Student Handbook

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Student Handbook Student Handbook Table of Contents Welcome to NMKA ............................................................................................................ 4 The Organization ................................................................................................................ 5 JKA●WF America ......................................................................................................... 5 New Mexico Karate Association ................................................................................... 5 NMKA Instructor ................................................................................................................ 5 Membership Dues ............................................................................................................... 6 Policy for Leave of Absence/Withdrawal ........................................................................... 7 Who is Karate-do for .......................................................................................................... 7 The Karate-Ka ..................................................................................................................... 7 Getting Started .................................................................................................................... 8 Stance FinderTM .................................................................................................................. 8 Understanding Karate-Do ................................................................................................... 9 Different Kind of Martial Arts ............................................................................................ 9 History of Karate................................................................................................................. 9 Philosophy of Karate......................................................................................................... 10 999 Slippers ................................................................................................................. 11 Bamboo Tree ................................................................................................................ 14 Mr. Funakoshi’s 20 Principles of Karate .......................................................................... 15 If Excuses ..................................................................................................................... 15 Making a Decision ............................................................................................................ 17 What is a Sensei ................................................................................................................ 17 What is a Dojo .................................................................................................................. 18 What is a Karate-Gi or Do-Gi ........................................................................................... 18 The Belt ............................................................................................................................. 19 The Belt and Zen ............................................................................................................... 19 The Patch .......................................................................................................................... 21 Karate Manners and Etiquette ........................................................................................... 21 How to Sit, Bow and Stand .......................................................................................... 21 Entering/Leaving the Dojo ........................................................................................... 21 How to Respond ........................................................................................................... 21 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 22 Personal Appearance/Hygiene .......................................................................................... 22 Empty Your Cup ............................................................................................................... 23 Have Two Faces ................................................................................................................ 23 Follow the Dots ................................................................................................................. 23 Three Agreements ............................................................................................................. 24 Preview-View-Review ...................................................................................................... 25 Class Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 25 General Procedures ........................................................................................................... 26 Dojo Kun in Japanese ....................................................................................................... 27 Warm-Up .......................................................................................................................... 28 Kiai .................................................................................................................................... 30 How to Breathe ................................................................................................................. 31 How to Watch Your Opponent ......................................................................................... 32 Watching Your Opponent ............................................................................................ 32 When to Watch ........................................................................................................... 32 Karate Fundamentals ........................................................................................................ 33 2 Stances ......................................................................................................................... 33 Blocking ....................................................................................................................... 33 Kicking ......................................................................................................................... 34 Punching ...................................................................................................................... 34 Timing ............................................................................................................................... 35 Kumite............................................................................................................................... 35 Types of Sparing .......................................................................................................... 36 Kata ................................................................................................................................... 36 Heian Shodan .................................................................................................................... 37 Twenty-Six Katas in Shotokan Karat ............................................................................... 38 Zanshin .............................................................................................................................. 38 Enhancing Your Training ................................................................................................. 39 Private Lessons ............................................................................................................ 39 Testing.......................................................................................................................... 39 Clinic ............................................................................................................................ 39 JKA●WF America National Camp/Tournament ......................................................... 39 Regional Camp............................................................................................................. 40 Kan Geiko .................................................................................................................... 40 Additional Classes ....................................................................................................... 40 Keeping a Journal ........................................................................................................ 40 Beginning and End of Year Class ..................................................................................... 40 Items Available Through NMKA ..................................................................................... 40 Japanese Terms/Phrases .................................................................................................... 41 Counting in Japanese ........................................................................................................ 41 General Terms ................................................................................................................... 42 Tournament Phrases .......................................................................................................... 43 3 WELCOME TO THE NEW MEXICO KARATE ASSOCIATION! This handbook is intended to accompany classes taught at the New Mexico Karate Association Inc. (NMKA) dojo in Albuquerque, NM.
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