• _, - ' _; ., ·_ ., ,·-r :--:5ee_l?age )1 Sunny -Story on page 8 · High of?4. ' -~tory•on poge;l6j Pagc2 ··Ncm:mbcr3, 1994 N e\VS"Yrap


YELTSIN GIVES WOMAN CHIEF BANK POSrriON,:;.;_ MOSCOW..;_fn the weeks 'since President Boris N. Yeltsin forced long­ time nemesis Viktor Gerashchenko to quit as Russia's Central Bank chair­ man and riamed Tatyana Pararnonova to replace him, Russia's male­ dominated political culture ~ been sbllggling to cope with the fact that a PEOPLE ACROSS AMERICA _woman ~ penetrated deeper into its ranks than ever before. While other Gunmntccd for-thc:llfc, of your c::ir engine·· women have held high government posts, they were invariably confined to SMOKERS .. _:·.~::: 'portfolios regarded as "soft" and second lier, such as education, health or . Be Paid For · : · social protection.· No female ~ ever before occupied so powerful a post as the Central Bank job. Economists describe Parnmonova as highly com- To: Si~itm48-PWS ·. · . petent and qualified, but sometimes even those with good intentions end up 1. Research Participation or -~~lt9lt_-~3~-,-·1·1 · Rr.t7Box6Hlw!csRd: sounding hopelessly old-fashioned. Yeltsin himself, discussing his decision 2. Quit Smoking Research ,, 'ur!x:roile.U'62001< ; with journalists; said Paramonova was qualified because she "knows how to boss men around." . Call SIUC Smoking Cessation Program between 10 am & 5pm P.S. Grof fur all . , 453-3561 453-3527 · ·· · ' · ~rirstoo! .•i . EXTENT OF MIGRANT LABOR GROWS IN CHINA:­ BEUING=ln China. a growing wave of uncontrolled migrant labor, one of the largest dcfuogmph\c movements in Chinese history, poses a serious "Financial challenge'to theCo'minunist regime. Te'n'million ~ts are expected to Aid.For · tcave their fanm' this year, adding to the 80 million who already are living ·college" in shantytowns oil the edge of China's big cities and along the coasL The peasants are leaving the land in record numbers this year because or a string - •Scholarships or natural disasters in China's agricultural he:irtl:ind.-The challenge they · ,:-·11· · •"·t.:•·- -· o· ·· - pose for the country's leadership comes at a time when leader Deng Xiao- ..::t.f; 9\"'.SIIIPS ..or rants ping is seriously.ill rind no successor is ready to talce control. The country's ;~~J~!c:_t11s~1p_s ;:.--' "floating ~cio'! is helping to change'China from a country where only t~!~?~-~:--:-_~-~~: ·:._ IS years ago•92'~t'ofthe population were farmers to one where 72 ·" W, k d ., • . ·'• .-·- '.> pen:cnl live !n ~ areas and only 40 percent are actually fanning. :~;~,--:"r -stu YPE.?~~:-~.--'. :;._,:'../.:.: ..~\i'.i:./_:·-1,;- ·· ·Nc/GPA- Inco~ ~T Ag~. ' nation·::;:,:,'.·~~--~~-- j:. ;:=:i/fil~t!:l/1~:lt{~ s--°'.~--:,-:r_I_·~:-_;,-~7-:~-;::-;;--~-~~~--~---~-?-;'.-::-~ ------Te5CJJrcJi.:· Dauilxue of over:·., >BLACK 90P ~ANl?IDATES SET HOUS~ RECORD- I 5_ ocoo tmvate s · ,-eau-- NORMAN, Okla.~o_t smce he quarterbaclced the wishbone offense for • 1"' ~urea. . , ; the Oldahoma Sooners 14 years ago~ J.C. Watts attt:Jcted this kind of F.A.F.C. for free informaLIOll: ·· notice. Republican titam from Jaclc Kemp to Robert J. Dole to George Bush 618-627-4_614, ~-~!12 . to Ne"HtGingricb have eagerly joumeyoohereorscheduledvisits to hail the GOP congressioriafcindidate as a rising star. In a'campaign season rich with·dranl:l,'.Watts lmbi.'COme for his party a dramatic symbol of color-blind politics - abJack.~epubliean favored .to"win in a heavily white,·conser­ vative Dernocr.itic congres:;ional district in southwest Oklahoma. Watts is Grand Re.Opening among 24 bliJdc. ~ublican nominees for '._tlie Hoose; the larg~ number in history, David Bositis, of the Joint Center for Politicil and Economic Stu- , ~SALE at. ,,-~~ S:-\~~'~.;--.,;~\:~·-:.::;t?~~~\:,':t.0~'.j: ... cmZEN INmATIVES WIDESPREAD ON BALLOTS­ - OPSlDOWNS WASHING'ION.a...,.In a year ofangry v'oters,'some are.doing more than complaining.: Ne:irly _one-third of the more than 70 citizen initiatives on the EVERYTHING ballot this_year~k to weaken· the power·or elected officials, either by . limiting their tenns of office, restricting campaign financing or curbing their :in the store is ability lo levy taxes or change laws previously approved by votes. Since 1904, when Oregonians Ir.came the first to use the initiative process. voters . under, equal have used the ballot 10 go around legislators with both large and small to, or no changes in state laws. This_ year, the measures would set ground-breaking social policy on such issues a.. immigration, crime, euthanasia. gay rights, more than abortion and gambling.

WEALTHY CANDIDATES FUND OWN CAMPAIGNS­ WASmNcrro~Across the country, weallhy candidates are spending mil­ Sl! lions of dollars on their oy,n races. Encouraged by widespread public distaste ..' 0.;;.,- for incumbents and political insiders in general, at least 96 House and Senate candida.'es already have oonkrolled their 1994 campaigns with S100,000 or Unh·cnity Mall more of their own funds - a 35 percent increase since th! last midtcnn Carbondale, IL election cycle in 1990. In addition, self-financed candidates are expected to set new reconls for the amount of money they inject into their campaigns, 1 according 10 figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Polities, a ·non)Xlltisan research group that lr'IC:_ks campaign money. -- _.,, ··~·· .,._ ...... Bobcat Goldthwait -from Dally Egyptian w:re services Accuracy Desk . -If rci1Jcr.. \pol :m emir in a new\ article. they can cont,ict the Daily :: Eg) ptian ,kcurJcy Dc\k .11 536-3311. cxtcn\ion !.U or 228.

Dajly Egyptian

Sc dlt t•tr· [h1•1\l•~ un1vrir-t • t r1' ~ d't1, ,r \: 1,

Sludenl Edolor. Sanjay Seth . , ' Assoc,a., StUOO'll Ed.tor: BIii Kugelbefg 1-leM Ed.tor H<,ather A. Hendricks Eoton.11 Page EIM

M.ln.,g,ng E1Mor: Lloyd Goodman °""'1essM.~ cathyllaglef 0,51)1.ty Ad llanagt-f: Sherri Bernal• Cl.lMAedAdM.,nager:VlcklKn,,­ Produel>On M,tnage~ Gary Buckles Aa:oun1 Tech 111. Kay Lawrence Mcocompule, S!>Eoahsl Kelly ThomH

[WyEg,i,o....tUSPS 16'l220ip.e,w,,dd.>lyonoocyctod....,_n1hlJoum.11tsmand; [!MJ1..,..Labor.llo,ylAomayllw"'9'Fnd.ty~flO~-andTuo>d>ylmlu!1>Frmy' !lumg11lo...... ,,...,,,by5<:unem1"'-~-~~~---' . • [otor"'.,..,i,.,..,,,.,o11as1oc.tlon~.-..,1.Q?01 Seconda.... Po>ugop.,,.1,,u:.wt>o•-.11. · November 3, 1994 Page3 Alumni Association Offer.s,=extijn,:.J)rqgram ··- . ' da\' .u:ti\'itici. with i.tudents whose . Co_rp .. :.aid his ,.-omp_;111y:fms panic-. tioP,•und•l~t you kniJw•what will be· pcen-:;cnt to l'vtexicn. Students ·gain inierc,1, and-~-:1n.~r g11:lis :ire ,inli- • ipated in tlie· prngrmn:in: the past expected-from you:ufler grntlua- 1 "We do have iiiierest fmm :llu111• lar. and fot111tl ii hcndii:ial to 'lxllh the tlon.:,. ... . • . • • . ni living.__in _Rome. Italy aml --11 !!in:, ,tmknts an idc;1 of wh:n ,tudcnt~ imd the c1inip:it1y;·;:: ;, .;'. Tom Norton: m:m_ager of human . • Bra1.ih- she said. 'The prohlcm exposure to lmppi!n, on :1 day to d:iy hasis in •.. We partidp:1te in:pardfcaufu resources for Campbell Soup Co. would come lindinl:!.a st_udcnt \\hn their lidd:· ,he ,aid. hoth the prcsitlent :int1·1hi\ CEO of in Ohio. said his_ <.-omp~my, ha.~ par-, · could affonl the trip there:· working world Whi,tnn ,,aitl lhe pmgr.un i, hen- thc company hm·e M>rf of atloptctl tidpatetlfothe,pmgram,butis'very: , Externs:'ai-e-:i-cspon~ihlc for clicial to alumni abu. SIU ~ they rc:1ll y like the selective ahout the students it armnging·t~eirown housing. meals By Stephanie Moletti ··A Int nf alumni arc inh:rc~tcd in Uni\'er..ity and often participate in ac... -cpts. . and tmnsponation. Senior Reporter !!i\'inc hack to the lh1i",·.:· ,he the,c· kinds of progr:im,:· Lenn ··we ·would nut want tu do this Tu be a participant student 11111,1 ~1id. ~-TI1i, gi,·e, them th:u·oppor- said ...- .. type of program on a f9rmal or have a cumulative GPA of :?.II and l'nh:n1i:1I ,prin_c hn:akcr, may tunity and gi\'c, ,1utlc111, the oppor- · ··The r.nndp:11 in our company is much more heavy hasis - our be ofjuniororseniorstantling. upl 10 pa" up 1hc dmncc to ha,k in 1uni1,· 1<1 nctwnrk."" \"Crv commincd to ctlurntion:· he company is just no. equipped to do Whiston said .tpplicanL~ will go 1he ,un nr 1:1kc in the J.\\'L"l:l ,mdl l..~,t year 154 ,111dc111, p:inidpat• i.aiJ,. that:· Norton said. through interviews with thl· uf ,uman nil :nul tropic.ti drink, ct! in the pmg1~11n. ,he -.,id. "Leno. sajtl'thc comp:my has h:1d • He sai~ he,bel_ieve,(t_he progmtlh Stutlent,Alumni Council. Students and ,ally ,..:can air for Mimcthing TI1c pmgmm gi\'cs ,111dcnti._ the ")•ery,gq~!(Jiexpcrienccs·· with the t1J he hcnelicial ufstudents. ' who successfutly con1plcte the mnrc hcnclid:11 111 the lillures 11f ch,111.:c 111 experience prnfc,sinn:11 , pn11:,'I"Jri1;in_the past.· ··11 gives them real life c_xposure interviews will then attend an on­ ,1mlcn1, ;11icr c111lcgc. em imn111e111, prit•r to graduation. ·; =-~~:TIW~Q!!~lity,_of,t~t! students ,cnt to the anti an oppor-· ent.1tion se.~sion. giving i,tutlents a The SIU Alumni. Asi.m:i:llion . '"It could lr:ad to futun.· employ- ·: to _Ui is Y!;'Y hig.!f uml ifs reju\'cnat· tunity for them to sec how a hig geileml idea of what will Ix ex pt.-ct- ,pnn,nrs an extern pr11gr.i1i1 fo, mcnt nr :111 internship:·, Whistnn ; ing for.u<:hc said: : company worts:· et! of them. SILJC juniors :111d senior.. to oiler s:1itl. . . ,• . ,, ··Lenll said \\"heil-hc was in col­ First National Bank and Trust: Interviews will he conducted si1ch opponunitics. . Sponsors for the progriini are : l~ge he.wished he had.taken mlrnn­ SIU Credit Union anti Family Tree' · later this fall and orientation·scs• Jn L\'lln Whi,11111. a,sbtaht din.-c­ cum:ntly hcing solicited anti Sill" '. t:igc ofihc opponunitie.~. '' Garden Ccnlcr participate in the sions will take place in late foll nr tnr for.the :i,sudation. i-.1id the pur­ dent applicati11n, 1.tken. . : .. '. · •. "1lic ex~>surc to the ·real husi- pmgmm l1x-ally. · c'-Jrly next spring. ' po,c of the program is tu allmv Darrcn Lenn. tlircctnr ·of COl'[II>~ . neliS ··cnvimrim_ent' helps you tn Whisu,:; said the program The association is accepting alumni .111d friends of SIUC the ' rJtc communicatinn, for the Oak · form your cxri:ct_uti~ws.'" he said. includes comp.:njes across the applications from students un:il opportunity to ,hare their day-to• Bronk-hasetl ln-FliJ:!hl Phone ··1t mund out your cduc:1- nation and in the pa.~t,stutlents have Wednesday. Nov. 9. · .Mock election held · to encourage voting

