n forest fires during the last few weeks were audited, the oven east of mound "c," which wag COL A. R. found to be filled with a great quantity J. H. S. Fair, John A. RoeblinR, NEW DATA REGARDING of aBhes, whereas the last one contain- TO HOUSE BOYS IN SCHOOL Alexander Marinon and Albert L. SAILORS' RELIEF WORK ed but little of them. Meeker were appointed special police- The work of restoring the camp con- Permission Granted to Use the Begun Under the Supervision of PRESENTS PARK men at the request of Mr. Fair who THE UjK BIVOUAC said they were already equipped for sists, to a large extent, in making Okott Building as Headquar Mrs. R. V. Lindabury. Township Accepts Proffer With more distinct and, where necessary, in service with the exception of badges and Two Shack Sites Restored and ters For F^/m Brigade Thanks-Road Work authority to act. The requests were improving the remaining traces of fbr- Mrs. Richard V. I.indnltury addressed Another Camp Oven mer occupancy. This, of course, reccs- 1 Discussed granted. The Bernards Township Board of met ting of local women in tht> Public Located skates the removal of all superfluous ibrary last Thursday afternoon on re- rocks as well us roots, nnd the leveling Education adopted a resolution at last FOREST FIRES COST $145.50 night's meeting giving the Citizens' ief work for the Navy. Samples of of the surface. Although there is now nitted jackets, xenrfs and wristlets SOME OF THE RECENT FINDS not much dicing, as was the case dur- Food Supply Association of BernardB Miss Lillian Coe, overseer of poor TO EHLKTBOYS Township, permission to use the Fer- were shown and instruction pven in the first stage of exploration, relics making the articles. reported assistance to a number of BY MAX SCHRABISCH nardaville High School as n barracks For Farm Work Throughout of various types, which had previously Mrs. Lindabury, who is very much needy families during March and April escaped detection, are being recovered for a brigade of about fifty high school and recommended the removal to a Township.—Plans Already While pursuing the investigation of boys selected from outside schools, nterested in this work, will supply every now anil then. Thus, the wellnigh wool to any one willing to donate *er- eanatarium of a case of tuberculosis, General Knox's encampment, the ex- These boys will spend their vacation Under Way. ubiquitous nail is encountered in every /ice. The Library ia to be used as a which threatened other members of the plorer was confronted by the task not assisting neighboring farmers in their portion of the camp. A badly corroded of supply until a distributing family with whom the patient lived. A plan was adopted at Monday night's only of locating the several sites dis- farm work and will receive compensa- pocket knife was unearthed east of enter has been .decided upon. Upon the overseer's recommendation, tributed over it, but also of trying to tion at the rate of twenty cents per meeting of the Bernard's Food Associa- mound "1," buried a foot deep with a Among the local organizations which (he Committee passed a resolution determine their nature by means of the hour for a nine hour day. tion, held in Bernards Inn, by which a urge rock on top, Near this spot a will take up this work are the Woman's withdrawing from men requested aid, brigade of schoolboy workers will be refuse left behind. These tell-tale gun flint, the sixth one noted, made of IVaitions are ready for all the boys except upon certification from the marks of former occupation consisted Social Union, the Sub-Committee of the colonized in Bernardsville to labor on smoky quartz came in sight while and the expenses of their maintenance Visiting Nurse Association and the F. township physician. of two kinds, namely, the mounds and farms throughout Bernard Township. raking the ground. This relic is parti- have been arranged for. Several rooms A. E. Club. The auditors' report on the condition William J. Bickett, Supervising Princi- foundations of shanties on the one cularly interesting, because it shows in the building will be needed for the The finished articles will be sent to nf the township finances was laid over pal of the township schools, will be hand, and the debris or remains of most plainly the so-called conchoidal or purpose and the Food Supply Associa- Mrs. Lituinbury who will muke a ship- for another month to allow Treasurer Manager of the project and boys will be colonial times on the other. The shell-like fracture characteristic of the tion quarantees to provide against in ment to Washington each week. Schley to reconcile Ms accounts with enlisted from high schools in different mounds, in particular, were quite con- true Indian artifact. In fact, on closer jury to the building through its oc- those of the auditors. cities of the state. A guarantee of spicuous and could be identiried at inspection it seemed to have been the cupancy by the brigade, once in most cases. But as for the The committee on house numbering, 0 per month and board will be given base of an aboriginal spear point The movement is under the direct Impressions of a Newcomer foundations of shanties, the task of in anticipation of free mail delivery, each worker. The colony is expected changed into its present shape by a few management of Supervising Principal From the NRWs-LrcTTRR of Hos- accurately determining their outline reported their work about completed. to open June 1st. dexterous strokes. At the time of the Bickett and a representative of thebrouck Heights comes the following was by no means an easy one since, in The committee on laying out fire Canning plants are to be located by flint-lock guns untold thousands of these Y, M. C. A. and another from the communication which gives the im- districts in the several villages of thethis association in Bernardsville, Bask- the first place, some of the stones, once points where picked up by the whites Boys' Scout organization will be inpressions of one of our newer residents township reported progress. The ing Ridge, Liberty Corner and Far forming part of the squares and circles, on the ancient Indian camping-grounds constant supervision. — Rev. O. L. Joseph—on conditions in committee was continued, Hills. had been removed and, in the second, and mutilated so aa to give them the Permission was requested to use the our village: because the occurrence of countless Clerk Dargel announced the receipt R. V. Lindabury, Chairman; Henry requisite shape. It is not at all im- school property but it is very possible Bernardsville, N. J. rocks littering the camp tended to and delivery of twenty-five badges for Young, Jr., Charles M. Chapin. Col. probable that some of the gun flints that the plans of the Committee in Editor NewB-Letter. render their outlines indistinct. dug up on the Knox encampment were special policemen recently appointed A. R. Kuser and Senator S. S. Childs charge may be changed and the boys Dear Sir:—I want to use your paper Speaking of the debris buried in thesecured on 'nearby Indian camps such within the township, at a cost of are a committee to raise funds. housed elsewhere. to thank all my friends) in Hasbrouck $;«uio. soil, both between the rocks and under as have been located in the vicinity of The basements of the several town Heights for their cordiality and cour- the Kuttermilk Falls at Pluckamin and Committeeman Clark reported on the them, it afforded a valuable clue for ship schools are to be used as canning tesy. They will be glad to know that along the banks of the North Branch of matter of securing a time clock. Mr. determining the character of the centers in the respective localities dur- we have a beautiful house with ex- TO BDpTpEB Raritan River, above all on the Rynear- (lark stated that he had investigated various sites. Thus, for instance, an ing the summer months and demonstra- cellent grounds. There is also a large ion farm, which locality was much several kinds and, in his opinion, one Farm Demonstrator for Somerset accumulation of ashes, charcoal and tions and instruction in the art ofgarden. As a true patriot I expect to fire cracked pebbles was t^ken to indi- frequented by the Redmen. curried attached to the belt, for which County to be Appointed. "doing up" vegetables and fruits will raise potatoes, onions and every sort of keys could be placed at diftTerent )>oints cate a hearth or fireplace, heaps of be given. vegetable in season. bones and marine shells a garbage throughout the village, seemed most The Bernardsville Agricultural and The teachers' committee recommend- Bernardsville is at the present time dump, and the same remains buried feasible, If this system were installed, Horticultural Society have started a Methodist Church Notes ed the engagement of Miss Esther B. n a transition state, Free delivery of deeply a refuse pit. Thus, also, a pile the night policeman would have to carry movement to secure a farm demonstra- Mother's Day will be celebrated next Mooney as teacher of drawing and letters will be introduced in June, The of lime mortar and fragments of bricks the clock attached to his belt and visit tor in Somerset County. Sunday morning. A special sermon music at a salary of $l,JO0.. Miss sidewalks are found only in some of would point, most likely, to an oven the places where the clock keys were The initial steps were taken at the will be delivered and mothers should Mooney is a graduate of Syracuse Uni- the streets but there h a movement on site, while buttons, forks, knives and placed, at stated intervals throughout March meeting of the Society and al be present. Sons and daughters versity and has had four years' ex- foot to lay them in all the streets. The nails, occurring mostly, as they did, the night. The insertion of the several ready Senator Frehlinghuysen, in a should gather in God's house and do perience as teacher of drawing and street lighting is fair. The town is within or near stone squares, may serve keys in the clock would show at what letter to the secretary of the society, honor to their mother. Remember the music in Oswego, N.Y. and Pelham, interesting to me because it combines to strengthen the presumption that time the location was visited by thehas signified his willingness to further white cornation is worn. N, Y. rural and suburban elements. There these squares do actually indicate the officer. The matter was laid, over for the project in any way. State Com- Other recommendations of the corn are quite a few commuters, as the train exact situation of the soldiers' abodes. frrthtr consideration, Mr. Clark op- missioner of Agriculture, AJva Agee, mittee