Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force PHASE 2 REPORT • 2012 © Australian Human Rights Commission 2012. This work is protected by copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part may be used or reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Australian Human Rights Commission. Enquiries should be addressed to Communications Team at:
[email protected] ISBN 978-1-921449-29-1 Acknowledgements The Australian Human Rights Commission thanks the following people for their assistance with the Review: The Review Team Review Panel: Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick (Chair), Professor Marian Baird, Ms Sam Mostyn, Mr Mark Ney, Dr Damian Powell Review Secretariat: Director: Alexandra Shehadie; Research Director: Marlene Krasovitsky; Executive Officer: Natasha de Silva Research Team: Elena Campbell, Jeremy Etkind, Patrick Haid, Lisa Pusey, Tanaya Roy, Kylie Stephen Support Team: Lynette Garrick, Simone Guirguis Consultants: Christine Fougere, Janet Menzies, David Tan, Roy Morgan Research Defence Liaison Officers SQNLDR F James, CMDR A Westwood The Sex Discrimination Commissioner wishes to thank the following additional people who assisted the Review: Alison Aggarwal; Bridget Akers; Nathan Borgelt; LTCOL Gwenda Caspersonn; LCDR Sue Cunningham; Simone Cusack; Annebelle Davis; LTCOL John Duff; Graeme Edgerton; COL Natasha Fox; COL James Gaynor CSC; WGCDRE Dee Gibbon; Darren Grogan; Steven House; Emily Jacka; Leo Li; Michelle Lindley; Kim Malafant; Brinsley Marlay; Lee McCormick; Ron McLay; Julie O’Brien; William O’Brien; Russell Philbey; Diala Raad; Padma Raman; Tracey Raymond; CAPT Katherine Richards; Marcie Richards; Jane Seymour; Matthew Stanton; Ellen Swavley; Jodie Vaile; Terry Wang; Kenny Xie; Neo Zou Photography Photos on pages 18, 40, 72, 86, 214, 248, 298 Thinkstock.