
Lacy Phillips: Welcome to Supported. We have Dani, Danielle Beinstein, but I call her Dani Beinstein here, who's a psychological astrologer. She's my personal astrologer and who I process all of my own work with, so, whenever people are inquiring for sessions, because I'm not really doing them much anymore, I'm always like, "Go to Dani! She's the best." You know, it's who I call whenever I have anything come up, I'm triggered, and she's incredible because we really speak the same language. We believe in all of the same things and we process in very similar ways. She just has the extra bonus added of understanding astrology and what to do about it in terms of astrologically, what's going on for you, what's been going on for you and what's to come for you. So, let's get right into it.

Danielle B: Thank you for having me, by the way.

Lacy Phillips: Oh yes, I'm so happy to have you here. This is exciting. It's been one of the ones I'm really looking forward to, especially because I'm only really familiar with my own inventory I've taken from signs and kind of I see them in my practice, but you're the full shebang.

Lacy Phillips: And, one thing that Dani always says to me because I have all these theories about different sun signs and manifestation, she's like, "There's a whole chart. It means so little." So, let's get into it.

Danielle B: But like, anywhere we are. I know it's so funny, if we're at a restaurant, you always ask the waitress-

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, the waiter.

Danielle B: What their sign is, which I love.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, and I can always be like ... I can guess, too, usually.

Danielle B: Yeah, you're good.

Lacy Phillips: With, you know, just sun, though, nothing else except sometimes with men, I'll be like, "Oh, he has like a Sag moon or something." I'm getting better at moons, guessing moons to go with the sun sign.

Danielle B: I love it. It's amazing.

Lacy Phillips: All right, so question number one: I'd love to know more about the importance of my sun sign. I depend on it for so long. I've depended on it for so long because of all the astrological information out there, but after digging deeper into the topic, sometimes I feel like my sun sign isn't as important as I thought. What are your thoughts on that?

Danielle B: So, the sun sign is your essence. It's how you shine in the world, right? So, if you're not shining through that lens, then there's a dysfunction. Something is off. That being said, there are ten celestial bodies in a chart, and, how they interact with one another has a huge impact.

Lacy Phillips: It's kind of like kundalini. It's wild.

Danielle B: Yeah, there's so many, so many layers and so for example, my sun sign is sandwiched between Jupiter and Saturn. Literally, they're all within like four degrees, so, I'm a Virgo, but Saturn and Jupiter together, it's both the teacher, the disciplinarian, but also the expander. So, taken together with Virgo, which is very usually humble and quiet and doesn't wanna speak ... I obviously like to speak and I'm louder than a lot of natal Virgos might be without that sort of scaffolding.

Danielle B: So, you have to take into account what else is surrounding the sun, what's aspecting the sun. It's not just the sun itself. So, basically, my Virgo sun has both a twinge of a Sagittarian flavor and a Capricorn flavor.

Lacy Phillips: Before we get really going ... now I'm like, we want people to pull out their charts. What is your favorite place for layman's regular person to go pull up their chart right now?

Danielle B: Just astro.com.

Lacy Phillips: Astro.com? I always do like Cafe Astrology's, but astro.com.

Danielle B: I like Cafe Astrology, too. I think astro.com also has amazing articles on it as well, but yeah, you can do it on Cafe Astrology, too.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, so somebody just pulled up their chart, let's say. You've just gone into what the sun sign determines a little bit, the essence. It's how you shine in the world. Let's give them the other top two that everyone's like, "What's your ..." in LA, it's like your business card, "What's your sun rising?"

Danielle B: It is so true.

Lacy Phillips: It's so true, it's like, totally.

Danielle B: That cliché could not be more true. It's just hilarious.

Lacy Phillips: What would you say the moon represents and then your rising represents?

Danielle B: So, the moon is the emotional landscape. It really can't be negotiated with. It's your needs ... not your wants, but your needs, and then your rising sign is how you present yourself to the world, so, essentially your conditioned mask.

Lacy Phillips: Amazing.

Danielle B: So, the personality that we develop as a result of our childhood.

Lacy Phillips: It could be your ego shell, like I call it in manifestation.

Danielle B: Beautiful. I love that terminology. That's exactly what it is.

Lacy Phillips: And with you, 'cause that's such a big part of this process is like: you need to break that shell down. Well, this is a two-part question. If you were ... if somebody was focusing on how to be more magnetic based on just this top three, and they were wanting to break something down and lead more from their authenticness, would it be leaning more into their moon or ... I know that still just scratches the surface.

Danielle B: I mean, I'm sure we're going to get into this in later questions, but really the planet that you're dealing with with manifesting is Venus.

Lacy Phillips: That's what I was thinking, yeah, yeah.

Danielle B: 'Cause Venus is how we attract, but that being said, the moon is where we store our trauma.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, so that's where you can kind of dig out the work.

Danielle B: Yes.

Lacy Phillips: 'Cause, for instance, being a Capricorn, moon, growing up, as you know very well ... there's just, I feel like, so much trauma, being that in general in society 'cause we're so ahead and bossy and too adult for our own age and everyone's just kind of annoyed with us when we were little.

Lacy Phillips: Let's say somebody's ... I just remember my family being really annoyed with all of those characteristics. If someone's impacting that through the work and also the course that you'll be putting out very soon, which deals with the chakra system; it deals with really, really going into the unconscious and bringing it conscious. What are some ways they can look at their chart a little bit with those top ... or whatever other planets and houses you suggest 'cause they're looking at their planets and houses right now on their chart where they can kind of look to see where maybe some of the work will live through those signs and characteristics.

Danielle B: So, it's the fourth house. So, the fourth house is our roots, our ancestry, our home, our psychological conditioning. It's associated with the moon. Each house in the chart is associated with a sign. So, it's associated with Cancer, which is tricky.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, okay. I just imagine your disciples who just love you so much for a Cancer, and they're just thinking, "Oh my God, would she not-" No, I love Cancers. I love them. Double Cancers are tricky, but I love them.

Danielle B: No, I think it's: I'm a Cancer rising, so I understand. There's a lot of emotionality, and any time you have a lot of emotionality and a lot of complex emotions that are clouding the clarity of manifestation, there's some unpacking that needs to be done, which is why I think you always say that Aries is the fastest manifester, because it's the first sign. It's the first out of the gate. It's uncomplicated. It's very pure.

Lacy Phillips: It's uninhibited.

Danielle B: It's uninhibited. It goes directly for what it wants. It's not afraid to move outside of its comfort zone. It has a bad rep for being selfish, but in a culture where we teach women not to have boundaries, Aries-

Lacy Phillips: Or boundaries are bad.

Danielle B: Right, right. Aries women tend to be stronger in their use of boundaries, so, in saying, no-

Lacy Phillips: It's like they don't even understand that they're something different, so they seem self absorbed but they're just like, "Yep, yep, yep, onto what I want. Here's what I'm doing," unapologetically.

Danielle B: Yep, "This is what I want. I'm not thinking about anything else. I'm going after it. It's a direct route."

Lacy Phillips: So, somebody's looking at that fourth house and they're pulling up their sign even though the house is attached to the moon in Cancer, but yours is your sign. Let's say they're kind of reading an astro.com a little bit more about that fourth house and learning about whatever their sign is in that fourth house. What is the gleaning information they can take from ... 'cause everyone's is different. Some are overlapping, but like the gleaning information they can take from that particular planet in that house, that sign in that house.

Danielle B: Right, that cusp. It's really the psychological conditioning.

Lacy Phillips: For example?

Danielle B: And, it's how they were mothered or parented by the parent that has the subtler psychological effect, whereas the 10th house, which is opposite, is more the external, which traditionally is the paternal.

Lacy Phillips: Patriarch, yeah.

Danielle B: Right. so, you look at that and then you look at how that's effected you over time. For example, if someone has ... 'cause Saturns in Capricorn right now and a lot of your readers and followers are going through their Saturn return, right? So, if you have, let's say, Capricorn in the fourth, then it's very likely that you felt unnurtured growing up, so you felt undervalued and you felt that your needs didn't matter or that you had to buck up or that you had to work very hard or earn certain things, you're going to have to break that down.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, okay, great, great, great, that your true authenticity isn't reflected in that at all.