By John Kmitta Staff Reporter

SIUCs public broatl~-asting station. WSIU-TV. will help conduct a mock election of Illinois law­ maker.; today. with results heing broatlca.~t on the cahlc stations CNN and C-SPAN. The mock election. Ol',::!anizetl hy the National Student/Parent Mock Election office. will he con­ ducted between ::?:30 and 6:30 p.111 .. with an 800 numhcr for caller.; to enter their opinions as to who they think should win.· Locally and throughout the state. S 1UC Broatlca.~ting·es as the state facilita!Or for the mock election. Candis lsbcrner. director of the office of TV Leaming Sen·ices. said. The National Student/Parent Mock Election\ , purpose is to build voter confidence and urge • more people to vote: · By running the mock election. the Ol',::!anizer.. hope to cncoumge students and their parent, 10 go to the polls on the regular election day. TI1c project uses the motivation of elections to teach young Americans they can effect change with votes. Also participating in the phone call reception will be nine students from a campaign anti elec­ tion cla.~s. lsbcmer said. Staff Photo by Michael J. Deslstl More thari 11.000 educators acros.~ the ccmntr\' arc participating in the mock election. she said. • Work of art lsbcmcr said the results will be mmed in to the national organization at an established time. then Jesse Desantaigo, a junior in cinema and photography from Cicero, works on a pointalistic drawing of broadcast on CNN and C-SPAN. Shryock Auditorium Wednesday afternoon. Desantiago was assigned the activity as part of his intro­ "lt"s an important part of what we can he duction to drawing class. in\•olvcd in. in public broadcasting:· lsherncr said. French graduate student adjusts.to_,: life in Carbondale, studies English··:. By Katie Morrissey with students who grow up in vio­ Staff Reporter lent families anti neighlx>rh()(xls. :. ln.te:.mati.on~_:_~:_i_ . '"It would be hanl for them:· he • Jcrnmr: Champr:I. gmtluatc ,1u­ . stud_ent .. said. Jent and in,tructnr al SIUC. ,avs perspective. Champcl has not visited other hr: fc..:I, AmcriL·an ,tudents arc ;., 4. • .~. • .' ., ';;·, :• w cities in America. ,lc,cr :i, 1hn,,: he: ,tutlicd with in He going to Chicago_foi ~· Fr.111.:c. hut la,ic:r. Champcl said he docs nut sec Timnksgiving break. Champcl. originally from many academically motivated sill• .., love all of those legends of , Normandv. France. arrived in dents in America. Chicago. the gangsters ·anti .the,: Carhondal~ 1hi, ,ummcr to hegin On the other hand. he said. pen• slaughter houses:· Champel said.. . hi, ,wdie, in :\mc:rica. He earned :1 pie seem to he greatly motivated to Champcl said he is not sure th:it ma,1r:r·, d..:gn:c in English litcm- socialize. hl!ing overseas for the first time. 1urc whilc in Fr:.uu:e anti cum:ntl\' --11·, easy 10 meet people here. ·has altered his perceptions of the:- i, nnt pur,uing another degree. · not in Fmm:c. Herc. \'OU can talk to world yet. · · · · ··rm ju,t here to take cla.... c, anti anvh1xlv:· he said. • ··This I might find out upon karn more nf the language:· hr: ('han;pcl said he had nn dillicul­ reflection. For now. I am inorc ,aid. t ic, in adjusting tn life in interested in other people." he· Champr:I ,aid he lo\'c, the Carbondale aside from all the said. · En!!li,h lancua!!L'. Hb favorite paperwork he had to mill thmugh. Upon returning to Normandy. writer i, Ern·e,1 lkmingway. and Now that he is here. he ,aid he Champcl plans to teach English. he ,aid hr: i, more a fnnn:ili,t than notices thi: tliffcn:ncc in food. ··nmt is for away. though. I _am: a ,1rur:tur;1lbt. "'llcrc it is cheaper. anti there it not sure when," he said. ··Jkmincwav·, ,tvlc is influ­ i, gm.J. hut thal"s okay:· he said. Chmnpcl said he could nut r:m:cd hv dcrtn1dc St~in. what ,hc Champcl s:1itl the violence in rcmemher how he hecame inter• . . . Staff Plioto ClirhtGauthler·. de lined ·:1, an •inlinite mnmcnt. he CarhonJalc anti other Amcric:in cstctl in litemturc exci.:pt to say. by ,ur:cccded in mr:hing content and towns anti cities arc greater than in ··we all have a gift and we ought Jerome: Champel; ~ native of ~orma~dy, Franc~; i~ a, gradu• form:· he ,aid. Europc. 1-k s:1itl he .~ympathizi.:s to impm\·c 1111 thm:· ate student_ and instructor at SIUC; Pagc4 Dally Egyptian Novcmber3, 1994 . . . ··& r1: ..'.•.· •.. ;•t· 0_ p1ntOJt-. c~-oJnmen ~ry Dail) Fi.:_,pti:ni ,uu1l1t rn 1111111,i, I "'" r,,1, ,11 c .,rl11111cl.1I,· Daily Egypaan· Student Editor-in-Chief Editorinl Page Editors Mnnoi:ing Editor Sar\iay Seth Shawnna Donovan Uoyd Goodman And News Staff Reprcscnlnth-e FoC\llty Rcpresealalivc Marc Chaae · · Christian Kennerly Robert Spellman SIUC Basketball '94-95: Ready to dance again ARE YOU READY FOR ONE OF THE MOST exciting basketball season:; the Salukis have seen in awhile? Get ready. The goods will be delivered this year by the SIUC men's basketball team and other outstanding squads in the Missouri Valley Conference. Let the galJlcs begin.

The Salukis arc returning this year as the MVC champs for the second year in a row. With ESPN airing one of their homes games against Valley newcomer Evansville in L.-.·._,., .. ,.. · h E.d. • · ·· February. the Dawgs arc ready to rumble with the rest of the . ettefS to. t .e . . .. }t()f_ conference which includes rivals Tulsa and Bmdley.

