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File: fantasy_and_science_ficti(...).jpg (56 KB, 360x533)

/tg/ approved literature Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)01:48:22 No.73073933 ▶ >>73074276 >>73074556 >>73074663 >>73082235 >>73082801 >>73086099 >>73093937 >>73094001 >>73094198 >>73099017 >>73116015

Time for another literature thread lads! Post recommendations, requests and general discussions.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:17:24 No.73074266 ▶ >>73074541 >>73091158

Neuromancer is fucking tits along with Johnny Mnenomic. Great action and great fucking. Characters are good too.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:18:15 No.73074276 ▶ >>73074355 >>73074858 >>73089275 File: 220px-Rincewind.png (126 KB, 220x378)

>>73073933 (OP) Disc fucking World

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:27:10 No.73074355 ▶ >>73074371 >>73074386 >>73074689 >>73074786

>>73074276 Redpill me on High Fantasy. I mostly read Low Fantasy.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:28:31 No.73074371 ▶ >>73074531

>>73074355 The best high fantasy is amazing and surpasses any low fantasy in existence. The worst high fantasy is Warcraft tier nonsense.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:29:52 No.73074386 ▶ >>73074531

>>73074355 Discworld is a deconstruction of fantasy as a whole, while still remaining really fucking good.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:45:24 No.73074531 ▶ >>73099322

>>73074371 >>73074386 What separates good high fantasy from bad high fantasy? Also what are some recommendations for good high fantasy?

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:46:39 No.73074541 ▶ >>73074574 >>73074814 >>73074885 >>73075170 >>73075679 >>73083869 >>73091158 >>73093223

>>73074266 Are there any notable cyberpunk works NOT written by ?

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:48:14 No.73074556 ▶

>>73073933 (OP) Titles + reasoning https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Approved_literature

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:50:07 No.73074574 ▶ >>73074637

>>73074541 Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson is amazing. I like it more than Gibson's works.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)02:58:16 No.73074637 ▶ >>73074734

>>73074574 To elaborate it's a pseudo-parody of the cyberpunk genre about a pizza delivery man who works for the Mafia and uncovers a Globalist conspiracy to enslave humanity. The main bad guy is an Eskimo who carries a nuke around rigged to his pacemaker so if he dies it explodes. It's silly but legitimately smart and fun. >> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:00:36 No.73074663 ▶ >>73074724 >>73075007 >>73081939 File: croaker_t.png (82 KB, 220x250)

>>73073933 (OP) It's all so tiresome, though. Always the same recommendation and there's nothing really modern to recommend because everyone jumped on the YA bandwagon. How many times can people recommend the Black Company and think it's obscure, for example?

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:04:17 No.73074689 ▶

>>73074355 It's fun, it allows far more things in world-building level and it usually doesn't try to use shock value to keep you interested

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:08:11 No.73074724 ▶

>>73074663 >muh obscurity Nobody ever uses this argument. In fact, the recommendations are most often deliberately normie-friendly, since it gets more people hooked. Also, the point of all those approved lists isn't "muh secret gems", but "easily accessable books that have high applicability to the hobby". Thus things like Watership Down or early Anne Rice.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:09:13 No.73074734 ▶ >>73074811 File: Confusion.gif (296 KB, 529x720) >>73074637 >It's silly >but legitimately smart I mean I get what you are trying to say, but the way it's done is awful

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:14:52 No.73074786 ▶ >>73075719

>>73074355 isn't high fantasy just on a higher power level, though? think flashier and bigger with all that entails.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:17:46 No.73074811 ▶ >>73074986

>>73074734 The book was intentionally written to be over-the-top (the main character's name is literally Hiro Protagonist) but it knows when to take itself seriously.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:18:05 No.73074814 ▶

>>73074541 Hardwired, by Walter Jon Williams. Frontera, by Lewis Shiner. Lucius Shepard was lumped in there in his early days, but I'm not sure which of his works fit (some of his short stories, I think).