Danielle B: Right, whereas if you had Pisces on that cusp, which is nowhere and everywhere, you may have a harder time pinpointing what it is that you want and actually feeling worthy of it because you had a caregiver or parent who was not really there or an addict of some kind.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, yeah, absolutely.

Danielle B: So, you may seek what I call carrot danglers, right, as opposed to something that is very concrete.

Lacy Phillips: And ready and available for you.

Danielle B: Yes, instead of, "I'm dreaming this up or if I just do this, then ..." right?

Lacy Phillips: Exactly. I love that. And of course, if this all sounds like mumbo jumbo, hop on the line and do a session 'cause you'll be able to lay it out in the full picture.

Danielle B: Yeah, it's hard to sort of appeal to everybody when talking about something like this because it's so complicated and-

Lacy Phillips: And so deep.

Danielle B: There's so much cookie cutter BS out there, which, I understand for monetary reasons or to monetize it, people do put out horoscopes or things like this, and I understand that, but a lot of times, it confuses people more because charts are so specific just like human beings are so specific.

Lacy Phillips: I agree entirely. So, for the person who feels a little bit more advanced in astrology, you're always monitoring, you check out your fourth house and you're kind of familiar with what that sign is in the fourth house, it's basically this, looking at who nurtured you from more of the maternal standpoint, and then associating with the sign or looking at the dichotomy between the two of what might be missing psychologically and what you didn't receive and really needed. That's where you'll be doing the digging to get truer into your authentic self.

Danielle B: That's exactly it and so beautifully articulated. It's that you're gonna seek whatever it is that you're trying to manifest from the lens of that conditioning.

Lacy Phillips: I see. And, what you really need to do is decondition that.

Danielle B: So you can use your Venus. But, you should use your Aries 'cause everyone has Aries in their chart.

Lacy Phillips: Everyone, yes, yes, yes. I have way too much, I feel.

Danielle B: But it's funny. Everything else has been harder for me to manifest, but I have Aries in my tenth, which is the house of career, and I was raised by an entrepreneur, so, once I made the decision, I did manifest that sooner. So, looking for where you have Aries in your chart may also be beneficial as well.

Lacy Phillips: Absolutely. I really believe that completely, and we'll get into Venus a little bit later even though we're looking at Venus's planet because I think somebody asks that question and we can really impact Venus in a whole because that's really something that anyone can check out in their chart-

Danielle B: 100%.

Lacy Phillips: And get familiar with your attraction style. And, unless you're Aries/Venus like me-

Danielle B: Just do what you want.

Lacy Phillips: No, we actually had someone ... I had to change the question to make it a little bit more streamlined, but they're like, "Is Venus and Aries a bad thing?" And I'm like, "No, no it's not. It makes it one step a kind of a little bit easier but not really depending on how you were conditioned growing up, too, because I had a lot of work I had to do around all sorts of stuff with that.

Danielle B: It's liberating.

Lacy Phillips: Yes, exactly, liberating, yes, exactly undaunted, exactly. Which planets and houses in the birth chart are important in looking how a person manifests? So, I guess we can kind of get into Venus a little bit more and Mars, another one.

Danielle B: Yes, so, the second house ... there are 12 houses just like there are 12 signs.

Lacy Phillips: So, when you're looking at your chart on astro.com, you'll see your 12 planets here and your houses right here, the 12 next to it, so that's what we're talking about right here, the second one, and your rising sign is technically your first house, right?

Danielle B: Yes, it's your first house cusp.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, when people are like, "What's your ..." your sun is here. Your moon is right below it in the planets, and then over here, the first house is your rising.

Danielle B: Yes.

Lacy Phillips: Great, and so now we're talking about the second house.

Danielle B: Right, so the first house is, "Here I am. It's personal identity."

Lacy Phillips: Meanwhile, everybody has their charts in the room. I love that always. It's great. Sorry to cut you off.

Danielle B: No, that's amazing. So, the first house is ... if you think about a baby being born, it's like, "This is my personal identity. This is my essence. This is how I present to the world."

Lacy Phillips: Ooh, that's your authentic self, in a way.

Danielle B: In a way it is, yes, right? This is how I present, right? This is my physical presentation.

Lacy Phillips: Like, "I'm a and I have big eyebrows. I wanna be seen. It's all of these things." Yeah, every Leo I know has big eyebrows, but I'm a Leo rising.

Danielle B: I think the hair.

Lacy Phillips: The hair, the physical, like your signature physical presentation. What's yours, Cancer?

Danielle B: I'm Cancer. So, I ... you know I totally am and I had to come out of my shell, and I had to, you know, because I'm also ... I can be maternal when I meet people or I can be very reserved. I can crawl into my shell, so yes. So, that's how I presented. I was conditioned by my upbringing where I felt that I had to mother because I was unmothered.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, 1,000%, yeah.

Danielle B: My mom will never see this, so it's all good.

Lacy Phillips: No, you're totally fine here, yeah.

Danielle B: She can't even work a cell phone, so we're good.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, yeah, you're fine. I don't think she'd care, anyways, to even look it up like if it were out, not a problem.

Danielle B: Just my trauma. So, the second house is: a baby's born, right? And, then it's like, "What's the next developmental stage?" Mine, mine.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, trying to have a sense of control 'cause everything's out of control.

Danielle B: Right, so, "These are my physical possessions. This is what I own." As we grow up, the second house is how we draw our self-esteem or what we draw our self-esteem from. What are our values, right? How we use our personal talents and gifts for income, or can. It's income based on work, so not income based on commission or using other people's resources. Let's say if you bought a house with a loan and then sold a house and you netted whatever the profit is, that would be eighth, house, opposite the second house. So, the second house/eighth house access is really ... it's the money access.

Lacy Phillips: So, this is like if you're really looking at manifesting career-wise, especially?

Danielle B: Yes, so like opulence, right? So, the second house is gonna tell us what our unique talents are.

Lacy Phillips: And kind of it can give you clues of your purpose a little bit?

Danielle B: Yes, example: so, for example, I just think it's easier to use, first off, right?

Lacy Phillips: Something, yeah.

Danielle B: So, I'm Cancer rising, but my second house cusp is in Leo, and so, as much as I wanna hide, being a Virgo, too, and a Capricorn moon. I've got my Venus in Leo in the second house.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, wow.

Danielle B: So, that's been part of my growth, to say, "Oh, actually, I don't mind the attention, and actually, if I allow myself to receive attention, and I allow myself to be a little more shiny, I attract like that.

Lacy Phillips: Totally.

Danielle B: But I had to unpack the Capricorn moon to go after the V, and I've had a lot of ... so, this interesting. I have a Capricorn moon, which can feel highly unworthy, right, but my Venus and Leo is like, "Oh, no, I want that."

Lacy Phillips: And I need it.

Danielle B: And I need it, right, but my moon is like, "You do not need it. You do not need to work," right.

Lacy Phillips: So, it's that complete conflict.

Danielle B: So I had to unpack the conditioning of my moon in order to liberate my Venus to say, "I want that."

Lacy Phillips: I love that. And so, somebody, if they have the polar opposite in their second house in Venus ... let's say it's a Capricorn, let's say, where it does wanna. Or, let's even say more Cancery, like, wants to hide a little bit and protect itself. How can they be more in their authenticity and decondition to really attract from ... 'cause that's also a very magnetic state if it's not a false state, if it's a home state.

Danielle B: Right. So, Cancer's security-minded. It's also anything nurturing or associated with the breasts, so if they were to-

Lacy Phillips: Okay, yeah, cool, like that, yeah, uh-huh.

Danielle B: That's true, right? But, it's lunar, right? So, if they had any kind of career where it was about security, the home, real estate, that also falls under Cancer, anything dealing with mothering or nurturing, they're gonna manifest in that way.

Lacy Phillips: Beautiful, so really being okay, unpacking maybe any of the shinier sides you have that could be more like Leo and Aries and really being okay with being in that maternal inward and nurturing space, whatever capacity that comes out of.

Danielle B: Exactly, whereas if you have Aries, you're gonna manifest ... well, you're just gonna manifest. You're gonna manifest by being a pioneer, right, so, for just going after something.

Lacy Phillips: Unapologetic.

Danielle B: Also, yeah, anything that has a competitive side that you're comfortable in that competitive side.

Lacy Phillips: Great, and let's say someone like a Tauren, we haven't brought up like in that 'cause that just gives the Earth roundabout. What would that look like in the second house?

