LXXXX • Ч.3 березень 2013 • March 2013 No.3 • LXXXX

“We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Aid to Publishers component of the Canada Periodical Fund.” UOCC Delegation to the Ecumenical n ISTANBUL, TURKEY —His Eminen ce, Metropolitan Yurij, together with His Grace Bishop Ilarion and His Grace Bi shop An - driy, led a delegation from the Ukrainian Or tho dox of Canada to the Ecu - menical Patriarchate of Con stantinople from Febru a ry 7 to February 10, 2013 at the invitation of His All-Ho liness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholo mew I. (See p. 14 for full story)

Високопреосвященніший Ми тро по - лит Юрій відвідав Константино по льсь - кий Патріярхат разом з Єпи ско пом Iла - рі оном і Єпископом Андрієм на чолі де- Великий Піст • G reat легації Української Право славної Цер - кви в Канаді 7-10 лютого 2013 року на begins March 18, 2013 за прошення Його Все-Свя тості Вселен сь - See our features кого Патріярха Варфоломея І. pp. 1-7, 20 (Див. стор. 14) Photo: N. Manginas March 2013–The Month of Priestly Calling Березень–Місяць священичого покликання Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! modern age. Our theological institution слу жіння Святій Церкві. На відміну від —St. Andrew’s College can assist qualified n "And we know that all things work to - неспо кійного світу сьогодні, де па ну - candidates to prepare for priestly service gether for good to those who love God, to ють війни, репресії, злиден н ість, еко- so that they may serve for the Glory of но мічні та еко логічні кри зи, Гос подь those who are the call ed ac cording to His God and the salvation of all. The priest - pur pose." (Rm 8:28) зво лив нам жити і слу жи ти Йо му в hood is a great calling that must be ac - цьому місці, де є сво бода, пошана до This historic 95th anniversary year of cepted with humility and in all serious - the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Can - людської гід но сті, і ба гат ство. Вели кий ness. As Christ submitted his hu man will Піст та кож дає мож ливість роз думу ва- ada provides an opportunity to reflect on to God’s Divine Will, priesthood calls us our pioneer ancestors who were called by ти про наше життя у Христі в таких to obedience and servitude to His Holy умовах і про наші обо в'язки мудрого the Lord to build churches and to spread Church. Pastoral ministry is the forefront His Good News in an unheard of foreign ко рис ту вання цими дара ми задля на- of the Church’s outreach ministry where шо го спа сіння. пов ній ду ховості та діянні land. For generations, they continued to every priest must work in the vineyard of Божого Сло ва по через Його hear God’s call to transmit Christ’s mes - Бог сотворив нас із любови, і кож - the Lord to bring tho se not on Christ’s ного з нас благо сло вив уніка ль ними Святу Україн сь ку Право - sage and the Teachings of the Holy Or - Path ba ck to the fellowship of His Holy дарами і особливим покли кан ням. По - сла вну Цер кву. tho dox Church to succeeding generations Church in full spirituality and prac tice of над 100 років нашого пе ребування на by developing parish life and encourag - the Word of God through His Holy Uk - —† ЮРІЙ, Митрополит ing their youth to become priests. And, rainian Ortho dox Church. цій благословенній ка над ській землі, Господь і Спаси те ль наш по кли кав до thus, today, we, the children of these an - Publication Mail Agreement —† Yurij, Metropolitan cestors, find ourselves reaping the boun - слу жіння в Йо го Церкві багато добро- № 40010125 го і побож но го духо вен ства. Рев но мо - ties of God’s blessings of those first immi - Дорогі Брати і Сестри у Христі! grants who struggled and suffered and лимося, щоб і нове покоління свя щен- used all of their God-given skills to fulfill n "І знаємо, що тим, хто любить Бо - но слу жителів в нашій Цер кві, які по- this calling in service to the Holy Church. га, хто покликаний Його наста но вою, кликанні почути голос Бо жий і від гук- In contrast to today’s ever-troubled world, усе допомагає на добре". (Рим. 8:28) нутися на це священне по кли кання в af flicted by war, repression, poverty, and Цей історичний Ювілей 95-літ тя суча сно му світі з усіма його проб ле ма- eco nomic and ecological crises, the Lord іс нування Української Право слав ної ми. Наша богословська шко ла, Ко легія has willed us to live and serve Him in a Церкви в Канаді дає нагоду згадати на - Св. Андрея, може до помогти на ді ле - pla ce with freedom, respect for human ших предків-піонерів, які були по кли - ним пев ними вла с ти востями кан ди да - dig nity, and immense bounty. This time ка ні Господом, щоб бу ду вати цер кви і там підго ту ва ти ся до священи чо го of the Great Fast provides an opportuni - сіяти Його Добру Вістку в нечу ва ній слу жіння, щоб вони мо гли служити на ty to reflect on living a life in Christ under далекій чужині. Протягом по ко лі нь Сла ву Богові та спа сін ня нашого на- such conditions and on our responsibili - во ни постійно прислухалися до Бо жо - роду. Духівництво—це ве лике по кли - ties to use these gifts wisely for the salva - го покли кання передавати Хр ис то ву кан ня, яке має бути при йняте зі сми - tion of all. ві с т ку й Вчення Святої Право слав ної рен ням і всією гли бо ко думністю. Як God has created us out of love, and Цер к ви наступним поко лін ням шля- Христос підкорив Свою люд сь ку во лю each has been blessed with a unique set of хом розвитку парафіяльного жит тя та Святій Божій Во лі, так і свя щен нослу - gifts and a special calling. For over 100 заохочення їх молоді до свяще ни чого жіння за кликає нас до послуху й слу- years in this land, Our Lord and Saviour служіння. І, таким чином, ми—діти жіння Його Святій Цер кві. Пас тир- has called many good and pious to цих пред ків, на сьогод ніш ній день по - ське служіння—од не з най перед ні ших serve in Our Church. We fervently pray жи наємо дари Божого бла го словення служінь в Цер кві, де ко жен свя ще ник that those of a new generation of clergy in цих перших іммі грант ів, які боролися повинен на полегливо пра цю вати у Гос- our Church life who are so called to hear з труд но ща ми, страж дали та викорис - под ньо му Виноград нику, щоб знову God’s voice will respond to this sa cred call товували всі свої Богом дані здібності- при во дити тих, котрі не йду ть Доро- and take up the challenges posed by our талан ти, щоб виконати це покликання гою Христа, до Його Святої Церкви в

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 2 ВІСНИК Great Lent березень 2013 The Spiritual Rewards of Pascha and Beyond Just like an athlete does not start a long before even starting the Great Fast, we thinking their choices would lead to Holy Church shows us through the race without warming up muscles, stretch - are prompted to spend some time more fun and enjoyment, but were sto ry of Adam and Eve’s expulsion ing and preparation, so too do Or tho dox examining our souls and the depth of instead led away from the Father. from Paradise the dramatic conse - Christians stretch their "spiritual muscles" our faith. What is strong faith? This Meatfare Sunday brings us to a quences of not following God’s Com - during the Great Fast which be gins March parable of the Cana anite wo man pro - cross roads and tests our free will. The mandments and letting our own will 18, 2013. Over a significant amount of ti - vides a measuring stick for us. Would Church foreshadows Christ’s Second trump God’s Will. The point is also to me in the calendar, each Sunday’s theme we have crumbled under the spiritual Coming and we can choose to enter repent and ask forgiveness of God. focuses on one aspect of our spiritual test of the Apostles and Christ? If so, we Paradise and be with our Lord forever These weeks are designed to orient our struggle and each week is dedicated to a should not be discouraged because the in Eternity, or to be left out, content whole being as we begin the spiritual particular figure that in spires us to contin - Lord also teaches us how to achieve with a few years of fun on earth before work of the Great Fast. We examine the ue our spiritual work. These weeks help us this faith. The Holy Church in the eternal death. During this Sunday, very fundaments of our soul—our be - to prepare our entire being—soul, mind, upcoming weeks of the Fast guid es us Christ Himself tells us what we need to lief in God and our commitment to heart and body—to greet the glorious Re- one step at a time. do to follow Him: "I was hungry and Him and the choice to exercise our free surrection of our Lord and Sav iour The Church teaches that Christian you gave me food, I was thirsty and you will and follow the Lord. We are also Christ, to mark His Ascen sion, and culmi - virtues are our spiritual tools (See side - gave me drink, I was a stranger and you given the tools for this task—humility, nation of His teach ings in the Pen tecost. bar, p.3) . This parable also introduces welcomed me, I was naked and you repentance, fasting and open-hearted - This article sum marizes the spiritual les - us to the virtue of humility, which is clothed me, I was sick and you visited ness towards our Father in heaven. sons that we may gain from the Great Fast the key to receiving God’s healing and me, I was in prison and you came to These weeks of preparation draw on the journey to Pascha and beyond in loving grace (See. p.6). This virtue is so me." (Mt 25:35-37) On the final Sun - our attention to our spiritual weak - our spiritual life. im portant in our spiritual life and as day before the Great Fast, Forgive ness nesses to work on during the Great the foundation of our relationship Sunday, or Cheesefare Sunday, the Fast. We now embark on the Great Fast Preparatory Weeks with God that over the next two Several weeks of preparation pre - months the Church draws our atten - cede the Great Fast. The Holy Church, tion to cultivating humility. This the - When Should Children Begin to Fast? in its great wisdom, lays out step-by- me of humility is repeated each week “Take possession of your stomach, before it takes possession of you.” step what any one of us—whatever sins as we ap proach Pascha. The Sunday of —St. we may have and however far we may the Pub lican and the Pharisee starts the How early should children begin fasting? According to the teaching of the be from Church life—need to prepare pre-Lenten preparation period with ancient Fathers, a healthy child begins to fast at around age three. Along with to greet the Resurrection of the Lord. It the the me of sincere repentance (Lk the need to observe whatever degree of fasting, parents must also take care to shows us the tools and psychological 18:9-14). While the Publican opened prevent their children from forming a habit of overeating, or eating too often mechanisms to employ, and the spiri - his heart to God, the Pharisee paid only outside of the times established for taking food, i.e., eating be tween meals. St. tual stance to adopt during the Great lip service. There are two themes to Theophan the Recluse gives parents advice about this: "A child should eat in Fast and beyond to successfully beco - draw from this week, again, humility, such a way that while developing and fortifying the body and giving it health, me wor thy of God’s gifts and to achie - but al so begins the theme of true he/she does not foment flesh-pleasing in the soul. Re gardless of how young ve salvation. With every week, the Holy repentan ce. This is necessary in order your child is, he/she must begin from the earliest years to stabilize the flesh, Church provides encouragement and to receive God’s forgiveness. As the which leans toward coarse matter, and accustom it to self control, so that in reminders through the special services, weeks unfold, the Church provides both the childhood and teenage years and be yond, he/she can easily and prescribed Bible readings, experiences several examples of how we should freely control this need." When children grow and their personality and incli - of the Saints and guides for per sonal repent—the spiritual attitude, which nations become clearer, parents become tactful about the norms of fasting. pray er practices. virtues to engage, even what to say. In They must not, for example, forbid them sweets against their will, or make Jesus Himself instructs us on how the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the son the fast days so strict with regard to food quality and quantity as to exceed to start to prepare for the Fast. We must cries out" "I have foolishly run away, O the norms of the Church’s rule of fasting. Ailing or frail children can natu - begin with strong faith. The Sun day Father,from your glory; I have squan - rally be given dispensations, or even be freed from fasting. before the four preparatory weeks be - dered in evil deeds the riches you Young adults should also not be forced into a strict observation of all the fore the Great Lent, told of the Cana - entrusted to me; therefore I offer you the norms of fasting if they are overburdened by them. Such forced fasting will anite wo man, who asked Jesus to heal words of the Pro digal Son: I have sinned not bring benefit to their souls, and could even harden them against it. The her daughter (Mt 15:21-29). Her re - before you... take me now repentant and whole meaning of fasting lies in voluntary self-restraint and placing limits sponse to Jesus testing her faith em - make me as one of your hired servants." on yourself. Therefore, children should be taught to fast from an early age, phasizes the theme of needing to culti - (Lk 15: 11-31) And we are shown nu - so that the norms of fasting will not prove burdensome to them when they vate a strong faith in God and assum - mer ous examples of the lost—the Pub - are young adults. ing an attitude of hu mility to be wor - li can, the Prodigal Son—those who —www.pravoslavie.ru thy of the Lord’s heav enly gifts. Thus, fol lowed the whims of their own will

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ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 3 March 2013 Великий Піст with a final preparation, the Church’s Sun day of that establishes cated to and filled with love for God. feat, but do not abandon yourself to poignant Forgiveness Vespers. This ser - the Faith of the Church through the This is how we must enter this final immoderate joy of salvation, do not vice begins with the Prayer of St. Eph - veneration of . We are reminded week. From Christ’s into Je ru - allow yourself to grow careless, do not raim the Syrian (See sidebar below) re- right at the beginning of the Fast that salem on to His Cruci - slacken your zeal. The enemy often minding us of the most fundamental we are not struggling alone in this fixion, on each day the Holy Church pretends to be defeated so that when human weaknesseses and providing world, but continue the Holy Tradi tion holds special services which reinforce you have abandoned yourself to a feel - the spiritual tools to overcome them handed down from the Apostles shared the purpose of our spiritual work dur - ing of safety, an unexpected fall will with the Lord’s help. On this evening, by all Orthodox Christians around the ing the Great Fast. This is a key week. more easily overtake you. Therefore do we lay our souls bare before God and world. We are never alone as Christ is Our Lord left us with some important not put down your battle arms and do others to ask forgiveness for our sins, always among us. The following weeks information about our future. It is dur - not forget your preventative rules. having appropriately repented during are de dicated to exemplary figures in ing this week that Christ establishes the Always be a vigorous and vigilant war - the previous weeks. At this service the the Church who are defenders of the Sacra ment of Holy Communion as a rior. Better sit and count your spoils; hierarchs, clergy and faithful offer each faith and who are ex amples to emulate way to share His love, unity and healing. look over the whole process of battle – other the and ask forgive - during the Fast. St. in "And he took bread, gave thanks and its beginning, duration and finally ness of each other. his Book of Ho milies and St. John Cli- broke it, and gave it to them, saying, what put an end to it. …This in the fi - The first week of the Great Fast ma cus in his Lad der of Divine Ascent ‘This is My body which is given for you: nal analysis is how spiritual wisdom calls upon all of our spiritual, psycho - have left a treasure of timeless writings do this in remembrance of Me.’”(Lk 22: and ascetical experience are acquired." logical and physical reserves. Physically on God’s Mysteries and how we can 19) "Likewise, he also took the cup after St. Theophan is really advising us to and spiritually taxing, the of St come closer to God. St. Mary of Egypt sup per saying, ‘This cup is the new co - keep up our good work—to continue Andrew is served the first four days of illustrates how even the greatest sin - venant of My blood which is shed for praying, to repent with a humble heart the week, setting the tone for the com - ners can be saved through fasting, you.’” (Lk 22: 20) He left instructions and to seek God’s forgiveness for our ing weeks to challenge ourselves and to pray er, re pentance and forgiveness. She with his Disciples on how to live to sins. "Do not tell anyone of the victory humbly submit ourselves to God’s provides a vivid example of hope and achieve salvation and life eternal. "A —that would greatly irritate the enemy Will. These are demanding services, re - the depth of forgiveness of our Lord. In new commandment I give to you, that and make you lose your strength. quiring our full being to participate, to her youth St. Mary led a far from pious you also love one another. By this all Vainglory, which would be impossible do prostrations, to sing in response life, but she escaped to the desert and will know that you are My Disciples, if to escape in this case, would open the and to open our hearts. There are a spent the remainder of her life in se - you love one another." (Jn 13:34-36) doors of your spiritual fortress, and af - num ber of special services, the Liturgy clusion and prayer. In the weeks following the glorious ter gaining a victory over one enemy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts is served on Halfway through, to prov ide en - Resurrection of the Lord, we greet each you would then have to do battle with Wednesdays and Fridays of each week. cou ragement and the promise of eter - other with Christ is Risen! This is a con - a whole mob. If you are overcome, This is a more solemn Liturgy which nal Kingdom, during the Sunday of the stant reminder of the purpose of the hum ble yourself; but do not run away still provides the faithful an opportuni - Cross we venerate the Holy Cross as a Crucifixion and Resurrection—that from God, and do not be stubborn. ty to part-take of the of sign of victory over death. Finally, hav - Christ conquered death so that we may Hurry to soften your heart and bring it Communion. We have also curtailed ing completed the Great Fast on La - have eternal life. It is difficult to under - to repentance. It is impossible not to our diets, and by doing so aided our zarus Saturday, we focus on commem - stand the true nature of what this fall, but we can and should arise after self-discipline. orating Christ’s last days in this earthly means, but one thing is clear. Hav ing falling. …Our Lord is like a mother Each of the Sundays of Lent have world during Passion Week. Prayer, struggled for weeks to change our heart who leads her child by the hand and the ir own theme beginning with the humility, forgiveness, and a heart dedi - and mind, we cannot go back to our old does not abandon him, even if he often ways before the Fast. St. Theo phan the trips and falls." Recluse in his book The Path to Молитва Єфрема Сиріна Salvation provides some advice on what —Compiled from materials written to do next. "The battle is over. Thank by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Молитва Єфрема Сиріна—покаянна молитва, яку промовляємо the Lord for delivering you from de - Toronto, www.gometropolis.org під час Великого Посту. Ця молитва читається двічі в кінці кожної ве - ли копісної служби від понеділка до п'ятниці—по суботах і неділях во- на не читається. При першому читанні цієї молитви після кожного Молитва на початок Великого Посту про хання кладеться доземний уклін. Потім 12 разів до себе читається молитва: "Боже, очисти мене, грішного"—з поясними поклонами. По - Господи Боже наш, надіє християн всіх країв землі і тих, хто сьо год - тім знову читається вся молитва, після якої кладеться один земний ні перебуває далеко від дому. Ти призначив святі дні посту в часи Ста - уклін. ро го Заповіту через пророків Твоїх, і в Новому—через Апостолів і Молитва Святого Єфрема Єван гелистів. Сподоби ж усіх нас у чистоті час посту провести, віру Господа і Владико життя мого. тверду зберегти і Заповіти Твої виконувати на протязі усіх днів життя дух лінивства, безнадійности, владолюбства нашого. Благаємо Тебе, Владико Милосердний: пристав до нас Ангела й марнослів'я не дай мені (доземний поклін) . Твого, щоб охороняв нас немічних у всіх ділах наших і допомагав нам, Дух же доброчесности, смиренномудрости, щоб ми були слухняними й погоджували найперше Тобі, та щоб спо - терпіння й любови даруй мені, рабу Твоєму (доземний поклін) . до билися гідно причаститися Святих Твоїх Тайн. Так, Господи Царю, даруй мені бачити провини мої Прийми, Господи, поклони наші і дотримування посту, слуг Твоїх і не осуджувати брата мого, (іме на) , і всім нам подай благословення через Христа Ісуса, Господа на - бо Ти благословен єси на віки віків. Амінь, (доземний поклін). шого, з яким благословенним є Ти, з Пресвятим, Милосердним і Жи - во творним Твоїм Духом, сьогодні, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь. (Після цього 12 малих поклонів, молячись:) Боже, будь милостивий до мене грішного (грішної). Боже, очисти мої гріхи і помилуй мене. Без числа нагрішив (нагрішила) я, Господи, прости мені. Про чесноти The Great Fast Prayer of St. Святі отці-аскети вчать, що, коли хочеш перемогти пристрасть, тре ба замінити її на відповідну доброчесність. Чесноти ще нази ваю ть - This is a prayer of repentance by one the great spiritual teachers, St. Eph - ся "плодами Святого Духа"; ці якості розуму і серця повинні мати всі raim the Syrian, which is said during the Great Fast. This prayer is read twice лю ди, щоб воістину стати образом і подобою Божою. Усвідомлюємо ми at the end of each Great Fast service Monday through Friday, but not on Sa - чи ні, але все добре, прекрасне й істинне в людині існує у ній тільки від tur days and Sundays. At the first reading, a full prostration follows each peti - Бо га і завдяки Богу, бо "всяке добре діяння і всякий досконалий дар схо - tion. Then, we make 12 small prostrations, bowing from the waist, saying: "O дять зверху, від Отця світів..." (Як 1:17) God, be merciful to me, a sinner." The entire prayer is repeated making one Преподобний Єфрем Сирійський: "Дбаймо лише про спасіння ду - final prostration at the end. ші, бо це єдинеконечне (Лк 10:42). Щоправда, тіло також вимагає на - The Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem the Syrian шої турботи, але не багато, бо ж душа вища за все." O Lord and Master of my life! Старець Никодим Святогорець: "Для здобуття чеснот треба мати Take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, ве лику й мужню душу і волю—не слабеньку та мляву, а рішучу й силь - lust of power, and idle talk. (full prostration) ну, правильно завбачуючи многоту перепон і важких трудів та готу - But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, ючись усе це взяти й перенести." patience, and love to Thy servant. (full prostration) Авва Зосима: "Для кожної чесноти слід докласти і труду, і часу, а та - Yea, O Lord and King! Grant me to see my own errors кож необхідно щиро її прагнути, особливо ж потрібним є сприяння and not to judge my brother; Бога. Бо коли Господь не допомагатиме нашому доброму устремлін ню, For Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen (full prostration) то буде наш труд нещасним. А сприяння Господа потребує наших (After this 12 small prostrations, bending from the waist, are done, saying) молитов, бо лише ними привертаємо ми Божу поміч нам на заступ - O Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. (small prostration) ництво. Якщо занедбаємо молитву, то як тоді Господь зглянеться над O God, cleanse my sins and forgive me a sinner, (small prostration) на шими трудами?" I have sinned without count, forgive me, O Lord. (small prostration) —hram.lviv.ua