HATS OFF TO THE SIUC MEN'S BASKETBALL team on gelling ranked No. I in the Missouri Valley Conference pre-season poll. There arc three returning Article mis~epr~§ents coalition starters. senior guard Paul Lusk. junior forward Chris.Carr On October 14 the D.E. power representatives of all war crimes in former Yugoslavia. reported on the meeting of the Bosnian ethnic groups, including The work of the Southern Ulinois and senior forward Marcus Timmons. who helped lead Southern Illinois .Coalition for the Serbs. • Coalition for Bosnia has been SIUC to last year's prestigious 64-tcam NCAA Bosnia. This article contained While every ethnic group in greatly facilitated by the support tournament.Timmons was named MVC prescason first team several errors· and mis Bosnia has been implicated in from University Christian and player-of-the-year. These leaders are looking· to.• representations· that need to be some atrocities, a·targe majority Ministries, B'nai B'rith Hillel, dominate on the court and possibly lead the Dawgs to a corrected. of these have been carried out by and the Islamic Center of First, the aim of our nationalist Serbs, who wish to rid Carbondale, although ii is not three-peat appcamncc ut the Big Dance. organization is to support th ... large sections_ o( Bosnia of their formally affiliated with any of . . _ right of all ethnic groups lo live non-Serb inhabitants in order to these organizations . While C~rr. Timmons and Lusk ure returning slart~rs;·rhc: in Bos~ia with.out f~!1:I'of.murder, make a Greater'Serbian state. We· welcome participation rest of the 1994-95 squad is sure to make an impacf'\vith~- rape, ~d loss 0 ~ ~e,r homes and Ultra-nationalist Serbians, and to from people of every religious . . h R" ·h H · , . . h. , . II • :. · possessions. This mcludes Serbs a lesser extent, Croatians prior to background, ethnic origin, and coac 1c cm~. who h,1s t c tenth most ov~ra wins ~n as well as Croatians, Muslims, their peace •':igreement with political belief who wish to take the MVC. Budding freshmen Shane Hawkins. Reggie:. Jews gypsies and people of Bosnian government-have a stan~ again genocide and in Nelson. James Watts and Shane Wells arc just waiting to; mixed parentage ( about 25% of carried _out a campaign of favor of multiethnic democracy. make a debut in maroon and white. the ·· total population). Our genocide, cultural extermination, organizations supports the and mass rape against Mus\ims. position of the Democratically­ This is well documented by -Richard B. Jensen, co-chair, HAWKINS, OF PINCKNEYVILLE, AVERAGED 19.6 elected ·government· of Bosnia, the U.S. State Department's Southern Illinois Coalition for points in 124 high school games and lead his team to _the : which is committed to a unified, Country Reports on Human Bosnia, lecturer, history state title last year. With the rest of team. these potential democratic, multiethnic country Right, Amnesty International, department leaders will give Saluki fans something to keep warm this and includes in positions of And the UN's commission on winter: A hot basketbull season. The Salukis begin their season November 11 in exhibition ·Baseball fans: Vote for Hawkins against Croatian Nationals. Their first MVC game is Jan. 4 Does Republican Mike Bost me that Mike Bost is attacking students that need it. against Bmdley al the Arena. not know baseball is America's the fine sport of baseball, I feel Mike Bost claims he will favorite pastime? every student at SIU should be bring more education dollars to Recently in a radio appalled that Mr. Bost is this district, but bis own words commercial, Mr. Bost criticized attacking the:very same piece have . already proven the his opponent, Representative of legislation that keeps the opposite. Women try ~O/~i§l1r Gerald Hawkins, for supporting doors of SIU open and financial Not only has Representative the White Sox Stadium, which, aid benefits available ·10 the Gerald Hawkins supported conference title, ·Wins by the way, just happened to be funding for SIU, he brought included in the state budget. back an additional $5 million As an avid baseb-all fan, I am "Not only has repre­ funding for SIU this past year THE SALUKI WOMEN'S BASKETBALL TEAM happy to know Representative sentative Gerald - against the wishes of Mike Gerald Hawkins supports this is looking forward to a great season as well: SIUC was Hawkins supported Dosi. named fourth in the MVC preseason poll on Monday tr.tiling sport. Apparently, if Mr. Bost Representative Hawkins has held the honorable office of funding for SIU, he proven by Loth his words and behind first-place Creighton, Southwest Missouri State and state representative, not only actions that he supports SIU Dmke. would he oppose a profitable brought qack an students and faculty. If you care stadium for the White Sox additional $5 million in about SIU, depend on financial The leading trio, Rockey Ransom. Angcnette Sumrall and baseball team, he would also aid· to gel you through school, 'kk" G"I I · I · h "fought against state funding for funding for SIU this past or just' love baseball, vote for N, • ·, 1 more arc among t 1e rct~rnmg s~vcn. p ayers w o Southern Illinois University and Gerald Hawkins for State arc ready !o cause some upset~ this yea~ m the_ confcrcncc. financial aid, since the funding year-against the Representative. The Suluk1 women arc dctermmcd to bnng home the MVC, for all of there measures were wishes of Mike title this year, avenging last year's 15-12 record. in the same bill. Bosr -Christopher Haury, senior, Not only is ii unbelievable to business finance The womens" schedule is packed with siand-out teams ~uch as Vanderbilt on Nov. 27, University of Illinois on Nov. JO and hot Valley teams such as Southwcsi Missouri· State How to submit a. mid Creighton. The Saluki womens" season ·starts Nov. 13 B in exhibition against St. Louis AAU at the Arcn?, letter to the editor: 300 A::Vou Ready for some action this winter'! Be su·rc· to check out hoth womens'" and :md mens' basketball games this year.· B: Letter . C:Editor November 3, 1994 Dally Egypdlln Page5 - '" .. . - ~r• .. 1!1!111.!1111!,!11~11!J11~T••••••!~••••, RACE, from· 'page ·t·., '• ~ "~--···:CJ [[ffi] :·; F~~c~'or~k : and \\bt Vir.!inia. m:n,_, lhl· nation whidt ,,ffc-r '':holm' nnlv conft1~im! th!! i,,uc-. · \\l11.:hs111:1)ds :1 grcatde:1}. o! 1~1o!~ey l'$&· g Ch --...:~~-- Q I I f ·_$3. -9_9 progr.1111, \\hidl :11c.nu1 ha,ed ,,11 .:I lhin~ thi~ ,lecision h:p, 111:lllC' it Oil m111or1_1y ,1_u~en1s. 1 he~~"!~- I •4 e.e,e n y I or. _ • ra.:c. hut include ra,·,'. as .1 le,, dear"' hl \\h:11 ,i11m1io11 VOil ··some- Ulll\"Crs111e, rdv 011 r:icc- .. . ·~ -~- 'labl' ·11;,l)o 1·30 qualilic:uion. l".lll llsC' r:,.·c- a, :11:u.:tnr in :l\\:miing tia'-Cd ,d10l:u;-hip,. ll1is'uni\'crs_ity. • $7.~9. J~Topping I avai e:. jJ: .- .• ' ···n1c'-C prngr.1111, an: tied Ill nc.:d 'l"hul:u,hip,:· hc ,aid. has had·c-1hn1c-hascd ,d10lar.,h1ps I , · ,. · · .. • Monday -Fnday and ai:adcmi.: :1dtiL"\'CtllCll(:· Ill: In ;1 ,(nr\" ,,1tid1 ran in Fridm·-, 1'or it1i1'tc time-. hut WC will c.lo I $8.99 2 Toppings I t . ,aid. --~;1.:c i, not lhL· ,llk .:,!it inn ni' th.: s, .. Loui, _I'll~!- whi!~Y.~~;t'1e i:imn !<:IY~--·AII of o~r I $1·0:sa. 3~i{Toppings I Cartmiale"&MJ~ qualilii:atilln liir th•• pmgr.1111,. One D1,1,11d1. Judi;.: It 1:nm~· \V1dcn.:r ..~ho!:u~h1ps_ allow us 10 make this I . · · . I kx3bns f'.nl, CJStrneripa:viaZ.a, cllnld .:a,il\ modi I\ 1hc,c \\a, quntl·d in tlw opinion ,if th.:,,_ !.,lnh·~ity ,·ompc-titi\'C' with n!hc-r I. - · _ .. . • 4 qualilication, ,·if induding r.1.·c ;1, a l·a,.: a, Ill ,, hy till· .:n1111 mkd th.:·' unh·~yj\itic-!>- with outstanding I ' .... ' ··••Ollargoall_•~. . . I ~~ d qualifi.:ati,111 i, rukd w:i~ itdid. . . : · -~-..:ic:1d.:mil·lf<-:"~s:· . I ··.~•-•No.~.Requir& I & 1111•·01i-1i1111io1ial 1.·· ··oi all the cnlcna hy ,, lnd1 men ~;TI1e ,.UQ!\)!1}1ty ot Ma~·land has •~ ~ ...... -..: _C!My-oul • NCIV!idWifl. OOerEx • es The· i:a,l" i, hcin!! \\ a1.:h.:d :md \\omen ,an hc-judg.:d. th.: 1110,1 -:.911.. da)j.;tJ1.:.,1p~aj the- c:isc lo the- 1~457~. . \J!"211":~~7112 I Arl/Ofla-Oller· 11111~ I do~dy h,:cnu,.: tlu: U.S. Supr.:!nc pcrni.:i,111, i, that or race:· hi: _-:--U:S:;S.UJi~_•.·..•·q,~u[I ~,_r until Nov. • J::~~---~-'· ~~_&t1_Jme.L. .. _~- J Court·, d.:d,inn \\llllld pnl\idc a \\role. . .-:~LOJ1f.m;k:f(l!::,i::w1N;ii:111g hy the 13 ..-.~•••••••111111.• _ ••••!!!•-•.••••. prcc.:den1 for oth.:r 1111i\t:rsi1ie, Hry",n ,:lid r1ici:-ha~i!il~ilgi!,Jn'thl!""'.:!tli.Cj~ui1. ., ··--~...... _,,, ~~,,...... '•

.::.-... •r. ---~="·-•~-~~ - l B •· t~--ctEANtJP.:~ ~11· ~:.~=~- '-"~,~~ ~lf~lri;•~~~~:;;i;,~ "re ,,.. • .!~•..:';!.'. • ~.~_,, IT~;iili• lii~·:.·.:illi.:Crili:i.l. and ti."CJ.iglJ1irctl b.:.:aus.: "'~~~::': ,_:' i1r"'---"'"'.... ::'I 01~c~_i!fo the propn:~C"d .:l~anup '~"1_"''.,; .,_ :__ -1~ mc_11_11~l~_ .:u_rr.:mly hc111g con,1c.lercd tt;7~·,.'<:··.,~:. 11 1, 111..:mcr.111011. ;1 trealrncnt prol~e~!tt ..~ .• , .. ~,t ,. ·' !J ~hi!" ,:15•..,_ h unpruv~n. Llangcrnus. ~ :11al 1101 lc-giill~· p.:rmitfrd on \ national wildlili: refuge,. November 3,4,5 R,mell ,aid .,he and 111m1v oth.:r mc•mh.:f' or th.: ,ommunitv ·,·oil-cd •Additio~al Savings with our th.:~e ,1hjc-l·tion, al nic.:lings Grab Bag Promotion 529-2024 invnh·ing d.:mmp nf PCB, on the Comer of Jackson & W~hington [~~::.:;:::fff!:;; 1 ~~t~J~~; ~~: t~;~i:r:~l;,~~ti;~: Mon-Fri 10-6pm Thur. 10-Spm _Sat 9-Sp_m Major credit cards accepled 11~~t~ Staff Photo by Michael J. Desisti 11 11 11 the method chosen th:11 ck:uiup. Frank Fisher, project technical manager ot' munitions Thi,. Rnwdl ,aid. causes tier 10 operative unit of the Superfund clean-up project for Crab wonder lww mu.:h e!k.:1 coni:c-ms Orchard Wild Life Refuge, discusses the investigation in to r:1i'l-c.l al·thi, mectin!! will ha,·c on the munitions contamination at the refuge. 1hc dcanup dmk,: th[~ time. •t> much interested ample opportunily lo do ,o.- Duran '-II quietly ;is the (\HI in lhc timc they gi\'c us I to \'nici:: ,HIKING a·oo,s Bul proseculing U.S. altorncy, sic.Jes ar.!11.:d hcfore Robinson. Hc­ rnm:cms). we an: interested in them ,:iid Duran wa ... .:nmmiting ':111 u nden\:Cn I a- pro~ecu1ion­ li,1cnin!! In our concerns:· a,..,auh because a Secret Servi.:e reques1ed ps_ychi:1\fi<: examination The ~nunilions contamination. a!!cnt w_a.., headin!! toward the Tucsc.lny th:1t U.CJ,crii1incd ~c .:on~is1irig pri1n;uily of TNT resi_duc. gunman while he ,;as firing. and cmnprcheniled tlie'i:hai'gcs against ha.~ !JL-cn in llie'soil for "nearly fifly: him. ~ wa" in uanucr of hcin" hit years. ldt · over · froii'.i,' 'ii\~ 'TiMBERWD NIKE - •l REEBOK Kenny also could ;ot persuadc­ Kenny askcc.l Rohinsnn for :i manuf::ic!Urim! done on the rcfu 0 c ...... U.S. Ma!!istrale Dehnrah gag order againsl law cnfor.:cment l:md during Worlc.l W;:r II. Ro\i.·~11 . Guaranteed Best Prices • (AVAIIABLE UP TO SIZE l 6} Rohin..,on • 10 di!>,·ount the and "ovcrnmc-111 oflicials aflcr saic.l slic.:ind: di~posc of lhe w-.i.,te. when it ha.~ ~ 529-3097· provided details of the ..,h,x,ting. Citin!! unamcd sources. The L";Ju~"tl no ohscrv:;blc c.1:unage so far. Cahill. a supc-rvi ... or. wa.., not :II \Va,hin!!hlll Pnsl \VC'dnesdav said FrJnk Fischer. projccqechni_cal the ..,cene whc-n the auad. pro~~culor~ arc.: weighing charges .---•111!111•11111111-----~------.. manager for the U.S. Army Corps uc.:urcd. Kenny said her clielll of aucmpting 10 assassinate the nf Engineers. saic.l he w.i.~ since.rely -°-· ~· ~houl 1es1im11ny was has.:d on w.:rc filed Wcdnesdav. 1ryingtnconsic.lerpuhlicL"()nccmsinhis examination of !he situation. Qeta-;;,,-···_ .' ,-~.. _,,,,,....,,,,.tur_.''. "'-?'...... _•:s~·-· -,.ernnu- or third-hand or fnunh­ The Po,1 rcpone·J th:11 feder:il .. , w:inl to find ano1her solution hand hearsay.- Robinson rejected in\'c-,1ig:11nrs founc.1 a map in Kenny·.., argument and orderc-d Dumn·~ Chc\'rolet lmck wi1h !he 4 amUh:inincincmtion).bd·:vcme.:butl only one voice. and there· are ·s·· J'·····'·~ ;rz'457-2259_-i '. 1h:n DurJn he trice.I. · words ··Kill the pre,:.. wrillcn ,m many other factors involved:· he ,:iid. ""The public has made an