Danielle B: Well, they're actually gonna manifest, but it's gonna come 'cause they're so security-minded and because they like money.

Lacy Phillips: And they also like being unapologetic about loving opulence and fine things and champaign and the qualities.

Danielle B: Yes, the hedonism.

Lacy Phillips: Yes, exactly.

Danielle B: Not in a judgemental way, but in a ... right? So, they're gonna embrace their sensuality and they may have a career that has to do with appealing to beautiful sensual objects, for example.

Lacy Phillips: I always think of Meredith, our friend Meredith who I don't know if that's in her second house, but her son is Tauren, and she's like a beautiful chef and likes finer clothes and she's really classy that way and it works. Obviously, she's very magnetic with it.

Danielle B: Yes, and that's her sun sign, and right, and so that's an example of an earth sign manifesting.

Lacy Phillips: Amazing, so we have the second house covered in ratio to Venus ... no, 'cause Venus is fourth. Second house in ratio-

Danielle B: No, Venus is a planet. So, houses and planets are different. So, I happen to have Venus in my second house.

Lacy Phillips: Oh, that's why you're saying it. That's what the connection is, yeah.

Danielle B: But, you can have Venus in any of the 12 houses.

Lacy Phillips: Totally. Okay, that makes sense. So, I thought the fourth house was associated but I got that wrong, so scratch all that.

Danielle B: Yes, so, Venus is actually associated with the second house.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, naturally, normally. Okay, okay, okay, cool. So, that's why you say, "It's also the planet and a house to look at," beautiful.

Danielle B: Yes, but it's also associated with the seventh house.

Lacy Phillips: Great. And, the seventh house I also like love and attraction.

Danielle B: And partnership, right?

Lacy Phillips: Yeah.

Danielle B: Right. Because, Venus rules both Taurus and Libra.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, okay, cool.

Danielle B: So, when we're talking about attracting, it's like, that's why Libras tend to attract partners unless there's other things going on.

Lacy Phillips: Very easily, yeah, usually, unless there's a whole bunch of steps.

Danielle B: Because Libras are partner-oriented, so they need something to mirror off of.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, yeah, and they're natural codependents. They love ... it's true. I know it.

Danielle B: It's the shadow, big time. Yeah, codependents.

Lacy Phillips: It's the shadow, yeah. Okay, cool. I feel like we got that one down.

Danielle B: Wait. Should we do the eighth? And then, we talk about the eighth house.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, let's talk about it more.

Danielle B: So, eighth house is other people's resources. So, people, I find, who have very strong eighth houses: you, right?

Lacy Phillips: What would be an example of a strong ... that's an area you use?

Danielle B: A lot of energy in the eighth house. So, where the second house is associated with Taurus, the eighth house is associated with Scorpio, so, it's where we merge resources. So, people who have a lot of energy in their eighth house, usually, can very easily benefit from other people's resources. So, they're more likely to receive gifts in that way.

Lacy Phillips: Totally. And what would be some of the ... like you're saying, a house with a lot of energy. What would be some of those signs that could be looking at that house, and a lot of that energy? Or, what did you say, like a strong house?

Danielle B: A strong eighth house. So, a strong eighth house means that there's many planets in that house. So, you know how you'll say, often, the fastest way to manifest is not by receiving from other people.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, yeah.

Danielle B: If you have strong eighth house energy, you're gonna naturally manifest through other people.

Lacy Phillips: That's wild. Okay, I see. And, can it show up in different ways, meaning-

Danielle B: Yeah. Well, it can show up psychologically, so you get the emotional and psychological support. It can show up financially. It can show up. Eighth house, like Scorpio, can manipulate energy.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, great. It's like the shadow worker. They shine light in the darkness. They can move things around or alchemize things.

Danielle B: Yes, beautiful. That's exactly it, right? So, if you have a lot of energy in your eighth house, you're gonna be able to draw from other people's resources.

Lacy Phillips: I love that. So, it's not just financial resources, or-

Danielle B: No.

Lacy Phillips: 'Cause like in opulence, I'm like, "Your money needs to be to the , not to other things."

Danielle B: Yes, which I believe.

Lacy Phillips: Or, it can be to other things. Those funnels are just open to them, and it's okay if they're supporting you through that and that's what your purpose is. That's beautiful.

Danielle B: Beautiful. So, for example, an eighth house person, their portal would be through other people.

Lacy Phillips: Amazing. And, a great example of this is when I ... when Max and I got together, I just skyrocketed because I had so ... we'll get into that later, I think. Virgos naturally help other people manifest very simply, especially if it's a double Virgo, but because he was so supportive, I could be like, "I'm going to fly to the moon and be an astronaut." He'd be like, "That's amazing." It wasn't a financial support 'cause I made a conscious decision I didn't want that for him, but, he is so supportive, nurturing, believes in anything, that it just helped me so much, so, I could see them having that strong house drawing on him, and I draw on so many people for resources, energetically, yeah. So, that's a really fun-

Danielle B: And, if you think about it, for your native is also ... it's drawing from other people's gifts as well.

Lacy Phillips: Totally.

Danielle B: And presenting them. There's an alchemical process in that as well.

Lacy Phillips: I love that. What if you have a weaker eight house, whatever that means.

Danielle B: That's fine. I have a weak eight house.

Lacy Phillips: What does that look like for you?

Danielle B: It means that I don't have any planets there. It's not a place ... in fact, it's where ... but, it is where I have my self node, so it's where my soul is coming from and my north node is in my second house, so it means in my soul. We're going to get into the north node. Sorry, there's so much here.

Lacy Phillips: It's great. You just have to get a session with Dani 'cause it's like, "What? Yeah," but just to clarify-

Danielle B: So, if you don't have anything in the eighth house, it means that you're not as likely to manifest through other people's resources.

Lacy Phillips: Great. You'll just be more independently, getting your own momentum through independence.

Danielle B: Yes. This is interesting background a lot of people think, "Oh, if you grow up in a certain income bracket, then you will automatically receive from your parents,"

Lacy Phillips: Not a trend. I've known so many kids from famous parents, and they're just like, "Nope, nothing's happening for them."

Danielle B: Yes, they probably don't have a lot of energy in their eighth house.

Lacy Phillips: Totally makes sense.

Danielle B: So, they have to carve their own-

Lacy Phillips: Self motivate. And, just to glean over really quick, north node and south node, 'cause I've always been curious about what those do represent.

Danielle B: Yeah, so north node is where our soul is going.

Lacy Phillips: Wait. First, on their chart, where are they seeing their north-

Danielle B: It could be anywhere. It could be in any house or any sign.

Lacy Phillips: Well, like, if you're just pulling up your chart, I think in Cafe Astrology, it just says it. It's like, "Your north node is this and your south node is this,"

Danielle B: So, on astro.com, all the way at the bottom on the left-hand side on the bottom, it will say "true node."

Lacy Phillips: True node is north node?

Danielle B: Yeah.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, cool. So, that represents your north node, and then, where will it say south node?

Danielle B: It won't. You just know it's the opposite.

Lacy Phillips: Oh, it's the opposite, like direct kind of how the new moon and full moon are complete polar opposites.

Danielle B: Yes, it's a 180.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, so, six months difference.

Danielle B: Right. It won't indicate it. It'll indicate it visually, but it won't-

Lacy Phillips: And for like super laymen terms, if you go on Cafe Astrology, it just tells you what they are.

Danielle B: Or you can just look up your birthday.

Lacy Phillips: Oh, and whatever it was in, then. Okay, so, telling us what north node means and south node.

Danielle B: So, the north node is where the soul is going, so it's gonna feel uncomfortable. It's not gonna feel comfortable. The south node is what's comfortable.

Lacy Phillips: So, north node's like, your karmic journey on the planet, why you incarnated.

Danielle B: Yes, and a lot of people live their life without fulling moving into their north node.

Lacy Phillips: Wow, 'cause that's where you do the work and you transform and change into your authentic self.

Danielle B: Yes, and about the age of 37, you get an opportunity to really live into your north node.

Lacy Phillips: So, it's like a Saturn return for your north node. So, for the 37--olds out there, or the impending, what would be the key notes you would tell them about their north node?

Danielle B: Pay attention to the thing that scares you the most and then jump off the cliff.

Lacy Phillips: Not too crazy for manifestation. You're gonna be very magnetic if you do that.