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 4 ВІСНИК The березень 2013 The Sacrament of Holy Unction In the Holy Orthodox Church today metic purposes. The Holy Apostles also the re are seven Sacraments, which are al- used oil to anoint the sick, praying for so called Mysteries. The Sacraments are their healing. St. James writes, "Is any - important in our spiritual life be cause, as one among you sick? Let him call for Fr. Thomas Fitzgerald states, they dis - the elders of the church, and let them close and reveal God to us, they affect our pray over him, anointing him with oil personal relationship with God and oth - in the name of the Lord. And the ers and through them, the Holy Spirit prayer of the faith will save the sick, works to lead us to Christ. The Visnyk and the Lord will raise him up. And if /The Herald presents a series on the he has committed sins, he will be for - Sacraments for the spiritual benefit of given." (Jm 5:14-15) Anointing the sick the faithful. Previously, we have present - with oil has not only medicinal value ed the Sacraments of Baptism, Chrisma - but sacramental value as well, states tion, Marriage, Confession and Comm - The Ortho dox Study Bible. Prayer is union. The next to be featured is the Sa - combined with olive oil—not only the crament of Holy Unction, called Mas lo - primary me dicine of ancient times, but soboruvannya or Yeleosvyachen nya in also a symbol of the Holy Spirit in the Uk rainian. In this Sacrament, oil is san - Church —in a single sacrament that firm commitment to amend one’s life lighted candles throughout the Sacra - ct ified and individuals are anointed effects a healing for the whole person. following God’s Com mandments. Hen - ment. The clergy conduct readings with this Holy Oil through which the The Or thodox Study Bible identifies the ce, Holy Unction has a double pur - from the middle of the church before Gra ce of God heals the body and soul of elements of this sacrament of healing pose—for healing and for forgiveness. the am bon. In Ukraine where there are the recipients. as: (1) the priest; (2) the prayer of the no benches in churches, the faithful faith that will save, connected with (3) Symbolic Seven form a semi-circle around them down Healing of Soul and Body the work of Christ Himself. For the In the Orthodox Church, following the sides and back of the church. The The purpose of the Sacrament of Lord will raise us up, and (4) the Holy the practice of Christ and the Apostles, Sa cra ment itself is made up of seven Ho ly Unction is for the continuous Spirit, manifested in the oil; and (5) Holy Unction has been granted to sets of petitions, prayers, Epistle and heal ing of our body and soul for our confession of sins just prior to the those who are ill, but about a thousand Go spel readings with themes of re pen - salvation. According to the Teachings anointing with oil, which explains why years ago, it came into practice to serve tance, healing, the need for faith, suf - of the Holy Orthodox Church, Holy James writes "if he has committed sins, it for all of the faithful on Holy Wed - fering and mercy. Each of the seven Unction heals spiritual and bodily he will be forgiven." nesday of the Passion Week. Holy Wed - priests completes a set of readings and weaknesses which arise from sin. This Although oil is used for anointing, nesday commemorates the anoint ing then takes one of the cups of oil and is a sacrament for all of us because we, as St. James makes clear, it is not the oil of Jesus’ feet with myrrh oil (Mk 14:3- pro ce eds from person to person an - as sinners, all suffer from some type of per se that that has the power to heal, 5). We hear this in one of the readings oint ing them while the next set of read - physical or spiritual weakness. Like but it is God’s Grace in response to on this day: "The harlot mingled pre - ings takes place by another priest. Thus, Ho ly Confession and Holy Comm - prayer. Notably, the healing prayers cious oil of myrrh with her tears and the faithful are anointed seven times. union, this Sacrament can be received that are part of this Sacrament begin by poured it on Thy most pure feet, as she The priest says this prayer of healing more than once. asking for forgiveness of sins. Ac - kissed them; and straightway Thou and forgiveness of sins for each indi - This Sacrament has its roots in the cording to Apostle James, this Sa cra - hast proclaimed her justified. To us al - vidual person while anointing them: time of Christ and the Apostles, first ment leads to the healing of the body so grant forgiveness, O Lord who hast "O Holy Father, Physician of our soul taking the form of the laying of hands. and forgiveness of sins. Thus, Holy suffered for our sake, and save us." (Can- and body, You sent your Only-Begot ten Jesus is often recorded as healing Unction seeks not only the healing of ticle 9 Tone 1) Today, Maslosobo ru van - Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through touch, "Then Jesus put out His the physical body, but the forgiveness nya is an extre m ely popular Sacrament and He heals every infirmity and saves hand and touched him, saying, ‘I am of sins because most illnesses are the in Ukraine. It is served throughout us from death. Heal also servant of God willing; be cleansed.’ Immediately his result of sin, which is spiritual sickness. Great Lent as well as during Passion (name) from bodily and spi ritual weak - le prosy was cleansed." (Mt 8:3) Refe - Moreover, the teach Week. For practical reasons, churches ness and fill him/her with Christ’s heal - rences to the origin of Holy Unction in that Holy Unction speaks of a comple- and monasteries ser ve this Sacrament ing Grace, through the prayers of our the laying of hands can be found in one te forgiveness and healing of the in div- on several occasions because they can - All-Pure Lady, the Most Holy of the final prayers of this Sacra ment idual. They refer to forgiveness of what not accommodate at one time the and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the interces - when the Gospel Book is placed on the is sometimes called "forgotten sin"— thousands of people who wish to sion of the Hon our able Bodiless Powers heads of the recipients to signify the the unconscious sin which we do not receive this Sacrament. of Heaven, through the powers of the Lord’s hand placed on the head of the understand as sin and which can ac - Metropolitan Petro Mohyla details pre cious and Live-giving Cross, of the sick. However, during the apostolic pe - cu mulate and be the cause of spiritual the Office of this Sacrament in his Honour able, Glorious Prophet, Fore - riod the laying of hands for healing was and physical weakness. Thus, forgive - Great Kyivan Trebnyk of 1646. This Sa - runner and Baptist John, the Holy, Glo - replaced by the anointing of oil. As ness is essential to healing. Leading Or - cra ment is called soboruvannya in Uk - rious and All-Praised Apostles; the Holy, God’s healing power is bestowed through tho dox author Fr. Alexander Schme - rainian, meaning "a gathering" be cau- Glorious and Victorious Mar tyrs, our creation, so oil is a vehicle of God’s mann describes this healing process, se, according to the Apostles, it should Venerable and Holy Fathers, our Holy mer cy and healing in the Church. The "The ge nuine healing of a person has to be carried out by a "gathering" of seven Healer Unmercenaries Cos mas and Gospel of St. Mark notes the Apostles do with —not a temporary renewal of priests. In practice, there is often only Damian, Kir and John, Pante leimon and were sent by Jesus Christ "and anoint - phy s ical health, but in change, a genuine one priest available to serve this Sa - Ermoliy, Sampson and Diomid, Pho tius, ed with oil many who were sick, and shift of one’s understanding of sick ness, crament. The number seven is a key and Anikita, the Holy and Righteous healed them." (Mk 6:13) suffering and death. The purpose of the sym bol in the Orthodox Church that Ancestors of God, Joa chim and Anna, Oil, particularly olive oil, was valu - Sa cra ment is for a change in the very means "fulfillment". To begin, the cler - and all of the Saints. For You are the able and popular for many uses in an - un derstanding, of the very acceptance gy first prepare the oil. The Holy Oil Fountain of healing, O Christ our God, cient times—as a food item, for use in of the suffering and illness, in the un - used in this Sacrament differs from and unto You do we send up glory, to - oil lamps, and for medicinal and cos - der standing of it as a gift of suffering of that used during other anointings. He - gether with the Father Who is without Christ, manifest by Him in victory." re, olive oil is mixed with red wine and be ginning, and Your Most-Holy, Good In daily life we are used to a West - sanctified. It is then poured into 7 and Life-Giving Spi rit, now and ever, ern, medicalized view of healing that small cups used for anointing. The unto the ages of ages." It is notable that, understands it as the improvement of a Great Kyivan Trebnyk stipulates that just as in Holy Con fes sion and Holy physical ilness. However, in Ortho do xy seven candles be placed in a dish filled Communion, the baptismal name of healing involves the whole person — with grains of wheat. While this is still each person is stated during this Sa - body and soul, and is the mechan ism practiced, one also sees today intricate crament. God’s healing is granted to for salvation. According to The Or tho - metalwork stands with holders for the each specific individual. dox Study Bible , salvation deals with the seven candles attached to a plate to A recipient is anointed, just as they whole person, for each human be ing is hold the cups of oil. Each candle is to are upon Holy , on seven a unity, body and soul. At the same be lit before a Gospel reading. spiritually significant spots which are time, it must be understood that Holy Before receiving Holy Unction, the also the pathways to experiencing the Unction does not guarantee healing— faithful must attend the world. Metropolitan Petro Mohyla lists that depends on God’s Will. Physical this day and participate in two other these as the forehead, eyes, ears, lips, healing depends upon the healing of in tegral Sacraments—Holy Confession hands, nose, and the heart. The fore - the soul. This requires re pent ance and and Holy Communion. Then, each of head is the seat of the mind, while the forgiveness of sins combined with a the clergy and faithful stand holding eyes, ears, lips, hands and nose are the

—This page is prepared in conjunction with the Christian Education and Heritage Committee of the UOCC and resources of the Office of Missions and Education—

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 5 March 2013 Homily • Проповідь The Low Road of Humility "He that is down need fear no fall, he We have to regularly visit our closet That is our role and our decision. that is low, no pride, he that is humble to select our spiritual wardrobe to ma - When we follow God in obedience, Reverend ever shall have God to be his guide" ke sure we are clothed with humility. He watches over our lives, pouring Fr. This is a choice we make willingly and out His grace, so we can deal with Robert Hladiuk —John Bunyan happily because of our desire to fol low any and every situation we face. Hu - Holy God with all our hearts and obey His mility is our choice, we can choose to Metropolitan In the name of the Father, the Son, Cathedral and the Holy Spirit commands. be humble or we can choose to raise Correct theology is vital to every ourselves above others and exhibit Glory Be To Jesus Christ! aspect of God with full force and living pride. In either case, we will reap the "All of you be submissive to one an - out His plan. If we do not know the results of our decision—pride and other and be clothed with humility for character of God, how can we live ac - re sistance from God, or humility and exaltation. God resists the proud, but gives grace cording to His rule? For instance, in grace from God. So, if we want praise, position, power to the humble. Therefore humble your - our thinking, we are not as bad as the 3) God requires submission. Jesus ga - or popularity, we might have a very self under the mighty hand of God, next person. Therefore, God will un - ve us an important principle when long wait. Instead, spend our hearts that He may exalt you in due time." (1 der stand if we sow a few wild oats, put He taught "No one can serve two and energy humbly serving God, His Peter 5:5-6) ourselves first a few times, indulge in masters, for either he will hate the people and mankind. When it is time Peter, the fisherman who wrote this something not so holy just a time or one and love the other, or else he will and when we are ready, God will do the Scripture, is constantly asking his read - two. However, we are dangerously be loyal to the one and despise the rest. He will do the lifting up, the exalt - ers to "remember." It was he who con - wrong and will be judged for all our other." (Mt 6:24) Pride and humility ing, the honouring and the delivering fidently asked to come to Jesus as the actions. (Rm 14:10-13) are separate masters. Pride is sin and in His timing when He chooses and Lord walked on water and then after Here are four facts about God, four follows the path of satan. While hu - when He deems best. He will take care taking a few steps, Peter noticed the qualities of His revealed nature that gi - m ility, God’s plan and desire for us, of everything. waves and sank in fear. It was also Peter ve us information about Him and di - follows God’s path. 1 Peter 5:6 says, All that we think we have given up, who declared Jesus as the Christ, and rection about our quest for a life of hu- "Humble yourselves under the migh - or sacrificed, or put up with, or taken, then only a few minutes later protested mility: ty hand of God." This is not a sug - or been deprived of, or suffered un - to Jesus for talking about His death. It 1) God resists the proud. It actually gestion. If we are His children, our right eously, He will take glorious ca re was Peter who proudly boasted in his means that God arranges Himself Heavenly Father asks for our sub mis - of in due time. He will lift us up, make willingness to go to prison or to die for against the arrogant, pompous or sion and humility. This is not a bad things right, and make the truth known. Jesus, only hours later to deny knowing proud person. He is watching and lo - thing. God never asks anything of us He delights in declaring free from bla - Jesus three times. (Mt 14:29-33, 16:21- oking for the prized virtue of hu mil - that is evil, or that is not for our best. me His humble and obedient servants 27; Lk 22:33-34) ity and submission in all of us. When Submission and humility are our lov- in justifying His righteous followers. At last, by God's grace, Peter learned He sees something He does not like ing responses to a living God, Who is So, wait, my dear brothers and sisters to walk the low road of humility. Peter or notices that something vital is gracious and almighty. in Christ. Genuine humility enables us learned about humility and it changed mis sing, He will work in our lives 4) God exalts the humble. Exalt means to be pa tient. Why? Because we are him to become a humble person. Like - un til that certain area of all our lives to praise something highly. Raising content. If you deeply think about it, wise, we as Christians, my dear broth - is perfected. My dear brothers and the rank or power in Jesus is the ulti - we really do not need immediate re - ers and sisters in Christ, must also sisters in Christ, do you want to do mate example of humility. He is also wards. What if the rewards never come learn this lesson in humility. battle with Christ? Do you want to the greatest example of God’s exalta - in this life-time? Regardless of what ta- According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, all believ - do battle with God in this area? If tion of the humble, as revealed in kes place or does not take place here on ers are first and foremost to be submis - you let your life remain in pride, and Philippians 2:9-10, "Therefore God earth, exaltation beyond measure will sive to one another. Contrary to what in rebellious thinking that you know al so has highly exalted Him and be waiting for us in the next life when many think, submission is not a hum - better than Him. I warn you—be - given Him the name which is above we join with Jesus for eternity. (Eph an curse. No, it is a divine, holy calling ware! We will lose. A good example every name, that at the name of Je - 6:7-8 and Col 3:23-24) If we desire to from God to all Christians, male and of this is in Ezekiel, Chapter 28, the sus, every knee should bow, of those follow God with all our hearts, and I female, single and married. All believ - pride of satan, who is referred to as in Heaven and of those on earth." know you do, then move forward on ers are to be submissive to one anoth - one of the anointed cherubs. Satan's Just as the Father exalted Jesus, so He the path to hu mility. Humility is the er. We do not get to pick and choose to sin of pride meant that he wanted to desires to raise up His obedient chil - harder road, may be the hardest road, whom we will and will not humbly exalt himself, but God stopped sa - dren. Jesus stated this saying, "He but it is the right road. It is God’s Road. submit. We are to gladly submit to gov - tan's attempt and cast him out of the who humbles himself will be exalted" May God give all of us His grace as we ernment leaders as an authority, to a heavens, to the ground. God sets Him- (Lk 14:11). When can we expect this travel down this road together. self actively against any proud per - to take place? Peter has the an swer, boss at work, to the leaders in our In the name of the Father, the Son and son, even an angelic being. "In due time." (1 Peter 5:6). In other church, and if we are married to our the Holy Spirit. 2) God gives grace to the humble. God words, when our humility is great husbands and wives. No, this submis - Glory Be To Jesus Christ! Amen. sion is not one-sided. tells us to be submissive and humble. enough to withstand the pride of our

хви лин по тому заперечував Ісусові, Ми спокійно підкоряємось членам Дорогою смирення коли Він говорив про Його смерть. уряду, як владі, керівникам у праці, "Тому, хто внизу не страшні ніякі дать! Тож покоріться під міцну Божу Це був Петро, який з гордістю за я - проводові нашої Церкви, і як що ми па діння, хто підлий—той не має ру ку, щоб Він вас Свого часу пови - вляв про свою готовність піти у в'я - в шлюбі, то нашим чоло ві кам і дру- гор дості, а хто смиренний, той зав - щив". з ницю або померти за Ісуса, і лише жинам. Але ця покора не є одно сто - жди матиме Бога своїм охоронцем" Петро, рибалка, який написав ці через кілька годин три рази запер е - роння. слова постійно пригадує своїм чи - чував, кажучи що не знає Ісуса (Мт Ми повинні регулярно відкри ва - —Джон Банян тачам "пам'ятайте". Це був він, хто з 14:29-33; 16:21-27; Лк 22:33-34). ти нашу шафу для одягу, щоб ви б - В ім'я Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа впевненістю попросив Ісуса, підій ти Але з милості Божої, Петро нав - рати собі духовний одяг, щоб впев - до Нього, коли Господь ішов по воді, чив ся ходити дорогою смирення. нитися, що одягнені у смиренність. Слава Icyсу Христу! а тоді, зробивши кілька кроків Ап. Петро взнав що таке смирення і І цей вибір ми робимо охоче і ра ді - "У Першому Посланні Aп. Петра назустріч, Петро поглянув на хвилі, воно допомогло йому стати сми - сно, тому що бажаємо слідувати Бо - (5:5-6) говориться: "Всі майте поко - засумнівався і зі страху почав тону - рен ною людиною. Так само й ми, як гові всім серцем своїм і покорятися ру один до одного, бо Бог проти ви- ти. Він (Петро) це той, який заявив, християни, мої дорогі брати і сес - Його заповідям. ться гордим, а смиренним дає бла го - що Ісус є Христос, а через кілька три у Христі, повинні також вчи ти - Правильна теологія є життєва пов - ся цієї смиренності. носильно важлива для кожного Бо - Згідно зі словами Першого По - жого аспекту і виконання Його за - The Sacrament of Holy Unction… слан ня Петра (5:5-6), всі віруючі, думу. Якщо ми не знаємо приро ди instruments of the five senses. The symbolizes Christ Himself placing his перш за все, мають бути покірними Бога, то як можемо жити згідно Йо - heart is where evil thoughts and pas - hand on those receiving Holy Unction. один до одного (мають коритися го заповідей? Візьмімо, напри клад, sions arise, and for practical purposes is At the completion of this Sa cra ment, один одному). Всупереч тому, бага то наше мислення. Якщо ми не такі anointed symbolically on the collar one of the priests gives a ho mily and хто думає, що покора це прокли - вже й погані, як хтось інший, якщо bone. After the final anointing, several the faithful venerate the Cross before нан ня. Ні, це не проклін. Покора це ми інколи посіємо лише кіль ка зе- prayers follow to complete this Sacra - departing quietly for the ir homes. є божественний, святий Божий за - рен дикого вівса тут і там, по ста ви - ment. During one of these prayers the клик до всіх християн, чо ловіків і мо себе вище когось кілька ра зів, ті - priest takes the Gospel Book, which is —The Orthodox Study Bible; www. жінок, самітніх і одру же них. Всі ві - льки раз чи два займемося яким сь supported by the other priests, and pla - mgarsky-monastery.org; www.risu.org; Ta - руючі повинні бути по кір ними не таким вже й святим ді лом,—то ces it on the heads of the faithful and yinstva Pravoslavnoi Tserkvy; Great Lent: один до одного. Нам не да но ви би - Бог зрозуміє нас. reads a final prayer. The Gospel Book Journey to Pascha; The Lenten Tri o dion рати, кому ми маємо поко ря тися. (продовження на стор.7)

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 6 Сяюча краса Святих ВІСНИК The Radiant Beauty of the Saints березень 2013 Преподобний Олексій Римський, Чоловік Божий "Помирай з радістю. Помирай з упевненістю. Помирай із вдячністю. Церква Св. Боніфатію та йому, а йо- Помирай, щоб жити. " го релікварій знаходиться у Великій Лаврі на Афоні, звідки недавно був —о. Майкл К. Марш, роздумуючи над ученням Майстера Екгарта, привезений для поклоніння у Ново - натхненника "Олексіанської духовності" спаському монастирі в Москві. а 30-го березня за григоріан - голос Богородиці: "Введи в мій Храм Святий—особливо популярний сь ким календарем (17-го за того Чоловіка Божого, гід ного Цар с - се ред Християн в Україні, Росії та Бі - Н юлі анскьим) ми святкуємо тва Небесного. Моли тва його сходить лорусі, про що свідчить популяр ні - па м'ять Святого, який жив на до Бога, як кадило запашне, і Дух сть його імені. Він також захопив уя - перехрестю 4-го і 5-го століть, та Свя тий спочиває на ньому". Коли йо - ву Християн на Заході, які поми на - який своїм життям, об'єднує Хрис - му було об'явлено, що той "Чоловік ють його 17-го липня. Зокрема, він ти ян ський Схід і Захід. Він—Свя тий, Божий" був цей же жебрак, то він та - став джерелом натхнення для "Олек - якого життя на перший (а мабуть і ким і представив йо го віруючим, а сіан", чину Католицької Церкви, яко - на другий і третій) погляд, досить во ни зустрічали Олек сія з похвалами го заснувала чернеча братія у Ні меч - імо вірно, був би зовсім не приваб- й захопленням. чині та Бельгії в 13-ому столітті. Во - ливим навіть для багатьох з нас, що Побоюючись такого визнання, ни просили хліба і таким чином ста - уважаємо себе Християнами. Олексій знову втік. Він хотів попли с - ли відомі, як "Брот-бегарди" або Проте, Св. Олексій (по-грець ко - ти в Tape, у батьківщину Апостола просто "Келійники" (бо ж жили во ни му Алексіос, що означає оборо не ць ) Па вла, слова якого на дихнули його на в монастирських келіях). Саме вони —єдиний Святий з незвичною на з - це життя самовідречення. Та в Го с - дбали про жертви страшної епі демії ще будучи живим. Ми можемо собі вою "Чоловік Божий". Передання го - пода були інші плани для Свого від - чуми в 14-ому століттю в Європі. У ли ше уявляти той біль, який він на - ворить, що він був уродженцем Ри - даного слуги. Буря загнала кора бель в 15-ому століттю вони ви брали Пре - певно був відчував, коли слухав ви- му, сином сенатора Євфиміана і його Італію і Олексій відчув тяготу до дому подобного Олексія своїм офіціаль - рази скорботи й жалоби своїх бать - дружини Аглаї. Його соціяль ний свого батька в Римі. Його знову ж там ним Покровителем, і це ж його іме - ків та дружини, а при цьому ж зав- статус повинен був запевнити йо му не пізнали, але благо дійний Се натор нем вони й звуться до нині в своїй жди мав змогу перемінити їхню пе - вигідне й щасливе життя в рим сь ко - Євфиміян дозво лив йому про живати ро боті по догляду за хворими і чаль на радість, та все ж таки стри - му суспільстві. До того ж ба тько йо- під сходами та наказав, щоб його страж даючими. му вав себе, щоб нарешті прийшла го був щедрим послідов ни ком Хрис - годували їжею зі свого сто лу. Вони також були натхненниками ще більша радість, тобто радість та, який користав своїм ба гатством, І таким чином Олексій прожив Майстера Екгарта, німецького Домі - пов ного, досконалого, вічного спіл - щоб годувати бідних, вдів і сиріт. ще сімнадцять років, невизнаний у ні канського містика 13-го і 14-го сто - кування усіх з Господом у майбут - Олексія одружили з краси вою і че - домі свого батька, де міг чути роз - літь (відомий сучасний Право слав- ньому віці, який уже став світати. снотною нареченою. І в пер шу шлю- мови улюблених батьків і дружини, ний богослов, Єпископ Калліс тос О. Майкл К. Марш, священик б ну ніч він віддав своїй дру жині свій переносячи й радісно приймаючи Вер, вивчав його праці), який пи сав: Єпи скопальної Єпархії Західного перстень (символ влади) і свій пояс зневагу, а бувало й зловживання від "Сім'я Бога—в нас. Там де ро зум ний Те хасу, пишучи про виклик ставати (символ його сили) зі сло вами: "Збе- слуг їхніх. У день коли він заснув у і працьовитий фермер, воно бу де не зв'язаним зі світом, щоб світ спа - режи це, улюблена, і нехай Господь Господі, Єпископ Риму, Святитель розвиватися і виростати до Бога, са ти, закликає: "Помирай з радіс тю. буде з нами, доки Його Бла годать дас - Інокентій, почув голос у кінці Літур - Якого воно є насінням; і, від по відно, По мирай з упевненістю. Помирай із ть нам щось краще". А тоді по тай ки гії: "У п'ятницю вранці. Чоловік Бо - плодом його буде Божес твен на при - вдячністю. Помирай, щоб жити". відплив у Месопотамію у мі сто Едес - жий виходить від тіла; нехай по мо - рода. Насіння груші пере тво рюють- Ось сенс Посту перед Святом Вели - су (нині Шанлиурфа в Ту реччині), де литься він за місто, щоб ви зісталися ся на груші, горіха насіння—в горі - ко дня, Світлого Воскресіння Гос- він продав усе, що тіль ки мав, роздав без турбот". Коли Папа помолився за хо ві дерева, а Божественне на сін ня— под нього, так зворушливо виявле - гроші вбогим і про тя гом сімнадцяти поміч визначити цього таємничого у Бога". Для того, щоб насіння зрос - ний при кладом життя Преподоб но - років жив біля Цер кви Пресвятої "Чоловіка Божого", то йому сказано, тало воно має перше померти й бути го Олек сія, Чоловіка Божого (відго- Богородиці, як же брак, користаючи що він повинен піти до дому сена то - посадженим у землю, як і писав Апо - мін його чуємо дещо у пісні Бітла- милостиню дану йому набувати собі ра Євфиміяна. Здивований батько стол Павло (Кор 15:36). місти ка Джор джа Гаррісона, Art of хліба та води, а решта віддавав бід - Олексія дозволив обшук свого дому, Преподобний Олексій, чий при - Dying /Мис тецтво помирання) : пі - ним. Св. При частя приймав він кож- і знайшли тіло Св. Олексія під схо - клад безстрасності дійсно має мі ні - ді брати Хрест Господній і жити тут і ної неділі (це було зовсім норма ль - дами. Обличчя Його сяяло, і в руках мальну привабливість для більшості тепер жит тям Царства Божого, по - ним для Хрис тиян того часу). тримав він листа ним написаного, в з нас (його можуть наслідувати лише мирати, щоб жити. Його батьки шукали свого сина якому він нарешті виявив себе, ви - ті нечисленні особи, які на подібне протягом багатьох років. Його дру - словив свою любов до батьків і дру - життя покликані), вирішив померти —митр. прот. д-р Ігор Кут аш жи на також переїхала до них і вони жини, і попросив у них прощення. його оплакували й надіялись на яку сь Їхню скорботу пом'якшила роз- звістку про нього. Одного разу слу ги ра да з приводу того, що нарешті St. Alexis of Rome, їхні прибули і в Едессу, але не пізнали знайшли того, який, як вони побою- там сина свого господаря в блідому, ва лися, був назавжди втрачений для виснаженому жебракові, який пробу - них, а також що відчули святість, яку the Man of God вав постійно біля Цер к ви. Вони наві - Божою Благодаттю осягнув їхній син "Die with joy. Die with confidence. Die with thanksgiving. Die in order to live." ть дали йому мило с ти ню, яку він і муж. Бо ж чудеса зцілення і потік при йняв зі смиренням і радістю, не мира витікали зі Святих Мощей, які —Fr. Michael K. Marsh, meditating on the teaching of Meister Eckhart, ви являючи себе їм. В один прекрас - тепер були передані для поклоніння inspiration of Alexian Spirituality ний день паламар Цер к ви почув віруючими. У Римі була присвячена n March 30, or March 17 on the wealth to feed the poor, the wi dows and Julian Calendar, we celebrate a the orphans. Alexis was mar ried to a Молитва до прп. Олексія, чоловіка Божого O Saint who lived during the turn beautiful and virtuous bride. On the of the 4th to 5th C, and who wedding night he gave his bride his О, великий Христовий угоднику, святий чоловіче Божий Олексію, unites the Christian East and West with ring, a symbol of authority, and his belt, що душею на небесах біля Престолу Господнього перебуваєш, а на his life. He is a Saint whose life at first a symbol of his strength, saying, "Keep зем лі, даною тобі Богом благодаттю, різні чудеса здійснюєш! Зглянься glance —and perhaps a second and these things, Beloved, and may the Lord милостиво на людей, які біля ікони твоєї з сокрушенням сердець мо - third, would quite likely be most un - be with us until His grace pro vides us ляться і просять у тебе допомоги та заступництва. Простягни моли - attractive even for many of us profess - with something better." Then, he sailed товно до Господа Бога чесні руки твої і виблагай нам у Нього про щен - ing to be Christians. away se cretly to Me sopotamia to the ня гріхів наших вільних і невільних: тим, що від хвороб страждають, In Greek Alexios means defender. In city of Edessa, called Sanliurfa in mod - зцілення; тим, що спокуси терплять, заступництво; тим, що у скорботі Ukrainian it is Oleksiy, and the La tin ern Tur key, where he sold everything he перебувають,—заспокоєння; тим, що бідують,—швидку допомогу, а form is Alexius. St. Alexis is the only owned, distributed the money to the всім, що шанують тебе—мирний та християнський кінець життя і Saint with the unusual title "the Man of poor, and lived as a beggar for 17 years добру відповідь на Страшному Суді Христовому. О, угоднику Божий, God." Tradition tells us that he was a beside the Church of the Theotokos. He не посором надії нашої, яку на тебе після Бога та Владики покладаємо, native of Rome, the son of the senator, used the alms given him to get bread але будь нашим помічником і покровителем для спасіння. Щоб твої - Euphimianus, and his wife, Aglais. His and water for himself and gave the rest ми молитвами, отримавши благодать та милість від Господа, ми про - social rank ought to have assured him a to the poor. He received the Eu charist сла вляли чоловіколюбність Отця і Сина, і Святого Духа, в Тройці сла - comfortable and happy life in Roman each Sunday, which was normal for вимого і поклоняємого Бога, і твоє святе заступництво, нині, і по всяк - society. Moreover, his father was a ge - Chris tians of his day. час, і на віки віків. Амінь. nerous follower of Christ, who used his (continued on p.7)

