Tafseer of Qaf 3

Best thing to start in the morning is Qalam Ullah. Al Muthabbath bi thilaawathee, anything u will do in the .

We stopped in ayat number 11

The main thing about the surah Qaf is where we are learning of the people who deny the glorious Quran! And they don’t believe in it! And Allah subahanawatha'la is mentioning the people who deny the Quran and he mentioned the different people who deny the Quran and Allah subahanawatha'la he answers each and every one!

Ayat 4 where Allah subahanawatha'la talks about the unseen and that is one way

Another ayat is where Allah subahanawatha'la tells us to look at the universal signs and really look at them with an open heart and see the signs of Allah and believe in him! But this is not for everyone! Only the one who is abdin muneeb- the one who submits to Allah az'awajal with an open heart and is real need of Allah az'awajal!

Now we see! Why do people deny the day of judgement? Because they have a veil over their eyes and they are ignorant! They belie the day of judgement! Or the yawmud deen or the Yawmul hisaab! Because the one who really believes in THIS DAY there will be impacts on him! He will never be arrogant to people or wrong people he will be so good to everyone else because it really sinks in his heart that the day of recompense is real! So he won’t be proud or arrogant or jealous etc…..

So because the belies the day of judgement this is what made them so bad on the earth! They are proud and spread mischief etc…..

So Allah subahanawatha'la is saying you Quraysh you belie the day of judgement but look at the previous nation how they were more powerful than you but look at what happened to them after Allah's punishment befell them!

So this is one reason why the stories of the previous nations were told so that we realize that they were also the same as the nations now!

Imagine the prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam he knew of the Ghaib on certain things which Allah subahanawatha'la showed him! And he really wanted to help the people! He wanted it genuinely! And it really made him sad when he tried to do daawah to the people and he is having mercy towards the Quraysh but they still mock and criticize him etc…….

So we see that the main thing in our heart when we make genuine daawah is the mercy and compassion in the heart because we want the good for others too! So look at what the prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam faced and he would’ve been so sad right by the way the Quraysh treated him and Allah subahanawatha'la knew this and he said look at the people before you how they were with the messengers before also!

So all the previous nations were the same! How they denied and denied and how much of trials the messengers went through! And this ayat 12 was revealed as a comfort also for the prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam! For him not to get sad!

۟ ۟ ۟ ۡ ُۚﱠ ٍ۟ ُ ﱞ َو َ ٌد َو ِ ۡ َ ۡ ُن َوإِ ۡ َ ُٲن ُ ٍط ١٣( ) َوأَ ۡ َ ٰـ ُ َٱ ۡ َ ِ َوَ ۡ ُم ( َ ﱠَ ۡ َ َُۡۡ َ ۡ ُم ُ ۟ ٍح َوأَ ۡ َ ٰـ ُ ﱠٱ ﱢس َوَ ُ ُد ١٢( ۡ ۡ ۡ ) ِﭑ َ ِ ۡٱَ ﱠو ِل ۚ َ ۡ ھُۡ ِ َ ۡ ۟ ٍ ﱢ ۡ َ ۟ ٍ َ ِ ٍ۟ ١٥( َ ﱠ َب ﱡٱ ُ َ َ َ ﱠ َو ِ ِ ١٤( ) أََ َ َِ

Denied before them (i.e. these pagans of Makkah) the people of Nûh (Noah), and the dwellers of Rass, and the Thamûd, (12) And 'Ad, and Fir'aun (Pharaoh), and the brethren of Lut (Lot), (13) And the Dwellers of the Wood, and the people of Tubba'; Everyone of them denied (their) Messengers, so My Threat took effect. (14) Were We then tired with the first creation? Nay, they are in confused doubt about a new creation (i.e. Resurrection)? (15)

Subahanallah! Allah subahanawatha'la is mentioning the people who belied! The Kazzabath- the ones who denied! And they all had these main characteristics! And they were the ones before:

َ ۡ ُم ُ ۟حٍ .1

The people of Nuh (Nuh was the first messenger)…and when did the disbelief come? At the time of Nuh there were teachers/sheikhs who would teach the people right! And the people really loved these sheikhs and once they died the people wanted to put pictures of the sheikh and statues etc….and then the children when they see the fathers praying whenever they see the pictures the children also thought they need to look at the picture and pray and then generation after generation the shirk expanded and evolved!

So imagine Nuh Alai was a messenger who stayed with his people for 950 years only conveying the message and all! Subahanallah! He was one of the most patient messengers! And even in his time though he had so many signs of truth there were only 70-80 people who followed him! Subahanallah!

In Nuh’s time before the fathers would die they would advise the offspring not to follow Nuh! Then after Allah subahanawatha'la told Nuh Alai that no one will believe him anymore then he sent down the rain!