Danielle B: Pretty much.

Lacy Phillips: Excellent, okay, great. I love that. In the south node, you say, will be easier because-

Danielle B: Well, it's your karmic ties, so it's the thing that feels the most comfortable.

Lacy Phillips: So, anything from the past that feels familiar and nice and easy and like warm bathwater.

Danielle B: Yes, even if it's not really easy.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, it just feels-

Danielle B: Less scary.

Lacy Phillips: Complacent is like a better way to say it.

Danielle B: Yes, beautifully said.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, great, 'cause I love that. Okay, and did we cover fully the eighth house? You think of everything you wanted to say?

Danielle B: Yes, I think so, yeah.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, cool, and the second. Okay.

Danielle B: We're like only on question two.

Lacy Phillips: This is great. Are you guys learning stuff from this? Okay, good. If you guys are learning, it means you guys are learning, so that's a good temperature for me. Okay. This, I think is a really, really pressing question for a lot of you out there who are ... what are the for Saturn return? I know it's individual for some people, but the general-

Danielle B: Roughly 20-30.

Lacy Phillips: 28-30, so ... for you 28-30ers out there, how do they with their Saturn return in regards to blocks in manifestation?

Danielle B: Okay, so, this is again really complex because where Saturn is in the ... for example, I have a lot of clients and I am surrounded right now with people who have Saturn transiting their fourth house. That means-

Lacy Phillips: Which we covered.

Danielle B: That means they have to do a lot of deep digging around their conditioning. Now, if they have Saturn in their tenth house, oppositionally, currently, then that means they're going to be in a place where they're going to be reaping rewards. They're going to be at a peak moment.

Lacy Phillips: Finally, yeah, yeah. I think that's what I was. I mean, I had a little bit to do ... and, I might be wrong. I mean, I know that you know the charts better, but I had my earthquakes happen at 25 to 28, where it was like, "Fuck!"

Danielle B: I think that one had more to do with Pluto and your moon.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, that's right, okay, cool, cool, cool, backtrack.

Danielle B: Which is like a deep cathartic transformation. Saturn structure.

Lacy Phillips: Forced into your authentic self.

Danielle B: Yeah, you don't have choice whereas Saturn is more structural. Saturn is like, "Pay your fucking taxes."

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, I'll give my two cents on this about mannerization. Become an adult, essentially.

Danielle B: Become an adult. Clean up your act, right? Get out of debt.

Lacy Phillips: Leave the relationships that aren't serving you. Take the job. Stop being afraid. It's time to leave that job.

Danielle B: Here's another thing during Saturn return. This is giant. I'm going to say this, and it's gonna sound judgemental, but it's actually more of a word of caution. Do not get married as a point of security.

Lacy Phillips: Like, ever in life.

Danielle B: Ever in life, but especially around the Saturn time.

Lacy Phillips: Those are the most divorces, I think, or unhappiness.

Danielle B: Yes, 100%. 100%.

Lacy Phillips: And, so, what Dani's saying is like, if you love your partner and you guys are autonomous beings and you're totally on your own roads but coming together to support each other, get married. Rock on. That's probably gonna be a great, healthy relationship no matter what. "Well, I'm still a waitress and my partner's this, and, he can provide this life or she can provide this life, then I'd better just do it." Do not, even if it's more subtle than that. "We love each other. We've been together since high school. We're both doing okay but I know that this will bring me a lot of comfort and security and safety." Don't. It's not a time to do it. Wait until after Saturn return closes.

Danielle B: Right because we start to feel ... what happens is we feel a lot of pressure.

Lacy Phillips: To adult.

Danielle B: Yes, to adult, and so we get scared, and that's why it has a bad rap, and that's why a lot of people see a lot the people around them, "Oh, they're getting married. Their life is perfect and mine's a mess." That's very dangerous.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, I've known, actually, both clients and people in real life that are divorcees because they finally stepped into their power and that was a total false comfort. It was a false comfort for both people, and they attracted each other from multiple learning lessons and reasons.

Danielle B: 100%. So, there is the sort of karmic unfolding, but there ... it will come around when Saturn squares and moves in opposition.

Lacy Phillips: And, any other last words that you can say like kind of definite for any sign that's in Saturn return for any house that it falls in, "These are some things to really know in terms of blocks in manifestation?"

Danielle B: Have mastery over the fear.

Lacy Phillips: Always.

Danielle B: Right, but it's really, "Don't let the fear dictate."

Lacy Phillips: Don't let it stop you, yeah.

Danielle B: Yeah, and don't think that this is the destination. It's really just the beginning of the story.

Lacy Phillips: Totally agree, even though it feels like it might be the end of the world.

Danielle B: Yes, because what happens is you feel that immense pressure, and then like three years later, you're like, "I was so fucking young. What was I thinking?"

Lacy Phillips: Totally. Now, I have a question. I have two questions about this. One, if you're also looking at your chart right now, you see those planets and those houses. Saturn, the one that says Saturn on the left side is gonna be the sign that yours is in. I don't know how it will determine what house it's in. That's maybe a Dani section, but you'll kind of know. I can't remember mine. I think it was Scorpio. I can't remember, but all I can say — and, this is what leads into my question — is, after Saturn returned closed, it's like I'm incapable. I'm having to decondition to become a kid again, to be free. It's like my Capricorn took over.

Danielle B: That's your Capricorn moon. I don't think that's gonna be the case for ... that's specific to you because that is ... I have that same thing. I have a Capricorn moon. I think that's less about having had the Saturn return. What it is is that you came into yourself more and more.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, totally.

Danielle B: And, your authentic self ... see, this is where I think: authentic self doesn't mean to me that, "You're just frolicking all the time."

Lacy Phillips: No, oh my God, it's different for everyone.

Danielle B: Yes, and so I think there's a lot of talk about the inner child, and so it's like, "If I liberate the inner child, then I'm just gonna wanna skip all the time and have ice cream cones."

Lacy Phillips: No. You might have had inner children ... you might have had to be an inner child like a child of an alcoholic who had to be on and great, but you're actually a really structured person who finds a lot of happiness in quietness. It's all totally ... everyone is so authentically uniquely different.

Danielle B: Exactly.

Lacy Phillips: It's not like we're all just wearing white dresses.

Danielle B: Source Family.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, so we're not all Source Familying around once we're authentic at all.

Danielle B: At all.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah.

Danielle B: There's probably a lot of Pisces and Neptune happening.

Lacy Phillips: I'm like, "Hey, photographer, actor, writer, pull it together." That's what I always think of all my Piscian friends. They're designers, actors, photographers. "Pull it in," yeah.

Danielle B: Go find a Virgo.

Lacy Phillips: Go find a Virgo. Yeah, you need your Virgo or Capricorn, either of 'em. Get away from your Aquarius. No, I'm kidding. Go ahead.

Danielle B: So, does that answer the question?

Lacy Phillips: I think so, for Saturn returners, that's what ... I'll speak to it like from when I'm working with clients from a manifestation standpoint, just like Dani's saying, my biggest thing I can tell you, when it comes to creating more magnetism on the other side, is anything you know that's no longer serving you but you're way too afraid, so not letting the fear rule you. You're way too afraid to let it go or walk through it or grow into something else. This has to be the time that you do it because the next years after, I just always see them being rougher and harder, more resistance coming their way than the ones who took those big leaps of faith and jumped into what was serving them and better for them, even if it was like ...

Lacy Phillips: Great examples for me was: it's when I finally left my waitressing and my school-teaching jobs that I hated. They were ruining my body. That's probably why I have all these endocrine issues. It's when I left my relationship of six years where I was like, "This is probably the person I'm going to marry and he has the best French mom who'd make the best French grandma," but he didn't want to get married or have kids, so it was like I had to make these really big leaps of faith even though there was really not a lot wrong in a relationship. It's those ones if they're even subtle, that you know around you: physical, psychological, that you know you have to rise up and step into what is good for you and best for you at the time you need to do it.

Danielle B: Yeah, it's not going to get easier later.

Lacy Phillips: No, it won't. That's the big ... and, things will flow so much ... nothing's easy in life. Life can flow easily, but you'll always come up against mere lessons, but it will flow a lot easier.