ВІІСНИК • THE HERALD Tell..:: 1-877-586-3093 Fax:: (204) 582-5241 E-maiill:: [email protected] web::www..uocc..ca THE HERALD 7 March 2013 Great Lent • Великий піст Дорогою смирення… (продовження зі стор.5) лю дини,—навіть ангела. повідь Богу Живому, Який Все- краще для нас, Він подбає про все. 2. Бог дає благодать смиренним. ми лостивий і Всемогут ній. Всім тим, що думаємо, що ми в Але таке думання неправильне, Бог хоче, щоб ми були покір ни - 4. Бог звеличує смиренних. Що чо мусь собі відмовили, або пожер т - во но шкід ли ве, бо ми вкінці кінців ми і смиренними. Це наша роль і зве ли чення означає? Означає ду - вували, або змирилися з чимсь, або станемо "пе ред Судним Престолом наше рішення. Коли ми слідуємо же високо хвалити когось, звели - прийняли що так мусить бути, або Божим" і відповідатимемо за всі на - Богові в послусі. Він наглядає за чувати. Повищення рівня сили були позбавлені чогось, або по - ші вчинки (Рим.14:10-13). нашим життям, виливаючи на або влади в Icyсі є ультима тив - страж дали неправедно,—Він заопі - Нам відкриті чотири факти про нас Свою щедру благодать, так ним прикладом смирення і Він ку ється, але в Cвій час. Він піднесе Бога, чотири якості Його природи, з що ми можемо впоратися з будь- та кож є найбільшим прикладом нас, зробить все правильним й істи - яких довідуємося про Нього та про якою і кожною ситуацією, з якою піднесення Божого смирення як ну відомою. Він задоволений ви з - напрямки як нам жити в смирен но - стикаємося в нашому повсякден - подано в Флп. 2:9-10, "Тому й Бог нан ням, що Його скромні і слух ня - сті: ному житті. Смирення—це наш повищив Його, та дав Йому Ім'я, ні слуги вільні від провини,—Його 1. Бог гордим противиться. Це вибір, ми можемо вибрати чи бу - яке вище над кожне ім'я, щоб пе - пра ведні послідовники. Тож чекай - фак тично означає, що Сам Бог є ти скромними, чи підняти себе ред Ісусовим Ім'ям вклонялося мо, мої дорогі брати і сестри у Хрис - про ти зарозумілої, пихатої і гор - ви ще інших і показати свою гор - кож не коліно небесних і земних, і ті. дої людини. Він гордим проти ви - диню. У кожному разі, ми будемо підземних". Так само, як Отець Справжня смиренність допо ма- ться, Він спостерігає і шукає цін - по жинати результати наших рі - Не бесний повищив Ісуса, так Він гає нам бути терплячими. Чому? То - ну чес но ту смирення і покори в шень: якщо виберемо гординю— бажає, повищити Його послуш - му що ми задоволені. Це дійсно так, кожному з нас. І коли Він бачить пожнемо протистояння від Бога, них дітей. Ісус підтверджував: бо якщо глибоко вдуматися, ми не щось таке, чо го не любить у нас, а якщо смиренність—матимемо "Хто бо підноситься—буде впо - потребуємо негайної нагороди. А або зауважує, що щось важливе благодать від Бога. ко рений, а хто впокоряється, той що станеться, якщо нагорода ні ко - відсутнє в нас, Він працюватиме 3. Бог хоче від нас покори. Ісус, ко - піднесеться". (Лк. 14:11) Коли мо - ли не прийде до нас за нашого жит - над нами до тих пір, аж поки та ли навчав,—дав нам важливе жемо очікувати, що це станеться? тя? Ну і що! Нічого страшного не ділянка нашого жит тя не напра - пра вило: "Ніхто двом панам слу - Ап. Петро на це відповідає: "У станеться! Незалежно від того, що ви ться і не стане без до ган ною. жити не може,—бо або одного свій час". (1 Петра 5:6) Іншими стається або не стається тут, на зем - Мої дорогі брати і се с три у Хри - зне навидить, а другого буде лю - словами, це станеться тоді, коли лі, піднесення понад усякий ви мір сті, чи ми хочемо боро тися з бити, або буде триматись одного, наше смирення досягне висоти, чекатиме нас у наступному жит ті, Хри стом? Чи ми хочемо бо ро ти- а другого знехтує". (Мт. 6:24) Гор - щоб вистояти проти гордoсті на - ко ли будемо царювати з Ісусом у ся з Богом у цій ділянці, ду ма - дість і смирення є окремими дво - шо го піднесення. вічності (Еф. 6:7-8; Кол. 3:23-24). ючи, що ми мудріші? ма панами. Гордість є гріх, і йде по Таким чином, якщо ми хочемо по- Якщо хочемо слідувати за Гос по- Якщо так, то зали шай мося бути шляху сатани. У той час як сми - хвали, посади, становища, влади або дом всім серцем, і я вірю, що ви це гордими, і ду май мо собі, що зна - ренність,—це Божий план і на ше популярності, то може прийде ть ся робите, то рухаймося вперед по ємо краще, ніж Він. Але засте рі - бажання слідувати за Бо гом. Пер - дуже довго чекати. Тому не че каймо, шляху до смирення. Дорога сми - гаю вас—будьмо обережні!—бо ше Послання Петра 5:6 говорить: а замість того, витрачаймо наш ро - рен ня—це важка дорога, може й програємо. Добрим прикладом "Покоріться під міцну Божу ру - зум і енергію на смиренне служіння най важча з усіх, але за те—прави ль - цьо го є книга пророка Єзекіїля, ку". І це не пропозиція. Якщо ми Богові, своєму народові і всьому на дорога. Це Божа Дорога! Нехай 28-й розділ, про гордість сатани, Його діти, наш Небе сний Отець люд ству ("Служити наро дові—то Бог пошле усім нам Свою благодать який був "помазаний Херувим". вимагає нашої поко ри і смирен - служити Богові"—Митр. Іларіон). у нашому спільному паломництві Гріх гордині сатани означає, що ності. А це непогано. Бог ніколи Коли прийде час і коли ми будемо по цій Божій дорозі. він хотів возвеличити себе. Але не вимагає від нас ні чого, що є готові, тоді Бог зробить все необ- Бог зупинив спробу сатани і ски- по гане, що є злого, тоб то те, що хідне. Він піднесе, повищить, вша- В ім'я Отця, і Сина, нув його з небес на землю. Бог нам не на користь. Покора і сми- нує, подасть. Та все це буде не на наш і Святого Духа. виступає проти будь-якої гордої ренність—це наша любляча від - час, а на Його час, бо Він знає, коли Слава Icyсу Христу! Амінь! St. Alexis of Rome, the Man of God… (continued from p.6) years, unrecognized in his father’s ho - spask iy Monastery in Mos cow. hart’s works. me, within earshot of the conversation The Saint has been especially pop - St. Alexis, whose example of de - Over the years his parents searched of his beloved parents and wife, pa tient - ular among Christians of Ukraine, tach ment is indeed of minimal attrac - for their son . His wife moved in with ly and joyfully enduring the disdain, Rus sia and Belarus, as evidenced by the tion to most of us, chose to die while them and they mourned and hoped for and at times abuse, of their servants. popularity of his name. He also cap - yet alive. His example can only be fol - some news of him. One day, their ser - On the day of his falling asleep in tured the imagination of Christians of lowed by the few who are called to it. vants trav elled to Edessa, but did not the Lord, the Bishop of Rome, St. In - the West who celebrate him on July 17. We can only imagine the pain he must recognize their master’s son in the nocent, heard a Voice at the end of the In particular, he became the inspira - have felt on hearing the expressions of pale, emaciated beggar who was con - Liturgy: "On Friday morning the Man tion for the Alexians, a community of sorrow and mourning of his parents tinually beside the Church. They even of God comes forth from the body; the founded by mon - and wife, while being continually in a gave him alms which he received with have him pray for the city, that you astic brothers in Germany and Bel gi - position to change their sorrow into humility and joy without revealing his may remain untroubled." When the um in the 13th C whose members beg - joy, and yet restraining himself in or - identity to them. One day, the Church’s Pope prayed for help in identifying this ged for bread and thus became known der that the greater joy might at last sacrist an heard the voice of the The - mysterious "Man of God", he was told as "Brot-Beghards" or simply "Cel lites" arrive —the joy of full, perfect, eternal otokos, "Bring into My Church that that he must go to the house of Senator because they lived in monastic cells. It communion of all with and in the Lord Man of God, worthy of the Kingdom Euphimianus. Alexis’ astonished father was they who cared for the victims of in the Age to come, which has already of Hea ven. His prayer rises up to God allowed the search of his home and the the terrible Black Plague of 14th C dawned. like fragrant incense, and the Holy body of St. Alexis was found under the Europe. In the 15th C they cho se St. Fr. Michael K. Marsh, an Episcopal Spirit rests upon him." Upon being stairs. His face shone and in his hands Alexis as their official Patron Saint and Priest of the Diocese of West Texas, shown that the "Man of God" was the he held a letter he had written, finally it is by his name that they are known to writing on the call to detachment in beggar, he did in deed introduce him as identifying himself, expressing his love this day in their work of caring for the the world for the world’s salvation, such to the faithful who greeted Alexis for his parents and wife and asking for sick and suffering. says, "Die with joy. Die with confiden - with praise and admiration. their forgiveness. They have also been inspired by ce. Die with thanksgiving. Die in order Fearful of this acclaim, Alexis fled Their mourning was tempered by Mei ster Eckhart, a German Dominican to live" Here is the meaning of the Fast once more. He wanted to go to Tarsus, the consolation of finally finding the mystic of the 13th-14th C who wrote: before the Feast of Pascha, the Lord’s the birthplace of the Apostle Paul, one they had feared to be lost forever "The seed of God is in us. Given an in - Bright Resurrection, heartbreakingly who se words had inspired his life of and experiencing the holiness their son telligent and hard-working farmer, it embodied by the example of St. Alexis renunciation. However, the Lord had and husband had attained by God’s will thrive and grow up to God, Whose the Man of God —and echoed some - different plans for His devoted servant. grace. For miracles of healing and a seed it is; and accordingly its fruits will what also by the mystical Beatle, Geor - A storm drove the ship to Italy and stream of myrrh flowed from the Holy be God-nature. Pear seeds grow into ge Harrison, in his song Art of Dying — Alexis felt drawn to his father’s home Relics, which were now offered for the pear trees, nut seeds into nut trees, and to take up the Cross of the Lord and in Rome. Again, he was unrecognized veneration of the faithful. A Church God-seed into God." In order for seeds live here and now the life of the King - there, but the charitable Senator Eu - has been dedicated to St. Boniface and to grow they must first die and be dom, to die in order to live. phi mianus gave him permission to live himself in Rome and his Reliquary is plant ed in the earth, as St. Paul de - under a staircase and ordered that he to be found in the Great Lavra on scrib ed it (I Cor 15:36). The prominent —Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest be fed with food from his table. Mount Athos, whence it re cently was con temporary Orthodox theologian, Dr. Ihor Kutash Thus, Alexis lived for another 17 brought for veneration in the Nov o- Bishop Kallistos Ware, studied Eck -

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 8 ВІСНИК From the Office of the Consistory березень 2013

The Office of the Consistory has sent out to parishes and clergy a package of mate - paying their levy assessments or due to parishes being disbanded and closed, and rials which contained the Newsletter from the Consistory, the Annual Congregation these will be discontinued. To continue to receive the Visnyk/Herald after Jan. 1, Report among other informational forms. 2013, these subscribers may take out a membership at one of our parishes or sub - scribe directly to the Consistory. It is for this reason that we ask you to ca re fully n We would like to draw attention to the following items: review the attached levy list and send in the assessed payment so that no one of 1. Annual Congregation Reports: The 2013 Annual Congregation Report your membership is deprived of receiving the Visnyk/Herald. form is included in the package. Please note that, in accordance with UOCC poli - To offset publication costs, Ecclesia Publication Corporation approved new cies and procedures, these reports are required to be completed annually by every subscription rates for non-members of the UOCC, effective Jan. 1, 2013. The congregation of the UOCC, and submitted to the Office of the Consistory no new subscription rates are for the following categories: Non-UOCC members later than March 31st of the New Year. It is imperative that these reports be $50.00 + GST per annum; Institutional: $75.00 + GST; USA subscribers: $75.00 accurately completed and dutifully submitted with the corrected levy list and (USD); Foreign subscribers (all other countries): $80.00 (USD); In dividual co - levy payment. It is required that the reports are signed by the parish priest, pres - pies: $4.00 + postage + GST. All registered UOCC members who pay annual mem - ident and secretary of the parish, attesting to its accuracy. A copy of the report bership, receive a subscription to the Visnyk/Herald as part of the par ish levy paid is to be submitted to your Eparchial Bishop. to the Consistory. 2. Levy Payments: The levy payment for 2013 is set at $81.00 per individual 5. New Member Incentive Program: We are continuing the program as man - member. The levy increase is based on two resolutions adopted at the 22nd SO - dated at SOBOR 2005 and again in 2010. The objective of the program is to en - BOR of the UOCC held in July 2010. Resolution #18 was applicable to member - courage new members to join our parish communities, to worship with its faith - ship levies to the Consistory, while Resolution #11 dealt with membership levies ful, and, as a parish family, to seek the grace of God and salvation in His Glorious for the Theology Program at St. Andrew’s College. Kingdom. • Based on the adoption of Resolutions #18 and #11, the UOCC levy schedule How does this program work? is as follows: „ Enroll a new member, expecting no membership dues to be paid to the Year 2011 Levy $73.00 per individual member ($65.00 + $3.00 (UOCC) parish for a period of two years. + $5.00 (SAC) „ The member is then registered with the UOCC as a moratorium member Year 2012 Levy $77.00 per individual member ($73.00 + $3.00 + $1.00) for two years, and the parish is not assessed a levy for that member for that time Year 2013 Levy $81.00 per individual member ($77.00 + $3.00 + $1.00) period. Year 2014 Levy $85.00 per individual member ($81.00 + $3.00 + $1.00) „ The Ecclesia Publishing Corporation then sends a complimentary sub- Year 2015 Levy $89.00 per individual member ($85.00 + $3.00 + $1.00) scrip tion for the Visnyk/Herald to that member for the term of moratorium. • Levy Assessments for each parish/congregation are based on the number Those parishes wishing to participate in the "New Member Incentive Pro gram" of registered members each parish had as of December 31st in the year prior. must advise the Office of the Consistory of their intent, and provide the names The levy assessment sent to you is based on the number of members your parish of the members to be registered in the "Incentive Program." This program do es /congregation had registered with the Office of the Consistory in the previous not apply to transferring members from another Ukrainian Orthodox Par ish. If year. Once we receive your Annual Congregation Report, adjustment will be additional information is required, please contact Valentyna Dmytrenko (877- made to the levy assessment of the current year, if deemed necessary. Please note, 586-3093, ext. 227) or Chancellor, Fr. Victor Lakusta (877-586-3093, ext. 223). levy assessment is NOT BASED on your membership roll as it stands in the 6. KOLIADA 2013—Christmas Appeal: The Annual Christmas Appeal— current year, 2013, but on the number of members your parish had registered "KO LIA DA 2013" was conducted. As of January 25, $11,274.97 was received. We as of December 31st, 2012. Unfortunately, there are still some parishes/congre - express our most sincere thank you to all donors for their generous support of gations that do not keep to this standard. our Consistory operations and ministry. At the same time, we encourage others • How is your levy payment allocated? Of this year’s levy ($81.00), $7.00 will to send in their donations. The Consistory has limited revenue sources. There - be allocated to St. Andrew’s College, leaving a balance of $74.00 of which $12.00 fore, your donations are greatly appreciated. Your generous donations help us will be apportioned towards publishing of the Visnyk, leaving a balance of $62.00 carry out our SOBOR mandates and ministries, and to witness our faith. The per individual members for Consistory administration and its ministry. names of the living and deceased that you submitted with your donations are be - We would greatly appreciate receiving your completed "Annual Con grega - ing commemorated at Divine Liturgies celebrated, either in the Consistory Cha - tion Report", along with the updated "Levy List" and assessed "Levy Payment" by pel, or at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Winnipeg. March 31st, 2013. Those parishes/congregations that are not in a financial posi - 7. Paschal () Greetings: Annually, in support of our monthly periodical, tion to submit full payment for their assessed levies, we suggest that you consid - The Visnyk/Herald, we invite our UOCC parishes, parochial districts, organiza - er paying either monthly or quarterly. Post-dated cheques are accepted. If you tions, and businesses to place a Paschal Greeting in our Easter Edition. This year’s have any questions or wish to discuss your levy assessment, please contact Easter edition will be the May issue. Deadline for submission is April 8th, 2013. Valentyna Dmytrenko (887-586-3093, Ext. 223). 8. 2013—Paschal Appeal: Once again we will be appealing to the 3. Your Parish Levy List: Enclosed with the newsletter is a Parish’s/Congre- ge n erosity of our faithful to support our Church’s mission efforts by making a tax ga tion’s Levy List for 2013 which provides the names and addresses of your -deductible donation to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. In the April mem bership as registered with the Consistory in the previous year. Please review issue of the Visnyk/Herald you will find a Pysanka 2013 Donation Envelope for this list, make any necessary corrections, additions or deletions directly to this your donation. With your donation you can submit a request for prayers for health list and return to the Office of the Consistory either by post, fax (204-582-5241) and salvation or for the eternally reposed loved ones, whose names will be offered or email: [email protected]. DO NOT SEND YOUR OWN MEMBERSHIP LIST! during Divine Liturgies celebrated. We thank you in advance for your donation. The Levy List also serves as the Visnyk/Herald subscription list. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your membership information (names and address - 9. Easter Service Schedules in the Visnyk: Whereas Orthodox Easter falls on es) are correct so that delivery of the Visnyk/Herald will not be interrupted. We Sun day, May 5, we will publish a special Pre-Easter Supplement in the April issue of urge you to report any changes to your membership roll during the course of the the Visnyk/Herald whereby all Easter Service schedules will included. Please sub mit year; again, to ensure uninterrupted delivery of the Visnyk/Herald. We would also your schedules by March 7 for publication in the April issue so that parishioners like to suggest that you submit the names and addresses of any new members and visitors may know when to attend Lenten and Paschal services at your parish. who may join your parish during the course of this current year, so that they may 10. 2013 Almanac, Ridna Nyva, and Wall Calendars: The wall calendars ord - receive the Visnyk/Herald, complimentary of the UOCC. Submitting the names er ed by parishes have been sent out. If anyone requires additional wall calendars, of new members will not alter your levy assessment of 2013, they will be includ - they may be purchased from our Consistory Church Goods. Our Church Alma - ed in next year’s (2014) levy assessment. nac for 2013 is being shipped now to all who had pre-ordered. If you did not pre- 4. Visnyk/Herald: Our Church publication, the Visnyk/Herald, is published order, please contact the Consistory Church Goods to order your copies. month ly since 1924 providing our readers with exclusive news coverage of UOCC 11. Audited Financial Statement for 2012: The UOCC Audited Consolidated events. Next year (2014), we will be celebrating 90 years of Visnyk/Herald pub - Statement for 2012 was distributed with the newsletter package. For questions or lishing. The subscriber list currently is under review. There are a number of sub - to request this Statement, please contact Henry Kuzia: 1-877-586-3093 (ext. 225). scribers for whom we do not receive subscription fees due to some parishes not 12. Research Form - Data on closed parishes or parish status in question: A Research Form was distributed in the newsletter package. The information requested is very vital for our parish record keeping. If this applies to your parish, we would appreciate that you complete and return this form to the Consistory Dear Readers, Office to the attention of Fr. Victor Lakusta, Chancellor (877-586-3093, ext. 223), [email protected]. It is our desire at the Visnyk that memorial announcements sent in by our readers appropriately honour their departed loved ones. To this end, we We encourage an open line of communication between the Consistory and the request that an nouncements do not exceed 900 words . UOCC parishes and their faithful. It is very essential for developing good rela - We also re quest that, when submitting an an nouncement with a picture, tionships. Not only is it the wish of the Consistory to share information with the you send us an actual photograph. Please do not send pictures from news - faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox community as a whole, but the community paper clippings, computer print outs or photocopies, as these take a great to share with its sister parishes and faithful news and information from their deal of time to prepare for publication and rarely render a good image when respective communities (parishes). Therefore, we encourage your parish to share printed in the paper. High resolution digital pictures are also acceptable. through various media available to us news and information from your respec - Photographs will be sent back only upon request and if ac companied tive parish community. We encourage you to develop a line of inter-communica - with a self-addres sed stamped envelope. Thank you. tion between sister parishes; all for the purpose of positive interaction, which — Editor jointly can lead to growth and development of our beloved UKRAINIAN OR - THO DOX CHURCH OF CANADA.

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 9 March 2013 From the Office of the Consistory

ВІД КАНЦЕЛЯРІЇ КОНСИСТОРІЇ Ділимося сумною вісткою, що 31 січня 2013 року, на 89-му році життя спочив у Бозі Бл. п. Протоієрей Михайло Сокирка Very Rev. Archpriest Michael Sokyrka of Blessed Memory (1924-2013)

n Вінніпеґ, МБ. —Відділ комунікацій Української Право слав - n Winnipeg, MB. —It is with a profound depth of sadness and ної Церкви в Канаді з глибоким сумом повідомляє, що 31 січ- prayer that the Office of Communications of the Ukrainian Or - ня 2013 p. на 89-му році земного життя спочив у Бозі раб Бо - thodox Church of Canada prayerfully announces that the servant жий протоієрей Михайло Сокирка. of God Very Rev. Archpriest Michael Sokyrka fell asleep in the Панахида відбулася у четвер, 6 лютого 2013 року в Укра їн- Lord on Jan. 31, 2013 at the age of 89. сь кій Пра вославній Церкві Покрови Пресвятої Бого родиці в The Funeral Rite was held on Thursday, February 6, 2013 at St. Паркс вилл, Б. К. Божественна Лі тур гія і закінчення Чину По - Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Parksville, хорону священика—в п’ятницю, 7 лютого 2013 року також в B.C. A Divine Liturgy and the completion of the Funeral Rite was церкві Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, де співслужили митр. celebrated by Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Rauliuk, assist - прот. Микола Равлюк, оо. Михайло Поздик, Роман Цаплан, ed by Rev. Fr. Mykhaylo Pozdyk, Rev. Fr. Roman Tsaplan, Rev. Ste - Степан Сліпко і Петро Гоґaн. Тлінні останки покладено на phen Slipko and parish priest Peter Haugen on Friday, Feb ruary цвинтарі в Парксвилл, Б.К. 7, 2013 at St. Mary the Protectress church in Park sville. In ter ment Отець Михайло народився в 1924 році в Стюартбурн, Ма ні тоба. Бо - followed at the Yates Cemetery. го словську освіту здобув у Колеґії Св. Андрея у Вінніпеґу, а світську—в Ма нітобському Університеті у Вінніпеґу. Отець Михайло слу жив у Гос - Fr. Michael was born in Stuartburn, Manitoba in 1924. He took his studies подньому Винограднику—Українській Православній Церкві в Канаді at St. Andrew’s College and the in Winnipeg, Man- про тягом 43 років. itoba. Fr. Michael served the Lord in the vineyard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Він був висвячений на диякона у 1970 році і в тому ж році рукопо ло- Church for 43 years. He was ordained into the deaconate in 1970 and the same жений в пресвітери. Його пастирська діяльність проходила по парафіях year into the priesthood. His pastoral work took him to parochial districts Західної Канади. За свою самовіддану пастирську працю він отримав across Western Canada. He received numerous clergy awards for his long-time, численні священичі нагороди, в тому числі Митро поличу Грамоту від dedicated service, including a Metropolitan’s Hramota from Metropolitan Ми трополита Василія. У 2002 році він відійшов від активної пас тир ської Wasyly. He retired from active pastoral work in 2002. Most recently, he has be - діяльності і був приписаний до Української Православної Церкви По - en attached to the St. Mary the Protectress parish on Vancouver Island in B.C. крови Пресвятої Богородиці в Парксвилл, на острові Ванкувер, Б.К. The Office of the Consistory and the faithful of the entire Ukrainian Or - Канцелярія Консисторії і вірні Української Православної Церкви в thodox Church of Canada express their deepest sympathies to Dobrodiyka Канаді висловлюють свої найглибші співчуття добр. Катерині, їх дітям з Ka theryna, their children and all of their family. We pray that the Lord will їх родинами і посилають свої молитви до Господа, щоб подав їм полег- bring them comfort in this time of sadness. шен ня в цей час гіркої розлуки. With the Blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Yurij, our clergy and З благословення Його Високопреосвященства, Митрополита Юрія, faith ful are asked to remember the newly-reposed servant in Christ, † Fr. про симо наше духовенство і віруючих згадувати новопреставленого ра - Michael in your prayers and liturgical commemorations, and to pray for the ба Божого † прот. Михайла в своїх молитвах та під час Св. Літургій, а та - well-being of his beloved family. кож молитися за благополуччя його родини. O Lord, give rest to the soul of your departed servant, Fr. Michael, in a place Сам Господи, упокой душу спочилого раба Твого Михайла, в місці of light, a place of refreshment and a place of repose, where there is no sick - світ лім, у місці квітучім, у місці спокою, де немає ні болю, ні журби, ні ness, sighing nor sorrow. May our merciful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, зітхання. У блаженному успінні вічний спокій подай, Господи, спо чи ло - grant eternal rest to his soul. му рабу Твоєму і сотвори йому вічную пам'ять. Вічна Йому Пам’ять! ! —Відділ комунікацій Української Православної Церкви в Канаді —Office of Communications, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity WINNIPEG, MB —An ecumenical celebration, Festival of Prayer: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, was held in Winnipeg the week of Jan. 20-27, 2013. Throughout the week Christians and all interested people were invited to join a week of prayer for unity and to experience the different traditions of Christian spirituality. On each day of the week a ser - vice was held in churches throughout Winnipeg. In addition, an ecumenical choir was formed to participate in these various services.