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:21:21 No.73074858 ▶ >>73074898 >>73075121 >>73081959 >>73095213 >>73099388 >>73108419 >>73116464

>>73074276 >Redditworld

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:24:03 No.73074885 ▶ >>73074541 It will never stop being funny how someone who, in his own words, knew basically nothing about technology became the father of cyberpunk as know it today.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:25:59 No.73074898 ▶

>>73074858 The first Discworld novel was written 20 years before Reddit was founded.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:34:24 No.73074986 ▶

>>73074811 It was written to be the script for a videogame

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:36:33 No.73075007 ▶ >>73075080

>>73074663 Theres new fantasy out there. What about matt ward's new book.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:44:29 No.73075080 ▶ >>73085967 File: 81bGoeCxldL.jpg (319 KB, 1647x2560)

>>73075007 I mean, you're not wrong. Makes me want to hang myself, but new stuff exists.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:49:22 No.73075121 ▶

>>73074858 >Discworld >reddit You are trying too hard

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)03:55:27 No.73075170 ▶

>>73074541 True Names by . I would even argue Gibson wouldn't write anything cyberpunk without this novella existing

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)04:59:39 No.73075679 ▶

>>73074541 Hardwired, and Snow Crash have both been mentioned There's a shit ton of good short stories out there, including the one that originates the word "cyberpunk" (That also got an extended version) When Gravity Fails was pretty good also

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)05:04:46 No.73075719 ▶ >>73077066

>>73074786 The technical definition of high fantasy is that it takes place someplace other than Earth. Whereas low fantasy takes place on Earth (or an alternate/older version of earth like Hyperborea) but with fantastic elements.

However, nowadays high fantasy vs. low fantasy is usually regarded as how much magic a setting has, though that's technically a separate axis. It can get kind of confusing because there's no longer a universal definition.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)07:11:05 No.73076896 ▶ File: dragonlance.jpg (55 KB, 345x571) Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy (Dragons of Autumn, Twilight/Winter Night/Spring Dawning) then Dragonlance Legends trilogy (Time/Test/War of the Twins) the Weis and Hickman novellas from the Dragonlance Tale anthologies.

Those six epic high fantasy novels tell two complete stories, each different in scope. The novellas add some interest and give a nice twist on some prior events.

Be careful after that. There are around 160 novels with Dragonlance on the cover (lots of authors) but /tg/ does not approve of many more than I have said.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)07:31:12 No.73077066 ▶

>>73075719 >The technical definition of high fantasy is that it takes place someplace other than Earth. Whereas low fantasy takes place on Earth (or an alternate/older version of earth like Hyperborea)

Whoever wrote that definition is wrong. Tolkien wrote a lot of high fantasy set on Earth, much of it set on an alternate version of Earth called Middle Earth, which that wrong definition says makes it low fantasy.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)07:31:55 No.73077076 ▶ >>73081757 >>73099292 File: A1FFo456P1L (1).jpg (1.3 MB, 1563x2364)

Read Flashman

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)08:10:11 No.73077430 ▶ >>73088741

Is there any Conan but in space with sci-fi tech?

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)12:35:10 No.73081757 ▶ >>73082399 >>73082945 >>73099292

>>73077076 DAS RAYCIST

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)12:44:52 No.73081939 ▶ >>73085967

>>73074663 >there's nothing really modern to recommend I'm sure there is. You just have to check back in 15 years when the natural process of popular curation has filtered out the good genre fiction from the tripe.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)12:45:33 No.73081959 ▶

>>73074858 You should have your balls nailed to the fucking cross for that statement

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)13:03:47 No.73082235 ▶ >>73082531 >>73088776 >>73104863 File: stare.gif (1.98 MB, 418x215)

>>73073933 (OP) Beyond the black river is the best Conan short story. Objective fax.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)13:15:13 No.73082399 ▶ >>73082945 >>73099292 File: 20200609_121411.jpg (37 KB, 337x356) >>73081757

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)13:23:42 No.73082531 ▶ >>73088776 >>73104863

>>73082235 >Not 'Queen of the Black Coast' Nah m8.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)13:41:04 No.73082801 ▶

>>73073933 (OP) Been reading a lot of Dresden Files recently (starting out book 8 today) and it’s pretty good I didn’t find the early books to be as bad as people claim, though I also wasn’t that impressed by Dead Beat, so so far I’d rate the series enjoyable/10 Though it is a great /tg/ read as I’m really into the idea of playing an urban fantasy game now

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)13:47:21 No.73082911 ▶

Larry Correia's MHI is breddy gud. It's schlocky as hell, but in a good way.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)13:49:19 No.73082945 ▶ >>73083391 >>73104750

>>73082399 >>73081757

Actually, no. One thing Flashman is not is a racist. An absolute cunt in every other aspect but not that one.

