" " 1] • " ., , if - • - THE AlLOCHTItONOUS ·ORIGIN Of "BIOHERMS" IN THE EARLY DEVONiAN STUART SAY FORMA~IeN , ' OF BATHURST IS~ND,'~RCTic.CANADA. / 1 / / KEVIN PATRICK POLAN, / / OEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICA~ SCIENCES" , ~ McGItL UNIV~RSITY, MONTREAL~ '., ( DECEMBER, 1982. A the~i s submi t'ted to the Facul ty . of Graduate Stùdies and Researeh in' partial fulfillment of the requirements, l for the degree of Master of Sci ence. , " 3 ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ .. ! ~ j J . J ~ .{ " ~ @ Kevin P. Palan, 1982. , i! 1 ~" . ~ o i ; ~ j - \ /1' , ABSTRACT Blocks of limestone and dol9,mite 'up to tens of metres i1\ sfz.e occur • near the base of the Lower Oevonian (Siegenian-Emsian) Stuart Bay Formation 1\, . at s~x sites, on eastern Bathurst Island. These blocks occur in gro~ps of up . " , , ",. 1 : ta thirty individuals and, at the two localit'ies with the greatest numer 'of , . • 1 blacks, are disposed in two roughly linear groups reflecting,their occurrence on two beddin9 planes. Stromatoporoids (genera: 'Cl..a.t:hJr.od.rj.ctyon, Atopo.4.tJwma., GeJrJUmO.4.t1r.om4, Acünccli.c.t.yon. IJr,!).tJwma.,. ', Sa.lai.Ir.eUa . and S~ngo.!)~ma.l and favositid corals are the MOst co~n framebuilders. <1 ,<:, . The blacks have weathered from a matrix of finelY-la~~nated deePj . water siltstone. Neighbourin9 bloc~~ differ i~ bedding orientatiqp. Although they, h~ve been described as' bioherms in place~ this evidence indicates tha~ l th~ are blocks deri~ed during cata~trophic events such as earthqu~kes from ( " a Devonian reef tract developed on the western flank of the Cornwallis Fold- belt.
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