Village of East Aurora Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Held

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Village of East Aurora Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Held ... ¢. Village of East Aurora Minutes of Regular Board Meeting held January 7, 1980 Roll Call: Present - Mayor Nicoloff, Trustees Pagliaccio, Marshall, Eyres, Norberg and Hamilton Absent - None Comments from the Floor Mr; William Waffner of 1248 Carriage Drive stated he had recently moved to East Aurora from grand Island and was surprised at how much higher the rates were in East Aurora for water than they were in Grand Island and several other communities. Trustee Eyres in answer to Mr. Waffner's question as to whether the cost of Village of East Aurora water was out of line, stated he normally made it a practice not to answer a question of that nature unless he had the opportunity to first work with and investigate the. figures involved. Trustee Eyres said however, that rates may vary for many reasons. Water rates are set not to make a profi_ but to break even. East Aurora has a large debt service due to extensive renovations to the system about ten years ago, and if this were spread over a •larger base (like Grand Island) the rates could be lower. Trustee Eyres told Mr. Waffner he would be happy to check into this and provide him with a more definite answer. There being no one else wishing to speak on any non-agenda item Mayor Nicoloff moved to the first item on the agenda. Appointment of Election Inspectors A motion was made by Trustee Norberg, seconded by Trustee Hamilton and unanimously carried that the following appoint- ments be made. INSPECTORS OF ELECTION: Florence Burnett, Chairman; Nancy Czerminski, Marjorie Crocoll, Justina Semenza POLL CLERKS: Laura Howes, Catherine Smallback ALTERNATE : Linda Maclver Trustee Norberg moved that the rate of compensation for the Election Inspectors be set at $30,00 per day. This was seconded by Trustee Hamilton and .carried. Approval of Phase III Drainage Study Trustee Eyres made a motion that the Phase III Drainage Study of the Village of East Aurora as prepared by Krehbiel Assoc- iates be accepted. Seconded by Trustee Hamilton, the motion was unanimously passed. Millard Fillmore House: Council of Overseers The following Resolution was adopted with a unanimous vote after being moved by Mayor Nicoloff and seconded by Trustee Eyres. i•4 _ ". @ i January.7, 1980 ._5_. _ Page 2 . "- ' RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF EAST AURORA JOINING WITH THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF AURORA AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE AURORA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE COUNCIL OF OVER- SEERS OF THE MILLARD FILLMORE HOUSE AT 24 SHEARER AVENUE i WHEREAS, a de facto Council of Overseers of the Millard Fillmore House at 24 Shearer Avenue, East Aurora, New York has been . in existence since on or about September I, i976, to vlhich this Board of Trustees has appointed members from time to time; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Village Board of Trustees to join with the Town Board of the.Townof Auroraand the Board of Trustees of the Aurora Historical Society, Inc. in authorizLng and ratifying the creation of the said Council of Overseers of the Millard Fillmore House. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the Village Board of iTrustees of the Village of East Aurora that the following organization of :theCouncil of Overseers of the Millard Fillmore House is hereby approved and ratified ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNCIL OF OVERSEERS OF THE MILLARD FILLMORE HOUSE _anization and ,ose :- ., A Council of Overseers Of the l.lillard Fillmore l{ouse" : at 24 Shearer Avenue, Village of Eas_ Aurora, New York, is hereby £o • be created by cooperative action by the Town of Aurora, Villa_e of /_ast Aurora and the Aurora }listorical Society as hereinafter prescribed. The house is located on property more particularly •described in the attached Schedule• A, the legal title of which is vested in the Aurora }listorical Society. The purpose of the Council shall be. to manage, operate, control, restore., renovate and maintain •the aforesaid property and improvements subject to the' limitations and restrictions hereinafter set forth. >lembe'r'ship of Council " : The Council shall co'nsist of nine or mQ[e members below who need not be members of Aurora Historical Society except as othcr_.Jise indicated. Term Of Office Each member shall have a staggered :elm of three years except as shown belo_.z: .. a. Four members _ho shall be members in good standing of the Aurora Historical Society. One or .two of such persons shall be the curators of the l<illard Fillmore House, elected by the Board of Trustees of the Society; not more than one of such four members, other than the curator(s), may be an elected member of such Board of Trustees. T_ree of such four members shall be elected for an initial term of two years each; the fourth for an initial. "tei',hof three years. ' January 7, 1980 Page,3 ,_ . b. Two members shall be appointed by the To_-zn • of Aurora. They shall beresidents, of the To_.m of Aurora and at least one of them shall reside outside.of the Village of . East'Aurora. One of such _eo members shall be appointed for an initial teru, of one _ear. The term of the second member shall be three years. e. Two members shall be appointed by the Village • Board of the Village of East Aurora. One of such two members shall._..