Exceptional Tours Expertly Delivered

Our location guide offers you information on the range of visits available in . All visits are selected with your subject and the curriculum in mind, along with the most popular choices for sightseeing, culture and leisure in the area.

The information in your location guide has been provided by our partners in London who have expert on the ground knowledge of the area, combined with advice from education professionals so that the visits and information recommended are the most relevant to meet your learning objectives.

Making Life Easier for You

This location guide is not a catalogue of opening times. Our Tour Experts will design your itinerary with opening times and location in mind so that you can really maximise your time on tour.

Our location guides are designed to give you the information that you really need, including what are the highlights of the visit, location, suitability and educational resources. We’ll give you top tips like when is the best time to go, dress code and extra local knowledge.

Peace of Mind

So that you don’t need to carry additional money around with you we will state in your initial quote letter, which visits are included within your inclusive tour price and if there is anything that can’t be pre-paid we will advise you of the entrance fees so that you know how much money to take along.

You also have the added reassurance that, WST is a member of the STF and our featured visits are all covered as part of our externally verified Safety Management System.



Number 48 Doughty Street was an important place in Charles Dickens's life where he resided from 1837 until 1839. Rooms are decorated in the early Victorian style that Dickens would have favoured and personal possessions of Dickens from his lifetime as well as manuscripts, rare editions, letters and portraits are on display. Students will explore the house following a self-guided activity trail. Each school group visit will receive a taught workshop to choose from the two options below...

The Art of the Monthly Part: KS3 & 4 English

Students analyse Dickens’s use of language and his presentation of character in the novel Great Expectations, using the author’s preferred monthly part publication format as inspiration for collaborative enlarged front covers using mixed media. Students have the opportunity to explore and experiment with a range of materials to convey ideas and meanings.

The Author’s Craft: KS3 and 4 English

Taught manuscript workshop looking at how Dickens crafted his work. Culminating in a new collaborative manuscript from each group based around a particular setting or theme. Pupils understand how texts relate to the social and historical context in which they were written and learn to shape meaning and evaluate ideas and effect in their own writing.


Charles Dickens Walking Tour (90 mins)

Taking part in a Dickens walk gives students the opportunity to examine the life of Dickens through visiting places that shaped his life – from humble beginnings to his legacy as one of Britain’s greatest literary figures. Dickens went on long rambling walks around London, taking in the sights and sounds, observing people and places, and using them as inspiration for his timeless stories and characters.

Using excerpts from Dickens’s novels, insights from those who knew Dickens personally and his own expert knowledge, Richard aims to bring Dickens’s London to life for those who join him on his walks!

In the Footsteps of Dickens and Shakespeare

London provided inspiration to both Shakespeare and Dickens. It stimulated their imaginations and provided the backdrop against which they set their most memorable scenes featuring some of their greatest characters.

On this fascinating journey you will follow in their footsteps along the south bank of the River Thames and explore a truly atmospheric area of hidden riverside pathways, dark, imposing Victorian warehouses and cobblestones streets, all of which are set amidst the nooks and corners of a bygone age.

In the Footsteps of Charles Dickens

This is a truly magical journey through the streets and to the places with which the name of Charles Dickens is indelibly linked. Indeed, the area that we explore on this walk is brim full with Dickensian locations – places he knew, places he lived in and places he wrote about

The Sherlock Holmes Mystery Trail

It was in the streets of the Metropolis that Holmes – accompanied, of course, by his faithful sidekick, Dr. John H. Watson – pitted his wits against some of literature’s most dastardly villains and pondered some of its most baffling cases.

The highways and byways of London are as integral a feature of Holmes and Watson’s adventures as are the main characters themselves, and no story would be complete without a brisk stroll, or knuckle-clenching carriage chase, through the fog enshrouded thoroughfares of the Victorian or Edwardian Metropolis.

So, come on a journey of discovery that follows in the footsteps of Holmes and Watson through the alleyways and courtyards of an area that features in more of their adventures than any other part of London.


Mull over Johnson's great Dictionary in the Garret where it was written. Take the new audio-visual tour and discover Johnson's fascinating life and try on the Georgian costumes and explore with the family trail.

KS3 &4 English Workshops

Dr Johnson's House runs English workshops for secondary pupils based around Johnson's Dictionary and Black History.