included increases in salary of service on the D. L. & W. is excellent, Moreover, the investigation has general- "May sermons for Men"—The second posing the delay. has been approached and will be guided Miss Augusta Martini, from f 1,000 to and it is only an hour's run from New ly shown the space within the stones one is on "The Size of a Man" to be entirely by the sentiment of the farm- $1,200; Miss Edna Allen, from $1,000 to York. I understand there has been a John B. Dunster appeared before the squares to be most prolific in remains, delivered next Sunday evening. Come ers who will benefit by the appointment. $1,100; and the re-engagement of steady growth of the population and Committee at a former meeting re- whereas the intermediate sections, to the song service. Since it depends on whether the farmers Willet Neer at the Basking Ridge people are moving in all the time from questing that surface water from the that is, those outside of them, were street now flowing in his pond, be of Somerset wish the aid and advice of school. Mr. Neer will be entitled to the great city, Newark and around. comparatively barren of such. Installation of newly elected officers diverted to follow the road. A com- an experienced agriculturist in their pension within a short time for long The climate is delightful and nature In view of what has been said, it is of the Epworth League will be in charge mittee comprising Messrs. Buist and farming operations, petitions will be service and will probably retire. has made this a rare garden spot. evident that apart from the row of of the pastor at next Sunday evening's the township engineer reported that circulated within a few days, through- A resolution was adopted changing There are two large school buildings. out the entire county, to secure the low mounds, all overgrown with a dense service, 7.45 o'clock. the closing date of the High School to One was presented to the town b.y the the water could be kept from Mr. vegetation and hidden under a maze of 1 funster's pond at little expense and signatures of all who favor the appoint- June 15th, It is probable that the late Mr, Olcott and with it goes ex- ment. On the success of these petitions tangled vines, there were practically no advertised dates of the commencctnen tensive grounds. This is used by the was authorized to proceed in correcting outward signs revealing the significance "The Mission of the Pioneer" is the the difficulty. will depend the selection of'the .County topic for discussion at the Men's Bible exercises will also be changed. High School and the Kindergarten. of this old historic landmark or giving Another resolution adopted arranges The other is the grammar school build- Several permits to carry firearms Agent; Class on Sunday at 12 noon. any intimation whatever as to the for keeping open the positions of malt ing. The Supervising Principal Mr. were granted, among them being His headquarters will probably be in scenes enacted here for six long months Someryille and his advice will be avail- teachers affected by the selective draf Bickett, is a live wire, and he has in- Robert Nash, John E. Puff, John during that fateful winter of 1778-79, Wednesday evening the monthly able to any farmer desiring assistance about to be made. troduced quite a number of reforms. Lloyd and A. Grande. when the destinies of this country, missionary prayer meeting will be held. of any nature, in his fanning problems. In this respect, he is like my good Chester A. Carling, police officer at then struggling for freedom, hung in We need the world vision in these days The Board of Freeholders will be friend Principal Thompson in the Basking Ridge, was authorized to the scales. And yet, what a rich and here is an opportunity to have it, A New Rifle Range Heights. secure new plumage and headdress for approached at their next meeting to harvest of remains, what an abundance Eight o'clock. An effort is being {made to locate The town has a good Free Public the summer at a cost not to exceed favor the appointment. of evidence as soon as the investiga- 600 yard outdoor rifle range in theLibrary in charge of a trained librarian 180.00. The expense will be born entirely bv tion was once under way ! The following are the newly elected neighborhood of Gillette, to be used b; who knows her business with thorough- Reports of Treasurer Schley and Col- the Department of Agriculture, Wash- In the preceding issue of this paper officers of the Epworth League: defense organizations from Summit ness. A specialty is made of books for leetDf Kay were read and accepted. ington, D. C, the State Experimental an account was given of the progress Stanley Wilson, president; Albert Sut- Stirling, Millington and Bemarnsville. children and younj? people. The read- Upon information that the Free- Station and the Board of Freeholders of made in restoring the sites situated in ton, first vice president; Miss Ethel The range now used by the Bernards ing room is well supplied with papers holders would appropriate 76 # of theSomerset County. the northern section of the camp as far Bowers, second vice president; Miss ville organization in inaccessible t and periodicals. 1 t of improving the road from the south as mound "c." Proceeding many members and as the other thre Eliza Faust, third vice president; Mrs. 1 visited the Masonic lodge in town old Riddle place to the Dead River, In the Recorder's Court. farther southward, a quantity of oyster bodies have none, it is hoped to find on* Smith Kagan, fourth vice president; on Tuesday of last week and was given I which Supervisor T. B. Smith estimated One complaint came before Recorder shells were noted, some of them ex- mutually agreeable and easy of acces; Miss Elizabeth Petty, secretary; Lester K characteristic reception. The lodge *ould cost $1200), if the Township Com- Prout at Monday's session of the local posed to view, strewn along the slope for all. Mullen, treasurer, Mrs. Roy Walker, is about two years old but it has grown iiitee would construct the remaining Court, two women of the Italian Colony of the hill a few feet south of the new- A meeting of the executive officers o pianist. very rapidly. The temple is quite a '•'"'-, Supervisor Smith was authorized being the principals, one Mrs. Mary ly discovered oven site. Clearing the the different bodies will be held tin fine structure. Meetings ore held every '"Mpend the proportion due from the Schlosser accusing her neighbor, Mrs. surface from rocks, temporarily de- week when the desirability of the pro Tuesday to meet the demand for ad- township, not to exceed $300. if heAnna Chantos, of disorderly conduct posited thereabouts while digging in- Round Top Council No. 237, Jr. O.posed site will be determiner). mission. They are a splendid company fou id the county officials would carry and the use of abusive language. to mound "d," another rock square U. A. M, have accepted the invitation l| oi men, the pick of the town, " l their part of the work. Defendant was fined $10. and costs could plainly be discerned contiguous to of Rev, Oscar Joseph to attend divine Express Their Loyalty 1 win quite pleased to ape that a with an admonition not to appear before mound "d"and directly north of it. Ad NrvlM on Sunday May 27, at 7.4b in A I'ill of the Morris County Crushed Seney Lodge, I. O. (), K, at thei whole column was given in last week's Stl the Recorder again for a like offense, joining this square to the east there honor of Memorial Day. "ie Co., for $1,108.21, which is a meeting Tuesday evening adopted News-Letter to a notice of my book, on pain of being sent to Somerville. were seen two other rows of stone run • OSCAR L JOSRPH, Pastor. H'acy remaining from last year, was resolution as follows: "The Faith and the Fellowship," Al- ning from the easterly corners of the wilored paid and road appropriations "Resolved, expressing our confidence though published within the last month Local Defense Notes square so as to form a triangle, with To Meet Evenings *ill be pruned to meet this obligation. in our National Leadership, vie pledge 1 was gratified to learn that it was the Squad drills will be held next Monday the apex pointing toward the hill. To The strip of land on Prospect Slope, The Bernardsville A. & H. Society our unstinted support, representing as third best seller in a large New York evening at the square, if clear; if be more explicit, square and triangle jiirtly wooded, which it was reported announce that, until further notice, we do, our thirty thouttnnd men in the store. Anyone who desires a co^y can stormy, in the Methodist Church base- have one row of rocks in common, the '"" fall would be made into a park, their monthly meetings will be held at State of New Jersey." address me at Bernantaville, N. J., en- ment. base of the latter forming the easterly *•• offered to the township for that 7:.'IO o'clock on the firKt Monday evening A copy of the resolution will be closing $1.26. Impose by the owner, Col. A. R. side of the former. In the southerly in t ach month. Company drills tonight at the Paroch- forwarded to President Wilson. My wish for Hasbrouck Heights, is K^erand the proffer accepted with corner of the triangle there was a ical Hall; inside, is stormy, outside if June 27th ha* been fixed an the tenta- that it will have a sternly growth in nil •h'lnks. shallow depression, about a yard in the weather permits, tive date for the annual rose show. directions and become one of the im- A diameter and encircled by rocks, which I'otition signed by a number of Next Thursday evening, May 17th, The Board of Health portant residential suburbs. ««»kh)g Ridge taxpayers requesting company drill will be held in Basking on examination w«s found to contain At the Hoard of Health meeting 1 New Enlistments Sincerely yours, J "'* the road from the Washington many bones and bivalves. The stones Tuesday afternoon, attention was called Ridge, weather permitting. Among thost to enlist this week were L. JofiBPH °«»W to Cedar Hill and on to the composing these rows were firmly im- to tho preaencn of stagnant wutur in the Ten application* for membership were Ellsworth Childn, son of Luther Child* ''•'•king Ridge railway station, be oil- bedded in the soil and as their ar- cellar on tho Frank U. Allen property acted upon at the last meeting of the of Lyons, Hvander Kehley, HUH of (Imnt H wa granted. -; iigcment, such an it is, shown design, at the corner of Main Street and New To Supervise Home Gardens s Executive Committeo of the organiza- H. Schloy nf Far Milk and John ''"' Hoard of Protectors presented a Ultra carl In- little doubt