He's at Harper's Ferry with John Brown's gang and he sneaks out and escapes the final shootout by shacking up with a big tiddy black mama in her hotel room

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)14:01:17 No.73083128 ▶ File: Cthulhu's Witnesses.jpg (34 KB, 720x300) >Holds door open with foot. If you've not read them already, could you spare a moment of your time to talk about our Lords and Saviours the triumvirate of shlock pulp literature; H.P.Lovecraft, R.W.Chambers and R.E.Howard?

Much like the bible a lot of people SAY they've read their works, but very few actually seem to have and their stories are quite good.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)14:16:10 No.73083391 ▶

>>73082945 Flashy being open to fucking black mammies doesn't make him not racist, he clearly is racist, but his horniness can overcome it.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)14:43:45 No.73083869 ▶ >>73084971

>>73074541 The Stars my Destination is basically proto-cyberpunk, and has a lot of cyberpunk aspects rolled up into its space-opera sized story.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)15:49:50 No.73084971 ▶

>>73083869 One of the stories in hyperion is full on cyberpunk.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)16:52:05 No.73085967 ▶

>>73081939 >>73075080 Traditional publishing is dying/monopolizing. They basically wont touch genre fiction. New stuff will be self published on amazon or free webfic with patreons. So its out there but its not advertized and youll have to wade through a sea of trash to find it.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)17:00:09 No.73086099 ▶ >>73086282 >>73095340 >>73103288

>>73073933 (OP) Everyone knows his name, but nobody here ever reads Jack Vance when his stuff is so fucking good. After you have read Dying Earth, you start noticing where D&D and the soulsborne got all of their good stuff.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)17:11:34 No.73086282 ▶

>>73086099 Cugel the Clever is hilarious.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)19:31:42 No.73088741 ▶

>>73077430 Kane doesn't take place in space but it's basically Conan on post-apocalyptic Earth. It's a medieval society but there are things like lasers and submarines.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)19:33:42 No.73088776 ▶ >>73090970

>>73082235 >>73082531 My favorite is The Phoenix on the Sword.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)20:06:28 No.73089275 ▶ >>73094761 File: 0473dbd525343aac3ce967f4a(...).jpg (112 KB, 555x900) >>73074276 Oh helly yes. It was a ride.

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)21:55:14 No.73090970 ▶ >>73094527

>>73088776 The Frost Giant’s Daughter

>> Anonymous 06/09/20(Tue)22:09:55 No.73091158 ▶

>>73074541 Snowcrash, the Takeshi Kovacs Trilogy, and Thin Air >>73074266 The Burning Chrome collection has a slew of great Gibson short stories. I particularly loved (in addition to Johnny) Hinterlands and Burning Chrome

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)00:27:54 No.73093157 ▶ File: lf.jpg (288 KB, 834x1218)

any Kage Baker fans? House of the Stag and Empress of Mars are probably my favorite

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)00:33:27 No.73093223 ▶

>>73074541 The Three Body Problem, Altered Carbon, Ghost in the Shell if you like manga, and the others that were already mentioned. To narrow it down, Id start with Snow Crash, its a classic of the genre.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)01:30:17 No.73093846 ▶ >>73093889 >>73094832 >>73095360 >>73098954

How good are the Malazan books? I've heard mixed things.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)01:33:15 No.73093889 ▶ >>73093933

>>73093846 I've only finished the first two, but they've been great so far. I didn't have much trouble getting into the first book, but a lot of other people have so ymmv.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)01:36:56 No.73093933 ▶

>>73093889 Cool thanks.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)01:37:40 No.73093937 ▶ >>73095213

>>73073933 (OP) John Ringo books are like fast-food mixed with candy, garbage but you want to keep eating it.... as long as you can get past his wank. And that is a big if sometimes.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)01:43:14 No.73094001 ▶

>>73073933 (OP)

Everything by Cordwainer Smith.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)02:01:23 No.73094198 ▶ >>73099292 File: greatbook.jpg (295 KB, 861x1300)

>>73073933 (OP) Chronicles of Amber and other books by . Great author.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)02:33:01 No.73094527 ▶

>>73090970 People will find, once they have read it, that The Tower of the Elephant is the best Conan story.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)02:42:00 No.73094612 ▶ >>73095397 File: r3k.jpg (30 KB, 474x355)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

I'd strongly recommend using an online chapter summary or one of those chapter by chapter electronic dictionaries people make up to keep track of events and characters without spoilers. A lot of character share surnames (when written in English) and there are a lot of characters.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)02:57:09 No.73094761 ▶ >>73095018 >>73095213

>>73089275 So there's Granny on the right, Nanny on the left, the Librarian in the front, who's the broad with the sword...I mean who's the dame with the broadaxe? Is it Garlick?

