

I. Satellite


1. DGs around the

The : LMC and SMC 2

1 29.04.2018

1.1. The Magellanic System

On the southern sky 2 large diffuse and faint patches are optically visible: 3 The Magellanic Clouds

Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC); dIrr; dist.: ~ 58 kpc 4

2 29.04.2018

Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), dIrr; dist.: ~ 58 kpc


optical : + lumin. gas 1.2. The many faces of the LMC

Star-forming Regions: H

6 HI withl21cm

3 29.04.2018

(J. van Loon)

4/29/2018 Cosmic Matter Circuit 8

(J. van Loon)

4/29/2018 Cosmic Matter Circuit 9

4 29.04.2018

(J. van Loon)

4/29/2018 Cosmic Matter Circuit 10

1.3. The LMC, an gas-rich Dwarf Irregular Gakaxy (dIrr)


5 29.04.2018

(J. van Loon)

4/29/2018 Cosmic Matter Circuit 12

Panchromatic picture (J. van Loon)

4/29/2018 Cosmic Matter Circuit 13

6 29.04.2018



7 29.04.2018

The Magellanic Clouds

Computer model of a small satellite orbiting a larger (edge-on) disk galaxy. As the satellite orbits, stars are stripped from the satellite and orbit in the halo of the larger galaxy. (Kathryn Johnston, Wesleyan): see the bending and tumbling of the satellite‘s figure axis!


8 29.04.2018

Further evidence for ram pressure: at its front-side LMC gas is compressed leading to molecular cloud formation  triggered formation

Star-forming regions: H

18 Hot Gas: X-ray

(J. van Loon)

4/29/2018 Cosmic Matter Circuit 19

9 29.04.2018

Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC); dIrr; dist.: ~ 58 kpc 20

1.4. More distant dIrrs


10 29.04.2018

Carina II dIrr



11 29.04.2018

IC 10, dIrr, Dist.: 4200 kly, Cloud 24

Leo A in the solar vicinity


12 29.04.2018

1.5. Gas-free Dwarf Galaxies: dSphs

Fornax dSph D= 138 kpc

Mv = -13.5 27

Faint dSphs pure stellar systems, no gas,

metal-poor: Z< Z, faint end of dwarf Es, m extremely faint: Mv>-8 , very small:  ~ few kpc, close to the MWG

Leo I with =  Leo 28

13 29.04.2018

Ursa Minor dSph

Leo I: D = 250 kpc


14 29.04.2018

1.6. Intrinsic properties of dSphs

van den Bergh (2008)

dSphs are less

Mv = 16.2 – 14.26 log Rh concentrated and flatter than dSphs


1.7. Spatial Distribution of MW satellites


15 29.04.2018

The MW Satellites



16 29.04.2018

Marla Geha 38

39 Grebel, 1998

17 29.04.2018



18 29.04.2018

NGC 147 2MASS 2. The M31 system

NGC 205


NGC 221

Star-formation regions in NGC 185 and NGC 205 of similar size as in dIrrs


NGC 205


19 29.04.2018

And VII And VI

3. Stellar populations


20 29.04.2018



21 29.04.2018


22 29.04.2018

23 29.04.2018

The chart above demonstrates the previous conclusions by showing the abundances of alpha elements in dSphs versus solar . The symbols are as follows: blue triangles, Carina blue triangles plus circles, Leo I red triangles, Sculptor red triangles plus circles, Fornax green triangles, Draco, Ursa Minor, and Sextans from SCS01 black crosses, Glactic disk stars open squares, halo data from McWilliam et al. 1995 light blue stars, UVES data from a study of LMC star clusters of different ages 60 light blue crosses, Galactic measurements

24 29.04.2018

4.1. SF timescale from element

Assumptions: abundances  closed box,

 constant Yields yi  O+Fe from SNeII of massive stars,  Fe by SN Ia from WD-WD or WD-RG slow evolution fast gas consumption Effects: The ratio of element abundances from particular precursor stars allow the age dating of their lifetimes and the derivation of the

gas consumption. 63

SNeII of massive stars produce a constant ratio [O/Fe]0.5, while Fe increases continuously. After the typical formation timescale of SN Ia Fe is further enhanced independently of the O enrichment. Thus, O/Fe decreases. From the age of the disk, the SN Ia timescale must be of the same order.