Danielle B: You'll feel supported. The other thing during a Saturn return is: notice any Capricorns who come into your life, or notice any people who come into your life who have very strong Saturn because they're probably there to teach you something. Notice what teachers say. Notice if people ... it's like, during my Saturn return, I had a lot of much older people come into my life, right, which I had anyway, for my life, naturally do, but, I really had to heed their lessons. I had to be humble enough to heed their lessons, so this bring in the next point that I wanted to make about Saturn return: those going through Saturn return now, they're millennials, right, so their parents are boomers.

Danielle B: So, their model for their life is very outdated because the economy that millennials have inherited post the recession of 2008 and just with the rapid change of technology and the gig economy and the share economy is ... it's so different from the baby boomer, climb the ladder.

Lacy Phillips: Like get your pension. Does that even exist anymore? All of that.

Danielle B: All of that. So, and who knows what the world is going to look like in a decade, right? We're floating around universal basic income right now, so, to try and please your parents is even more dangerous in our current economy and where we're going. It's not even realistic. The security that your parents sought-

Lacy Phillips: Like the college you think you have to go to, the yada, yada you have to do, the career you're supposed to do. Like you're saying, it can be not detrimental, but, it's-

Danielle B: Well, it can be because it's not taking into account context. So, you know, if you're looking to people whose careers took off in the '70s '80s and '90s, right, it's a very different world, so, it's really important to take whatever your parents say with a grain of salt. Saturn figures, what I mean is more about personal responsibility. You still have to pay your taxes. You still have to get your stuff in order, but when it comes to fear based things like, "You need to stay at this job because you're gonna get a pension." Really, and what if that company is bought out and you're kicked out, which happens because from an evolutionary perspective, also, we are being called to self-actualize at a much faster rate.

Danielle B: So, it's really more about building your individual business, no matter what you do. It's really building your unique skill sets so that you can serve in whatever way you're meant to serve or contribute in whatever way you're meant to serve. It's really important because I get a lot of ... they marry for their parents or they make choices for their parents, but their parents came of age and came into adulthood-

Lacy Phillips: Postwar.

Danielle B: Postwar, which was the biggest growth in American history. That's not the case anymore.

Lacy Phillips: No, and it was also like the most frolicky like, "Life is perfect. Everything Is great. Religion," all this stuff that definitely ... what I'll say on a manifestation standpoint, it couldn't be more aligned the further you're getting away from your authentic self to please anyone in your life. To people please, the more your life is gonna be full of lessons, tests, struggles, work, all that good stuff.

Danielle B: 100%.

Lacy Phillips: The more you can just take your power in, no matter how hard I know that can be for people who come from so much ... I had alcoholic young parents. I could always be like, "Fuck it. I'm going to do whatever I want," but if you come from a really supportive nurturing parents, it's now or never, or it'll be now or never later, but now is a great time at your Saturn return, like Dani said, to be supported after, having that help from the universe.

Danielle B: It's really important because I think ... I just don't think it's taken into consideration, and you just look around at our economy. Look around to how things are shifting and moving, and so, it's just extra important.

Lacy Phillips: I agree. I think that's such, such great advice that anybody watching can take away. If you're in your second Saturn return, that's great advice. When is your second Saturn return?

Danielle B: So, it's 28 years later, so it's essentially like 56, 57.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, so, transit, trying, conjunct, aspect: what do these things really mean in layman's terms?

Danielle B: So, conjunct means they're conjoined, meaning it means they're within ten degrees of each other.

Lacy Phillips: If you're looking at your chart, what it will say at the bottom of ... I just mean Cafe Astrology's. So, what it'll say at the bottom of Cafe Astrology, it'll show you these little symbols, show everything, but it will be like, "My sun in aquarius is conjunct, whatever, in Venus." That's what we're talking about, those transits is what they're called, right?

Danielle B: Yes. No, those aren't transits.

Lacy Phillips: They're called?

Danielle B: Those are aspects.

Lacy Phillips: Aspects.

Danielle B: Yes.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, perfect.

Danielle B: So, when there's a conjunction, it's within a ten degree. Trines and sextiles are positive. Squares and opposition ... it's geometry. I was terrible in everything in math except I was good in geometry, right?

Lacy Phillips: Same, I was good in geometry.

Danielle B: Right? So, it's just geometry. So, it means that there's either a positive flowing aspect.

Lacy Phillips: Between those two?

Danielle B: Between whatever the planets are, or there's a more challenging aspect, which would be square or opposition, or even possibly conjunct is considered more challenging.

Lacy Phillips: And what are, from the manifestation standpoint, the lessons and the more difficult ones that they can kind of look and see, "If I'm so and so squared ... if my sun squares my Venus, what-"

Danielle B: Saturn.

Lacy Phillips: What's that?

Danielle B: Saturn.

Lacy Phillips: It was Saturn?

Danielle B: So, if Saturn squares your Venus, if Saturn is opposition your Venus or sun, if Saturn is conjunct, you are going to feel less than and you are going to feel like you have to have status or you have to achieve in order to be worthy, so you're going to feel you need to earn love or whatever it is.

Lacy Phillips: So, the true magnetism, mystique conditioning in order to feel. What is that word?

Danielle B: Worthy?

Lacy Phillips: Worthy, but also a more magnetic energetic beneath that is like ... what is that? Entitled.

Danielle B: That's the best way to put it, but not from entitlement of-

Lacy Phillips: Ego.

Danielle B: Of ego inflation, but just, "This is my birthright."

Lacy Phillips: "This is my birthright," is the perfect way to say it.

Danielle B: So, it's like ... but, what the positive side is, is you're going to have a more realistic adult perspective on relationship once you do the clearing.

Lacy Phillips: Cool, okay, and to go even more like totally layman's terms-

Danielle B: Or, finances, both.

Lacy Phillips: That's good. So, you would say for square, what would be ... if they're all looking at their chart and they're like, "So and so squared, whatever," square just in general, what could be the lesson there that they can determine if they're just looking at their chart, what square could mean in terms-

Danielle B: Right, so I the means there's gonna be a tension between those two planets, so, those two forms of energy. Tension is positive in that we can ... it's creative force. If everything's just flowing-

Lacy Phillips: It's like there's no growth.

Danielle B: Nothing's happening, right, so, tension is how we grow. So, it's not a bad thing. It's just it means that there's something to work through.

Lacy Phillips: Great, excellent. So, that's what you can look at, squared, those two signs, what they mean in kind of opposition to each other, that's the tension and that you can look at can be a determining factor for some lessons. Or, in your program, bringing some unconscious of how to take what's inauthentic to authenticity through your chakra wisdom.

Danielle B: Exactly. So, you said opposition. Opposition is different. Opposition is 180 degrees. When you're dealing with oppositions, you're dealing with polarity. You're dealing with mirroring, meaning you can't hold both sides of the seesaw at the same time.

Lacy Phillips: Yes, okay.

Danielle B: So, let's say you play into your Venus and it's opposite Saturn. You're gonna draw on Saturn figures. If you play into your Saturn, you're gonna draw on Venus figures.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, I love that, into your life, and then you can start to look at being like, "Saturn figures might not be great for me, so I'm gonna look at ..." maybe that's a carrot dangler and I can start to see what's opposite of a carrot dangler, Saturn, and maybe I'll start to gravitate towards moving into more of that direction and saying yes to that person.

Danielle B: Right, so, a carrot dangler would be more Neptune. Saturn would be more withholding, disciplinarian.

Lacy Phillips: Unavailable.

Danielle B: Unavailable, parental in a negative way. So, there can be parental in a positive way. Like, in my relationship, we both have Capricorn and we take turns parenting one another or reparenting one another, which is different than-

Lacy Phillips: Like the martyr.

Danielle B: Right.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, and then what are the other two just so they can look at their charts, just an overview of-

Danielle B: You mean other? So, Neptune.

Lacy Phillips: No, there's square, conjunct and then-

Danielle B: Right, opposition.

Lacy Phillips: Opposition.

Danielle B: And then there's trine and sextile, and those are positive, more flowing energy.

Lacy Phillips: Beautiful, so you know that the support of this one planet and this other one ... or, this one sign and this other sign are going to flow better and help you.

Danielle B: Exactly, exactly, and the trine, they're going to be in this same element, so it's going to be earth to earth, fire to fire, whereas sextile, it's gonna be, let's say, earth to water or fire to air.