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)03:04:42 No.73094832 ▶ >>73094994

>>73093846 World building and story are amazing and best that has been written in last years. That all is drowned in obtuse writing so you have to earn your fun and get full story. Every detail is presented from the begining and is there to be found.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)03:26:20 No.73094994 ▶

>>73094832 I read Book of the New Sun so I don't think obtuse writing is a problem.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)03:30:21 No.73095018 ▶

>>73094761 Yes.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)03:43:27 No.73095100 ▶

Are there any vampire novels that would fit into VtM and not be soft porn for young adult women?

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)03:57:04 No.73095213 ▶ >>73109526

>>73074858 Look at the zoomer, look! >>73093937 Sometimes I read the Ghost books just to chortle over how much they'd piss off the feminazis

But I legitimately wish there were more novels about building up a village

>>73094761 Yes, that's her under the influence of the armour in Lords And Ladies

Sadly Pterry went full reverse into SJW territory in his dying years, despite his entire original Witch system being anything but

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)04:09:11 No.73095340 ▶ >>73096925

>>73086099 Everyone always rags on Tolkien, but D&D SHAMELESSLY stole from Dying Earth. They at least had the decency to name their system Vancian magic for a reason.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)04:11:21 No.73095355 ▶

Try some of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw works. if you looking for a new take on some story scenario, him work is worth a look.

Mogworld humorous parody of the fantasy genre and the world of MMORPG

Will Save the Galaxy for Food A not-quite epic adventure about a down-on-his luck galactic pilot caught in a cross-galaxy struggle for survival!

Jam science-fiction post-apocalyptic about grey goo scenario with strawberry jam

Differently Morphous A magical serial killer is on the loose, and gelatinous, otherworldly creatures are infesting the English countryside. Which is making life for the Ministry of Occultism difficult, because magic is supposed to be their best kept secret. After centuries in the shadows, the Ministry is forced to unmask, exposing the country's magical history--and magical citizens--to a brave new world of social media, government scrutiny, and public relations.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)04:11:37 No.73095360 ▶ >>73116550

>>73093846 They're very good. Problem is they kinda require from reader to already be balls deep in fantasy in general so it doesn't overwhelm you. Not to mention I always found the "it's too complicated, it has too much going on" comments comedic when you compare Gardens of the Moon and Game of Thrones, for example. Latter throws even more pointless shit at you for "setting building".

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)04:16:38 No.73095397 ▶

>>73094612 HAO HAO HAO

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)06:59:55 No.73096783 ▶

>Lost fleet by Jack Campbell

Anabasis + King Arthur written by naval intelligence offcer obsessed with most plausible relativistic space tactics. Result is flat characters, plot that is Anabasis/10 but best most fun space battles you will read.

>Chtorr Aliens start slowly terraforming Earth to their standards. Humans try to deal with it in anyway they can but there is no hope for survival. Fun is seeing how alien ecology is interconnected and how it slowly usurps our own.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)07:07:57 No.73096869 ▶ >>73097050

Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel - romanticised english gentlemen figure out magic, figure out magic is not so friendly.

The Night's Dawn trilogy - Million to one cosmic coincidence occurs, zombies happen. Space opera.

Anathem by is fun, as is Snow crash and diamond age.

I don't really like the direction william gibson has gone lately, but they're readable books if nothing else.

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo is odd, but you might like it. Magic is real - at yale, and nowhere else.

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova is a vampire novel and it's fucking fantastic worldbuilding and atmosphere.

Mark Lawrence just put out three time travel novellas which are fun, and his red/grey/holy sister trilogy is a bit formulaic but fun all the same (End of the universe, fallen civ struggling to survive a freezing planet, almost no technology left)

Terminal World is just weird. Alistair Reynolds.

