ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Photo by Spencer Lowell outstanding musicians will be recognized as living national treasures. treasures. national living as recognized be will musicians outstanding And with this recognition, communities and musicians alike will work work will alike musicians and communities recognition, this with And In a world where artistic standards and opportunities are ever more more ever are opportunities and standards artistic where world a In challenged, the New World Symphony program continues to offer offer to continues program Symphony World New the challenged, together to carry forward the rich testimony our music represents. music our testimony rich the forward carry to together relationship to . I look forward to a future where where future a to forward look I music. classical to relationship young musicians the opportunity to fully explore their personal personal their explore fully to opportunity the musicians young NewWorld Symphony Co-Founder andArtistic Director — MichaelTilsonThomas

@nwsymphony 3 | 305.673.3331 Photo by Depuhl Cover photo bySiggiBachmann Creative Director: SiggiBachmann Director ofPublications andEditor: MarciFalvey 70 69 68 67 66 64 63 61 59 50 49 46 45 42 41 39 37 35 33 31 27 25 23 21 19 13 11 10 9 7 CONTENTS TABLE OF



Volunteers NWS onSocialMedia NWS isaLeader intheField Celebrating FiveYears intheNewWorld Center Board ofTrustees Visiting Faculty NWS bytheNumbers We Salute ourDonors WALLCAST™ Concerts NWS New on Work the Road Business Development NWS isaGoodInvestment:AFinancialPerspective Corporate Partnerships Friends ofNewWorld Symphony Alumni The Fellows’ EntrepreneurialSpirit NWS Mission,VisionandStatement ofPurpose New Website Community andAudienceEngagement Guest Artists andComposers Sustainability Statement Performance Activities Letter fromNWSLeadership Gala: 1000 NWS Housing NWS ServingourCommunities

@nwsymphony 5 | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos NWS Fellows JacobHanegan andMichaelFuller rehearsefor aconcert with theseartists areextended throughNWS'spioneeringexperimentation withdistancelearningviaInternet2. repertoire, withtheactiveinvolvementofleading guestconductors, soloists andvisitingfaculty. Therelationships the artistic direction of , the program offers in-depth exposure to traditional and modern its participants thefullcomplementofskillsandqualificationsrequired21st-centuryfirst-class musicians.Under the NewWorld Symphony, throughawiderangeofperformance andinstructionalactivities,seeksto developin their musicaleducationwiththefinestprofessional training.Alaboratory for musicaleducationand expression, instrumentalists. TheNWS fellowship programprovidesgraduates ofmusicprogramstheopportunityto enhance The NewWorld Symphony isdedicated to theartistic, personalandprofessional developmentofoutstanding STATEMENT OF PURPOSE express andshareits traditionswithasmanypeoplepossible. The NewWorld Symphony envisionsastrongandsecurefuturefor classicalmusicandwillredefine, reaffirm, VISION roles inorchestrasandensemblesaroundtheworld. The missionoftheNewWorld Symphony isto preparehighly-gifted graduates ofmusicprograms for leadership MISSION NEW WORLD SYMPHONY

@nwsymphony 7 | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos NWS Fellows LaurenDensinger, Jarrett Threadgill,Ran Kampel andAdèle-Marie Buis rehearsefor aconcert SYMPHONY FAMILY, DEAR NEWWORLD Berlinale FilmFestival. as diverse as theLeague ofAmerican and 's frequently presents nationallyandinternationally to groups that translates to their businesses. And our leadership team of bringingalegacyartform into thedigitalworldandhow Summit. We haveinspiredexecutive leaderswithourstory University’s Kellogg Innovation Network (KIN) Global the Pritzker Architecture Prize celebration to Northwestern a numberofprestigious gatherings and conferences from top-rated venue for education and music, butalso has hosted What’s more, theNewWorld Center notonlyhasbecomea inspired concerts andevents. us for guidanceastheyconsider replicatingWALLCAST™- Center to theUniversityofMichiganarenowlookingto Park for asingleconcert.OrganizationsfromtheKennedy we welcomecrowdsofover3,000 peopleinSoundScape estimates of700-800peopleto therealityoftoday, when . It’samazing to compareouroriginal audience role intheeconomicdevelopment of MiamiBeachand important senseofcommunitywhilealsoplayinganintegral today. WALLCAST™ concerts inparticularhavecreated an our daysattheLincolnTheatreto over70,000 people the pastfiveyears—from30,000 peopleayearduring On a local basis, NWS’s impact has more than doubled over classical musicleadershascometo fruition. and LinArison’sambitiousdreamofcreatingnurturing Because ofyoursupport,MichaelTilsonThomasandTed shifting challengesandopportunitiesintheworldofmusic. uniquely preparesourFellows to adaptto theconstantly level positionsinarts management.Ourhands-oncurriculum next generationofyoungmusicians,andholdingexecutive alumni alsoareforming theirownensembles,educatingthe In additionto playingleadershiproleswithinorchestras,our alone, thereare16orchestras with10ormoreNWSalumni. in organizationsthroughouttheworld.InUnited States vibrant, inventiveandsustainablefuturefor classicalmusic the careersofover1,000 alumni whoarecreating a more On aglobalscale, theNewWorld Symphony haslaunched time, moneyandtalents havehadonourinstitution. reflect ontheimpactthatyourphilanthropicinvestments in defining New World Center, wewant to takeamoment to As wecelebrate thefirst fiveyears inourarchitecturally Chairman oftheBoard Edward MannoShumsky With deepappreciation, pleasure to thankyouinpersonfor yourinvestments. Please takeamomentto sayhello, asitwouldbeour We lookforward to greetingyouatupcomingconcerts. imagine whatwecandotogether inthefuture. crucial roleyouhaveplayedintheseaccomplishments. Just and ourstaff,pleaseacceptsinceregratitude for the On behalfofourBoardTrustees, ourFellows andalumni, many fold to communitieslocally, nationallyandglobally. A dollar invested in the NewWorld Symphony gives back organizations aroundtheworld. The results of our experiments will be a resource for musical can helpto democratizeand expand accessto theartform. refine newconcert formats andonlinemusicaltrainingthat We willbeableto actasalaboratory to pioneer, test and performance, audience engagement, leadershipandwellness. us to enhanceourFellows’ educationaroundorchestral As weenter ournext decade, yoursupportwillenable

President andCEO Howard Herring

@nwsymphony 9 | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos Harry M.Hersh Matt Haggman Rose EllenGreene* John J.Geraghty Howard Frank* Peter J.Dolara Mario deArmas Edward J.Crawford IV Bruce E.Clinton Adam Carlin Matthew W. Buttrick Tanya CaprilesdeBrillembourg Olga Blavatnik Ira M.Birns Sarah S.Arison Madeleine Arison Sheldon T. Anderson Jeffrey Akin Sari Agatston BOARDOF TRUSTEES Robert Moss,Secretary Mario deArmas,ViceChairman/Treasurer Adam Carlin,ViceChairman Edward MannoShumsky, Chairman OFFICERS BOARD OFTRUSTEES NWS Fellows AnthonyDelivanis,ZachManzi,Ran Kampel, Adèle-Marie BuisandDarrenHicksrehearsefor aconcert

Richard J.Wurtman Edward MannoShumsky Diane S.Sepler Richard T. Sanz Jeffrey T. Roberts Carolina Piña Patricia M.Papper Stephen L.Owens L. MichaelOrlove Robert Moss William L.Morrison Albert R.Molina,Jr. Alan Lieberman Enrique Lerner Richard L.Kohan William Kleh Gerald Katcher* Neisen O. Kasdin* *Indicates Former Chairman ºDeceased Sherwood Weiser*° Judy Weiser* Sheldon Schneider* R. KirkLandon° Stanley Cohen TRUSTEES EMERITI Michael TilsonThomas Howard Herring NON-VOTING EX-OFFICIO,

Julia Yang Ashton Lim *Kevin Kunkel Jacob Hanegan Hilary Glen Michael Frigo *Austin Fisher Alexa Ciciretti Thomas Carpenter *Rosanna Butterfield Meredith Bates Jesse Yukimura Jarrett Threadgill Madeline Sharp *Amy Pikler Hannah Nicholas Esther Nahm Jane Mitchell Helen Hess Caroline Gilbert Andrew François *Yuping Zhou *Erin Zehngut Yanghe Yu Nathaniel Wolkstein *Foster Wang Heather Thomas Ju HyungShin *Rebecca Reale Sarah Peters *Hugh Palmer *Julia Noone George Millsap Michael McCarthy Alexander Lee Hye JinKoh *Lisa Kim Jennise Hwang Christen Greer Dima Dimitrova Lauren Densinger Andrea Daigle Maya Cohon Hen-Shuo Steven Chang Benjamin Carson Cynthia Burton Kristin Baird Zubaida Azezi 2015-16 FELLOWS Christopher Hernacki BASS *Nicholas Platoff Kelton Koch TROMBONE Aaron Norlund *George Goad Joseph Brown Priscilla Rinehart David Raschella *Alexander Love Anthony Delivanis Josh Cote HORN Sean Maree Darren Hicks Brenton Foster *Evan Epifanio Zach Manzi Ran Kampel Miles Jaques Kristin Kall Adèle-Marie Buis *Max Blair Kelly Zimba Masha Popova *Emma Gerstein *Daniel Tosky Mary Reed Jonathan Reed Michael Fuller Timothy Dilenschneider Andrew Chilcote Drew Banzhaf BASS *Aspen McArthur Ashton Bush 2015-16 season *Fellows whowonjobsinthe Cody Engstrom AUDIO ENGINEERING LIBRARY *Christian Reif *Dean Zhang Aya Yamamoto John Wilson Julia Coronelli HARP Daniel Morris Bradley Loudis Stephen Kehner *Matthew Howard PERUCSSION Alex Wadner Jarrett McCourt

@nwsymphony 11 | 305.673.3331 Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed finest programs in the world. These wonderful young musicians are immersed in in immersed are musicians young wonderful These world. the in programs finest orchestral playing 24/7, and they are more prepared to win auditions auditions orchestra win to prepared more are they and 24/7, playing orchestral than any other candidates in the country. I see huge improvements in playing playing in improvements huge see I country. the in candidates other any than I believe that the NWS fellowship program for young musicians is one of the the of one is musicians young for program fellowship NWS the that believe I each time I come down to coach. Bravo to MTT and to everyone involved! everyone to and MTT to Bravo coach. to down come I time each —JudithLeClair, PrincipalBassoon, NewYork Philharmonic Judith LeClair withNWSBassoonFellow DarrenHicks

Andrew Wickesburg,Pittsburgh Symphony Jonathan Vinocour, SanFranciscoSymphony UniversityofMichiganSchoolMusic Yizhak Schotten, Cynthia Phelps,NewYork Philharmonic(2) Craig Mumm,MetropolitanOperaOrchestra IndianaUniversityJacobsSchoolofMusic Edward Gazouleas, Ralph Fielding, Lynn University Mahoko Eguchi,NationalSymphony Orchestra(2) Thornton School ofMusic UniversityofSouthernCalifornia Karen Dreyfus, Roberto Díaz,CurtisInstitute of Music Joan DerHovsepian,Houston Symphony Choong-Jin Chang,ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra Cathy Basrak,Boston Symphony Orchestra Doyle Armbrust,SpektralQuartet VIOLA ,ConcertArtist Scott Yoo, Conductor Austin Wulliman,SpektralQuartet Nancy Wu,MetropolitanOperaOrchestra RiceUniversityShepherdSchoolofMusic Kathleen Winkler, Andrew Wan, ColumbiaUniversity Diego Tosi, Ensembleintercontemporain Sheryl Staples,NewYork Philharmonic ,ConcertArtist Anthony Marwood,ConcertArtist Clara Lyon, SpektralQuartet SanFranciscoSymphony (retired) Zoya Leybin, Julianne Lee, Boston Symphony Orchestra Nicholas Kitchen, NewEnglandConservatory Alexander Kerr, DallasSymphony (3) Jason Horowitz,Boston Symphony Pamela Frank,CurtisInstitute ofMusic IndianaUniversityJacobsSchoolofMusic Jorja Fleezanis, Glenn Dicterow, NewYork Philharmonic(retired) David Coucheron,Atlanta Symphony Glen Cherry, Boston Symphony Martin Chalifour, Los AngelesPhilharmonic Daniel Carlson,SanFranciscoSymphony VIOLIN VISITING FACULTY 2015-16 Robert Woolfrey, TheClevelandOrchestra Michael Wayne, Boston Symphony Joaquin Valdepeñas, Symphony Anthony McGill,NewYork Philharmonic , MilwaukeeSymphony (2) Olli Leppaniemi, ConcertArtist Bil Jackson,BlairSchoolofMusic Jérôme Comte, Ensembleintercontemporain J. LawrieBloom,ChicagoSymphony Orchestra CLARINET Robert Walters, TheClevelandOrchestra(2) Frank Rosenwein, TheClevelandOrchestra Joseph Peters, TheMinnesotaOrchestra , SanFranciscoSymphony Nathan Hughes,MetropolitanOperaOrchestra John Ferrillo, Boston Symphony ENGLISH HORN OBOE/ Keith Underwood,MannesSchoolofMusic Joshua Smith,TheClevelandOrchestra Elizabeth Rowe, Boston Symphony Cynthia Meyers,Boston Symphony Aaron Goldman,NationalSymphony Timothy Day, SanFranciscoSymphony Nadine Asin,AspenMusicFestival andSchool(3) FLUTE Jeffrey Turner, Pittsburgh Symphony Harold Robinson, ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra(2) RiceUniversityShepherdSchoolofMusic(2) Timothy Pitts, Scott Pingel,SanFranciscoSymphony Leigh Mesh,MetropolitanOperaOrchestra(2) Owen Lee, CincinnatiSymphony Timothy Cobb, NewYork Philharmonic Kristen Bruya,TheMinnesotaOrchestra BASS Morten Zeuthen, Royal DanishAcademy ofMusic Peter Stumpf, Los AngelesPhilharmonic(retired) Brinton Smith,Houston Symphony John Sharp, ChicagoSymphony Russell Rolen, SpektralQuartet Alan Rafferty, CincinnatiSymphony Michael Lipman,Pittsburgh Symphony Anssi Karttunen, ConcertArtist Mihail Jojatu,Boston Symphony Joseph Johnson,Toronto Symphony Stephen Geber, TheClevelandOrchestra(retired) Carter Brey, NewYork Philharmonic CELLO

William VerMeulen, Houston Symphony MetropolitanOperaOrchestra(retired) Julie Landsman, Richard King,Center CityBrassQuintet Andrew Bain,Los AngelesPhilharmonic TRUMPET HORN Richard Ranti, Boston Symphony Christopher Millard,NationalArts Centre Daniel Matsukawa, ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra Judith LeClair, NewYork Philharmonic Glenn Einschlag,BuffaloPhilharmonic Steven Dibner, SanFranciscoSymphony John Clouser, TheClevelandOrchestra BASSOON denoted after name Number ofvisits in2015-16 season NWS alumni David Zerkel, UniversityofGeorgiaSchoolMusic UniversityofMiamiFrostSchool ofMusic Aaron Tindall, Craig Knox, Center CityBrassQuintet (2) Fritz Kaenzig, UniversityofMichiganSchoolMusic Carol Jantsch, ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra Warren Deck,UniversityofDenver TUBA TROMBONE BASS TROMBONE/ James Wilt, Philharmonic Bill Williams,ConcertArtist Stuart Stephenson, Atlanta Symphony Thomas Siders,Boston Symphony Thomas Rolfs, Boston Symphony UniversityofMiamiFrostSchoolMusic Craig Morris, Billy Hunter, Jr., MetropolitanOperaOrchestra Geoffrey Hardcastle, Center CityBrassQuintet Center CityBrass Quintet Anthony DiLorenzo, David Bilger, ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra Center CityBrassQuintet Ko-ichiro Yamamoto, Toby Oft,Boston Symphony James Markey, Boston Symphony Timothy Higgins,SanFranciscoSymphony Bern,Switzerland (2) ,HochschulederKünste,

13 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Julia Torgovitskaya, iCadenza Jennifer Rosenfeld, iCadenza Larry Dressler, Leadership Consultant andAuthor(3) LEADERSHIP Orion Weiss, ConcertArtist Jeffrey Kahane, ConcertArtist Ralph Grierson, Los AngelesPhilharmonic Ingrid Fliter, ConcertArtist PIANO Lisa Geber, TheClevelandOrchestra(retired) Sarah Bullen,ChicagoSymphony (2) HARP Cynthia Yeh, ChicagoSymphony Michael Werner, SeattleSymphony UniversityofMiamiFrostSchoolMusic Svetoslav Stoyanov, Edward Stephan, Pittsburgh Symphony Jacob Nissly, SanFranciscoSymphony (2) William Hudgins,Boston Symphony David Herbert,ChicagoSymphony (2) Victor Hanna,Ensembleintercontemporain Thornton School ofMusic James Babor, UniversityofSouthernCalifornia Edward Atkatz, TheColburnSchool TIMPANI/ REPAIR Mark Hart,CommunityArts Program (2) Kathryn Wyatt,Kidznotes Isabel Trautwein,TheClevelandOrchestra Stanford Thompson, PlayonPhilly!(2) Patrick Schmidt,UniversityofWestern Ontario SanFranciscoSymphony Laura StanfieldPrichard, Anthony Parce, Houston Symphony (2) TheMetropolitanOperaOrchestra Robert Knopper, Mary Javian,CurtisInstitute ofMusic Justin Hines,NewYork Philharmonic David Connor, Houston Symphony (2) ENGAGEMENT COMMUNITY Kristin Bertrand,Woodwind Workshop Joan Balter, JoanBalter Giancarlo Arcieri,ArcieriViolins COMMUNICATIONS A TRIPLETHREATMUSICIAN DENISE TRYON be grateful for mytime inMiamiBeach!” mentoring…it all helped shape who I am and what I do. I will always The connections,theeducation—bothonandoffstage, the “Idon’tbelieveIwouldbewhereamwithouthavingbeenatNWS. series ofmockauditions. performance anxiety and contractnegotiations, as well ashostinga impart crucialinsightinto theprocess,includingresumebuilding, eighth year. After tacklingacombined60auditions,Deniseand Karl annual week-long seminaronorchestralhornauditionsnow in its Symphony, who, withDenise, isco-founder ofAuditionMode—an on aduorecordingwithKarl Pituch,PrincipalHornoftheDetroit be aspecialist in thisregister.” Shewillbeginworklater thisyear low horn,andIwantto expand thedefinitionof what itmeans to broaden therepertoire for yourinstrument.Iampassionate about which features four worksshecommissioned.“It’simportantto This yearsawthereleaseofDenise’sdebutsoloalbum,SO•LOW , professional careers. repertoire andusingherownexperiences to preparethoseseeking Beyond thestage, she’sgivingbackinbigwaysbyadvancingthehorn and nowservesasFourth HornofThePhiladelphiaOrchestra. been amemberoftheColumbus,BaltimoreandDetroitsymphonies, In the18yearssinceDeniseTryon(1995-98)wasaHornFellow, shehas

denoted after name Number ofvisits in2015-16season NWS alumni andParker LLP Richard Koenigsberg, Spielman,Koenigsberg, FINANCIAL PLANNING Uri Vardi, UniversityofWisconsin-Madison(2) Hagit Vardi, UniversityofWisconsin-Madison(2) Lori Schiff,TheJuilliardSchool(2) Nicholas Pallesen, WholeArtistHypnosis Hilary Packin, GreenMonkeyYoga Studio(2) Howard Nelson,PhysicalTherapist Janet Kagarice, UniversityofNorthernTexas (2) Sergio Guerreiro, UniversityofMiami(2) WELLNESS Noa Kageyama, TheJuilliardSchool(8) TRAINING PERFORMANCE OPTIMAL

