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SENATE MAY '23 Mr 4838 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-SENATE MAY '23 Mr. REED of· New York, and Mr. Woo~­ able, it is believed proper for the Joint Com­ SENATE RUFF of Michigan were appointed man­ mittee for Deferment of Legislative Em­ agers ·on the · part of the House at the ployees to file requests for legislative em­ TuESDAY, MAY 23,1944 ployees who meet these liberalized require­ conference. · ments. <Legislative day of Tuesday, May 9, 1944) The message also announced that the "Therefore. if any Se~ator or Representa­ House had disagreed to the amendments tive has in his oflice or committee men 30 The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 4204) years or over and for whom reclassification. is on the expiration of the recess. ·making appropriations for the Depart­ desired, it is suggested that you furnish the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown ments of State, Justice, and Commerce Joint Committee for Deferment of Legislative for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, Employees the names, ages, local board, and Harris, D. D., offered the following addresses, together with occupational status, prayer: and for other ·purposes; agreed to the and a statement in your opinion that the in­ conference asked by the Senate on the dividual for whom appli-cation is made is Our Father God, we thank Thee for all disagreeing votes of the two Houses high moments of faith when moods of contributing to the national health, safety, thereon, and that Mr. RABAUT, Mr. KERR, and interest to warrant reclassification." doubt seem treason to that changeless Mr. HARE, Mr. O'BRIEN of Illinois, Mr. world where Thou dost reign in the unin­ CARTER, Mr. STEFAN, and Mr. JONES were EXHIBIT ..BY ARMY SERVICE FORCES OF vaded realm of the excellent and the appointed managers on the paTt of the CAPTURED ENEMY WEAPONS, TO­ true. As another morning climbs to House at the conference. GETHER wn'!i AMERICAN COUNTER­ noon, ascending the hill of the Lord may The message further announced that PARTS we breathe the purer air above the dusty Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado. Mr. plains of the trivial and the temporary. the House had agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 4646) to President, th~ Army Service Forces, in Here finding an altar Of pardon and provide for simplification of the individ­ conjunction .with the Treasury, is pre­ peace may the memory- of Thy past ual income tax. senting an exhibit of captured . enemy m~rcies mingle like sweet incense with a The message also announced that the weapons, equipment, and supplies, to­ strengthening assurance of Thy present House had passed a bill (H. R. 4624) · to gether with their American counterparts, nearness which no malignity nor cruel consolidate and revise the laws relating in West Potomac Park, beginning· May violence ·of man's devising can .snatch to the Public Health Service, and faT 22, which was yesterday. from those whose minds are stayed on other purposes, in which it requested the TueSday and Thursday mornings were Thee. · · concurrence of the Senate. reserved for private showings fo:J:. Mem­ Make this ancient Chamber of our na­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED bers of the Senate ... Today is Tuesday, tional life a place of vision, a lighthouse but cars will leave the Senate Office of hope above the raging floods of hu­ The message further announced t:qat Building at 10 o'clock Thursday morn­ man disaster and distress. Make us the th~ Speaker had affixed his signature to ing, and will return Senators to the architect_s of a new order for peace a'nd t~e following enrolled bills, and they were Capitol by 12 o'clock. justice for men in all the earth. Send signed by tpe Acting President pro tem­ Officers of the various technical serv­ tis forth to waiting tasks grateful for a pore: ices will be present to explain the items great heritage worth living and dying for S. 254. An act for the relief of Edward of equipment, and a team of enlisted and with a deathless cause that ·no Gillam; and men has been assigned to operate the weapon that has been formed can defeat. S. 1771. An act, authorizing appropriations weapons in simulated fire ·and to demon­ In Thy might lift up our hearts and for the Umted State~ Navy for additional strate the oi}eration of combat vehicles. make us strong. Amen. ordnance manufacturing and production facilities, and for other purposes. I know that the time spent in observing THE JOURNAL this demonstration will be worth while; SELECTIVE SERVICE RECLASSIFICATION and I wish to add my own invitation and On request of Mr. HILL, and by unani­ OF LEGISLATIVE EMPLOYEES-MEET­ mous consent, the reading of the Journal that of the chairman of the Military Af­ ING OF LEGISLATIVE