
About the Contributors

George Leal Jamil is a professor of several post-graduation courses from Minas Gerais, Brazil. He has a PhD in Information Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), master degree in Computer Science (UFMG) and his graduate area was Electric Engineering (UFMG) and a pos-doctorate certificate at FLUP – Communication School at University of , . He wrote more than twenty books in the information technology and strategic management areas, with more than ten works in books as co-author and Editor. Yearly, he manages the doctoral consortium of the Interna- tional Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management at the University of Sao Paulo (USP) as one of his main activities. His main research interests are information systems management, strategy, knowledge management, software engineering, marketing and IT adoption in business contexts.

Maria Manuela Pinto graduated in History, Faculty of Arts of the (FLUP, 1985), post-graduated in Documental Sciences, Faculty of Arts of the (FLUC, 1998) and PhD student in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms (University of Porto and ). ICT business manager in private companies (1985-1996), she became information manager in a municipality (1998-2004) and invited teacher in Documental Sciences (FLUC, 2000-2005). Since 2004, she has been a full-time teacher in the Bachelor of Arts in Information Science, an U.Porto joint course FLUP/Faculty of Engineering. In 2008, she complied with the academic carrier requirement of “Pedagogical and Scientific Expertise Capacity Defense in Information Science,” with the study “PRESERVMAP: A Roadmap of Preservation in the Digital Era,” becoming Assistant at FLUP and started teaching in the Masters of Information Science and Museology. Member of CETAC. MEDIA, her research areas are: information management and information preservation.

Claudio Pessoa is civil engineer, specializing in business management and IT, telecommunication systems and computer networks engineering and telecommunication systems and computer networks management. Holds a Master degree in Business Administration. Currently he’s doing PhD in Information Science on Federal University of Minas Gerais. He is Lecturer and researcher at the Fumec University, developing research in the following areas: telecommunications, security information, knowledge man- agement, strategic alignment between technical areas (Telecom, IT) and management of organizations and production engineering. He has been working in the telecommunications market, as a consultant, for 20 years, developing projects in computer networks and information management.

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  About the Contributors

Alireza Amrollahi holds a PhD in Information Systems as well as a Master of Information Technology Management (MITM) degree. Alireza has more than 25 papers published in high-ranked, peer-reviewed conferences and journals. His most recent publications were published in journals such as Information and Management (ranked A*), Information Technology and People (ranked A), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (ranked A), and conferences such as HICSS, AMCIS, PACIS, and ACIS. Ali is actively collaborating with researchers in USA, Canada, and the UK.

Pedro Anunciação has a PhD in Management at the University of Évora Coordinating Professor at the Information Systems Department of Business Science School Information of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal President of Scientific-Technical Council of School of Business Science School Informa- tion of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal Member of Advisory Council of Business Science School Information of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal Member of the Academic Council and the General Council of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal General-Secretary of Information Systems Governance European Club Author/co-author of several books (Urbanism of Information Systems; Organizational Urbanism; Ethics, Sustainability and Information and Knowledge Society).

Marcus Vinicius Carmo is a Pharmaceutical Analyst at Official Pharmaceutical Laboratory Brazil’s Navy, RJ, Brazil. Master by Postgraduate program in Management, Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/FIOCRUZ, Ministry of Health in Brazil.

João Manuel da Silva Carvalho is a Researcher at CICS.NOVA.UMinho (Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences) and UNICES-ISMAI, as well as Professor at University Institute of Maia – Por- tugal. He has a degree in Business Management, a post-graduation in Social Gerontology, an MSc in Economics, and a PhD in Business Sciences. He worked for 15 years at pharmaceutical companies on several management positions. He lectures several Bachelor and Masters’ courses on Strategic Manage- ment, Marketing, Economics, Statistics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He has also been working as consultant and professional trainer for dozens of organizations, and has published several books, book chapters and articles in international scientific journals.

João Paulo Coelho Marques obtained the Ph.D. in Industrial Management at University of Aveiro –Portugal (2005). His master’s degree is in Management, at Lisbon School of Economics and Management – Technical University (1997). He has been a Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra - Portugal, since 1990, where he coordinated the M.Sc. Course in Business Management between 2009 and 2015. He is researcher at Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness, and Public Policies – University of Aveiro from 2006. Published more than 20 scientific papers and 2 books. His main interests are in Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, triple helix innovation and Business Incubators.

Arturo Cordón-Pérez is a Chemical Engineer and Industrial Technical Engineer from the , holds a master’s degree in innovation management from the . It has more than 12 years of experience in the management and development of R&D projects focused on innovative products and processes in different international companies of industrial sectors, assuming different roles and responsibilities with a global knowledge of the discipline of direction, execution and management of R&D+i projects. Also, regarding to public administrations and business organizations,

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participates as technician and project manager in several projects co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Spanish national-regional public administrations to promote the in- novation between Spanish SMEs.