Photo by Henry Fair

New World Symphony since the early ‘90s! I have had so many many so had have I ‘90s! early the since Symphony World New are extremely talented and open minded. The experiences experiences The minded. open and talented extremely are It is an honor to be a coach and mentor to the Fellows of the the of Fellows the to mentor and coach a be to honor an is It one-on-one, I am reminded why the NWS experience was was experience NWS the why reminded am I one-on-one, Fellows being equipped for musical success, they are also also are they success, musical for equipped being Fellows presenting that will help serve in other capacities of equal equal of capacities other in serve help will that presenting opportunities to work with extraordinary musicians, many of of many musicians, extraordinary with work to opportunities Whether playing side-by-side with the Fellows or working working or Fellows the with side-by-side playing Whether I am always happy to visit with the Fellows at NWS. They They NWS. at Fellows the with visit to happy always am I At a time when orchestras around the country are facing facing are country the around orchestras when time a At gaining skills in other intangible areas like speaking and and speaking like areas intangible other in skills gaining of their professional journey is invigorating. Not only are are only Not invigorating. is journey professional their of and is so rewarding. Seeing musicians at the beginning beginning the at musicians Seeing rewarding. so is and The and the Music Academy of the West. West. the of Academy Music the and School Juilliard The become leaders in the field of orchestral performance. performance. orchestral of field the in leaders become they are having there and the variety of skills they are are they skills of variety the and there having are they challenges, a new generation of first-class artists and and artists first-class of generation new a challenges, developing will surely enable and empower them to to them empower and enable surely will developing whom are former and future students of mine from from mine of students future and former are whom Metropolitan OperaOrchestra, entrepreneurs is more important than ever. than important more is entrepreneurs Principal Percussion, SanFranciscoSymphony Concert ArtistandPresident,Curtis Institute ofMusic —JulieLandsman,PrincipalHorn(retired) What a fantastic organization! fantastic a What importance down the line. the down importance andNWSAlumnus(2008-10) —JacobNissly —Roberto Díaz

15 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 THE FACULTY ANDFELLOW CONNECTION Symphony Community-Embedded Musicians, helpingto leada Anthony Parce (Viola2011-15)werehiredlast summerasHouston New World Symphony alumni David Connor (Bass 2013-15) and INHOUSTONA PIONEERING PROGRAM ANTHONY PARCE DAVID CONNOR AND DIGITALLY FACULTY TAUGHT 37 PROVIDED FOR THE FELLOWS SEASON IN THE 2015-16 OF LESSONS/COACHINGS 2,040+ HOURS

AS VISITING FACULTY VISITING AS NWS ALUMNI SERVEDNWS ALUMNI 26 do,” saidAnthony. that sortofthing.It’spartthe curriculum;it’spartofwhatwe so manydifferentkindsofengagement. We feel comfortable with talents indifferentplacesandNWSgivesyousomuch exposure to “They werelookingfor someone whoiswell-rounded,has aptitude for educationandcommunityengagementwork.” accomplished string players with a demonstrated passion and Candidates for thesefour newpositionswererequiredto be process thatdrewmorethan100applicants acrossthecountry. “were selected after arigorousmonth-longauditionandinterview of thefour Community-EmbeddedMusicians,Davidand Anthony Medellín, Colombia)inits announcementoftheirhires.Astwo (specifically theirinvolvementinNWS’scultural exchange in participation inNWSCommunityEngagementactivities The Houston Symphony credited bothDavidandAnthony’s the orchestra. and communityengagementactivities,whilealsoperforming with new initiative focused on enhancing the institution’s educational IN PERSON FACULTY TAUGHT 122

Photo by Siggi Bachmann

A WEEK IN THE LIFEOF FELLOW BASS DREW BANZHAF and itwaswonderful to havethatrecognizedandacknowledged insuchapublicway.” said. “Ihavedevoted myentirelife to becomingthebestmusicianand conductor Icanbe “I think anytime classical music can be used to represent a brand is a good thing,” Kazem attention to detail,confidence andinspirationtheywanted to compare to GMC'svehicle. infectious energyduring aconcertandfound inhimtheperfect example ofprecision, GMC's commercialfor its 2017Acadia SUV. Advertising representatives witnessedKazem's This summerKazem madeasplashonTVs and moviescreensaroundthecountryin Conductor atTheMetropolitanOpera,appointed byits musicdirector JamesLevine. Michigan. Before assuming his post in , Kazem served for three years as Assistant His futureguestconductor appearancesinclude orchestras inChina,Germany, Turkey and performances ofVerdi's Macbeth,Puccini'sIlTritticoandR.Struass'TheSilentWoman. Germany, wherehe leadsbothits orchestral andoperaticseasons,includingupcoming over the world. Since 2012 he has served as Generalmusikdirektor of the City of Aachen, become avibrant,versatileandcompellingpresenceonthepodium, leadingorchestrasall Alumnus Kazem Abdullahcameto NWSasaClarinetFellow (2002-04),andhassince LIGHTS, CAMERA, CONDUCT KAZEM ABDULLAH NWS BassFellows TimothyDilenschneider, DrewBanzhafandJonathanReed AUDITION PREPARATION /PRACTICE HOURS 30 REHEARSALS FOR NWS CONCERTS 18 HOURS COACHINGS 8HOURS /MASTER CLASSES SCORE STUDYSCORE /PREPARATION 6HOURS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 3HOURS NWS PERFORMANCES 6HOURS NWS PERFORMANCES 17 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Conductor Pablo Heras-Casado leadspianistEmanuel Axand the Fellows attheCasalsFestival inPuerto Rico

Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos Helen Grime discussesherworkwithconductor Stefan Asburyand Susanna MälkkiandAnssiKarttunen onstageattheNewWorld Center Conducting Fellow ChristianReif Pinchas Zukerman, violin Orion Weiss, piano John Sharp, cello Gil Shaham,violin Seraphic Fire, vocalensemble Simon O’Neill,tenor Anthony Marwood,violin Todd Levy, clarinet Anssi Karttunen, cello Jeffrey Kahane, piano Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble, vocalensemble Roberto Díaz,viola Sasha Cooke, mezzo-soprano Jérôme Comte, clarinet Martin Chalifour, violin ,soprano Inon Barnatan,piano ,piano MUSIC ARTISTSCHAMBER ANDSOLOISTS EnglishNationalOpera Mark Wigglesworth,MusicDirector, Ward Stare, MusicDirector, Rochester Philharmonic Ensembleintercontemporain Matthias Pintscher, MusicDirector, Jeffrey Milarsky, Founding MusicDirector, AXIOM HelsinkiPhilharmonic Susanna Mälkki,ChiefConductor, ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra Cristian Măcelaru,Conductor-in-Residence, OrchestraofSt.Luke’s Pablo Heras-Casado, PrincipalConductor, CarmelBachFestival Paul Goodwin,ArtisticDirector andConductor, James Gaffigan,ChiefConductor, LucerneSymphony Michael Francis,MusicDirector, TheFloridaOrchestra Stefan Asbury, Faculty, Tanglewood MusicCenter GUEST CONDUCTORS NWS Fellows workedwiththefollowing artists, amongothers,duringthe2015-16season. The NWSfellowship programoffersin-depth exposure to theworld’sleadingconductors, soloists andcomposers. GUEST ARTISTS ANDCOMPOSERS NWS alumni Skype orInternet2 * thosewhojoinedNWS rehearsals via * Carl Vine* Michael TilsonThomas Matthias Pintscher Tristan Perich* Paul Lansky* Amy BethKirsten Helen Grime Michael Gandolfi Unsuk Chin Timo Andres Katie Agócs* John LutherAdams* Executive VicePresidentfor ArtisticPlanningandPrograms NWS has forged with many of today’s most most today’s of many with forged has NWS and deep involvement of MTT himself. It It himself. MTT of involvement deep and the richly varied forms they have come come have they forms varied richly the extends through the fruitful relationships relationships fruitful the through extends to take—is an unwavering commitment commitment unwavering an take—is to to artistic excellence. This commitment commitment This excellence. artistic to stems from the unparalleled leadership leadership unparalleled the from stems Symphony’s concert presentations—in presentations—in concert Symphony’s Underlying all of the New World World New the of all Underlying distinguished musical artists. musical distinguished


19 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos NWS Fellows Rebecca Reale and HannahNicholas perform George Crumb'sBlackAngels Christina andMichelleNaughton perform alongsideNWSPercussion Fellows DanielMorrisandBradleyLoudis for aPercussion Consort concert MTT leads Fellows inthe2015-16Season Openerconcert Bird, MozartandWallingford Riegger. Peter Warlock; for stringorchestra, with works by Bartók, Josef Suk and Tchaikovsky; and for Early-season concerts includedonesfor brassensemble, withworksbyElgar, EricRichards,MichaelTilsonThomas,Tippettand A specialconcertpresented andperformed incollaborationwithSeraphicFireincludedworksbyGyörgyLigeti,Monteverdi andSteve Reich. Concerts for Kids,designedfor youngchildrenandtheirparents, wereonthethemesof“Adventures withtheOrchestra”and“MakingWaves.” entitled “CoplandandIves:HomespunThreadsintheAmerican MusicalQuilt”and“TheLureoftheLatin:NorthernComposersLean South.” Two programsontheEncounters events alsofeatured acommissioned workbyNWSalumnusSamHykenthatcombinedtheorchestrawithevening'sDJandguestband. Michael Nyman, Anthony Plog, ColePorter, Christopher Rouse, Peter Schickele, GiovanniSollima,Wagner andKurt Weill. Eachofthese ensembles byJohnAdams, J.S.Bach,Beethoven,Bernstein, WilliamBolcom,Brahms,Ellington, Gershwin,PhilipGlass,Hindemith,PhilKline, Two late-evening events intended for youngadults, Pulse:Late NightattheNewWorld Symphony, includedbriefworksfor orchestraand Bartók, Borodin,EuricoCarrapatoso, DomenicoDragonetti,Dvořák,MauricioKagel, MichaelKamen, ErnestJohnMoeranandHenriTomasi. Two A performance bytheNWSPercussion Consortincludedworksfor percussionensemblebyPaul Lansky, TristanPerich andIannisXenakis. Toru Takemitsu, LudwigThuille, CarlVineandWebern. Korngold, GianCarloMenotti,Mozart,Ravel, NinoRota, FlorentSchmitt,AlfredSchnittke, Schoenberg,Schubert, Shostakovich,Stravinsky, The other musicfor orchestra,solopiano, voiceandinstrumentalensembles. A SchumannJourney, A programofBaroquemusic, performed inperiodstyle, includedworksbyHandelandTelemann. ,UnsukChin,HelenGrime, MattiasPintscher, MichaelTippettandCharlesWuorinen. Contemporary musicconcerts includedmusicfor orchestraorlargeensemblebyJohnLutherAdams, ThomasAdès, Milton Babbitt, Concerto; andVaughan Williams’Fantasia onaThemebyThomasTallis. Clarinet Concerto; Schumann’sCelloConcerto; RichardStrauss’DonQuixote; Stravinsky’sTheWedding andTheFox; Tchaikovsky’s Violin Dutilleux’s These concerts alsofeatured workswithsoloists , includingBeethoven’sViolinConcerto andFifthPianoConcerto; Berlioz’sHaroldinItaly; Sibelius’ SixthandSeventhSymphonies; ’SerenadeandThusSpokeZarathustra andTchaikovsky’s FirstSymphony. Cosmic Speculation; Thanksgiving Day from Ives’ Symphony; Franck’sTheAccursed Huntsman ; Hindemith’sSymphonic Metamorphosis Seasons (withanoriginalvideoandlightinginstallation); Copland’s ThirdSymphony; Debussy’sRound; Dvořák’sSeventh DancesofSpring Orchestra concerts includedperformances ofBartók’s DanceSuite; Beethoven’sSixthSymphony; Brahms’FirstSymphony; Cage’sThe the 2015-16season'sperformance activities. Over thecourseof35-weekacademicseason,NWSpresented morethan70concerts. Hereisasummaryof PERFORMANCE ACTIVITIES MusicalXchanges, withonstagecommentary by theperforming Fellows, includedmusicfor smallensembles byKati Agócs,J.S.Bach, chamber musicseriesincludedperformances ofJ.S.Bach,Brahms,Copland,GeorgeCrumb, Falla, JeanFrançaix,Jennifer Higdon, A WholeDistant World; Mahler’sTheSongoftheEarth;Mozart’sPianoConcerto No. 22andFifthViolinConcerto; Nielsen’s a three-partconcert with biographical commentary aboutthecomposer, includedhisFourth Symphony, alongwith series, presented withscripted commentaryandsynchronousvideosofcomplementaryimagery, were Holidays Symphony; Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances; Schoenberg’s TransfiguredNight; on ThemesbyWeber; MichaelGandolfi’sTheGardenof woodwind ensemble, with works by Arthur

21 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Timo Andresperforms theworldpremiereofhisTidesandCurrents withFellows JohnWilson,Stephen Kehner andMatthew Howard The world premiereofMTT’s Four PreludesonPlaythings oftheWindfeaturing

Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Save thedate for the2017NewWork eventonApril29! Harriet Heyman. subsequently enjoyadditionalperformances byotherorchestras.NewWork waspresented withsupportfromSirMichaelMoritzandMs. Miami’s FrostSchoolofMusicalongside21Fellows. Itwillbeperformed bytheSanFranciscoSymphony inits 2016-17season,andwill 10 years. Playthings Preludes onPlaythingsoftheWind, a setting of Carl Sandburg’s poetic saga about civilization and fate and his first new composition in required to actaswellperform musically—to bringablindgirl’sstruggleto life. Theeveningculminated withMTT’sexplosiveFour created inpartnership with ThePlaywrights Realm, sawactors Diana OhandDawnMcGeeinteracting withsixStringFellows—who were pianists andtwopercussionists. PlaywrightLaurenYee andcomposerAmyBethKirsten’s collaborationonStereo what you’regoingto see.” ComposerTimoAndresjoinedthreeFellows for hisTidesandCurrents, commissionedbyNWSandscoredfor two Musical AmericaandtheMiamiHerald.“Theideaisto haveitbemorelikeagalleryopening,”saidMTT. “You don’tevenknownecessarily MTT hosted theannualNewWork eventonApril30,bringingthreeworldpremieresto theNewWorld Center andreapinghighpraisefrom NEW WORK entire programs to new work. Such was the case on April 30, a scintillating showcase of three three of showcase scintillating a 30, April on case the was Such work. new to programs entire While other U.S. orchestras offer at best a handful of premieres stingily spaced throughout throughout spaced stingily premieres of handful a best at offer orchestras U.S. other While the season, it is not uncommon for Michael Tilson Thomas’ orchestra academy to devote devote to academy orchestra Thomas’ Tilson Michael for uncommon not is it season, the commissioned pieces: two by acclaimed alt-classical composers Timo Andres and and Andres Timo composers alt-classical acclaimed by two pieces: commissioned featured soprano Measha Brueggergosman, backup vocalists and a bar band of jazz musicians from the University of The worldpremiereofStereo IBlind Amy Beth Kirsten, and the third by MTT. by third the and Kirsten, Beth Amy —John Fleming,

Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Musical Musical Guitarists inMTT’sFour PreludesonPlaythingsoftheWind The world premiereofStereo IBlind I Blind, aNWScommission

23 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Richard Termine Photo by Craig Hall MTT leadsviolinist Anne-SophieMutter andtheFellows atCarnegieHall MTT andtheNWSFellows perform Castiglioni’sInvernoIn-Ver, withavisualinstallationcreated byNetiaJonesandMTT, atChicago’sHarrisTheater

Photo by Picasa The Fellows perform withconductor Pablo Heras-Casadoatthe2016Casals Festival in Puerto Rico performance schedules,andaredesignedto includevitaltrainingandcommunityengagementcomponents. Such tours accustom theFellows to maintainingpeaklevelsofperformance intheface ofintensive traveland years, NWShastoured to Chicago, CarnegieHall,theKennedy Center, theKravisCenter andtheCasalsFestival. With yoursupport,theFellows havesharedtheirartistryandtalentwithaudiencesacrosstheglobe. Inrecent NWS ONTHEROAD CASALS FESTIVAL (SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO) MARCH 2016 KRAVIS CENTER (WESTPALM BEACH) JANUARY 2016 THE KENNEDY CENTER (WASHINGTON, D.C.) () AND APRIL 2015 HARRIS THEATER(CHICAGO) OCTOBER 2013 sounded better than this one, and few have sounded as good. as sounded have few and one, this than better sounded Appearance includedaside-by-side rehearsalwithstudents fromtheConservatorio deMúsicaPuerto Rico. Emanuel Ax,piano Pablo Heras-Casado, conductor Arnaud Sussmann,violin Cristian Măcelaru,conductor after severalsessionsviaSkype. NWS Fellows mentored theDukeEllington SchooloftheArts StringOrchestrainperson Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin Michael TilsonThomas,conductor Rod Nelman,bass-baritone Matthew Newlin,tenor Peabody Southwell,mezzo-soprano Netia Jones,videoartistandliveperformer Michael TilsonThomas,conductor As usual, the New World Symphony on Tuesday sounded terrific, terrific, sounded Tuesday on Symphony World New the usual, As No orchestra in Carnegie Hall over the past few years has has years few past the over Hall Carnegie in orchestra No playing with impressive skill and confidence... and skill impressive with playing —TheNewYork Times —NewYork ClassicalReview The New World Symphony... explodes explodes Symphony... World New The This is what the orchestra of tomorrow tomorrow of orchestra the what is This any myths about classical music music classical about myths any —NeceeRegis, TheBoston Globe could and should sound like. sound should and could —Robert Battey, TheWashington Post being old and stuffy. and old being —JohnvonRhein,ChicagoTribune New World Symphony Symphony World New crackles with energy with crackles