The Orthodox Tradition was represented this year by the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral where Great Vespers were served on Jan. 26, 2013. Very Rev. Archpriest Roman Bozyk speaking at the Vespers. Photos: Subdeacon Yakiv Mielnik.

This photo is taken on Jan. 20, 2013 on the evening of the Opening of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Photo: James Buchok, Director of Communications for the R.C. Archdiocese of Winnipeg

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 10 ВІСНИК Orthodox News березень 2013

and all pervasive presence of God’s sick ness (Mk. 2:17). Through sin peo - 2013–Year of Global Solidarity presence in the world. For Orthodoxy, ple become "heartless" (Rom. 1:31), life is shaped not only by natural forces closed in upon themselves and thus in - The Ecumenical Patriarchate of persons, because they are free, have a and human ac tions, but also through capable of love. Jesus declares how evil Con stantinople declared 2013 to be the po ten tial to transcend the limitations the active pre sence of God in it emerges from a wicked heart: "From Year of Global Solidarity. Its purpose is of their nature and experience the full - through Christ and the Holy Spirit. It within, out of the heart of man, come to draw the attention of Orthodox ness of their humanity in opening their identifies the origins of all human evil thoughts, fornication, theft, mur - Chris tians and all persons and govern - existence to God and to others. They alienation in the separation of human - der, adultery, coveting, wickedness, de - ments of good will to "make every con - are responsible for the nature and the ity from God. Refusing to live with God ceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, scious effort—as individuals and na - quality of the relationships that they through Christ is the root cause of all foolishness. All these evil things come tions—for the reduction of the inhu - are crafting in encounter the other(s). sin. What enables human beings to from within." (Mk. 7:21-23) The fact mane consequences created by the vast Their life can be understood as a dy - cope with the anxieties and the adversi - that men and women are oppress ed, inequalities as well as the recognition by namic pro cess of becoming, ful ly expe - ties of life is their trusting re lation ship contaminated and inwardly wound ed all people of the rights of the weakest rienced through being relationship with God. Human ideologies or deeds should not be exaggerated to the point among us in order that everyone may icons of God. in themselves cannot sustain life in the of alleging complete lack of freedom, enjoy the essential goods necessary for Human beings live their lives in the midst of adversities, suffering and pain. total corruption and utter egocentr - human life," states the His All-Holi ness midst of a reflexive and complex rela - Such an attitude or pattern of life is ism. Evil spoils and damages but never Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in tionship between transcendence and idolatrous. In the words of St. Paul, totally destroys the divine image in his Nativity Message. This call is in tend - finiteness, human freedom and limita - those who adhere to such a pattern of man. What was free, pure and good in ed, as His All-Holiness states, to "sen - tions. On the one hand, human beings life "exchanged the truth about God for the divine creation can never be com - sitize sufficient hearts among hu man - are free to transcend the present mo - a lie and worshipped and serv ed the pletely erased. kind regarding the immense and ex ten - ment, backwards in memory or for - creature rather than the Crea tor." The Church, continuing with the sive problem of poverty and the need to ward in hope. They are free to trans - (Rom. 1:25) The result is that the good expectations and hopes of the people assume the necessary measures to com - cend them selves as they reflect upon things of the world that ought to be our of Israel, believes that only the direct fort the hungry and misfortunate." By who they are and what they want to tools become our masters. If we must and personal intervention of God can means of such global solidarity, love and be come. They are free to transcend have something because it has become save humanity and the world from peace on earth can be achieved, the kind the ir environment by changing it to our final concern, it has en slaved us. mortality and from all oppressive and spoken about by our Lord and Saviour suit the ir purposes. On the other hand, Thus, idols acquire a power over us that annihilating forces. God, because of Jesus Christ and his Disciples. human be ings are limited, conditioned can only be called demonic. His loving nature, grants through His Throughout this Year of Global Soli - and re stricted by bad housing condi - Whatever becomes an obstacle or incarnate Word and the Holy Spirit, darity, the Visnyk/The Herald will pre - tions, broken families, unemployment, ruptures a human being’s communion the fullness of life as salvation from all sent features surrounding this theme. ad ver tising, the media and their own with God and interrupts the process of deadly forces and realities. Yet, what This time, we feature The Human Con - idio syncratic complexes and genes. attaining the fullness of their person - God offers in His love for all creation di tion by Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis. Death stands as an unavoidable hood is evil. The Bible portrays a diver - needs to be freely received by His peo - Fr. Emmanuel is the Archbishop Iakovos bound ary to all possibilities of life, a sity of forces, such as sin, death, the ple. St. rightly points Pro fessor of Theology at Holy Cross constant marker of human finiteness. law, satan, demons and principalities out that salvation, the fullness of life, Greek Orthodox School of Theology in In the tension between transcendence and powers, that endanger our rela - comes "neither from God’s love alone, the USA. and finiteness, freedom and limita - tionship with God and put at risk the nor just from human virtues, but from tions, possibilities and actualities, hu - quality of human life. As long as we live both together." If salvation were from n The Human Condition man beings tend to become anxious. In in the present world, human beings God’s love alone, then all would be Humanity, in Orthodox tradition, their anxiety most of the time they fail will be subject to corruptibility and saved; if it were from human virtue depends for its existence upon God’s to hold the balance between the two death. In the human quest to overcome alone, there would have been no need gracious love. The fullness of being hu - poles of their existen ce, and they tip death and corruptibility at its various for the incarnation. Making the right man can only be experienced in a com - over to one side at the expense of the stages and manifestations sin becomes choices and living a virtuous life are munion of love with God and the "oth - other. Either they ignore their limits an in evit able reality in the created not enough for human beings to attain ers" who mediate God's gracious pres - and posture as gods, or they give away world. "Hav ing become mortal," writes the fullness of life. They need to be in ence in the world. The flourishing of their freedom and suc cumb like ani - Theo do re of Cyrus, "[Adam and Eve] communion with God. However, living hu man life as communion presuppos - mals to the worldly forces that squeeze conceived mort al children, and mortal with God presupposes that they live a es freedom. Freedom is a gift of God to and determine them. beings are necessarily subject to pas - virtuous life by exercising their free - hu manity that defines and shapes hu - The tension between transcenden - sions and fears, to pleasures and sor - dom. Being with God implies that au - m an beings as being in God's image. ce and finiteness and the anxieties that rows, to anger and hatred." thentic human beings participate in, "Man," writes St. Cyril, "from the ori - it generates, along with its potential The conviction that there is some - and communicate in their lives, the gins of creation, received control over im balances, do not fully exhaust the thing deeply wrong within human love of God for all human beings and his desires and would freely follow the pos sibilities of living the fullness of beings appears again and again in the the world at large. inclinations of his choice, for the Deity, hu man life. Human life flourishes by . Jesus comes as the div - —Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis; whose image he is, is free." Human its enhan cement through the active ine physician to cure sinners of their www.goarch.org Prime Minister Stephen Harper Announces Office of Religious Freedom n VAUGHAN, ON —Prime Minister Chris tians, Sikhs, and Hindus are vul - pluralism and tolerance abroad. Ac t - Christian Studies at the Metropolitan Stephen Harper announced the estab - nerable to persecution and violence. In ivities will be centred on countries or Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern lishment of the Office of Religious Fre - China, Christians who worship outside situations where there is evidence of Christian Studies at Saint Paul Uni - edom within the Department of Fo - government-approved boundaries are egregious violations of the right to fre - versity in Ottawa. He is also a religious reign Affairs and International Tra de, driven underground and their leaders edom of religion, violations that could leader in his capacity as Subdeacon which will be dedicated to promoting are arrested and detained... Elsewhere include violence, hatred and systemic and Cantor with both the Holy Cross freedom of religion or belief around we watch in horror as sanctuaries are discrimination. The Office will be ope - Eastern Catholic Chaplaincy and St. the world, the PMO Press Office an - de stroyed and believers are attacked rated by a team of five employees. John the Baptist Ukrainian-Catholic nounced Feb. 19, 2013. The Prime and in some cases slaughtered, Shia Dr. Bennett is a public servant and Shrine, both in Ottawa, and as Vice- Min ister also announced the appoint - Mus lim pilgrims in Iraq, Coptic Chris - academic with an extensive education - President and Chairman of the Me - ment of Dr. Andrew Bennett as Am - tian adherents in Egypt, Christians at al background in history, political sci - tropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute bas sador to the Office. "Around the worship in Nigeria, the list, appal ling ly, ence, and religious studies. He is com - Foundation. world, violations of religious freedom goes on and on. In the face of these in - pleting a theology degree in Eastern —PMO Press Office are widespread and they are increas - justices and atrocities, Canada will not ing," said the Prime Minister. Ac cord - be silent.... Without fear or favour, Ca - ing to Prime Minister Harper, the Of - nada defends human rights around the fice will promote freedom of religion world.'' Notice to Contributors or belief as a Canadian foreign policy Specifically, the Office will focus on The Visnyk / The Herald greatly appreciates and welcomes your contribu - pri ority. In his remarks after the an - advocacy, analysis, policy development tions of materials about parish community life and activities for publication. nouncement. Prime Minister Har per and programming relating to: protect - Regarding accompanying photographs of events, we ask contributors to stated, "In Iran, Baha'is and Chris tians ing and advocating on behalf of reli - select photographs of a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. In addition, the pho - face harassment, imprisonment, and, gious minorities under threat; op - tograph dimensions should be sized for 12.5 cm (5 in) width (two columns in some cases, death. In Pakistan, Ah - posing religious hatred and intoleran- wide) . In addition, photographs should be saved in JPG or TIFF formats. ma diyya Muslims, Shiites Muslims, ce; and, promoting Canadian values of

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 11 March 2013 From Our Parishes 75-ліття Української Православної Церкви Св. Володимира, 1938-2013 Судбурі, Онтаріо, Судбурі є три Православних ви, Гримсбі та інших міст Ка на ди. Церкви: Українська, Сербська На новому місці батьки та ді ти, ма - 75-ліття Парафії Св. Володимира і Грецька. Ми є одинока Ук ра - ючи великий досвід праці в Суд бу рі Вїнська Православна Парафія ,активно включилися в цер ковне Судбурі, Онтаріо (1938-2013) у Північному Онтаріо. Найближче жит тя. Нині вже їхні вну ки про дов - Дорогі Брати і Сестри! від нас це Торонто—400км. Право - жують свою працю в на шій цер кві. Запрошуємо Вас на наше Ювілейне Святкування славним українцям, котрі в пошу - Місце в церкві ніколи не буває до Судбурі, Он., на: 21 липня 2013 (Неділя). ках праці прибули до Судбурі в 30- пу стим. Почали приїжджати нові 9:30 год. ранку - Ювілейнa Архиєрєрейськa тих роках минулого XX століття з лю ди і церква набирала все більше Св. Літургія, яку очолить Преосвященніший Західньої Канади (Саскатун, Рід - сили. Наша церковна спільнота зро - Андрій, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії. жай на), прийшлося поборювати ба - стала і ще довгі роки була тут пов - - Програма слідує. га то перешкод від місцевих спів бра - нота церковного життя. Старші, ді - Плянуємо видати "Пропам 'ятну Книжку". Якщо тів-українців, які були під сильним ти і молодь завжди дорожили своєю ма єте фотографії чи інші матеріяли з життя Пара - впливом безбожної комуністичної Святинею і віддано працювали для фії, просимо вислати їх нам до 1-го квіт ня, 2013. пропаганди. Слави Богові у Христовому Вино - Бу демо дуже вдячні за співпрацю та за Ваші пожертви на видання В 1938 p. відбулося перше Бого - граднику. Однаково ж, час проходив "Книжки" . слу ження в український мові і Гро - і не обминув нас. *Про Вашу участь в Святкуванні просимо повідомити до 1-го червня ма да негайно приєдналася до Ук ра - На сьогодні лишилося нас не ве - 2013. Подайте нам свою адресу і ми вишлемо Вам запрошення . їнської Греко-Православної Церкви лике число. Ми дуже віддано разом За інформацією звертайтесь: в Вінні пе ґу. В 1948, а в пізніших ро- працюємо і ста раємося всіма си ла - Taras Martyn; (tel): (705) 688-0314; e-mail: [email protected] ках, пара фія збільшилася завдяки ми зберегти на ше насліддя, доро - но вій емі гра ції, яка прибула з Захід - жи мо нашою Свя тою Церквою. 75th Anniverary of St. Volodymyr UOC ньої Євро пи після Другої світової Рік Божий 2013—це рік Діаман - вій ни. Спі ль ними силами почали то вого Ювілею—75-ліття нашої па - Sudbury, Ontario, 1938-2013 бу дувати вер х ню частину храму (до рафії. Наша ціль—зустрітися всім Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! те пер Бого служіння відбували ся в разом ("ритріт") на Ювілеї, хто по - St. Volodymyr Parish in Sudbury, Ontario cordially invites all to its "бейсменті"). В 1954 p. церква була са див Дерево Батьківської Віри в 75th Anniversary celebration on July 21, 2013 (Sunday). освячена. Суд бурі, поділится спогадами, при - 9:30 a.m. - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, visitation by His Grace Bishop В парафії було дуже активне ре - нести молитви за покійних труже - Andriy, Bishop of the EasternEparchy. лі гійне та громадсько-культурне ників, яких покликав Господь, а нам - Program to follow. жит тя: сильний, добре зорганізова - просити Божого благословення, а To commemorate this occasion, St. Volodymyr's parish is compiling a me- ний хор, українська та недільна спі льна молитва буде духовною по - -morial book on the parish's history. Anyone who wishes to contribute шко ли, оркестр струнних інстру - живою і зміцнить нас у вірі, щоб ми photographs and materials about parish life is asked to forward them to the мен тів, школа українських танців, тут були не тільки сьогодні та зав - parish by April 1, 2013 so that they can be included in the book. СУМК. Організовували концерти. тра, але ще на довгі роки... в май бут - We are grateful for your cooperation and for your generous donations to - Ве лику допомогу церкві приносило ньому. Святкуймо ж всі разом цей wards the publishing of this memorial book. жіноцтво. В 60-тих роках, деякі па - великий і неповторний Ювілей. Так *If you plan to attend, please reply by June 1, 2013. The parish will contact ра фіяни почали від'їжджати із Суд - допоможи нам всім Боже! you with the details. For more information, contact: бурі до: Ст. Кетринс, Ватерлю, Оша - Taras Martyn; (tel): (705) 688-0314; e-mail: [email protected] 75th Anniversary of St. Volodymyr Parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, 1938-2013, Sudbury, Ontario udbury, Ontario has three Or - rainian Ortho dox people from places In 1938 the Ukrainian Orthodox dox Church of Canada. thodox Church jurisdictions— in Western Ca nada like Regina and com munity held its first Divine Litur - St. Volodymyr’s parish always at - the Ukrainian, Serbian and Saskatoon came to Sudbury in search gy in their native Ukrainian language. tracted a large congregation. The par - S Gre ek Churches. St. Volodymyr of work. They had to overcome many They also immediately joined, as it was ish grew stronger as new members is the only Ukrainian Orthodox challenges from the local Ukrainian then called, the Ukrainian Greek Or - con tinuously joined, creating a strong Church of Canada parish in Northern community who had been strongly in- thodox Church of Canada headquar - parish community life. Parishioners of Ontario. The closest parish is in To- fluenced at that time by the atheist tered in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 1948 all ages, from elders to youth, valued ronto 400 km away. In the 1930s Uk- communist propaganda. and throughout the later years, the par - their church and cared for it, di ligently ish grew as new immigrants arrived working for the glory of God in the from Western Europe after WWII. vineyard of the Lord. Today, with the With the new influx of parishioners, passage of time, the congregation may MOVING??? the parish was able to complete the be smaller, but their work is just as Please forward your old address and your new address to the Office of the con struction of the church and have dedicated. They make great efforts to Consistory so that we can keep your subscription current. the new building consecrated in 1954. preserve their heritage and our Holy Visnyk / The Herald 9 St. John's Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1G8 or Up to this time, Divine Liturgies were Church. e-mail to: Valentyna Dmytrenko —[email protected] served in the basement. In 2013 St. Volodymyr’s parish cele - The parish led an active spiritual brates its 75th anniversary. It plans to and cultural life. It had a well-organiz - celebrate this memorable Jubilee occa - YOUR TRUSTED COMMUNITY REALTOR! ed, robust choir, a Ukrainian school sion with everyone. The parish calls on and a Sunday School, an orchestra, a all those who have planted the tree of Uk rainian dance school and a branch their faith of their fathers in Sudbury of the national youth organization, to share their memories, to bring their CYMK. The parish put on many con - prayers for the reposed servants of God certs with its abundance of resources. of the parish whom the Lord called to In the 1960s demographic shifts in Ca - service, and to ask for God’s blessings nada saw some families from the par - for St. Volodymyr’s pa rishioners. Our ish moving away to places like St. Ca - common prayer will be a spiritual sus - tharines, Waterloo, Oshawa, Grims by tenance to strengthen our faith so that and other locations in Canada. In their St. Volodymyr’s parish will thrive not new homes, St. Volodymyr’s former only for today, but for long into the fu - par ishioners contributed their experi - ture. Let us celebrate this great anniver - ence and became active members in sary together. May God support all of their new parishes. Today, the descen - us in this endeavour! dants of these parishioners continue their service to the Ukrainian Ortho -

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 12 ВІСНИК From Our Parishes березень 2013 50th Anniversary of All Saints Parish, Camrose, Alberta: Commemorating the Past, Celebrating the Present and Planning the Future CAMROSE, AB —A cool brisk the food, everyone en joyed a delicious wind was blowing the morning hot luncheon and com memoration ca - of Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 but the ke served by the Camrose Girl Guides. C warmth of fellowship for the The program be gan with addresses by 50th Anniversary of All Saints Uk rain - His Grace Bi shop Ilarion and parish ian Orthodox Church parish in Cam - priest Fr. Mi chael Maranchuk, follow - rose, Alberta made for a very successful ed by greetings from priests who serv - commemoration of the past, celebra - ed the parish in the past, including Rt. tion of the present and looking toward Rev. Mitred Archpriest Fr. Mykola Saw - the future. chenko, Rev. Fr. Benny Ambroise, and The morning began with six Sun - Rev. Fr. Eugene Maximiuk. Parochial di - day School students spreading flower s trict president Robert Semotiuk brought petals on the steps of the church as His greetings from the Vegreville Parochial Grace Bishop Ilarion entered the church. District. He was greeted by parish president Ze - MLA Vern Olson representing We - novia Lazariuk, Sunday School student tas kiwin-Camrose sent greetings from River Kelly, parish priest Rev. Fr. Mi - the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and cha el Maranchuk and past parish priest a plaque to commemorate the 50th An - Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest My ko la Saw - niversary. It reads: "By promoting val - chenko. More than 80 people at tend- ues of compassion, love, and goodwill, Greeting of His Grace Bishop Ilarion by parish president Zenovia Lazariuk and Sunday ed the Divine Liturgy, which in cluded this church and its members have School student River Kelly. found ing members, honoured mem - strengthened the fabric of this corner ed a 50th Anniversary Hramota (Гра- events—bingos, raffles, varenyky sup - bers, visitors and dignitaries. of Alberta, leading individuals to find мо та) certificate to the All Saints pa - pers, Christmas craft sales, bake sales; Upon the completion of the Divine common ground and come together in rish of Camrose. The Camrose par ish honouring the past and present mem - Liturgy everyone gathered on the front worship, in celebration, and during executive—president Zenovia La za - bership; looking toward the future; and steps for a group picture. The two found - tough times, in solace." riuk, vice-president Shawna Biletski, finding hope in our Sunday school chil - ing members, Nick and Steve Ni ki fo - His Grace Bishop Ilarion, with the secretary Marie Wenarchuk and trea - dren. Treasurer Phyllis Horne presented ruk, and long-time honoured mem - as sistance of Fr. Michael, presented cer - surer Phyllis Horne accepted the Hra - Fr. Michael, Dobr. Avis Maran chuk and bers, Alex and Kay Salahub, Lena Ra - tificates to the founding members— mota on behalf of the parish. parish president Zenovia La zariuk with domsky, and Marie Wenarchuk, plant - brothers, Nick and Steve Nikiforuk, Then, parish president Zenovia La - bouquets of flowers for all of their sup - ed 3 trees, which were blessed by His and long-term members—Alex and zariuk presented a power-point pre - port in organizing the event. Grace Bishop Ilarion. The parish pres - Kay Salahub, Lena Radomsky, and Ma - sentation on the history of the church, Afterwards, a draw was held for the ident unveiled a bench with a pla que rie We narchuk. The congregation sang which covered a variety of topics about 50th anniversary quilt and gift card commemorating the event. Mno haya Lita/Многая літа for Steve the parish including: the beginnings of tree. The celebration ended with fel - Everyone then gathered in the church Nikiforuk who turned 90 years young building the church; a place of worship lowship, sharing of stories and laugh - basement for the anniversary meal and on this Sunday of celebration, Oct. 21, and a place of friendship; numerous ter. program. After Bishop Ila rion blessed 2012. His Grace Bishop Ilarion present -

(Right to left) Founding members: Nick Nikiforuk, Steve Nikiforuk; long-time members, Lena Radomsky, Marie Wenarchuk, Kay Salahub, Alex Salahub. They planted 3 kalyna- Anniversary photo of all those who attended. cranberry trees in honour of the 50th Anniversary.

Bishop Ilarion (right) and Fr. Michael Maranchak (left) present a 50th Anniversary Certificate to the All Saints parish executive: (left to right) (Left to right) Fr. M. Maranchak, Steve Nikiforuk, vice president Shawna Biletski, secretary Marie Wenarchuk, treasurer Lena Radomsky receiving long-time member Certificate Nick Nikiforuk and Bishop Ilarion cutting the Phyllis Home and president Zenovia Lazariuk. from Bishop Ilarion and Fr. Maranchak. anniversary cake.

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 13 March 2013 ”A Foundation of Fait h” St. Nicholas Ensemble… What is the UOCCF? Created in 2002, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Foundation provides financial sup - port for projects and programs that will pro - mote cultural and educational activities within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, such as missions and outreach projects, devel - opment of resource materials, projects to fulfill infrastructural needs and/or church growth. To donate, please go to our new website: http// www.uoccf.ca and click on the on our home page "Donate now through CanadaHelps.org". Or mail your cheque to UOCC Found ation, 9 St. John's Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 1G8. St. Nicholas Mandolin Ensemble, Edmonton, AB. Rev. Fr. Michael Kopchuk back row second The Found ation encourages planned giving and donations from parish - from right. es and their affiliated organizations. Tax receipts will be is sued and all donors will be acknowledged annually. For further information contact: 1-877-586-3093 or [email protected].