The Etched City by KJ Bishop is weird fiction. It's not very long, but it's very.. atmospheric, for lack of a better term. It has the standard weird fiction problem in that the story seems almost incidental, but the world building is great. Really enjoyed it.

Iron Dragon's Daughter by Michael Swanwick is about a girl who gets abducted by fairies, steals a magic fighter jet, uses it to try and kill god.

If anyone tells you to read the latest hobb books, finishing off her assassin's whatever universe, go and smack them then beat their head in with something heavy. They are *awful* books. >> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)07:14:20 No.73096925 ▶

>>73095340 I think it made D&D all the better, and honestly I'm surprised they didn't keep more in the later editions. Vance's pure sci-fi stuff goes from alright to excellent

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)07:31:55 No.73097050 ▶ File: 135bba7146d86d997068e5c10(...).jpg (87 KB, 1080x608)

>>73096869 >Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel - romanticised english gentlemen figure out magic, figure out magic is not so friendly. Good god, I only just now figured there's a TV show as well.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)07:39:43 No.73097096 ▶

Anybody here like Unsong? I personally liked it.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)09:38:14 No.73098248 ▶

Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon. A paladin done right.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)10:31:29 No.73098954 ▶ >>73100409 >>73116605

>>73093846 Much better than most though it falls short of, say, Black Company; it's good if you want to read an author who is a master craftsman. It's also good to compare Donaldson to hacks like Abercrombie to see how to write and how not to write soldiery prose.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)10:36:07 No.73099017 ▶

>>73073933 (OP) Does anyone know if scans of these old magazines exist? This and shit like Dragon Magazine and stuff. I'd love to read through them.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)10:39:18 No.73099084 ▶ >>73099292 >>73099475

Fantasy: Black Company novels by Glen Cook Malazan by Donaldson The Worm Ouroboros The Steel Remains (don't read the subsequent books, goes to shit rather fast)

Sci-Fi: Lifecycle of Software Objects (Chiang) Anything by CJ Cherryh (Tolkien in space) Blindsight - Watts is a great world builder and a really bad character designer; worth reading for space ecology Eisenhorn and Ravenor by Abnett

Horror: Ligotti, Aickman, Campbell, Barron (only short stories, none of the horrible hard-boiled stuff) - all short story collections Skin Trade, Sandkings, Meathouse Man - GRRM

Bonus: The Slynx by Tolstoy's granddaughter, fantastic post-apoc novel.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)10:52:55 No.73099292 ▶ >>73119732

>>73099084 meant Erikson anyway, did not mention Gene Wolfe, my favorite writer since he's well-known enough I believe.

I also remember reading Shepard's the Golden, and that it was decent (vampire novel).

>>73094198 Tried to read Lord of Light, he lost me with all new age yoga references within the first 50 pages.

>>73082399 >>73081757 >>73077076 I did not read Flashman yet, but Fraser's war memoir is top notch - fighting in Burma against what's left of the Japanese army. Pure despair and hatred.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)10:54:20 No.73099322 ▶

>>73074531 Worm Ouroboros

Good high fantasy has a timeless quality to it, like reading a fairy tale aimed at adults, echoing through ages. Low high fantasy is your average DnD session with dangerhairs growing wings and snouts.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)10:57:15 No.73099388 ▶ File: 1467306530901.jpg (144 KB, 800x1200)

>>73074858 Take it, take your (you).

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)11:02:43 No.73099475 ▶ >>73099552

>>73099084 >The Steel Remains (don't read the subsequent books, goes to shit rather fast) >Just ordered books 2 & 3 yesterday as I've enjoyed everything else I've read by Morgan How bad is it going to get?

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)11:06:54 No.73099552 ▶

>>73099475 As far as I remember, book 2 is more or less fine. Book three is just hasty resolution, repeating of the same old shit and some ludicrous spectral asspulls. At least you're not reading Abercrombie's toilet tier saga.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)11:30:56 No.73099969 ▶

The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)11:54:31 No.73100409 ▶ >>73104712

>>73098954 >Waifu company vs Malazan Book of pain and suffering.