25 #NWSontheRoad@nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Howard Herring andAlberto M.Carvalho, Superintendent ofMiami-Dade County Public Schools, greetguests atthe Side-by-SideConcert NWS Fellows MilesJaques, HeatherThomas andJarrettMcCourt leadan NWS Fellow HilaryGlenjoinsAFMED students inMedellín Students joinNWSFellows for theSide-by-SideConcert NWS CONNECT VirtualHangout possible withsupportfromThe Rockefeller Foundation. NWS Fellows throughtheGooglePlusHangoutplatform, webcasts andin-personevents attheNewWorld Center. NWSCONNECTismade students canfindinformation about andparticipate inonlineevents suchasVirtualHangouts—opportunities to converseinreal-timewith along withmentorship fromNWSFellows. NWSCONNECTiscomprisedofasocialmedianetwork(Facebook, Twitter andInstagram)where NWS CONNECT is a new online initiative that enables purposeful discussions and interactions between aspiring young instrumentalists 2015-16 EducationConcerts: 2,194 students from31schools prepare theirclassesandprovidesround-tripbustransportationtickets freeofcharge. to DowithIt?”werehosted byConductingFellow ChristianReif. NWScreates astudyguidesentinadvanceto allparticipatingteachers to to students andteachers ingrades4-12fromMiami-DadeandBrowardcounties.Theseason’sconcerts entitled“Melody:What’sLove Got These inspirationalandinformational one-hourconcerts areheldduringtheschoolday. Theyintroducemajororchestralworksandcomposers Florida communityandbeyond. hours interacting with,teaching andcoachingstudents, teachers, families, adults andseniorswithintheSouth engaging opportunitiesto learnaboutandexperience music. Inthe2015-16season,NWS Fellows spent5,000 array ofofferingsacts asduallearning experiences for the Fellows andmembersofthecommunity, andprovides music programsfor leadershiprolesaseducators, communicators, performers androlemodels.Theprogram's Community Engagement iscriticalto NWS'soverallmissionto preparehighly-gifted graduates ofdistinguished NWS CONNECT EDUCATION CONCERTS AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT COMMUNITY AND 5,000 HOURS music and be a resource for young musicians virtually anywhere in in anywhere virtually musicians young for resource a be and music 70.5% 17% NWS CONNECT gave me an opportunity to promote classical classical promote to opportunity an me gave CONNECT NWS the U.S. I’ve found the students’ interest and excitement inspiring. excitement and interest students’ the found I’ve U.S. the 12.5% Families (850hours) Adult Education(625hours) Students +Teachers (3,525hours) —Victor Romero, studentatDr. MichaelM.KropSeniorHighSchool It made me want to be a better musician so I can one one can I so musician better a be to want me made It

grateful that this kind of work is part of of part is work of kind this that grateful community engagement can be. I am am I be. can engagement community most purely how mutually beneficial beneficial mutually how purely most NWS’s CE programs demonstrate demonstrate programs CE NWS’s day play like them and be like that. like be and them like play day —HeatherThomas, ViolinFellow my life as a musician. a as life my —HilaryGlen,CelloFellow has been one of the most rewarding rewarding most the of one been has Community Engagement at NWS NWS at Engagement Community —SeanMaree, BassoonFellow parts of the fellowship. the of parts 27 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos NWS Fellow BenjaminCarsonleads students ofMiamiBeach Students performing intheMusicLab FinaleConcert Senior HighSchoolaspartofMusicLab NWS alumnusTeddy AbramsworkswithSouthFloridahighschoolstudentAustin CanonattheTown HallMaster Class AUDIENCE INTERACTION In the2015-16season,Fellows… experience, creates apowerfullearningtool. offers trainingintheseareaswhich,combinedwith hands-on off thestagewithcommunityandaudiencemembers. NWS At NWS,Fellows havetheopportunityto engageonand • • • than 60oftheirevents Hosted meet-and-greetevents for allaudiencemembersafter more Personally welcomedaudiencesto over60concerts from thestage Made over900callsto donorsto thankthemfor theirsupport AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT COMMUNITY AND In the2015-16season,NWSFellows workedwithstudents fromthefollowing schoolseitherinschooloratthe New World Center: the MusicLabFinaleConcertonMay13. values thebenefits ofarts educationaspartofthepublicschool experience. Theseasonculminated withperformances byallensemblesat supportive activitiesfor personalenrichment.Inprovidingthisservice, theNewWorld Symphony isbuildinga better community–onethat program bringsNWSFellows into theclassroom,givingstudents a hands-onexperience inmusic performance, alongsideavarietyof Introduced duringthe2009-10season,MusicLabischanging thewaystudents inMiami-Dade Countyexperience musiceducation. This MUSICLAB and waswebcastwithover400liveviews. was presented asaWALLCAST™ concert.Itfeatured twostudentsoloists, Ester Chae, cello(age13)andNicholasAbrahams,violin15), were joined by five students from the Academia Filarmónica de Medellín for the concert. For the first time ever, the Side-by-Side Concert video prescreeningto accommodate thegrowingdemandfor liveauditions.NWSFellow adjudicators selected 35students fromFloridawho Students (grades7andup)hadtheopportunityto perform intheSide-by-SideConcertalongsideNWSFellows. ThisseasonNWSimplemented SIDE-BY-SIDE CONCERT via SkypeandInternet2 throughouttheseason. AFMED musiciansvisitMiamiBeachfor lessons,coachings,performances andculturalexchange. NWSFellows alsoofferdistancelearning Fellows travelto Medellínto providecoachingsandmaster classes,andparticipate inaside-by-sideperformance. Twice duringtheseason exchange hasprovento beofenormousvalueto NWSFellows intheirroleas21st-centurymusicalambassadors.Severaltimeseachseason During the2011-12season,NWSinaugurated acollaborationwithColombia’sAcademia FilarmónicadeMedellín(AFMED).Thiscross-cultural MEDELLÍN MUSICIAN EXCHANGE Orchestra. Austin Canon,trombone;asmallensembleoffivemembersthe Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra;andtheGreater NewOrleans Youth hosted theeventinMiamiBeach withMTTjoiningonline. Theeventfeatured threemaster classsegments: onewithSouthFloridastudent students together fromaroundthecountry. ThisyearTeddy Abrams,MusicDirector oftheLouisville OrchestraandNWSalumnus,co- class beganasin-personinteractions withlocalhighschoolsandhasevolvedthroughtheuseoftechnology. TheTown Hallnowbrings The Town Hall Master Class is an annual tradition of NWS Co-Founder and Artistic Director, Michael Tilson Thomas. This open forum master TOWN HALLMASTER CLASS It was inspiring to be next to the NWS Fellows. They had so much advice, were so kind, and it it and kind, so were advice, much so had They Fellows. NWS the to next be to inspiring was It Ruth K.BroadBayHarborK-8 Center (9visits to 40students) Miami Northwestern SeniorHighSchool(10visits to 49students) Miami MusicProject(12visits to 65students) Miami BeachSeniorHighSchool(7visits to 22students) was incredible to work with such great musicians, ultimately what we want to become. to want we what ultimately musicians, great such with work to incredible was The perspective I’ve gained through these connections will help me serve and enrich my my enrich and serve me help will connections these through gained I’ve perspective The Through NWS, I was able to mentor young musicians through the MusicLab program. program. MusicLab the through musicians young mentor to able was I NWS, Through current and future communities. future and current —Jarrett McCourt,Tuba Fellow

—AlejandroLombo, Side-by-SideConcertParticipant 29 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Siggi Bachmann Sensory-Friendly Environment intheSunTrust Pavilion NWS Fellows, staffandpatronscollect890poundsofdebris for EarthDaywith Yuri Rebello givesHenry Evansatour ofthe NewWorld Center using aBeamPro EBeauty Yoga Nightfor BreastCancerAwareness cultural programssothatkidsofallabilitiesandtheirfamilies canparticipate fullyinthearts. County Department of Cultural Affairs’ “All KidsIncluded – Accessible Arts Experiences for Kids”(AKI).AKIcreates inclusivearts and stickers andotheractivities.Thisnewinitiative, ledbyNWS’sDirector ofGuestServices,Yuri Rebello, issponsoredinpartbyMiami-Dade “bungee” chairs.Volunteers fromJacksonMemorialHospital’sCommunityOutreachwereonhandto providecoloringbooks,soft toys, safe and welcoming environment in which families can enjoy a livefeed of theconcertwithlowlighting,noisereduction headsets andsoft Spectrum orwhohaveSensoryProcessingDisorders.For selectconcerts theNewWorld Center’s SunTrustPavilion wastransformed into a Starting inAprilNWSlaunchedfreeSensory-FriendlyEnvironments duringWALLCAST™ concerts for families withmembersontheAutism SENSORY-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT American CancerSociety. Thiswasthefirstofits kindinSouthFlorida. World Center turningpinkoncue. GoPink!events alsooccurinWashington, D.C. andNewYork’s TimesSquare andaresponsoredbythe treated to yogainSoundScapePark ledbyMiami’stop instructors andacountdown to #LightMiamiPink withpinkglowsticksandtheNew undergoing treatmentfor cancer—for “PINKYoga inthePark” inhonorofNationalBreastCancerAwareness Month.Participants were On October 3 NWS partnered with EBEAUTY YOGA NIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER AWARENESS toiletries generouslydonated bytheNWScommunity. youth andchildren—bycollectingunwrappedtoys throughoutthemonthofDecember. Thisannualholidaydrivegathered120toys and NWS waspleasedto support Lotus—a localorganizationdedicated House to thesanctuary, supportandeducationofhomelesswomen, TOY DRIVE clean uptheirneighborhoods,shorelinesandwaterways to raiseawarenessofmarinedebris.—a grassroots organizationled bylong-timeFriendsofNWSmemberDaraShoenwald—thatengagesvolunteers to staff, Fellows, patronsandFriendsofNWSmemberscollected 890poundsof debris injustonehour. NWSpartneredwith On April2NWSorganizedacleanupofVenetian Park inearlycelebrationofEarthDay. SixtymembersoftheNWSfamily, including EARTH DAY NWS SERVING OURCOMMUNITIES at 305.428.6767 atleast14days inadvance. Mayor and Board of County Commissioners. UseoftheAudio Descriptiondeviceisavailable for allNWSevents byrequest to Yuri Rebello with thesupportofMiami-DadeCountyDepartment ofCulturalAffairsandtheCouncil, Miami-DadeCounty guides thelistener throughNWSpresentationswithadetailed verbalaccount.NWS'sacquisitionoftheAudioDescription equipmentwas NWS is proud to offer Audio Description for any audience members who are visually impaired. This narration service—provided at no cost— AUDIO DESCRIPTION in thecomingseasons. Using theBeamProallowsmeto goplacesIwouldneverphysicallytravel.”NWSlooksforward to exploring moretechnologies likeBeamPro part of the functionality they have lost. I have never been to Miami Beach and I was pleasantly surprised by how it embraces classical music. Humanity, and after witnessinganNWSrehearsal, hesharedthat“inthefuture, Iseeroboticshelpingseverelydisabledpeoplebyreplacing mute andparalyzedafter sufferingastroke. Henry, from LosAltos Hills,California, istheinspirationbehindandco-creator of Robots for unable to doso. Director ofGuest ServicesYuri Rebello tested theBeamProwithHenry Evans,amusicloverandquadriplegicwhowasleft physical presencethatallowsinteractive experiences, suchasattending aconcertandminglingwithguests, for those whoareotherwise In furthering its accessibility offerings, NWS participated in a trial with BEAMPRO EBeauty—a non-profit organization founded by NWS donor Carolyn Keller and devoted to women BeamPro by Suitable Technologies. The BeamPro acts as a remote

31 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo byGFRPhotography, Gregory Reed Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos Cuban artfromtheCondeContemporary Galleryfor ¡FiestaCubana! MIXTAPE audience members

Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed ¡Fiesta Cubana!concertwithartbyCubanartists fromtheFarber Collection Trombone Fellow NicholasPlatoff introducing MIXTAPE January 6andMarch31! Save thedates for the2017concerts on These one-night-onlyevents wereanexplosion of creativityandtalent. NWS departmentincreatingimaginativeconcepts thatutilizedtheNewWorld Center's state-of-the-art technology. with aproductionoftheirdesign.Selected Fellows, armedwiththeirwinningproposals,collaborated withevery The 2015-16seasonlaunchedaninnovativenewconcertformat thatallowstheFellows to seekoutnewaudiences audience members. their hands-onexperience, creates apowerfullearningtool andadeeperlevelofengagementwithcommunity Spotlight, InsidetheMusicandMusicians'Forum series.NWSofferstraining for the Fellows which,combinedwith Every seasontheFellows havemanyopportunitiesto curate concerts andpresentationsthroughNWS'sSolo ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT THE FELLOWS’ s attracted for thesold-outeventwasnewto NWS’sdatabase. music fans, and half new audience. 42% of the audience that Nick Nick’s goal:To achieveanaudiencethatconsisted ofhalfclassical Instrument JunglesponsoredbyTheNewTropic. Jacqueline BolierandZoë Fromer. Theeveningalsofeatured an Ciro Foderé, Fellows Christian Reif and John Wilson, and vocalists for theeveningwasMiguelAtwood-Ferguson, NWSPianoAlumnus age whereeverythingisavailable.” JoiningNickandtheorchestra audience therangeoftastes thatanyonecanhaveinthismodern hop androck-n-roll. “Withthisprogram,Iwantto sharewiththe genres, featuring musicoftheclassicalera,aswelljazz,hip- Nick presented aliveorchestralcollagespanningcenturiesand music thatIwouldplayfor myfriendsiftheywerecomingover.” this greatest-hits playlist from the 18th-century to 2016. It’s the into arelaxed listening atmospherewithMIXTAPE. “MIXTAPE is Trombone Fellow NicholasPlatoff wanted to bringhisaudience MIXTAPE Inside the Music:MayIHave theBestSeat in theHouse, Please? NWS Fellows capture theirperspectivefor audiencesduring

Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos as personsofcolor. family speakalanguageotherthanEnglishand53%self-identified Cubana! patronsindicated thattheyorothermembersoftheir attract anaudiencerepresentativeofthatdiversity. 65%of¡Fiesta Josh andAnthony’sgoal:To celebrate Miami’sdiversecultureand with FriendsofNewWorld Symphony. Botanical Gardensfeaturing theCubanbandCortadito, inconjunction guests weretreated to anexuberant after partyattheMiamiBeach Collection, projected aroundtheconcerthall.Following theconcert, Cuban orchestralworkswithvisualart,compliments oftheFarber the CondeContemporary artgallery. Theorchestra then presented gallery oflivemusicalperformances andartinstallationscurated by adventure,” saidJosh.TheNewWorld Center wastransformed into a music. We reallywanted the audience to feel like they were on an of Cuban culture in Miami, and started listening to a lot of Cuban Los Angelesto hereandwasimmediately struckbytherichness food duringMarch’sthree-part ¡Fiesta Cubana!.“Imovedfrom cultural heritage by exploring a variety of Cuban music, art and Horn Fellows JoshCote andAnthonyDelivaniscelebrated Cuba’s ¡FIESTA CUBANA! Cuban chamber musicinthe SunTrustPavilion at¡Fiesta Cubana! 33 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Castilla yLeon. and Spain'sOrquesta Sinfonica de Symphony, HongKong Philharmonic Philharmonic, Vancouver the following international ensembles: Five ormoreNWSalumniperform in Seattle Symphony –3 San FranciscoOpera–4 San FranciscoSymphony –15 Symphony SiliconValley –2 Oregon Symphony –10 Los AngelesPhilharmonic–2 Los AngelesOpera–2 Pacific Symphony –6 San DiegoSymphony –7 Alexander Love, Horn,UtahSymphony Kevin Kunkel, Cello, OregonSymphony Lisa Kim,Violin,Houston Symphony Los AngelesPhilharmonic Matthew Howard,PrincipalPercussion, George Goad,PrincipalTrumpet,ColumbusSymphony Jeanne WiesmanGetz,Horn,BaltimoreSymphony Emma Gerstein, PrincipalFlute, AucklandPhilharmonia Austin Fisher, AssistantPrincipalCello, ColoradoSymphony Karl Fenner, Bass,Atlanta Symphony Evan Epifanio, Bassoon,SarasotaOrchestra Matthew Decker, Percussion, SeattleSymphony Alison Chung,Oboe, Houston BalletandGrandOpera Rosanna Butterfield, Cello, OregonSymphony Elizabeth Breslin,Viola,MilwaukeeSymphony Max Blair, Associate PrincipalOboe, Pittsburgh Symphony ALUMNI SUCCESSES FELLOW AND2015-16 Phoenix Symphony –3 Utah Symphony –15 Yuping Zhou,Violin,JacksonvilleSymphony Dean Zhang,PrincipalKeyboard, OmahaSymphony Erin Zehngut, Violin,NorthCarolinaSymphony Audrey Wright,Violin,BaltimoreSymphony Brad Whitfield,Clarinet,AlabamaSymphony Henry Ward, Oboe, BuffaloPhilharmonic Daniel Tosky, Bass,Atlanta Symphony Christian Reif, Resident Conductor, SanFranciscoSymphony Robert Rearden, Horn,NationalSymphony Houston Symphony Rebecca Reale, Associate PrincipalSecondViolin, SanFranciscoSymphony Nicholas Platoff, Associate PrincipalTrombone, Amy Pikler, Viola,SanAntonio Symphony Joseph Peters, PrincipalOboe, MinnesotaOrchestra Sunjoo Park, Violin,BaltimoreSymphony Hugh Palmer, Violin,UtahSymphony Julia Noone, AssistantConcertmaster, Louisville Orchestra Brandon McLean, Bass,Pittsburgh Symphony Aspen McArthur, PrincipalLibrarian,Houston GrandOpera Central CityOpera–2 Colorado Symphony –12 San Antonio Symphony –16 Austin Symphony –5 Lubbock Symphony –2 Fort Worth Symphony –9 South DakotaSymphony –2 Dallas Symphony –6 Omaha Symphony –3 Houston GrandOpera–4 Houston Symphony –9 *as ofJune30,2016 organizations havetwoormoreNWSalumniperforming intheirensembles. orchestras, ensemblesandeducationalinstitutionsaroundtheworld.Thefollowing The NewWorld Symphony nowhas 1,022* alumnimakingadifferencein ALUMNI Kansas CitySymphony –25 Madison Symphony –2 Minnesota –2 Minnesota Orchestra–15 Lyric OperaofChicago–7 Chicago Symphony –3 Nashville Symphony –10 Indianapolis Symphony –8 St. Louis Symphony –14 Memphis Symphony –3 Louisiana Philharmonic–8 Milwaukee Symphony –12 Toledo Symphony –5 Grand Rapids Symphony –2 Alabama Symphony –4 Akron Symphony –2 Fort Wayne Philharmonic–2 Louisville Orchestra–4 The FloridaOrchestra–9 Knoxville Symphony –3 Sarasota Orchestra–12 Cincinnati Symphony –10 Detroit Symphony –7 Sarasota Opera–2 Dayton Philharmonic–2 Columbus Symphony –6 Atlanta Symphony –4 The ClevelandOrchestra–11 Pittsburgh Symphony –11 Jacksonville Symphony –13 Charlotte Symphony –5 Savannah Symphony –2 Syracuse Symphony –2 Buffalo Philharmonic–5 Naples Philharmonic–12 Charleston Symphony –6 Rochester Philharmonic–2 North CarolinaSymphony –9 Palm BeachOpera–8 Washington NationalOperaOrchestra–2 U.S. ArmedForces –17 National Symphony –7 Kennedy Center OperaHouseOrchestra–6 Richmond Symphony –9 Annapolis Symphony –3 Baltimore Symphony –7 Baltimore ChamberOrchestra–2 Delaware Symphony –2 Virginia Symphony –4 The PhiladelphiaOrchestra–4 New York CityBallet–2 –6 –5 Hartford Symphony –2 Boston Symphony –8 Portland Symphony –2 35 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 New World Symphony, America theaters,maga own their published Founding members of the Yiddish Th performancefeaturesthat five performer livesthe of grandparents,his Bessieand , through musical a Stephen and SandyMuss; Carole and Jeffrey Hayes and Lydia andDouglasShorenstein. Lead Funding for The Thomashefskys is p Thom The 2012 © Copyright productionA of ThomashefskyThe Executive Director of The Thomashefsky Project: Editor: Producer:Coordinating Producers: Directed for thestage: Createdby Writtenandhosted by It’st in here all surroundings,new their in absorbed they gr tonesrhythms.and Over time, Je the as haveassimilatingheard, Eastern European story,This reclaimed ThomashefskyThe by progressives uncountable numbers of Yiddishartists to America,tirelessly raised fundsfor newspapers, sponsored andencouraged the Ukrainian villages of their origins.” In detail of their workandtheirlives. Itwas afar cryfrom thesimpleJewish family life in themselves smack in the public eye. Legions of crazed fans were obsessed with every “My grandparents became mega-stars,” Mich Michael Tilson Thomas Judy Blazer Judy Thomas Tilson Michael GaryBradley The Michael Tilson Thomas Joshua Robison,MichaelBronson, MichaelKantor ocial causes and, through it all, we all, it through and, causes ocial hisevening of MichaelTilsonThomas

