Gaza Ceasefire Efforts up in Smoke After Lull Erdogan Scores Hat-Trick

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Gaza Ceasefire Efforts up in Smoke After Lull Erdogan Scores Hat-Trick SUBSCRIPTION MONDAY, JULY 28, 2014 SHAWWAL1, 1435 AH EID GREETINGS Kuwait Times Editor-in-Chief Abd Al-Rahman Al- Alyan wishes HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al- Ahmad Al-Sabah, HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, Cabinet members, heads of states around the world, Kuwaitis, expatri- ates and our valued readers Eid Mubarak. Kuwait Times will not be published from July 29 to 31. Our next issue will be on Friday, Aug 1. Gaza ceasefire efforts Max 46º Min 32º up in smoke after lull High Tide 01:33 & 12:05 Besieged Palestinians face Eid under Israeli bombing Low Tide 06:44 & 19:44 40 PAGES NO: 16240 150 FILS from the editor’s desk GAZA/JERUSALEM: Fighting subsided in Gaza yester- day after Hamas militants said they backed a 24-hour humanitarian truce, but there was no sign of any com- A prayer for peace prehensive deal to end their conflict with Israel. Hamas said it had endorsed a call by the United Nations for a pause in the fighting in light of the Eid Al-Fitr holiday starting today. Hamas’ belated acceptance of diplomatic calls for a temporary ceasefire was announced several hours after Israel resumed its devastating military assault By Abd Al-Rahman Al-Alyan on the Palestinian enclave after a pause of more than 24 hours. Although Hamas said its militants would halt their fire from 1100 GMT in response to a request from the United Nations, there was no response from Israel. And [email protected] Palestinian rocket fire continued, with 22 striking the Jewish state after the reported truce went into effect, an amadan is a time of worship and a time to feel army spokeswoman told AFP, adding another five were the pain of those who are unfortunate; those intercepted. “They are violating their own ceasefire,” Rwho cannot eat or drink when their body Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the CNN news needs it; those who cannot afford to smoke expen- network. In a separate interview with CBS, he said Israel sive cigars and enjoy the luxuries of life. Fasting in would not allow “a ruthless terror organisation ... to the summer has been difficult and to many people it decide when it’s convenient for them to stop for a has restricted their holidays since other destinations moment, rearm, and continue firing on our citizens and have longer, daunting fasting hours. Now Eid is upon our people”. us and we can all celebrate and enjoy the upcoming The abortive Hamas announcement came shortly summer holidays. However, to some people such as after Israel said it would no longer abide by a unilateral the people of Gaza, fasting has been a nightmare ceasefire while coming under “incessant” fire from Gaza. and Eid brings no joy as the Israeli military continues Shortly afterwards, Israel resumed its punishing air strikes to bomb them savagely while the world watches in and tank fire, killing 11 people across the territory, includ- silence. ing an elderly Christian woman, medics said. Another three people also succumbed to their wounds, raising During this Eid period, I hope that the people of GAZA: A Palestinian vendor plays with balloons at the market in the Jebaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza Kuwait can also feel for the many countries around the Palestinian toll on day 20 of Israel’s devastating mili- Strip yesterday. During normal times, families in Gaza would be busy now with preparations for Eid Al-Fitr. tary campaign to 1,031, Gaza’s emergency services said. the world who are facing difficulties in food, drink In the outdoor market, vendors set up stands with clothes and shoes, but said business was slow. — AP electricity and more importantly security, as it seems Continued on Page 15 that there are a few political movements that are taking the stability and security of Kuwait for grant- ed. There is a lot of room for improvements in the Philippines welcomes 100 millionth baby country politically and economically, but if you stop for a moment and think, you will realize that Kuwait MANILA: A baby girl born early yesterday bear in their lifetimes. “We’d like to push has always been moving towards democracy at its has officially pushed the population of the the fertility rate down to two children per own pace while maintaining its peace and stability. Philippines to 100 million, highlighting (woman’s) lifetime,” from the current level Most of the countries around us are in turmoil for the challenge of providing for more peo- of an average of three per woman, he many reasons - Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine ple in the already-impoverished nation. said. and the list goes on. There is also the threat of The child, Jennalyn Sentino, was one of While celebrating the birth of the groups such as ISIL and Al-Qaeda who have their 100 babies born in state hospitals all over babies with cake and gifts of clothing and eyes set on the wealth of our country and are look- the archipelago who received the symbol- blankets, the government will also moni- ing for an opportunity to interfere should there be ic designation of “100,000,000th baby”. tor each of the designated 100 children chaos or riots to take advantage of. “This is both an opportunity and a chal- over the coming years to see if they are I urge people to think of how our grandfathers lenge... an opportunity we should take receiving the required health services, lived in a desert and how this desert has been trans- advantage of and a challenge we recog- Perez added. Jennalyn’s father, 45-year- formed to what it is now and how this land has been nise,” Juan Antonio Perez, executive direc- old van driver Clemente Sentino, said he good to us with the blessings of God. Throughout tor of the official Commission on was grateful for the government aid, but this transformation, we must not forget the help that Population, told AFP. expressed confidence he could support we got from our expat partners and how they have While a growing population means a his child and his partner. He and the come here with their knowledge, experience and larger workforce, it also means more child’s mother, Dailin Cabigayan, 27, are manpower, which made all this possible. Let’s not dependents in a country where about 25 not yet married. “She just happened to turn our backs on them by making them feel unwel- percent of people are living in poverty, he get pregnant. But we do have plans to get come with restrictive laws and discriminating ideas said. He said the Philippines had to find a married,” he told AFP. “I make just enough and using Nazi-like checkpoints that pick on poor, way to bring services to the poorest fami- to get by but at least my job pays regular- simple workers. lies while also lowering the average num- ly. We will find a way to make it fit,” he said. Once we remember our past and how we devel- ber of children that fertile women will Continued on Page 15 oped and treat people the way we expect to be treated (be it Kuwaiti or non-Kuwaiti), then we can get the wheel of development moving as fast as it was before. Let us not take the security and stability of our country for granted and allow our beloved Ahmadi hospital country to fall into the hands of those who are too selfish to realize how important is Kuwait to their benefit. blaze controlled I would like to extend my prayers to the people of Gaza, Iraq, Libya and Yemen. May God bless them By Hanan Al-Saadoun Mekrad said. The directorate is running an with peace and stop the atrocities of those fiddling investigation to reveal the causes of the with them. KUWAIT: The Kuwait Fire Service blaze, said Mekrad, praising the efforts of God bless you all and may you all have a great Eid. Directorate said six fire departments con- firemen in safeguarding people’s lives and trolled a fire at the new Ahmadi Hospital the public properties. Deputy CEO for yesterday. The fire only caused material Administrative and Financial Affairs at KOC damage to the under-construction build- Saad Al-Azmi said the fire first broke out in Eid Mubarak ing belonging to Kuwait Oil Company an under-construction building north of (KOC) and extending over 90 sq m, Deputy Ahmadi, then spread to stacks of wood in Farewell, Ramadan Director General of the Fire Fighting and another under-construction building of MANILA: Newly-born baby girl Jennalyn Sentino, who has been designated as Human Resources Sectors Khalid Al- the company. the Philippines’ ‘100,000,000th baby’, sleeps during a presentation at a govern- ment hospital yesterday. — AFP By Teresa Lesher lthough the hardship of Ramadan is about to end and festivities of Eid are about to begin, Boko Haram kidnaps Cameroon vice PM wife Athere will be sadness in every devout Muslim’s heart that Ramadan has passed. Barely having had their last breakfast at sunset, they will immediately start YAOUNDE: The wife of Cameroon’s vice “I can confirm that the home of Vice Haram elements are still in Kolofata people this year, mostly in northeastern looking forward to the next Ramadan and counting prime minister was kidnapped and at Prime Minister Amadou Ali in Kolofata town in a clash with our soldiers,” said Nigeria, although they have bombed the months and weeks until it comes again.
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