impac1a.~fara.~rmconccmcc.l.and .·. ~·.··: .. · 7. Haitia~ ~resident emerges Iha!", noljust lip scrvkc:· · · :~·E__ ._-.•.~ V ER...i YT·H· ·,NG Throughout the meeting. for wreath-laying ceremony controversy arose over exactly what ~ . • •· ; ·• ~-· - · The Wa.,hington Post lhc moribund. cmb:irgo-wrackcd the topic of discussion was. Ruic.'!; - A•;r._~--R... N_IJT_ ·_ _ : IVE. .MO .. _ s· 1c, ernn. while the prohlems ha\·c !>een surfacing lhe possible incinermion of res! of the nalion e~lchrJte- with Aristide cl\"cr he in nl"L'U nf funher :1ction; will be c.lic1:11nrship mul 1cm1r-filled night, clei:toral-rcform laws nnd · rclea.'-Cd in mid-November. : •.• ;:. :11 the hand, or pam111ili1:uy thugs. conlirmatitin pro.:cedings for hb A public cmnnicnt. pc-rioo \\'ill But in an app:1rcn1 mn\'c by prime 111ini,1cr-dc,ignatc. Smarck b6· hclc.l afler the release. :ind .a Wa,hinglon lo nudge the Mi.:hcl. Lake was scheduled lo proposed plan of action. base,! nn gnvcrnm.:nl aw:1y from 111ce1 ·11111Nlav wi1h Michel. whosc­ ,cri1erfo such as puhlic. s1:t1c.a11c.l cch:hrations and in10 a.:tinn nn a i:on l'i rmat ion h;i ... hl'Cll dclay.:c.l EPA :tpproval._cost. environmental numher of ·,rudal legbl:ttivc rllpe:11edly legbl:11ivc,auc.l tiy impact. :md fedeml regulations. will· measure, aimed at jump--.taning con,tillltinnal pr;tx:cuures. hi: rek:L<.ed i11 the spring or. 1995. -~ · Page6 DaUy Egyptian November 3, 1994 Uncle .. Albe'rifsin~g$~:the;·;bluis. St. Louis group ·, · · branches out into· Southern Illinois By Paul Eisenberg Entertainment Editor

·tim Alh.:n. a !!riukd m:111 war­ rior uf a !!llitari,i. has toured with hig-namc' :u:ts during hi, mu,ical · career. hut he docs not. a, Mime lung-time 11111,idan, d11. have a hig hem.I. ··r d11n·1 know if w~··re helter Thur• Nov 3 • 8pm than :111rnne d...::· Alhcn -.1id. ··wc' ju,t II)' to do what we do. n.c-s-•a_..i du it well and have a good time. h-'bYIF0ftlt""""ffle­ \\'c"re not pretentious :thnut ii. It", AIIICounclh__,•_, not like we·re ,,anding up 1herc Photo Courtesy of artist l(y,J,--lar-Arta. S..b ,.:u bu ..~J •I hol( -..1ying. "lley. dig me." .. prier cx,•-Nlf hour bd'~ cur. Uncle Albert formed in 1989 and has grown Into· five-piece What Alh.:n and hi, hand. Unde a Ltln at a drsl&nol band Including Tim Albert, Lisa Campbell, Dan Jackson, atuJ.nla wllh • currmt aluda\l Alherl. do is play' electric blues. ID and lo Hftlor d1lzms '5 and Chuck Wolters and Jamey Almond. The band will play olJ.,.. M•ltlpl• llclwt.t rM'f be "'uthem ,tyle. which they will do P"rA'fl Rid. Jame,. h.:fore landing a ,pot (St. Louis.) and al,o wa, a piani,t shopping around for a n.-conl deal. drumming in the Charlie Daniel, al W:t,ltington Univer..ily... Albert Bui for now. Alben is branching I IIYlliiiiWWr9 B:md. -.iid. out from S1. Louis, playing in "I ,1:1ncd out as the univ white '"l"\'e gof1hc road experience. Southern Illinois and lhroughout VA_N D~MME [!] guy in a se\·en-piece hla~k funk and she ha.~ lhe sduK1I experience:· l\lis.,ouri. He said Campbell gi\·c., lhe band '"l\.10,1 of all. we·re just a group ····~"'"" b:md and cndL'tl up in the Charlie IT.u!TI fllll>,U-1 Daniels Band."' he said. ··rrelly more depth b..'1.-ausc of her abili1ics of people trying 10 have a good imnic:· a., a keyboanli,t. and e,p,.-cially as lime."' he said. • Albert s1arted this band four a vocalhl. Uncle Albert will perform year.. ago a., a side pmjcct. "to go '"She really lays down some lonight at Pinch Penny Pub. The 0111 and screw around .. in hc1ween blues - really belts ii out."' Alben show slarts at 9:30. There is no ._____ ...,;. ______hi, 1our.. with other hands. said. ··we do some Aretha co\'er charge. NAACP asks members to contribute to fund drive lt1s Hip The Washington Post Despile Shinhoster·s op1irnism, some prominent members of 1he To Trip! WASHINGTON - The N,\ACP organi1.a1ion worried about the <.TI· Wednesday called on organi,.ation sis of confidence lh:11 began with leaders. members and corpnra1e 1he Chavis firing and continues :,uppo;ter, to con1ribute 10 a ma.,­ with allcg:t1ions of m·er.;pending by London ,ive fund drive aimed al retiring it~ Boan! Chainnan William F. Gibson Paris . S3.8 million Jehl hy the end of the during trips nn the organi1.a1ion's TelAvlw year. behalf. R The announcernen1. hy Interim Gibsnn has denied 1hc allega- MulcoCltr · True Lies Senior Administrntor Earl H. 1ions. Tokyo Daily 7,:30 ONLY Shinl11.-.1er. c~•me 1wo days after lhe ..119kok financially 1roubled civil-rights ,_.. _..,_00t-,01We.- organi1.ation furloughed 88 of its . Little Rascal~0 paid ,1:1ff for al lea,1 two weeks Daily 7:00 QNLY 111.-cau,e it ,aid it could not meet i1s ~~.,;· paymll. Three ways to The --au,1eri1y pl:111·· announced .. Camp Nowhere PG hy Shinhostcr is the lates1 move by beat the high 1 •IOO•ICOUNCIL , Daily 7:15 ONLY . the 85-ye:tr-old NAACP 10 shore cost of college. •800•116•1614 up a rcputaiion iarnished by its M011 FREE REFO.LS 01 Pwu 8 San D1m:s! financial crisis and 1he firing of 1. The Monlgomery GI Bill Exccuti\·e Director Benjamin F. 2. Sludenl loan re~aymcnl Chavi, Jr. nn Aug. 20. 3. Part-lime Income Shinhnstcr said the plan devised ·1111• An111· l/,.,..1w Alrmi:1t,• hy 1he NAACP leadership was ·1 r.1:11ini: l'ntj,.rr:1111 i~a ...,no1r1 "-;,y t,111.1v de,igncd :o raise S93.000 per day fon-.,11.-,.!:t•. • to --generate sufficienl dollars 10 l•if't,i()·1,u,1ualif)·,1l1t· \lt1nlr,:01111·ry-:;1 Iml,·;;mpn,vitl•· \'llll re1irc our debt by the end of Dec. "-ill, 1111 tu Sli,:~10 fc.,r n1m·n1 l"C1ll,l.~· 31. 199-t:· •.+XJ•1•~..., ura111ma\•nl \11/lt,·h tr;1ini11J.:, The leadership will ask every !-=.t,·0111I. if )•~1 li;~,,-,,r1,htain-a ,1u.:1liti,·d ~ud,·nt ne,t i11 tf,,foull.)·,m rnemh.:r of lhe National Board of Illa) ~•1 ii 1iaialnffot lf1,•rah•1,f l:.'l.1•·r · Din.-ctors and Spt.-cial Contribution Y,. ..Jrurs.'"ilNJ. wlikl~l"\'rri~J...'fl"ill,1".llJtlu • Fund Tru,1ccs to contribute at :11mxi111u111ufS11J.1•0. S.·h1,1finili1:uy THI! • S5.IXXI. Shinhostcr said. ,kilf,,-:111 dcn1bl1• lhat nLuimum. "11, <':111 t-am 1•11Hin~• ·•RlYERWJtP ~ The organi1.a1ion's 2.208 local mom,y int·ollti.t:t•.and h,-n.-,;.l1mt1 ii Qilly500 7:30 10:00 ·. . hr.melt offices and other organiza• wt•rks: (lnt•sunum·ry11u111k1•ll-,,,.i-; ·1·r.tinins:.a1ul lltt'IH"_XI !'-IIIUl1k1')t•U tinns will he asked 10 con1ribu1e n,1·in•,,.l-il1trnini11,:al:111An11)'~·l1ttttl. SI ,(XXI apk-ce. he addL'tl. Y•ou1ft,1mu-,..-,;i:,x1furl~1-i<·mMI .. · He said 22 corporate sponsors '""'"' nM1n• for,kiH1r•inin~.·1111111·111111 Forrest GQmp_ ~ -· ;1th-ml monlhly mi,1inJ.."-'' ;m l\nn\' who cul fundim• to the NAACP flt-,..·rwunil na-ary,11r,.,lk-i:1•.11-iLiUv· •. ·Oiily~sooa~ •. thi, year will he- asked to resume um• '-'-n·kc1ul a month 11h1, lwu \\t"t·k;.e . c11ntrib111ions. and ..appeals will he y,.,r. You1ft,.,1 ..idowrSlll:ia,.11·k11ul made 10 African-American ln~flr1. ll"sw,,rththinki111:nhuut. c:l\1• n,m.dl: ·· · ·toVE ,AFFAll~r cmrcprencurs. athletes and cntcr- · . IT411!11'1llC4"1 · . . · 1.tiners:· -~y4:15 6:45 9:'15 ··we haw11·1 ,kipp,.'tl a be:11. and WHOOPI GOLDBERG. w,· ha\·c hl mo\'c forward,"' NAI.L TOUCAN a. CORRINA· Shinh11,1er t11ld reporters al the ARMY RESERVE·.· .c N:\,\CI'\ B:1ltin111re headquarters. '.CORRI_N~_(PC3) 0 ··w,• think 1111w I\C \·c 111med 1hc .-i1m,·r. :mtl l\c·n: mm·ing ahe:1d."" Now F'W. iWlll o;;-Popco~ {J Solt DrilW! November J, 1994 Pagc7 Man found_ guilty of d~<>-t~$-. death, faces electric ct.air_ ¥--~~~ MIKE , The Washington Post going to _be judge, jury and executioner." · PENSACOLA, Aa.-A Aorida Prosecutors also produced jury deliberating less than 20 witnesses who testified that Hill WEPSIEC minutes Wednesd.1y found Paul Hill was a well-known figure at· guilty of murdering an elderly antiabortion protests,.in one cllSlf" J:\Cl,St )\: COl "\:TY doctor and his unarmed escort at an holding up .a sign that rea_d:. abortion clinic here la~t summer. "Execute Murderers, Abortionist~. STA1i"E'S :\TTOR:\EY Hill, who faces either life in Accessories." prison or death in Aorida's electric Hill, thin and tall with a shock of CO'.\£ER'.'\ED ABOl 'T YOUR SArETY chair, sat quietly as the jury's blond hair hanging over his vcnlict wa~ read, his eyes blinking forehead, acted as his own anomey AND DOI:'\(; SO~iETHl'.'\G ABOLT IT and darting toward the seats where during the three-day trial. But he Punch 132 On November 8th his family and supporters saL Hill's declined to present either opening . PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO KEEP WEPSIEC STATE'S ATTORNEY mother cried as the verdict was read. or closing arguments, nor didth he .======: "Ille 40-year-old former minister ~:="~:~:?~~red.more an ·.·:·The Vai;ity Sport of the Mind was found guilty of firing 3 to 4 Again Wednesday, Hill asked r, ~ . . Ch - · • h• rounds from his 12-gauge pump­ Escambia County Circuit Judge (;,amp· us.-_ · amp1ons action shotgun into the cab of a Frank Bell if he could present the IP Nissan pickup truck, kiiling John six man-six woman jury with his' N- be 12 1994 CASH PRIZE Britton, 69, who performed ... 'fi bl h0 ·1 ·d1 "d Ii Th Saturday ov_em, , r , ••• - 1 abortions, and Britton's escort, Judge)USU saidia · e no. 11?. ~ e . ;,• ~ ~ ,C~h.. 1.J c - ' THE FIRST PLACE WINS $500 retired Air Force Col. James It is possible the judge·wilJ be THE SECOND PLACE WINS $400 Barrett. 74. more lenient Thursday when the The lone survivor was Bam:tt's jury decides whether to recommend wife June, who was sitting in the death or life in prison. Hill could be $10 n_ er team En~ fee required at the time of re~istration back scat of the truck that had just allowed for the first lime in court to t'. pulled into the parking lot of the tellwhyheshotBrinon'andBarrctt. Sign up by 1 :00 pm Wed. November 9, 1 94 Pensacola Ladies Clinic.- Hill was While Hill's action has been also found guilty of attempted condemned by most antiabortion Pick up regi_stration packet at the SPC office murder and of firing a gun into an groups, outside the courtroom. 3rd floor Student Center or call 536-3393 occupied vehicle. Wednesday Catholic priest David "I saw the drip, drip, drip of C. Trosch of Mobile, Ala., blood drops," June Barrett, a retired defended Hill, contending that the ...... , t • -:,, • • •• • • •• nurse, 11istified Wednesday. S_he defendant had done what he called out, "Doc. are you okay?" believed he must do to stop the But she heard nothing, she said, abortions. • 1..,.4 ® "You're Not Gonna Pay A Lot! weeping on the witness stand. "He did it to call attention to the Duaing closing arguments, humanity of the unborn," said. Carbondale 308 E. Mai!' St. 457-3527 prosecutors showed jurors photos of Trosch, who has been suspended me1nea.e the victims' bloody, bullet-riddled from his priestly duties. "In his Discount Mufflers (i-l/2Blb E.ottheRallrnad} bodies. "He demonstrated in the mind, the innocent unborn have most graphic, violent kind of way more value than his own life." Free Undercar lrupectlon GI &tlmate that he does not believe that he is. The three-day trial was the COMPLm EXHAUST SERUICE < .Vatlonwlde Ufetlme Guarantee., bound by any laws that he ·_doesn'~ second abortion doctor slaying case agree with," said Assistant State in Pensacola"in two yc:us. Michael COMPLETE BRAKE SERUICE We ALso OFFER CusroM PIPE BENDING Attorney James Murray';of Hill. Frederick Griffin, 31, is serving life .. And what he decided to do. was _be in prison for kil_l!~i David Gunn · SHOCKS. STRUTS. SPRlff~. c.v. JOfffTS OPENMON.-SAT.BAMTOGPM C!: = == a vigilante. He decided ~-~ ~a~~ . r M ffl From Aa Low Aa y B k $ 5 2 95 V HeavyDuty FromAs LowAs...,, '~~~":.:_._ .,..:~~--~-- :..;'.~:~ 1 11 I 5 U ~rl $ 22 95 wr~~'",.;i!,.,,, P•rA>le Gas Shocks $5995 I Bridge cra_~hes on fuel Jank$ I pecia 1=--~~r~~= 0 P~rPair•lnsla.led I ValE>t•1 ,~.-::·;o;::...... ,..,..,~,.~ ""'''0$1 n I 1 1 injuring 226 people in Egypt .. '--E•~''P"l 1 ~:;~.,.~rt,or. this time to t_he Jackso_ n_. County ''Really, the situation is very bad," offices were closed when students • · - 0 said Col. Ahmed Kamel, a and employees found it impossible taxpayers: ': ; .·:":· ' · · ~ ':' ;r~trus:--c~t~=~ to~~G':=samih al-Saeed,;~rc~iti ~urr~1 a~ut a No;~~k~.1993 incident at the.Ja~n:County Cairo, which was overseeing the oil declared a s_iate of emergency; the .. Courthouij~h,cnf~~ all~~ly attacked another county board ml!mbcr after a heated fire disaster in Durunka. governorate· ·or Assiut is one of argument dtirlng'a ~ccting. _Jim Pribble has consistently refused to deny these allcga- Kamel, speaking by telephone Egypt's most sensitive areas, ~ tions,.his_. oijlY.'.-~.:_n~ h~s·,bccn,__ "NO COMMENT!" _ · _,,, · · · · ., _ from Assiut, said the official death- because it is the stronghold or·· - •- =-r.::. -- , toll from the fire and flooding in Islamic fundamentalist militants who --~ -:_--. ~.-;:;:-;::-:·~--. ~ · .- · ·_···. · · · , .: ·· · · · · · ~=1:~~~g~f!!d~~~~ ~v:e=~~1g:Ce~!:~~ "Haven~t'.we-hqa, enough:ofCareer Politiciq!lS like with al least 27 others injured. A- Mub:irak. _ .. _ ~ . -- , _: . :.-: .:?:' l:c•~~~ __ ) ~ l Jim Pfibble?'.' ; -- . : '• ...... , total of 407 houses in seven southern Hundreds of residents displaced• _ ·· • .. ,, - • ~~tian villages were destroyed. he fii°err. ~:e~:C:t:~e!~i:~~ / )::-.)~\;·::::·t·:;-!1·; ··~ ~ lruNtff #30 ' .. /, .