Elaine Warner Production Supervisor and Lighting Designer: THOMASHEFSKYS Music andMemoriesof aLife intheYiddishTheater ashefsky FilmProject LLC total entertainment. total Film Project LLC andThirteen for WNET zine,w eaterThomashefskysthe America, in owned Directed for Television: Audio Producer: with ’s Orchestral Academy wish American music theatermusic American wish writers became rovided by Arison Arts Foundation; John andMarcia Goldman; The Thomashefskys, Patricia Birch generationsof young artists, brought Linda Steinberg s and the New WorldNew the and s orchestra.Symphony rote c rote klezmercantorialand American with modes Project, presents fewthat sound musical a eatly influenced the American Songbook. influencedeatly Songbook. American the ael Tilson Thomas remembers, “and found olumns inthepopularYiddish re adventurous adventurous re Tom Lazarus

Gary Halvorson Shuler Hensle Shuler

Kirk Bookman TilsonexploresThomas trend setters. trend y Eugene Brancoveanu Ronit Widmann-Levy Ronit EugeneBrancoveanu y on the Thomashefskysthe on Thomas Tilson Michael TheWorldNew StorySymphony The Construction of New World Center "Minke ontheTelephone" Monologue "Babkelekh"from Koldunye (1878) AbrahamGoldfaden Overtureto Koldunye (1878) AbrahamGoldfaden Overtureto Khantshe amerikein (1912) Rumshinsky Joseph BonusFeatures DVD package design:SiggiBachmann

Cover photo: Stefan Cohen

The The

THOMASHEFSKYS: THOMASHEFSKYS: MUSIC AND MEMORIES OF A LIFE IN THE YIDDISH THEATER YIDDISH THE IN LIFE A OF MEMORIES AND MUSIC Michael Tilson Thomas Tilson Michael The The Neisen Kasdin, FrankGehry, MTTandHowardHerringattheNewWorld Center's GrandOpening THOMASHEFSKYS THOMASHEFSKYS Music andMemoriesof aLife intheYiddishTheater Judy Blazer ShulerHensley New WorldNew Symphony Michael TilsonThomas


2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 its state-of-the-art, FrankGehry-designedhome, theNewWorld Center. With yoursupport,the New World Symphony continues to expand andmaximizeits presence andimpactthrough IN THENEWWORLD CENTER CELEBRATING FIVEYEARS

Installation ofpowerfulnewrecordingsystem inPerformance HallandSunTrust Pavilion over 200organizations aroundtheworld to witness thebuilding'stransformative power Since theNew World Center's opening, NWShaswelcomedover750arts andcommunityleaders from Launch ofWALLCAST™ ConcertClub, Presented byCiti Innovative Architecture Award, MiamiBeachChamberofCommerce“Better BeachAwards” Symphony Magazine NWS's club-styleconcertPulse:Late NightattheNewWorld Symphony featured onthecoverof First ofthreeconsecutiveCertificate ofExcellence awardsbyTrip Advisor Hosted liverecordingofJuanes:MTVUnplugged , whichdebuted atnumber oneon of performance spaces Featured onthecoverofSite andSound, Victoria Newhouse'sbook thattracesthehistory andfuture Hosted liverecordingofUnivision's NuestraNavidadspecialfeaturing GloriaEstefan Yiddish Theater for PBS's Hosted liverecordingofMTT's TheThomashefskys: MusicandMemoriesofaLife inthe Business oftheYear, Nonprofit,SouthFloridaBusinessJournal Judge’s SpecialAward, BeaconCouncil Honor Award for Regional andUrbanDesign,AmericanInstitute ofArchitects Global Award for Excellence, UrbanLandInstitute National Recognition Award, AmericanCouncil ofEngineeringCompanies Featured asacase studyinBuildingBetter Arts Facilities, acollectionofculturalconstruction projects the builtenvironment a uniqueandarchitecturally significantsite throughouttheworldandreinforcing theimportanceof Hosted theinternational PritzkerArchitecture Prizecelebration,recognizingtheNewWorld Center as Launch oftheKnightNewMediaCenter withsupportfromtheKnightFoundation Grand OpeningoftheNewWorld Center Urban LandInstitute for Excellence Award, TheAmericas Featured prominentlyintheGreater MiamiConventionandVisitor’s Bureau’s“It’sSoMiami”campaign Billboard Top LatinAlbumsChartandwontheGrammyfor AlbumoftheYear

37 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photography by Emilio Collavino Over 200microphones Over 900LED, theatricalandmovinglights 20 high-definitionprojectors equipped withfour controlstations,elevenroboticheadsandtwo pedestals 12 UltraHighDefinition(4K UHD)Hitachibroadcastcamerascontrolledby acustom Telemetrics roboticsystem 17 milesoffiberopticcable Internet2 enabledspaces: 106,000 grosssquarefeet NWC BY THE NUMBERS: the third-partyrentalmarket. It isimprovements likethisthatwillkeepNWS’sprogramsrobustandexciting, andmaintaintheNewWorld Center’s competitiveedgein of videocaptureandpresentation. Equipment thatreachestheendofits usefulservicelife isreplaced,andupgradeskeepNWSattheforefront ofever-evolvingtechnologies three-phase initiativeto update video, projectionandrelated infrastructureintheperformance hallandthroughouttherestofcampus. Last summerNWSreplacedallofthein-hallvideocamerasandentireroboticsystem thatcontrolsthemasPhaseIofwhatwillbea that isusednearlyeverynight. with threeevenbrighter 4Kprojectors, alsomadebyChristie. Thisupgradealsoenableda much-neededlayerofredundancyto asystem In 2014NWSredesignedandupgradedthevideoprojectionsystem inSoundScapePark, replacingfour 30,000-lumenHDChristieprojectors LED bracelets, to expand lightingpossibilitiesinanenvironmentallyconsciousway. highest resolutioncurrentlyavailable—was one suchupgrade. NWS's lightingdepartmentaddednewLEDtechnology, includingwearable of anewaudiorecordingsystem byMergingTechnologies—with over175microphoneinputs, providingtheabilityto recordaudioatthe equipment upgrades.Italsocontemplates someofthemoreuniqueneedsNewWorld Center andNWSprograms.NWS’sacquisition NWS recentlyadopted a20-year capitalimprovements planthatencompassestypicalbuildingneedssuchaspainting,roofreplacementand Facilities Committee oftheBoardTrustees meets regularlyto reviewcurrentconditions,maintenance issuesandlong-term capitalneeds. condition. A12-memberfacilities team hasaskillsetrangingfromengineeringandgeneral contractingto securityandlandscaping.The This pioneeringfacility requiresvigilantmaintenance to ensurethattheNewWorld Center andtheNWSresidencesremainsafe andingood state-of-the-art technical capabilities,ithasinspirednumerousinstitutionsaroundtheglobeinplanningtheirneworimprovedvenues. In thefiveyearssinceits opening, theNew World Center continues to beaninnovativecampus for musiceducationandperformance. With NEW WORLD CENTER • • • • • • • • • • 1videocontrolroomwith4supplementalstudios 1audiocontrolroom 1Fellows' lounge 1harproom 1musiclibrary 1fullorchestraroom 3artistdressingrooms 3percussionrooms 4ensemblerooms 20practicerooms 39 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photography by Siggi Bachmann expand keyprogramsbyatleast$998,759withoutincreasing theoperatingbudget. Over thelastthreeseasons,NWSusedits guestapartments 6,099nights, whichhasallowedNWSto redirectguesthotel costs and A half-milewalkorbikeridefromtheNewWorld Center, thehousingfacility iscomprisedofthefollowing: transaction possible. internet infrastructureandsecurityenhancements. Thesaleofthehotels andthegenerosityofdonorsmadefinancialaspects ofthis November. All of the buildings and apartments had just been renovated, and over the next year-and-a-half NWS invested in a more robust spring of2012NWSclosedonthepurchasethisproperty, andafter cyclingout existing tenants, Fellows beganmovinginbylate In aserendipitous strokeofgoodfortune, acollectionofninesmallapartmentbuildingsonsinglepropertycameto market.Inthe Beach capableofhousing87Fellows and,ideally, manymoreofNWS’shundredsotherannualvisitors. closeness and capitalizing on the scale and ease of walking and biking in Miami Beach, the challenge was on to find a facility on South A strongandcohesivecommunityofNWSFellows isfundamentalto thesuccessoffellowship program.Wanting to maintainthis new housingfacility. built campuswasthebestoptionfor thefutureofinstitution,NWSBoardTrustees andstaffdetermined itwastime to find a Following thesamecarefulexercise thatledfromlookingatwaysto improvetheLincolnTheatreto decidingthatabrandnewpurpose- dating to 1992,thehotels wereinneedofsignificantimprovementbythetimeNew World Center openedinearly2011. home. Therewasjustenough room inthesetwohotels to house87Fellows andahandfulofothervisitors. Withthelastmajorupgrade Since 1989theFellows werehouseddormitory styleintwoadjacentArtDecohotels ahalfmilefromtheLincolnTheatre, NWS’sformer of its guestartists andotherinstitutionalvisitors. and inSoundScapePark, most areunawarethatNWSalsoownsandoperates ahousingfacility for its Fellows, visitingfaculty andmany While audiencesandpatronsaredazzledbythegroundbreakinghighly-acclaimedmulti-mediaexperiences attheNewWorld Center NWS HOUSING • • • • • • • An outdoor patioandbarbequearea,aswimmingpoolsmallgym A largecommunityroomfor meetingsandgatherings generate revenue—$406,000in2015-16—thatoffsetover83%ofthe total annualoperatingcostoftheentireproperty 26 unfurnished studio An apartmentfor thepropertymanagerandhisfamily institutional visitors ifspaceisavailable 4 furnished two-bedroom “VIP” apartments that accommodate many of NWS's visiting faculty and guest artists, as well as other works andfor thosewhosubstitute for Fellows awayonauditions 7 furnished double occupancy studio apartments for musicians who are needed to fill out orchestral sections of large musical 87 furnishedstudio, one-andtwo-bedroomapartments, onefor eachFellow and one-bedroom apartments that are rented under annual leases to carefully screened tenants that 41 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos innovative educational programsasPeabody looksto evolveits curriculum. Angela Lee (Violin 2011-12)inhisDean’sSymposium Series.Howardwas selected asafeatured speaker to sparkconversations about Fred Bronstein, DeanofThePeabody Institute, welcomedHoward HerringandNWSalumniDouglasRosenthal (Trombone 2009-12)and THE PEABODY SERIES,BALTIMORE INSTITUTE’SDEAN’SSYMPOSIUM FEBRUARY 2016 for visitors andlocalsalike. Howard Herring discuss the role of anchoring a cultural district—playing a keypart in both defining its character and in creatinga destination GLOBAL CULTURAL NETWORK, DISTRICTS LONDON NOVEMBER 2015 Howard Herringmoderates apanelonEqualityThroughArt. INDEPENDENT SECTOR NATIONAL MIAMI CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 2015 practical andvisionaryaspects ofworkinginthearts. Presentation ofClassicalMusic.” ART WORKS features interviews withartists, arts administrators andcreativethinkersaboutboththe NWS PresidentandChiefExecutive OfficerHowardHerringsharesNWS’snewconcertformats inapodcasttitled“Reimagining the NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS, ART WORKS PODCAST AUGUST 2015 expression andevolvingtheartform for thegoodoffield.Belowareseveralthisseason’shighlightevents. Throughout the season NWS’s leadership traveled across the globe to share how NWS is pushing the boundaries of artistic NWS ISALEADERINTHEFIELD

Justin Trieger, NWSDirector ofNewMediaandDistanceEducation,attheNPAPW Conference CLASSICAL: NEXT, ROTTERDAM ranging fromNWS’s WALLCAST™ concerts to technology intheconcerthall anddiversityinclassicalmusic. NWS staffmembersHowardHerring,JohnKieser, MaureenO’Brien,Marte SiebenharandCassidyFitzpatrick leddiscussionsontopics JUNE 2016 audience development. John Kieserlater presented asessionentitled“ImmersiveEnvironments for ClassicalMusic,” andchairedaround-table discussionon In its openingkeynote address,MTT MAY 2016 to viewdistributionofNWSMedia. from aroundtheworld.WhileinBerlinhealsometwithleading mediaentities,suchasAVIE, Midicic, SVTandTenduTV, amongothers, Première Music+MediaMarket,theperforming arts showcaseattheBerlinaleFilmFestival, for producers,distributors andbroadcasters John KieserscreenedNWSfootage fromits JohnCageFestival andperformance ofGeorge Antheil’sAJazzSymphony attheAvant BERLINALE FILMFESTIVAL, BERLIN MARCH 2016 workshop’s panelofdistinguishedlecturersincludedNWS’sownDirector ofNewMediaandDistanceEducation,JustinTrieger. of dance battle between prominent breakdancers of Miami and caretakers of Detroit’s emblematic urban dance, the Jit, and the debut musicians in three locations—the University of California, Davis, SFJAZZ in and theNew World Center, an improvisatory distance artisticandeducationalcollaborations.Highlights oftheworkshopincludedanextraordinary coast-to-coast performance by In MarchNWSco-hosted the13thAnnual NetworkPerforming Arts ProductionWorkshop—a technology conference exploring long NETWORK PERFORMING ARTS PRODUCTION WORKSHOP, NEW WORLD CENTER MARCH 2016 strategic thinking,tenacity andendurance. over 28,000viewsonthatplatform alone. Thearticlespoketo thepositivetraits classicalmusiciansshare, suchasdiscipline, creativity, NWS Executive Vice PresidentandProvost John Kieserpublished a shortarticleonseveral platforms, includingLinkedIn,whichhad “10WHY REASONS CLASSICAL MUSICIANS MAKE THE BESTEMPLOYEES” FEBRUARY 2016 Miami Beachfor its majorcontributionsto thecompletionofproject. New World Center and a look to the future. As NWS commemorates five years in the New World Center, he also thanked the City of Howard CITY OF MIAMIBEACH MEETING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 2016 LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BALTIMORE CONFERENCE, ORCHESTRAS Bridge To Everywhere,amulti-site performance connectingdancersinMiami,NewYork, theUnited Kingdom andelsewhere. The yet to widely enter the public’s consciousness and, even then, the technology was considered considered was technology the then, even and, consciousness public’s the enter widely to yet Herring addressedtheMayorandCommissionerswithasummaryofdevelopments attheNewWorld Symphony and communicating at the speed of light is reality today. The Fellows come to us at the highest highest the at us to come Fellows The today. reality is light of speed the at communicating When I first came to NWS in 2007, video chatting was in its infancy. The word 'Skype' had had 'Skype' word The infancy. its in was chatting video 2007, in NWS to came first I When levels of musicianship and this allows them to work at that level with virtually any soloist, soloist, any virtually with level that at work to them allows this and musicianship of levels in the past nine years. Traveling at the speed of light may always be science fiction, but but fiction, science be always may light of speed the at Traveling years. nine past the in more of a gimmick than a crucial element of daily communication. A lot has changed changed has lot A communication. daily of element crucial a than gimmick a of more

—JustinTrieger, Director ofNewMediaandDistanceEducation teacher or composer around the world. the around composer or teacher provided a witty informal video via some sort of AV-Star Trek triangular triangular Trek AV-Star of sort some via video informal witty a provided contraption suspended centre stage from the ceiling. Genius. ceiling. the from stage centre suspended contraption —International Arts Manager