Lacy Phillips: So, if you're looking at your chart right now from a manifestation standpoint, what you could do is start to just dig in and look at those different oppositions, square and conjunctions, and start to be like, "Maybe I can just look at this and take it through your program, do a little digging," or, if you're doing reparenting, any of that-

Danielle B: 100%, or opulence.

Lacy Phillips: Or opulence.

Danielle B: Or shadow.

Lacy Phillips: Shadow's great for that where you're like, "If I don't know what I'm supposed to work on right now at all in my life, maybe I'll take my first square and I'll just look at what's this mean, and then I'll deduce what that means at the bottom, and from what you just taught us, and then I'll go and take that through reparenting."

Danielle B: If you're seeing a lot of oppositions or a lot of energy in the seventh house, I recommend shadow.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, okay, great, okay, and a lot of energy in the seventh house, again, means you have a lot of planets in it.

Danielle B: Yes.

Lacy Phillips: Great. I love that. I'm learning a lot today. This is great. This is way better than any of the fucking books I've read. I'm learning way more right now. You need a YouTube series of just, "Conjunct means ..." that would be so helpful for people.

Danielle B: I should do that.

Lacy Phillips: You should.

Danielle B: All that's coming-

Lacy Phillips: Especially 'cause it's from a psychological grounded standpoint so where you're like, "Conjunct means this, so, in the unconscious, it would mean that. This is what you can work through through the programs." It could help so many people. Done. I'm going to produce this.

Danielle B: Do this for me.

Lacy Phillips: I'm going to produce this or Amanda's going to produce this.

Danielle B: I'm in. I'm in, 'cause I have-

Lacy Phillips: I wanna learn.

Danielle B: I have a moon in seventh house, so I need partners in order to-

Lacy Phillips: To make things happen, and boy did I? They're incredible. I love them so much. I would basically not function at all if I didn't have these awesome people in my life. I love them so much. Okay, so, how can you thrive when having opposing elements in your chart like fire and water or earth and ... let's say earth and water or whatever. If you have opposing elements in your chart, can you thrive?

Danielle B: So, opposing ... fire and water go together.

Lacy Phillips: That's what I thought.

Danielle B: I mean, sorry, fire and air go together. Water and earth go together, so they're not ... those aren't opposing. What gets a little tricky is if you have fire and water or air and water-

Lacy Phillips: Water puts fire out, which is simple elements.

Danielle B: Right, so, it's just feeding ... it's knowing who's driving the bus, so it's just feeding whichever or bringing forward whichever part of you is appropriate in that circumstance.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, so what would be some examples in their chart and also with the elements?

Danielle B: Okay, so, an example is: let's say someone has-

Lacy Phillips: Cancer and Aries.

Danielle B: Okay, so, right, so let's say they have ... let's do it this way. Let's say they have an Aries sun and a cancer moon.

Lacy Phillips: Do you think, not to sidetrack, we should explain for the super layman person which signs are what elements really quick just so they understand?

Danielle B: So, Aries is fire. Taurus is earth. Gemini ... I'm just gonna go in order. Gemini is air.

Lacy Phillips: Oh, great, yeah, that's the way that she's saying it, which is actually really something to learn that's really fun is all the planets, they actually move in a cycle, so it's like the first sign, second sign, third sign, all the way down to the 12th sign, that's what order that you're going in so it's like the newbie, the newborn of the astrological makeup is Aries, and the very last would be Pisces, so she's gonna walk through each of these right now and what their elements are.

Danielle B: Exactly. So, Aries is fire. Taurus is earth. Gemini is air. Cancer is water. Leo is fire. Virgo is earth. Libra is air. Scorpio is water. Sagittarius is fire. Capricorn is earth. Aquarius is air, and then Pisces is water.

Lacy Phillips: So, now you know the elements and that's what this particular person's asking, is, "What if something's opposing?" So, what Dani said first was, "Air and fire go really well together, super compatible," like the air feeds the fire. It's just simple elements where water and earth, they're more the feminine together. They go really well together. The other one's earthy and then the water is usually around it like it feeds the...

Danielle B: It can soften the stone.

Lacy Phillips: Soften the stone, exactly. So now, what this particular person's asking is, "What if you have super opposing?" And, I think always of ... even though I know a lot of very compatible Aries and Cancer, the more sensitive feminine sign to the most patriarchal feeling hardest fire signs, so, Aries fire to the softer cancer, that would be opposing.

Danielle B: Well, that's interesting about that ... so, there's elements and then there's qualities. Both of those around cardinal.

Lacy Phillips: And so yeah, let's explain that really quick because I always find this so fascinating with the seasons.

Danielle B: Right, so, cardinal signs start the seasons, and then fixed are in the middle of the season, and then mutable kind of transition to the next season.

Lacy Phillips: And so, you'll see this on Astrology Cafe. That was the most basic fucking thing. So, you'll see this, and, basically, you'll be like, "Well." When you see it on your thing, you're like, "I'm an Aquarius. It's a fixed sign, so, the way that ... when she just went through the orders, Dani did, she gets actually really crazy because all 12 of the signs follow 12 of our lunar year, essentially ... not lunar, but our solar year. So, what you're going to go and say is basically like, Aries is a cardinal sign. It's the first in the astrological makeup. It's also the first of spring.

Danielle B: In the northern hemisphere.

Lacy Phillips: In the northern hemisphere, that's right. Southern's different. So, I'll let you take it off, there.

Danielle B: So, Aries opens spring. Aries is a cardinal. Then, Taurus is fixed. Then, Gemini is mutable.

Lacy Phillips: And, explain what cardinal ... I love this too ... cardinal is, fixed is as well as mutable.

Danielle B: So, cardinal starts. Cardinal's known as the most kind of controlling, right, and then, fixed is the most stubborn.

Lacy Phillips: I have a lot of fixed in mine.

Danielle B: Mutable is the most shifty.

Lacy Phillips: So, adaptable.

Danielle B: Adaptable, yes. So, the positive side is ... I'll go to the positive ... is that cardinal starts. They take initiation.

Lacy Phillips: Like an Aries is a quick manifester, we're saying.

Danielle B: Exactly, right. Fixed is gonna follow things through or see things through, and then mutable is gonna have an adaptability.

Lacy Phillips: And a finish.

Danielle B: Right, exactly. So, okay, so, Aries is cardinal. Taurus is fixed. Gemini is mutable. Should I do it this way? Aries is cardinal fire.

Lacy Phillips: Ah, totally, there we go. Now we'll have that in full, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Danielle B: Aries is cardinal fire, right? Taurus is fixed earth. Gemini is mutable air. Cancer is cardinal water. Leo is fixed fire. Virgo is mutable earth. Libra is cardinal air, so it starts fall, right? And, Scorpio is fixed water. Sagittarius is mutable fire. Capricorn is cardinal earth, so it starts winter, right? Aquarius is fixed air, and then Pisces is mutable water.

Lacy Phillips: Excellent.

Danielle B: And, I missed ... oh, Cancer is ... Cancer starts summer, so, cardinal.

Lacy Phillips: Cardinal. Back to, now, this question: what if somebody has opposing elements in their chart? And, I said Aries, which is the fire cardinal, and cancer, which is the water cardinal, so there we go, I'll take let you take it from there.

Danielle B: So, both of those signs are gonna be controlling. Both of them are gonna be initiators. It's just that fire initiates through its gut and instinct and it's gonna take action, whereas Cancer's gonna control emotionally. So, there's gonna be some friction within that, but both of those denote wanting to be in charge. So, Cancer's kind of like the matriarch and Aries is like the cowboy.

Lacy Phillips: I love that. So, essentially, the biggest thing they can take from manifestation standpoint, if they have kind of these what-feel-opposing, which, I don't feel like no signs are really too opposing, but all can work together in different ways.

Danielle B: Exactly, bingo.

Lacy Phillips: It's basically, I think, just tuning into what the elements are, what the aspects are, and looking in particular to that planet or that house and what those things represent. That's gonna give you a little innuendo of what might be unconscious and needs to become conscious and authentic, so none of it's bad. It's all good.

Danielle B: There's no bad. There really is no bad in life, no such thing. It's all just material.

Lacy Phillips: Okay cool. And then, what if you have a chart where you're all fire, earth, air or water, like if you're just, "I have seven planets in Scorpio."

Danielle B: Wow.

Lacy Phillips: What's that to you?

Danielle B: I think Demi Moore has something like that.