that it digni- Street. John Hayard BtSVCM of West Brigh- n tion. Ktevenn, (on of Col, Kdwin A, Stevens, 'M and lengthy list of those who fies the outlines of Hhaokn. Honlth Oflicnr lluubrirk stated that ton, itatan Inland, « graduate of Uut- lp The Defensp organization hud, today, of the iniiiiiitiiin colony, All thrw will « prohibited from purchasing liquors About twenty-five fept east of mound tho matter WIIH receiving attention and Agricultural College, IHW been Wl| a Colt's Machine Gun offered at a cost K<> tO Fort Mycr HH inimibnr* of the Wn Hernards Township, which was "d" nnd • IVw Ntt south of tho rock 1 the wjitiT would be refcuxed m noon an n SopSfTflOf of Home Gardens Ofl Training Camp. &*«•* on file, of $«50. The boy* want very much to triangle, at a point where tho hill be- poiwlble. ii'nl will visit communities between l(l secure this additional equipment but * " was appropriated to repair the gin* HH HHI'I'MI, H largo maun nf limn All milk mild to the public by dairies Millington and Cilnilsl'in«. r lack the funds nnd tho offer must be "' leading past John M, Holmes' mortar wan noticed lying on the sur- The New Siren at the Ridge of I'.i-r tiarilM ToiHIthlp will be subject U> till committee in chnrffe of the work 1'" <' which was declared to be in bad accepted at once, It in hoped that some face. Making an excavation at this Mint) henrd the blunts of a siren at liiiiliria (fsl". I In1 taking nf ICMIM connlMH of the Hc\. T. A. Conovcr, W. •""dition. public-spirited citizen will mak« tho spot, much moro of that material came frequent interval* during the IMP.! frwwill he ntartod thi* month by Dr. L. It. J. Hickctt and Mrs, W. S. Pott, ol purchase of the (run possible before tho 11 lion H. A L. Co., of Far Hills to light mingled with aome ashen, hones days ? Thi- lirr laddies at the Ridge liniihrich, health inH|)<>ctor, The Hoard lii.riii.nlsvill..; Clara II. Mitchell, of Option expire*. '''•"''•'I themnelves at the command of and oy*i«-r HIICIIH. Considering all thn have installed their new fire alarm tig- of Health authorized Dr. llnubrich U)Fsr Hills; Lester Mnseroll, of l'piipack- u" township authorities in cane of A oupper for those who participated •vHenee, this spot, too, may have been and are tenting iteach vnn. although there can The new alarm run l><« hoard vory in Accordance with tho ordinance panned Banking Rldg«. Mamnrl&l Building, will ho nnrv«d in he li.i I|II«'HIU.II Ihiit it niiiiit hnvs I" in cltarly within a rndhm of ftevwritl mil** list yeitr. Them ar* twenty dairl«n In Mr. Steven* arrived Wednetdty to w"s amounting to $146.60 for fight- tht Parochial Hall nut 'Tuaiday night. much smallor and fsr lest ui«d thun nnd •c«mn to b« fuliilling nipeetaUonn. thii township doing public buiin«M, take up hit work h»r*. The Eern»rd«ville New«, Thuraday, May 10. 1917

A Philosopher's Learning In Application For a Wife The Fists


Aii.i-n St. OWr «;i< a Qh)(osopber Aa a little fellow I wasn't very TELEPHONE He was m Amori» a. bu! of BBfi strong. I had the measles and the IJSIJ penoto. Be hud papea to atow scarlet fever and all kinds of chil- that he was of Btodt, but had dren's diseases. Any boy of my age DIRECTORY sever examined tbcui. Be believed all could lick mo very easily. men I'l be 'i development of the ape. When I was about eighteen years old St. flair fell In love with 11 girl, who 1 feller come round givin' hoxiu' les- GOES TO PRESS reciprocated. Be dklu't talk about sons. 1 went to see him give a lesson man and wuiuun having descended —it was in a ham—and I was mighty Dealers also ia Coal, Lumber, Masons' Materials, Drain from apeb Ho tallied the language of tickled the wny he polished off somu love. After he had proposed Luura 0' the big fellers that he was teaculn'. Pipe, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stable Supplies, MAY 17th, 1917 He wasn't big himsolf, though be was Hilton--that wan tbe girl's uanie-seiit Spraying Materials, Fertilizers, Field, Garden and Lawn uim to her father for an answer. wiry; there wasn't any knotty muscles stJiudin" out on his arms and legs; they Seeds "I shall bavo to know more about was Jlst good ordinary arms and legs. you before 1 can give my consent," km for length, I reckon he measured Farm and Garden Touls and Machinery WE suggest that you ar- said Mr. Hilton. "To what family do about nve feet six in his stockin's. you belong and what hi your Income?" Household Furnishings, Etc. : : : : : range now for any new list- "I belong to the human family, and It was all In the way he done It A my Income is $2,000 a year. The prin- feller who could throw a hundred CANNEL COAI FOR FIRE PLACES ings or for any changes in cipal was earned by lecturing on man pounds 0' hay up into a loft on tho and his ancestors." end 0' a pitchfork would make a lunge at him that if it had hit him square. "That la barely sufficient to lodge present listings that may without gloves would 'a' made Jelly of and feed yourself and a wife. You him. But the little man wasn't there would have nothing for clothes and in- to be hit. Before the big one could be required, in order that cidental expenses." git back into position be got a blow on "Clothes are simply the covering of the Jaw. they may appear in the new the lower animals which are trans- formed to man. What he does not get I persuaded dad to give me the mon- telephone book. this way he derives from the vegetable ey to take boxln' lessons, and after a kingdom. The sheep clothes him anddozen lessons I was tbe best boxer in his wife. She wears rat skins on herthe county. What made me stuck on bauds and sticks an ostrich feather hi It was that I was a little feller with 110 Telephone, call at, or write great muscle, nnd after I'd learned to her hat. Her stockings when she lr 1 much dressed are the excrescence of box I was cock o the walk. None o' THE UNIVERSAL CM) our nearest Commercial worms." the big ones who took lessons could down me. The reason for this was k \ "Nevertheless you will find it incon- that I was mighty spry, and I could Office. venient to get on without these arti- tell by watchin' the other feller's eye cles. How about your family connec Jlst what he was goln' to do next. NEW PRICES "Family connections are of no more One day dad says to me, says he: . Ford Chassis, now $325 Importance iu man than any other ani- "Josh, you've got a lot of learnln' In u yer fists. I reckon you'd better git somo « Touring, 36O mal. Indeed, the family connections u of a horse are much more Important hi yer head. There's a young woman « Runabout 345 than those of a man. A racing sire opened a Bchule over to the crossroads; Mil and dam are Important, because swift- you better lam somethin' about readln', i « Couplet, • 505 ness of foot is inherited. Iu man writin' and 'rlthmetic." « Town, « 595 swiftness of foot Is of no Importance. I thort I was too old to go to schule, liij but when I got there I found the schol- ** Sedan, • 645 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. What Is of Importance in him Is intel- lect. But Intellectual man seldom ars was mighty mixed. There was i For sale by ELLIS TIGER CO. marries Intellectual woman, and If he scholars all tho way from twelve to does the children are liable to be only twenty-four years old. The schulemarm Gladstone, N. J. fools." was a young thing weighln' about a F. O. B. DETROIT hundred pounds and not inore'u eight- "That Is all very well, but my daugh- een years old. The first few days ter has associated with refined per- things wont mighty quiet, but after tbe N«c«ititi*i of War. saiiuwicii. Tiie kiiropeaii nousewire sons. If her husband's relatives are novelty wore off some o' the big fellers Wlien Lloyd GeOfge in KiiRlnnd un- has long made use «>f such sandwiches oarse she will not get on with them." begun to get tired 0' behavba' their dertook to organize' the ministry of for the between meal snaok for grow- "What Is refinement but a conceal- munitions a glacier began to .stamp ing hoys and girls. selves and showed a disposition to do ment of our brute instincts? Pigs eat; purty much as they pleased. When mt cartridge clips; a manufacturer of so does man. Pigs put the fore feet in music rolls used his equipment to make The Pygmy Hippopotamus. teacher told 'em to stop talkin' to each he trough; innn Kits at a table and other durin' ttchule hours they'd stop ifitiiKos; a concern engaged !><>fore the One of the iinlmiils least known to >ats with a knife and fork, The worst war In pfefHirtag infants' !'luiitlug elk and deer All Wrong. ithers' relatives and other detriments in acoule. What d' ye mean, a great and Uook.v mountain bighorns from "Now, look here, Alice, I know every- o a hearty progeny. If a strong aud bulk like you settln' yourself op agin regions In the I'ultcd Stales where thing. You've been enrryiug on with ealtby man who eats with his knife a little gal like that?" "Ifa none e' they are plentiful to others where, HO another man. I even know that his desires to marry a strong and healthy your business," be says. "I'll make tt far tut known, they nave not lived. name Is Kupert." woman who eats with her fork her my business," I says, and before he Some of the animals are being shipped "How ridiculous you are! First of relatives will defeat the union if they knew what had happened he was Spanish Doubloons. long dUtaneei, nay* the Popular Sol all, I haven't flirted with any one, and, ran. But If she desires to marry a SHERIFF'S SALE •prawlin' on the ground. Should mte lind a pirate/n buried ence Monthly. secondly, his name Isn't Rupert."