Viborg, November 14th 2014

CeDEPI Inception Report

Name of project: ELENA-project – Central Energy Planning and Investment (CeDEPI)

Number of project: ELENA-2012-038

Reporting period: June 15 th 2014 to October 15 th 2014

This report has been prepared in accordance with the contract between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and . The purpose is to summarize the initial three months’ project progress.


1.1 Recruitment of Programme Manager Martin Petersen has been employed as Programme Manager for the ELENA-project - Central Denmark Energy Planning and Investment.

1.2 Recruitment of additional staff Recruitment of staff has been accomplished through job advertisements in public media, on jobsites and on the Central Denmark Region online website.

Programme manager Martin Petersen and Central Denmark Region have hired seven staff members.

Table 1 lists the current status of the allocation of staff. For part of the Project Department this allocation may vary throughout the duration of the project. Martin Petersen and Eva Støttrup Hancock will work fulltime in the Project Secretariat. Navid K.T. Jensen will work part time in the Project Secretariat and part time seconded to the partnering . Ekaterina Harming, Jens Munch Casper, Peter Merrild Sørensen, Emil Mortensen and Jesper Buchardt will be seconded to the partnering municipalities for the entire duration of the CeDEPI-project.

Table 1: Current status of allocation of staff

Staff Current status Status throughout the project period

Martin Petersen Project Secretariat Fulltime Eva Støttrup Hancock Project Secretariat Fulltime Navid K.T. Jensen Project Secretariat To be seconded parttime Ekaterina Harming To be seconded fulltime Jens Munch Casper To be seconded fulltime Peter Merrild To be seconded fulltime Sørensen

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Emil Mortensen Viborg Municipality To be seconded fulltime Jesper Buchardt Municipality To be seconded fulltime

All employees have been employed at the Central Denmark Region and have their primary affiliation to the Central Denmark Region in Viborg.

The employees seconded to the partnering municipalities will be integrated into the ELENA team though continuous communication and project meetings – regarding progress of the project, and current status of the secondment. Furthermore the programme manager will visit each seconded employee.

Further staff details and short resumes are attached as Annex A.

1.3 Setting up IT-system Based on experiences from the REEEZ (Zealand Region of Denmark), CEICAD (Capital Region of Denmark) and EPSD (Southern Region of Denmark) projects a new project management spreadsheet has been developed. The purpose is to keep track of all investments and ongoing activities (current status, tasks, timesheets, finance, energy and CO2 savings etc.) and hereby enhance the cooperation between the municipalities and the project department.

A public campaign-webpage concerning the project has been initiated. The webpage will serve as a communication platform, containing general information about CeDEPI (i.e. purpose, status, results). This will provide information to the general public as well as to the municipalities. Information from this webpage can also be used on the local municipality websites. Furthermore the webpage may be used to announce upcoming workshops and to upload meeting reports, hereby serving an internal communication purpose as well.

1.4 Planned/expected Work Programme for the Project Department The project department is to act as the CeDEPI command centre. The department is responsible for:

• Daily administration of the project. • Implementation of tenders and concluding contracts with external advisors/consultants in collaboration with the project groups and partners. • Coordination of external advisors in collaboration with the partners. • Providing technical assistance to the partners to prepare the investment programme – including tender preparation. • Internal communication with the project group. • Facilitating relevant conferences and workshops. • Coordination of legal assistance. • Collection and registration of data governing partner investments.

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1.5 Work Plan The CeDEPI organization has been established with a steering committee appointed by the local government. The committee is responsible for budget, time schedules and reports to the EIB with meetings every three months (depending on project activities and progress). All partner municipalities have appointed representatives to an Advisory Group which advises the steering committee about general decisions and local priorities. The Advisory Group is scheduled for meetings approx. every three months (depending on project activities and progress – meeting may be more or less frequent). Partner groups consisting of technical staff from the municipalities are divided into four energy segments: building installations, building envelope, street lighting and transport. The groups will assist the project department in analysing the need for external technical assistance and conferences/workshops. The extent will reflect the investment sums in the given segment. The partner groups will have four annual meetings, which the project department will also be attending.

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Steering Committee Chairman, Carsten Kronborg, Central Denmark Region Martin Petersen, Programme Manager Henrik Brask Pedersen, Central Denmark Region Jacob Philipsen, Municipality Flemming Nordentoft Møller, Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality Local Government Arne Gynther, Per Christensen, Viborg Municipality

Advisory Group Martin Petersen, Programme Manager Anders Eklund, Central Denmark Region Anita Guldbæk, Claus Pedersen, Anne Marie Muff, Herning Municipality Flemming N. Møller, Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality Jens Jørgen Nøhr, Syddjurs Municipality Lars Thygesen, Lars Bo Jensen, Randers Municipality Mogens Wase Hansen, Municipality Niels Abildsten, Municipality Per Kristian Jensen, Henri Nielsen, Thomas Lyngvad, Silkeborg Municipality Thorkild Vestergaard, Viborg Municipality Uffe Vinther Kristensen, Samsø Municipality

Project Department Martin Petersen Jesper Buchardt Eva Støttrup Hancock Ekaterina Horning Peter Merrild Sørensen Emil Mortensen Jens Munch Casper Navid Khalili-Tabrizi Jensen

Buildings - Buildings - Street lighting Transport Installations Envelope

Partner Groups

Figure 1: Organisational Diagram

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The project department is very aware of and keen to learn from the experiences of the other Danish ELENA-projects (REEEZ, CEICAD and EPSD). The department will keep a continuous dialogue with these programs to ensure the sharing of knowledge and to optimize the project work and results.