Lacy Phillips: Oh my gosh, my breath work teacher, she's like, "I have nine planets in Scorpio," and I was like, "Wow, how do you get out of the house?"

Danielle B: Yeah, it's so intense. A lot of sex.

Lacy Phillips: A lot of sex. You just see a lot of sex.

Danielle B: Or a lot of celibacy, either way.

Lacy Phillips: I love it.

Danielle B: Honestly, seek people out who balance you, so for example, if you have a ton of Pisces in your chart, seek out a Virgo or go to Virgo qualities, right? So, and don't ... try not to turn that into a shadow, the opposition. Try to look at it with an open mind and what you can learn from. Go to the opposite.

Lacy Phillips: And, the best thing I can say from a manifestation standpoint of what astrology and, I think, manifesting, like everything in life are so connected and overlap is the quickest way to find magnetism is: the opposite is always the medicine, just like Ayurveda, "The thing to heal this is the complete opposite thing, whether it's-"

Danielle B: The antidote.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah. It's exactly, so I think that's a great takeaway, and now we're gonna rip through a couple more of these so we don't lose all the time, but I then will just have to have you back again 'cause this is so fun. I don't know. Some of you guys might be like, "You guys, shut up. So much stuff." Okay, "How can one recover from a bad astro reading?" This is a really good one, "A bad astro reading, choosing the wrong reader, and is there such a thing since it's just information and not fate? For example, I had a session with a trendy Twitter astrologer." I love that, "Who told me that it was odd I was a writer even though I have a chart for it." Oh, I hate this stuff. This makes me so mad when this happens. We have a word for it.

Danielle B: 70%, I think it's astrological trauma.

Lacy Phillips: It is. It's totally astrological trauma, so I'll let you just take that.

Danielle B: I mean, I honestly feel like 75% of my first-time clients-

Lacy Phillips: Are totally whiplashed, yeah. I agree.

Danielle B: Totally whiplashed. If it sounds negative, take it with a major grain of salt.

Lacy Phillips: This is like the snake oil people that are like, "Your fortune is," or, "This is bad." This is why I say, "Please don't see psychics." Unless it's somebody you've known in your family who's 100%, right, don't go. They're gonna plant limiting beliefs or do this: they're gonna make you feel trauma.

Danielle B: It's a self fulfilling prophecy, right?

Lacy Phillips: Totally.

Danielle B: So, recently someone said to me, "Oh, I went to my astrologer and they said that my boyfriend has Venus in Gemini and he's gonna cheat on me." Really?

Lacy Phillips: Oh my God.

Danielle B: 'Cause I'm like, "Venus in Gemini means he wants a woman he finds interesting."

Lacy Phillips: He wants to know all the elements of this ... yeah, that's so awful.

Danielle B: And curious, yeah. So, you know, if it's negative ... if it makes you feel ... so, there's a difference between getting feedback of-

Lacy Phillips: "Hey, you need to work on this."

Danielle B: Yes, when you're holding yourself back, but if it feels fated-

Lacy Phillips: Fated, that's the thing, if it's like, "Your future is this." There's always free will. You can change your whole destiny in literally one minute that you decide to jump off of a cliff.

Danielle B: Then, it's danger zone.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, let's talk about that for one quick second of like, the best tools are, A: nothing is permanent at all. Literally, you can wake up today and go do something different and your whole will and future changes, period. That's number one.

Danielle B: You can transcend circumstances.

Lacy Phillips: Always. I'm the believer of manifestation. You can transcend anything that was predestined for you on this lifetime, which I don't even believe in that in the first place.

Danielle B: And, I met my boyfriend during Venus retrograde.

Lacy Phillips: Oh, yeah, totally, I prosper the most always during Saturn in retro ... during mercury in retrograde, always.

Danielle B: Me too. I have magic happen, and I don't have mercury retrograde in my chart. A third of people have mercury retrograde in their chart because it happens three times a year.

Lacy Phillips: When they're born. Or, also, where they were when they were born, right? Yeah.

Danielle B: Exactly.

Lacy Phillips: Oh my God.

Danielle B: Or like no. What I always say is there may be an opportunity for healing or growth.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, like anything in life. And, the other last note on it, too, that I wanted to say as well is, if something doesn't intuitively feel correct ... and this doesn't mean that you're just wanting to hide your head in the sand, but if you're listening to something and it doesn't sound intuitively correct, just shut it down ... not meaning, "I'm gonna leave this session," unless you're like an Aries. Go for it. That's awesome. Do that if you can, but also be like, "Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah," and don't take it with you, and if something was implanted, do the daily reprogramming exercise to get rid of it or literally know you can change

anything in a minute. Nothing's predestined. I think all just ... It's like sensationalism. Just turn it off. It's all bullshit. I was just in Hawaii. They've been blowing up this volcano and yada, yada, ya, and it's not even present. It's crazy. The sensationalism of anything is never-

Danielle B: It's never helpful.

Lacy Phillips: Never helpful.

Danielle B: Outrage. We live in a culture of outrage.

Lacy Phillips: Love it, yeah.

Danielle B: So, I think the biggest thing is: if you feel like they're telling that to you because they source their income from scaring you into needing them-

Lacy Phillips: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like creating a codependent relationship of having to come back, or, "Let's work together again." My biggest thing when I work with people is like, "Cool, won't see you in four months or don't even come back. Here's some tools."

Danielle B: Same thing. People are always like, "How do people work with you?" I was like, "I leave it up to individuals." So, there are some clients that are going through a transformation, and because I have my Master's in spiritual psychology, I help them through that, but that's on their own volition. They can not sign up at any time. I tell them they're doing great. I don't want to foster a dependence, mostly because I believe that we all have the tools within ourselves.

Lacy Phillips: I do, too.

Danielle B: Some people, we just need mirrors or we just need people to help us reflect or we need insights, but, yes, anything that feels like, "You need me to get better," no, no, no, no.

Lacy Phillips: Ever. It's all in here. Yeah, I agree. "Where in your astro chart do you see your life lessons and your purpose?" which we've touched on a tiny bit.

Danielle B: Yeah, so I would say Saturn 'cause Saturn are lessons, and then the north node and south node.

Lacy Phillips: "What do you recommend for manifesting or setting intentions during a new moon?" So, Dani used to co-facilitate new moon ceremonies in circles, so I love that we're asking you this, and, what do you suggest for new moon rituals, if you have any?

Danielle B: So, new moon rituals, the sky is dark, so it's a time to go internal and really ask the questions and write down your manifestations. Now, I think it's really dangerous to add a religiosity to it and to think, "If you don't write your manifestations on the new moon, they're not gonna happen."

Danielle B: I also think it can get dangerous to do it so often that you're in a state of lack of control. It's like, "If I do it every single week, if I write down every single new moon, it's gonna happen."

Lacy Phillips: I say manifestation OCD. It's actually pushing things away.

Danielle B: Yes, instead of writing it out, letting it go and receiving it, right? So, I think the new moon is actually a really powerful time to reset and set intentions underneath.

Lacy Phillips: I agree.

Danielle B: So, how do you wanna feel? What are the qualities that you wanna ground in? So, let's say you wanna ground in creative flow, you wanna ground in loving kindness, you wanna ground in openness because ... and we've talked about this. There's a grabby culture around manifestation, right? I don't think I've ever used the word grabby, but that's just what's right.

Lacy Phillips: I get it, yeah.

Danielle B: And, I think the irony is that manifestation happens when we let go.

Lacy Phillips: Least resistant, and we're empowered. We're in our worth and we don't have anything that we're trying to control. It's just like we know we deserve it. We've done it all. Now it can flow through. I agree.

Danielle B: Yes. And so, there was a minute I was talking to my teachers, which is, when you're writing down a manifestation, this or something better for the highest good of all involved. My Master's is in spiritual psychology from USM, and that was one of the greatest takeaways because what it taught me was, just because

I have a manifestation, other people are involved. It's what's for the highest good of everyone involved.

Lacy Phillips: Totally.

Danielle B: We get into this a lot. I think you see this a lot where someone's like, they wanna manifest a specific person, not a partner.

Lacy Phillips: I know, I know.

Danielle B: They wanna manifest Johnny down the street to love them. It doesn't work because who's to say that ... it's actually very self-absorbed ... not selfish, but self-absorbed because how do you with Johnny-

Lacy Phillips: Or just also deeply in lack, not understanding so much.