Що таке ФУПЦК? Створена 2002-го року, Фундація Української Православної Цер к - ви Ка нади дає фінансову підтримку проектам та програмам, котрі спри яють культурно-освітній діяльності в Українській Право слав - ній Церкві в Канаді, наприклад, місійні та обнімаючі проекти, роз - виток ре сурсів, проекти щодо виповнення основних потреб і/або роз виток Церкви. Щоб зложити свій дар Фундації, просимо заглянути на нашу нову ін - тернетську сторінку: http//www.uoccf.ca і торкніть іконку "Don ate now through CanadaHelps.org" . Або вишліть свій чек на адре су: UOCC Foundation, 9 St. John's Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 1G8. Фундація радо приймає попередньо пляновані пожертви та пожерт- ви від парафій та від їхніх зв'язкових організацій. Фундація дасть по - свідчення для приходового податку. За дальшою інформацією, просимо вдатися: 1-877-586-3093 або [email protected]. Conductor Lawrence Pshyk sings a solo. Mary Anne Pshyk (back right) later deliveres Uk- rainian Christ mas greetings. See story on p.16 CONSISTORY CHURCH GOODS SUPPLY Tel: (204) 589-1191 ( 24-hour answering service) Fax: (204) 582-5241 Toll-free: 1-800-804-6040 (24-hour answering service) 9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 1G8 Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. email: [email protected]

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ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 14 ВІСНИК UOCC Delegation березень 2013

STANBUL, TURKEY —His Emi- eral in Istanbul Bohdan Yaremenko. nen ce Metropolitan Yurij, along La ter that evening, the delegation en - I with His Grace Bishop Ilarion and joyed a splendid supper hosted by Me - His Grace Bishop Andriy, led a del - tropolitan Athenagoras and Archi man - egation from the Ukrainian Orthodox drite Vissarion. Church of Canada to the Ecumenical Pa triarchate of Constantinople from Meetings, History Feb. 7-10, 2013. This visit to Istanbul, and Day Two Turkey followed an invitation from His The next day, the delegation had the All-Holiness Ecumen ical Patriarch great honour of attending an audience Bartholomew I to His Emi nence. The with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Pa- purpose of the visitation was to meet triarch Bartholomew I and members of with His All-Holiness and the Com - the Committee for Inter-Or tho dox Af - mittee for In ter-Orthodox Affairs of fairs. His All-Holiness greeted the dele - the Ecumenical Patriarchate to discuss gation and spoke on many topics, de - issues of common interest, in cluding monstrating sensitivity to the UOCC, the UOCC’s mission and inter-Or tho - and ad dressing efforts towards unity dox relations. Following the visitation, and co operation between Orthodox the delegation commented that the worldwide. He also recalled his 2008 dis cussions were very open and fruit - vi sit to Kyiv for the 1020th anniversary His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 1 greets His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij. ful, paving the way for future develop - of the Baptism of Ukraine. His All-Ho - Photo: N. Manginas ment of bilateral relations. liness emphasized that the Ecumenical Patri archate has not forsaken the Uk - turday of November 2013 that would also participated. The delegation Preparations rainian people in their struggle for a coincide with official memorial servi - emer g ed from this meeting en- In the spirit of open dialogue char - united Uk rainian Orthodox Church, ces being held simultaneously in Uk - couraged and heartened by the ex - acteristic of the Patriarchate, His All- and continues to seek a solution to the raine and in Ukrainian communities change of information on the UOCC’s Holiness invited His Eminence to sub - is sues facing the Ukrainian people. throughout the world. The Patriarch relationship with the Ecumenical Pa - mit agenda items for the discussions. His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij ac cepted the gifts and expressed con - triarchate. This in cluded the desire of As a result, His Eminence established a ex tended greetings to His All-Holiness dolences to the Ukrain ian nation. After the UOCC to act ively support the Ecu - broader advisory body to prepare for on behalf of the Ukrainian Orthodox this session, His All-Holiness hosted a menical Patri arch’s vision for Ortho- these meetings and to travel to Istan - Church of Canada and presented a va - luncheon for the delegation in the Pa - doxy in the 21st century by advocating bul. In addition to His Eminence, the riety of gifts, including the CD of Me - triarchal refectory. action regarding the environment, sus - Eparchial Bishops and UOCC Chan - tropolitan Ilarion’s poetry set to music, The delegation later held a frank me - tainability, hu man rights, human traf - cellor, Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor decoratively carved candle-sticks by eting and discussion with the Com mit - ficking and economic disparities, Lakusta, the UOCC delegation includ - master craftsman Wasyl Stratychuk of tee for Inter-Orthodox Affairs, which among other matters of interest and ed representatives of the Presidium, Regina, the CD of Paschal Matins by included renowned theologian Metro - concern to the UOCC and the Ecu - Very Rev. Taras Udod, Victor Het man - the Ivano-Frankivsk Cathedral Choir politan John (Zizioulas) of Per gamon, men ical Pa triarchate. czuk and Dr. Peter Kondra, members and a Ukrainian translation of The Or - who led the committee, Me tropolitan Although the day was filled with of the UOCC’s Inter-Church Relations thodox Way by Metropolitan Kal listos Meliton (Karras) of Phila del phia and me etings and consultations, the dele - Committee, Rt. Rev. Dr. Ihor Kutash, (Ware). His Eminence made a special Metropolitan Emmanuel (Adamakis) gation had an opportunity to view so - chair, and Yaroslaw Lozowchuk, and pre sentation of the statue call ed Bitter of France, Archimandrite Bartho lo - me historical wonders of the world to Da nylo Bilak, who is a resource contact Memories of Childhood in commemo - mew (Samaras), Chief Se cretary of the ap preciate the ancient Christian her - in Ukraine. Delegation member Va syl’ ration of the 80th an ni vers ary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, and Rev. Dn. itage sites located in Istanbul. The del - Balan could not attend for health rea - 1932-1933 Geno ci de-Ho lo domor in Nephon Tsimalis, Secre tary for the egation visited the magnificent Hagia sons. The Consistory Board, Pres id - Uk raine by sculptor Petro Drozdovsky Com mittee. Metropolitan Sotirios of So phia Cathedral and the Cistern of ium, and Inter-Church Relations Co - of Kyiv, Uk raine. The ori ginal of this To ronto, Patriarchal Exarch of Canada, Jus tinian. The cistern is an extraordi - mmittee were all consulted during the statute is located outdoors at the en - planning process. The delegation also trance to the Na tional Holo domor Me - secured financing for the visit which morial Mu se um complex in Kyiv, Uk - was covered by donations and other raine. His Emi nence explained the sources of outside funding. The dele - meaning of this statue which symbol - ga tion proposed three areas for consid - izes the lost childhood and suffering of eration that were addressed du ring the millions of children who were in no - visit: relations with the Ecu menical Pa - cent victims of the tragic consequences triarchate; the UOCC mission in Ca - of the Genocide of 1932-1933. Metro - nada; and current issues in Ukraine. politan Yurij took this opportunity to speak to the Ecumenical Pa tri arch Arrival and Day One about the Holodomor during which 10 The delegation was greeted late in million lives were lost and about the the afternoon at Istanbul’s Ataturk air - widespread destruction of the Ukrain - port by Patriarchal Archdeacon Maxi - ian Orthodox Church during this peri - mos, Metropolitan Athenagoras of Ky - od. His Emi nence also put forth the re - daniai, Dean of the Patriarchal Cathe - quest that His All-Holiness consider dral of St. George, Archimandrite Vis - holding a memorial service at the Ecu - sarion and by Ukrainian Consul Gen - menical Patriarchate on the fourth Sa - His Eminence presented to His All-Holiness carved candle-sticks by master craftsman Wasyl Stratychuk of Regina, Sk. Photo: N. Manginas

The UOCC delegation (left) meets with the Ecumenical Patriarch (centre) and members of Members of the Committee for Inter-Orthodox Affairs. UOCC delegation member, Victor the Committee for Inter-Orthodox Affairs (right). Hetmanczuk (far right). Photo: N. Manginas Photo: N. Manginas

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 15 March 2013 To the Ecumenical Patriarchate

His Eminence presented the statue call ed Bitter Memories of Child hood in commemoration of the 80th an ni vers ary of the 1932-1933 Ho lo domor in Ukraine. The meeting of the UOCC delegation and the Committee for Inter-Orthodox Affairs. Photo: N. Manginas Photo: N. Manginas nary 1500-year old subterranean water raine, promoting Church unity and Accompanied by Very Rev. Deacon Conclusion and the Future re ser voir. , which means humanitarian, educational and cultur - Joa chim Billis, Deputy Secretary of the The delegation positively assessed Holy Wisdom in Greek, has been a spi - al support and initiatives for Ukraine. Holy and Sacred Synod, the delegation this visit. According to the delegation, ritual beacon throughout its 1600-year The Pa triarchal representatives reiter - departed to visit Halki, the nearby is - all of the discussions took place in an history—from the Byzantine and Ot to - ated the Mother Church’s love and land, home to the Patriarchal Theo lo - atmosphere of mutual respect and man Empires to modern Turkey. It has con cern for the unity of the Church in gical School and monastery. Until 1971 openness. Although the issues put been a church, mosque and now a mu- Uk raine. Discussions also touched on when it was closed for political reasons, forth by the UOCC were complex and seum. Ukrainians have a special con - the celebrations of the 1025th anniver - all of the Ecumenical Patriarchs we re challenging, the delegation collaborat - nection to this glorious Cathedral. St. sary of the Baptism of Ukraine this Ju - trained at Halki, including Ecu menical ed on a mutually satisfactory resolu - Olha Equal-to-the-Apostles was bap - ly. The delegation also had a final au - Patriarch Bartholomew. tion of some issues and agreement on tized in Hagia Sophia in 945. She ruled dience with the Ecumenical Patriarch, This was a trip back in time to a pla - an approach for resolving the remain - the Kyiv-Rus’ Empire and was grand - where His All-Holiness thanked the de - ce of no modern conveniences. It was der. The delegation left Istanbul on mo ther to mighty Prince Volo dy myr, le ga tion for showing concern and love accessible by boat and, once on the is - Feb. 10, 2013 most grateful to the Lord who brought Orthodox Chris tianity to for the Mother Church, as well as for land, by a horse-drawn buggy. Me tro - for this opportunity to serve the the Ukrainian people. It was a poig nant dedication to the Ukrainian Ortho dox politan El pi do phoros of Bursa, abbot UOCC. It was the great wish that these moment for the delegation to see the Church both in Canada and in Uk - of the mo n astery and the school’s rec - consultations would benefit the UOCC Baptismal Font, the place whe re St. Olha raine. He and the members of the In - tor, hosted the UOCC guests, taking and its faithful and bring glory to God. first came to follow Christ. The St. So - ter-Orthodox Affairs Committee ex - them on a tour of the classrooms, its phia Cathedral in Ky iv was also con - pressed the Mother Church’s love for fa mous library of rare books, as well as *Further reports on the delegation’s structed as a copy of Ha gia So phia. Uk raine and constant support of the holding discussions. Metropolitan El - meetings at the Ecumenical That evening, Abbot of the Baloukli Uk rainian people. There was a further pi dopho ros has taken a keen interest in Patriarchate will be published in the Monastery, Metropolitan Gennadios of exchange of gifts between His All-Ho - Or tho doxy in Ukraine and has partici - next issues . Sasima, together with Metropolitan liness and the delegation, at which time pated actively in these matters. The John of Pergamon, invited the delega - Metropolitan Yurij expressed mutual delegation then attended Vespers in the tion to the Sacred Patriarchal and Sta - gra titude and appreciation for the visi - chapel followed by the evening meal. vropegic Monastery of Baloukli where tation. the relics of many of the Ecumenical Patriarchs repose. Prior to dinner, the de legation had an opportunity to view the richly decorated church with its gild ed ceiling, fine walls of paintings and icons, and the underground shrine of the Zoodochos Pege, or Life-giving Fountain, which is a spring flowing with holy water. A Trip Back in Time and Day Three The final day of meetings began with discussions with the Committee for In - ter-Orthodox Affairs taking place in an The horse and buggy ride to Halki Theology atmosphere of respect and mutual The boat ride to Halki Island. School. love. These predominately focused on The Zoodochos Pege, or Life-giving Foun tain issues relating to the Churches of Uk - at the Baloukli monastery.

The delegation visited the Patriarchal Theological School on the island of Halki with its The UOCC delegation visited the magnificent Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul, Turkey. library of valuable books. Photo: N. Manginas Photo: N. Manginas

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 16 ВІСНИК березень 2013 Передріздвяний Базар 2012 ОРОНТО, ОН —Як щороку кало на розігравку, котру вже тра ди - Со юз Українок Канади, відділ ційно переводить Голова Базаро во - св. кн. Ольги провів свій пе - го Комітету. Вітаємо щасливців, ко - T ред різдвяний базар—16 груд - трі виграли гарні призи, а п. М. Ка - ня 2012 p. Базар—це велика спільна лимін, член собору св. Димитрія праця багатьох членок відділу. Вже виграв чудовий кошик, повен різ но - довший час перед тим Господарчий манітних, ласощів. Дяку ємо на шим Комітет на чолі з п. Олею Адамець спонсорам, завдяки котрим ми ма - приготовляє вареники, солодке, тіс - ли змогу "збагатити" наші ви граші. течка, а передовсім різноманітні На закінчення базару була ро зі грав - стра ви, щоб було чим частувати го - ка—Bingo. Присутні брали участь, с тей. На базарі можна було купити зокрема діти. Вони також най біль - багато дечого, не тільки поїсти, ку - ше тішились з виграних гар них пити додому вареники, голубці, пе - при зів. Вели цю гру п. Надя Гун ке - чиво, але також багато речей, а зо - вич і д-р Лелія Судима. крема гарні намиста, коралі, деко - Щира подяка усім, котрі при чи - ративні нашийники, а також еле - нились до проведення цього ус піш - шарній—співголовам База рово го великодній базар—28 квітня 2013 p. гант ні торбинки. Можна також було ного базару, а головне велика подя- Ко мітету, котрі ще далеко перед тим Буде ще більше всього, ще більш ці - винайняти стіл і багато "підприєм - ка усім, хто прийшов, щось купу вав, добряче натрудились, але їх труд каво і смачного. ців" з того скористали. грав в лотерею, бінго. А найбі льша увінчався гарним успіхом. Думаю, що багато присутніх че - подяка п. Олі Янжулі і Тамарі Ко- Запрошуємо усіх на наш перед - —Євгенія Мельничук Christmas Eve at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre n EDMONTON, AB —The St. Nicho - semble playing 10 Ukrainian Christ - lent Night. The second part of the pro - Room. The third performance was held las Mandolin Ensemble put on three mas carols and one Ukrainian Theo - gram was performed by a quartet from in the main ballroom, but to a different performances on the evening of Jan. 6, pha ny carol. They also played two car - AXIOS choir. The four performers then sitting of attendees than previously. 2013 at the Chateau Louis Conference ols from other traditions. For one of became a quintet when Lawrence Pshyk, Everyone who attended enjoyed an en - Centre in Edmonton, Alberta. The St. these, conductor Lawrence Pshyk sang the Mandolin Ensemble con duct or, chanting evening. This was due in lar ge Nicholas Mandolin Ensemble once a solo. Later in the program, Mary-An - joined them as an additional singer. part to the immense musical talents of again continued a 15 year tradition of ne Pshyk delivered the traditional Uk - They sang four Ukrainian carols and the St. Nicholas Mandolin En semble’s performances on Christmas Eve. The rainian Christmas greeting. followed with a recitation of the tradi - con ductor, Lawrence Pshyk. He arranged performances were heartily enjoyed by The program was divided into two tional Ukrainian Christmas gre eting. the music in 6 parts which were blended all who attended, adding warmth and parts that lasted over 45 minutes. The The ensemble first performed in the together in perfect harmony. creating a festive spirit for the evening. first part of the program was conclud - main ballroom. The second perfor - —Dobr. Iris Kopchuk The performances consisted of the en - ed with everyone singing the carol Si - mance was in the Saint Michael’s See photos on p.15 The Feast Day of the Meeting of the Lord Celebrated at the Consistory Chapel Ukrainian Self-Reliance League of Canada WINNIPEG, MB —The Feast Day of fait hful have had an opportunity to (USRL/CYC) the Meeting of the Lord was celebrated send in the names of their relatives and at the St. Ilarion Chapel at the Of fice of loved ones to be commemorated at Di - Biennial National Convention the Consistory on Feb. 15, 2013. v ine Liturgy Services. Thus, du ring the August 21 to August 25th, 2013 Chancellor of the UOCC, Rt. Rev. Pro - Di vine Liturgy on this Feast Day, Fr. topresbyter Victor Lakusta led the Div - Victor Lakusta commemorated all of Delta Bessborough Hotel, ine Liturgy attended by Consistory these names that were sent in for the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan staff. Fol low ing the Liturgy Fr. Victor well-being of the living and for the sal - blessed candles which were distributed vation of the reposed of these names. to Con sist ory staff. We sincerely thank all those who have During the Koliada-Christmas Ap - supported the Koliada-Christmas Ap - peal as well as throughout the year, the peal with their generous donations.

This convention’s theme "Embracing Change" will provide a platform to discuss challenges and opportunities facing the USRL and to formulate plans for the future. The Convention provides a forum for the USRL's mem ber organizations. The member organizations of the USRL are: the Uk rainian Self-Reliance Association (TYC) (men), the Ukrainian Wo men's Association of Canada (CYK) (women), the Canadian Ukrain ian Youth Association—Ukrainian Orthodox Youth (CYMK-UOY); the St. John Fraternal Society have fostered the use and development of Uk rain ian lan - guage, culture and the Orthodox Faith in Canada. The SUS Found ation endowment fund provides financial support. USRL/CYC's institutional members, the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, the student residences /cul - tural centres, namely; the St. Petro Mohyla Institute in Saskatoon, St. John's Institute in Edmonton and St. Vladimir Institute in Toronto. The League will mark the 85th anniversary of its founding in 1927. This will be complimented by the 75th anniversary of the men’s component, the Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association. For more information contact: Al Kachkowski 306-374-7675 Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta commemorates the names of the living and reposed sent in to the Consistory at the Divine Liturgy in the Consistory Chapel. THE HERALD 17 March 2013 Community News Концерт коляд і щедрівок n У неділю 27-го січня 2013 p. в Ук - ба Бойко-Белл, голова Українського ра їнській Православній Катедрі Св. Товариства Альберти, привітала Івана відбувся концерт коляд і ще д - всіх присутніх, в тому числі Пре ос - рівок зорганізований Українським вя щенного Владику Iларіона, Єпис - Му зичним Товариством Альберти. копа Едмонтону та Західної Єпархії Цьогорічний концерт, за рахунком 34 УПЦ, Преосвященного Владику Да - -ий,—перший і найдовший про ект вида Української Католицької Цер - му зичного товариства, який з'єд нує кви і спікера Альбертської Леґісля - ра зом в одну співучу родину різ ні ед - ту ри дост. Євгена Звоздецького. На - мон тонські хори, колективи, ансам б лі. ступним привітав усіх присутніх го - Серед великого багатства народ - с подар катедри Владика Iларіон, ної пісні важливе і цінне місце по- висловив подяку УМТА за орга ні зу - сідають обрядові пісні, з яких ко ля ди вання концерту і підкреслив важ ли - і щедрівки є одні з найчис ленні ших. вість коляд в українських звичаях і Микола Лисенко, який ще за своїх традиції. студентських років заціка вив ся на- Господарі катедри—збірний Ук - род ною піснею, докладно її просту - ра їнський Православний хор (кате- Хор “Дніпро”. діювавши, її ладотональ ніс ть, струк- дра Св. Івана, собор Св. Андрея, па - туру, виконання, підніс жанр оброб - рафія Св. Антонія), диригент Леся щедрівкою (сценічна різдвяна гра) народний хор "Вітер", диригент Ле - ки народної музики на профе сій - Чу мер, заспівав три коляди—мо гут - "Коза" (в обдарованій обр. М. Леон - ся Погорецька. Хор з великим енту - ний рівень, заклав науко вий підхід ню "Ах, смикнули янголи" (муз. К. то вича). Хор володіє гарним хоро - зіазмом проспівав три щедрівки в до опрацювання музич ного фолк - Сте цен ка), дві веселі коляди "Ра дість вим, зрівноваженим звуком. цікавій обробці сучасних компо зи - льору на Україні. Здаєть ся нема та - нам Бог носив" (муз. Д. Сі чин сь ко го) Після відспівання спільної коля- торів, "Щедрик, щедрик, щедрівоч - кого композитора на Ук раїні, який і "Нині разом співаючи" (муз. К. Сте - ди "Небо і земля" виступив чоло ві- ка", "Небо ясні зірки вкрили"—(обі не пробував би свій твор чий талант ценка/В. Безкоровай но го). чий хор "Аксіос", диригент Борис в обр. О. Стадника) і дуже приємну в обробці народної пісні, в тому чи- Завжди дуже приємною появою є Де рів, який виконав "Діва днесь" ще дрівку "Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє". слі коляди і щедрів ки. Наші класи - діти, і тут вони загостили до нас з (муз. Д. Бортнянського) і "З нами Ведучою програми концерту була ки—К. Стеценко, М. Леонтович, О. 'Різдвяним вертепом', з колядою і Бог" (муз. Б. Дерова). На зміну змі - Лілія Пантелюк, яка з великим по - Кошиць, М. Гайво рон ський при- звіздою. Зайшли маленькі пастуш - шаним хорам, було цікаво почути чуттям читала різдвян ні поезії, ко - святили багато своєї творчості ко- ки зі звірятками. Свята Родина з ма - однорідний хор, який володіє до б - трі майстерно підготува ла і впо- ля дам і щедрівкам, кожний по своє- леньким Ісусиком, прилетіли янго - рим голосовим матеріялом. рядкувала Галина Котович, не в том - му підходячи до від криття змісту ли, прибули три царі, всі вони в від - Хор парафії Св. Юрія Перемож - на довголітня секретарка на шого пі сні музикою. повідних костюмах створили живу ця, диригент Ірина Тарнавська, товариства. Коляди і щедрівки приваблювали картину вертепу. А три старші дів - грімко ви конав коляду "З нами Бог" Парох катедри о. Стефан Семо - Стеценка своєю глибокою поетич - чинки коло мікрофону, Меланія Ан - (муз. С. А. Дехтярьова), солодким тюк теплими словами подякував ні с тю, різноманітністю мистецьких тошко, Марічка Овчаренко і розпо- співом "Ан гели в небі піс ню спі - всім присутнім, які заповнили кате - образів, що є неначе дзеркало ста - відачка Гануся Куць, прекрасно вели вають" (муз. В. Файнера), і май стер - дру "по береги". Голова товариства ро винного життя, побуту та звичаїв цілу програму розповіді і співу ко - но голосами імітуючи дзво ни коля - Люба Бойко-Белл теж подякувала народу. Блискучих успіхів в жанрі ляд до яких прилучувалися всі малі ди "Ой, у Єрусалимі рано за дзво - всім присутнім і особливо виконав - обробок народніх пісень здобув М. учасники вертепу. Цей дуже гарний нили" (муз. Я. Яциневича). Хор гар - цям за їх прекрасний спів. Вона теж Леонтович, в кожній пісні він шукав вертеп приготовив Дитячий хор при но зіспіваний з добрим ансам блем сердечно подякувала Західній Єпар - глибоку ідею пісні і тоді, різними Українській католицькій кате дрі Св. голосів. хії Української Православної Церк - му зичними формами, представляв Йосафата, муз. диригент се стра Ем - Хор "Верховина" при Спілці ук ра - ві, які приготували і запросили всіх го ловний зміст слухачам. М. Гайво - ма нуїла Харишин, СНДМ, текст/ін с - їнської молоді, диригент Наміша присутніх на перекуску після кон - ронський любувався в старовинних труктор сестра Міріям Го луб, СНДМ, Глу сь, виконав "На Йорданській річ - церту. Спільною колядою "Во Виф - обрядових піснях і про коляди і ще - керівник Кася Антош ко. ці" (муз. К. Стеценка), "Нова радість ле ємі" закінчилася ця дуже успішна дрівки сам писав до П. Маценка "пре- Слідкувала новостворена вока ль - стала" (обр. К. Стеценка) і цікаву імпреза. Кількість присутніх і вико - цікаві тексти й мельодії, а ста ри на- на формація "Аколада", диригент гар монізацію гурту "Джершень", навців засвідчує популярність тако - старина аж сяє своєю красою та си - Га лина Лазурко, яка виконала дві "Три славнії царі". Слідував хор при го концерту та велику любов і по - лою". Хоча коляди й щедрівки при - ко ляди цікаві своєю гармонією об- парафії Св. Василія Великого, ди ри - ша ну до української коляди і ще - йшли до нас з давних часів, але дуже роб ки сучасних композиторів, а гент Єлисавета Лісова-Андерсон, дрівки. свіжо і яскраво почуваються се ред це—"Пре чистая Діва Сина поро ди- який виконав "Бог Предвічний" До зустрічі в наступному році! нас в 21-му ст. Багато сучас них ком- ла" (обр. В. Якимця) і "Землю юдей - (обр. А. Гнатишина), "На Рождес т - —Марія Дитиняк, членка УМТА позиторів і піснярів заці кав лені ти- сь ку" (обр. С. Стельмашука). во" (муз. М. Гайворонського) і впер - ми старинними піснями і талано ви- Збірний хор "Дніпро" під дири- ше почуту пісню з Бо го гла с ни ка в * 3 нагоди цього концерту у при т- то вбирають їх в нову му зичну оде - гентством Ірини Шмігельської, який обр. А. Гнатишина "До Св. Васи лія во рі катедри відбулася збірка доб ро - жу, що надає їм нових і ці кавих зо - цього року буде відзначати 60 літ Великого". Хор співає впевнено і вільних датків на проект "Or phan- бражень. своєї творчої музичної діяльності, вповній дисципліні. При кінці хор age Project in Ukraine care of the West- Концерт відкрито спільним спі - порадував публіку старовинною за співав присутнім їхнє новорічне ern Eparchy" (допомога сиро тинцям в вом учасників і слухачів коляди-мо - ще дрівкою "Із-за горочки" (обр. М. він шування. Ук раїні), про який роз по вів короте нь - литви "Бог Предвічний". Відтак Лю - Гай воронського), та ілюстраційною На закінчення програми висту - ко о. Корнель Зубри ць кий під час про- пив досить чисельний, в гарних сти - грами. Зібрано $3,806 . лізованих українських костюмах,

УВАГА! Копії Метрик про Хрещення і Вінчання Oплата за пошук і видачу копії ме три ки про Хрещення чи Вінчання становить $30.00 . Чек просимо виписувати на: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, 9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1G8 На пошук необxідно від 2 до 4 тижнів. ATTENTION! Duplicate Baptismal and Marriage certificates The cost for searching and issuing Dupli cate Baptismal or Marriage cer - tificates is $30.00 . Please make your cheque payable to: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, 9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1G8 Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for processing. You can now pay by: Збірний український православний хор.