Tolstoy & Venn, 2003


25 29.04.2018

4.2. Radial gradients in [Fe/H]

EK et al., ApJ, submitted


Walker et al.

26 29.04.2018


, 2004


27 29.04.2018

The metallicity distributions of dwarf galaxies evolve with luminosity.

EK et al., ApJ

Kirby et al. 2008, ApJ,685

28 29.04.2018

Kirby et al. 2008, ApJ,685

4.3. The Population Box


29 29.04.2018

with courtesy by SF continues also through the re-ion.epoch

dIrrs of the MW show stronger and more continuous with an increase of Z. Phoenix is in a stage of morphological transition.


30 29.04.2018


(2009) A&A 500

31 29.04.2018

4.4. Gas in dSph‘s: almost gas free, but gas infall!

Carignan et al. (1988) HI gas outside Sculptor dSph, Welsh et al. (1998) flocculent HVCs gas infall in NGC 205 enhances SF (see also Bouchard et al. 2003, 2006)

Satellites with gas

Sculptur (Carignan 1996) Leo A Dwarf Galaxies (low masses) can easily expel all(?) their gas into their intergalactic environment. Gas is stripped off by tidal and dynamical drag, by this, transforming dIrrs into dEs and dSphs(?). 80

32 29.04.2018

HI Environment?

Carignan et al. (1998)

Bouchard et al. (2003) AJ, 126

Gas clouds around Sculptor dSphs from expulsion?

Grcevich & Putman, 09, ApJ, 696


33 29.04.2018

Gas-poor Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group

Antlia83 DG

5. Detection of the Sagittarius

If no bright star-forming regions exist, the stellar component of satellite

The Sagittarius galaxies is hardly detectible84 at D  24 kpc due to their low brightness.

34 29.04.2018

Southwards of the MWG center a sample of stars was detected at a dist. of 24 kpc due to their collective kinematics:

SagDIG Dwarf Galaxy 85


35 29.04.2018



36 29.04.2018

Belokurov et al. (2007) ApJ, 658


Belokurov et al. (2007) ApJ, 658


37 29.04.2018


Search for tidal streamers.


38 29.04.2018

6. Satellite Accretion


Computer model of a small satellite galaxy orbiting a larger (edge-on) disk galaxy. As the satellite orbits, stars are stripped from the satellite and orbit in the halo of the larger galaxy. (Kathryn Johnston): see the bending and tumbling of the satellite‘s figure axis!


39 29.04.2018

Satellites on elliptical orbits experience

1) stretching along the trajectory on their approach to perigalacticum and crushing along the orbit towards apogalacticum because of velocity differences between leading anf trailing part, 2) radial stretching due to the tidal force of the mature galaxy,

3) by this a revolving gravitational potential along the orbit (due to tidal torque),

4) an oscillating equipotential (:= tidal radius) 95 that facilitates tidal stripping.

6.1. Tidal Force

Bodies that are extended over d and located at distance D in the central gravitational field of any mass M experience a Tidal Force

d Ftide  GM 3 D This results in a mode-2 deformation in radial direction towards and away from the center of mass.

The detection of the leading arm confirms the tidal stripping effect. The stripped gas approachs the MW disk. 96

40 29.04.2018

7. The Gas bridges between the Magellanic Clouds are formed (Magellanic Stream), showing that this complex is tidally disrupted by the Milky Way. Stripped-off gas drops down to the Galactic disk and feeds the MWG.

[Dwarf satellite galaxies are swallowed by larger parent galaxies (see next 97 Chapt.)]