43 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Siggi Bachmann music lover, I appreciate the care that goes into each performance. Recordings Recordings performance. each into goes that care the appreciate I lover, music are great, but there is nothing like real musicians playing real instruments in a a in instruments real playing musicians real like nothing is there but great, are An amazing experience every time I attend. As an audiophile and classical classical and audiophile an As attend. I time every experience amazing An real space. What a godsend this place is! place this godsend a What space. real —ScottWilson,NWSconcertattendee via 70,304 GUESTS ATGUESTS ATGUESTS 478 13,368 20,200 GUESTS ATGUESTS ATGUESTS 36,258 NWS BY THENUMBERS IN THE 2015-16 SEASON IN THE2015-16 SOUNDSCAPE PARKSOUNDSCAPE SEASON: THIS THE NEW WORLD AND CENTER GUESTS ATTENDED EVENTS AT NWS CONCERTS ANDEVENTS, INCLUDING: PRIVATE RENTAL EVENTS ANDCONCERTS FREE WALLCAST™ CONCERTS FREE YOGA MORNINGS GUESTS ATGUESTS 801 ATGUESTS 1,332 ATGUESTS ENGAGEMENT FREECOMMUNITY EVENTS 4,088 74 ATGUESTS 5,3 ATGUESTS 24,663 NWS-SPONSORED EVENTS NWS-SPONSORED PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE TOURS FREE PERFORMANCES PAID PERFORMANCES 45 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 WALLCAST™ traditional concertaudiences. color, comparedto 12%ofNWS's audiences self-identifyaspersonsof 34%ofWALLCAST™ concert Foundation, fundersoftheKnightNewMediaEndowment;andSusanD. KronickandEdwardMannoShumsky. concert programming: Bruce and Martha Clinton, The Clinton Family Fund; The John S. and James L. Knight format inpublicspaces.NWSisdeeplygrateful to thosewhohavecreated anendowmentto supportWALLCAST™ and presentingorganizationsacrossthecountryarestartingto follow inNWS’sfootsteps inreplicatingthesimulcast diversity oftheSouthFloridacommunityandisfar morediversethanits traditionalconcert audiences.Orchestras independent study, The WALLCAST™ Concert Experience, thatits WALLCAST™ concertaudience better reflects the NWS isexperimenting withconcertformats to attractnewaudiencesandhasfound throughits newly-released ARE MOREDIVERSE WALLCAST™ CONCERT AUDIENCES Audience Concert 34% KEY FROM FINDINGS THE WALLCAST™ CONCERT EXPERIENCE: comfortable and inviting, yet there is no diminishment of the power of classical music. classical of power the of diminishment no is there yet inviting, and comfortable DIVERSITY We are bringing new people to this art form … with an experience that is social and and social is that experience an with … form art this to people new bringing are We TO EXPERIENCEMUSICINARELAXEDANDSOCIALENVIRONMENT TOP MOTIVATION FORATTENDING AWALLCAST™ CONCERT: Traditional Audience Concert 12%

WALLCAST™ Concerts concert orderof2.4 tickets. compared to theaveragetraditional of five, sevenandsix(inthatorder), members prefer to attend ingroups WALLCAST™ concertaudience AUDIENCE GROUPSIZE 7 5 6 —HowardHerring,PresidentandChiefExecutive Officer

Traditional Concerts 2.4

traditional concerts. younger thanaudiencesfor audience, onethatissignificantly a diverseandintergenerational WALLCAST™ concerts attract 18-34 WALLCAST™ Concerts Traditional Concerts 35-44 45-54 AGE 55-56 65+ ATTENDEES HAILFROM: WALLCAST™ CONCERT You can read more about ouraudience research at Photo by Siggi Bachmann PRESENTED BY CITI 2015-16 WALLCAST™ CONCERTS, Miami-Dade It becomes an instant community. One woman woman One community. instant an becomes It was offering [to exchange] brownies for wine wine for brownies exchange] [to offering was because she ran out of wine. [You] become become [You] wine. of out ran she because Outside 28% Miami’s New World Symphony, with its outdoor music park, offers a lesson in equal access. equal in lesson a offers park, music outdoor its with Symphony, World New Miami’s —WALLCAST™ concertaudience member friendly and everyone talks. everyone and friendly Miami-Dade 72% WALLCAST™ concert attendees: 1,104 Members thisseason: New WALLCAST™ ConcertClub 8,002 Concert ClubMembers: Total numberofWALLCAST™ SOUND concert oftheseason: Most-attended WALLCAST™ 20,200 Miami, where the New World Symphony is based, a a based, is Symphony World New the where Miami, Constellation array supplies the fullest, most lifelike lifelike most fullest, the supplies array Constellation In the plaza outside the New World Center, in in Center, World New the outside plaza the In S OF THE SEASON: 3,200 outdoor sound I have encountered. have I sound outdoor —Alex Ross, TheNewYorker —PhiladelphiaInquirer

47 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Siggi Bachmann MTT welcomes audiences to theWALLCAST™ concert, presented byCiti Jackson HealthSystem’s Yoga MorningsinSoundScapePark Longtime NWSsponsorBacardifeatured atanEncounters concert NWS Fellows perform at Aventura Mall’sCiti®Lounge Total WineGrandOpening,MiamiBeach partners. Hereareafew ofthisseason'shighlights: NWS reaffirms its sharedcommitment toenrichingcommunitiesthroughmusic, artandculture withthesevaluable access andexposure to theNewWorld Symphony's Fellows andaudiences. In 2015-16NWSsignificantly increasedits collaborations withcorporate partners, whointurnenjoyedunprecedented CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS Citi andwithArc Designareregistered service marksofCitigroupInc. To learnmoreaboutonhowyourorganizationcanpartner withNWS,pleasecontactTodd Heustess at305.428.6732. nurses anddoctors. including aspecialperformance at Holtz Children’sHospitalinJanuaryfor childrenseekingtreatment, theirlovedones, concert inthehospital’satrium. OtherFellows performed atJacksonMemorialHospitalthroughout the2015-16season, Memorial Hospitalstaffmembers,patients andpassersbyinMarchwhen four Viola Fellows performed anhour-long In its ongoing partnership with Jackson Health System, NWS shared the healing power of music with hundreds of Jackson FELLOWS AT JACKSON MEMORIALHOSPITAL roster ofSouthFlorida’stop instructors andofferedauniqueconnection to ourculturally-mindedcommunity. Park. Curated bylocalyogiAmyDannheim,thesefreeevents pairedsoothingmusicandvisuals,wereledbyarotating Center overthecourseof2015-16seasonthroughaseriesmonthlyoutdoor vinyasayogaclassesinSoundScape Yoga MorningsattheNew World Symphony, presented byJacksonHealthSystems, broughthundredsto theNewWorld JACKSON HEALTH SYSTEM’S YOGA MORNINGS complimentary coffeeandgiftwrapping. Aventura Mall’sCenter Court.Busyshoppersenjoyedseasonalfavorites performed by NWSBrassFellows, alongwith NWS partneredwithCitibankto bringgoodtidingsandholidaycheerto shoppersattheCiti®Lounge located in LOUNGE ATCITI® AVENTURAMALL Facebook andPeriscope, afirst for bothorganizationsthatgarnerednumerousimpressions. Through thejointefforts ofNWSandCitibank'scommunications teams, livestreamsofevents werebroadcastusing Out theNewWorld Symphony andtheSide-by-SideConcert. In additionto WALLCAST™ Concerts, Citibankalsosupported theSoundsofSeasonholidayconcert,Pulse:White enjoy co-brandedgiveawaysuponeachcheck-in attheWALLCAST™ ConcertClubtable. the courseofseason.WithsupportCiti,WALLCAST™ Concert Clubhasreachedover8,000memberswho Concert Club, CitihelpedbringNWS’sfreeWALLCAST™ ConcertSeriesto over20,000peopleinSoundScapePark over As NWS’sCommunitySponsorandthePresentingofWALLCAST™ ConcertSeriesandtheWALLCAST™ PULSE AND SIDE-BY-SIDE CONCERTS CITI: WALLCAST™ CONCERTS AND CONCERT CLUB, senior leadershipstrategy session attheNewWorld Center, followed bydinnerintheRooftop GardeninDecember2015. season to experience classicalmusicthroughNWS'sCommunityEngagementactivities.Carnivalalsohosted anall-day contributed to NWSsinceits firstseason.Theirconsistent andgeneroussupportallowedover6,500students this NWS's most significantcumulative corporate partneris also its first. CarnivalCorporationand Foundationhave 49 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Cricket andMarty Taplin Mr. WilliamStrong Susan D. KronickandEdwardManno Shumsky The Rockefeller Foundation atVanguard Charitable donor-advisedfund,TheScorpio RisingFund, Nicholas andSusanPritzkerthrough their WilliamL.MorrisonandSheldon T. Anderson Northern TrustBank, The HearstFoundation Mr. AlanFaena andMs.XimenaCaminos TriStar Capital $100,000 to $249,999 Maestro’s Circle Tier Gold Sir MichaelJ.MoritzandMs.HarrietHeyman Miami-Dade CountyDepartmentofCulturalAffairs* Bruce andSuzieKovner, TheKovner Foundation Jane andGeraldKatcher MaryandHowardS.Frank Frank Family CharitableFoundation, Citibank, N.A. Carnival Corporation&PLC* Mrs.BruceBerkowitz Fairholme Foundation, Mr. and Anonymous (2) $250,000 + Maestro’s Circle Diamond Tier We are to recognize pleased thefollowing donations madebetween July 1,2015 and June 30, 2016. WE SALUTEOURDONORS Photo by Julisa Fusté World FuelServices Corporation,IraM.Birns theFloridaCouncil onArts andCulture DivisionofCulturalAffairs, State ofFlorida,DepartmentState, Gloria Scharlin* PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, MariodeArmas Karen Bechtel and WilliamOsborne National Endowmentfor theArts Trustees SeymourIkensonandMarcGidney In MemoryofShirleyMartinelli,inhonor Kleh Family Foundation, Mr. andMrs.Bill Kleh Carolyn andMarkKeller ElizabethA.andMitchell G.Taylor Jack Taylor Family Foundation, Rose EllenGreene TheClinton Family Fund Bruce andMarthaClinton, ManueldelaTorriente Tanya CaprilesdeBrillembourgand Blavatnik Family Foundation Mr. &Mrs.Stephen Bittel Family Foundation The MickyandMadeleineArison Sari andArthurAgatston Anonymous* Ronni andAndrewSmulian Akerman LLP|AnaandNeisenKasdin | $50,000 to $99,999 Maestro’s Circle Silver Tier and itwasoneofthemostsuccessfulevents atthe festival.” section ofpeoplethatwe’dnevermetbefore. Everyonelovedit, usual audience, andHannah’sconcert broughtanincrediblecross- Poetry Festival. We’re alwaysattempting to pushpoetrypastits multi-genre approachwasaperfect complementto theO, Miami live onlinefromtheNewWorld Center. “Hannah’scollaborative, saw herInsidetheMusic:Folk(s) inourLivespresentationstreamed approached byScottCunningham,director ofO, Miami,after he for personal interpretation and emotional response.” Hannah was trying to sayand,atthesametime, abstractinaway thatallows love the way that music and poetry are both direct in what they are tangible connectionsamongtheimagery, themesandlanguage. I poems Ichoseareconnected bysharedemotions,aswellmore exposed to films,literature andartfromtheMiddleEast.The Eastern Studies major in college and through my classes I was collaboration with visual artist Kevork Mourad.“IwasaMiddle by American-IraniancomposerSahbaAminikiaandafirst-time Other highlights includedtheworldpremiereofastringquartet visual artandmusicsheperformed witheightNWSFellows. Pakistan andmorereadbyaudience members,withcontemporary Middle Eastern literature, includingpoemsfromSyria, Iran,Greece, her one-of-a-kindconcerttitled“ShadowsofHome,” shefeatured Miami, anannualmonth-longpoetryfestival intheMagicCity. In Viola Fellow HannahNicholasmergedmusicandpoetryfor O, POETRYMUSIC AND HANNAH NICHOLAS

Merle andMichael Orlove Sandra Muss Foundation, Diane andRobert Moss Helena Rubinstein PhilanthropicFundattheMiami Mr. andMrs.EnriqueLerner Mr. andMrs.RichardLeFrak The Katzman Family Foundation JPMorgan ChaseBank,N.A. John S.andJamesL.KnightFoundation Jetscape, Inc. Jackson HealthSystem Mr. andMrs.HarryM.Hersh Maxine andStuartFrankelFoundation Fort CapitalManagement Mr. andMrs.William˚Lane, Jr. The Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation, Inc., Deutsche BankTrustCo., N.A. Mr. andMrs.JohnDasburg Dr. Chantald’Adesky-Scheinberg Edward andMaryCrawford Adrianne andJerryL.Cohen Mr. andMrs.JonBatchelor The Batchelor Foundation, Bank ofAmerica Sarah Arison Ann andGordonGettyFoundation Mr. andMrs.Jeffrey Akin Anonymous $25,000 to $49,999 Conductor’s Circle

Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Dr. andMrs.Richard J.Wurtman Wells Fargo Foundation, Mr. RichardT. Sanz Rita GreenWallach Total Wine&More Sitterson, PA Stearns Weaver MillerWeissler& Alhadeff Jennifer Stearns ButtrickandMatthewW. Buttrick, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,Wharton &GarrisonLLP CulturalArts Council City ofMiamiBeach,CulturalAffairsProgram, Metropolitan byCOMO Maura andRichardKobusch Diane StarHeller Funding Arts Network Mr. DouglasS.CramerandMr. HubertS.Bush Stanley andGalaCohen City NationalBank “Do Unto Others”Trust,Mrs.AliciaCelorio $15,000 to $24,999 Composer’s Society Michael TilsonThomasandJoshuaRobison SunTrust Bank,JohnJ.Geraghty Susan andSheldonSchneider Jackie SofferandCraig Robins Mr. andMrs.Jeffrey T. Roberts Alfonso ConradoRey Mr. G.DanielPrigmoreandMs.MarciaHayes Patricia Papper* Mr. andMrs.Stephen Owens