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 18 ВІСНИК Donations to Consistory Funds березень 2013 • ПОЖЕРТВИ НА ФОНДИ КОНСИСТОРІЇ січень 2012 – грудня 20 12 р. • DONATIONS TO CONSISTORY FUNDS January 2012 – December, 20 12 ECCLESIA DONATIONS $5.00 • Anne Mandryk, Winnipeg, MB $100.00 DONATIONS - GENERAL (ECCLESIA) • Paul & Marsha Jereniuk, Edmonton, AB ($45.00) ($1,035.00) • UOC of St. John the Baptist, North Battleford, • Ivan & Tina Manko, Oshawa, ON ($1,240.00) SK ($726.00) OCTOBER, 2012 JULY, 2012 • Rev. Fr. Gene & Zenovia Maximiuk, Winnipeg, $50.00 $12,637.75 $605.00 MB ($1,653.00) • Terry & Vera Labach, Saskatoon, SK ($1,750.00) • Estate of Anne Krawetz, Edmonton, AB • UOC of St. Anthony, Edmonton, AB • Mark & Lill Orydzuk, Edmonton, AB ($49,192.13) ($12,143.00) DECEMBER, 2012 ($1,025.00) $120.00 • Kathleen Pasieka, Edmonton, AB ($805.00) REVENUE DONATIONS ENCOUNTERING THE MYSTERY • Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB • Alex Pawluk, Lockport, MB ($495.00) ARCHIVES AND MUSEUM $100.00 FEBRUARY, 2012 • Mary Petrow, Winnipeg, MB ($1,250.00) • Halyna Sydorenko, Toronto, ON ($100.00) OCTOBER, 2012 $100.00 • William Pich, Dauphin, MB ($229.00) $26.25 $20.00 • Rt. Rev. Fr. Dr. Ihor Kutash, , QC • Odarka Semotiuk-Devlin, Edmonton, AB • Ben Hladun, Prince Albert, SK ($255.50) • Shirley Farrar, Mississauga, ON ($20.00) ($3,988.36) ($150.00) • Estate of Kateryna Sydorenko • anonymous, Elk Point, AB ($285.00) (deceased), Toronto, ON ($339.00) CLERGY DIOCESE FUND KOLIADA (CHRISTMAS APPEAL) • Dianna Sotas, Decker, MB ($260.00) • Leon Stachnyk, Guelph, ON ($135.00) OCTOBER, 2012 NOVEMBER, 2012 ST. MICHAEL'S HISTORICAL UOC • Bohdan & Margaryta Stryzowec, Mississauga, $100.00 $1,000.00 - GARDENTON ON ($520.00) • Fr. Timothy & Julie Chrapko, Calgary, AB • Dr. & Mrs. Peter M. Kondra, • Nick & Mary Syrotiuk, Edmonton, AB JUNE, 2012 ($365.00) Stoney Creek, ON ($26,280.00) ($1,000.00) $25.00 • Rev. Fr. Roman & Brenda Kocur, Wakaw, SK $50.00 • Michael Szul, Toronto, ON ($547.50) • Bonnie & Dr. Michael Burdz, Winnipeg, MB ($568.00) • Maurice & Dianne Labelle, Winnipeg, MB • Bob & Donna Talbot, Ste. Anne, MB ($95.00) • Rev. Fr. Georg Podtepa, Edmonton, AB ($5,140.85) ($1,317.38) • Victor Lahoda, Etobicoke, ON ($185.00) ($668.00) • Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB • Marshall & Victoria Triska, Vegreville, AB • Ben Pawluk, Guelph, ON ($25.00) DECEMBER, 2012 ($1,505.00) • Tatiana Willumsen, Okotoks, AB ($25.00) COMPUTERIZATION $500.00 • Walter & Rilla Wasyliw, Bellis, AB ($810.00) SEPTEMBER, 2012 OCTOBER, 2012 • Jennie & Nestor Ortynsky, Canora, SK • Evelyn Wasylyshen, Winnipeg, MB ($1,378.00) $200.00 $50.00 ($6,350.00) • Emil & Orasia Yereniuk, Edmonton, AB • Alex & Margaret Kindraka, Stoney Creek, ON • Jane Moroz, Winnipeg, MB ($90.00) $400.00 ($6,014.22) ($700.00) • Audrey Sojonky, West Vancouver, BC $40.00 NOVEMBER, 2012 ($7,467.88) • Dr. Albert Hohol, Edmonton, AB ($1,060.00) OCTOBER, 2012 $200.00 $300.00 • Walter & Lena Kotak, Winnipeg, MB ($448.25) $2,240.00 • UOC of Sts. Peter & Paul, Rosa, MB ($400.00) • Marion Glasko, St. Catharines, ON ($300.00) $35.00 • Donald & Diane Machnee, St. Andrews, MB $134.00 • Oktowian & Olha Nosijewich, Toronto, ON • Mary Youzwa, Nipawin, SK ($1,120.00) ($2,240.00) • Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB ($1,258.00) $30.00 $100.00 NOVEMBER, 2012 • Dave & Nadia Portey, Thompson, MB ($300.00) • John & Maria Shabotynsky, Etobicoke, ON • Ron Chercoe, Stony Mountain, MB ($100.00) $100.00 $200.00 ($530.00) • William Cole, Winnipeg, MB ($100.00) • Terry D. Borys, Winnipeg, MB ($2,900.00) $25.00 DONATIONS - GENERAL (ECCLESIA) • Jean & Manuel D. Tanchak, Kanata, ON • Mary Kinakin, Grimshaw, AB ($549.75) • John Belseck, Edmonton, AB ($350.00) ($300.00) JUNE, 2012 • Alex & Pauline Lysak, Edmonton, AB • Tania Cholowsky, Hamilton, ON ($60.00) • John Cole, Winnipeg, MB ($200.00) $61.92 ($7,316.79) • Dorothy Hanchuk, Edmonton, AB ($180.00) • Isabelle Darcovich, Edmonton, AB ($19,805.90) $125.00 • Kay Hobden, Edmonton, AB ($385.00) DECEMBER, 2012 OCTOBER, 2012 • Bohdan & Margaret Brenko, Fonthill, ON • Albert & Cecilia Kachkowski, Saskatoon, SK $500.00 $31,594.38 ($925.00) ($960.00) • Estate of Nick Krelaty, Winnipeg, MB • Estate of Anne Krawetz, Edmonton, AB $100.00 • Jean Kanchir, Winnipeg, MB ($160.00) ($500.00) ($49,192.13) • Helen Andreychuk, Vegreville, AB ($370.00) • Helen & Morris Kitt, Sherwood Park, AB • Maurice & Victoria Lakusta, Winnipeg, MB $200.00 • V. Rev. Fr. Roman & Genia Bozyk, Winnipeg, ($105.00) ($550.00) • Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor & Marusia Lakusta, MB ($7,568.89) • Mykola & Olena Latyshko, Islington, ON $100.00 Winnipeg, MB ($3,818.87) • Nick & Mary Budzak, Saskatoon, SK ($2,560.00) ($250.00) • Karen Christiuk, Dufrost, MB ($300.00) • Victoria Weldrick, Hamilton, ON ($200.00) • Amelia & William Chucko, Surrey, BC ($100.00) • Ted & Lena Lesiuk, Gilbert Plains, MB ($271.50) • Peter & Mary Maruschak, Winnipeg, MB $132.13 • Gerald B. Fedchun, Mississauga, ON ($150.00) • Mary & Orest Mysak, Saskatoon, SK ($135.00) ($2,970.00) • Anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($479.13) • Marusia Foster, Winnipeg, MB ($100.00) • Olga Nowakowski, Etobicoke, ON ($25.00) • Sylvia Ostryzniuk, Winnipeg, MB ($3,450.00) $40.00 • Marie Gardner, Moose Jaw, SK ($175.00) • Walter & Jean Rudko, Edmonton, AB ($1,155.00) • Iris & Blair Smith, Red Deer County, AB • Jane Moroz, Winnipeg, MB ($90.00) • Pauline Ignash, Winnipeg, MB ($2,267.00) • Louis & Helen Storozuk, Shoal Lake, MB ($100.00) $20.00 • Jessie Korpess, Prince Albert, SK ($225.00) ($425.00) $50.00 • Russell J. & Eleanor Nykolaishyn, Roblin, MB • Sylvester Lakusta, Andrew, AB ($100.00) • Olga Toews, Oshawa, ON ($75.00) • Olga Holowasz, St. Catharines, ON ($100.00) ($30.00) • Nadia Maciuk, St. Michael, AB ($3,645.00) • Anne Tymchak, Edmonton, AB ($280.00) • Borden & Jeannie Osmak, Oakville, ON • Elizabeth Zoochkan, Winnipeg, MB ($809.00) UOCC FOUNDATION NOVEMBER, 2012 ($950.00) $20.00 FOUNDATION $1,000.00 • Tillie Ostrowercha, Edmonton, AB ($340.00) • Michail Chalecky, Prince Albert, SK ($25.00) - GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND • Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw, • Rosemary Prentice, Oshawa, ON ($1,400.00) • anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($75.00) OCTOBER, 2012 East St. Paul, MB ($39,124.89) • Michael & Frances Prystupa-Toews, • Victor & Sophie Medwid, Dryden, ON $1,000.00 $600.00 Winnipeg, MB ($1,450.00) ($355.00) • Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association, • Dr. & Mrs. Peter M. Kondra, • Jean Pierre & Luba Semeniuk, Burlington, ON • Nadia Schulha, Delta, BC ($325.00) Edmonton, AB ($13,850.00) Stoney Creek, ON ($26,280.00) ($600.00) • Estate of Nick Krelaty, Winnipeg, MB ($500.00) $100.00 $200.00 • William & Pauline Semeniuk, Yorkton, SK • Lawrence & Elsie Serediak, Edmonton, AB • Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association ($2,600.00) METROPOLITAN RESIDENCE FUND ($100.00) Steppe Club, Saskatoon, SK ($10,500.00) • Barry J. & Patsy Slusarchuk, Calgary, AB DECEMBER, 2012 ($12,150.00) NOVEMBER, 2012 DECEMBER, 2012 $50.00 • Michael & Sylvia Sorochka, Saskatoon, SK $35.00 $400.00 • Nadeya Bodnar, Edmonton, AB ($5,495.00) • Oleg Holowaty, Toronto, ON ($400.00) ($5,130.00) • UOC of St. Michael, Edmonton, AB • anonymous, Edmonton, AB ($185.00) ($3,079.87) $300.00 MISSION FUND $75.00 • Allan & Soula Pasichnyk, Kamloops, BC DECEMBER, 2012 • Isabelle Darcovich, Edmonton, AB ($19,805.90) APRIL, 2012 ($9,070.00) $200.00 • Patrick & Helen Garrity, Winnipeg, MB $50.00 $61.92 • Rt. Rev. Fr. Nicholas & Jeannette D. Rauliuk, ($1,119.00) • Sylvia Kowalchuk Bector, Winnipeg, MB ($50.00) • Isabelle Darcovich, Edmonton, AB Edmonton, AB ($1,882.50) • Emily Johnston, Windsor, ON ($230.00) ($19,805.90) $100.00 • John T. Malysh, Edmonton, AB ($1,700.00) PRESS-FUND (ECCLESIA) $50.00 • Edwin & Leona Bridges, Edmonton, AB • Mykola & Olha Swyntuch, Toronto, ON • Maurice & Dianne Labelle, Winnipeg, MB NOVEMBER, 2012 ($455.00) ($505.00) ($5,140.85) $200.00 $50.00 • L. & J. Weaver, Victoria, BC ($145.00) • Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association • Nadeya Bodnar, Edmonton, AB ($5,495.00) $50.00 DONATIONS - GENERAL (ECCLESIA) Steppe Club, Saskatoon, SK ($10,500.00) • anonymous, London, ON ($325.00) OCTOBER, 2012 • Nadeya Bodnar, Edmonton, AB ($5,495.00) $200.00 • Henry & Daria Broadhead, Nepean, ON ($75.00) • St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor Parish, • anonymous, Vita, MB ($275.00) Edmonton, AB ($4,825.31) • Valentyna Dmytrenko, Winnipeg, MB ($50.00) Notice to Contributors • Ivan & Maria Firman, Toronto, ON ($291.50) EASTER APPEAL The Visnyk / The Herald greatly appreciates and welcomes your contribu - • anonymous, Saskatoon, SK ($200.00) tions of materials about parish community life and activities for publica - JANUARY, 2012 • Lawrence & Ilona Gushulak, Fort Frances, ON $50.00 ($320.00) tion. Regarding accompanying photographs of events, we ask contributors • Nadia Sas, Edmonton, AB ($50.00) • Patrick & Lucy Holyk, Oshawa, ON ($830.00) to se lect photographs that best represent the event(s) in the written text. Due • Dr. Oleh & Anna Trojan, Mississauga, ON • anonymous, Kelowna, BC ($335.00) to space limitations, we ask contributors to prioritize (number in order of ($650.00) • Lee & Olga Janschula, Etobicoke, ON ($1,100.00) im portance), and limit the number of photos being sent (max. 6). • Walter & Anna Kaminski, Regina, SK ($300.00) Please note that the Visnyk / The Herald reserves the right to edit materials APRIL, 2012 • Ole & Verna Kereluk, Winnipeg, MB ($850.00) $300.00 • Elizabeth & Jene Lyne, Kamloops, BC ($665.00) and select photographs that best reflect the mission of Visnyk / The Herald. • Rev. Fr. Benny & Lorraine Ambrosie, • anonymous, Regina, SK ($1,050.00) For further inquiries, please call the Editorial Office оr email [email protected] Edmonton, AB ($2,453.00)

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 19 March 2013 Воскові свічки в Божих храмах

вили їх виробників вдосконалювати летні з храмів Степаня, набагато Але матиме світло життя засоби їх виробництва, зокрема від мен ші за розмірами з церкви с. Лис - ручного одиночного сукання, до бі- твин на Дубенщині. Одна з недо па - Володимир Рожко кандидат церковно-історичних наук, викладач Волинської льш чисельнішого одноразового їх лених свічок тут була відлита в осо - Православної Богословської Академії, історик-архівіст, дійсний член ІДВ у Він - виробництва. Тому ще в княжу добу бливій циліндричній формі і нага - ні пезі і його представник в Україні, почесний професор Східноєвропейського на історичній Волині з'явилися пер - дує кручені шишки для весільного національного університету ім. Лесі Українки ші примітивні прилади для відли - короваю. Її діаметр—6,2 см., висота (продовження з минулого числа) лежно від її призначення. вання одноразово кілька, а пізніше і —12,5 см. 17 —Опріч великої цехової, у кож - Не лише на воскових свічках-ве - кілька десятків свічок з розплав ле - Тут також зберігається так звана но му цеху були свічки і менших летнях під час їх сукання і підсу ку- ного воску. шарова свічка. Її висота—77 см., ді - роз мірів. Частина їх зберігалася в вання братчиками і сестрицями за - Нещодавно виявлені і досліджені аметр—3,5 см. Ця свічка сукана ру - храмах, а частина—в цехового май - лишали їх свічкарі біблійні, народні автором прилади для відливання ка ми свічкаря в кілька шарів і при с тра. Під час похорону когось із сюжети, геометричні і рослинні ор - воскових свічок в Стракліві біля тому різних кольорів воску. Кожний брат чиків в похоронній процесії наменти, а й в домашніх умовах ви - Дубно, с. Воротнів на Луччині дають подовжній шар нарощений (нака - брали участь братчики даного цеху, готовляли свічки більшого і мен- нам підставу стверджувати, що во - ча ний) на попередній відріз ня ється а при смерті визначних осіб міс теч - шо го розміру, але з певними ни в XVI-XVIII ст. широко застосо - кольором, тут бачимо в пе реризі ка—вже всі цехи йшли за небіж чи - прикра сами, кольорами, залежно вувалися на теренах історичної Во - тем нозелений, білий, жов тий, ко рич - ком зі своїми свічками... Під час чи - від при значення. лині для одночасного відливання з невий шари, які по тов щині май же 18 ну похорону, який здійснював свя- —На воскових свічках з різних розплавленого воску по кілька де - однакові. Ґнотом для цієї свічки є щеник, горіли в руках братчиків і ко льорів і відтінків воску (віск бу- сятків свічок і не лише при монас - звичайна конопляна мо туз ка, до ре- сестриць воскові свічки. 12 ває зеленуватого, жовтого, бурого, тирях, кафедральних храмах, як це чі, дуже погано засу кана, тим са мим, В день цехового празнику відбу - білого, темного і інших кольорів) було в княжу добу, а й при пара фі - така свічка мала слу жи ти в храмах ва лася в парафіяльну храмі уро чи - від кладалися руками майстрів-свіч - яльних святинях. недовгий період, хоча її ви сота могла ста Літургія, під час якої братчики карів, простими людьми, які сукали Знайденим приладдям при помо - б свідчити про тилеж не. цеху з двохаршинними (1,5 м.) свіч - свічки, певні орнаменти, сюжети. 14 на стирському храмі Різдва Пре свя - Ще кілька свічок-недогарків неві - ками розташовувалися в святині Виготовлені в домашніх примі - тої Богородиці в с. Страклів одно - домого походження з фондів Рів нен - дво ма рядами від дверей до іконо - тив них умовах воскові свічки також часно можна було відливати 25 вос - ського обласного краєзнавчого му - стасу. По закінченні Літургії слу- прикрашали різнокольоровими па - кових свічок висотою до 58 см., тов - зею мали високу якість воску і ме то - жив ся Молебень або Акафіст цехо- перовими стрічками, тканинними щиною від 2 до 3 см. в діаметрі. На дом качання належать до при мі тив - во му святому, а по тому під звуки нитками, а на поверхню наносили цьому приладі можна було відли ва - них виробів, виготовлених ма лодос - церковних дзвонів із запаленими способом наклеювання листя бар- ти і більш товщі воскові свічки, але відченими сільськими свічка ря ми. свічками вірні тричі обходили нав - вінку, пелюстка польових квітів, вже за кількістю менше, тобто шну - Такі свічки при потребі виго то вля - коло своєї святині. орнаменти гострим предметом, то - рок, який служив для майбутньої лися в кожному селі ще в 50-60-хро - Подібні цехові воскові свічки б то своєрідна різьба по воску. Ці свічки за ґнота, зачіплювався внизу ках XX ст., одначе віск для їх виго - були в храмах інших волинських прикраси воскових свічок залежали на металевому обручі не за кожен товлення був без будь-яких до мішок. міст: Луцька, Володимира, Берестя, від певних традицій даного регіону. гачок, а через один, два, або й кілька, Збережені по церквах, монас ти - Холма, Крем'янця, Острога, Збара - Слід наголосити, що більшість во - залежало від того, якої товщини ми рях, музеях, в приватних осіб давні 16 жа, Дубна, Почаєва і т.д. одначе най - скових свічок ще з княжої доби на хочемо мати свічку. воскові свічки мусимо не лише ста - більш збережені і описані в істо- історичній Волині виготовляли під Свічки-велетні з храмів літопи - ранно оберігати і вивчати, виго тов - ричних джерелах саме воскові свіч - замовлення, враховуючи запити і сного містечка Степань виготовля - лені, на превеликий жаль безімен - ки Божих храмів літописного кня- смаки замовників. лися способом нарощування на ними для нас свічкарями, мали своє жого граду над Горинню-Степаня. Знайдені в різних регіонах ав то - спе ціальному, спочатку дере в'яно- призначення в храмах, «як ефір ні - Лише рештки степанських цехових ром давні воскові свічки були сукані му, а пізніше металевому цилін - сть Богові», вони залишаються для свічок з церкви св. Миколая, св. з чистого воску без домішок інших дричному пристрої, в який зали вав - нас взірцем тої ефірності наших Трой ці зберігаються нині у фондах речовин і його чистоту було легко ся розплавлений віск і по мірі його пра дідів, високими і неповторними Рівненського обласного краєзнав- визначити таким способом: охолодження і застигання, пристрій зразками нашої духовної, церковної чого музею, які потребують невід - —Чистий віск,—читаємо в істо - підіймався, а до затверділої воскової спадщини, залишаються високим кладної реставрації. 13 ричних джерелах,—при переламу - маси додавалися нові порції роз пла - свідченням віри нашого святого ук - Мистецтво виготовлення (сукан- ванні дає раковистий і правильний вленого воску. Гніт натягувався по раїнського Православ'я, причетно - ня) воскових свічок пройшло дов гий злом, при обробці він більш ела с - се редині циліндра. У фондах Рів - сті людини до Божого світла, вира - шлях свого вдосконалення від своїх тичний і тягучий, при давленні між нен ського обласного краєзнавчого жен ням тепла, полум'ям нашої лю - витоків до фабричних кон ве єрів. пальцями видає завжди запах меду, музею знаходиться ряд воскових бові до Бога, пречистої Богородиці, На початку свічки виготовляли навіть при терті об папір залишає свічок, і серед них цехові свічки-ве - до святих праведників нашої землі. вручну, відомим і дотепер спосо - особливий ніжний шар, при терті Використані джерела: бом. М'який віск розкачували по об нитку видає особливий скрип, не 12. Там само. - С. 757. рівній поверхні, надаючи йому ок - виділяючи при тому легких час ти - 13. Рівненський обласний краєзнавчий музей. ругленої циліндричної форми, за - нок зі свого складу, витягнутий в 14. Рожко В. Воскові свічки в Божих храмах історичної Волині. - Волинь. кладали в їх видовжену середину проволочку чистий віск еластичний Рівне, 2005.-Ч. 19.-С. 18.15.ВЄВ. - Крем'янець, 1887. - 4.1.-С. 42. гніт з ниток, мотузок, виготовлених і твердий, не ламається, горить жов - 16. Рожко В. А Отець твій віддасть тобі явно. - Рукопис. з волокнистих рослин, відповідно туватим полум'ям і не стікає. 15 17. Рівненський обласний краєзнавчий музей. прикрашали поверхню свічки за - Попит на воскові свічки зас та - 18. Там само. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients n WINNIPEG, MB —The Queen for many years on the local, na - Plast for many years on the local, Elizabeth II Dia mond Jubilee Me - tional and international level. He national and international levels. dal was presented to two deserv - was honoured for his instrumen - The Queen Elizabeth II Dia - ing recipients, Dr. Orest Cap and tal work in establishing the Cher - mond Jubilee Medal was newly Ms. Sophia Kachor, by the Uk - nihiv State Teacher Innova tion created to mark the 2012 celebra - rain ian Canadian Congress dur - Award Project at Hohol State Uni - tions of Her Majesty Queen Eli - ing a special awards ceremony in versity in Nizhen, Ukraine and at zabeth II’s 60th anniversary of ac - Winnipeg on Feb. 8, 2013. The Chernihiv State Peda go gical Uni- cession to the Throne. The Dia - UCC National and the UCC Ma - versity of Chernihiv, Uk raine, mond Jubilee Medal is a tangible nitoba Provincial Council jointly where he helped to establish a way for Canada to honour Her hosted a reception at the Ukrain - successful social services network Ma jesty for her service to this ian Cultural and Educational that assists physically and mental - country. It also honours the con - Cen tre Oseredok to recognize the ly challenged individuals from tributions and achievements of outstanding achievements of two Chernihiv who were affected by Ca nadians across all of society members of Manitoba’s Ukrain - the Chornobyl disaster. who have made a significant con - ian Canadian community. Sophia Ka chor is the execut ive tribution to Canada and to its re - Dr. Orest Cap is a professor of director and Chief of Collec tions gions, or an outstanding achie ve - Technology Edu ca tion and dir ect - of Oseredok in Winnipeg. She is a ment abroad that brings great or of the Imperial Oil Acade my, dedicated life-long community credit to Canada. During the year Fa culty of Education at the Uni - volunteer, active in many Uk- of celebrations in 2012, 60,000 versity of Manitoba. Dr. Cap has rainian organizations and in - Ca nadians were recognized. been actively involved with Uk - stitutions. She has been involved rainian Ca nadian Social Serv ices with Ukrainian Youth Association —UCC National Press Office

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 20 ВІСНИК For Our Children березень 2013 Lead us Not into Temptation ing a hot object when told not to. hurt, and the people will think Teens face challenges from peer you are a great hero." But Jesus pressure every day—smoking, told him that it is not right to drink ing alcohol, doing drugs, tempt God. Finally, satan led Je - cheating on exams, skipping sus up to the top of a high moun - classes, the list goes on and on. tain. There, he showed Je sus all Adults may fall prey to gambling, the kingdoms of the world." If watching porn movies, driving you bow down and worship me, I too fast, investing their money in - will give you all these things," he to bad schemes, etc. said. But Je sus said, "Go away Satan tempts everyone. The from me sa tan. Hear the Law of first people were tempted by him God. Thou shalt worship the to eat the forbidden fruit in the Lord thy God; and only Him shalt Dobrodiyka Jane Garden of Eden. As a result, thou serve." God punished them and they No matter how much Jesus we re driven out of that beautiful was tempted, He did not lose His more difficult for us, but much place. self-control. Self-control is not prayer, faith and courage will Even Jesus went through the easy. The world around us is our help us to make the right deci - ordeal of being tempted by sa - wilderness. It took Jesus a lot of sions. Jesus will help us if we tan. You can find this story in courage to ward off temptation ask Him. your Bibles in Matthew 4:1-11. and He was sinless. It is much After Jesus was baptized by hese are very familiar John the Baptist, the Spirit of words. We say them eve - God led Him into the wilderness. ry day when we pray, There he fasted for forty days. T and so, we should think He was probably very tired and about what it is that we are pray - hungry when satan came to ing for. From the time we are Him. Knowing that Jesus was born throughout the rest of our hungry, satan said to Him "If you lives, we will be put through ma - are God’s Son, you can change ny tests. There will be many de - these stones into bread." But cisions to be made and often Jesus answered, "Man shall not they may not be good ones. live by bread alone." He refused TEMPTATION is the desire to to obey satan’s command. do something which is appealing Then, satan showed Jesus a —but we know that perhaps we beautiful temple reaching high should not do. For toddlers it into the sky. He said, "You are could be as simple as jumping God’s son. Why don’t you jump into a puddle of water or touch - down? God will not let you get The desert of Israel.

