Sedgwick Associates Chartered Town Planners 24 Queensbrook, Spa Road, Bolton BL1 4AY. Tel 01204 522236 E-mail:
[email protected] . Planning Statement In support of an application by Hollins Strategic Land LLP for outline planning permission for the erection of up to 70No. dwellings at land off Crewe Road, Alsager June 2014 sa/ms/4458/PS CONTENTS Section Page 1 Introduction 2 2 The Application Site and its Setting 3 3 Relevant Town Planning History 8 4 Planning Policies 9 5 Consultation 15 6 Evaluation 18 7 Conclusions 25 sa/ms/4458/PS Sedgwick Associates 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. This Statement is written on behalf of Hollins Strategic Land LLP in support of an application for outline planning permission (all matters reserved other than access) for the erection of up to 70No. dwellings at land off Crewe Road, Alsager. Town planning considerations that are relevant to determining the application are reviewed and the statement identifies important considerations which support the proposals. 1.2. The Council has a shortage of deliverable housing land. The proposals would make a valuable contribution towards reducing the deficit in a sustainable manner. The proposals comply with the policies of NPPF as a whole and will result in economic, social and environmental benefits which are not significantly and demonstrably outweighed by any adverse impacts. 1.3. These benefits include, and are not limited to, significantly enhancing existing features of ecological interest and promoting biodiversity gain by pond and habitat creation with substantial landscaping; the creation of public open space (POS) that will provide opportunities for leisurely walks, responding directly to a recognised need in Alsager; and, providing development in a highly sustainable and accessible location, as recognised by the Inspector who examined the Congleton Local Plan.