• '. M. • • ·~. ,, Hospitals reported hundreds or Thursday.night, dem:t."'Xling lodging 1 iL:f,~' i' ... r:• nt! 1t l -_·_ , , · · , _ : corpses and indicated the death toll' and assistance, according J<(~ews .. , ?-'-:: :.< ;·-·;~-:-:· ·r A.del~ ,~.r~yJackson County Republican Central Committee.• couldgomuch!tl~··· ,:reponsfrom~~~:::~:;·./;;;,__'."1.L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;..;;;;.;;;;.;;;;.;;;;.;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ P:!ge8 lJaUy Egyp~~ November 3, 1994 Couflty el~ci:idnS. f11Q,J, ~affect stllde11ts

th ~:~~:::::::~: •h= ~~;w,~ ~~11:; }'._:,•\:_(iii F,1~\J,;,m:c~n·i:,s_·~~c{brc:~;n~\:;,.;~l:\'.:_edtl_~~Kiijf:j :J,;_1it~i!~t.i~~.:Xt.~i 1 1 1 l·apitalin the J.iilypunbhment newspapers for crimin.ils. discussing Youviews most on· ~______..;._____ ~ e ··1 aho think.. that this is something where likely will not hear intense ddxues over their. you can go to the mL-clings and mice your iJca, on cduc:llinnal funding. And. you will opinion: you can•t do that in Congress or lite not scc lhcir face.\ on the lelcvision talking General Asscmhly.- ahoul million dollar heallh care systems. 0 District 1 {Ve,yennes, DeSoto) . Cl District 5 ~ Miaphvsbo,o) Even !hough candidah:s feel ii is importanl 1 ,eJi~cd:~\~~ra~~~}t~~t:~; ~;~rli:l~~a~~ • William Alstat • R • Frances Jane Arnold Gilman· R . ~~!1 ~~~en~:; ~~1~u~~ ~~,~~~i~~n~ef~i~~~~ the guhcm:llnrial. rJcc or thc campaign for • Clay Fuhrhop - D • • David E. Conmd · D port on campus since they concentralc mo'-1 ,1a1c rcprcscntative. but the winners will of their timc in rural arca.s. have an impact on the county. ,,District 2 (Murphysboro, Makanda) CJ District 6 ( Carbondale) Ellner said city halls -handle many issues En:n though SIUC students can he found • John Pierson. R • Cecelia H. Norris - R that arc within their respective towns. The living lhroughout Jackson County. few tal.e • Jarncs Kerley- D • Jack R. Ellner - D hoanl handles ar.:a, outside city boundaries. intcrc,1 in 1he counly ckctinn,. acconling 10 ·111ings like lhe ro.ids and the bridges arc Dami Conrad. dcnmcralic ch:tirper.,011 or 1hc O District 7 (Carbondale) raken by 1he city halls:· he said. ·11tey (the ho:1rd who is up for re-clcclion in the liflh i7District 3 (Murphysboro, Somerset) • Deanna Wheels~ R city voters) are still affected because once di,1ric1. • Lyle Attig- R they get out nf Carbondale or Murphysboro. Four nf 1hc seven c011111y hoard districts • Eugene Cl1ambers- D • Lula Weatherly· D we t:1ke over:· overlap portions of Carhond:1le. , Resuhs in elections for olher Jackson who is a rccemlv rclired SIUC ,District4 (Cmbondale, Mwphysboro) 0 District 7 (Car,,;,;;dcile) county positions will 111os1 likely have an history professor. s.iid SIUC studc111, have • Steven Haynes,Sr.-R • Greg Prineas - R effect on college students as well. 1101 much inlere,1 in what lhe IKiard • Damecai Moultrie-D Ii Bonnie. Long. D Candidates fnr counly clerk. sheriff. lrea.,ur- Jnc, Jue 10 lack of fomiliarilv wi1h ii. He er. und slate's anomey will ,ilso uppear on ,aid an ex plan.ii ion for 1his· 111.iy he that the ballot. 111.iny studcnls are ncw 10 the arc:1. But. just like the board candidates. most --1 think ii", important thal ,1uden1s mte. college studenls know nolhing about those hut most ,1uJe111s SL-cm 10 he (living) in the t7 Clerk O Treasurer running for positions thal could impact them county for rhc first time. They 0011•1 ! • Irene Carlton - R • William Orthwein - R aflerelL"Clion day. how ihe hoard operJles and who ihe players • James Pribble - D • Shirly Dillinger Booker· D ·•1 think since college students live here arc:· hc said. most of the year. thcy should he interested in Wi1h ,uch a lack of familiarity. many slu• CJ Sheriff a States Attorney policies. and how the lax dollars arc being den I rnlcrs do not holher punching any holes • Shaun T. 1\/ill · R • Tim Capps · R spent. and services that can he rendered."" for hoard candid.11es. while 1he oncs 1hat do • 1\/illiam Kilquist -D • Mike Wepsiec - D Irene Carllon. Republican challenger for arc most likely basing 1heir decision accord- _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;_ county clerk. said. 111g 10 1he candida1e·s polilic:tl party. a sys- .. Most college sruJents don·r know the 1cm lhat lacks rele\·ance lo hoard issues. holds a full lime job outside 1he hliard or is their eyes on the board. since some of the candidales and don'r know the issues. In Conrad said. retired. issues it face.~ affL"Cl them. ~h1K1I 1hey"re so busy. th.:y oflcn don·1 have ""They probably vote for !heir party: bul Conrad :1dmi1tL-d thal while a student at 1he ·11te things thal impacl mosl students are the lime:· she said. 1hcrc·, really no Dcmocr.11ic or University of Oklahoma. he lacked knowl- ambulances. lhe heallh depart• William Kilquist. Democratic in01mhcn1 w.iy 10 figure oul where 10 pul a land fill (for edge of his county ho:ml. ment. the fire department. and the jail;· candidate for counry sheriff. fL-cls 1ha1 \'Oling c\:1111ple1:· he s:1id. •·When I wa.\ in college I couldn·t iell you Conrad said. for county positions are important. hu1 said The hoard. which meels once a monrh. what ihe county hoard gm·emmenl was or Democratic incumbent Jack Ellner. run- 1ha1 he would advise voters againsl rnring consisls of two ck-ctcd members fmm each wh.11 was going on:· he said. ..You ilon •t ning for a st.-cond term in lhe district six seal. for candidalcs 1hey know nolhing ahlmt. of lhe seven districts. rwo of whom arc clL-ct- learn much about how lhe h11ard work.~. nm lhink.~ students should take moo• interest in .. If you"re going to \"Ole. you should gel 10 cd chairperson and vice chairperson by 1hc even in college:• boanl elections bci;ausc they can greatly he hoard. Each member is a volunreer who Even so. Conrad said students should keep · elfcclcd by such local issues. see CANDIDATES, page 9