Jesus’ Triumph Over Temptation ÑËfl‚ÓÎ ÒÔÓÍÛ˘ÛÒ To be tempted is to be tested in fundamental areas of faith. As in The Go - spel of Mark, the Spirit leads, or "throws," Jesus into the wilderness after His ßÒÛÒ‡ ïËÒÚ‡ Baptism to be tested to struggle with the devil. We who are baptized in n Після хрещення Ісуса Христа у річці Йордані, Він пішов в пус - Christ need not be defeated by temptations because we too are aided by the ти ню де перебував сорок днів і сорок ночей у молитвах і в Holy Spirit. The wilderness is the battleground, an image of the world, both the dwelling place of demons and a source of divine tranquility and victory. пості. Тодi диявол три рази спокушав Його, обіцюючи Йому Jesus reverses Israel’s falling to temptation in the wilderness. The Israel - славу й ба гатства землі. Ісус Христос відкинув усі спокуси, а за ites were tested 40 years in the wilderness and proved disobedient and dis - третім разом сказав до диявола: "Геть від Мене, сатано! Лише loyal. God humbled them by first letting them go hungry, then feeding them Богові тре ба поклонятися і Йому одному служити." Тоді від сту - with manna to help them learn to be dependent on Him (Dt 8:2-5). Here, пив диявол від Христа, і Христос розпочав учительску працю. Jesus is tested with hunger for forty days, but He does not sin. His answers До гріху спокушує нас головно злий дух, лихі люди й наші злі to satan are from Deuteronomy, and all call for loyalty to God. Jesus fasted to overcome temptation, giving us an example of our own на хили. Щоби побороти спокуси, треба стерегтися їх і мо ли - power and limitations in the face of temptation. The hunger of His flesh тися. does not control Him; rather, He controls His flesh. Our Lord’s fast of 40 days is the foundation of the Church’s forty-day Lenten fast before and of the fast before Christmas. The devil challenges Christ’s relationship to the Father. "If You are the Son ANNOUNCEMENT of God" calls into question the Father’s declaration at Christ’s Baptism (Mt 3:17). The devil wants Jesus to act independently and to detach Himself St. Petro Mohyla Institute from the will of the Father. In His divine nature, Christ shares one will with Annual General Meeting (AGM) the Father and the Holy Spirit; He can do nothing of Himself (Jn 5:30), apart from the Father. But in His humanity He possesses free will and at all times Saturday, March 23, 2013 must choose to remain obedient to the divine will of the Father. By rejecting at 4:00 p.m. the first temptation, Jesus rejects an earthly kingdom and shows us not to pursue earthly comfort in the "food that perishes" (Jn 6:27). While Adam disregarded the divine word in order to pursue the passions of the body (Gn St. Petro Mohyla Institute 3), the New Adam-Christ—conquers all temptation by the divine word, giv - 1240 Temperance Street, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. ing human nature the power to conquer satan. Trials and temptations come on their own; we should never intentionally expose ourselves to danger in We look forward to your attendance at the AGM. order to test or prove God’s protection. To do so is to tempt the Lord. RSVP by email to Mohyla Institute Administration —The Orthodox Study Bible [email protected] or by telephone (306) 653-1944

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg Колеґія Св. Андрея у Вінніпезі 21


— This page is submitted by the St. Andrew’s College Administration and Board of Directors. Березень - Місяць Покликань • March Month of Vocations The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of to God and His people. Святого Андрея, прошу звертатися Ca nada has declared March to be the For more information and applica - до Колегії за інформацією та апліка - Month of Vocations and support of St. tions, please contact St. Andrew's Col - ціями. Andrew's College in Winnipeg. lege. We look forward to seeing you in St. Andrew's College, the Theolo gic al Усіх зацікавлених у навчанні на September 2013 at the beginning of the School of our Church is ready and ab le Богословському Факультеті Колеґії new academic year. to educate, train and prepare good candi - dates for ordination in our Church. We The preparation of good candidates for ordination and the many good need everyone in our Church to help works of St. Andrew's College would not be possible without the generous find suitable students and to convince support of our donors. Please remember the College at this time and through - the candidates to listen to God's call. out the year. May God bless you and keep you now and forever. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said: "I am the Good Shepherd. The Підготовка відповідних кандидатів до висвяти була б неможливою Good Shepherd lays down His life for без ще дрої підтримки наших жертводавців. Будь-ласка, пам'ятайте the sheep". (John 10:11) про Колеґію тепер та протягом року. Зазделегідь Вам дякуємо. Christ, the True Shepherd and Arch pastor, calls each of us to follow V. Rev. Fr. Roman Bozyk, Dean of Theology Him and some of us to be pastoral Residence Applications leaders—priests in His Holy Church. n Сказав Господь Бог Наш Ісус Хри - "Tend the flock of God that is your We are now accepting St. Andrew's College Residence applications for the стос: "Я—Пастир Добрий! Пас тир charge, not by constraint but willing - 2013-2014 academic year. Any students who wish to book a room are urged До брий кладе життя власне за вів ці" ly... not as domineering but being ex - to contact the Residence Supervisor, Genia Bozyk, as soon as possible at (Iв. 10:11). Христос Добрий Пастир і amples to the flock." (I Pet.5:2, 3) (204) 474-8895 or email [email protected] Архипастир шукає душ пастирів- Search your hearts and see if you are Accommodations will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis with свя щеників, щоб продов жу вати Йо - being called to become one of those preference given to returning students. The final decision of admission to the го святу місію. "Пасіть ста до Боже, good leaders and examples, to the Residence is at the discretion of the St. Andrew's College Administration. що у вас, наглядайте не з примусу flock, of a Christ-centered life. але добровільно пo-Бо жому... не па - Come and study at St. Andrew's нуйте над насліддям Бо жим але бу - Col lege in Winnipeg to prepare for a дь те для стада за взір." (І Пет. 5:2,3). fulfilling and rewarding life of service

THEOLOGY PROGRAMS AT ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE Are you—or someone you know—interested in Theology courses? St. Andrew’s College offers four pro grams of study through our Faculty of Theology Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) —four-year program, three years of Theology courses, one year of Hum an - ities сourses. Diploma in Theology (Dip.Тh.) —two-year program for mature students, special permission is required. Certificate in Theology (Cert.Тh.) —one-year program for laity, can be part-time Master of Divinity (M.Div.) —one-year program after completion of В.A. and В.Th. degrees.

Anyone wishing a copy of the St. Andrew's College 2012 Annual Report please contact: Кожен, хто бажає отримати копію 2012 річного звіту Колеґії Св. Андрея, Left to right. Front Row: V. Rev. Roman Bozyk, His Eminence METROPOLITAN YURIJ, Dr. Roman Yereniuk. просимо звертатись за адресою: Middle Row: V. Rev. Alexander Harkavyi, Bohdan Statkevych, Matthew Solomko, St. Andrew's College 29 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M7 Natalie Solomko, Rt. Rev. Dr. Oleh Krawchenko. Ph: (204) 474-8895 FAX: (204) 474-7624 Back Row: Rt. Rev. Dr. Ihor Kutash, Yakiv Mielnik, Ivan Savyak. email: [email protected] St. Andrew’s College Student Council EXECUTIVE 2012-2013 President - Melanie Drozdowsky Vice President - Marta Teslyuk Secretary - Alexandra Maranchuk Treasurer - Pavlo Tverdokhlib UMSU Representative - Brittany Turchyn Social Director/Programmer - Natalie Solomko Sports Director - Ivan Savyak 08 Representative - Yakiv Mielnik Female Residents’ Representative - Natalie Solomko Male Residents’ Representative - Nicholas Kapeluch Theology Students’ Association Representative - Matthew Solomko Left to right. Front Row: Alexandra Maranchuk, Natalie Solomko, Marta Teslyuk. Administration 2nd Row: Dobr. Genia Bozyk, Nicholas Kapeluch, Brittany Turchyn, Melanie Drozdowsky, Representative - Dobr. Genia Bozyk 3rd Row: V. Rev. Fr. Roman Bozyk, Matthew Solomko, Pavlo Tverdokhlib, Ivan Savyak, Chaplain - Fr. Roman Bozyk Yakiv Mielnik.

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 22 ВІСНИК Youth Page березень 2013 St. Nicholas Day Celebrated at Khram at St. Michael’s St. Michael’s Heritage Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Heritage Winnipeg, MB Church, Winnipeg, MB n WINNIPEG, MB. —St. Michael’s several items in Ukrainian—St. Nicho - n WINNIPEG, MB. —St. Michael’s el’s is very proud of its students and Uk rainian Orthodox Heritage Church las songs, action songs, verses and read - Feast Day, or Khram, was celebrated on the ir achievements. The parish en- in Win nipeg, Manitoba celebrated St. ings. St. Ni cholas was welcom ed to the Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012 at the St. Mi cha - courages them to continue with their Ni cholas Day on Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012. program by the children sing ing the el’s Ukrainian Orthodox Herit age Uk rain ian and academic studies. After the Divine Liturgy, Rt. Rev. Pro to - traditional О, хто хто, Ми колая лю - Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba. At this presbyter Fr. Dr. Oleg Krawchenko bles - би ть (Who loves St. Ni cho las). Then, St. time, the parish honoured the children Plast Ukrainian Summer Camp: s ed the lunch and a St. Nicholas pro - Ni cho las address ed the children and the of its members, congratulating them Alexander Mayba, Mykola Kruk, gram followed. Four children of the audience. He en joyed the concert per - and presenting them with scholarships. Danylo Kruk, Halyna Kruk, par ish, Alexander Mayba, Mykola Kruk, formance and then distributed gift bags The youth who were recognized had Marysa Fosty, Ju li an Fosty. Danylo Kruk and Halyna Kruk under to all of the children present. The pro - at tended a variety of camps and credit Ukrainian Studies: the direction of Lesia Kruk performed gram was ve ry well re ceived. courses, including: Plast Ukrain ian sum mer camp in July-August 2012, Andrew Mayba, Level 20; Julia Mayba, Uk rainian language credit courses, and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy 5-week Uk rain - Uk rainian Orthodox religious credit ian Summer Program. courses during the 2012 school year. Graduates: The parish also recognized students Mark Shawarsky, University of Mani - who graduated from Grade 12 and toba, Education and Pharmacy Grad - from university or college. In total, the uate; Stefanie Ladanchuk, Univers ity of parish recognized 9 students. St Mi cha - Manitoba, BA (English).

(Left to right) St. Nicholas, Mykola Kruk, Alexander Mayba, Halyna Kruk, Danylo Kruk.

(First row left to right) Mykola Kruk, Alexander Mayba, Danylo Kruk, Halyna Kruk, Stefanie Ladanchuk (Second row left to right) Helen Mayba, parish executive president, Marysa Fosty, Julia Mayba, Julian Fosty, Andrew Mayba, Mark Shawarsky.


UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX YOUTH CAMP (ON WAKAW LAKE, SASKATCHEWAN) SUMMER CAMP FOR CHILDREN AGES 7 - 13 JULY 7 - 21, 2013 ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Ukrainian Orthodox religion and Ukrainian language studies, crafts, singing, danc in g, sports and much more. Application forms for campers and employment available from our website: www.greengrovecamp.ca

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 23 March 2013

Молитва за здоров'я Тарас Григорович Помолімось за Ваших близьких... Щодня, у Вінніпезі в каплиці Свя - Шевченко того Iларіона Консисторії Ук ра їн сь - кої Православної Церкви в Канаді ЗАПОВІТ служиться ранкову молит ву на чолі з Канцлером УПЦК та з участю пра - Як умру, то поховайте цівників Консисторії. В Єктеніях чи - Мене на могилі, тає мо список імен і мо лимось, щоб Серед степу широкого, Гос подь і Спаситель Ісус Христос по - На Вкраїні милій, чув на ші молитви за їх здоров'я та спасіння. Щоб лани широкополі, "Ще молимось Тобі, Господу Богу нашому, вислухай нас грішних, і І Дніпро, і кручі по ми луй рабів Твоїх (імена), охорони їх від усякої журби, лиха, гніву, Було видно, було чути, не безпеки та недолі, недуг душевних і тілесних, подай їм здо ров'я і Як реве ревучий. довгий вік. Промовмо всі: Господи, вислухай нас і поми луй". Як понесе з України "Ще молимось, Господу Богу нашому, щоб уздоровив рабів Своїх У синєє море (іме на) від слабості їх і від недуги і, піднявши з постелі, дав їм здо ро- Кров ворожу... отойді я в'я ду шевне і тілесне. Промовмо всі: Господи, вислухай нас і поми - І лани, і гори — луй". Все покину і полину Якщо ви бажаєте, щоб ми молилися за здоров'я вашої сім'і або ва - До самого Бога ших друзів, будь ласка, вишліть нам список імен. Молитися... а до того Я не знаю Бога. Prayers for Well-being Поховайте та вставайте, Let us pray for your loved ones..... Кайдани порвіте І вражою злою кров'ю Each weekday morning, Morning Prayers are served Волю окропіте. Тарас Григорович Шевченко at the St. Ilarion Chapel at the Consistory Office in І мене в сем'ї великій, Дата народження: 9 березня 1814 р. Win nipeg, Manitoba led by the Chancellor of the Uk- В сем'ї вольній, новій, Місце народження: с. Моринці, rain ian Orthodox Church of Canada with the partici - Не забудьте пом'янути Черкаська область, Україна pation of all Consistory staff. During these prayers for Незлим тихим словом. Дата смерті: 10 березня 1861 р. well-being, a list of names is read so that our Lord and Місце смерті: м. Петербург Saviour Jesus Christ would hear our prayers and grant 25 декабря 1845, Рід діяльності: художник, поет health and salvation to these individuals. в Переяславі Magnum opus: «Кобзар» "Again we pray unto You, О Lord our God, hear the prayer of us sinners, and have mercy upon Your ser - vants ( names ), protect them from all affliction, evil, wrath, danger and need, from spiritual and physical illnesses, and grant them health and long Deadline for Submissions life: we beseech You, hear us and have mercy." "Again we pray unto You, O Lord our God, that You will grant unto Your n April issue 2013 servants (names) healing from their illnesses and from every sickness and, — Deadline: March 8, 2013 raising them from their beds, give them health of soul and body: we be - seech You, hear us and have mercy." If you would like the names of you or your family and friends to be read for general well-being or for healing of the sick, please forward your names. Mail: Consistory Office, 9 St. John's Ave., Winnipeg, MB, R2W1G8 IIvvaann’’ss E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] AAuuttoo BBooddyy LLttdd. .

811 Murray Ave., Winnipeg, MB. R2V 4S7 Tel.: 334-4754 Shevchenko Foundation is pleased to announce the following Scho lar - Fax: 338-3705 ships & Bursaries for 2013-2014 available to Canadian students of Uk rain - ian descent. The deadline for scholarship applications for the upcoming aca - demic year is May 15, 2013 . Students are asked to go to our Ivan Pecuh website www.shevchenkofoundation.com to access the application form.

MYKOLA & IVANNA SUPRUN FUND Certified AUTOPAC This scholarship is for a Ukrainian-Canadian post-secondary students pur suing research on Ukraine and Ukrainian Canadian themes: specifically repair center the Ho lodomor and themes related to Ukrainian Sobornist and the 20th century liberation movement. Funding may include travel to Ukraine.

WASYL, TELA, DARKA & LYDIA KARABIN FAMILY FUND COLLISION This scholarship is awarded to a Ukrainian-Canadian student who achiev - GLASS es academic excellence and is pursuing post-secondary studies leading to a REPLACEMENT Ba che lor degree. Applicant must be a full-time student attending an accred - ited Canadian university or college in Canada and has completed at least one RESTORATION year of full-time academic studies in one of the following: Music, Uk rain ian Lan guage/Literature; Ukrainian History or Ukrainian Art. Appli cant must INSURANCE have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. CLAIMS DR. YAREMA GREGORY KELEBAY SCHOLARSHIP FUND This scholarship is awarded to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled Listen to our Ukrainian “Zabava” program in Ukrainian Studies in an accredited Canadian university or college. every Saturday from: STEPHEN & OLGA KUZYK EDUCATION BURSARY 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. This bursary is for a Canadian citizen of Ukrainian heritage enrolled in a On CKJS 810 AM Radio Canadian university as a doctoral candidate in the field of education. “Serving the Ukrainian Community for over 28 years”

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 24 ВІСНИК 95th Anniversary of the UOCC березень 2013

community. Through stories, photo - local town hall and, later, in the Pro - Pioneer Profile graphs and colourful displays depicting svita hall until 1947 when the church the traditions of their heritage and cul - was completed. Very Rev. Semen Saw - The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of ture, the exhibit came together with the chuk, one of the founders and influen - Canada enters a historic year in 2013, help of many volunteers. To coincide tial leaders of the UOCC, celebrated marking 95 years since its found ing, by with the exhibit, the ladies held a pysan - the memorable first service in the local the Will of God. At the same time, Uk - ka workshop and an open house featur - town hall. Until the manse was built in rain ian Orthodox across Canada also will ing their fam ous breads of the Easter 1948, eight different priests served the be commemorating in 2013 the 1025th season— paska and babka. All the ir hard congregation, coming in from other sur- anniversary of the Baptism of Uk raine. work paid off. The exhibition and relat - rounding districts. Fr. Michael Yur kiw- These two momentous occasions in the ed events were very well re ceived in the sky was the first resident priest, taking spiritual heritage of the UOCC become a community and brought in many visi - up residence in the new manse and serv - time for reflection on the efforts and suf - tors to the museum. To com memorate ing in the newly-constructed church. ferings of our ancestors in the hope for our the Ukrainian presence in Fort Fran ces By 1938 a congregation was orga - spiritual benefit. Throughout this his toric history, a number of traditional pieces nized with 25 peo ple signed up as 1953. His Eminence Metropolitan Ilarion’s year, the Vis nyk /The Herald will present will re main on display as part of the mem bers. The next year in 1939 the visit to St. George’s in Fort Frances, Ontario. regular features on the historical develop - museum’s permanent collection. membership was large enough to have Altar boys: left: Billy Andrussco, ment and background of the UOCC as its first official executive with Magdary Orest Mihichuk. well as features related to the Baptism of A Look Back at St. George’s Ukrainian Na stiuk as the first president. The land Right: Roger Dolyny, Jerry Parsons. Uk raine. Orthodox Church for the church was donated by Mr. and from parish life in Fort Frances. As wo - Founding Families: St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Mrs. Thomas Rapko in memory of the - men began to play larger administrative The Ukrainian Connection Church and its faithful make up part of ir son William who was killed in WWII. roles by the 1970s, Sadie Kowal chuk n Fort Frances, ON —From late Jan ua - this historical pioneer legacy in Fort In 1945, at the time of the don ation, the became the first female mem ber of the ry until the latter part of April 2012, the Frances, Ontario. The faithful of St. lot was valued at $300. With the land in parish executive in 1977. The par ish also Fort Frances Ukrainian community, in Ge or ge’s emigrated primarily from the place, a building committee was formed hosted the visitations of se veral promi - conjunction with the Fort Fran ces Mu - regions of Buko vy na, Halychyna and in January 1945 and that summer, build- nent figures in the Church. There were seum and Cultural Centre, presented Volhynia in Western Ukraine. Ma ny ing committee member Joseph Plichta visitations by Arch bishop Mstyslaw the Ukrain ian Connection as part of its first headed for the West, to the farm - and his team of horses Bar ney and Pride (Skrypnyk) in 1949, Metro pol itan Ilari - Founding Families exhibit. Displayed in ing areas of Manitoba and Saskat che- began excavating the church basement. on (Ohienko) in 1953, and Metropol - the main gallery, this ex hibit chronicled wan. Later, starting in the 1920s, they Before winter of 1946 the walls and roof itan Wasyly (Fedak) in 1982. Most re - the history of Ukrain ian immigrants resettled in Fort Frances. With almost were completed and the interior was cently, Metropolitan John (Stin ka) ma - who left hardship and oppression in 200 Ukrainian Orthodox families in completed the next year. de a visitation in 2007 for the 60th an ni - the ir homelands to co me to Fort Fran - the Fort Frances area, there was huge The parish can only speculate why versary celebration of the parish. Over ces and area to forge a new life. Al - demand to organize their religi ous life. the founders chose St. George as their the years, the St. George’s congregation though not without difficulty, these In 1925 a group of faithful formed Patron Saint, hypothesizing that there has maintained the church and under - pioneers persevered. They built homes, to facilitate bringing in clergy to serve were several prominent founders and took repairs when needed. educated their young, and became con - Divine Liturgies. Like most congrega - par ish members called Yuriy and there tributing members of their adopted tions in their early days of church life, were few other churches by this name —Information provided by country and very often leaders in their the first services were held, first, in the in the area. There are many highlights St. George’s UOC, Fort Frances, ON Enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony n SILVER SPRING, USA —His Emi - Pa triarch and Archbishop of the Greek of parish communities under the spir - nence Metropolitan Antony was en th- Orthodox Archdiocese of America; His itual care of Metropolitan Antony. roned on Jan. 26, 2013, as the 4th Me - Grace Bishop Daniel, president of the At the conclusion of the Divine Li - tropolitan of the Ukrainian Ortho dox Consistory and Bishop of the West ern turgy, responses to which were chanted Church of the USA at the St. An drew Eparchy of the Ukrain ian Ortho dox by St. Andrew’s choir under the leader - the First Called Cathedral in Sil ver Church of the USA; His Gra ce Bishop ship of Hryhoriy Olijnyk, Metro pol - Spring, Maryland, USA. The En thron - Pankratiy of the Greek Ortho dox Me - itan-elect Antony was led to the Ambo ement services were attended by over tro polis of Mexico; His Grace Bishop of the cathedral and the results of the 500 faithful and about 70 clergy. Many Nicholas of the Antio chian Orthodox Extraordinary Sobor of the Ukrainian visitors from various Orthodox and Christian Archdio ce se; His Eminence Orthodox Church of the USA were Catholic jurisdictions attended. Ar chbi shop Nathan iel of the Roman ian pro nounced by the Consistory presi - The Enthronement liturgical ser - Epi scopate of the Or tho dox Church in dent, Bishop Daniel, who prayerfully vices began the previous evening of America; His Grace Bishop Mel chi zi - exclaimed Axios, to which the congre - Jan. 25, 2013 with an All-Night Vigil dek, His Grace Bishop Micha el, His gation in unison responded Axios. Me- served by Rev. Fr. Anthony Perkins ac - Grace Bishop Ire nee of the Or tho dox tropolitan Yurij and Bishop Daniel for - companied by the choir of Holy Arch - Church in Amer ica. Bi shops from the mally vested the new Metropolitan in angel church in Woonsocket, RI. The Roman Catholic, By zan tine Ca thol ic the blue mantia of the Metropol itan. A next day, His Eminence Metropolitan and Ukrainian Ca tholic chur ches also white klobuk, a symbol of purity, was Yurij and His Grace Bishop Andriy, re- were in attendan ce. presented to the newly-en throned Me - presenting the Ukrainian Orthodox His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij tropolitan by Bishop Da niel. Final ly, Church of Canada, participated in a delivered a bilingual homily in Ukrain - His Eminence Archbishop Deme trios pro cession of hierarchs from the pa - ian and English. He reflected upon the handed Metropolitan An tony the pas - org anizations—Sr. and Jr. Ukrainian rish residence to the cathedral that al so sacred vocation of a bishop in the life toral staff, signifying his pastoral and Or thodox League, United Ukrainian in cluded: His Eminence Archbi shop of the Church and stressed the impor - disciplinary responsibilities. Arch bi - Or thodox Sisterhoods, St. Andrew So - De me trios, Exarch of the Ecu men ical tance of spiritual fatherhood in the life shop Demetrios also present ed Me tro - ciety, as well as Ukrainian community politan Antony with a let ter from His leaders. To conclude the banquet, Bi - All-Holiness Ecu men ical Patriarch shop Daniel reflected upon the faith Bar tholomew I. The new ly appointed journey of Metropolitan Antony and Me tropolitan Antony spoke, express - the personal impact that His Eminence ing his hope to continue the remark - had on his own formation as a priest. able work of his predecessors, espe - He also formally presented His Emi- cially Metropolitan Con stan tine of nen ce Metropolitan Antony as the bles sed memory, as well as to preserve new ly-installed Primate of the UOC of and maintain Ukrainian Or tho dox the USA. The following day on Sunday, traditions and cultural heritage. Jan. 27, 2013, Metropolitan Antony, to - Later, the Consistory of the UOC gether with Bishop Daniel and clergy, of the USA hosted a reception and celebrated his first Divine Liturgy as banquet. Metropolitan Antony receiv - Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA. ed greetings and numerous ecclesiasti - —www.uocofusa.org cal gifts from the visiting Hierarchs of Axios! Truly he is worthy! the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, Многая літа! Archons of the Ecumenical Throne, God grant him many years! Am bassador of Ukraine to the USA, His Excellency Oleksander Motsyk, re- —Office of Communications, presentatives of the Church’s main Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada,