At least Malazan stays consistent throughout all books instead of descending into waifufaggotry

Also Garrett PI is underrated and is superior to Black Company

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)14:28:06 No.73103288 ▶

>>73086099 The dying earth stuff isn't even his best. Read the fucking Gaian Reach shit, it's so fucking fun.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)15:46:37 No.73104712 ▶ >>73107479

>>73100409 Many people complain about the second Black Company series but I liked them. Fantasy India was interesting and the Kina was a cool villain.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)15:48:46 No.73104750 ▶

>>73082945 Of course he's racist: have you even read the series? It's just that he's 19th century British/Euro racist, rather than modern American racist. Like a lot of things, people think the way America does it now is the way everyone always did it, which leads to some ridiculous historical anachronisms.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)15:54:14 No.73104863 ▶ File: Balthus and Slasher.jpg (8 KB, 199x253)

>>73082235 >>73082531 Queen is a close second, but Black River is objectively the correct answer. I always choke up when I get to Slasher and Balthus's last stand. Give 'em hell, boy.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)18:10:03 No.73107479 ▶ >>73118726 File: MTK1.jpg (92 KB, 460x443) >>73104712 >mfw that hat scene

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)18:49:05 No.73108200 ▶ >>73110969

I just finished Throne of the Crescent Moon the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's got a middle eastern / arabian / not Islam kinda setting. About an old ghoul hunter and his ghoul hunter friends trying to save the day... by killing ghouls

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)18:59:35 No.73108419 ▶

>>73074858 >Reddit rent free. way to let the website win.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)19:54:51 No.73109526 ▶ >>73110649

>>73095213 Alzheimers does funny things to the brain The last five books he wrote weren't nearly as good as the earlier ones, and I found Unseen Academicals/Raising Steam near unreadable

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)20:46:16 No.73110649 ▶

>>73109526 on the subject of pTerry, Nation. Not bad.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)21:02:26 No.73110969 ▶

>>73108200 Reminds me, try the Golem and the Jinn. it's about, well, a golem and a Jinn in NYC who try to work out how fucking works.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)22:13:32 No.73112214 ▶ >>73112342

Three Worlds Collide by Eliezer Yudkowsky is really fucking good sf. It's imaginative, funny, sincere and smart all at once and you see that very rarely. Also doesn't take long to read, it's a short story.

Surprised me a lot because he also wrote HPMoR which I thought was self-masturbatory almost-garbage and I only made it to the end by skipping every single part of the story where they played that stupid Generals game against each other.

>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)22:18:53 No.73112342 ▶ >>73112513 File: LibertariansVsAnarchy.png (957 KB, 1328x2216)

>>73112214 >Eliezer Yudkowsky THE BAYESIAN BAD BOY


>> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)22:27:34 No.73112513 ▶ >>73112554

>>73112342 I mean, yes. That's why I was surprised he wrote something actually good.

He's really a lolbertarian lmao? >> Anonymous 06/10/20(Wed)22:29:53 No.73112554 ▶ >>73117139

>>73112513 Yes. He also has a weird interpretation of Bayesian statistics. Short version is that he likes to insist that nothing is 100% certain all the time because there's that fractional 10^-10909341094301 or whatever chance something *might* happen. Shithead.

He started off as a 'small l' libertarian, but he advocates more and more for this shit. Move the cunt to Seattle and let him get eaten by their warlord Raz.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)00:42:40 No.73114868 ▶ >>73115821 >>73116577 >>73116687 File: 2010579.jpg (54 KB, 279x475)

Elric of Melnibone Thieves World Conan/El Borak Lovecraft Pierre Barbet CJ Cherryh Chicks series by Freisner Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser Burroughs (first 3 John carters, Tarzan) Dragonlance - Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer Dragonlance - Time, Test, War the original 3 drizzt books Flashing Swords/Swords against Darkness/Swords and Steel etc Spaceways by Cleve Thrawn Trilogy by Tim Zahn Beowulf Chretien de Troyes Tain bo Culigne & Mabinogion by van Voght interview with the vampire /Mona Lisa overdrive, etc Illuminati trilogy Roadside picnic Spellfire Rabelais

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)02:12:28 No.73115821 ▶ >>73116548

>>73114868 >Thieves World Is that the collaborative setting multiple authors worked on or am I thinking about something else?

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)02:32:23 No.73116015 ▶ >>73073933 (OP)

Just started reading Skipp and Spectors stuff. They are a pair of musicians turned horror writers that achieved some success in the 80s and 90s.