,: ~-,·:: '. ~ ';,;, ..... '~ ~.; .... ,., ; -lo I ._ ~" •: -·. " ~ ,,,., :,. __:JNT.RODUCING X's'BY . . .

')t-. -·PACQ;.RABANNE }•;~.- :.~ 1;_~~-_·, November 3, 1994 Dally Egyptian Pagc9 Bosstones ·new.~lbum sounds. . Peoe.e\C __ oic, ~rt . _... , Comp~ij,~on ~nd Exh1b1tion

like a Mighty ·Mighty mess ·>::;Ail SIU ~ welcome to enter By Aleksandra Macys The group allempts tu couple lh,111 reggae. hut ,till with Bam:u•s Senior Reporter · · reggae heats wilh the grn\'ely. ,crc:1ming voice. In the !.Ong he scrc:uning voici: or lead singer ,creams. --1r I could I would he Subrrission of art: Nav. 1·2 fnim 9am-3pm Too many cooks can singing:· and li!.ten_ers Pubtic wles for winners: Nov. 4-5 from 1Oam-3pm and Nov. 6 from 2-4pm ,puil the slew :mJ too ~----.------,------::-,~ will prnhahli wish he man\' musician, can could sing as well. ·Awards presenta_fon: Nov. 7 from 6-Spm ,p,., :1lbum as is the Mcn:ilillly, he Jocs sing a case with the new liulc in the song. hul then All~ held~ the Univenily Museum and relea,e from The goes right h;iek into Mighty Mighty ~reaming. sponsored Ir, the IMeum Student Group Bn"tone,. Another cxtrcmel\' Info: CcB Sue/Shelley at 529-4391 The Bn"lone, founh ·:mnoying thing about lh~ album. ··Question the album was lish:ning In the :::::::;;::::::::::::::;;;:::::::;::::::;;::~ An,wer.'' is Jelinitclv horn section of the hand one that ,hnuld remain it was IOl:11ly unpun:ha,eJ on the inappmpriate and JiJ nn1 ,helf. mix well with the rest or The Bn"lnncs the music. lleavy-metal a11emp1 Ill pul 1oge1hcr sounding guitar :ind :1 ,I-a-punk ,ouml is lost trombone, playing in the l'hantic appmad1 together w:1.s :111 a,~11111 on of having eight lhccars. mu,i,·i:111, all pl:1ying During mn,1 of the songs. their i11,1ru111ents at people in my nnl·e throul!hnul mnM neighhnrhouJ · were of the "ml!s~ Photo courtesy of artist hanging _on their panially 1 1 th~ta;1~•1:r11~hc,:~r~~ The Mighty Mighty Bosstones ri~tt:1~;1~i~:.da~::~~d '~~~ ...,..:;..~-.:..o ..... ,:- .. KinJer Words" and "Jump Dicky Barrell. a coupling which wa., more ple:1,ing than li,1ening lo Through 1hc llnop," sound like Joe, nol worl- :LI all. Perhaps this alhum. remake, l'rnm the group Oingn another ,inger could Jo 1he job. hut Pcrh:1p, if the gmup got Bam:11 Boingo. or the current popular B:1rre11 ,l·rc:11ning throughout the ,nme \'oice lesson, and riixcd the PICK-OP : T NT : DOUBLE gmupGrcen Da). album ,,a, completely horn section. ii could put together SPECIAL . · DEALS Thi.' only ,a,·ing grace on lhc unappealing. :111 :1lhu111 people would w:ml to. alhum i, the ncellenl l!llilar work In 1he song "J<,5 Days.'' the hand li,tcn In. r.tlhcr lh:m this one that done hy Nate Alhcrt. • allcmpt, 111 1:1ke on a ,ound other made me foci like I wa, dmgged. CANDIDATES, from page 8--

know what you·rc \'nling for:· he candidate, is ca,ily av:1il:1hle lo "There's w:1ys In get -..1id. --You can't ,1cp in the booth those Sl.'Cking it infnrmatinn." he ~aid. "If you·\'c and j1i-1 say thi, guy\ a rcpuhli,-an He said one of the hc,1 r.~•un.'l.'!> gol a friend whose a polil'e nOkcr•. or 1hi, guy', a demncr.11:· of infonn:11ion may. in ~1111c case.~. or a friend thac's in law cnfon.-cmcnt. Kilqui,1 said that infonnalion on he a friend. a.,k them what lhcy think it.''

· .. Jim Edgar has raised · tuition,34% and said he will :. . r~ise it again.

Only ONE TEAM has proposed a TUITION

·oawn •Clark· Netsch FREEZE Severns at this year's leve~. -and _Perany· The firsf all-wciman tea_m in the nation ~:Ye,,.~~&~! for Governor ahd Lt. Governor. - ELECT NETSCH/SEVE-RNS ·.... VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. ' ~- - . ... ' . PagclO DaOy Egypdan November 3. 1994 'Shudder to··Think~.. :makes .. switch­ from indepelld~Jlt iPJhij0~;1ab~i By Dave Katzman : Wa·Cllplodc Smash­ Emo-core bands were eharnct1•r• ing Pumpkins. i1cd by slouJ,?hing off the preten­ In Del Mar. Calif.• v1x:alist Cr.iig tious m:1lc ego to reveal !he more Wc

WASHINGTON-A new stud,• or inner-di,· ;1dnlesccnt !!iris sug­ gests that N~1rpla111. a contro•vcrsial CCl]~_te-r· ·'·n. rnn1r.1r.:pti\'C impl:!ntcd t)ndcr the' skin. mav he \·astl\·'mllre·clTcc1i\'C at prcn:nting pr~gnancy in thi, ·Con,11.eUey ,oci:11 group than oral contracep­ tive,. ·_ 'Jim Beam & Coke $1.50 .·"' Rc,c;1rchers identified I(Kl teen­ agers who had recently gh·cn birth ·l(illian's Red mv:er Bee~ $1.50 al the .ho,pital of the University of Staff Photo by J. Bebar l'cnnwh•;mia. and offered them the choic~ either of hinh co111ml pills or Tres Goes Cajun ·Pets of the week Nnrplant implant, free of ch:irge. Hair the subjects. whose aver.igc : A variety of puppies are available for adoption this week age was 16. chose pills. while 48· Friday Night including: a 10-week-old Beagle/Australian Shepard chose Norplant. Fifteen months · mix, a 4-month-old Beagle/Terrier female, a 10-week-old later. the authors report in Beagle mix female and a Collie/Australian Shepard mix TI111rsday' s New England Journal of ' female born on Aug. 1. They can be adopted at the Medicine. only one of the Norplant Humane Society of Southern Illinois in Murphysboro. group became pregnant compared with 19 of the oral contraceptive gmup. Out of 42 Norplant users a,·ail­ Illegal immigration splits able for inlen·iew al the end of the study. -W were still using the implam. whereas only 14 out of 42 California during election or.ii cnntrnccpti\'c users were .still The Washington Post fa\'ored by a 2-to-1 r.itio in public­ taking the pills. opinion polls just a month ago but ··our findin!!s:· the researchers LOS ANGELES-The ;111gry appears to ha\'c rJpidly lo,t gmund from New Yo;k Hospital-Corncli dispute mw illegal immigrJtion is and hold, only a nam1w lead in the Medical Center. the Uni,•crsity of dnminatin!! the final d,l\', of 1110,1 recent ,urvev,. f>ennsyl\'ania. and Queens California', Senate and !!Ubernatori­ Ami with poll~ ,howing ,ingle­ Uni\'ersity in Ontario wrote. --sug­ :,I rai:c, and Jividin!! tl;e electorate digit mar.,!ins in both the Senate and gest Norplant will be_ a popular nf the nation·, 1110,t populnus ,1a1c gubernatorial r.iccs. the pmpo,ition contraceptive option among adoles­ alm1!! racial and ethnic lines. ha, become an intensely panisan cents who ha\'e had contraceptive Fn,m church pulpit, to radio talk issue that has defined the differ­ failure and pregnancy:· ,how,. C;1lifornian, arc cn!!a!!L'tl in ences between Democrats and TI1c Norplant unit. manufactured a furinus debate over how ih.;- char­ Republil:ans. Candidates arc filling by Wycth-Ayerst Laboratories. con­ acter of their ,rate would be affected the air \\"J\·es with claims and coun­ sists of six matchstick-sized cap­ by passage of Prop,1sition 187. a terclaims about their commitment sules that arc insene"d beneatli the ballot initiative that. if approved. to combat illegal immigrJtion and skin of the upper arm. They release 11ould puni,h illegal immigr.1111, by their for doing so. a drug that inhibits ovulation and denying them public service,. High­ .. ,n a year in which candidates thickens the mucus on the cervix. _,clrnol studcnt,. mostly Latinos. haven"t capturcc.1 P!;_ople"s attention. making it more dinicult for spcm1 have taken to the ,1rccls with dailv Prop 187 has.- said Bill Press. to enter. The implants arc effective demon,trJtions a!!:1inst the me,Lsun: chairman of the California for about fi\'e years. wi!h an csti-' that have rJiscd concerns about the Democratic Party. mated 98 percent success rate. potential for disturbances if the ··Voters ha\'C more faith in issues Some physicians and womcn·s proposition wins majority suppon than thcv hm·e in candidates:· said· groups have criticized Norplant on. Tuesdav. poli:ical analyst Sherry Bebitch the grounds that it is potentially The' proposition itself was Jeffc. cocrci\'c.