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 25 March 2013 Give Rest with the Saints… Iris Bugera (nee Fedorchuk) (1938-2012) In Memoriam School, Social and Outreach. She en - joyed singing and was a member of the September 11, 1938-November 28, 2012 up in Saskatchewan, completing her church choir for many years. Du ring scho oling in Insinger, Sheho and Foam her youth she was active in Uk rainian n Peacefully, after a brief illness, Iris fell Lake. After graduating from high scho- drama and choir under the direction of asleep in the Lord on November 28, 2012 ol, she moved to Winnipeg where she the late Bishop Boris Yakov kevich. at Grace Hospital in Winnipeg, MB. completed a secretarial course and pro - Iris was a long-standing member of She leaves to cherish her memory, ceeded to work for the Canadian the Ukrainian Women's Association her husband Maurice J. Bugera of 51 Wheat Board for nine years. Lesia Ukrainka Branch and was instru - years, son Daniel (Brandi Kropf mul- Iris met her husband, Maurice, in mental in organizing Ukrainian Nurse - ler) of Calgary, daughter Patricia (Bill Winnipeg and they married in May of ry School for Tiny Tots (Sadochok). Al - Kraw chuk) of Winnipeg and two 1961. Always a loving and devoted mo - ways interested in her children's activi - granddaughters Maura Bugera and ther—she returned to work only after ties, she served as an advisor to both Jr Ma ya Kraw chuk. She is also survived both her children were enrolled in scho - and Sr CYMK, the Canadian Ukrainian p.m., Sun day, Dec. 2, 2012 and the Fun - by one brother Mau rice (Iva) Fedor - ol and was employed at the Uk rain ian Youth Association, as well as a board eral Rite was held at 10:00 a.m. Mon - chuk of Sa s ka toon, sister-in-law Alice Fraternal Society of Canada as an ad - member of the Veselka Ukrainian Or - day, Dec. 3, 2012 at the Uk rainian Or - Fedor chuk of Kelowna as well as many min istrative secretary, retiring in 1997. thodox Summer Camp and the Rozmai thodox Metropolitan Ca the dral with cou sins, nie ces and nephews. Iris was The Orthodox faith and her Ukrain- Ukrainian Dance Ensemble. Ve ry Reverend Arch priest Gre gory Mi - predeceas ed by her parents Dmytro ian heritage were important corner - Iris loved her family and her friends el nik officiating. In ter ment followed at and Lekeria Fedorchuk, brothers stones throughout her life. She was an unconditionally. She will be remember - Glen Eden Me morial Gardens. Cropo Walter and Carl and two sisters Olga active member at the Ukrainian Or - ed for her delicious cooking and baking Funeral Home was in care of ar ran - Meleschak and Mar garet Danyluk. thodox Metropolitan Cathedral of the which she made look so effortless. She gements. Iris was born in Insinger, Saskat che - Holy Trinity where she served on a vari - will be in our hearts forever. Вічная пам'ять! Memory Eternal! wan on September 11, 1938. She grew ety of committees including Sun day The Panakhyda was served at 7:00 Бл. п. Тарас Токар (1960-2013)

n З невимовним жалем повідом ля - Тлін ні останки поховані на цвин та - Тара-Линн, Ніагара Фал лс, Онт., ємо рідних, друзів і всю українську рі "Лундіс Лeйн" в м. Ніагара Фаллс, брат Володимир з роди ною, Ніага - громаду, що у неділю 20 січня 2013 Онт., разом з його любимим братом ра-aн-де-Лeйк, Он., сес три На дія з p. в місті Гамілтон, Онт., у моло до му Леонідом, який упокоївся теж в чо ловіком Петром і ро ди ною, Гаміл - віці на 52 році життя спочив у Бозі молодому віці 30 липня 1986 p. За - тон, Он., Марія з си ном Майк лом, наш дорогий і незабутний син, чо - лишилися прибиті горем: дру жина Га мілтон, Он., і дальша родина в Ка - ловік, тато і дядько бл. п. Та рас Во- Трайсі в Гамілтоні, Он., бать ко Во ло - наді й в Україні. ло димирович Токар, народ же ний 2 димир, в Ніагара Фаллс, Онт., дочка Вічная йому пам'ять! червня 1960 року в м. Ніагара Фаллс, Онт. У свій час відвідував, крім се - редньої школи, українську школу і Виправлення помилки: був членом молодіжої орга нізації У списку покійних добродійок нашої Церкви в 2-му числі Вісника ОДУМ. Любив спорт: гокей, теніс, (за місяць лютий ц.р.) було пропущено ім'я добр. Олi Демчук, яка 2 червня 1960 - 20 січня 2013 го льф, рибальство. Працював на фа бриці Форд в м. Овквилл, Он. упо коїлася 28 лютого 2012 p. Нище подаємо це повідомлення. —Редактор Вічная Пам’ять! Добродійкам, що спо чи ли в Бозі в лютому місяці. Добр. Оля Демчук † 28. 02. 2012 Memory Eternal ! To all UOCC Dobrodiykas who fell asleep in the Lord this month. Dobr. Olya Demczuk † 28. 02. 2012


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ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 26 ВІСНИК February Schedule of Services березень 2013

CENTRAL EPARCHY– MANITOBA Saturday - 30 9:00 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Ituna PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE-BRANDON Sunday - 31 9:00 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Wadena Priest: Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Michael Skrumeda Tel: (204) 582-9053 5:00 p.m. - Passia - Canora Sunday - 3 10 :00 a.m. - Liturgy - Brandon MELFORT–NIPAWIN–WAKAW PARISH DISTRICT Sunday - 10 10:0 0 a.m. - Liturgy - Portage la Prairie Priest: Rev. Fr. Patrick Powalinsky Tel: (306) 382-1510 Sunday - 17 10 :00 a.m. - Liturgy - Brandon Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Melfort Sunday - 24 10:0 0 a.m. - Liturgy - Portage la Prairie Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Nipawin WINNIPEG, HOLY CROSS MISSION (ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE CHAPEL) Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Lepine Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Fr. Evan Maximiuk Tel: (204) 474-2812 Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Melfort Sunday - 5:00 p.m. - Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers - Saskatoon, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 10:0 0 a.m. - Liturgy (service in English) Holy Trinity Saturday - Friday -29 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Saskatoon, Holy Trinity Cathedral 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 5:00 p.m. - Vespers Missionary District-Hovinnya: Confession for clergy, families, faithful Sunday - 31 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Codette WINNIPEG, ALL SAINTS Priest: Rev. Fr. Bill Wasyliw Tel: (204) 261-0361 NORTH BATTLEFORD PARISH DISTRICT Every Saturday 4:30 p.m. - Great Vespers (service in English) Priest: Rev. Fr. Taras Udod Tel: (306) 445-3280 Sundays: Schedule not available at publication time 1st, 3rd & 5th 10:0 0 a.m. - Liturgy (service in English) YORKTON DISTRICT PARISH 2nd, 4th 10:0 0 a.m. - Liturgy (service in Ukrainian/English) Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Mel Slashinsky Tel: (306) 782-2998 Tuesdays: 1st, 3rd 7:00 p.m. - Akaphist to the Mother of God ‘Healer of cancer’ with anointing Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton (service in English) Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton week day Thursday - 14 10:30 a.m. - Moleben’ - Yorkton Nursing Home Holy Days 10:0 0 a.m. - Liturgy (service in Ukrainian) Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton ST. GEORGE’S AND SATELLITE PARISHES OF DAUPHIN Monday - 18 6:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Yorkton Priest: Rev. Fr. Brent Kuzyk Tel: (204) 638-4704 Thursday - 21 2:00 p.m. - Moleben’ - Theodore Nursing Home Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Dauphin Saturday - 23 10:00 a.m. - Confession; Liturgy - Calder Thursday - 7 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - G.P. Care Home 7:00 p.m. - Confession - Yorkton 2:30 p.m. - Obidnytsia - PCH Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Dauphin 5:00 p.m. - Mission Service - Yorkton Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Dauphin Wednesday - 27 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton Monday - 18 7:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Dauphin Saturday - 30 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton Saturday - 23 9:00 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Chapel 7:00 p.m. - Confession - Yorkton Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Dauphin Sunday - 31 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton Thursday - 28 2:30 p.m. - Obidnytsia - St. Paul’s 5:00 p.m. - Mission Service - Canora Saturday - 30 9:00 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Ethelbert WESTERN EPARCHY –ALBERTA Sunday - 31 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Dauphin VEGREVILLE PARISH DISTRICT ROBLIN–ROSSBURN/OAKBURN PARISH DISTRICTS Priest: Rev. Fr. Michael Maranchuk Tel: (780) 632-2078 Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Fr. Roman Stefanyshyn Cell: (204) 899-2177 Saturday - 2 6:30 p.m. - Great Vespers - Vegreville Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Roblin Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy (English) - Vegreville Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Rossburn Wednesday - 6 10:30 a.m. - Moleben’ - Century Park Care Home 3:00 p.m. - Moleben’ - Heritage House VITA PARISH DISTRICT Thursday - 7 10:15 a.m. - Moleben’ - Homestead Lodge Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Miron Pozniak Tel: (204) 334-6297 Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Vegreville Schedule not available at publication time 2:30 p.m. - Obidnytsia - Camrose NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Sunday - 17 10:30 a.m. - Liturgy - Lloydminster FORT FRANCES, ST. GEORGE 6:00 p.m. - Forgiveness Vespers - Vegreville Priest-in-Charge: Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Henry Lakusta Monday - 18 6:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Vegreville Tel: (204) 253-2434 Tuesday - 19 6:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Vegreville Sunday - 10 9:30 a.m. - Liturgy - Fort Frances Wednesday - 20 6:30 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Lloydminster Sunday - 24 9:30 a.m. - Liturgy - Fort Frances Thursday - 21 6:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Vegreville Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Vegreville SASKATCHEWAN 5:00 p.m. - Sunday of Orthodoxy - Vegreville CANORA-KAMSACK- SWAN RIVER PARISH DISTRICT Wednesday - 27 9:30 a.m. - Confession; Moleben’ - Vegreville Care Centre Priest: Rev. Fr. Michael Faryna Tel: (306) 563-5133 Saturday - 30 9:30 a.m. - Confession; Moleben’ - Heritage House Saturday - 2 6:30 p.m. - Great Vespers - Canora Sunday - 31 10:30 a.m. - Liturgy - Lloydminster Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Canora 5:00 p.m. - Passia - Edwan Monday - 4 10:45 a.m. - Moleben’ - Gateway Lodge Thursday - 7 2:30 p.m. - Moleben’ - Norquay PCH TWO HILLS PARISH DISTRICT Saturday - 9 6:30 p.m. - Great Vespers - Canora Priest: Rev. Fr. Wasyl Sapiha Tel: (780) 475-5765 Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Hudson Bay Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Two Hills Saturday - 16 6:30 p.m. - Great Vespers - Canora Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Mamaesti Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Canora Thursday - 14 1:15 p.m. - Moleben’ - Two Hills Extended Care Home Friday - 22 1:30 p.m. - Moleben’ - Eaglestone Lodge Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Two Hills 2:30 p.m. - Moleben’ - Kamsack Nursing Home Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Confession; Liturgy - Myrnam Saturday - 23 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Kamsack 5:00 p.m. - Passia - Vegreville 6:30 p.m. - Great Vespers - Canora Sunday - 31 10:00 a.m. - Confession; Liturgy - Szypenitz Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Swan River 5:00 p.m. - Passia (Mission Service) - Smoky Lake 5:00 p.m. - Great Vespers - Yorkton KELOWNA-VERNON PARISH DISTRICT Saturday - 30 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Canora Priest-in-Charge: V. Rev. Archpriest Isadore Woronchak 6:30 p.m. - Great Vespers - Canora Tel: (250) 868-3816 (205) 864-6650 Sunday - 31 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Mazeppa Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Kelowna 5:00 p.m. - Passia - Canora Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Vernon DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT & SATELLITE PARISHES OF REGINA Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Kelowna Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Slawomir Lomaszkіewicz Tel: (306) 205-6478 Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Vernon Mar. 2-9 Priest’s vacation VANCOUVER ISLAND PARISH DISTRICT Saturday - 9 5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Chapel Selo Priest: Rev. Fr. Peter Haugen Tel: (250) 667-5293 Sunday - 10 9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit Saturday - 2 4:00 p.m. - Great Vespers - Parksville Wednesday - 13 6:15 p.m. - Akaphist - Descent of the Holy Spirit Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Parksville Saturday - 16 5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Chapel Selo Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Victoria Sunday - 17 9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit Saturday - 16 4:00 p.m. - Great Vespers - Parksville 3:00 p.m. - Obidnytsia - St. Volodymyr, Moose Jaw Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Parksville Monday - 18 5:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Descent of the Holy Spirit Saturday - 23 4:00 p.m. - Great Vespers - Victoria Tuesday - 19 5:00 a.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Chapel Selo Sunday - 24 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Victoria Wednesday - 20 10:00 a.m. - Obidnytsia - Parkside C.H. Saturday - 30 4:00 p.m. - Great Vespers - Victoria 5:00 p.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Descent of the Holy Spirit Sunday - 31 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Victoria Thursday - 21 5:00 a.m. - Canon of St. Andrew - Chapel Selo Saturday - 23 10:00 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - St. Michael’s, Candiac 5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Chapel Selo AN INVITATION Sunday - 24 9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit 3:00 p.m. - Obidnytsia - Weyburn Funeral Hall A TRIBUTE TO AN ARTIST 5:00 p.m. - Vespers - UOCC The Ukrainian Museum of Canada Manitoba Branch Presents Wednesday - 27 6:15 p.m. - Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit A SHOWING AND SALE OF PAINTINGS Saturday - 30 5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Chapel Selo ву the late ANN ODAISKY on Sunday, March 17, 2013 from 12:30-3:00 p.m., Sunday - 31 9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, 1175 Main Street,Winnipeg 5:00 p.m. - Passia - UOCC FOAM LAKE-ITUNA-WADENA PARISH DISTRICT Ann Odaisky was actively involved in the Ukrainian Orthodox community for over Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Peter Wasylenko Tel: (306) 272-4978 60 years. She was a seamstress at the Consistory of the UOCC where she made vest - Sunday - 3 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Foam Lake ments for Bishops, clergy and altar servers. Her immaculate craftsmanship can be Sunday - 10 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Ituna found in churches across Canada and abroad. Through the years, she also painted an Sunday - 17 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Melville amazing wealth of art pieces which will be shown at this exhibit. We are grateful to Sunday - 24 9:00 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Foam Lake her daughters Janice and Debby for presenting the display. 5:00 p.m. - Sunday of Orthodoxy - Yorkton

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca THE HERALD 27 March 2013 On Your Bookshelf • Book Previews The Lenten Triodion The Decoded: An Explanation n Mother Mary, Archimandrite Kallis - of Byzantine Liturgical Practice tos Ware (Trans). (2002). The Lenten Tri odion. South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon by Archimandrite Job Getcha Seminary Press. n Archimandrite Job Getcha. (2012). This volume is the second in the The Typikon Decoded: An Explanation series The Service Books of the Ortho - of Byzantine Liturgical Practice. Yon - dox Church. It is a sequel to The Festal kers, NY: St. Vladimir Seminary Press. Me naion. This book was originally The Byzantine liturgy, with its beau- printed in 1978. This work is a transla - ty , its richness, and its depth, in trigues, tion into English from the original inspires, and fascinates a great number Greek by Mother Mary and Arch iman - of today’s Christians, and yet it remains drite Kal lis tos Ware, who is now Me- for many almost inaccessible if not tropolitan. This 699-page volume con - incomprehensible. The Typikon, the li- tains a selection of materials making tur gical book that contains the or der of up two-thirds of the complete works of the liturgical celebration, is complex, the Lenten Triodion available in the whence the necessity of "de cod ing" it Greek and Slavic languages. The vol - both for recent converts and for "cra - ume contains an introductory chap ter dle" Orthodox Christians desiring to on the meaning of the Great Fast as de epen their liturgical observan ce. This day of the fifth week, Saturday of the well as an ex planation of the structure "decoding" is the goal of this 313-page fifth week, Laza rus Saturday and the of the Len ten Offices, providing the book. This explanation of By zan tine complete Holy Week. This valuable faithful with a greater appreciation of liturgical practice, the first of its kind in work is aimed at English speakers who the texts provided. The book also con - English, includes an extensive bi blio - do not have access to the full texts of tains the full texts for All Sun days of graphy and comprehensive glossary. the original Greek and Slavic works. the Triodion, the Saturday of the Dead, Developed from cours es given at the ment, and then are analyzed in detail $49.95 the first week of the Great Fast, Thurs - Institut Saint-Serge in , it co vers from a practical point of view. This the celebration of the offices through - book is recommended for Engl ish- out the Byzantine liturgical year. The language readers who wish to better Ordination anniversaries: or ganization and composition of the understand the liturgical offices cele - Bishops, Priests, liturgical offices are first situated in the brated through year. context of their historical develop - $29.95 MARCH Anhel, Very Rev. Archpriest Petro — March 05, 1995 THANK YOU – IN APPRECIATION Krochak, Very Rev. Fr. Taras — March 07, 1982 We sincerely thank all those who have supported the Koliada-Christmas Appeal with Kutash , Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Dr. Ihor — March 23, 1969 their generous donations and by placing Nativity Greetings. We recognize that there are Leheniuk, Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Fedir — March 08, 1953 many de mands for your time and resources, and we greatly appreciate that you have made Melnyk, Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter John — March 15, 1982 this contribution to us. By this kind offering, you have demonstrated your commitment to Palamarchuk, Very Rev. Archpriest Alexandre — March 13, 1983 Christ's Holy Church and have shown this visible symbol of faith. Each donation, no matter Sluzar, Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Wolodymyr — March 29, 1953 the size, contributes to supporting the practical implementation of the many ministries of the UOCC. May God bless you for these good works. —Editor May God Grant them Many, Blessed Years! На Многії Літа! ЦЕРКОВНИЙ КАЛЕНДАР PASCHALION Year Beginning Orthodox Latin Ascension Beginning of – БЕРЕЗЕНЬ – of Great Lent Pascha Pascha Apostles Fast 1. Пт. Мчч. Памфила, Валента, Павла... 17. Нд. Сиропусна, прощенна, гл. 8 2013 Mar. 18 May 5 Mar. 31 June 13 June 23 July 1 2. Сб. Вмч. Теодора Тирона, прп. Маріямни 18. Пн. ПОЧ. ВЕЛИКОГО ПОСТУ. 2014 Mar. 3 April 20 April 20 May 29 June 8 June 16 3. Нд. Про блудного сина. Свт. Лева, гл. 6 Мч. Конона 2015 Feb. 23 April 12 April 5 May 21 May 31 June 8 4. Пн. Aпп. Архипа, Филимона, мц. Апфії 19. Вт. Мчч. 42 в Амореї: Костянтина, Аетія... 2016 Mar. 14 May 1 Mar. 27 June 9 June 19 June 27 5. Вт. Прп. Лева, прп. Агафона 20. Ср. 7 сщмчч. в Херсонесі, прп. Павла 2017 Feb. 27 April 16 April 16 May 25 June 4 June 12 6. Ср. Прп. Тимофія, свт. Євстахія 21. Чт. Прп. Теофілакта, ап. Єрма 7. Чт. Мч. Маврикія, прп. Афанасія 22. Пт. 40 мчч. Севастійських, св. Кесарія ПАСХАЛІЯ 8. Пт. Сщмч. Полікарпа, прп. Олександра 23. Сб. Вмч. Тедора, мчч. Віктора, Галини 9. Сб. Поминальна, прп. Еразма 24. Нд. 1-а В.П. Торжество Православ'я, гл. 1 Рік Початок Православна Латинська Вознесення Тройця Початок 10. Нд. М'ясопусна. Свт. Тарасія, гл. 7 25. Пн. Прп. Теофана, свт. Григорія Великого Пасха Пасха Петрівки 11. Пн. Свт. Порфирія, мч. Севастіяна 26. Вт. Мч. Олександра, мц. Христини посту 12. Вт. Прп. Прокопія, прп. Фалалея 27. Ср. Прп. Венедикта, свт. Теогноста 2013 18 берeзня 5 травня 31 березня 13 червня 23 червня 1 липня 13. Ср. Прп. Василя, прп. Касіяна 28. Чт. Мч. Агапія, сщмч. Олександра 2014 3 берeзня 20 квітня 20 квітня 29 травня 8 червня 16 червня 14. Чт. Прмц. Євдокії, мц. Антоніни 29. Пт. Мчч. Савина, Юліяна, сщмч. Трофима 2015 23 лютого 12 квітня 5 квітня 21 травня 31 травня 8 червня 15. Пт. Сщмч. Теодота (Богдана) 30. Сб. Прп. Олексія, мч. Марина 2016 14 березня 1 травня 27 берeзня 9 червня 19 червня 27 червня 16. Сб. Мчч. Євтропія, Клеоника й Василіска 31. Нд. 2-а В.П. Свт. Григорія Палами, гл. 2 2017 27 лютого 16 квітня 16 квітня 25 травня 4 червня 12 червня Вічная Пам’ять! Memory Eternal ! Свя щен но служителям, що спо чи ли в Бозі в берез ні місяці. “Memory Eternal!” to all UOCC clergy who fell asleep in the Lord this month. Митрополит Іларіон (Іван Огієнко) † 29. 03. 19 72 Metropolitan Ilarion (Ohienko) † 09.03. 1972 Арх иєпископ Борис (Яковк евич) † 24. 03. 19 84 Archbishop Boris (Yakowkewich) † 24.03. 1984 Арх иєпископ Миколай (Д ебрин) † 30. 03. 19 81 Archbishop Mykolay (Debryn) † 30.03. 1981 Протоієр ей Петро Арханг ельський † 24. 03. 19 59 Archpriest Peter Archangelsky † 24.03. 1959 Протоієр ей Михайло Фляк † 12. 03. 19 92 Archpriest Mykhailo Flak † 12.03. 1992 Митрофорний протоієр ей Іван Гикавий † 17. 03. 19 92 Mitred Archpriest Ivan Hykaway † 17.03. 1992 Протоієр ей Ст епан Гр еділь † 11. 03. 19 96 Archpriest Stephan Hredil † 11.03. 1996 Диякон Василь Романюк † 29. 03. 19 99 Deacon Vasyl Romaniuk † 29.03. 1999 Протопр есвіт ер Ст епан-Святослав Сас c † 23. 03. 20 01 Protopresbyter Stephan Sass † 23.03. 2001 Ієромонах Ілля (Фурґаль) † 23. 03. 20 07 Hieromonk Ilia (Furgal) † 23.03. 2007 Добродійкам, що спо чи ли в Бозі в берез ні місяці. “Memory Eternal!” to all UOCC Dobrodiykas who fell asleep in the Lord this month. Добр. Євгeнія Тарновeцька † 10. 03. 1946 Dobr. Evhenia Tarnowetskij † 10. 03. 1946 Добр. Галина Костюк † 03. 03. 19 75 Dobr. Halyha Kostiuk † 03. 03. 19 75 Добр. Л eонія Слюзар † 10 . 03. 19 78 Dobr. Leonia Sluzar † 10 . 03. 19 78 Добр. Михайлина Ґор ґіца † 09 . 0 3. 1982 Dobr. Mykhalyna Gorgitza † 09 . 0 3. 1982 Добр. Анна Дмитрів † 20. 03. 19 91 Dobr. Anna Dmytriw † 20. 03. 19 91 Добр. М арія Керніцька † 23 . 0 3. 2005 Dobr. Maria Kernisky † 23 . 0 3. 2005 Добр. Консатнтина Ярмусь † 29 . 0 3. 2006 Dobr. Constance Jarmus † 29 . 0 3. 2006 Шановні Читачі! Будемо щиро вдячні, якщо, завваживши помилку чи про - Dear Readers! If there are errors or omissions in this column, please let us know. пуск в цій колонці, повідомите нас. Thank You.

ВІСНИК • THE HERALD Tel.: 1-877-586-3093 Fax: (204) 582-5241 E-mail: [email protected] web:www.uocc.ca 28 ВІСНИК березень 2013


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