Bateman Tops GOP Ballot in Borough Vote
Your Want Ad T iui /ip Code Is Easy To Place • ' \i iiintninv') Just Phone 686 7700 0709? An OHicial For The Botnuqh Of Mountainside VOL. 19-NO. 27 Paid „. M,,,, MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J.. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1977 Bateman tops GOP ballot in borough vote Kirn hulls I'l'tileslfl tjliln'i i I , 1111 r i; 11 "VMthpr 'hr Rrpuhhr-an nur 'hr laces, (in hold «i(ies. of the l>;illni [ iiMiiori a! \r r;i nduiate*, for Si i'*' Scnah tailed In bring an appn>eiahl<- numbe; liii'i-H.itn chiilli'ngerv (iiir •.hmH.ird of Mountainside voters tu the polU in bearer t'eier MeDnnoiigh wun 701 Tuesday's primary election Of the borough voles, while Pemocr.iiH broii^ih •-. \ 'li\f\ rejJiMered vuh ~ri- ..nU li'ipclu! Hairs I'appii"- h;>'l I <7 SH'i J4 percent i easi hallols I berc aK" s>**re no > .uiir^K in In the battle fop nnminalion ,is the r i, i it i ma! ion** l<w (r<>m>ral \^Msmbl\ Republican gubernatorial nominee c aiiciidat!1^ Tnilit's u**re Raymond II Balenian uas the victor in Republicans William Magwir'1 I'M the hiirniigh liver challenger Thomas m,I I),,ivilH IiiFranrescMi i\7 7 Kean. by a vole of 4:i7 to :i"ti Totals for (Continued on page 21 the other ( K i|' hopefuls were (' Rohcri Sareone. 117 and William Angus ,Ir , '.M In the Democratic race, local setters gave their support to incumbent Dayton High Brendan Byrne, with 111 votes Robert A Hoe ssas second, svith TH voles, followed by Joseph A Hoffman.
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