As seen in Surah Qamar!

And when Nuh was making the ship he got mocked and laughed at so much by the people but then the rain came from all sides! Subahanallah! And they all drowned! Even his son! Who didn’t believe! The son of Nuh said he will take refuge on the mountain and he didn’t want to go with Nuh!

Subahanallah! So see how Allah subahanawatha'la punished the people of Nuh with the drowning!

۟ َوأَ ۡ َٰـ ُ ﱠٱ ﱢس .2

The people of the Well- ashaabil rass- how did they deal with their messenger they buried him in a well and killed him!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subahanallah! They were a tribe from the Arabs! They were also drowned!

َوَ ُ ُد .3

The people of Thamud who had Salih as their messenger and they had the miracle of the she camel! And how did they perish? Punishment? An awful CRY! ۟ َو َ ٌد .4

They had Kibr! They were so powerful and used to build their houses in the mountains and they had such a lot of power! And Allah subahanawatha'la gave this blessing for them but what did they do? Attribute the blessings to themselves! They said that no one on the earth has power on earth like us and we are the strongest of all creations! They were the people of Alai!

And how did Allah subahanawatha'la destroy them? With a STRONG WIND! Subahanallah! Someone so powerful imagine what happened to them? The wind came and made all of them die! As mentioned in the beginning of Surah Haqqah. The wind came for 7 days! So all of them were destroyed!

َو ِ ۡ َ ۡ ُن .5

Firaun who made himself the Kind and said he was the Lord etc…..he was also drowned in the sea ۟ َوإِ ۡ َ ُٲن ُ ٍ ط .6

The people of Lut! What was the mistake they did? Homosexuality! Subahanallah! Aoothubillah!!!! Because they twisted the nature of humans upside down Allah subahanawatha'la made the people of that time to be turned upside down!

The punishment for the people of Lut was severe! The angel came and tipped the town upside down! Subahanallah! Also after the town was turned upside down there were stones thrown upside down! The prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam said that the person who is like form the people of Lut then they need to be killed! Subahanallah! See how many of the sins are present today!

َوأَ ۡ َ ٰـ ُ ۡٱَ ۡ َ ِ .7

The people of the Aykah (Wood) and these are the people of Shuhaib- Kawm Shuhaib the ashab of Shuhaib!

What did the people of Shuhaib do? They dealt unjustly with weight! Subahanallah! Imagine how they used to not give the full measure and cheat and do underhand things in their dealings! And what was their punishment? There was drought! With no rain! And then suddenly they saw a cloud which was very cooling and all and they were so happy and went under the cloud and what happened? There came a lightning that was so bad that it burnt them!

َوَ ۡ ُم ُﱠ ٍ۟ .8

These were a tribe of people living in Yemen and they were from the Arabs though! It hasn’t mentioned from which prophet and all. It hasn’t been mentioned even what was their sin. How did Allah subahanawatha'la destroy them? With the smoke!

So we see the 8 different sets of people who belied and denied their messengers and look at what happened to them! Subahanallah!

Then ayat 14

Allah subahanawatha'la I saying that he destroyed all of them because he belied the messengers!

َ ﱠ َب ﱡٱ ُ َ -Kazzabah Ar Rusoolah

ALL THE MESSENGERS (kazzabath ar Rusoolah)! This means from the word Ar Rusoolah where it is saying that if you belie one messenger then it is like you are denying all the messengers! Subahanallah!

َ َ ﱠ َو ِ ِ

Surely the warning of Allah will be haqeeqah- TRUTH! Subahanallah!

Imagine us! When we read about the previous nations! Subahanallah!

Sometimes we see the stories of Firaun and Musa in surah baqarah and in other verses we have another story in another part of the surah right! And Allah subahanawatha'la he doesn’t repeat but he mentions the story because there is a reason because it suits the surah and what the surah is dealing with! Because each surah deals with a certain topic! So here Allah subahanawatha'la is mentioning the different people and not in detail but he is saying that whoever denies like the 8 people above did so then the punishment on them is truth!

So what happens to your heart when you read this?

You should never deny the messengers and belie the truth and never be like those people and believe that Allah’s punishment is haqq! And you will make dua to Allah az'awajal to never make you of these people! Don’t ascribe purity to yourself, thinking you are not doing this etc…… no!

Allahumma innaa nas’alukal aafiyah! For Allah subahanawatha'la give us the good wellbeing!

Also this ayat will also give us yaqeen and make us believe more in Allah subahanawatha'la and his punishment! And we will believe in the different categories and what happened to them! You will have belief with yaqeen! And you really feel and appreciate them and really understand what they went through!