93 CHEVY S-10 lal,oe, V-6, ale, am/ fmcms,5,pd,1-lirw, 25,xxx ... $10,500. "57·2210. 91 MITSUBISHl EClJPSE GSX. .C wf-t ~.. t;,rl»J,.,~=~r· Good conc1. 90 EJiGlf TAION TSi TURBO AWO ~:i::;::r.;-~_tti:it 88 OiEVYSI0 lrudt. 50 ~s~~if ·

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CALICO CAT OFF 13-wesl ol C.•pl•te •-•uMe Set-vices Ccrbondole. 687·3718 • IIIJtl-,: Di....io1ion & The,;, IJ'A/3, IJ'A/,t, Turcbion, MIA Losar,7days./week WoaH-Pflfecllyl 457°S6SS.

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The·D~E . ·ctassi:fteds­ Reaf)S .:R~stll!S! ican ·536~3:311 November 3, 1994 ~yEgypdan Page13

.Doonesbifry ;­ a

·~,, ==. ~7-;;~t.·',,: ~ :Sfioe}; _by J~ff MacNelly SINGLE·St1CES·byPelerKohlsaat. 'a ••• ~-·"'""'L.,,. ~"::"!'. ;:11.(1.\<;e W\e ... wtto •• -:f. i\\i,; c;t..,I Th·,., ·,c; "" t"~Ch?' ii_jho.yrcni~ 'f'

Calvin and Hobbes Ge\ o~f ';he RlRG'c:T lf,"'Of.. S>11t1<3, T'fim\:.~.