Carla Costa has a degree in Marketing in 2010. Eramus in Poland. Worked in 2011 in Cape Verde. Since the end of 2011 working in the automotive sector in Portugal. Master student in Business Sci- ences - SME.

Rodrigo Costa is getting a doctorate in Management and Organization of knowledge at the Univer- sidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). He also holds a master’s in Information Science at the School of Information Science of UFMG. B.A in Administration of Information Systems at Centro Universitário UNA, specialized in Strategic Information Management at UFMG and Strategic Business Management at Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC). Currently working as a Project Manager in mobile systems development, as well as a university professor in management courses, with activities in several subjects, including experiences as a final paper tutor. His main research interests are information systems management, strategy, knowledge management, IT adoption in business contexts, Digital Transformations and Indus- trial Revolution 4.0 and its Technologies.

Diana Cozmiuc is a business Controller at Siemens, Continental, academic researcher in value based management.

Alexandra G. F. Evangelista obtained a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering at Católica University, Portugal. She obtained her master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She has been involved in training activities in the following areas: quality management, inventory management, logistics and production planning. At consultancy level she has been involved in implementing projects and management systems involving quality, environmental, hygiene and safety at work and research, development and innovation activities in the automotive and glass industries.

Luander Falcão is a Master in Business Administration, with emphasis on Competitive Intelligence. Post-Graduate in Finance and Controllership and Bachelor in Economic Sciences from PUC Minas. It has a CIP international certificate, Competitive Intelligence Professional, level I and II, awarded by the Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence (ACI). He has worked for more than 10 years with analysis of large databases, data analytics, elaboration of sectoral and regional studies. Served as Senior Analyst of Competitive Intelligence at SEBRAE, focused on strategic intelligence, geoprocessing, construction of prospective scenarios and priority intelligence projects. Having also passed through the areas of Intelligence and Pricing in the largest wholesale company in Latin America.

Sérgio Goes has a degree in Business Administration from Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo FGV (1997), master’s at Administration from Universidade Federal da Bahia (2000) and ph.d. at Administração de Empresas from Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - FGV (2007). He is currently professor permanente at Universidade Salvador since 2009. He was executive of companies in the sectors of civil construction, consulting and auditing. Founder and Executive Director of Executive Business Consulting. cxxxviii About the Contributors

Zulmira Hartz is a Physician by Federal University of Rio Grande do Nort. Master’s and doctorate in Health Collective by University of Montreal and Post doctorate from the École Nationale de Santé Post-France. She was Researcher in Epidemiology holder at ENSP/Fiocruz (retired) and coordinated the Master and Doctorate in Public Health assuming subsequently the overall coordination of graduate of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. She was also teacher at Department of Social Medicine, University of Montréal that remains as a Research Associate at the Groupe de Recherche en Santé interdisciplinaire (GRIS). Among the positions held, include the direction of the Department of Communicable Diseases and Epidemiology of the State Health Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro, and the deputy director of the Na- tional School of Public Health (Fiocruz). Independent consultant in program evaluation, policy and health systems also integrating CNPq- research group’s evaluation of the situation of endemic processes and control programs (ENSP-Fiocruz) and Management Studies and Evaluation in Health (GEAS/IMIP). She is currently deputy director of the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) at University NOVA of Lisbon (IHMT/UNL) which is associate professor and coordinator of the course Assessment in Health in the Doctoral Program in International Health.

Badar Alam Iqbal is presently a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at School of Business, Kentucky State University (USA). He has also been Fulbright Visiting Professor, USA, Ford Foundation Grantee, USA and Officiating Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University. He is also Visiting Emeritus Pro- fessor CBA (IUBAT).

Raphael Kling David is entrepreneur and Ph.D. student in Newcastle University (Mechanical and system engineering) Research project in innovation using virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

Brenner Lopes has a Master in Business Administration, with emphasis in Competitive Intelligence, with specializations by ESADE / and ITAM / Mexico - High Management Program in a Global Environment; UFMG - Strategic Information Management and Higher School of Warfare (ESG) - High Political and Strategic Studies, others tooth. He managed the SEBRAE Intelligence Unit, as well as other functions as a senior manager and analyst in the same organization; In addition to the commercial unit of a large enterprise in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) segment, in the Center-West region of Brazil He also had visits to the João Pinheiro Foundation, working in the Statistics and Information Center and in the Market Research segment, as general research manager. Market and opinion.