Howard HerringandIreneHegedus Ms. Patti A.Gordon Andrew C.Hall,Esq.andGailS.Meyers Mr. JesusGuevaraand Mrs.MariaGinorioGuevara Natalie Gordon Paul Goodstat Dr. andMrs.Philip H. Glogover Mr. andMrs.Emile Geisenheimer Crescent Heights Investments Barbara andRichardFurman Mr. andMrs.Robert J.Friezo Mr. MarvinR.FriedmanandMs.Adrienne bonHaes Elliot M.FriedmanandBeauBogan Mr. Leon S.Frenkel Mrs. AnneFlippin Eighty SevenPark byRenzo Piano Mr. andMrs.ChuckEdelstein Mr. andMrs.JohnDespres Mr. GeorgeDandrigeandMr. MarcosTychbrochjer Crystal &Company The CowlesCharitableTrust Phillip LloydColeman,ColemanFamily Trust Citizens Interested inArts, Inc. Mr. andMrs.MichaelCarpenter Mr. Robert R.BrinkerandMs.NancyS.Fleischman Mr. andMrs.ErnestBogen Mr. andMrs.RichardBlock Benjamin P. Baum Bacardi USA,Inc. Louise Austin The AaronCoplandFundfor Music $5,000 to $14,999 Concertmaster’s Circle country's bestorchestras.” Resident Conductor oftheSanFranciscoSymphony, oneofthe learning frommymentor, MTT, asIstep into mynewroleas a privilege. I'mverygrateful to havetheopportunityto continue with NWSstaffandinteracting withpatrons,it'sbeenajoyand developing a closerelationshipwithMTT, to workingclosely conductor. Frommakingmusicwith the Fellows everyweekand educational andfun,mademeabetter musicianand “My two years as the NWS Conducting Fellow were inspiring, more than26,000 attendees to DaviesSymphony Hall. in Musicandfor Families concerts whichannuallydraw conducts theSymphony inselected Concerts for Kids,Adventures subscription concerts, touring andotherspecialprojects. Healso and assists MusicDirector MTTandguestconductors with Christian leadstheinternationally acclaimedSFSYouth Orchestra Youth Orchestra, as of September 2016. In his new position Conductor andWattis Foundation MusicDirector oftheSFS Conducting Fellow ChristianReif (2014-16)its newResident On February 23theSanFranciscoSymphony namedrecent A COAST-TO-COAST STORY SUCCESS CHRISTIAN REIF Anderson Foundation Dr. Stephen Roper andDr. NirupaChaudhari Publix SuperMarkets Charities Perry EllisInternational, Inc. Mr. andMrs.Miguel Perrotti Linda andDavidParesky Mr. andMrs.Oppenheim David andMelanieNiemiec Mr. andMrs.William L.Morrison The MiamiFoundation Ms. FriedrikeMerck Mr. andMrs.DavidMelin Dr. andMrs.JohnL.MasonSr. Ms. Ruth A.MarshallandMs.Patricia Houtz Martin Z.Margulies Joy andFredMalakoff Lyft Theresa andDr. RichardLubman Mrs. JayW. Lotspeich Dr. andMrs.RichardE.Litt Jerry M.Lindzon Ralph M.LutrinandAlfredA.Lewis Dr. andMrs.RichardLevitt JesseAlexander Levin Louise Levin, SefraAlexandra Levin and CharitableFoundation Mr. andMrs.MarvinLeibowitz, Louis Leibowitz La PlayaPropertiesGroup, Inc. Mr. MarkKingdonandMr. AlonRehany Kimpton Hotels The JohnKieserFamily Ms. NedraKalish Jephson EducationalTrusts Investor Solutions,Inc. Dr. BruceHorten andAaronLieber 51 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Viola Christine Grossman (2003-04) and Associate Principal Cello KCS’s Associate PrincipalOboeAdam DeSorgo(2000-03),Principal last yearaspartofits CommunityConnections Initiative. (2004-07) helpedforge theSymphony’s connectionto Arts inPrison to inmates. KCS’s PrincipalFlute andNWSalumnusMichaelGordon ushers inperforming, visualandtextile arts, aswellcreativewriting program atLansingState Prison.Founded in1994,theprogram part oftheKansas CitySymphony’s involvementintheArts inPrison Several NWSalumnifound themselvesbehindbarsthisseasonas BEHIND BARS KANSAS CITYSYMPHONYALUMNI Mrs.BarbaraAnger-Diaz, Ph.D. Mr. ManuelF. Diazand Mrs. Fanny Dascal Tracey Corwin Conagra Foods, Inc. Mrs. MonicaJ.ChaplinStarosta Ms. CarmenCasadella Jennifer Stearns ButtrickandMatthewW. Buttrick Mr. &Mrs.WilliamBroeder Mr. Walter BoydandMr. DavidSantee Dr. andMrs.WilBlechman Helene Berger* Banco doBrasil Toby Lerner Ansin Mr. andMrs.C.ClarkeAmbrose to $4,999 $2,500 Concerto Society Betty andMichaelWohl Mr. andMrs.Robert Werner Peter andJudyWeissman Ruth Weiss Teresa Galang-ViñasandJoaquínViñas The Robert andJaneToll Foundation Catherine OppenheimerandGarrettThornburg Mr. andMrs.Stephen M.Sullivan Laura&DanielBernstein Charles B. &Rosalyn F. Stuzinand Jean andEugeneStark Sara Solomon Ms. DeborahSlott Rod andIreneSintow, ProSound,Inc. Lois Siegel The ShepardBroadFoundation, AnnB. Bussel* Janet andJosephShein PKS &OIS Ms. JudithSchalit Vanessa andAlbertScagione Ruth˚ and MarvinSackner Victoria Rogers Stephen Richman Dr. andMrs.AlanRapperport Dr. andMrs.IrwinM.Potash Podhurst OrseckP.A. Dorothy andAaronPodhurst and David J.PhillipsandDenisJacobs Palm Avenue Hialeah,LLC Steve Novick Mr. andMrs.MarkNash Jorge andAmandaMejia Mr. Rene H.Males Jose LutzkyandElizabethCamargo Gloria Luria* Mr. andMrs.CharlesLipcon Lynn andPaul Leight Sandra Lansing Dale andStephen Kulvin Jacqueline andIrwinKott Denise &JackKorngold Danielle andJean-Paul Koch Mr. Steven Kline Mr. Robert M.Klein Klein, Glasser, Park, Lowe &Pelstring, PL, Hideko andHaroldKlebanoff* Vicki &ChrisKellogg Ms. SandraJaffe Judith andRichardJacobs Benjamin E.Hein Ms. FrancineleeHandandMr. DavidSiegel Ms. MoniqueHalberstein Saul andJaneGross Dr. andMrs.Peter A.Gorski Steven GombinskiandMs.Yvette Costas Niety andGaryGerson Pamela Garrison Jill andHaroldGaffin Betty andJosephZ.Fleming Paula andMichaelFinkle Claudia andRicardoJ.Fernandez Dr. andMrs.Gilbert Drozdow faculty, butfrommycolleaguesaswell.” so muchvariety, notonlyfromMTTandtheotherconductors and the corporate andtechnical world.Itopenedmymusicalworldto incubator, evenbefore the‘incubator’ conceptbecamesopopularin an audienceismovedbymusic. NWSwasaculturalandmusical community. We as performers haveamoreimmediate senseofhow this typeofoutreachhasbenefits for boththeperformer andthe there meantto theinmates. Asidefromtheexposure to livemusic, says. “IthinkinthatmomentIreallygraspedhowmuchourbeing playing and looking forward to ournext performance there,” Adam instruments andstands,wehadpeopleone-by-onethankingusfor in January. “Aswefinishedthesessionandstarted packingour Susie Yang (2006-09)performed together onachamberconcert Dr. andMrs.MauriceBurg Richard andMargaret Brodsky Mr. andMrs.JamesBodnar Sylvia Blau,SamKenner and Paulette Mintz Mr. HalBirchfield Linda Binder Carol E.andMylesP. BerkmanFoundation Mr. andMrs.MichaelBerke Mr. andMrs.BarryBeracha BB&T The BaredFamily Foundation Mr. RichardD. Banziger Joanne andMichaelBander Ms. Georgette Ballance Mr. PhilipF. Balbi Mr. T.C. Armstrong Florence andSheldonAnderson The AmphionFoundation, Inc. The American-ScandinavianFoundation Ms. Rosalie Altmark Dr. Christopher AbissiandDr. GailComer Anonymous (5) $1,000 to $2,499 Patrons ofNWS Dr. JohnYee Mr. andMrs.Scott Weyman Ver Ploeg&Lumpkin,P.A. Ms. DorothyTerrell Rita andRobert Swedroe Nancy andEdwardStavis JewishCommunityFoundation The JeffreySolomonFundofthe Mr. andMrs.DanSlentz Ms. MarilynSinger Sandra andCharlesSimon Mr. andMrs.Charles Sands Candace andLloyd˚Ruskin Mr. andMrs.Carmen V. Romeo Marilyn Holifield Mr. andMrs.Carlton Heustess Mr. andMrs.Robert Hertzberg Mr. JuanG.Herrans Thomas M.Henderson Mr. JuanDiegoHenao Mrs. HarrietHarris Ms. DanaHagendorf Arlene andRichardHaft Mr. andMrs.Alfredo Gutierrez Joyce˚ andStanleyGreenstein In MemoryofLauraEllenGreen Ms. OlgaGranda-Scott Robert Govaerts Dr. andMrs.Larry Gilderman Mrs. IrvingGetz Lenore Gaynor* Ms. BarbaraGalen Andrew W. FreyandMs.AliCodina Richard FrenchandJacquelineGreenberg Mr. andMrs.JohnR. Frank Ms. EllenFleysher Finlandia Foundation National Mr. andMrs.Stephen Ferriss Dr. AlfredandSusanFeingold Jeanne andJosephFarcus* Edward &DianeEisenberg Mr. andMrs.BernardEckstein Mr. andMrs.Robert Duvin Harry F. DuncanFoundation, Ms.AnnelieseDuncan Dr. andDr. Ranjan Duara Dr. &Mrs.MelvynDrucker AMD Family Fund Ms. JeanDonovan Mr. andMrs.AndrewDolkart Joan DePontet Mr. GeorgeCrowley Mr. JamesL.CooperandMs.ArleneHalpern Mr. JosephCohen Mr. andMrs.JeromeJ.Cohen,Esq. Mrs. HeleneCogen Mr. andMrs.JamesClark Judith andCarlChestler, ChestlerFamily Fund Mrs. AudreCarlin Mr. MiguelCaprilesCannizzaro Mr. andMrs.EdCampbell Sarah CampbellSmith,Esq./AkermanLLP Dr. JackandIlanaBurstiner Ms. Avis L.Neiman Mr. andMrs.ArtMurphy Faye Munnings Mr. andMrs.Samuel Mowerman Ms. DaleMoses Ms. NerrisaE.Morris Morrison BrownArgiz&Farra, LLC Mr. andMrs.JimMooney Richard Milstein and EricHankin Gordon R.Miller, M.D. Dr. MarvinL.Meitus* Sylvia Meeker Charles Leigh McMurray Nanette andBudd˚Mayer TheErieCommunityFoundation Moses MaimonidesFundof Mrs. LindaMann Mr. MarkMandel Dr. andMrs.Alberto Luchtan Mr. andMrs.JeffLubow LNR PropertyLLC Mr. andMrs.Norman H.Lipoff Renée andDavidLieberman Jan andDanLewis Simon &BonnieLevin Winston T. Lett, Esq.andFrankBenoit Ms. GayleLennard Mrs. LindaLaulicht Dr. MauriceH.Laszlo Wendy G.Lapidus Lynne Rosen &Roger Langer Elie andBurtLandy Mr. JoseM.LamadridandMr. Clifford E.Smith-Palliser Mr. andMrs.RichardKronenberg Mr. andMrs.Paul Korchin Dr. VirginiaKopelman Mr. andMrs.DanKokiel Herbert King Kellee CommunicationsGroup, Inc. Mr. andMrs.JohnKarlton Leonard Kaplan andMarciaSimonKaplan* Betsy Kaplan Mr. andMrs.GilbertKanter Carin Kahgan inmemoryofherbrotherMarc Mr. XavierGonzalez-Sanfeliu Ms. FlorenciaJimenez-Marcosand Anne LaurenceJaffe Naomi andBurton Honig was bigger and our clothes brighter, but we engaged in the same process of movinginto thePlymouthHotel withthefirstcropof Fellows. Ourhair Percussion Fellows inNWShistory. “InJanuary of 1988,Ihadtheprivilege Press. A member of NWS’s inaugural season, Patti is one of only three female percussive arts inhernewmemoirStickingItOut,releasedAprilbyECW Alumna Patti Niemi(Percussion 1988-92)recounts her yearsmastering the THE RHYTHMOF PERSISTENCE PATTI NIEMI more thantwo decades. the SanFranciscoOperaOrchestra, inwhichshehasperformed for it takesto follow a dream. Upon leaving NWS, Patti won apositionwith leads to adazzlingmomentofperfection andof thedoggedpersistence an orchestra.StickingitOutisahumblingaccountofthe work that world of grueling practice schedules and long moments at the back of cutthroat raceto acoveted orchestrajob, allowingaglimpseinto a of practicingto improve.” Shewrites ofherstrugglingto makeitina Thomas vanStraaten andNadineAsin Suzanne &NeilUseden Liat andTali Tzur The Traberts Ms. Annette Torres Mr. andMrs.Ronald Thompkins Mr. andMrs.Bruce Taub Dolores Stern Stephen Stansell Dr. BertramandMrs. AudreySpiwak Mr. andMrs.Richard Skor Mr. andMrs.Edward Sirkin Vicki andBobSimons Mr. andMrs.Gary P. Simon Marian andRobert Siegel David andHollySiegel Anita andDavidShpilberg Ms. JayneShapiro Mrs. Ruth Shack Mr. andMrs.Norman Shabel Dr. andMrs.Robert D. Schwimmer Mr. andMrs.Michael Scheck andDavidSchaecter The SuziSaloweFamily Trust Mr. Kalman Saffran Mr. DanielSacharandMrs.Kate Lampen-Sachar Mr. Rodolfo Ruiz Mr. andMrs.H.J.˚Ross Mrs. HubertRosomoff Dr. andMrs.Robert R.Rosenblum Virginia L.Rosen Mr. andMrs.DavidA.Rocker Dr. andMrs.Paul Richman The Ress Family Foundation, EstaandLewis Ress Mr. ThomasRagan Delora ShapiroandVictor Raab Bill andMelissaQuesenberry Mr. AndrewPompa andMrs.Adriane Vega Marilyn andAlPollans James P. Pober Deborah Plutzik-Briggs Mr. Paul Pereira Ms. ChristaPaul Mr. andMrs.HuberR.Parsons, Jr. Ms. MaureenO’Brien Dr. JulesOaklander˚ Tamara andDanielNixon Mr. JackNiemanandMr. RickReder 53 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Mr. ScottE.Modlin,Esq. Ms. FrancineMisch-Dietsh Mr. andMrs.DonMichelson Miami Children’sHealthFoundation Douglas Merilatt Ms. MarciaMartinezandMr. Michael L.Laas Serge andMargaretMartin Lucy Maisel Dr. MartinandMrs.BarbaraLiebling Dr. andMrs.Warren Lieberman Mr. andMrs.ElliotLemelman Mr. Leonardo LanaroandMr. ThierryAdam Mr. Keith Kohler Priscilla andAlKlomparens Ms. WhitneyKimmel Ms. LindaHellerKamm Mr. andMrs.LawrenceKamin Mr. OhadJehassi Florence andBernardJacobson Dr. andMrs.StanleyJacobs Mr. DanielJachtchenco Mamaina CenturyFund Dr. MichaelHughes andMs.JudithTaylor Mr. andMrs.Eleazer Hirmes Dr. andMrs.Ernest Halpryn Mr. andMrs.Werner Grob Greater MiamiConventionandVisitors Bureau Sylvia G.Gordon Mr. andMrs.Michael Goldstein Mr. andMrs.Salomon Gold Dr. Christopher GentileandGarySchwartz Mr. andMrs.Arnold Friedman Dr. andMrs.Robert Feltman Lea and GilEpstein Ms. Ruth Engel Mr. BayElliott Mr. andMrs.Roderic Eckenhoff Mr. andMrs.Frank Dilenschneider Mr. andMrs.Gregory Delsesto Dr. andMrs.George Dambach Maureen andGeorgeCollins Jonathan J.Cohen Mr. Rajan Chopra Mr. SeanChibnik Mr. andMrs.Paul Browning Mr. andMrs.EricS. Benedict Ms. GiocondaBarbarena Amelia Karenina BalonekandFaquiry DiazCala Ms. JoanBaker Mrs. EvelynK.Axler ArtCenter/South Florida Isabel B. Anderson Dr. andMrs.KipAmazon Sondra andStanleyAlperin M Fanfare to $999 $500 Sean Yazbeck Dr. andMrs.StanleyWorton Mr. andMrs.SidWorkman Mr. Paul S.Woehrle Denise Ledee andGaryWinston Norma KipnisWilsonandAllanP. Wilson Dr. Percy Valdo Wendler Renata andKeith Ward Mr. JohnWalther Mr. ThomasWade Mr. andMrs.Stephen R.Volk Dr. andMrs.LuisVilla,Jr. Mr. Brenton Verploeg s. FrancesAlban Ms. MarjorieZolot Adam andJacquelineZimmerman Mrs. JacquelineWallace Ms. JessicaWade Pfeffer Charles Turner Judith Rood TraumandSydney Traum Mr. MarkThieland Mr. Peter Garcia Mr. andMrs.Jaime Sznajder Mr. andMrs.Leopold Swergold Mr. GaryStuart,Esq. Clara Sredni Soltanik Dental Mr. andMrs.DonR.Solomon Ms. Valerie Sitler Jacqueline Simkin Ms. SofiaSilveyra Dr. andMrs.BernardSilverstein Drs. GailandLeo Silverman Jon Shaw Dr. MarkusSchmidmeier Sabadell United Bank Mr. andMrs.BradleyRenée Rosen Dr. ArveyI.Rogers Gary andVanessa Ressler Aaron Resnick Mr. MatthewRagland Ms. ClaireA.Racanelli andMr. JoelZychick Prudential Financial,Inc. Marnie andLarryPaikin Mr. andMrs.JohnOlsen Dr. Morton Notarius Carolyn Nichols Jonathan Newberg Nelson Family Foundation Mr. andMrs.Peter Mosheim Ms. Lori Monaco A Fanfare to $499 $250 Marget Gelin Edgar Galvin Merle B. Frank&MartinG.Rothman Dr. andMrs.GaryM.Flax Mr. Kevin M.Fitzmaurice Mr. Rey Figueroaand Mrs.JessicaShults-Figueroa Clement Fatovic &Rebecca Mandelman Mrs. ChristinaFarhy Mrs. ElisabethS.Evans Mr. andMrs.SidneyEpstein Mr. Louis A.DuvinandMs.IvaKosovic Ms. SheryllDunaj Mr. andMrs.MichaelDikman Mr. Christopher W. DayandMrs.AsyaPashenko Mr. andMrs.GerhardDahl Ms. BridgetDadd Mr. Pablo ConillandMs.LucianaFerri Mr. andMrs.Louis Cohen Ms. JordanClaure Ms. DianaChong-Schultz Ms. CatherineLudingCaiandMr. GabrielFlores Leigh-Ann A.Buchanan Barry BorenandCarynTanis Boren Ms. AmyBloomandMariaHernandez Mr. andMrs.Gary Bleemer Mr. andMrs.Louis Bernstein Mr. andMrs.Samuel Berkowitz Mr. Stephen Barrow Ms. SusanBannon Dr. Rosa Abraira Tanvi V. Abbhi nonymous (2) Mr. Ralph Serrano Ms. LindaS.Schejola Ms. AnaSantos Ms. Alexandra Rutten Mr. MartinRozenblum Mr. JeremyRoth Mr. DouglasRosenthal Amy Rosenberg Dr. CarolineRezvani Ms. AgnesRein Mr. JoeReid andMs.JudyLoft Ms. NathalieG.Rawat Mr. TheodoreRaab andMrs.Pat TinkerRaab Mr. AaronPuckett Mr. andMrs.MarkPoses, Esq. Mr. ThomasJ.Porto andMr. EugeneP. Walton Tom andDebraPitmon Ms. CarolinaPiña Ms. EricaPhillips Mr. Kenneth G.Peltzie Dr. Cyntianna Ortega andMr. Humberto Ortega Judith andRobert Newman Mr. BenjaminNemser Mr. FranciscoNeira Mr. andMrs.Larry Mullen Dr. andMrs.Jerome Moskowitz Mr. RichardL.Morris Jr. Ms. AshleyMoreno Paulette Mintz Mr. Jere&Dr. JeanMiles Ms. CatherineMeschievitz Dr. andMrs.Barry Meiselman Mr. SeanMcCormick Angela andThomasMarroccoli Ms. MonicaP. Lopez Longfellow InvestmentManagement,Co. Mr. JoelLiberson Ms. Ivonette Leite Mr. andMrs.AlanLash Dr. UlrichLachlerand Mrs.NancyGillespie Ms. JessicaKwiat Mr. JasonKorman Moj andRobert Danial Ms. LaurenKatz Mr. andMrs.Lee Karofsky Ms. AryehKaplan Mrs. JoyceE.Kaiser Ms. AngelaJulien Richard Janaro Mrs.NathalieE.Cadet-James Mr. BrianT. James,Esq.and Mr. Kai Jacobs Mr. Robert Ivanschitz Mrs. SigridHuth Ms. NicolaHudson Ms. MariaN.Hernandez Mr. andMrs.WilliamHernandez Carl Hellman Dr. andMs.DanielG.Harwitz,M.D. Mr. DavidHardy Mr. andMrs.HowardGreenberg Mr. DavidGreen Mr. DavidGrayandMs.ElisaLau Mr. DarrylGraham Dr. andMrs.LucienGordon Ms. Pauline A.Goldsmith Ms. EllaGoldberg Mr. BenL.Giller Mr. andMrs.BruceH.Giles-Klein Dr. andMrs.SamuelGershon Gerald F. deMarco, Architect Mr. andMrs.MartinJ.Genauer Mr. andMrs.AllanYarkin Dr. andMrs.JackWolfsdorf Ms. HarrietC.Wolf Dr. andMrs.SamuelWinn Ben Wilson Mr. andMrs.EarlL.Wiener Ms. LizaWalton Stewart &BethWald Mr. WilliamVallier Ms. JaneUpton Mrs. MarciaTeichner Mr. andMrs.JoelTauber Mr. EdwardSyring Mr. Robert Stone Norma JeanOberandRobert Stone Mr. andMrs.EugeneStearns, Esq. Ms. EbonyC.Smith Cecily Silberman Judge andMrs.Paul Siegel Ms. SusanShine Mr. Walid Sfeir Dr. &Mrs.GeorgeSfakianaskis Principal Viola of five—jumpedinto the “crazysessionworld” by GustavoDudamel. Erik,whoalsoperforms insixorchestras— Williams, director J.J.Abramsandaspecialimpromptuappearance spread overfivemonths,included workingwithcomposerJohn being scoredinL.A.andIwas excited to takepart.”Thesessions, Episode VII: The Force Awakens. “There was a lot of buzz about it recorded thesoundtrackfor lastyear’sblockbuster Star Wars 09) whowaspartoftheLos Angeles-basedstudio orchestrathat The Force isstrongwithalumnusErikRynearson (Viola 2005- THE FORCE ISSTRONG ERIK RYNEARSON Mr. andMrs.Joseph Blonsky Mr. &Mrs.Richard S.Blattner Dr. andMs.DavidBillings Mrs. IrmengardBettendorf Ms. ZsuzsiBerner Mr. andMrs.Randall C.BergJr. Fred Berens Mr. ScotBennett Ms. Veronica Beach Mr. andMrs.JeffreyBates Dr. andMrs.EarlBarron Dr. OrlandoBarreto Mr. MartinArrivo Mr. andMrs.AlfredAronovitz Ms. SarahAnyieth Mr. andMrs.DimitriAndonov Mr. Terrell AndersonandMs.AngelaHurtzig Amazonsmile Foundation Mr. DanielAlvarezandMs.HollyHenningson Mr. Jean-PierreAltier Janinne andNeilAlter Mr. Ted Allen All InOneMailShop, Inc. Ms. OriaAlcantara Mr. CliffordAin Anonymous to$100 $249 Community Artistry level. Iwishcould gobackto bewithhim.Imissit.” than thesumofits talented parts. AndMTTis on awholeother a brotherhoodofsorts. Theorchestra’stightly-knitsynergy ismore others. “WhenIhear‘NewWorld,’ myearsperkup. It’safraternity, well asthissummer’sBFG Monsters University, Rio2,AMillionWays to DieintheWest, as Since thenErikhasrecordedhundredsofscoressuchasFrozen, Erik for atouring productionof“StarWars InConcert”in2010. of Program Operations Adam Zeichner, when he recommended thanks inpartto connectionshemadethroughNWSVicePresident Ms. AinsleyClement Josephine C.Chesley Mr. StuartChase Nalini Charran Mr. JohnCharles Mr. BernardPerlmutter Ms. Pamela Chamberlinand Mr. ErichCauller Mr. AlvaroCastillo Mr. andMrs.BrianCarson Mr. FranciscoCanestri Mr. Alberto Calabro Mrs. AnnB. Bussel Mr. VincentLombardi III Mr. CharlesH.Buckwalter and Mr. JoeyBrutus Mr. andMrs.DavidBruggen Ms. SusanBrown Dr. MaryLou Brotherson Ms. HarrietBrookman Mr. andMrs.MarcH.Brodsky Ms. LindaBrickman Dr. andMrs.Walter G.Bradley Mr. andMrs.Robin Bosco Mr. MartinBookspan Mr. andMrs.IrvingBolotin Ms. BethBoleyn Mr. CharlesBlyth Ms. JudithBluth Mr. andMrs.Geoffrey B. Bloom and Ghostbusters reboot, amongmany