1.6 Client advisor An EU procurement procedure on technical assistance have been initiated in collaboration with the consulting firm Bascon A/S. Initial meetings took place on July 10 th 2014.

1.7 Small-scale tender prior to the EU procurement None of the partnering municipalities has reported a need for technical assistance at this stage. Hence no small-scale tenders have been initiated prior to the EU procurement.

1.8 EU procurement In collaboration with Bascon A/S an estimated time schedule for the procurement process has been established:

Table 2: Estimated time schedule, EU procurement

September 10 th 2014 Workshop

September 11 th – 24 th 2014 Preparation of procurement strategy and draft for procurement notice

September 25 th – 30 th 2014 Adjusting comments from Central Denmark Region

November 4 th 2014 Submission of procurement notice

September 30 th – December 19 th 2014 Preparation of tender documents

December 5 th 2014 Deadline for requesting prequalification

December 19 th 2014 Announcement for prequalification

December 19 th 2014 Submission of tender documents

January 19 th 2015 Deadline for submission of questions by the tenderers

January 22 nd 2015 Submission of final responses to questions, and supplementing information

January 29 th 2014 Tender deadline

January 30 th – February 13 th 2014 Tender assessment

February 13 th 2014 Announcement to tenders

February 14 th – February 23 rd 2014 Standstill period

February 24 th 2015 Contracting

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1.9 Project planning At this stage we haven’t foreseen any changes to the project planning. Hence the objectives in the current timetable are still valid.


Recruitment Completing the EIB-contract in mid-June 2014 the recruitment process began in the middle of the public holiday season in Denmark. Hence job interviews were postponed to late August to ensure qualified labor as well a sufficient number of applications. Consequently most staff members will start on October 1 st or November 1 st 2014. The recruitment process has not been ideal, and therefore the initial two months of the project have been undertaken by the project manager alone. The scope of the reduced labor is currently unknown, but it is not expected to postpone other project activities.

With the current employments the expenditures stay within the budget frame.

Photovoltaics The current Danish legislation makes it less economically attractive to invest in photovoltaics. It is expected that scheduled photovoltaic projects will be converted into investments in the other energy segments of the project leaving the total investment sum unchanged.

The Project Department is fully aware of the challenges regarding the PV-projects as well as the requirements of the leverage factor. The Project Department will contact the involved municipalities informing them to make the necessary preparations to compensate for the possible missing investments in PV’s. This will keep to the budgeted sum of investments (EUR 57,765,565) unchanged, ensuring the requirements of the leverage factor.

This however may result in changes to the environmental objectives (stated on pg. 29 in the EIB-contract). The planned PV-projects will generate approx. 1,600 MWh/a providing GHG-savings of 485 CO2-eq/a. In case of the PV-investments being converted into other EE-projects, the GHG-savings may change (depending on the type of energy savings the investment generate).

Maternity leave Ekaterina Horning will be on maternity leave estimated from February 2015. Possibilities of hiring a temporary replacement are currently being assessed as well as the cost of doing so. None of which are yet clarified.

Description of projects The description of the investment projects in the municipalities comes in various details. The project department will assist the municipalities to continue specify the projects in more detail to ensure a full overview.

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Allocation of assistance from the project department to the municipalities Allocating the technical assistance from the project department to the partnering municipalities has proved to be a challenge. Seven staff members have been hired for the entire duration of the project as opposed to 20 short duration employments. This means a high demand for communication and collaboration between the project department and municipalities in allocating the labor appropriately. The project department is very aware of the challenges and confident that these can be resolved through continuous communication and in the spirit of collaboration.

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• Martin Petersen Programme Manager Education: HD in marketing Professional Experience: Building administration, Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality Start date: 04-08-2014

• Jesper Buchardt Education: Energy Technologist Professional Experience: Client Advisor, Silkeborg municipality Start date: 01-09-2014

• Ekaterina Harming Education: M.Sc – indoor climate and energy Professional Experience: recent graduate Start date: 01-10-2014

• Eva Støttrup Hancock Education: M.Sc, Construction Management Professional Experience: Project manager, Building Services, Ministry of Defense. Start date: 01-11-2014

• Peter Merrild Sørensen Education: Electrician Professional Experience: Electrician, El:Con (NRGi) Start date: 01-10-2014

• Emil Mortensen Education: B.Sc – indoor climate and energy Professional Experience: recent graduate Start date: 01-10-2014

• Jens Munch Casper Education: Energy Technologist Professional Experience: Energy Consultant, Randers Municipality Start date: 01-10-2014

• Navid Khalili-Tabrizi Jensen Education: M.Sc – Integrated Energy Design Professional Experience: recent graduate Start date: 01-10-2014

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