Jorge Magalhães is a Postgraduate in Competitive Intelligence for Public Health. Doctor and Master in Sciences in Management and Technological Innovation. Has over 20 years of experience in strategic management in the pharmaceutical Industrial Operations and in the last 14 years to act in R, D & I for Public Health area at FIOCRUZ. Published 03 books, 9 book chapters and several articles in journals indexed. Actually work in Technology Innovation Center (NIT-Far) at FIOCRUZ. Leader of the CNPq Research Group Knowledge Management and Prospecting Health. The emphasis of their research perme- ate the identification, extraction and analysis of essential information within the “Big data” for Health, regarding the Management and Technological Innovation. Collaborating researcher of the Research Center Global Health and Tropical Medicine - GHTM - IHMT at University NOVA of Lisbon. His topics of research are inherent in Global Health, in which involves the pharmaceutical industry, pharmochemical

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and public health. Investigations are carried out through the development of prospective and techno- logical scenarios of information science tools, Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management. Included in this context the analysis of BIG DATA, Web 2.0, Health 2.0 Technological Trends, market, Patents and Knowledge Translation.

Sérgio Maravilhas is a Lecturer at UNIFACS, Brazil. Having two Post-Docs, one from UFBA in Patents and innovation and another one in UNIFACS, both with PNPD/CAPES Grants. He has a PhD in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms (UA+UP), a Master in Information Manage- ment (FEUP and Sheffield University, UK), a Postgraduate Course in ICT (FEUP), a Specialization in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship (FEUP and North Carolina State University, USA) and a 5 years Degree in Philosophy, Educational Branch (FLUP). A Teacher and Trainer since 1998, worked at ESE-IPP as a Supervisor at the Internet@School project between 2002/2005, and a univer- sity teacher since 2005 at Aveiro University (DEGEI), and since 2010 at ULP and IESFF in Masters and MBA levels. Teaches Marketing, Research Methods, Creative Processes in Innovation, Intellectual and Industrial Property, Technology Watch, Information Management and Organizational Behaviour in universities and he’s a trainer in ICT, Sales, Negotiation and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Publishes and attends conferences mainly in the subjects of patent information, innovation, marketing, web 2.0, webradio and sustainability.

Sandra Marnoto is a Management Professor at Instituto Universitário da Maia and a Researcher at INESC-TEC. She has got a PhD Degree in Management Science and a Master Degree in Finance. She has published several book chapters and papers in academic international journals. She has worked for the multinational group SONAE as a management controller and has been a co-founder of the retail company HOZAR Portugal.

Natália Marroni Borges holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, MBA in Information Technology Management at University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos and MSc in Information Systems at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Currently attend- ing a PhD program at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Member of the group IITI UFRGS, working with research lines in Strategic Intelligence, Anticipative Intelligence, Illusion of Control and Overconfidence applied to organizational contexts.

Joberto Martins has a PhD in Computer Science at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) - UPMC, Paris (1986), PosDoc at ICSI/ Berkeley University (1995) and Senior Visiting Researcher at Evry University – France (2016). Invited Professor at HTW - Hochschule für Techknik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (Germany)(since 2004) and Université d´Evry (France), teaching graduation and post- graduation courses in Computer Science and Engineering, Full Professor at Salvador University - UNI- FACS on Computer Science, Head and Researcher at NUPERC (Computer Network Group) and IPQoS (IP QoS Group) research groups with research interests on Resource Allocation Models, Autonomic Computing, Software Defined Networking/ OpenFlow. Experimental Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Grid and Smart Cities.

cxl About the Contributors

Paulo Melo has over 30 years of professional experience in the private business sector and education area. he is currently a lecturer and researcher at Unifacs - University of Salvador, Brazil. In the past 20 years, I have dedicated my time for the higher education area as lecturer and course leader of third level institutions in Brazil. Also, I am involved with executive and corporate education and training. My PhD in business studies focused on innovation has opened new horizons and perspectives in his professional career, in particularly paying attention to sometimes “invisible” but highly potential innovative and economic actors such as micro and small firms, startups and incubated firms. Specialties: Innovation, International Business, Marketing, Innovation and entrepreneurship.

Arturo Molina Gutiérrez is a professor and researcher, as well as Vice- of Research and Technology Transfer at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

António C. Moreira obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Management, both from the University of Porto, Portugal. He received his PhD in Management from UMIST-University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, England. He has a solid inter- national background in industry leveraged working for a multinational company in Germany as well as in Portugal. He has also been involved in consultancy projects and in research activities. He is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering, and Tourism, University of Aveiro, Portugal, where he heads the Management area. He is member of GOVCOPP research unit.