A-Level English Workshop

Johnson's 1755 ‘A Dictionary of the English Language’ is directly linked to the A- level English unit on Language Change. This popular workshops focus on bringing the Dictionary to life and giving the students a sense of the context in which it was written, before taking a detailed look at the work itself.

Students have the chance to browse eighteenth-century copies of Johnson's Dictionary from our collection, look at examples of change in the meanings of words and language use, and explore Johnson's attitudes to language change together with the impact of his work.


City Academy’s writing workshops are an opportunity for students to free their imagination and tell an original story. Options include…

Creative Writing

This workshop gives students the opportunity to try their hand at different forms of writing. From poetry to prose, short stories to drama, students will be working with a professional writer to hone their writing style with fun and constructive writing exercises to inspire ideas considering plot structure and narrative.

Sitcom Writing

An ideal session for groups wanting to have some fun coming up with their own sitcom, or want to know a bit more about how sitcom stories are formed, or perhaps are interested in the differences between British and American situation comedies,

You’ll start to explore skills including, creating a central and antagonistic character, Plotting, Work, rest and play, and Conflict, secrets & lies


If students need help bringing ideas to life, this session includes practical exercises, group interaction and feedback from your expert teacher. Groups will consider an introduction to plot structure, look at using classical dramatic narrative and learn how to 'trigger' their imagination and free themselves as a script writer.

Communication, Presentation and Public Speaking Skills

The team at City Academy are performance experts whose experience goes far beyond the world of theatre and film. Using performance training, this workshop help students with both business and personal skills which can be used in everyday life.

Poetry Workshop (2 hr)

This practical session is ran by an expert who focuses on guiding the group through the creative process to culminate in a poem of their own. This includes;  Overview and discussion of poetic writing as a medium  Practical exercises encouraging the students to creatively respond to given theme/s  Participating in discussion; sharing each other’s' work and providing feedback


The Southbank centre welcomes visits from schools and will adapt a visit to help you get the most out of the collection and other opportunities at Southbank Centre. Students can research a particular poet, explore the UK’s largest

collection of modern poetry, research a particular subject and even discover how to publish poetry.


Bring your learning to life with a visit to the Royal Courts of Justice for a school visit unlike any other. The National Citizenship and Law (NCCL) specialises in providing a range of innovative activities to suit your classroom based learning, all within the magnificent setting of one of Britain’s most prestigious working courtrooms. Your group can choose from a wide range of quality learning experiences, including:

Court In Session

This two hour session takes place in a working court room and around the courts. Students will:  Be introduced to the Royal Courts of Justice and what happens there  Prepare and enact a trial based on an ex-offender’s experiences  Explore roles in a court room and meet a legal professional where possible  Discuss and debate real sentencing options  Discover key spaces in the Royal Courts of Justice

Motion To Appeal

This two hour session takes place in a working court room and around the courts. Students will:  Be introduced to the Royal Courts of Justice and what happens there  Prepare for and debate an appeal case which has been heard at the Royal Courts of Justice (this can be a broader debate or one that focuses on a particular point of law)  Explore roles in a court room and meet a legal professional where possible  Discover key spaces in the Royal Courts of Justice


Standing or seated, there is no better way to see Shakespeare than in the theatre which has been built to the same design as the original.

2015 Season The 2015 season is due to be announced in December 2014.

Workshops Your students can take part in Lively Action Workshops, that are tailored to the curriculum and explore Shakespeare’s texts practically as a play, rather than as the written word.

Globe Tour and Exhibition A fascinating guided tour inside the theatre reveals the story of its reconstruction and gives an exciting insight into how the ‘wooden O’ works today as an imaginative and experimental theatrical space. The interactive Exhibition explores the life of Shakespeare, the London where he lived, and the theatre for which he wrote.


In London we don’t just offer you a chance to see a show. With WST you can really get behind the scenes of the West End and improve key skills in many areas:

Top West End Shows:

 Lion King  Wicked  War Horse  Billy Elliot  We Will Rock You  Les Misérables  Matilda The Musical  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  A Chorus Line  Jersey Boys

Whatever show you are interested in seeing, we can advise you on the best time to go and arrange your group seating.

Top Tip

We can pre-arrange your interval ice creams for you, so you can avoid the queues. Just ask your Tour Consultant.