—Pass- Ivlng skeleton of birth and breeding Hte got nn and come for me like a treasure be would UHVC to dispose of WyonOug la foil of elk. The herds ing Show. hey are delighted with the match." IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSET - mad bull. But what could he do? I hta gpanlRh K»ld at itx bullion vaine, 'Jjl 'bi Jackson Hole coimtry are the "Mr. St. Clalr, I have listened, to your Betweei Esther A. Dumont, Coea- was never where he struck at, and for since Aug. 1, 190$, when Ihe com largest of any of Norih American wild Profitable Writing. tatement of reasons why you should plainant, and Charles G. Weetlecraft, when I aimed a blow at htm he was mon crier made proclamation from the •IIIIIIKIN slncetho ilnys of the countless "My Writing* bring in a lot of money permitted to marry my daughter et als.. Defendanta-Fieri Facias far always there. Tbe second punch I steps of tbe Royal Kxclmuge of Lon sale of mortcraged premises. By virtue buffaloes, But the big Yosemlte Nn every month." nd am forced to admit that, while as give him was in tbe nose, end tho don that alter that date the doubloon of the above stated writ of Fi. Fa. to tlonul park of ('ulll'urnla, with It* "That HO'/ I didn't know you were easons they are worthless, there are blood bothered him. The third was would cease to he lpjral tender In the me directed and delivered, I will expese tUrw-ijnnrtorH of a million acres, un an author." truths in them. Nevertheless I con- la his lei't eye and closed it up. There Went Indies, Including HHtWh Guiana, for sale at public vendue, on til recently bail no elk, or at lensi only "I'm not. I'm the nmu that makes alder you the biggest fool I ever met. wasn't anything tender about him, and thedouhloon IIAN not lx>en the. precious MONDAY, THE FOURTEENTH (14) • very few Ncaltereil upeclmenN. Rut out the bills for our firm,"—Detroit Rut, as you have said, Intellect I* not I was obliged to trVe him under the thing It wax. In LT80 and for a con DAY OP MAY NEXT, the oik Hbi|)|teil In from Wyoming have Free. Press. o liable to be Inherited aa strength, jaw with all my ml lit to put him out tury after It WHS worth 98, more or between the hour* of twelve and ire become very much nt home and are be Intellectual man seldom marrying lea*. It IIIIM i I'HNI il to IM> coined la Its o'clock in the afternoon of said Jay, Trials of Author*. •' the fight. breeding anil nuilllplyliiff rapidly, add he intellectual woman, or vice versa, native country, Spain, and since J1I0S that is to 8»y, at two o'clock p. m,, tX "You do not know," Saint Reuve While we was at It I caught sight 0' tug to (he charm nnd pletureaquenos* lierefore if you are a king or • princi; It has been tiniMipular hi the Went In- the Court House in Somerville, to wit: wrote to OOOfgQ Snnd, "what It. Is to toe winders of the scimlehouse, and 1 of this popular uutionnl playground. r even a nobleman, with large wealth, dies, where for a lon« time It figured All that tract or parcel of land an* remnln 11 whole ilny with yotir head whey was full 0' the scholars. I renken- 'ou may be my aou-lu-la w; If not, 1 in a mixed clrcnlntlon, embracing Brit premises hereinafter particularly de In your hands, iqaoMlng your nofortii ed teacher couldn't keep 'em at their orbid i he banns," lnh, I'nltMl Mates nnd HpnnMi coins •cribed, situate, lying and being in the Lev* and Mirriagr i)lite hruln to lind a word." lessons while there was soniethui* so "Nothing remains," said St. Clalr, In the Inlerwit. of romnnrf1, however, Township of Bernards, in the County »f "First love Is very apt not lo l>e tho much more Intcwstln' goln' on outside. Somerset and State of New Jersey. bowing hlmtelf our, "but to look into the name at le&St miisl survive. It laBlliiB love," said Dr Antoinette Koni Some o' the older scholars came out Beginning at a corner of lands of Gar in Itraz'l, M throughout South Amer my pedigree and learn whether nny slfcnlflen nothlnK morn tlmn that the kor, Hpraklug at the Boston School of to watch the prm-ecdln's and stood ret V. Freeman and Judson Westlecraft lea, Krench Is almost UBlvertall; rend. f my family, in whom I have never coin wan double, tho valuo of a plstolo, Rectal BcleiK'p. around wonderln' how such a little in the middle of the Mine Brook atone UdllionK of the classics are found in al filled me nny money," mouth tlllliiK rrux'kpry HH "\Aoc.m of .side of the new public road to the lake faults of the loved one iKrnuse they of a feller list as If he waa n bag 0' with modern Trench (Triton of protO Kilter Im returned to Mr. Hilton mid eight," which HiiffgcMtH intent rtobea, north thirty-one degrees west one hue are not In l"v<> with the Individual, btti Hand. When I tuk John under the Jaw or verse, somellines in translation and aid: but IIIOHTIH only Rpanleh HIIVIT dollnrn, dred and fifty feet to a stake; thence (t) with love, llenoe they nuiy not chouse 1 knocked it out 0' plumb. II« got up us friMiucully In the original, "I have examined ptperi In my pus- plcoen eqiilMilcnl lo elghi reals.--Roch- Houth fifty degrees west eighty feet t« (lie. partner wl(L whom they will i'nid slow, but he didn't cotno for me ag'ln. leasioti nnd bits learned that I am ester PfHfl K a stake; thence (3) south thirty-one de their happiness in Inter years. Muny a lloldhr on to hlH cheek, he went off grcos east one hundred and fifty feet Went Further, nn! n king." mini anil v,omnn IN glad by middle !!«•• tu 11 doctor to get It put In place a(f*ln. to-the mftidle of the Mine Brook stono that the first Live VII friiNlnited. "Didn't I tell you I hat when you "I thought uot," tstd the other dryly. Ti rent of m went back te ear A F»mou» New York S«re«t. road; thence along the middle of said "MBITIII;;C should IN1 hancti on love met a mini iu hard lurk you ougbt to "Nor mil I n duke." road north fifty degrees east eiphty schule work. .Vnbody madn any dis- Pew of tin; tli'iiisuii'ls of |ico|ili> wh'i alone or It ia Immoral, mid Home Change gTMt him with n smile?" sulil the wlM turbance. Oncet two fellers started to feet to the nlace of beginning. and 1: counselor. "Hut my grandfather was nn carl, pens tbn coiner <>t Niixunn and .lohu to necessary If marriage Is d> l»c Mved whisper, but I Jlst thrown! a glance It is hereby agreed between the par "Yos." replli^l Iho fllnly Noulod per and H letter belting a eorotel on I, •troetN awry dny know the curly hi.s ties 10 this deed that tho party of th«' from degradation, Itonl love alwiiys their way, mid It had the -nrne rflVt. torj of NBH*«II ttntet, And yet rlffhi Non. "I went, even further tliiin that. lint 1 received Mine yours (go nnd second part, hia heirs and assigns, nhnll makon pi'iiple bolter. Itomantle love Is an If I'd throwed n stone, They stop- at that COFBet I* a bfOSBe iiilili-t which the soum* t»f nil the in>m things In Hte 1 give him the grand laugh," which I did DOt I'l'cii Inform me tliut, have the right to repair and keep in re- ped right awsy five* In CI#III-IIC fni in I lie following pair and order the drains and ditches —the foiuiilnliuii or nil the art*. And my grandfather nnd ruthor befog dea4( Wlicti Ni'linle let mil t«»rher shn beck- hlHtoiiffil liifiirniHlIon that discharge water from hia land into individual bflpptnett mnkCH up the Imp Bett W«y of Taking Iron. 1 itm the Ball Of MiH'Iniiilion," 1 «n«d me to Ing behind, and I did Ihe "Nassau HI reel, Kimvvii Orliflnally the brook that runs about thirty-four of the wee " -Norton I'out. When anetntC pernOUl have lo tnKo "ladejAf tuk my bifid nnd -miee/.-n,vs, •s "ibn Hln-i'i That UIIIIN li.v the I'.vn didn't any nothln'. I reckon she feel of the flrat part. later If N iplnavb, cabbagu, gran chic- i> ono of Urn largest utatil in Bog Woman,'WNN Latd Ou( Ahmit lOHttd ELLSWORTH HROKAW.ISherifT. U*« of R.i. r.n Dripping*. m iMinii iha couldn't talk. ory, aiparagu*, leatili, enrroti and IJIIMI ' IfU Name4 In llnnor of the IIHIIMO of Daniel II. lWkman, Soliciter. Bacon dTlnilnffs make splendid Ihoil you worry about the •molars' Naman, Who** Hint tl Tliul Time earn? for lltrlit, flaky pie cmst. It "I roii«rnliiliilc yon," Dated April 9th, 1917. ($(UIO) ," I «ii ragvoai a aimile Than linlf o CPftim ' a " As : 'Hns: how whMy thn pern* cakn nnd COte the delicious Hiivnr. degraded lavagf," finiis IM ItPCP nrrlr>r." fur giving mUiee? Bcrawlor .Ti'lni Wiilitiikcr didn't come baefc to The bronzn tabU'l Is un ttio oxferlor nenily blue tytfl of eat| differ from R| trend rye hrond with n ttitn Iftyef WOtlld I"" " BtOT mi a liUCk'S 'The title mill tho |eweli win ii«> •Ctltlll 111 u tnon. Mid Hie other big fel- of the bsOding ill lln> imrlliwcsl ii II. Add lii thll » thin I.'f II t« !• ! I'll' IIH nillrh Rf «r "Win n nhiill the wcildliiK I'lMi'tnuny dldn'l : el nil h lainln'. I wkon It prcctejd by tb« Muiilen I,lino Ills lo havo iinrnihiinnlly blue oyos open lliOC Of HRJ 'Mill iiiiiil IIIHI you will rim '11 > ujoj, nnd I In j will U>nm roi lake \4tvi<'l" Ml '1 RllRfl I IIIHI In watrli the HI liultim il MI MI* iv In LOlfl, Now Voi'lt Hun ihn? ihina brlphi nil i,, Mm ,]nrk, and hem •.elvcjK Uuu-ni|iiilhi/iv ;•!,,,,:,„, • vmir iDfdlhlO have 11 dellC'lpm and ^tail - lay way, it vi n't teuber*i fault. nnlther (ho nphflmoral kit (on blue n

He Lacked Concentration, Some Tightwad*. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. and on the Speaking of u mau who wit a failure "Tightwad" baa crept into colloquial CHURCHES second Sunday in the month at 1:46 a. CUT THIS OUT because of liis lack of loncentratum slang. It Is even Included ha the dic- m.; morning prayer and sermon every and his inability to know his own mind tionary, and Us mcmilng is ebvlous and Bishop Janes Methodist Chuich, Sunday at 10:90; evening prayer aae five minutes ut a time, a captain ot in- well known. The man who can afford sermon every Sunday at K p. m. to spend money liberally aud will not. Baaklag Rklfe dustry said lie reminded him of a hunt- Sunday School following morning ser- ing Uo.^r be onca owned: though his companions net Mm the ex- Rev. Horace E. Dewey-Faster vice at 11:30. ONE CENT A WORD "At suiuisu tue dog would start out ample, is w i mi fun j referred to by that name. In the popular acceptation on his own hook after deer. He •would a, m.—Morning worship St. Mark's Church, Basking Ridge, will cover the cost of an advertisement in the jump a buck and run him for miles. It is • synonym for meanness. And L. R, Aushutz. Lay Reader, in charge. yet hla spending it* somewhat accord- 7.00 p. • .-Epworth League. CLASSIFIED COLUMNS of When the buck was on tbe point of ex- 7.46 p. in.—Evening Worship. —Holy Communion all Sundays except liaustioii the hound's nostrils would Ing to bis temperament; he spends If Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.46 the second in the month at 9:46 a. m, catch the taint in tbe air where a fox the occasion seems to him proper and tollable Ills purse opens If the object second Sunday In the month at 7 a THE BERNARDSVILLE NEWS had crossed tbe trail, and be would in- in., morning prayer every Sunday at stantly decide that, after all, fox was ippeals to bis tastes and Inclinations 10.30; Sunday School at 11.30, even- The best advertising medium in Somerset County what he had come for, and he would unless he boards merely for tlte pur tnrn aside to pursue the fox. Perhaps pose of getting aud keeping, To be Bernardtvllle Methodist Church. ing prayer on the first and third 8ua> economical, or at least to refuse to an hour later, when the chaw wns Rev. Oscar L. Joseph-Pastor. days In the month at 7: SO p. m. spend when others are spending just Please insert the following advertisement for ...... insertions growing warmer every minute, his keen Morning worship at 10.45. nose would detect tbe presence of n to be "a good fellow," Is equivalent in Sunday School session at 12 noon. rabbit, and be would go after the cot- many minds to being a tightwad. Ami The Reformed Church of Bedmlnster. yet many n man has surprised the com- Kpworth League devotional service tontail, with the inevitable result that Rev. Charles Gilbert Mallery—Pastor. by 4 o'clock In the afternoon that munity in which he lived by a great at 7:10 i* n. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. lK)iuid would be thirty or forty miles iharity or public gift, of lasting benefit away from home hi a swamp with a to others, made possible by what his Evening worship at 7.46. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. chipmuuk treed!"—Saturday Evening neighbors termed his "closeflsteduess." Wednesday, 8 p. «.. for Prayer and Christian Endeavor worship at 1:41 —Detroit Free l'ress. Post. Fellowship. p m. A welcome to all at the Church on the Evening service at 7:30 p. m. George and His Leg*. Air a Part of the Etrth. Hill Top. Mid-week service, Wednesday at Bit by bit the historical grabbers are "A balloon is sent up at New York 7:30 p.m. digging out the truth about our im- city ou an absolutely calm day, remains Women's Missionary Sccloty first mortal George. We have heretofore iu the air Cop one hour, drifting in the Wtnlne»/ ] leiifrth portraits of Washington b.v received this interesting answer: Midweek services at 7.3O.r, Choir clety the Orst Friday evening of e*A Stuart, of which there is one in the The simple answer to your inquiry practice 7.30. month) at 7:30 9. m. Tel. 222 BernardftviUe New York public library, the legs were is that the air is part of the earth and Strangers In town are cordially In- not his own. "I have seen the letter rotates with it Just as the water does. Communion service the second 8us> vited to attend these services and par- from Stuart thanking tbe true owner If It did not there would be a tre- ay 0. January, July, October and Baa> ticipate in the worship and work of for his kindness in providing a sym- mendous wind from the east of nearly ter Sunday. De Bow's Garage metrical foundation for the bust of the 1,000 miles uu hour at the equator aud the church. You nave need of a great president and presenting one of about 550 miles in our latitude. This church. We need you. Let. na get Adjoining Conkling Lumber Co. the smaller portraits in thanks for bis is apparent If you recall the wind together tor the advancement of the kindness." which is felt when going swiftly Kingdom of God. tt. Elizabeths Church. Studebaker Motor Cars through still air ou a car. The air Is Remember your dally pmyer for the Far Hills, N. J. Free Speech. held upou the earth b.v gravity and con- churcb and the town. Rev. Francis Langan—Paator Pleasure and Commercial An old negro woman had lived with stitutes a part of the revolving globe a certain family In the south for many lu a very real sense. Masses on Sundays at 8 and 11 a. Lee, Firestone, Michelin and United States Tires, years. One day her mistress had occa- m., Holy Days at 6:30 and a a. m. sion to reprimand her quite sharply for Their Upper and Lower Worlde. Baaklna Ridge Presbyterian Church Week-day mass at 7 0 clock durina something that had gone wrong. The Shamanism is u tinme applied to the May, June, July, August, September negress said nothing at tbe time, but religion of certain peoples among Finns. Rev. L. O. Bennett, Pastor. and October. 8 o'clock during No» Fully Equipped a little later her voice could be heard Hungarians. Turks, Mongolians and Morning worship 10.80. Tires and in tbe kitchen in shrill vituperation of ember, December, January, February Tunguses, but chiefly those of north- Evening worship7.45. everything and everybody, with a rat- western Asia. At present Sbamanlsm March and April. Confessions before Accessories Machine Shop tling accompaniment of pans and ket- best represented by tbe practices Mid-week prayer service Wednesday the Masaes and week days. Benedlo> tles. So loud became the clamor and of the Tunguses. According; to them, at 7:46 p, m. lion ot the Blessed Sacrament at 11:41 so vindictive the exclamations that there are three spiritual realms- Junior Christian Endeavor Wednes- o'clock on Sundays. Baptisms after Mrs. C. went hurriedly down to the heavenly, earthly and subterranean. day at 3:30 p. m. OVERHAULING CARS A SPECIALTY kitchen. the Masses on Sundays and by special The earthly realm is on the surface of Woman's Home and Foreign Mis- appointment. Devotions for Slavon- "Why, Liza," she began in amaze- he earth; the other two consist of ment, "who ou earth are you talking stories above and below the earth's sionary Society second Friday In the ian, Hungarian and Polish people Im- Jobbbg Promptly Attended To to?" surface. The good spirits live above month at 3:15 p. m. mediately after the 11 o'clock mass OB Adjustments Made Sundays; Christian Doctrine Sundays "I ain't talkin" to nobody," the old or on the earth; the evil below It The Ladies' Aid Society third Thursday negress replied, "but 1 don't keer wbo upperworld of light is composed of »t 8.46 and 10 a. m. at 2:30 p. m. In dis house hyars me."—Harper's Mag- seventeen such stories, or heavens; the Societies — CommunJan Sundays: azine. ' lower world of darkness, of seven (or Brotherhod meetings for men fourth Rosary Society, first Sunday of UM nine) hells. Above live the greatest month; Young Ladles Sodality, seooai Misprints and Maxim Guns. lords, khans, gods, good spirits and Thursday at 8 p. m. Sunday of the month; Holy Nam* 8o> ARMAND V. BELVERGE The late Sir Hiram Maxim says in blessed ghosts; below, devils, demons, A cordial Invitation la extended to HENRY C CBEPET clety, third Sunday ot January, April his autobiography that when he organ- kobolds, goblins, gnomes, Bwanmaldens all strangers In the commnnlty to at- ized the United States Electric Light and the damned.—Philadelphia Press. July and October; 8t. Aloyslos B071 Ing company the printer sent home its tend these services. Stages tun from Society, fourth Sunday ot each mouth, stationery with the beading, "The Learn to Think on Your Feet. Uernardiville for the convenience ol CREPET & BELVERGE United States Electric Lightning com- It does not matter whether one those who have no means of convey pany." Wbeji he established bis new wants to be a public speaker or not, a gun company In England he told of ance. .Iberty Corner Presbyterian Chirnh. person should have such complete con- this mistake In order to emphasize tbe trol of himself, should be so self re- Rev, John J. Barsaia Hauling By Motor Truck importance of getting the stationery liant and self poised, that he can get Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. Mora- printed correctly. When the first up In any audience, no matter how ng worship and sermon at 10:45 a. u. sheets were brought to him, however, Sacred Heart Italian Church. large or formidable, and express Ms Junior O. B. at 2 p. m. .Y. P. 8. G. B, Coal, Stone, Lumber, Etc, Carted by Day V he found that the English printers bad thoughts clearly and distinctly. In all Mass on Sunday with announce- made his concern appear an "Tbe Max at 7 p. m. Evening worship and Mr* ages oratory hos been regarded as tbe to Gum company." ments and sermon In Italian and En* lion at 7:45 p m. Midweek service OB or Contract, highest expression of human achieve Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Woman'* mett. Young people, no matter what Huh at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School at Missionary Society on the first We* Easy Generosity. they intend to be, whether blacksmith 2:30 p.m. Benediction of the Blessed Harr Da Mother (to small son)—Bobby, dear. nesdiy of each month at 1:30 p. m. CLAREMONT ROAD y ™' or farmer, merchant or physician, Sacrament at 4 p. in. Devotions in I hoped you would be unselfish enough should make it a study. Nothing else Ulrls' Missionary Guild on the) Aral to give little sister the largest piece of will call out what is in a man more honor of the Sacred Heart every first Sunday of each month at 3 p. m. Men'* candy. Why, see, even our old hen quickly and more effectively than the Friday of the month with Mass and Organized Bible Class each Sabbath Call or Telephone 192W | gives nil the nice big dainties to the constant effort to do his beat in speak Communion at 6:30 a. in. Confessions morning for Bible study at 9:45 a. da. little chicks and only keeps an occa- ing before an audience. When one un- and for business and social on the sional tiny one for herself. tbe preceding Thursday and Frldaj dertakes to think on one's feet and ast Tueaday of each month at 7:30 B. Bobby thoughtfully watched the hoi speak extemporaneously before the morning. Baptisms and marriages tc n. Regular meeting of the aukalon oft and chickens for a time and then said public tbe power and tbe skill of tbe be arranged. "Well, mamma, I would, too. if it was entire man are put to tbe severest test. 'he Friday evening before OommunlOBt worms."—Rochester Times. on the first Sunday In February, Mayfc August and November, Worrying Happineai. A Generation. The bishop of Manchester, speaking Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Iu Hit- long lived patriarchal age a at a meeting at Church House, West- Sundays generation seems to have been com ALFRED J. KULL minster, said tbe Becret of happiness puted at 100 years (Genesia xv, 1), Masses with sermons at 8 o'clock St. James Catholic Churcb was to have a sufficient multitude of and 11 o'clock. Backing Ridge Subsequently the reckoning was the worries. same that hus been more recently Special Devotions with Benediction Mass nnd Sermon at 9.15 a. m. Tbe man who had only one worry, LANDSCAPE GARDENER idoptod—that is, from thirty to forty of the Dlesed Sacrament for the Slav a blind that would not be pulled nn years (.ToU xUl, \y the servant or a coal scut- and Hungarian parishioners at 3:30. THE FAR HILLS, N. J tle tbe bottom of which waN always Kvening demotions with short set Incongi uous. comlug out, found his way to the mon and Benediction of tbe Blessed Morris County Savings Bank Little AlieU What In an Incongruity lunatic asylum, but tbe man who bad uncle? Uncle William—An Incongruity Sacrament at 7:30 MORR1STOWN, N. J. no time to dwell upon bis worries bo- itaptiRm* on Sunday after the 11 child, 1M a dlvuive lawyer humming a cause he bad to go from ono to an- 0 clock mass, or in the afternoon by 86th Semi-Annual Dividend Notice •wedding march. other and buck again and round and Tin1 Miirm^TH of this Hank have order- round like a squirrel in a cage could pedal arrangement. ^ o Vegetation In PuUr Reyione. be a perfectly happy nan.