So you believe in the messengers so you have a connection with them right! Even surah baqarah when you read it the more you will have a connection with Musa Alai and more to Alai! You will really have a special yaqeen and appreciation in your heart when you really read and know right!

So this is the interaction with the Quran! Subahanallah!

Then in ayat 15 what did Allah subahanawatha'la say?

ۡ ۡ ۡ ) َ ِ ٍ۟ ١٥( أََ َ ِ َ ِﭑ َ ِ ۡٱَ ﱠو ِل ۚ َ ۡ ھُۡ ِ َۡ ۟ ٍ ﱢ ۡ َ ۟ ٍ

-tired أََ َ َِ

Where it is a question where Allah subahanawatha'la is asking- are we tired with the first creation? Subahanallah! So we are seeing that Allah subahanawatha'la is so perfect he has no tired!

So what about resurrection? Won’t it be easier than the first one! Subahanallah!

Now even with people who are doing bidaa you want to tell them something and ask why they are doing wrong then the approach you take is when you ask a question right! That is a good approach! Is it possible how Allah subahanawatha'la will be? Or is it a Sunnah dear sister? Do you have a dhaleel dear?

And just ask the question and ask and leave it! And if Allah subahanawatha'la guides them then you will get the reward because you put the question that got them thinking right! َ ۡ ۟ ٍ ِ So after that Allah subahanawatha'la is saying Nay they are whom who are

Confused! Labsth is where they know the truth but the falsehood comes and covers it! So they are confused and don’t know what is right and wrong and they have doubts! They don’t see the reality! And their doubts are about the new creation – the resurrection!

So the one who disbelieves and denies if you bring him all the evidence and if he doesn’t want to change himself them he won’t be able to change!

Allah subahanawatha'la will no change the state of anyone unless he changes himself!

The one who disbelieves it is like you are a stranger in the universe! And the believer he is the one who fits in and has a balance in their life when they do the good! If you are doing a sin you will feel not ok right you will feel unbalanced or not happy or whatever! So this is the fitrah in the heart for every one!

Though the disbeliever feels this imbalance what do they do instead? They mock and accuse and insult the good people and abuse them! Because the disbelievers don’t want to take this path and they feel like they are not having a balance in their life so they abuse the good people and the believers saying they are backward etc…..and this is how they try to overcome their imbalance!

ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ٱ ََُﱢَ ِن َ ِ ٱَ ِ ِ َوَ ۡ ُ أَ َ ُب إَِۡ ِ ِ ۡ َ ۡ ِ ٱ َ ِر ِ ١٦( ( إِذ َََ ﱠ َوََ ۡ َََ ۡ ِٱ َ ٰـ َ َوَ َۡ ُ َ ُ َ ۡ ِ ُس ِ ِۦ َ ُُ ۥۖ ۟ ۟ ِ ۡﭑ َ ﱢ ۖ َذ ِٲ َ َ ُ َ ِ ُۡ َ ِ ُ ِ َ ۡ ٍل إِ ﱠ َ َ ۡ ِ َر ِ ٌ َ ِ ٌ ١٨( ) َو َٓ َء ۡت َ ۡ َةُ ۡٱ َ ۡ ِت َو َ ِ ﱢٱ َ ِل َ ِ ٌ ١٧( ( ﱠ َۡ ِ ُ ۡ ) َذ ِٲ َ َ ۡ ُم ٱ َ ٢٠ِ( ِ ١٩( ( َوُ ِ َ ِ ﱡٱ ِرۚ

And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge). (16) (Remember!) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions)[] (17) Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).[] (18) And the stupor of death will come in truth: "This is what you have been avoiding!" (19) And the Trumpet will be blown — that will be the Day whereof warning (had been given) (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). (20)

So in the 3 ayat from 16-19 Allah subahanawatha'la is telling us that everything in the life done by the creation is recorded Subahanallah!

Now the previous ayat what did it say? That the people were denying the resurrection and the people were confused etc…and imagine the people who are denying and all they are always taking that path of denial right! So here in these 3 ayat Allah subahanawatha'la is saying that even though the people are denying in their hearts and all, Allah subahanawatha'la knows and it is being written! Take the munafiqs! Where they do everything, like salah and fasting all of it! But they hide the disbelief in their heart! They disbelieve in the resurrection as well!

So Allah subahanawatha'la is saying that he knows what is in their heart!

So Allah subahanawatha'la is saying wala qadh! Verily indeed Allah subahanawatha'la initiated our creation and gave us limbs and ears and sight etc…..he gave us all of it right! So Subahanallah! Allah az'awajal is saying that He knows everything that we think about! Na’lamu! That Allah subahanawatha'la knows it! Subahanallah!