Theatre Workshops

No theatre-based trip to London is complete with our at least one of our fantastic 90 minute workshops. Run by experienced professionals, in venues such as Pineapple Studios and 'Dance Works', our wide range covers a variety of skills, and in many cases can be focussed on a show you are seeing as part of your trip. Most workshops end with a Q&A with a West End cast member. We can happily create a workshop just for you, just ask us! Theatre and Studio Tours

Backstage theatre tours are not just about life as an actor, these can be a fascinating technical tour showing all the secrets of set and costume design. You might just see a famous face arriving for rehearsals! Choose from:

 The National Theatre  Theatre Royal Drury Lane   The Queens Theatre – Les Misérables. Wednesdays only


London offers a great choice of museums and attractions, many of which are an ideal complement to their learning and can be free for students


Highlights of London A half day guided tour of the city on board your coach is a perfect way to see all the major sites. Highly recommended if this is a first time visit to London for many of your students.

Jack the Ripper Walking Tour Always in the evening and at its best when London is cold and misty, this eerie tour takes students back in time to 1888 to follow in the footsteps of the London Metropolitan Police as they try to catch a killer.

Guided tour of the London 2012 Olympic Sites Following the outstanding success of the world’s greatest sporting event, there is now huge interest in seeing the area where our athletes won their medals. A vast

urban regeneration programme has transformed East London and is still making headline news. This 2 – 2½ hour walk begins at Pudding Mill Lane on the Greenway overlooking the Aquatic Centre and the Stadium and then goes into the park to past the Handball Arena (The Copper Box), walks by the Velodrome and also the new I- City (formerly the International Press Centre). For an additional fee we can pre- book visits inside the Copper Box, the Aquatics Centre and the Orbit within your walking tour. Please confirm at the time of booking.

Top Tip: Please note the tour does not allow access to all areas of the Olympic Park. A number of buildings including the Olympic Stadium and the Velodrome are still not open to visitors. However, these key sites can still be seen from great viewpoints around the tour.

ART GALLERIES OF LONDON London has a great range of art galleries, which have free entrance and all offer downloadable resources and education programmes. The most popular galleries are:

National Gallery An iconic attraction, situated in the renowned , the is a must see for school groups.

Website: Underground: Charing Cross

National Portrait Gallery The National Portrait Gallery is home to the best collection of portraits in the world. The gallery gives students an exclusive insight into the men and women who have shaped British history.

Website: Undergound: Charing Cross or

Tate Britain Home of British Art to the present day, the is an iconic gallery that is a perfect opportunity for students to appreciate the progression and changes of British Art through the decades.

Website: Underground: Pimlico

Tate Modern As the most-visited modern art gallery in the world, the allows students to see various forms of international modern art, all in one gallery.

Website: Underground: Southwark or Mansion House (walk over )

Victoria & Albert The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's greatest museum of art and design, representing over three thousand years of human creativity, with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity.

Website: Underground: South Kensington

BRITISH MUSEUM With more than 7 million objects within its collections, the illustrates and documents the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present. Famous objects include the Rosetta Stone, sculptures from the Parthenon, the Sutton Hoo and Mildenhall treasures and the Portland Vase making it one of the greatest museums in the world.

Website: Underground: Holburn

HMS BELFAST Visit HMS Belfast to discover what life was like for those who lived and worked on board this last remaining warship of its kind. Nine decks of amazing seafaring history provide countless opportunities to explore and discover for students where you can hear sailors’ stories in the Life at Sea exhibition. You can also find out what extensive places HMS Belfast visited during her years in active service and learn more about her exploits at sea.

Website: Underground:

HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Free guided tours are available throughout the year. These tours must be booked directly by the school using the specific educational booking line and at certain booking periods. Please follow these links for information on when you can make a booking and rules of booking. -tour/ for-bookings-day.pdf

Please note that tours are very popular and places are limited, so generally have to be booked about six months in advance. Your tour will last around 75 minutes.

Educational Resources: In addition to a guided tour, you may also request a curriculum focussed workshop and possibly a Q&A session with your MP, subject to their availability. Workshop themes are Elections and Voting, Your Voice and Making Laws. These workshops get booked up well in advance so please apply early.

Website: Underground: Westminster

IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM The covers conflicts involving Britain from the First World War through to the present day. The Centenary of the First World War is highly topical and with it’s new First World War galleries the IWM is a must for any group visiting London.