Danielle B: Right, right, obviously, yes, that, too, so it's not taking into account that everybody has their own journey, so a lot of times, let's say, with conception, it's like, "That soul has an agenda."

Lacy Phillips: Boy have I figured that out, yep.

Danielle B: Right? So, it's like, I was single for a very long time, very long time, and then it's like, I now realize, "Oh, we came together at the perfect time."

Lacy Phillips: Always.

Danielle B: And a moment earlier and I wouldn't have been ready and he wouldn't have been ready.

Lacy Phillips: 1,000%, and if we take all skin off of it, the physical plane, any of that, humans, all energy, it's just: you guys are here to teach each other lessons. You're uniting with anything in your life for you to grow for that to grow. That's all it is.

Danielle B: 100%.

Lacy Phillips: It's like nothing more.

Danielle B: No, and it's the communication and the willingness to grow.

Lacy Phillips: Totally, and the openness. That's what ... there's a lot to be said, too, of being open to grow is a very magnetic thing 'cause you're facing your fears and you're creating magnetism.

Danielle B: You have to be willing to move outside of your comfort zone.

Lacy Phillips: Always.

Danielle B: Aries are great at that, whereas fixed signs are more challenged in that area.

Lacy Phillips: Totally.

Danielle B: So, you have to be willing to be outside of your comfort zone.

Lacy Phillips: And I feel like little ... not little ... I just say this: Max is very mutable. There's a lot of mutability in his chart. He's like the double Virgo Sag and he's got it all going on, that also, when you can hang out with very cardinally ... like Aries, stuff like that. All of his business partners have all been Aries. It's like, things can just take in their moment to him 'cause you're mutable. You can go with the flow.

Danielle B: 100%.

Lacy Phillips: I think that's great. And, last two questions: "How should manifesting change or should it change when mercury's in retrograde?" I feel like we covered that, though. Do you wanna just say a few more notes on that based on individual parts?

Danielle B: It's just, mercury in retrograde means it's a time to review, so the thing is just like, rethink what it is that you're so attached to getting.

Lacy Phillips: And slow down.

Danielle B: And slow down and just be open to the unexpected. Mercury retrograde is when I have the most magical run-ins and experiences.

Lacy Phillips: Same, blasts from the past, so abundant, beautiful things work out for me, and I had to learn that intuitively 'cause I had so much programming that it's a bad thing. It's like, I always get stoked when it happens. The first two weeks, the pre-phase and the post-phase always fuck with me a little bit, but during is like

... Whereas poor Max, the double Virgo, his computers break. I mean, everything falls apart, but he's also not in his full conscious authenticity in any way shape or form so he's like ... the universe is like, sending things at him, and I'm just floating, whatever. Let's finish on this note and hit it strong since it is so much of the planet of manifestation: explain what your Venus means in terms of attracting a partner, also, manifestation in general as well.

Danielle B: Yes, so, Venus is how we attract, period. So, tuning into the energy of your Venus is gonna help you attract, period. It's also your values, what you like. It's what you want, but not what you need. So, when manifesting a partner, you'll use your Venus to attract unconsciously, right, so I have Venus in Leo. I get a little hoighty. I also get very generous. My boyfriend gets gifts.

Lacy Phillips: Max is Leo. I love a Leo Venus, yeah. I'm like selfish Aries Venus. This is stuff I'm trying to work through like, "What's his love language?"

Danielle B: If you have Venus in Pisces, you're gonna be very feminine in that way. You're probably gonna wear a lot of flowy dresses. If you have Venus in Capricorn, you're gonna attract by being a serious partner, that you're serious and you're a grown up and you're an adult.

Lacy Phillips: You're here to do the work. You're all that.

Danielle B: Right. In a man's chart, it's usually ... in a heterosexual man's chart, it's usually the kind of woman that he likes, but the moon is the kind of woman he needs. So, in a woman's chart, your moon are your needs. So, you may be attracted to something Venus-like, but make sure that your moon is being satiated.

Lacy Phillips: So, what are a couple of key things they can really look at that part of their chart right now and take away?

Danielle B: Venus.

Lacy Phillips: So, the unconscious in Venus, which is the shadow. It's the opposite. If they're looking at the unconscious and they're taking that through your workshop and how that, working through the chakras.

Danielle B: Saturn. So, looking at Saturn, looking at if you have a lot of energy concentrated in one area or one sign, go to the opposite sign.

Lacy Phillips: Okay, cool, 'cause that's the shadow always, yeah.

Danielle B: Yes, yes, looking at the seventh house, also the shadow, 'cause we project it, and then the moon and the fourth house, so just a few things.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, just take all of that, do the work, and you can take all that through repairing your shadow, and then focusing back, honing in on working with their Venus. Let's say their Venus is Pisces and it's more effeminate, fun ethereal, but they've been raised, "Sexuality means that you have to be androgynous and hard and yada, yada," that would be the unconscious. That ego shell needs to be cracked down. What can they work with if they're just honing in from this video alone, just looking at their Venus, and in terms of manifestation, what are a few key tips you can give them?

Danielle B: Well, it depends on the sign, right, but it's playing more into that sign, its energy.

Lacy Phillips: Leaning in.

Danielle B: Leaning in, leaning in.

Lacy Phillips: Owning it.

Danielle B: So, if you have Venus in Scorpio, don't be afraid to be powerful and strong.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, and sexual.

Danielle B: Right. Bingo.

Lacy Phillips: Fine.

Danielle B: Just do it.

Lacy Phillips: It nurtures you. If you were repressed sexually and you were raised super Catholic and this is really bad and taboo, that's the unconscious, potentially, looking at that.

Danielle B: Exactly. If you have Venus in Capricorn, don't be afraid to be serious.

Lacy Phillips: And bossy.

Danielle B: And bossy.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, that's who you are, yeah.

Danielle B: Yeah, if you have Venus in aquarius, dare to be different.

Lacy Phillips: If you are looking at anybody else who has a Venus in Aquarius, especially if you're a heterosexual couple and it's a male, run. No, I'm just kidding.

Danielle B: We talked about this. Every single person prior to my boyfriend had Venus in aquarius.

Lacy Phillips: It's the most unavailable sign.

Danielle B: Every single one, and finally, when I met him, it's like, honestly, it took me a week or something to ask him when his birthday was.

Danielle B: And then he had Venus in Capricorn. I'm like, "Yes."

Lacy Phillips: You're like, "Thank you, yes, thank you."

Danielle B: Oh my God, Venus in aquarius, yes, red flag, red flag.

Lacy Phillips: You better be an Aries or Gemini or something that can handle that or Leo.

Danielle B: Yes, or you're all Aquarius and you just want space, space, space, space, space, yes.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, anyway, but, this is like, just so you know.

Danielle B: If you have Venus in Aquarius, then play up your unique self. Fly your freak flag.

Lacy Phillips: And know that you need space.

Danielle B: Yes. If you have Venus in Taurus, lean into your sensuality. Don't be afraid of that.

Lacy Phillips: Like the fun and the sexy and the things that just make you love them, yeah.

Danielle B: But also, it's okay to love food. It's okay to have a body that is more voluptuous. It's okay. If you have Venus in cancer, you're gonna nurture by ... you're gonna cook him a meal.

Lacy Phillips: Or her.

Danielle B: Or her, sorry, yes. You're gonna cook your partner a meal or take care of them in some way, right? If you have Venus in Virgo, that's the sign of the maiden, so you may actually like solitude, but you're gonna attract by serving.

Lacy Phillips: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree, yeah, absolutely.

Danielle B: Did we hit everything? If you have Venus in Sagittarius, you're gonna attract by being an explorer, a traveler, a philosopher.

Lacy Phillips: Free spirit, yeah.

Danielle B: We hit them all?

Lacy Phillips: I hope so. I feel like ... I know we get that sometimes people-

Danielle B: Gemini: if you have Venus in Gemini, you're gonna attract by being curious and interesting.

Lacy Phillips: Yes, okay, good. Thank you so much for being here again.

Danielle B: Oh my God, thank you for having me.

Lacy Phillips: We will have to do another. I mean, I know you guys are gonna have way more questions after this one.

Danielle B: Like, "You guys created more questions than answers. I'm really confused." Don't be confused.

Lacy Phillips: Have a good day, guys.