Player's Football Injury Brings Catholic Schools and Faith Community Together
Inside Gathering in faith African Mass celebrates archdiocese’s various Criterion cultures, page 10. Serving the Church in Central and Souther n Indiana Since 1960 December 10, 2010 Vol. LI, No. 11 75¢ Meaning of Advent season is lost by rushing Christmas celebration, bishop says John Shaughnessy Photo by SALT LAKE CITY (CNS)— Salt Lake City Bishop John C. Wester has urged Catholics to hold off celebrating the Christmas season until it officially begins on the Church calendar on Dec. 24. In his first pastoral letter as Salt Lake City’s bishop, he urged the state’s Catholics to keep true to the spirit of Bishop John C. Wester Advent—a season of preparation which he said has been “neglected in many places,” and often “overshadowed by the holiday season.” The bishop, who was installed in 2007 as the shepherd of the statewide Catholic diocese, noted that in the rush and busyness of the Christmas season, many people miss out on its true meaning. “By the time that the actual solemnity of Christmas arrives, many of us are burned out. We are already tired of all the ‘Christmas hype.’ Christmas has become anticlimactic,” A frightening football injury to Nick Schnell, center, led many people in the Indianapolis Catholic community to pray for him after the Oct. 17 incident. he wrote. Following his recovery, he posed for a photo with his mother, Angie Schnell, and Kevin Watson, his fifth-grade teacher at St. Roch School in Indianapolis. Issued on Nov. 24, the letter is titled “Waiting in Joyful Hope.” It was published in the diocesan newspaper, Intermountain Player’s football injury brings Catholic Catholic, which is online at
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