41 29.04.2018

The tidal stream of Sgr I is detected from enhanced star density. 99


42 29.04.2018

The tidal stream of Sgr DG is detected from enhanced star density.


8. The Canis Major Satellite Galaxy Canis Major DG discovered recently: 17/11/03, close to the galactic plane at 7.5 kpc distance


43 29.04.2018

The Canis Major tidal Stream


8.2. Tidal Streams Recent sensitive observations of galaxy halos have revealed tidal streamers of satellite galaxies under disruption in a few of them. In M31 HVCs accumulate along the tidal path.


44 29.04.2018

Tidal streams around NGC 5907


Search for tidal streamers.


45 29.04.2018

The Aquarius stellar stream

CDM models of Galaxy Stellar Halos

Cosmological models based on CDM predict many accretion events through lifetime of a big galaxy. Infalling satellites are torn apart by tidal forces.


46 29.04.2018

8.3. Are halo stars witnesses of accretion?

The accretion of satellite galaxies by host galaxies like the Milky Way are observed by 1. Satellite infall 2. Tidally disrupted stellar streams

Most halo stars do not agree with Z of the present-day dSphs, but some could be the remnants of accretion. 110

Tolstoy & Venn, 2004 Koch (2009) Rev. Mod. Astron.

Conclusion: dSph stars do not match the MW halo stars!!

47 29.04.2018

Tolstoy et al. (2009) ARAA

At low Z dSphs coincide with halo star abundance ratios

Tolstoy & Venn, 2004


48 29.04.2018

8.4. Gas stripping

Ram-pressure stripping by the ram-pressure stripping 2 motion through hot halo gas if Pram = IGM·v rel > P0(r)


49 29.04.2018

Gas displacement by tidal and ram-pressure effects

Carignan 1999

HI gas displaced of Phoenix Welsh et al. (1998) Gas infall in NGC 205 enhances117 SF

8.5. Cosmological implications

Satellite galaxies move in the tidal field and the halo gas of mature galaxies.

Cosmological models predict numerous satellite galaxies around Hubble types.


50 29.04.2018

The Disk of Satellites see e.g. : Metz et al. (2009) ApJ, 697

Proposed solution: Group infall but too improbable (Knebe et al. 2008, MN, 388)

Kroupa et al. (2010) A&A, 523

The evolution for 2 Gyrs

51 29.04.2018

Petrov & Hensler (2011) in prep.

 Interactions of Sat.s important;  e.g. Satellites merge;  Gas is removed from the Satellites  And contributes to the gas:  Small subhalos survive, but without gas!  Large Satellites are tidally stretched and partly disrupted  dSphs merge: Mass spectrum?

The MW dSphs‘ distribution Stadel et al. (2008)

Jerjen (2008)

52 29.04.2018

8.5.1. The Disk of Satellites see e.g. : Metz et al. (2009) ApJ, 697

Proposed solution: Group infall but too improbable (Knebe et al. 2008, MN, 388)

Kroupa et al. (2010) A&A, 523

8.5.2. content of dSphs

Assumptions: virial equil. + spherical symmetry + isotropic veloc. disp.

 Ekin = - Etot

2 = G M/R log (M/L) = 2.5 + 107/(L/L ) tot  L =  R2 I M 1  2  L G  R  I


53 29.04.2018

8.5.3. BUT!!


The elongated shape of the Her dSph


54 29.04.2018

The case of Draco




55 29.04.2018

Grebel & Gallagher (2004) ApJ, 610

Most of the star formation in dSphs continued through the era of re- ionization: evidence for ionization inhomogeneity in the !133

8.5.4. Conclusions The DM content is doubtful, because of  Elongated shapes  S shapes of tidal stripping  Substructures  Probable anisotropic velocity dispersions  low star-formation rates but gas loss by galactic wind + stripping challenging CDM cosmology, because of  low DM  orbits in a single plane Solution: formation scenario ??