Animals is pretty good. Rough and heavy on the gratuitous sex and purple prose and full of stock characters, it's still way better than most horror shit from that time, with some genuine heart and soul scattered throughout the narrative. If you read it without grand literary expectations you'll enjoy it. Plus it has a genuinely good take on werewolves.

I plan on reading Scream next, it's about an evil metal band bent on ushering in the apocalypse.

Speaking of which, I'll also recommend the Illuminatus Trilogy, which also features a rock band bent on ushering the apocalypse, as well as a libertine Captain Nemo, sex magick, and other shit like that.

Continuing on the theme of plucky rebels fighting against the forces of oppression and stultifying order, I'll finally recommend Hideous Strength by Lewis.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:17:08 No.73116454 ▶

War with The Newts (Čapek) A dutch sailor finds a race of intelligent sea newts limited to small isle in the indian ocean and with a help form his rich capitalsit friend decides to spread them all across the world to use them in pearl hunting and naval construction as they work for less than a human would. Then people get the bringht idea to tech them about science, technology and even arm them and use them as soldiers.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:18:55 No.73116464 ▶

>>73074858 >Projecting this hard *You* have to go back.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:27:22 No.73116548 ▶

>>73115821 Yeah, that's the one.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:27:30 No.73116550 ▶

>>73095360 Not really. GoT is based on familiar historical tropes and identifiable characters to build its stiries. Malazan expects readers to pick up its world building, take on board its bewildering array of nonsensical names and concepts and keep up with a million plot threads that it frequently picks up and puts down at random. I've read some of Eriksson's other work and really enjoyed it, but Malazan left me completely cold.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:29:50 No.73116577 ▶ >>73120200

>>73114868 >Anything by Salvatore I know you liked it when you were 12, anon, and that's fine, but take the goggles off and admit that it's utter trash and no functioning adult should read it.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:31:49 No.73116605 ▶

>>73098954 So edgy. Honestly, you fucking gatekeeping contrarians are a major part of why fantasy is as bad as it is right now.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)03:39:39 No.73116687 ▶ >>73120200 File: 91k-b8cgaRL.jpg (708 KB, 1667x2519)

>>73114868 >CJ Cherryh DROWNING IN PUSSY

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)04:21:45 No.73117139 ▶

>>73112554 10^-10909341094301 is a stupidly huge number compared to the probabilities you are talking about.

Try 10^-10^100* for the sun becoming confetti, and 10^-10^10^52 for the universe to reboot.

*mostly a guess. It could be way, way, waaaay smaller than that.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)07:11:41 No.73118726 ▶

>>73107479 F

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)08:11:46 No.73119349 ▶ >>73119593

The Lies of Locke Lamora was a hell of a good read. The second book was kinda meh and the third one ok but the first was really good

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)08:28:24 No.73119593 ▶

>>73119349 I like how it works with sorcery, but that's more the show-don't-tell aspect and the fact that we really don't get any actual explanations outside of what Patience tells us in the third. It's neat. The ghostwinds in 2 helps expand out the world a little and give you an idea that shit is out there and shit is *fucky*.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)08:37:29 No.73119732 ▶

>>73099292 >he lost me with all new age yoga references within the first 50 pages.

Please don't let new age hippies who don't know shit spoil Indian mythology for you.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)09:07:36 No.73120200 ▶ >>73120261 >>73121252 File: CTKRNCNGGW1982.jpg (54 KB, 362x601) >>73116687 I raise, Mr Bond

>>73116577 Salvatore is trash, you're right. But the first three areothe worst. [most of] the characters are decent stock fantasy characters, the fights scenes aren't too repetitive like they are in later books, there's way less edgy feelings, it's not spine of the world, and the adventures are good fun D&D-esque adventures.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)09:11:16 No.73120261 ▶ >>73121252 File: bludgeoning weapon.jpg (318 KB, 800x1019) >>73120200 Problem with Salvatore, but more so with roleplaying fiction in general, is you have one additional step in what is already highly derivative genre. Fantasy is fantasy, but when you factor in "novel based on existing property" it severely limits what it can be.

>> Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)10:20:22 No.73121252 ▶

>>73120200 This post is supposed to say first three aren't the worst. >>73120261 Nothing you said in this post addresses any of the arguments as to why the first 3 are tolerable [Return] [Catalog] [Top] [Update] [ Auto] This thread is archived [Post a Reply] 120 / 23 / 69 / ? 120 / 22 / 69 / 11

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