55 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Ms. GloriaM.Garces Mr. andMrs.Laurence Ganon Ms. JulisaFusté Mrs. DeborahFriend Mr. LloydA.Freeman Mr. BradleyForte Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald Mr. LawrenceFishman Dr. JoelE.Fishman Mr. Robert FisherandMs.Peggy Knickerbocker Ms. MarcelleFischler Mr. JW. FieldJr. Dr. andMrs.Wallace Feldman Ms. GabrielaFanning Ana MariaEstevez Mr. andMrs.JohnErvin Mr. andMrs.Walter Englebrecht Ms. JodiI.Engelberg Ms. HeleneEndzweig Dr. MonicaL.Elliott Barbara Eisenberg Judge SpencerEig Mrs. PhyllisD. Ehrlich Ms. SimoneDunn Ms. AllysonDuLac Dr. Paul Drucker Ms. SarahDoss Mr. JuanDominguez Ms. BonnieDockter Ms. K.BurkeDillon Mr. andMrs.Antonello DiGiovanni Ms. CarolynDavis Ms. DanaCyboski Ms. MonicaCronin Mr. WilliamCranshaw Ms. MariaCosin Mr. andMrs.RichardCoplan Mr. DavidCole Dr. andMrs.BruceCohen Mr. BruceCoane National Opera Orchestra,wherethisseason Center Opera HouseOrchestra/Washington Assistant Principal Trombone oftheKennedy currently seated inournation’scapitalas Douglas Rosenthal (Trombone 2009-12) is IN THE DIGITAL SPACE LEADERSHIP INSIDE,OUTSIDE AND DOUGLAS ROSENTHAL Mr. andMrs.Arthur JohnKerr Jr. Mr. andMrs.Brian E. Keeley Mr. Robert Kay Mr. andMrs.Robert E.Kaufman Ronald &LisaKauffman Mr. andMrs.Harold Katzman The Karnoff andMcDonaldCharitable Fund Mr. D. CarrollJoynesandMs.AbbyO’Neal Ms. CecilieJorgensenKarpawich Ms. ClaudiaJones Mr. Terell andDr. MollyJohnson Mr. JackJohnson Dr. andMrs.°George Jacobson* Ms. LaurelIsicoff Ms. MayaIbars Claire Hutchison Mr. CoreyE.Hoffman, P.A. Mr. GaryHershdorfer Mr. DaleHendricks Mr. BarryHarrisandDr. Paula Levine Ms. JulieHalpern Mr. andMrs.GeorgeHalliwell Mr. CarlosGutierrez Mr. andMrs.DavidGrunebaum Mr. AndrewGromeeko Ms. Ragnhild Greve-Isdahl Mr. andMrs.HerbertGray Mr. DouglasGrant Mrs. MolleGrad Ms. Adele JeanGottdiener Mrs. CarmenGonzalez-Sanfeliu Mrs. andMr. LindaGonzalez Dr. BarbaraGoldman Mr. andMrs.Peter A.Golden Dr. andDr. Paul A.Gluck Dr. andMrs.PhilipGlatstein Dr. andMrs.EugeneL.Gitin Marilyn “Lynn” Girsh Mrs. Kathleen Gardner Mr. AngelGarcia voice to his millennialperspective, Douglas the Arts’ cultural bloggingexchange. Giving blog “Who’sYour Audience?,” partofInside He’s making a second home online with his arts for its MillenniumStageseries. such as“Trombonists oftheKennedy Center” (Local 161-710);and by organizingconcerts Metropolitan D.C. Federation ofMusicians Musicians; ontheExecutive Boardfor the Conference ofSymphony andOpera and withstaff;adelegate to theInternational representing theorchestraininternal matters as amemberofits OrchestraCommittee, the Kennedy Center OperaHouseOrchestra; Committee for socialmediaandoutreachof pit,” byservingontheMusiciansAdvocacy become quite involvedin“life outside the Since winninghisjobin2012,Douglashas I alsoplayedtherarely-seenbasstrumpet.” that inspired me to gointo performance, but was this the emotional and cathartic music des Nibelungeninone-weekcycles.“Notonly perform Wagner’s epicfour-part DerRing it becamethesixthU.S.operacompanyto years.” always begrateful to havelivedinitfor three management. It’s amagical place, andIwill Musicians to CommunityEngagement to arts ranging fromtheAmerican Federation of public. NWSintroducedmeto manyaspects with Boardmembersanddonors andspeakin positively collaborate withstaff,interact much aboutwhatit’sliketo beacolleague, As acitizenofanorganization,Ilearnedso the visitingfaculty andtheguestconductors. room and inthe orchestra came from MTT, of myskills’finishing touches intheaudition As aperformer, it’snoquestionthatmost me to understandsomuchoftheindustry. years, oranywhereinbetween.NWShasled who havebeenaprofessional musicianfor 80 those who have no exposure to music, people to write eachpostsoitcanbeunderstood by cast thewidestpossible net and do mybest and Sense.” “Icertainlymake everyeffort to to DoWhenYou’re NotPerfect” and“Dollars music every month in posts such as “What explores theartandindustry ofclassical Ms. JohannaMorten Ms. CarolineL.Morrison Mr. JonathanE.Minsker Montblanc Mrs. SusanS.Miller Dr. andMrs.Robert J.Mezey Ms. ElieMendelsohn Mr. Patrick McMahon Mrs. andMr. BarbaraJ.McKenna Mr. EdwardMast Mr. DouglasMartin Mr. andMrs.Arnold Markoe Mr. andMrs.Samuel S.Marcus Ms. GabrieleMagdanz Mr. Christopher Lunding Mr. andMrs.William Ludwig Mr. Anton Lorch Mr. RichardLoerky Mr. CarlosLizarralde Ms. NatalieLiebman Dr. andMrs.Monte Lichtiger Mr. EdwardLesen Mrs. JacquelineLeone Ms. EvelynLaRusse Mr. ShamsuLalani Dr. Annette M.LaGreca Dr. andMrs.DavidJ.Kudzma Ms. MichelleKucharczyk Dr. LawrenceBudKrasne Ms. LisaKornse andMr. LarryWasserscheid Mr. AlanKonigsburg Calvin Kohli Mr. andMrs.Ronald Kogos Ms. Katherine Knipp Ms. SusanKnapp Ms. Ruth Klein Carol AnnKiryluk Jim Kirwan Rabbi andMrs.Ralph Kingsley Mr. ElliotKimbroughIIandMs.TiffanyLam Mr. andMrs.HenryS.Stolar, Esq. Dr. andMrs.NormanStokes Dorothy Stein Ms. GinaStearns Mr. AlanStark Mr. NickSt.Cavish Mr. &Mrs.JeffreyJ.Springer Sabatino &Spindel Ms. PhyllisSperling Shirley Spear Sharon &HowardSocol Ms. JuneSmith Mr. andMrs.BillSmart Mr. Robert Siwicki Ms. MindaShein Mrs. JudithSeed Mr. CharlesScurrandMrs.BarbaraIbarra-Scurr Ms. DaraSchoenwald Mr. andMrs.Robert E.Schloss Ms. Yesica Schaaf Mr. Steven Sandler Ms. Maeve-AnneSandiford Mr. OliverSalza Dr. VirigniaSalus Ms. Karen Rumberg Mrs. DorisRudnick Ms. SuzanneRubin Ms. MarjorieRubin Ricardo Rubiales Mr. &Mrs.IraRothfield Dr. DavidRosenbaum Dr. FloydRosen Ms. Estela Romand Mr. HoracioRodriguez Mr. andMrs.Larry Rockind Mr. Ruben Roca Mr. andMrs.Bernard H.Robin Mr. andMrs.Norman Robbins Mr. ClaudioRivero and Ms.SofiaAllam Dr. andMrs.Sorrel Resnik Ms. RituRani Drs. SusanaandLeopoldo Raij Ms. BarbaraRaduns Rabin, Panero &Herrick Mr. ArchieQuintana andMs.MaryannMcIlrath Mr. Warren Purvis Ms. Charlotte Probst Mr. EdwardPreston Ms. MichellePoulin Mr. NicolasA.Pisano Maria E.Pinillos Mr. andMrs.BrianPeterson Mr. Ruso Perkins Ms. BeatrizPerez Michael Peregon Mr. andMrs.GlennPatron Mr. EdgarPatino Mr. andMs.JosephPascale Ms. MariaPalomeque Dr. &Mrs.L.K.Page Mr. JonathanF. Orser Mr. andMrs.Warren JamesOrovitz Ms. HelenO’Connor Mr. JorgeNuche Mr. &Mrs.StuartNewman Dr. Ronald B. Newman Dr. andMrs.MichelNahmad Mr. AbdulMuhammadII Mr. MichaelMoss Mr. Paul Distenfeld Mrs. AnabelaS.Moskovitzand Ms. JeanMorton Mrs. AidaZemel Mr. LarryZemanek Mr. AllanYudacufski Dr. ChrisWunsch Mr. DonaldWorkman Mr. StuartWolf Mr. andMrs.Stephen Wertheimer Mr. andMrs.David Welton Mr. andMrs.Solomon M.Weiss Mr. LarryL.Weiss andMr. JerryBowles Ms. SallyWeintraub Ms. DorthyO. Weinstein andMr. Robert Goldberg Mr. Jennifer Weinberg Mr. Ronald Webb Mr. andMrs.Douglas Wartzok Rabbi andMrs.BruceWarshal Mr. Christopher Wallace Ms. Katherine Wald Ms. GloriaVillaamil Ms. JanelleVega Dr. andMrs.FrederickVan Paznak Ms. FlorenceValkenberg Ms. EdaValero-Figueira Mr. JoseAntonio Valencia Ms. LauraUnger Mrs. SharonTurner Mr. andMrs.JeromeTuck Mr. andMrs.WilliamTschumy Dr. Takeko Toyama Ms. JaneTorres Mr. HanselTookes Dr. andMrs.RichardThurer Ms. DorothyThomas Alan Thomas Ms. NancyTerminello Mr. EliasTaravay andMr. DanielGutierrez Mr. andMrs.MarkTafeen Ana Suarez Ms. AngelaStroll Ralph M.LutrinandAlfred A.Lewis Celia° andKurt° Loewenthal Dr. andMrs.RichardE.Litt Simon &BonnieLevin R. KirkLandon°andPamela Garrison Mr. Steven Kline Vicki andChrisKellogg John Hurford˚ Bliss HebertandAllenCharlesKlein Mr. HubertHarriman Fancinelee HandandDavidSiegel Arlene andRichardHaft Elliot M.FriedmanandBeauBogan Francis Fox Mr.° andMrs.MichaelB. Elder Richard DonovanandSusanFawcett Tracey Corwin Stanley andGalaCohen Mr. JamesChace Mary Bravo° Mr. HalBirchfield Mr. GeorgeBergmann° Dr. BrianBagnall Isabel B. Anderson Anonymous (5) with abequestortrustarrangement. included NWSintheirlong-rangefinancialplans recognizes generousindividualswhohave The NewWorld Symphony's Legacy Society Society The Legacy Paul S.Woehrle Ms. BonneyWikkering Ruth Weiss Rita GreenWallach Teresa Galang-ViñasandJoaquínViñas Ms. Valerie L.Viglione Madeleine B. Sternlight° Diane S.Sepler* Herman Selinsky° Ms. MarjorieSchell Dr. VirginiaSalus Ruth˚ andMarvinSackner Randy° andHannah°Polansky Frances° &Lawrence°Perelman Ms. ChristaPaul Shirley Martinelli° Martin Z.Margulies Mr. Rene H.Males Joy andFredMalakoff Ms. MaryMackenzie° [email protected] or305.428.6729. your name, pleasecontact Yvette Loynaz at If wehaveinadvertently omitted ormisspelled ° Deceased World Symphony since its founding * Generousdonorswhohavesupported theNew YoungArts Yamaha MusicCorp., PianoDivision W SouthBeach Verity Partners, Inc. Total Wine&More Thierry IsambertCulinaryandEventDesign Sushi SambaCoralGables Surfcomber SouthBeach,AKimpton Hotel Summerland Winery STK Miami Sitterson, PA Stearns Weaver MillerWeissler Alhadeff& Southeast CameraCranes Rudolf Budja Gallery Primestream Corporation Original Penguin Miami Children’sMuseum Miami BeachWomen’s Club Miami BeachBotanicalGarden Metropolitan byCOMO Marcum LLP Mar MediaDigitalCinemaRentals Jackson HealthSystem HD House, LLC The HallSouthBeach Fathom Epic, AKimpton Hotel Edition Hotel Cultured Magazine Casilllas, Santiago&Torres, LLC Bocce Bakehouse ArtComplex Bacardi American Airlines In-Kind 57 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by Rui Dias-Aidos Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Longtime NWS volunteers Rosa MaryLerner andMario Villaniatthe2016 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner NWS volunteers at the2016Gala WHEN NOTVOLUNTEERING, THEY CAN BEFOUND: Isabel Jackson *Audrey Hoesch Vera Hochberg RJ Hatfield Helen Harringer Maria Astorga Gutierrez *Malcolm Graff *Florence Graff Judy Goodwin Itziar Gonzalez *Lyndon Godsall *Annette Fromm *Arlyne Frankel Paula Fletcher Rosemary Ference *Eugene Donaldson *Esther Deutsch Brittany Cooke Ivan Contreras *Doris Combs *Marilyn Cohen *Herb Cohen Nancy Cigno *Charlie Cappello *Barbara Cappello *Charlene Brazner *Norma Blum Diane Bedford Paul Banaszak Silvia Anderson THE HEART OF NWS VOLUNTEERS PLAYING TABLE TENNIS AS A WORLD CHAMPION, |PRACTICING SENIOR DIVISION |GOLFING YOGA USHERING AT WRIGLEY FIELDINCHICAGO | ATTENDING THE MIAMICITY BALLET IN 2015-16 SEASON IN 2015-16 VOLUNTEERS IN 2015-16 SEASON IN 2015-16 84 5,150 CONTRIBUTED HOURS THEY VALUE OF THEIR CONTRIBUTED HOURS $113,712 IN 2015-16 SEASON IN 2015-16 MOST HOURS 698 2015-16 *Karen Paige Carol Nesker Lana Mullen *Marty Mueller Morgan Moore Salvatore Miraglia Marlene Mevorah Patsi Mednick Cara Madansky *Nelly Lopez *Hsiwen Lin *Richard Limond *Barbara Limond Shu Li Beata Levine *Rosa MaryLerner Nancy Lee Alix Langer *Rosa Lang Barbara Lang Malka Labow Anne Kuite Danielle Koch-Harf *Silvia Khelfa *Jerome Jordan *Stanley Jonas *Dollie Jonas Laila Johnston *Paul Jacobson *Dale Jacobson THANK YOU! ° Value ofvolunteer hourscalculated by 18,785 hours($598.969). World Center since 2011, collectivelydonating * NWSvolunteers whohaveservedattheNew *Darrell Windle Bonita Whytehead *Estelle Weinstein Fredric Walker Deborah Vles *Mario Villani *Maria Tutiven Adriana Tesone Nancy Terminello Zulia Taub *Mayer Stiebel *Martha St.Charles *Eugene Spencer Gaby Soriano John Smith Bradford Silver Irene Schwarz Suzanne Saunders *Irma Rosier *Allan Rosier Ellen SadoveRenck Sira Ramesh *Pepper Prigal *Marie Pelissier 28,647 HOURS CONTRIBUTED VOLUNTEERS SINCE 2011 SERVING 43 SINCE 2011 59 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by David Ramos Photo by David Ramos Friends of NWSatPulse

Photo by David Ramos Friends event intheNew World Center’s Rooftop Garden Pulse: Late Night at theNewWorld Symphony To learnmoreorto join, 2015-16 highlights included: local institutions,includingBakehouseArtComplex and YoungArts. broad rangeofprogrammingbothonandoffthestage. Theorganizationalsoparticipated ineventcollaborationswithother During the2015-16season,Friendspresented morethan15socialevents and10concerts, exposing its over450membersto a an Executive Committee ofdedicated volunteers whoworktirelesslyto ensureits success. supporting the institution’s mission. A model of success for other similar programs across the U.S., the program is governed by concerts andengagingsocial events aroundtown andallmembershipsincludea tax-deductible donationto NWS,thereby Friends ofNWSisamembership program for emergingmusicloversandphilanthropists. TheFriendscalendarincludesNWS NEW WORLD SYMPHONY FRIENDS OF Leonardo Lanaro Calvin Kohli Keith Kohler Ohad Jehassi Kai Jacobs Maya Ibars Nicola Hudson Peter Garcia Alia Dia Rajan Chopra Tony Cho Cintia Calevoso, Esq. Leighann Buchanan Amy Bloom Rachel Bleemer Amelia Balonek Frances Alban COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE Jeremy Roth, Events Chair Marketing&CommunicationsChair Dana Hagendorf, Jessica Wade-Pfeffer, Secretary Juan DiegoHenao, Treasurer Chad Turner, VicePresident Florencia Jimenez-Marcos,President BOARD OF FRIENDS NWS LEADERSHIP 2015-16 • • • • • Up CloseandPersonal withSusannaMälkki,heldatYoungArts Campus Two Bermudas &BachelorsbachelorauctionatTheHallHotel Pulse: Late Nightatthe NewWorld Symphony concerts +VIPMemberPre-Concert cocktailsontherooftop The SilentDiscoSeasonOpenerattheSurfcomber Young Patron DinnerSalons