—London prl jiHiri fr etM of neural WMTTIN tO YOU CAN UNDEMTANO IT 0 "Wasn't ho trying t>> bring abont a Holy Communion every Sunday at. 8 Correspondence Solicited) Kta, |TI iKMii'itis tin! nerve would Alt the Orent Eventi In Mechanic*, 0 froe delivery of tli o'clock, alto on the first Sunday In the there will be no ques- Engineering anil Invention throughout be fi>i HI tn Snturiln.VH and Holidays* the World, are dMrrlhed in an interest- i| lull l>l' Wlllll |a lit'lllnil the tion about the style, ing manner, as tiny occur. 3,000,000 0 day In the month at 10:15; morning on Saturday! from'.' a. m. to 120'clwk readers etch month. o •)•:*'•» n{ iHMiiMl^lii Is UKirt1 Itapof' ( A Soft Job. prayer and nermon every Sunday ex- noon. or quality of the work than Hotel '•"' p*»»« <••<•*> \*n* Mil* «n«» 0 Dili! Ill,III II111 annVMT t<> Uli' Off • ' ""•" tl:|l,.n,, mm [,,,lr.lhinK«hi FlrM Holm I linvi> ut lnnt thought of cept the ni HI In the month at 11 th( «lmp, tml how to milks htpiilra it hnmii 0 lor relief, It it 111 ^t 1M» rciin'iti I'HII ANDI K IV PIERSON, Prat. 0 lu'i'i'il tlnit ntMiralRlii \H wordy ft I Job 1 tliluk 1 WOUtd like. ItCOttd o.clock, on first Sunday at Hi: 16; HORACE G. WOLr E. Nh, and Tie**. AmalMr Meoh.nlei ftSKdtifiSSl llolio Ami wliat IM It? Plrot llolio •ixirU nnrtplnv Largely <'nn>tm<'ti>»i U>ll> 0 H,vnipti>nii not « IIIHCHMC. Home School ovnry Sunday at loir.. ho* to bullil tHMtt moliirriri'l™,wiri>l»««. (to 0 innlarln IK the imderl.vlng Lineman In a wlrc-u'M trtle-fimph eoni prayer and hcrmon at 7;4f.. imn.V.— New York TlflWi •on uxx n u,«oo urn OULIM o Ottior tlm»« It. niuy IH> llnly nay* and Saint« Pay*, imly Ash y«ur An\mt to •timr r*w • WW) If ruM twivAltmt 0 duo to nicoliolifira, dlul>ptnM, lead MICHAEL FLORIO u< nmm* •••ml. HM II IS f<« • rtar'i MiH«ertp[*on. communion at 7:30 a, m. Qreat«r fe«nt m flftMm a#nti fur eurront W«* Mih» 1 tihlnhtro, 0 , (out, rheiiiiiiitlmii or Hi. Discovery. i"*mi"*ii* «f Mtehantol tftookifrw«n r*«ju*#l, days—Christmas, Ascension, 'Human NEWS PRINTERY POPULAR MBOHANIOS MAQAZINK 0 (llHcnrnv A dlH<««wf th» underlying CIGARS AND CIGARETTES fatr, Vicar. Services Bindayi: Is Hlmrpnr tiaa *h« Opposite Pott Offlea Bernardavllle: The Eerr.ard«ville New«, Thursday, May 10, 1917

opening uta rnenaimpi. f»«r rnm». I rt*«pt»nting raim i far ia iiioKi aia cmctxt&&, ti^1 War (HniJ*. naf« (!<•• B It in ultii'Mst IwpfflWJMhl CM even a fiii'iii!«lii| • la ti»t which Sijr ., have proved lo be ret} mmflil m lettuce sDp to be rom.ned from tlie exista bstwaea t«o lall^w »hosi' niodi'm warfare l «ed only aa a re it Baa mken ru<»t withiMii perlmeat al Bnrt, they haTt baaa ol dr •• ing anil i>erlo»l of W!TI^B h.-ne Bertff Btet A friend lb:ii we have known nnd liked for jreea KIIWI jinii !!• iii i ;i :•• i 'i.-ii the return of •Mpeoded >:ri'Ut! Hut iiowa«Jays Resources Over $10,000,000 AMI I Nl.»S Jill '«JJE») file rllK'mal'. : Iplj l " : I fl.ilil llis ^rt-nt paini trees ;ire BptVOtad and oar has drifted a«a.v from us. tad W« aeftal woo8nol««*ii s ! i ways tatpa ried buudre«is of iuil>'> from their un ha testa UHM IW B»TC drifted I'ul.luhed fvrr> Tburfdtjr L»y Ifc ties t\y awaited al headquarter*. rive .soil U:J. 1 . iimute with KkfOBly a avaj from lilm We Itkod atcb PAYS 37c INTEREST fUccwM PetUlttl* Co*»**» 7'1).' isofinaT pfc'''•'•<• '•••'•• "FJJO T« m wiited leaf. •o well tiiai we H'anteil our wives /Uhfctffrrr liuii'ling, Oppotiu n., I.. A W k.k t<•(•!- tot tttto '""IK nrnieitukf- » ret} The MeM i'f the wcecaa at traus- meet ami be faoal Mead* Pi On Accounts of $100 or Over, Subject to Check Sution, BcnufdtvitlCi K iliiln'uli uin] datlAfi (sit. ill* must I"' such tfVM hes iu tho pre'iiu they met. Bad, as miulit »a« been Telephone J7 J. ii muter of |ji> |ii"ii-.s-i' 'ii, line ntTVfN work. Tin.- is ln'^ua fnilv ^i\ exi>ect<>(l. they c«fc4 nothins in the C*»L H. B of str.-i an l lie «.. lag i • taka areal baftm the time for the BMW- wurld for eaib ntlier. In fact, one of editor ind BUHMCM rfxfct, .Mi"" 'i .ic, ill.11 noi lie in obliged tog of the five. First the roota are tbem said aha ccBlda'l see wUal on t.i Bj at • low aitltade, for otbervta* Sag around ;uiJ carefully cut. and the enrth anylxnly WBld Ilii.l in bir to ml s MORRISTOWN TRUST GO. Aing Hjirn un Application- !>i.s picture* M'IUII] IT without raloe. plMnt is side L>oxee lui'he* aiv mire, nnd we attfpoee the otlwf - ni'i Entered it Iicrn»rd«*illr, N. J., Toil Offlt allowed between the balls of root* about tlie name tiling. Wa fell tunt Morristown, N. J. M Second Cluii M«il Muter. .\inu\ IIM'II wiii> aava pone out on rtioan All changci for •dtrertiteinrntt mint if ii partloaa expedition iiu\e Doter re »ud tbe boxing. This si'aee is next our friend know ivhat our wife Ifcii office not later than Turwlajr »(t«rnot>n I filled with Mirth, which is well tamped tbouKht i'f Ills wife ami we wore a 4»e o'clock, to inture inwrtion. turned, dowu. Thus the tree is made to stand little ashamed to t>o In Ma «'t>tn(iaii.v SAMUEL FREEMAN, President 'i'lie war DlKu ft»w the cTpcirfopcad 1 in the box in which it is to \te moved, Prol>ably he felt tin same At any Sui^cmrTioH KATHJ PAVAII r IN Ae»«wcr uliK'Tvcr II cii'.ii teal that is i." ins; uii Willard W, Cutler, Vice-President John H. Capstick, Vice-President 1 without liftluj; it from the enrtu. Here rate, we buveo't had nnirli "f anrihlni.' One Year $1,50 I'l-liiiiii ibe enemy's liuc« Tin trenches Jno. H. B. Coriell, H. A. Van Gilder, it remains during the six months of to do with etch otaac stnee Wa Ik Month* 75c urn i'loarl,v rialbla. li Is e\eu poaafbls Vice-President and Secretary Vice-President and Treasurer in dJjcara the coee d;i-*inp tnechai or preparation. It i.s thoroughly mule bed speak, but, uo one would erer Tkrct Muiitln «0c Ralph S. Street, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Si"*Ir Copiei Sc put iji ppgttton, The cine and given tbe be>t of >'are. so as to In- that we once were IXMOBI fi iin'ii iiavi. ofteti bnoght duce a plentiful side growth of routs Claude fallnn iu Tort Worth Star liiut exrellent |ii tun-s taken from wa- At tiie end of the six months it may Telegram. DIRECTORS terptaoai thai »ho» th'1 taorement of be lifted and shipped. Ic will show and tin1 tr»< k o( eneiuv \wr\- ao signs of fatigue at tbe end o>f its 8paniah Iriahrntn. Samuel Freeman Janet N. Walltce Willura V. S. Thorne *copf8. Journey, however far it may travel.-- A recent writer draws attention to Willard VV. Cutler A. R. VVkitney, Jr. Nicholas P. Brady C. G. Frelinghuyien Popular Science Monthly. the connection which has long exited James B, Duke Charlei H. Stbin O. H. Kahn Frederick Straura Changing AM the Time. between Ireland ami Spain. In the Granvitle M. White Often tho cbaojfe iu tlu- use or man- Japan'* Narrow Railway*. days of tbe "Wild Geese," when Irish- Waller G. Oakman William B. Boutton, Henry I". Taylor Harrie T. Hull 'T of use of SOIIII' bouaebotd Item When tbe railways of Japan were men were carving ovit futures for Jn». H. B. Coriell Jelin ft Capstick S. Harold Freeman wiilcspri'mJ .lian«e In the first planned the narrow gauge of three themselves as soldiers of fortune In HA. Tan Gilder of a l"t "( banlwara items. I'or feet six Inches was selected for tlieni, many lauds, tboy went In large num- •oaifl years ruirs have l«'eu taking the because It was cheapest to build und bers to Spain. Then atfiiiu larse num- ilncfl of carpeta Tins meana tlie sale equip and was thought best suited to bers of Irish, men aud women, many of if fewer carpel tacka, tack hanmtw tbe country')) narrow highways and them belonging to well known fam- SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Hid iiiriK't atretcliert, iiut more carpet steep grades. Now the 0,000 miles of ilies, emigrated to Spain In the early Newly built of Armor Plate, absolutely fire—and burglar— f'i':ttri's _\L::Iiii tlie Introduction of Japanese railways, all of narrow gauge, days of tbe nineteenth century. All and bomb-proof and sufficiently removed from the Danger loa.'ii'rs put down the sale of are found to be sadly behind the times, these immigrants were adopted bj- the Zone to be beyond the reach of any possible bombardment beaten. and a movement is on foot to rebuild country, «nd they adopted It. whole 80 In llkt1 manner the present fash- them to standard gauge, although the heartedly—so whole beartodly, Indeed, INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED on of banging picture*, from moldiugs cost is estimated at nearly $450,000.- that, us tue writer already referred to iai alwut put picture nails out of bust- 000. At present the trains are slow, pointed out, hardly any of their pres- lew, lint liir^i'iy iiirroascd the sale of tbe fastest expresses making less than ent representatives s^eak English, at SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $5.00 PER ANNUM AND UP noldiuc or picture books. thirty miles an hour; the coacbeg are any rate as "a native tongue," and low and narrow, and the sleeping cars they have lost all toiieli with Ji'ish life The NEWS in edited and printed' in In totnowbat similar fashion not n.'iiiv fmit Bcrapera are in use because are eramjied and inconveiiieut. wliili* Tbey have retained their names, how town, employ* »nwn*ppnj>|n to do iU most of the railway inventions of oth- ever, unaltered, aud in the Spanish work and owns its own plant En- oacrete BUlewalka are so uuttersaL The gwwLng lisa of fm>i choppers er nations cauuot be used because of army list are ti> be found mauy such courage local industries! ins materially decreased the sales of the difference in track gauge and size names as O'Connor, O'KeU, O'Donuell, Discing U.11 i\ «•- and wood buwl.s.—New of oars. Tbe director of the Imperial Shaw, aud so en,—Christian Science railways favors tbe change, in spite of Monitor. tt*8 DA V tbe cost, and estimates that the niatu Tokaldo line eould be converted to This is one of the latent Memorial Value of Skimmilk. broad gauge iu twelve years and the Cancar Not Hereditary. Days in the calendar, but it has al- The depsrtiseflj ol agriculture has other lines on. the main Island of Ja- That cancer Is not inherited in man !is''iivered that abotii iT.ii,i»it() ready received the Cordial and en pau within twenty-five years.