Mother.Goose and Grimm MASSAGE PARLOR

Sl1t1Allll SIP &ii • YAIS E; . . . 110 II 12 U IIClllAla l'1E S T I NIO N • WlH11il1f &It !Ill • fl A·1 Al •" -&UI 1 L·s • E AIG Lt£ T, .. •·• .. •mt11GLE• c·••11 o;LEJ P U'Jlltlt D • ,1 011 Ii• G- .22 A LIF•D E CIA P• D11 01D E. ,I' 110!1 • R OIP fll • A U1£ Ill ~ T •1•l•1• •1•101• •• sla o --~· 1• -Ii UTT l N•H tlA L1E. D I TIAIRIL IT • flA N·D Yll l' N OJTUtD • I ClAIR Ol•-- A OJIIT• G l EIGIA lll OIU S! l &nil• LU LIU • AIR UN 1, , • ,mo• ET T!Z • Mi[.,~ 11~,i Page 14 Daily Egyptian ~ovemlx:" 3, 1994 Hill could$~f~: ,i;~9~,g:r.atp;J~tAQn'8 · NelYsday Warriors, and Shawn Kemp of tJie championships, unJike baseball and· · · · · · : · ~ · · · · · ·· · · · · Seattle Supersonics. hockey this year. · . ,:·. Tlii Daily Egyptian Congratulates the wiriner.f Will rookie Grant Hill be the next ''Grant Hill is the one," Hill, who led Duke University · ··fL'· · -. · k ·th W ·&··c __ .J Expo marlcetingsuperstarofthebasketball said Nova Lanlctree, president of intci the NCAA Final Four last I O_ nee tic ets tO: e ine ·ruuu : world? · Lanktree Spans Celebrity Network spring, has already signed a five- : ~ · . : : . · · · Ley!a. Ar__ san_·. · · With the start of the National in 'Chicago. -"He is.bright, he is year, multimillion-;dolliir contract .. Basketball Association season only articulate, be is handsome. And with Fila, includiriirPl_ans for a. Carla Coppi: ~• three days away, sports marketing. . Grant seems to have tboce i$ngll>le Grant Hill shoe line an1hlltima1ely . . Su~ t¢lgreif · experts say the Detroit Piston:: magjcqu_a)ities."·.,; ;-, · • , an apparel Jine: GMC Truck,is, ·"._-_':__ ·_.Judi.._;..f __ -..:.::::.._,:_;.. forward has the best chance to breaJf;·: ;But, l:.imktree ailds;tbe marketing expected to announce that it is - WI. .J.t'.li.lJ.'15.llAll11 through in the lucrative business of', ·crown is still "a'.!i.f.tle'. _bit up for signing Hill to an eodoisement deal. ..·s·teph:en' ·w·n·· Iiams. . . ~ts. · \/:'/grabs.; And Leo,~1@.~rmato, And Schick Shaving Proclucts, an ,t ... But they add that it is too soon to president of Management, Plus in officiaJ NBA sponsor,:has signed ,;:_,:, n··: :ily:Egjp- , ·-: ·· ·. ···; •· predict whether Hill will get';·.-Los{~les,saidoUlillf!'thejwy Hillasariofficialspokesnianforthe' · · ,~ · -· · ,· • . •~Oft anywhere near the madceting inigbf ;.isoui.".. ~.f: .. -;..·,:,':\-:';/ "1995 Schick Rookie G~e" on ._ '. • u_,· . .· _' . _, : _U_-_. U-i..1. of such established stars as Cliarles' >: •Basketballistiiis:me being aided lNTinFebrumy. " · Barkley or Shaquill~ O'Neal, let: by;tlie facl'that tlie:season will ''There may be·room for Hill, but ,--,._ ,/_11 . alone megastar Michael Jonlan. · actually stait'::2i(prospecitbat w~ beyond that it's tricky," said Brian J. Other new contenders include uncertain tintil last week...;_ and is Murphy; pub1isber of Sports Chris Webber of the Golden State guaranteed to play right through the Marketing Letter. Pippen shines, yettrild_e ~OOl11i:11g The Baltimore Sun You remember the playoffs. But on ,the eve of.. the 199:4-95 Pippen pouted when be was asked season, Pippen is hai:iiilY in a Bulls The exhibition opener between to throw - rather than receive ~ uniform and once :again assuming the Chicago Bulls and Washington the inbounds pass with 1.8 seconds the role of the team leader. Bullets was nearing the end, and left in a tied Game 3 of the Eastern Pippen will have quite a bit of Scottie Pippen was settled Conference semifinals against the input in just bow good the Bulls comfortably at the end of the New York Knicks. Appearing to will be. He did fine wt season, the Chicago bench. quit on bis team, he received Bulls' first without MicbaeJ Jordan, But when the Bullets tied it with criticism that might have ruined the leading the team in scoring (22 per 1.9 seconds left, Bulls Coach Phil average player. game) and assists (5.6): Now, with Jackson needed someone to throw He was· the Most Valuable Player the departure _of Horace Grant an inbounds pass, and he called on in last year's All-Star Game, made (Orlando Magic) , and Bin his all-star forward. Pippen first-team All-NBA and was Cartwright (Supersonics), the laughed heartily as he took the ball considered by many to be the most spotlight on Pippen will be intense. from the official. complete player in the game. Yet, The demands will be intense as In that one sequence, the seven­ during the off-i.eason the Bulls well. Jackson is looking for Pippen year vete.rnn demonstrated that any nearly traded Pippen to the Seattle to lead the team in scoring, ill feelings between him and SupcrSonics for Shawn Kemp, and rebounding and assists, and at times Jackson from last year's playoffs even talked about dealing their one to assume the role of a point ~ wcl'e put aside. true star to the Bullets. forward. Saluki Athletic Pass Holilers ENTERPRISE Season Basketball Tickets av111ilallle RENT-A--CAR··--® THURSDAY NOV. 3, 8:30 a.m. . Over 1,600 offices coast lo coast. SIU Athletic Ticket ~ffice, SIU Arena Need to Rent-A-Car? You'll Love Our SJ?ecial FIRST COME FIRST SERVED!! 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•. ~~' ~'.~0: ,•S~&ou.:r:.~,·.}i~ -·-~'D-:&.a_ ~~~~~: ~~~":..~~~~~.~U~;:; =:c 1 ft/ . high, and had nine service a~ in a weekend. SMSU is still in the aces and two block solos'against · · ·• " " · ;~$ ~;.~ ~1til~~i!:r$~~~~~·suc~~$JiM(toie~'e1JA~l:lt.i~tlri who knocked off the Redbirds last i~ the Shockers' two. matche.~ last week, and then travels 'to7ndi:ina week. State to battle the Sycamores The Shockers play host to Northwestern College of Chiropractic Sunday. Southern Illinois Friday and is now ampting appliationi for its nut thrtt enming dams. Bradley won its first ever match Evansville Saturday. (~.pnl 1995, September 1m, jinuar, 199f) against Illinois State last week on Indiana State's senior setter its way to winning three sir.tight Tracy Swystun moved into fourth Genl'ml requu-emenl!I al lime of entry include: m:itchcs and remain one match out place on the all-time Sycamore •, At lwt 2-l yem of :mdergraduate college in a health science or of third place in the Valley. charts with 408 games played in .b'iiic science degree program. (Inquire for a complete lin of Sf>'cific The Lady Braves' setter hercarecr. Michelle Pack has 2,894 career- Swystun also has 919 career-digs · requ1mrienu.) assists and is only 44 shy of which puts her in third place in the • A minimum G.P .A. ol U. (A more competitive G.P .A. is favored.) becoming the all-time assist leader Indiana State record books. • A" peilonal !ntmst in a career ai a primvy care phyiician. in school history. Creighton freshman outside Dmkc played host to Iowa State hitter Michelle Prorock had nine Northwestern Cel!~ge of Chiropraaic ollen a rigorous fo~r year prolmional Tuesday evening, and beat the aces in two Lady Jay victories last edua.tion., Our lows on science. diagnosis, chiropraaic methods, patifnt Cvclones for the first time in 12 weekend. She had five against care· 'and fmarch pl'O'lides our graduates with the matches. Tulsa and another four at Missouri- iook thiynetd to work ai primuy are physicians in the health Qff Drake ha~ the chance to remain Kansas City. environment l:WCC is fully accredited by Nonh Centnl Association ol atop the leader board this weekend, Evansville was swept by Saint Co~~ei ~d ·Schools and tht Counol on Chiropraaic Education. when the Bulldogs host fifth place Louis University Tuesday. The Southwest Missouri State and sixth Aces face Creighton and Wichita place Indiana State. State this weekend. Southwest Missouri State Tulsa's two freshman sensations finally reached .500 for the first came through last weekend for the ,,__ Vollelball -RE-ELE€T. 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS -.JACKSON COUNTY -TREASURER M=i "J •~ Stancbngs !Shirley· :Dillinger EXPERIENCE WORKS Team ca , · 2 ic,;_, L"l~ipl, ))~~ th:m \\11m I tmkt:,flkc, ·e·.···.... · 'k·.--,- ·.. --.•.--. ~'; . Ollllpl;tL'li:t."1 offi~c. auJi!L-J )-eu-lr ~ <'11.Jt.>I, lllinui, l\.T'I_. ufRL'WllllC Tr.tilling. j,§'!/ ~~~n S. resident ,~}Yicffila'~le :Parents: Roort& ~tfi Rayillorid Dillinger: . _ML'lll"':Tllf~1c•_lw..lbt~~iin:l~:m'\y.~~iny•hy,h~, i ., _ . '. . . -_ , . · , : · _. _ ·.. · AlllL'nC.111 u1-~c1n Amiahary, --· · ·: · ~1,nc1~·:&~tcile. 1( -~ . ---....--:..t.t\' '.Husband: 'E. Wa~-Bo6ker . ,: .. ·J: tvfo11!-..,-p,r1~,n,blcCityCiti:i.'11..\d\·i:.ll)'& Creighton 1 .. • ·•· <, ;,; · -,- __ / :·:, _._·. :. · Pl\...... ,'f\,1ti1>11C>111mittL~'····. Evansville ;Son: Attorryey Bruce W. ~ker, Carbondale •., · ,: VOTE>#' 123 Tulsa -~~-.; • ,i -: ~·- ·.: ;: . ;- , ( . - , ... ~ _v: • . ' - , ... , - " , " , · YOU~ VOTE & ~UPPORT W()ULD BE ,GREAT-LY_JWfJ!~CIATED (Results ~s of Tuesday, Nov. ·2) · . PAID FOR sv coMM1n~e ro· Re~etec~ tiH!RLEX i;i99~~K\ ..:,_ -.:: .., _ Source: MVC Sporis Info by Jonnihr Rcnm, Daay Egyptian No\'cmh.:r3. 199-l Spo~s. Dail~ Eit,ptian • "io111h..rn lllinoi'> I nht•r,,itJ al ( ·.irhorulalt· Saluki ·Qriclder~ ::_ran Ii( tiiQh in charts By Grant Deady 17. snmconc -·- ----·-· ------Sports Editor had to slcp up in the • As Saluki foo1hall hem!, down SIUC sec­ Da'99~ on th_e Charts the fin:11 stretch of what has ondary ;rnd• cmnmnnly hccn rcforrcd Ill as a t.ikc· com-·. Severaf~luki football players rank among rchuilding year. some ynung m:md. . players have emerged as a solid Los Ang­ the Gateway Conferences top individual foundation for the furun:. eles n:11ivc performers. II", impn"ihlc to ignore the Darnell numhcr of Saluki ph1ycr, that Hendricks appear among the Gateway a,sumcd lhc Category Player Ranking Total Cnnfcrcncc·s top stathtic:il leadership leaders when one pour, over the rule and clcva11:d hi1rn,clf to schnol fonthall hot-bed state of league numhcrs thmugh the first one of the most respected Florid.i and currently leads the Pass bniak·ups Darnell Hendricks No.1 9 nine \\Cck,. dcfcndc~ in lhc Gateway. Gateway in kickoff return. while Tackles Brian l ranchitella No:2 89 The Dawg dcfon,c. especially. Hcndrich. a junior. r,mks first ranking second in total running Tony Seman No.3 86 i, displaying some of the in the league in pass hn:aks-ups. yanls. Tammy Anderson No.4 79 Garcwav·, most consistent ~ccond in intcrccptions and 1-lth Saluki qu.irtcrhack Dine Interceptions Darnell Hendricks No.2 4 Pierson is also compiling some perfonncrs. in tackle~. Sacks David Jacobs No.3 5 Leading rhc charge for the SIUC Rounding- off the Saluki hcfly slats in the total offense dcfcn,i\'c unir i, it, linchacking dcfcn,h-c st:111d11111' arc junior category. Arglista Scott No.3 5 ,:rcw of juniors: llrian Tran­ college transfer Da,·id .Jacohs Pierson is ralcd 1hird with a All-purpose yards Melvin Dukes No.-2 673 (109 yd avg.) chil•:lla and Tonv Seman. and C(1 •• I··. 255) an·d red-shirt 167 yard-per-game :1veragc Kickoff returns Melvin Dukes No.1 26ydavg. ,ophonmn:. Tommy Andcr..on. freshman Arglista Scott C6' .2... hchind Northern Iowa QB Brett Punting · Mark Gagliano No.3 41.2 yd avg. Thi, Saluki thn:c,omc rank-, 21111. . o· Dunnell I IIB.5 yard ;1vg. I Total offense Dave Pierson No.3 167yd avg. ,ccnnd. third and fourth on the facohs. a na1ivc of P.isadcna. and Western Illinois signal Galcway·, leading tackler list. Calif.. and Scnlt. a product of caller Roh St. Sauvcr ( I 90 yard Source: Goi-oy Conlerenc:e fOOllx,Q by Jenni~ Ronen, Doly Egyptian trailing only hchind Eastern Chic.igo·s Catholic lcaguc an: lied avg.) Illinois' Tim C:1rwr. whn ha, 1IIJ for rhc G:11cw.1y·~ thin! spot wilh Two-time Gateway special Gagliano·s 41.2 yard punling Snurhwcsl Missouri St.ilc puntcr. ,top, on the season. ti\-c ,ack, a pk~-c. . teams player-of-the-week l\larc average is good enough for 1he Chris Hurst is second in ·1hc When prcsca,nn All-Gateway Offcn~ively.' so11humorc Gagliano continues 10 post confen:ncc•s thin! h.:st r.iting. hut Gateway wi1h a 415 y.inl avcmgc. ,1rong ,;1fc1y Jim Craven, wcnl 1.iilh:1ck l\leMn Dukes is m.iking impressive numhers in a lc.iguc lhe sophomore from Collierville. while WIU punier Buck Phillips is dnwn with a ,casnn-cnding knee wa\·cs ;111 11\'cr the licld. overflowing with consistent Tenn. is less than a yanl behind his . pacing the league at 42.6 yanls per injury al Arkansas State on Sept. Dukes comes from the high kickers. superiors.. an empt. Thousands Men's golf enc,ls fall season-on up beat By Doug Ourso. . m.;king too many lhn.-c-puns. pay tribute Senior Reporter'" ·:Ifs ,not fun 10 pr.icticc the ~hurt game.'' he s.iid ... Kids wanl to see The SIUC men•~ golf f.ill sca.\on 1hc ball lly a long way n,11 hunched to Jordan is o\'cr. but the MJUad will be taking O\'er pmcticing 1hcir pulling. But if Newsday 11111111cn1um _into lhe spring schedule you,.wanl good scores you ha\'c tu coming off its best performance of work on thai pan of1hc game," CHICAGO-He huilt the the year. ' · During the uff.,cason the men's arena. filled it with plush 111c S.ilukis shut 883 wirh rounds lcam will lift weights and study ,cats and skyhoxcs. and nf 300. 297 and 291 in the Elkin"s vid~-..11.ipes lo impmvc lhcir swings. claims he will ncwr play in Lake· Invitational at Hunlsvillc. ..We had lroublc, especially a it. Sn what heller way for Texas. finishing 11th in the couple of our freshman. at hitting the city of Chicago (the 1ournament. long off the tee. so we an: going to entire ,pons world. actually> SIUC golf L"txlch Gene Shaneyfelt spend a lnl of lime in the weight to honor ~lich:1cl Jordan said this is the besl score he ha... seen room." Shaneyfelt said. "The rhan to giw him his night fmm his team. freshmen will also spend a lot of and his statue at the new "This is the h·est team score time watching .i lot of video lapc United Center'! They tried to cover his wc·\'e in my 1wo and a half h.:causc lhcy ha\'cn·t received a 101 thb-b-ynur-lifc event years here. And if you check the of instruction h.:fnn: coming hen: ... Tui:,da)' night in two hours records. it's the best an SIU team One of the surpriSl..'S of foll sea.son when 21XJ wen: needed. But has done in se\'cn or eight years:• for the Salukis wa.~ the play of Erik ,incc thi~ Salute to Michael he said. · Pieper and Aaron Pieper. Jordan was made-for-TNT. "If we could ha\'c shot like this at "Bolh of them have really prime time had to do. It had our firsl fi\'c tournaments. we would surprised me the way lhey have 10 capture the csscnce of our ha\'e won them:· played this year:· he said ...,f those era's Bahe Ruth. It had to The team's success can be two continue to improve 1hey will he gi\·c 2 I.IXXJ fans the chance auributcd to the better play in the big contribulors tn the team.'' 111 "'h again and ofliciatly short game. · Shaneyfelt said he also expects say good-hye. And it had to "\Ve worked hard on our shorl Stc\'e Irish and Quinn McClure 10' rry and convince Michael game lhesc few weeks and our ha\'c big spring campi!igns. nnc last time that he was team has really improved in that _ .. Sieve and Quinn arc our best m.iking ;i huge mistake hy area," he said. :·our kids told me players but they didn't have a really !caving for good. early in the season that their shon good fall. so I. expect them to No luck on the effort. . ... ~1; · game wa.~ good enough. But afler 1hc .. ; improve this upcoming season," he But it scon.'tl on the other -'-· .M::, first ·couple or tournaments. I knew said. two. Jordan bathed in the ...... Staff Ph~to by Chris _Gauthier.·· we had to work on that area more." The Salukis will start lhcir spring dripping tcstimcinials. Steve Irish, a senior In management from Phoenix, ArlL ; Shaneyfelt said 1hat hitting the scht.'tlule on Man:h 17,_in the Emhry• chuckled at Da- Supcrfans. and member of the SIUC men's golf team, putts.on the 'fairways and greens in regulation Riddle. Daytona hummed along with Boyz II Crab Orchard g~lf course Wednesday~ ·, :"·:wa.~ nol a problem. but the team wa... Beach, Fla. · · Men and along with his three ,;ids. pulled his No. 23 Bull, jersey In the rafters. The tribute covered Los~ b~m.p spi~ers to third iOMVC Jordan·, hasketball career from start to finish. 11 By. Sean Walk~ ..··.: . . . . 29, and iJr.;kc: . . . . bettc; in 10 malches this sca.,;on. . three matches in fron.t or Illinois progressed from Hair SlaH Reporter The Salukis set two school Junior SIUC seller:.. Kim Stale,.who is the only. team to Jord:111. Ill Air Jordan. to rcconls in it,; win over. the' Indiana Golebiewski mckcd up'.121 a.'i.,;ist,; defeat Northern Iowa all sca.,;on. · Scou~alc s~·orpion Jonlan. The Saluki volleyball team State. Sycamores in Carbondale. in 10 games la.,;t weekend 10 up her . _-The Panthers host Tulsa and They hruught forth former slipped inlo third place after two The win marked SWC_'s ninth· ·sca."lm average to-10.4 a.,;sisls per~- Southwcs_l-Missouri Stale this ha,kcthall stars and past disappointing l\fosouri Valley consecutive win at h;imc and.its. game. She is currcnlly'in•firth ,weekend and could equal the ,tar, who. if they were Conference losses in Da\'ics · I Ith consecutive victory:·which are "place on SIUC's all-time assist. school's·longcst winning streak. hunc,t. would admit to Gymna.,ium la.'il w~-ckcnd. both all-ti~ highs forlhc Salukis. chart, and is only 135 assists Northern Iowa is also trying to playing untfaucring mies in SIUC is,.i malch behind 1'Ceond In Ilic loss 1011linois Stale.junior behind 1e-.1mmatc Kim Ca.'i.~dy for · ·extend ils winning streak to No. 28' Jonlan highlight footagc. plaL-c Illinois Slate after the loss lo middle blocker. Kelly Parke hi~ fourth: .ind 29 wi1h the two _victoric.,; and the Redbirds lastwcckcnd. The .500 to give her a :571 altack. Northern· Iowa can clinch the mnve a step closcrto the sctinol see FAREWELL, page 15 S:ilukis arc a· match ilhead 'or percentage against the Redbirds top Sl..-cd in lhc MVC this weekend · · · · . Bmdley. who hlcw SIUC out Oct: this season; P..irkc. ha.~ h!I .400, Cir, 'with two wins. · The· Panthers _:ire . see THIRD, page _15 .'