Benjamin Wilson Jennifer Weinberg Liza GallardoWalton Jose-Antonio Valencia Justin Trabert Gary Stuart Valeria Soltanik Ebony Smith Sofia Silveyra Walid Sfeir Dan Sachar Alexandra Rutten Bradley Rosen Estela Romand Giselle Real d’Arbelles Andrew Pompa Carolina Piña Jonathan Newberg Katherine Wald Gustavo Tonelli Amy Rosenberg David Restainer Aaron Resnick Anne Owen Stacey GlassmanMizener Jennifer McShane Marcia Martinez Ellen Marchman Lisa Maister Tomas Loewy-Lansky Matthew M.Knobel Angella Forbes Sarah CampbellSmith Sarah Arison NATIONAL COUNCIL 61 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Gala ChairsAnaandNeisenKasdin

NWS Alumnus BillyHunter Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed NWS Chairman oftheBoard EdwardManno ShumskyandSusan D. Kronick MTT withMaster ofCeremoniesMalcolmMcDowell MTT withSarahArison

Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed Save thedate for the2017galaonFebruary 11! ceremonies. Theeveningraisedover$1.7million. than 550supporters werejoined byMalcolmMcDowell,starofAmazon’shitseriesMozartintheJungle,whoservedasfête’s master of Ted andLinArisonbywelcomingbackfiveinnovativealumniwhoareadvancingtheworld ofclassicalmusic, eachintheirownway. More won apositionintheUtahSymphony, andcelebrated atNWS’s28thanniversarygalaonMarch12.Theeventhonoredco-founders MTTand orchestras, ensemblesandeducationalinstitutions.NWSreachedthismilestone achievementonJanuary13whenViolinFellow HughPalmer In its 28yearsasAmerica’sOrchestral Academy, over1,000ofNWS’saccomplishedFellows havetakentheirplacesamongtheworld’s GALA: 1000 NEW WORLD SYMPHONY NWS AlumniandFellows with MTTandMalcolmMcDowell NWS Alumnus AndrewWickesberg

Photo by GFR Photography, Gregory Reed

NWS Alumna Rebekah Heller 63 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 off inthefuturewithadditionalearnedandcontributed revenue. become clients: the Business Development team is building deeperandmoremeaningfulrelationshipsthat will pay basis for long-lasting and mutuallyrewardingnewrelationships.Clients becomenewpatrons,existing patrons to engagewithtalented Fellows anddedicated staff.Theseinteractions fortify currentrelationshipsand form the private andpublicthird-partyevents learnoftheNewWorld Symphony's innovativeworkandhavetheopportunity fees aloneinfiscal2015-16)whilebuildingandstrengtheningpatron,renter andcommunity relationships.Guests at Development team generates vitalincomeinsupportoftheNWSfellowship program($1,028,000ingrossrental of third-partyrentalstheNewWorld Center withstrategic long-term relationship-buildingefforts. TheBusiness In 2015theNewWorld Symphony created aBusinessDevelopmentdepartmentto consolidate arobustprogram team works withsponsorsandpatrons to elevate theirevents, deliveringatransformative experience for theirguests. exceptional ideation,creation and connectionduringtheir businessandpersonal events. TheBusiness Development NWS sponsorsandpatrons havediscoveredthat,aswiththeartistexperience, theNewWorld Center isacatalyst for advocates whomaybe thesponsors,donors,subscribersandcollaborative partnersofits future. Inaddition,current propel its legacyartform forward, itisthesemoments thatpresenttheopportunityto cultivate anetworkofNWS the innovativeandtechnologically-sophisticated researchanddevelopment thatoccursatNWS.AsNWSseeksto vision of the New World Symphony. Through uniquely designed enrichment experiences, clients and guests witness Time spentintheNewWorld Center byclients andtheirguests isanopportunityto introducethemissionand BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT NEW WORLD CENTER IS A COMMUNITY ASSET BUILDING RELATIONSHIP EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE NWS ENGAGEMENT UNIQUE VENUE CULTIVATION STEWARDSHIP Citi andArc Designisaregistered servicemarkof CitigroupInc. 305.428.6784. please for an inquiryform orcontact theBusinessDevelopment Departmentat To learnmore abouthowyouoryourorganizationcanusetheNew World Center to elevate your event, CONTACT US: • • • ACCOMPLISHMENTS:2015-16 Over 40%ofBusinessDevelopmentevents bookedby repeatclients Generated onethirdofNWS’searnedincomein2015-16 NWS Fellows. from briefremarksbyHowardHerringto fullyprogrammed musicalexperiences narrated by approach throughenrichmentexperiences duringtheir events. Theseexperiences ranged Multiple corporate clients soughtto expose theirstafforclients to NWS'sinnovative

The Atlantic’s StartupCity:Miamiconference inthePerformance Hall Citi private receptionanddiscussionintheDonorLounge 65 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 NWS ISAGOODINVESTMENT Accounts Receivable Cash andInvestments ASSETS Total Depreciation of Net Equipment, and Property Prepaid Expenses Total AllOtherOperatingExpenses666,247 Non-Program(Administrative) Staff USES OF FUNDS USES REVENUE GENERATION Facilities ConcertProductionandMarketing Fellowship andTraining PROGRAM Total Endowment Contributed Ticket Sales,Facility Rentals andOtherEarnedIncome Draw Income OTHER 686,499 BusinessDevelopment 1,942,940 Fundraising NET SURPLUS FROM OPERATIONS SOURCES OF FUNDS SOURCES A OPERATING FINANCIALPERSPECTIVE: BUDGET SUMMARY losses onendowedassets, pledgesandgifts received for futurefiscalyears,capitalimprovements anddepreciation. significant damagefromanamedwindstorm. Otherkeyfinancialmetricsareshownbelow. Operatingresults exclude investmentgainsand/or World Center inJanuary2011,NWSiswellonits wayto beingableto funda$5.5millioninsurancedeductibleiftheNewWorld Center sustains of annualoperations.Withacurrentbalance$3.6millioninthereservefund,mostwhichwasgenerated sincetheopeningofNew fund thatisinvested withthe endowment fund andmaintained for emergenciesandotherstrategic usesthatariseoutside theframework For the fiscal year endedJune 30, 2016, NWSachieved anoperating budgetsurplus of$116,607. Operatingsurplusesaretransferred to a reserve



1,296,713 1,296,713 3,985,266

252,589,598 15,848,512 156,961,160 15,965,119 90,415,894 1,634,060 5,079,749 4,233,734

8,483,227 3,248,158 116,607

Total Permanently Restricted NetAssets Temporarily Restricted NetAssets Unrestricted NetAssets Loans andLinesofCredit Deferred Revenues Accounts Payable andAccrued Expenses NET ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 100%

100% 53% 12% 27% 20% 17% 71%


PROGRAM 71% 252,589,598 81,387,639 134,100,971 14,074,183 11 6,000 21,18 879,668 961,137 term purchasing powerofinvested assets. endowment spend rate fromits current5%to better insulate theinstitutionfromfutureextreme marketvolatilityandpreservemorelong- A significantlylargerendowment willalsohelpfundmajorcapitalimprovements. Itshouldopenthedoor for apotential decreaseinthe generating 45%ofoperatingsupport, nearly$100millionmorethan the currentbalance. if the Fiscal 2015-16annual fund represented 40% of revenue, it would support an operating budgetof $21 millionandrequire an endowment, As NWScontinuesto grow, alargershareoftheoperatingbudgetmustbe generated fromalargerendowment. To putthisinto perspective, that makemoresensefor NWS. endowment, however, wouldreducetheproportionalrelianceonannualgivingand bringfinancialbalancepoints closer to historical levels are attractingnewfundersandkeepingloyalfunders,multi-yearcommitments to annualoperationsareextremely important.Alarger is concernedwithrelyingtoo heavily on annualcontributions as ameansto sustainlong-term experimentation andflexibility. NWSprograms While pleasedwiththesubstantialincreasesinearnedrevenueonanabsolute basisandtheabilityto raiseamuchlargerannualfund,NWS and 15%(earned)for anoperatingbudgethalfthecurrentsize. The previouspageshowsFiscal2015-16revenuesources.Historically theseratioshaveapproximated 45%(endowment),40%(contributed) to pre-recessionlevels,NWSfinds itself withasignificantlydifferentrevenueprofilethananticipated. just $27.6 millioninnewcommitments. Whilenearlyallofthosecommitments havenowbeenreceivedandtheendowmenthasrecovered subsequent unprecedented globalfinancial crisisandrecession,however, negativelyimpacted the existing endowmentandleftNWSwith The campaignbeganin2006.Groundwasbroken2008withsecuredcommitments inhandfor theentirecostoffacility. The $90 millioninnewendowmentfunding. Consequently, thecapitalcampaignto buildtheNewWorld Center hadagoal of$250million:$160millionfor designandconstruction and essentially doubleonceitmovedinto thenewfacility, andasignificantlylargerendowmentwaskeyelementoflong-term fundingneeds. annual operatingbudget.Throughmultipleproforma exercises duringfiveyearsofplanning,NWSknewthatits operatingbudgetwould Prior to theopeningofNew World Center, oneofNWS’skeystrengths wasanendowmentthatroughly10timesthesizeof SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CURRENT FINANCIALMODEL NWS SEEKS A STRONGER PLATFORM TO SUPPORT EXPERIMENTATION ENDOWMENT 27% CONTRIBUTED SPEND INCOME 53% 20% INCOME EARNED IDEAL BALANCE POINTS ENDOWMENT 45% SPEND CONTRIBUTED INCOME 40% INCOME EARNED 15% 67 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 DURING 2015-16 SEASON DURING 2015-16 NWS ONSOCIALMEDIA /newworldsymphony @nwsymphony @nwsymphony @nwsymphony TWITTER SNAPCHAT INSTAGRAM 25,600likes 16,700+ likesreceived 3,800 followers were reached. viewers watched liveandmorethan99,000 Rico at the Casals Festival. Thousands of minutes oftheorchestra’sdebutinPuerto broadcast to date, documenting the firsttwo World Symphony shotits mostpopularlive engage in real time. In March the New allowing audiencesto watch liveand Late NightattheNewWorld Symphony, New World Symphony events, likePulse: scenes andinto theheartofquintessential broadcasts took online audiences behind the Live broadcasting.Theseinnovativelive with performances inrealtimeviaFacebook 2015-16 season,byconnecting audiences experimentation onestep furtherinthe The NewWorld Symphony took its online Innovation indigitalmedia: FACEBOOK 14,400 followers 1,000 followers gained • • • • performances, PulseandPuerto Rico: Facebook Livebroadcastsof holidaypop-up than 1,600times @nwsymphony wasmentionedmore #NWSPulse and#WALLCAST Popular hashtagsonTwitter include Indoor Concert the SeasonFinaleWALLCAST™ Concertand season, andcreated its first-everfilters for NWS joinedSnapchatattheendof account sixtimesduringthe2015-16season. NWS Fellows took overNWS'sInstagram • • • 99,200 reached,6,600views,404likes Casals Festival: March Puerto Ricodebutatthe 17,500 reached,5,100 views,341likes performance: March JacksonHospitalLunch views, 751likes January Pulse:37,700 reached,10,600 4,800 views,315likes January Pulseintro:19,500reached, 11,600 reached,3,100 views,217likes December pop-upatAventura mall: received 2,500+views times inafive-hourperiodand Filters wereusedmorethan150 3,919 likesreceived 46 posts generated from concertgoersthroughouttheseason. Inc., educationallinksandadditional resources.Thisrobustplatform offersanewlevel of engagementandgarneredenthusiasticpraise concerts. Patrons canaccessdetailedprograminformation monthsinadvance, enhancedwithaudioclipsprovidedbyNaxos ofAmerica, functionality and design throughout. In oneofits mostanticipated highlights, the site nowhosts interactive programnotes for most presence offersarotatinghomepage feed ofallthelatest news,easyonlinesubscriptions andticketorders,aswellinnovative The 2015-16seasonbroughtwithitanewwebsite to replaceNWS’sformer NWS’supdated digital NOTES INTERACTIVE PROGRAM NEW WEBSITE INFORMATION LINKS AND RELATED Word Cloudgenerated byouraudience’sresponseto theonlineprogramnotes. SAMPLES AUDIO HYPERLINKS 69 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 Alumni andFellow Services Manager ofVisiting Faculty, Miriam Fogel Director ofCommunityEngagement Cassidy Fitzpatrick Information Technologies Manager, DistanceLearning and John HenryDale Executive VicePresidentandProvost John Kieser ADVANCEMENT MUSICIAN Assistant VicePresidentandBoardLiaison *Beth Boleyn President andChiefExecutive Officer *Howard Herring EXECUTIVE STAFF Photo by Jonathan David Kane their songs,withsomuchnaturalstagepresence, wefelt allofthe line. Whenwatching thegirlsdotheirfirstfullrun-throughof journey, to atimewhenallwehadwasonelyric, oronemelodic “It’s hardto evenremember backto thebeginningofthissongwriting was donated to theschoolatendofresidency. quality recordingsoftheirsongs,usingrecordingequipmentthat concerts attheendofschool year. Theyalsomadeprofessional write, compose, recordandperform theirownsongsduringthree The residencyprovidedninemiddle-schoolgirlsthetools to ensemble fromMiamiBeach’sFeinberg-Fisher K-8school. a CollaborativeSong-WritingResidency withtheall-girlrock grant from theJohnS.and James L. Knight Foundation to lead who makeupthebandThealtDefault, wona$9,000 matching Wolkstein (Violin),andNWSalumnusDavidConnor(Bass2013-15), Current NWSFellows HannahNicholas(Viola)andNathaniel ACOMPOSING BRIGHT FUTUREFOR STUDENTS THE ALT DEFAULT

Community Engagement Manager Ross Triner Distance Education Director ofNewMediaand Justin Trieger Executive Assistantto MusicianAdvancement Stephanie Torok Associate OrchestraManager *Brian Sayre Fellow Development Dean ofChamberMusicand *Michael Linville Orchestra Manager Director ofVisitingFaculty and JT Kane Fellow Services Dean ofAdmissions, Alumniand *Thomas Hadley interpretations offolk music fromallovertheworld. Dave’s arrangements ofclassical and jazztunesto Hannah’sunique from Nathaniel’salternative androck-influenced originalsongs to work, Bringing anarrayofmusicalandculturalinfluences to their in beingcreativeandexpressive,” saidHannah. is areallyformative timeandwewantthestudents to feel freedom we areplayingtogether and writingmusictogether. Middleschool we alllovedoingit,isthecreativefreedomthatfeel when band, one of the things that drives all of us, one of the reasons that past months.Thisprojectisreallyimportantto usbecause, asa a groupofpassionate girls,whowearesoluckyto mentor these of all,wegotto seeandhearthefullcreationsexpressions of aspects of the workshops coming together in a tangible way. Most The alt Default is an eclectic trio that plays everything Director, MusicLibrary *Martha Levine Director ofLighting Luke Kritzeck Production Assistant William C.Hunt Artist ServicesManager Ana MariaEstévez Assistant VideoEngineer Jerron Collins Production Technician Quanikqua Bryant Artistic PlanningandPrograms Executive VicePresidentfor *Douglas Merilatt ARTISTIC PROGRAMS Vice President for Development *Paul Woehrle Development Database Administrator Veronica Sierra-Soderman Foundation Relations Assistant VicePresidentfor Peter Sahwell Development Manager *Lona Palmero Director ofSpecialEvents Jack Mizutani Senior VicePresidentfor Development Executive Assistantto the Yvette Loynaz Friends ofNWS Director ofCorporate Partnerships and Iva Kosović Development Coordinator Stephany Kim Corporate Partnerships Assistant VicePresidentofDevelopment, Todd Heustess Director ofResearch Emily Greene Director ofIndividual Giving Marc Giosi Director ofGrants Julisa Fusté Marketing FulfillmentManager Sponsorship and Eduardo Delgado Senior VicePresidentfor Development Maureen M.O’Brien DEVELOPMENT Production Technician Robyn Zumwalt Vice President,ProgramOperations *Adam Zeichner Videographer Shaun Wright Assistant Technical Director *Dean Tomlinson Director ofAudioServices Roberto Toledo Chief VideoEngineer Dan Slentz Director ofVideoProduction *Clyde Scott Videographer Bryan Rider Technical Director William Quirk Production Technician Jason Miller Production Technician Alan Miller Production Technician Michael McEvoy Maintenance Ernesto Espinosa Security Prevenu Ermilus Security Marlom Elvin Information Technologies Manager, DistanceLearning and John HenryDale Accounting Manager Paula Cruz Facilities Director Azael Ceballos Chief FinancialOfficer Executive VicePresidentand *David J.Phillips FINANCE Floor Manager Heydee Zamora Box OfficeAssociate Molly Wyrick-Flax Audience Development Assistant VicePresidentfor Marte Siebenhar Box OfficeandAudienceServicesManager Theo Reyna Director ofGuest Services Yuri Rebello Box OfficeAssociate Erika Miras Digital MediaProducerandStoryteller David Marin Senior Director of AudienceServices *Michael Humphries Director ofDigital Communications Jessica Hodder Archivist Jonathan Heller Junior ArtDirector Alexandra Guardia Director ofPublicationsandCommunications Marci Falvey Box OfficeAssociate *Bruce Cohen Floor Manager Beverley Burstein House Manager Richard Brown Creative Director *Siggi Bachmann Floor Manager Mario Arguelles Vice Presidentfor Communications Craig Hall COMMUNICATIONS * denotes 10+yearsofserviceto NWS Security Rafael Villela Security Daisy Karina Villatoro Accounts Payable Associate Rosa Vila Maintenance Bismark Toval Staff Accountant Grace Tagliabue Facilities Director *Rick Serna Director ofBusiness Development Charlotte Schou Maintenance Jesse Pete Sasser Support andApplicationsAnalyst Andrew Salman Grants Accountant *Lourdes Rivera Maintenance *Keith Ramsey Director ofInformation Technology *Luis Quintero Director ofAccounting andController Humberto Ortega Security Lourdes Luis Director ofSecurity Hyacinth Lilley Maintenance Eddy Lamothe Vice President,Facilities Jose Lamadrid Vice PresidentofBusinessDevelopment *Michelle Kucharczyk Security Business DevelopmentManager Terell Johnson Security Carlos Inchauslequi Director ofSecurity Dorothy Harrell for 25 yearsormore. for at least20years,andfour ofthem Seven employeeshavebeen withNWS AllEmployees:6.5years SeniorStaff:12.5years Average lengthofservice: employees. NWS attracts andretainsexcellent 71 @nwsymphony | 305.673.3331 SEASON SPONSORS

Premier Sponsor of the New World Symphony

City of Miami Beach, Cultural Affairs Program, Cultural Arts Council




The New World Symphony is a 501(c)(3) organization (Federal Tax #59-2809056). NWS is registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Registration #CH503). A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) with the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

Citi and Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.