—Popu- seems to be proved by statistics col- nl' s!il;:;:ni!k nrv annually lected by Arthur Hunter and present- thusiastic .support of the nation. lar Medianirs Magnzlne. in ibis country, ed to tbe Association of LJfe Insurance Next Sunday, May 13 is the day. What fanner knows iliat skimmill; Presidents. Mr. Hunter investigated the homo has done for American life will fatten boga. Thai proves that it Too Busy. tbe history of policy holders and found lu!s a BUtritlOtttl V&lve, Tlii' fi>o'l that when both of a man's parents bad can never be adequately estimated. It When a thing that really ought to value of lulik Is not entirely destroyed be done presents itself, take It and died of earner only two grandparents WRIST WATCHES is mother who i.s the heart and in- by the removal of the cream a nil but- work it out somehow without hurry out of 234 had died of this disease. spiration of the home. Let us honor ler f;lt. There Is ;i lot Of protein in or nervousness, even though your Among 314 sons and daughters of par- We are showing a very complete line of Wrist the residue, and this protetB Is ccx^l hands are already fall. Dou't think ents both of whom had died of can- our mothers in these days of crisis in Watches for Men and Women. for ilie luiiii.iii s\.stern. Some people "I am too busy." And, altove all. don't cer be could find not one case of can- the nation'* history WV ire respond cannot drink whole miik: it disagrees say it aloud where any one eaa hear cer. Ho considered only those above Men's Watches with Radium Dials that can ing to the call to defend our hearth and 'A.lli Iliom. These siuiie iieo|il(> thrive you. Being too busy carries an Im- tbe age of forty. be read at night and in Waterproof Cases. These on milk fru'ii wiihli (be cream lias plication of fussy activity as contrast- He found only nine cases of cancer our home. The proper observation of lieen removetl. The department »f asi are very practical for Military, Motoring and ed with efficient effort. To be too among 301 brothers and sisters of can- rlrulture is right In railing attention Mother's Day will finally help in the busy is necessarily an admission that cerous pairs. Of tbe 810 eons and Sporting uses. to Ibe fact tbat 17,000,0X1,000 gallons larger spread of patriotism. The your Job is itself too big for you or daughters above forty in 488 families nf oxceBe&l ttxxl have hern overlooked Ladies Watches with leather, silk and all tbat you are doing tilings which do of which one parent bad died of can- churches are to the fore and services In these days of hinh mst of living1.— metal straps. Also convertible holders to make uot necessarily belong to your Job or cer only tUree were known BO have Clereland Lender. will be held next Sunday in honor of that you are not working wisely and bad tbe disease. your present watch into a bracelet. this day. efficiently. Pitiless logic inevitably The movements are all good grade and re- The Hawaiian Language. drives your hearers to one of these three conclusion*. If you are "too Corn and Watar. liable timekeepers. We would consider it a The language of Hawaii is very stia- To those engaged in tbe handling of |»le. To ai)f> who liei;rs it for the (irst busy" you ought to resign or reorgan- pleasure to show you these Watches. PASSED AWAY ize.—Publishers' Weekly. grain the natural shrinkage of shelled time coiiion tho conviction tb*t the ah- com while in storage and in transit Is Mlgtaes expressed tUeir si-nt'im ius in ANDREW B. HOKKMAN a matter of prime Importance and of- lnlmiUvi" vowel sounds, to whJPh some The funrrsl of Andrew H. Hoffman, What'a In a Namet ten a source of dispute because of COttsonanta have been milled. Eftoh His grandfather Is in the employ of shortage reported at time of receipt seventy seven years old, whodied Thurs- vowel is sounded a*i In l.Htin, and the Uncle Sam, engaged in passing; back at warehouse and a further loss at PARKER & VAN CLEVE day at his home in Gladstone, was held Dfda are easily proaomicod l'.v one and forth mail for dependent human- date of final sale. In order to deter- THE HALLMARK STORE Saturday afternoon. Mr. Hoffmae died who u patfenl anil wishes to apeak ity. His father, Mr. D., also earns bis mine tbe amount of shrinkage or loss from a complication 'of diseases, from stliiftly. Tlie prunuiiiiiitioii will be bread by tbo same useful work in the of weight, occurring hi • corn the de MORRISTOWN, N. J. Tel. 380-J which he had been suffering for mure all the letter If the speaker wlU draw Indianapolis postofflce. Since these partment of agriculture conducted an than a year. The funeral was held out. nlniost drawl, the vowel sounds men of two generations are connected experiment with 500 bushels of shelled with the mail service, they doubtless corn. At the time of storage the mois- expect little Dick to follow in their ture content was 18.8 per cent and at Rev Frederick N. Baeder, pastor of, Silv Uno-u.o-nmlUM and lei ll.e word steps. Friend* of tbe family are sure close of the test 14.7 per cent, or a the Reformed Church. Burial was IB j atnff ttsetf, that this IN tbe intention of tbe par- loss of 4.1 per cent. Tue weight per Fairmount Cemetery. Mr. Hoffman is ents, the child's name being tbe proof. bushel bad decreased from 84.7 pounds survived by his widow and five children. Jam For Breakfact. Tbe mother liked Richard, and tbe fa- to 60 pounds, and tbe total loan of They are Councilman Halsey Hoffman, who like to eul pastry or ther liked Franklin, so tbe child be- weight was 1,970 pounds, or slightly Mrs. William C. Moore of Peapack and other irregular dishes i'or breakfast came Klehard Franklin P., or for sbort more than 7 per cent. I ."liolilil be consoled ID IMHI that ;io Mrs. Henry Blaufus and Misti Amy L F. D. -Indianapolis News. j loss a Hum than Herbert Spencer ate Hoffman and Anzie ii. Hoffman of strawberry Jam nt his morning meal, 8ay« th« Sun Didn't Stand Stilt. Gladstone, lie did It lo avoid monotony, believing Ancient Fiiharman. Joshua's command to the sun and Liquid Glass thai digestion \va.-< liesi nerved by A codtJNber.v about Newfoundland moon to "stand still" only meant tbat WHH cuuduetcd bjr Normans and Bre- they should be "eclipsed," according to Someraet Pharmacy Contest keojilni; the st have told of a oiw as early as l. i(>4, nnd there is a Dr. Thomas Dick Wilson, professor of Tbe aecond free automobile trade raditlon umoug the nshermen of tbe Hebrew at Princeton Theological aeni- THE EGG PRESERVATIVE 1 11 (1 li 1 fr oainpaifcTi voting contest at Somerset'" ™ **j» «''"• '•"" » '" '" "™ • lnary. The word usually translated _, ITIJ u 1 > too Hloaily diet of mutton eeu liRhiiiK In the west- brew "daiuu," said Dr. Wilson, whlvu Companion. ern Atlantic. Informed (.'olumbiiH of and already a number of aspirant* have tho exiltenee of land In thnt region really means "eclipse." "When my The Quart . 3Oc "Sometimes I (Ii ink n glrrot cur Is aaUnw the race. before the illustrious explorer had be- students come to me," he suld, "with better than HM automobile," remarked Prizes offered to the winners include ,'un bis iiieinonible voyage.—National doubt as to whether (Jwl actually up Mr ChUKglrm. '^VbyV" "When a HEMMENDINGER PHARMACY a Ford touring car, a jrold watch and >pograpbl<' Uagaeise. net the laws of gmvltaUao at the rc- RIM'S Wfonff you can hlnmc •ther desirable merchandise. itrceH cur quest of .loHhiiii | nay 'Don't worry. tlie lomiiniiy. lmi with an automnMle Nothing of tbe k'niil took place.'"— The contest will remain open until jrou've jiot tn take nil tbe rwtpontlhUltj Pelicans' Pouch**. 1 Philadelphia North American. Christmas morning and the prizes an ymlrself " i Slur. The pelirnn is eiiiniiieiiiliibly regular to be awarded at 4 o'clock that day. I bin luihiis. The parent birds catch All |votes must be deposited within j Orammar and Greed, MII and nfter OS ting tiielr till deposit Hopal«as Caaa. one week from date of iMUfl ami oilier Mm, I'euv Ish SIIVS thill if she en:1! the others In their pooohei under their Mabel 1 inn sine be must have loved iiii.s mill eniT.v iiieni to their yottog, new rules have been formulated to 11JI \ i• iitiolllrr eliiiin e ghd Wollhl miller her very dearly. Mitudo-I should say These poncho* will liolil from three to make the contest as fair HM marry n nan wim apllts \\l* InfinHlven no. He. married her In aptte of the fact iliau one win' haten NJ IIPMIH n rtimo uiii pound* <>f tisii. tfaal he bml been mil In the rnin with No Change* On Lackawanna. I !:i i\ esl"li NcUN bat nil one afternoon, wa.s iMaiek with No change is to he made in the p Getting Evperienca. her and «a* her unexpectedly at home Vegetables Plants of "Is yoiif boy Josh lining well?" the morning after s dance-.— London •anger schedule of the Lick 111 •:• •;• •;• • •:• -\- •:• •!• • • + •:• •!• •:• •:• • "Of enui'M'," rppliwl l'iinuer t "oru- Opinion, all kinds the way ef withdrawing train for j f'RACTICAL HEALTH HINT. !• "Jiwh lui - ntnnni nd to be HO the present." That is how th l pnii"Mi v\i.h hid i • i ! •• in M I'm bind Business Courtaiy. Garden Tools of AH Kinds was dodcribod by QtOfflt A Gillian, Catarrh. o' ho| I'n 1 ''II We 111 < 11• to i mne back Little Willie Nii.v. |iu, what i» biwl- passenger traffic mtjMgaf of the roaii, Take a common pii' IHT or nn> 'ii Hi.' i 11 in IIIMI |fp( along With me," neM eourte»J'} Pa There nre. two Lawn Mowers Garden Hose in a recent interview. "Condition! nuv , i ' ! i i i i I i i i i; , i i | ' ' | Washington si.n Klmls of business eourlcsy, my HOU. change," he said, 'at any time. In in- ni'-i. hi ,11 it ! lioi'Mimlih iiml One i« tbe Bind exlenfl«d to pcopls fact, they are changing from week bo mi three r i u II ti'!is|iocinfiiN of oil Poultry Netting 1 Cmlihli:i\\ \i long us ir.s t'ohiK t<> IMI there ia no likelihood Ihnt our. urburlxtn ut 1 ,i I Tlii'li Ililin!' Illi' NICIII I I'lmi'ueil, •!••»(»•, I may us well fatt nmre She Takea the Ringa. service will be reduced in any Way, " throu h tlie IMMII'IIN mid o>liaic Screen Doors, Window Screens Ihroii id ii'c mouth Tin Mic eXpftmh e one, 1 lie Tom I know it Kit| who accept* H ell il II In Ibe |p||chei iiml rlugn from men HIU- dowin't. know, and Wire Cloth take i i • ', inn iiiiiiiiitiU'u. i"i Some Shock. Befaie l don'l belfotg it: n«,w could Aaka Aid From Freeholder* tlnr Hi.' ,i n- [WMts mil Iliiniii Ii ^ Bill Th/il iniiii |M II live wire, •he': Tom Why, HIII- can't help 1 Paints and Oils, Etc. The Uedminnter TeWTJihlp OommlttM \l'l\ ' -i " • 11; 11 •, ttt llir III 'ill! I low ilo ynu know V b' a telaphoBo hai petitioned the HomerMl OcontJ rum i , ,, II or Iwoiii.t nun 1 Km lull IIIIH a Illlle while ago,"~ Ht. l.milN I'd*! -lllxpiili h Board of Preehiililern for in ippfaprll- llll'M I Ill-en (I I II II Her Strong Chin. General Hardware and Supplies t'lijiivi of hoi water Ht'ii'i PHI ii tion to aid in the raoonitfuctlon of the Dawton Tne facial fr-atures plainly ti'riihiic'iH. ni i' II iiiiailcr ot IIIIII Differ«nc* of Opinion. Indicate churaetfr and ciiNpusiiion. in Prompt Deliveries Larger Cro«8 Roadl road in the Pierre i i bpfof • tip-'il.fiml. Thin situ It Wel'e Iml hesl lliill \\ e RBOQld fill MtOCttnS \ Mir wile uen- you K"Vern(Hl pout district. The township hai offered pi II IMI efi'i'i-live thluli flllkc It U ill(Tei'eiice of n|i| by her etiln? Sju-nI..>\ \o, but I have to pay twenty live per ceni of the Hull II in i; llllll IllllkC- IllH'M' IlleeW |tosv||||||i. Mlll'l, IMI'H i-ver ulnee we Wfti tnnrrloil. cost of MpatrlBft the rodil. n,.MI M lufforar (tan this , V il I I lull 'lo lilM' l( GIANQUITffTcORRADO It Is OIIM.V to de,|.|i. \viilir>iu think II II ntmt men o|ipo«llloii (H OpflOl DlMtrirt DUirk II. T. Miller m III «t In*,': 11 I• '•""•'• Irfl Ihluk n ml iidl ili'eklr; I13M Clare in on I Road Bernardiville J IlkP I 111 Wlllli lil-.HlliNI Willed but ti \H Imvii to iliinu fiiii-i;,.- and de' Wa home in Bone; Drive, ••••• n,«\. Illn • I...M. elilc ri'iiiui'IMIIIMI v The Bernardiville New*, Thursday, May 10. 1917

