Colonials Today Carroll Nine in Sandlot Teams
C-2 • THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. APRIL 17. IIM Gonzaga Plays Berrios Challenges Saddler and Hamia ’ Sandlot Teams After Beating Bell BOWLING ? Carroll Nine in NEW YORK, April 17 OP).— With ROD THOMAS IprfMl Open Hay 14 Miguel Berrios, a pint-sized The Departmental featherweight with a big hook and Gauzaa League Opener and a big heart, today dared sandlot baseball league*, both Champion Sandy d supervised by Saddler and Frank Dunham, Washington’s ( National Duckpin Congresa gold j the District Recre- Gonzaga High begins defense , Cherif Hamia, the French con-- leading tenpin bowler, is a cinch i medal. Department, will open the tender, to take him ation of its Catholic League baseball I on. to collect handsomely in the sj * * * * |1956 aeason May 14. championship at 5-foot-2, at Carroll 3:30 i The 23-year-old d American Bowling Congress ( The Leesburg A.C. is the new The Departmental League will p.m. today as the league opens, Rican, who now lives in championships in Rochester, N. leader in men’s Class n A teams “ be a six-team circuit, Gauzaa and from games played to date New York, issued his challenge e• Y. Dunham rolled 667 in singles, , of the Virginia State champion- flv*’ by the two teams, the Eagles ; to the top 126-pounders after ir highly acceptable; 579 in doubles s ships at Clarendon, with a set t may be in for a rough afternoon.! beating experienced Bobby BellII and 607 with the Bauserman’s i of 1,807, just two sticks above fi Columbia Heights, defending The Eagles lost only three : of Youngstown, Ohio, in an ac- - Service team for an all-events i the score of the early pacer, ..champion In the Departmental, players from last year’s tion-packed.
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