Raquel Janissek Muniz holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics (major in System Analysis) from UNIJUÍ-RS (1995), Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (2000), Master Recherche DEA MATIS from Université de Genève - Switzerland (2001), Master DEA in Information Systems from Université Pierre Mendes France (2001), Doctoral Degree in Sciences of Management from Université Pierre Mendes France (2004) and Post Doctoral Degree in Administration from GIANTI-PPGA/EA/UFRGS (2005 - 2006). Since September 2006 works as Associ- ate Professor and Researcher at the Business Administration Department of Undergraduate and Gradu- ate Programs, UFRGS. Her concentration of disciplines is as follow: Systemic View of Organizations, Intelligence and Knowledge, Theories and Methods of Information Systems, Processes and Methods of Anticipative Intelligence and Atelier (Workshop) of Research in Information Systems. Coordinator at the Information, Intelligence and Information Technology Research Group and at the Strategic and Antici- pative Intelligence Brazil Research Group. Also member of LESCA Research Group. Supervisor of the following Graduate (Master’s and Doctoral Programs) disciplines: Collective, Strategic and Anticipative Intelligence, Weak Signals, Information Management, Balanced ScoreCard and Knowledge Management.

Vanessa Oliveira has a degree in Human Resource Management. I am currently finishing my MSc in Accounting and Finance at the business school of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.

Gökçe Akdemir Ömür is an assistant professor at the Istanbul University, Turkey. She has a PhD degree and master degree in business administration from the Istanbul University. Her works are related with innovation management, strategic management and business administration.

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Elis Ossmane graduated in Environmental Health and student in Business Sciences - SMEs Manage- ment. Professional experience over 10 years in the area of management in the services sector, including technical coordination, team management, suppliers and marketing, as well as in the area of professional training.

Manuel Pereira is a Professor at the Higher School of Business Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo teaching in the degree of marketing and business communication and master of marketing since 2011. PhD in communication sciences, master in communication and journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela, master in marketing and strategic communication and a degree in public relations from Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Trainer and consultant for more than 18 years in the areas of communication, marketing, advertising, public relations, advertising, event organization, sales techniques, service and commercial and business negotiation in companies and organizations in Portugal.

Daniel Perez-Gonzalez is an Associated Professor of Information Systems and Information Technol- ogy in the Department of Business Administration at University of Cantabria. He attended Postgraduate Courses in Management at Kiel University (Germany) and received his PhD in MIS from University of Cantabria. He is Chair of the Application of Information Technology for Competitiveness and Innovation Research Group at Cantabria University. He is also member of The European Academy of Management and Business Economics and member of several international committees. He has participated in research projects of the European Commission and the Spanish Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology and published numerous papers in prestigious journals such as Future Generation Computer Systems, International Journal of Information Management, Service business, Electronics Markets, and Journal of Universal Computer Science among others.

Ioan Petrisor is a Professor at the West University of Timisoara, Economics and Business Adminis- tration Faculty Leader of doctorate studies and leader of a master in organization strategic management Author of over 100 published scientific articles in national and international conference proceedings, journals.

Ken Polasko has a BS in electrical engineering from University of Pittsburgh and an MS in electrical engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara. In addition, he holds an MS in materials science, a PhD in electrical engineering and an MBA from Stanford University. While at Stanford, Ken also conceived of a project that resulted in the awarding of one of the original Feynman Prizes proposed in Richard Feynman’s classic paper: “There is Plenty of Room at he Bottom”. He has four issued patents and 17 technical publications. Ken has over 20 years of experience in technology commercialization, research and development and manufacturing. He has worked at GE Corporate Research Center develop- ing a medical digital x-ray imaging system now in hospitals, Motorola establishing a successful internal venture fund and benched marked several corporate R&D groups, and the University of California at Los Angeles.

Pedro Ponce has a Ph. D Electrical engineering, focused on control systems. Professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey Mexico.

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José da Silva Rabelo Neto is an Entrepreneur, Manager, Scientist and Innovator. Founder and CEO of HΣXA Innovation Management Consultants. Founder and Chief of Business Development Officer and Chief of Innovation Officer at Innovacura startup company (Brazil and Netherlands). MBA in Innovation Management. Visiting researcher at the University of Uppsala (Sweden) 2013-2014. Project Manager at the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing and Laser Processings (2015-2017). PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (UFSC). Master in Science: Nuclear Materials Technology (IPEN / CNEN - USP). Project Management Specialization - PMBok (SENAC-SC College). Skills in entrepreneurship, business management and innovation, nanotechnology, project management, materials engineering and biomedical engineering. Member of the SFB (Society for biomaterials) and ABNT/ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in the two Committees: Materials for implants (CE-026: 070.01) and Implants for surgery (CE-026: 070,015) of the Brazilian dental-hospital-medical Commit- tee (ABNT/CB-26). General Course on Intellectual Property - DL101PBR. Skills in entrepreneurship, business management and innovation, nanotechnology, project management, materials engineering and biomedical engineering.