DEFERMENT COM­ fairs Committee to the invitations Sena­ of the proceedings of the calendar day MI'ITEE Saturday, May .20, 1944, was dispensed tors already have received from the War with, and the Journal was approved. Mr. MAYBANK. Mr. President, in or­ Department. der that Members of the Congress may MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ol'r NOMINA­ be fully apprised of the new regulations TION OF AMBROSE O'CONNELL TO BE Messages in writing from the Pre~i­ and rules promulgated by the Selective dent of . the United States were com­ ASSOCIATE JUDGE, UNITED STATES Service, I ask unanimous consent to have COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT AP­ municated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, printed in the RECORD following my few one of his secretaries. remarks a copy of the orders which have PEALS MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE been sent to us by the Joint Committee Mr. McCARRAN. Mr. President, as chairman of the appointed subcommit­ A message from the House of Repre- on the Deferment of Legislative Em­ tee ~f the Committee on the Judiciary, . sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its ployees. I may further say that the com~ittee and m accordance with the rules of the reading clerks, announced that the House committee, I desire to give notice that a had passed without amendment-the biU is to meet on Thursday for the benefit of Members of the House of Representa­ routine public hearing has been sched­ (S. 683) to provide for the recognition uled for the 30th day of May 1944, at of the services of the civilian officials tives and the Senate. There being no objection, the order 10: 3Q a. m., in the Senate Judiciary and employees, citizens of the United Committee room, upon 'the nomination St~tes, engaged in and about the con­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD as follows: ' qf Ambrose O'Connell, of New York, to be struction of the Panama Canal. associate judge of the United States The message also announced that the The following procedure is established in c_ourt of Customs and Patent Appeals, House had passed the bill (S. 1029) to accordance with the terms of Selective Serv­ ice Local Board Memorandum No. 115, as VIce Hon. Irvine Luther Lenroot re­ provlde for regulation of certain insur­ signed. At the hearing all person~ in­ ance rates in the Di$trict of Columbia, amended under date of May 12·, 1944: "In the case of registrants' ages 30 through terested in the nomination may make and for other purposes, with an amend­ 37 the Senator or Representative is author­ representations. The subcommittee ment in which it requested the concur­ ized to file with this committee for trans­ consists-of the Senator from Nevada [}.1:r. rence of the Senate. to the local board, using Selective McCARRAN], the Senator from Texas [Mr. The message further announced that Service Form 42, the information necessary CoNNALLY], and the Senator from Con­ the House insisted upon its amendments for the local board to reclassify the employee necticut [Mr. DANAHER]. to the bill (S. 1758) to amend section whose induction is imminent and who is en­ 451 of the Tariff Act of 1930, and for gaged ln an essential activity, into classes THE POLL TAX-VOTE OF SENATOR LAN­ n-A or n-2. GER ON LIMITATION OF DEBATE other purposes, disagreed to by the Sen­ "Under the revised policy of the National ate; agreed to the conference asked by Selective Service liberalizing the reclassifica­ Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I ask the Senate on the disagreeing votes of tion of men '30 years or over who are engaged unanimous consent to have printed in the two Houses thereon, and· that Mr. in an activity in .support of the national the RECORD a letter which I received DauGHTON, Mr. CooPER; Mr. DmGELL, health, sa1ety, or 1nterest, even the replace- from Mr. Gay Gotham, of Chetek, Wis., 1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4839 which illustrates the fact that some­ ing man has what he needs to hit the the bill a sad reflection upon the gener­ times the votes which we cast on this Through reverse lend-lease, the Ameri­ osity of this great country. The HouE:e floor are not accurately reported by the can forces have been similarly aided by version of the bill has practically emas­ press. In this letter, Mr. Gotham con­ our allies with everything they had that culated the Senate provisions of the bill demns me for having voted .against the we needed. on unemployment insurance. Instead of limitation of debate on the anti-poll-tax On the eastern European front also, a bill to enable veterans to cbtain un­ bill, whereas as a matter of fact I voted arms and other war supplies provided by employment insurance, the House bill for the limitation of debate.
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