Website: Underground: Lambeth North

LONDON DUNGEON The London Dungeon combines real history, horror and humour to bring gruesome goings-on back to life in the 21st century. A thrilling and exciting trip that students will love, with actors recreating events such as the Great fire of London, Sweeney Todd, the Plague and Jack the Ripper.

Website: Underground: Waterloo

LONDON EYE Breath-taking sights make the a highlight of the city which you should not miss!

Top tip: If you are looking for ways to keep your students entertained, this is an excellent evening activity.

Website: Underground: Waterloo

MADAME TUSSAUDS A thrilling and exciting visit containing inspiring wax works of some of the world’s most influential and famous people. Galleries include Sport, World Leaders, The Royal Family and Music along with the Spirit of London ride and Marvel Super Heroes 4D experience. Students can also take part in interactive tasks such as umpiring an Andy Murray tennis match or taking a penalty alongside David Beckham.

Website: Underground:

MUSEUM OF LONDON Step inside for a memorable journey through London’s unsettled history. Telling London's story students can enjoy the prehistoric, Roman and medieval London galleries through to the present day.

Website: Underground: Barbican

NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Hundreds of exciting, interactive exhibits including the ultimate dinosaur exhibition, a human biology section or visit 'Investigate' -an exciting new hands-on science centre perfect for engaging students.

Website: Underground: South Kensington

RIPLEY’S, BELIEVE IT OR NOT Based in the heart of the West End, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! is the most wonderfully weird visitor attraction in London. Home to countless curiosities collected by the legendary adventurer Robert Ripley, you’ll step into a fascinating world where the bizarre and the unbelievable come to life and where amazement is waiting around every corner. From unusual art to underwater wonders, an upside down room and even a dungeon, at Ripley’s London there are mindboggling experiences for even the wildest imagination.

Website: Underground: Picadilly Circus

SCIENCE MUSEUM The Science Museum allows you to introduce children to science with fun, hands-on interactives and encounter the past, present and future of technology in seven floors of galleries. At the Museum you can find all this and more with topics ranging from space and travel to food and medicine.

Website: Underground: South Kensington

ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL With its iconic dome that dominates the London skyline, St Pauls Cathedral is a must see for all groups visiting London. Over the years, decoration has been added and removed so that today the history of the nation can be seen in mosaics and stone carvings throughout the building. School groups can take a self guided visit or a themed guided visit

Top Tip: In addition to the crypt and the Cathedral, weather permitting, you can take your students to the climb up to the exterior galleries for an amazing view of London. This is an additional cost which can be paid on the day.

Website: Underground: St Pauls

THAMES RIVER CRUISE This cruise along the Thames is a great way to see some of the major sites of the city. We recommend groups take the cruise from Westminster to Tower which takes in Westminster, , , London Eye, , The Tate Modern, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, and the Tower. This 40 minute cruise packs in many of London’s major sites.

Meeting Point: Westminster Millennium Pier

TOWER OF LONDON See where numerous individuals lost their heads and visit the Prisoners exhibition which looks at some of the Towers more notorious convicts including Anne Boleyn, Edward V, Guy Fawkes and Sir .

Website: Underground: Tower Hill

RESTAURANTS Make your evening meal a night out with a restaurant visit. We can book tables at an exciting range of restaurants offering pre-theatre dinner packages to suit all budgets. Choose from:

Planet Hollywood Rainforest Café Hard Rock Café Pizza Express Pizza Hut Maxwell’s Sticky Fingers Palm Court Brasserie Piazza

We can also arrange for packed lunches to be delivered to your hotel or an appropriate meeting point in the city.

Top Tip: These restaurants usually offer a 2 or 3 course menu based on a set meal, but can always offer a vegetarian alternative so please let us know if you have any vegetarians in your group.

HOODED SWEATSHIRTS We can help you to arrange hooded sweatshirts for all the participants on your trip. We work with an experienced team who can offer you a choice of sizes, colours and personalise them. So, not only do your students have a greater sense of identity with being on the trip, they have a memento to keep afterwards.

‘They were brilliant! Really impressed with the quality. Pupils made comments about them being better than the ones they had for netball tour! They loved them! Definitely want them next year!’ Wydean School