__ " :the of his term, be a.resident of the Village of East Aurora be laudwill be appointed for an initial] for a term of one year._The termfor less of the than other five membershall years. The beinitlalthreeappoin yearst•ment to this position, shall I - d. Ex_Offieio - The President or Vice'President of the Aurora Nistorical Society .as determined by Board of .. Trustees shall be an ex officio member *_ith a term of office of one year. .. _. e. Ex-Officio - The immediate past chairman Qf the 9ouncil Shall............ be an ex o.fficio-_.._be er with a term of office of thre years. _.............. _. ,, . •,. • . .,i., "' Designhtion of all members shall be by August I, 1976. The comcaencement of the term of Office of all members shall be Septe_ger i, 1976. _ .. .... "' B Officers and ExecutiveCommittee" " " '" ' "" :J " " 2 ": _he Council, •except as otherwlse stated below, shall elect its own officers from_among=its members (iqcluding ex- their successors shall have been elected, as fQllows: •. officio members) to serve for a term of one year each or un'£il ii _x_moua=n C'-an " " = "' •. Vice Chair,.,_n .. • .-' # . .... .- Treasurer ' .. -- -." .'. _ecreta_-_ .. .- Curator_~_or Co-curators (as designated by Society's • ...Board of Trustee•s) These officers shall constitute th e Executive Co_Lit- _ee of the Council. : • -... •• Standing. Co_nittees • . : ..-.. " The Council shall.establish Such standing eoL_:,ittees and special co:,,aittees as it sees fit. Members of such com- mittees may but need not be members of the Council. Exmmples ." of standing eori_ittees are as follow, s: Planning .... Restoration and renovation House and grounds " .. Co**_,,un_ty use .... Government liaison . • . • . - : Fire rice - " o + * .... " The Chai_uLan of standing and special committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee on the reco_L_,endation of the Chairman of the Council. _ "' Limitations and Restrictions on Authorit and Operation of the Council [ • • January 7, 1980 :253" Page 4 ° • /_ • The authority and operation of the Council shall he suh:'ect to the following l_itations and restrictions:• . .- . i' No action of the following nature shall be under- "taken without prior _ritten approval of the Bomrd of Trustees of the Aurora Historical Society: " . a. PuBlic solicitation of funds b. Official contacts with governing body of- .- : " To:rn of Aurora, Village of East Aurora, or'" other government, legislative or e:cecutive authority. ....... "" ..... C. Any expenditure of funds unless provided in a budget approved by the Board of Trustees of the Aurora Historical Society. • ... ° "; d. S_rdctur$1"ilteration o'f interior or exter- ior of house or change of outside appearance of house or grounds. ? •. e. Ad6ption of rules for coL,m_unity use of the house and grounds. f. Any agreement •with non-members of the Aurora Historical Society for a period of more than six months or involving suns of over $i00.O0. .n • " g. Any action _,-hich requires a legal or official position by the AurOra Historical Society. 2. Council shall •submit a _:ritten report to T_-ustees semi-annually through I_arch, 1979 and thereafter an annual writ- ten report on >larch 31st of each year. .•3. The Council of Overseers shall act as agents of the Aurora Historical Society only in accordande with this plan. 4. The Council shall, on behalf of the A6rora Histori- cal Societyjhave the care_ custody and control of all documents, papers and _files relating to' the Miilard Fillmore House and property, and all content_ of the House placed there by authori- ty of the Board of Trustees. Amendment and Te_-;,ination This plan may he amended by a joint resolution or identical resolutions ado'pted by all of the following: •Aurora To_.rn Board, East Aurora Village BOard and Board of Trustees of the Society. The Council may be _erminated by a resolution adopted by any one of the foregoing Boards. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED thatthis resolutionshall become effectiveupon the adoption of a resolutionidenticalin form by the Town Board of the Town of Aurora and the Board of Trustees of the Aurora Historical Society, Inc. " i. • January .7_ 1980 _ Page 5 AUDIT OF BILLS Trustee Norberg moved that the bills as audited by the Mayor and Trustees be ordered to be paid.
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