So it’s the same where if everyone knows that there is a camera here and there won’t you be conscious!?? So imagine Allah az'awajal our creator he knows whatever in our hearts in whatever our soul whispered to you! That even Allah subahanawatha'la knows! thuwaswisu- whisper!

Sometimes when we are doing one thing we are thinking of a complete different thing right and these thoughts come in different ways small or big still when this whisper comes and goes! All the time! Then Allah subahanawatha'la he knows!

Even in surah Naas Allah subahanawatha'la talks about- Waswaas al khannaas- where the shaitan whispers and goes and comes and goes whispering! But Subahanallah! After that it’s our soul that whispers and we end up sinning!

Sometimes we know people who we think ok so and so is like this and that and we meet them and we are all smiles and we are so nice to them etc…but inside we have the intentions! The anger or whatever!

So what is the impact of this verse on us?

We will feel so SHY! Ashamed! Here Allah is watching me and he knows what I am thinking of! Especially the bad thoughts of someone else! So we feel so shy and ashamed and we are more watchful and careful! Now sometimes we think bad but will Allah subahanawatha'la account you for it? No! Until you put it into action it will not be accounted!

Prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam said: If you are thinking something bad Allah subahanawatha'la will not account you for it until you put it into action!

So Subahanallah we have the bad intention and Allah subahanawatha'la is watching that person and he will give that person time! And if he sees the person is still insisting on the bad thoughts then Allah subahanawatha'la will make him to do the sin! To put it into action!

So same with the good deeds! If you want to do something good but you are a bit unsure then Allah subahanawatha'la will make it easy for you and hasten you to it! So this Waswaas is always used for bad right!

And in the same ayat Allah subahanawatha'la is saying that they are more closer to the human than the jugular vein! And the prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam didn’t know what the jugular vein looks like right! So Allah's az'awajal said that the jugular vein is like a rope! It’s so close to the person and if the person’s jugular vein is cut then the person will die!

So imagine! This vein which is inside us and it’s so close to us and all!

So Allah subahanawatha'la mentioned this after he spoke of his knowledge right! His knowledge is so vast it encompasses every single thing that exists! So how does his knowledge encompass? It is so strong and He is more closer to us than the jugular vein!

َوَ ۡ ُ أَ ۡ َ ُ ب !Who is the Nahnu or the Akrab? HIS KNOWLEDGE

So Allah subahanawatha'la is near to us with his knowledge! Subahanallah!

Another explanation to the word Nahnu- is where Allah subahanawatha'la is close like the jugular vein through the angels!!!! Subahanallah!!!!!!!!!

Most scholars say it is thought the angels! And we see the connection in the next ayat 17!

Ayat 17

So these angels are not on our shoulders! They are in fact on our right and on our left! ۟ ) إِ ۡذ َََﱠ ۡٱ ََُﱢَ ِن َ ِ ۡٱَ ِ ِ َو َ ِ ﱢٱ َ ِل َ ِ ٌ

(Remember!) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions)[]

These are two malaaikah on the right and on the left which are noting our actions! Even though we don’t see we still believe that they are there! Subahanallah! And this is the belief in the malaaikah!

So when you know of Ilmullah this will make the person on the siraat al mustaqeen! They are receivers! Who receive everything! And they are NOT ON THE SHOULDERS! They are just on the right and left!

َ ِ ٌ۟ ?And what else

This means sitting! Where you are sitting (from the word kaeedh) where they are never leaving their seat! Ever! Subahanallah!

Ayat 18 ۟ َ ۡ َةُ ۡٱ َ ۡ ِت ِ ۡﭑ َ ﱢۖ َذٲ ِ َ َ ُ َ ِ ُۡ َ ِ ُ ﱠ َۡ ُِ ِ َ ۡ ٍل إِ ﱠ َ َ ۡ ِ َر ِ ٌ َ ِ ٌ ١٨( ) َو َٓ َء ۡت

Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).[] (18) And the stupor of death will come in truth: "This is what you have been avoiding!" (19)

َر ِ ٌ !So they don’t say anything or whatever and they are watching! Like watchmen

So imagine these angels are not saying a word and they are watching and recording every action! Subahanallah! They are watching so carefully! Subahanallah! So that person whom the angels are sitting and recording they cannot give ANY excuse! Because Allah subahanawatha'la he saw and made this so because on Yawmul Qiyama you will have the exact proof of what you did and you cannot give excuses!


The angels don’t know what the human will do but Allah subahanawatha'la will know! He knows what you will think at 7am in 20 years in July! Subahanallah! He Allah az'awajal knows every single thing!

So what will make the person really to guard their tongue? When they know these angels are always there recording!

َ ِ ٌ۟

This is where they are always present always recording!