Mohd Rahman is presently a Post Doctoral Fellow of Indian Council of Social Science Research. His area of specialization is the international business and applied econometrics. He has been Assistant Professor (International Business) at Integral University and also UGC-Junior Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow.

Jose Poças Rascão (PhD, ISCTE/ULI) is a Professor of Management Information Systems at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal. From 2010 to 2015 was Director of course management of distribution and logistics. It is research in the Research Unit in the development of enterprise (UNIDE) at the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE/ULI). Since 2000 has published 8 books and 8 chapters of books on strategy management and management of information and more than 36 publications on strategy and information management. Under his supervision, 17 Masters Theses have been successfully from 2007 to 2016, with 3 more coming up for defense in next 2 years. He also works the private manage- ment consultant for large and medium-sized enterprises. He worked the management consult at Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand between 1989 and 1995.

Edilaine Soares is a Master’s student in Business Administration from the University FUMEC (2015); Specialist Software Engineering at Technological Education Institute - IETEC (2013); Bachelor in Information Systems from COTEMIG Faculty (2007); Lectures on Software Engineering Workshop at Technological Education Institute - IETEC; Presentation and publication of several articles in Inter- national Management Congress of Technology and Information Systems - CONTECSI; Participation in the writing of book chapters, with themes of my authorship, in the Brazil, USA, Spain.

Pedro Solana-González has a degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Cata- lonia (UPC), holds a Master in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Cantabria (UC). Associated Professor of Business Administration in the Faculty of Business and Economics at UC. Member of the R&D Group of Application of Information Technology for Competitiveness and Innovation, develops my activity in teaching and research in the fields of information systems, knowledge management, project management and information security improving business management. In last years I have participated and directed, being the responsible

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investigator, over 20 research projects financed both by public bodies - ECO Project (CIP, European Commision), Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT), Ministry of Industry Tourism and Sport of the Government of Cantabria - and private industrial companies - Santander Ship- yards, Nuclenor, CIC Consulting, Solvay Chemicals - accumulating more than 15 years of experience in project management. Author and speaker in numerous congresses - In-Red 2016, InterTIC, IBIMA, EMCIS, ICAI, ACEDE, AEDEM, SOCOTE; member of scientific committees of several international conferences; and reviewer in journals like Future Generation Computer Systems or Total Quality Man- agement & Business Excellence; I have published several book chapters - IGI Global and InTech Open Science - and articles in national and international journals - IC, EM, IJHCITP, IJTM, EPI, JKDE, BEE - on IT and Management.

Célio A.A. Sousa holds a Ph.D. in ‘Management Sciences’ (2006) from the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, where he was research fellow at the Nijmegen School of Management for over six years. For the last 10 years, at University Institute of Maia - ISMAI, he has been teaching, re- searching, and supervising master theses in the broad field of Organizational Behaviour and Strategic Human Resources Management. His research interests include management in and of knowledge-intensive organizations and workers, professional identities and careers, and economics and psychology of happi- ness. He has published seven ISI articles, two book chapters, and has presented about ten communications in international congresses. Before joining academia, he held HRM positions in industrial companies for about ten years.

Sara Trigueros-Preciado has more than 10 years of experience in Management of information sys- tems (integrated systems including quality systems, environment and labour risks), Technological Watch, R&D. Emphasising she has worked as an R&D engineer in a multinational for 5 years, with participation in patents. She has experience as a researcher in projects of innovation management, technology watch and ICT. In addition she has teaching experience from: participation in courses as an external teacher, and as an assistant professor currently, in Management of Innovation, Information Systems, Manage- ment of Information with ICT, at the Cantabria University from 2011 to now. She also works in an as- sociated centre of the Education Ministry of Spain as a teacher of Professional Training in Enterprise & Entrepreneurship. She holds: the degree of Doctor, a Master’s degree in Information Technologies and Business, a Master’s degree in Prevention of Labour Risks, and a Master’s Degree in Education. Also the title of Technical Industrial Engineer. In her research activity is highlighted: The publication of two articles in JCR journals, three articles in Scopus, participation in books and congresses.

Ana Carolina Vallejo obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Management and a Master’s degree in Man- agement - Marketing and International Business, both from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She has experience in the business sector where she has been working for small and medium-sized companies as well as for multinationals.