BEBNABDSVILLE POST OFFICE .iSES25aSH5251!SH525a5]2Fi!5Z5H525H525HSH5^ l Incoming Outgoing R 6.25 a.m. *7.39 am 7.39 " 9.12 » RANDOLPH AGENCY *9.12 " 11.26 " YOU ARE NOT INSURED *2.66 p.m. *2.6B p.m. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING against fire but if you have a properly written policy, in a responsible company written •5.30 " 6.50 " „, by a.reliable agent, you are insured against LOSS by firo. «>mpan>. written *5.3O " •Distributing Mali Real Estate Insurance Bonds Ihe ONLY insurance you can obtain against tire is a well organized and equipped fire com Mails close 10 minutes before time of Titles Perfected—Estates Settled—Legal Pipers Drawn 6 YWr despatch. ^ tion^aPnSTo^fbyfire" ^^ * ^^ «* lire, JZ^ur S^i Office CIOBCS evenings at 7 o'clock. Commissioner of Deeds for New York and New Jersey DIRECTORY. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR NEW JERSEY RANDOLPH AGENCY Howards Towns ii|> Board of Educa- tion. Telephones: Office 13 R«Side»«, 65 I National Bank Building : Bernardsville N J I Dr. Clare M. Henry, President. J. B. Hulshizer, Vice President Harry T. Miller, District Clerk. W. J. Blckett, Supervising Prin- Mrs. Henry Berger entertaine\PAd o^luiiiii.iiinit.i.n •••»•»»»»»»»»»i » A I ~~ _—. cipal. Wednesday last Mrs. Robert Wange- 0. P. Campbell. man, Mrs. Willet Anderiea and Mrs. COMING EVENTS C. H. Mitchell. Emma Maskiell, all of Astoria, L. I., »••»• YOUR MONEY M. F. Connelly. and Mrs, Frank Randell of New York Max Hemmendinger. This i« the must valuable advert icing space in CAN EARN James E. Bathgate, Jr. City. the NIWJ. There will be no charge to Priendi and patrons of the Nawa for brief notice*, nor A. B. Gibb. Miss Agnes Boxold of Newark, will far mention is newt of purely civic, social and p. V. Stryker. religious eventa, where tnerr i» nn money Kenneth B. Schley. Custodian of spend the week-end with Miss Dorothy consideration. if you deposit it in our Special Department, and your School funds. Berger. May 16th—Sweet Sixteen entertainment Regular meetings: second Wednes- Mr, and Mrs. Russell F. Randolph by Epworth League, in the Methodist banking can be transacted entirely by mail. day of each month, at Olcott School entertained over the week-end Mrs. Church. building. Randolph's brother-in-law and sister, July 3d and 4th—Carinval,)Bernardsville Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dietrick of High Township Committee. Fire Company. Bridge. This Company it the largest financial institution in both Clifford P. Campbell, Chairman August 3d and 4th—Eighth Annual Mr. and Mrs. George Carpenter, J r. David Buist Carnival of .Basking Ridge Fire Co. the city and county in which it is located and it it Thomas Holmes. of Dobbs street entertained Mr. Car- No. 1. penter's mother, Mrs. George Carpen- KennethlB. Schley ter of Brooklyn on Sunday. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS serving people from all over the state. Your account James C. Clark McGuirk, a New York Notary Edward Dargel, Township Clerk. Miss Ada Simpson is ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Gillie in the James J. McGuirk, Jr., of this place, will be cordially welcomed. Kenneth B. Schley, Township Treas- a second year student in Fordham Uni- mm* Old Army road. urer. versity law department, has success- Mrs. Eugene Hoffman and Mrs. Al- Theron B. Smith, Road Supervisor. fully passed the State examinations fred Gibb returned Saturday from Robert Kay. Tax Collector. and has been appointed by Governor PL Atlantic City where they were dele- Antony Schumacher, Township Whitman, as a Notary of the State of gates to a convention of the Women's THE PLAINFIELD TRUST COMPANY, Engineer. New York. Federated Clubs of N. J. Harrison P. Lindabury, Counsel. Mr. McGuirk, who has been living in Regular meetings on the' first Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleve Meeker New York while studying at Fordham, jay following the first Saturday of the have returned from a visit to Mrs,is now a full fledged citizen of that Sweet Sixteen Concert month,'in^the Township Clerk's Office. Meeker's father, H. C. Freeman, in State. After graduating with high An unusally interesting entertain- Sparta. honors from Bernards High School, ment will be given in the Methodist Board of Health. T. G. Lindorff, organist at St. Ber-Class of 1914, Mr. McGuirk worked for Church under the auspices of the Ep- [ARE YOUR PAPERS AND VALUABLES SAFE ft James C. Clerk, President nard's Episcopal Church, is recover- a year in order to procure funds for a SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES David Buist. worth League on May 16, at 8.16 ing from aserious operation. college education. He has worked off FOR SECURITIES AND JKWKMIY Clifford P. Campbell o'clock, The sixteen young ladies of and on ever since and has practically Thomas Holmes. The Girl's Club of the Congrega- sixteen years of age the flower of Ber- been paying his own way through Kenneth B. Schley tional Church met Monday evening at nardsville and neighborhood will fur- Fordham. STORAGE Joseph Kronenberg, Secretary and the home of Miss Anna Ten Eick in nish sixteen pieces consisting of vocal and instrumental music, recitations STORAGE Registrar. Prospect street. Fix Bedminster Water District fADLT Dr. J. Gordon Rosa, Health Physician. Leon H. Wood, who has been organ- and dialogues. Admission is sixteen Property within a radius of 1,800 feet cents. Refreshments can be had in FOR ROOMS Dr. L. R. Haubrlch, Health Officer. ist at St. John's Chapel, Mine Mount, of the water pipe line in the Bedminster Regular meetings on the first Tues- for some time past, has obtained a the gymnasium after the entertain- FOR section of Bedminster Township is in- ment, for the additional sum of sixteen HOUSEHOLD iuy following the first Saturday of the position at Waterbury, Conn. Miss cluded in the water district, the Hne3 month, in the Township Clerk's Office. Mary Bowers is succeeding Mr. Wood of which were denned by the Township cents. Tickets can be had at Burns' VALUABLES FURNITURE as organist, Committee at a meeting Saturday after- drug store and Graham's confectionery. noon. Action appointing a committee Do not forget the date. George D. Cross and family are now of women to have charge of Red Cross occupying their summer residence on work was taken. The committee will the mountain. be formed by Mrs. Frances K. Stevens. & Gleaned From the Vliitlng Nurte. The Friday Night Club will hold its Chairman William Lisk of the Town- First National Bank ship Board was authorized to name a In order to keep your hands from May dance in the Parish House on Fri- MORRISTOWN. N. J. secret service body. being parboiled when you have to day, May 18. provide hot compresses for the Inva- jFtmeral E What Makes a Good Road. lid, run two long wooden rods into The choir of the Methodist Episcopal 1 Church held a progressive supper Sat- Evoryb'i ;.- agrees that tiu> surface •lots stitched in the ends of the flannel fr of a road must lie oval In its contour, or linen compresses. Rest these sticks urday evening. The first course was ent Sunday with friends in New York Ada Simpson, Marguerite Sutphen, of the earth In each particular cam. P. 0. Box 93 Stirliag CJty, Mabel Adair, Jean Frame, Marion And next might be placed Cue presence P. 0. Box 343 Bernardaville Mrs. Charles J. Todd of Whitehouse Allen, Bertha Conrojr, Emma Marflnz, or absence of "seeps" or "spouts," while another of these vital factors Station, spent last week with her daugh- Mildred Sutphen, Ethel Gibb, Verna would be the longitudinal pitch of the ter, Mrs. Alfred East, at Meadow Brooks, Christine Trumbull, Caroline hlfhway. G L O R I O Brock Farm. Comins, Gladys Tichborne, Elizabeth The Woman's Social Union will meet Ward, Edna Knapp and Madeline Sut- PteahontM and Mra. Wilton. Reg. No. 46272 at the home of Mrs. Albert Joliffe. phen. Miss Adair won first prize. It wts on the 21st of Marcb, old style, in 1617, that Pocahontaa, love- SEE US Wednesday afternoon, May 16th. James Kilday left Monday for Fort lies* and most celebrated of all Indian A WINNER AND SIRE OF WINNERS] Miss Anna Quinn of New Brunswick, Slocura. wtmea, died in England, on the eve of FOR TIRES N. J., spent the week-end with Miss Mr. and Mra. Adolph Palumbo of Ea- Her projected return to her native land. Habt] (j. Adair. se x avenue are entertaining Mr, The climate of England did not agree Miss Margaret Blake of Lenox, Mass., Palumbo's brother, Russell Palumbo with Pocahontas, and she was already Michelin ' the gt«at of Miss Margaret Me Kean of Newark and Mrs. Palumbo's mother la a state of decline when she proceed- ri ed to Oravesend with her husband, " Claremont Road. of Newark. John Rolfe, and her Infant son,Thomas, United States •John L. Griffith has returned from a Mrs, Walter Donahue of Mt Air/,purposing to take iMsaage on a ship vi»it with Walter H. Frhnrher in who has been seriously ill for the past oound for America. Hue bad no Hooner Fisk Newark. two weeks, left today for Overlook reached flravescml than die WHS strlek en down with smallpox, to wblcli fine ""' pfegrfttB committee of the Wo-hospital, Summit, to undergo an opera- won succumbed. Lee 1111 s Social Union meet tomorrow tion. Thotnafl Rolfe, thp son of Pocnhon- '"'""on at the home of MM, John The annual meeting of the Ladies' l!l m tan, had a daughter named Ja&e, who, Firestone 'U of Prospect Street. Aid Society of the Methodist Church In 167B, mnrriNl Robert Boiling, a Stanlaj C. Wilnon of the high Iffbool will bfl held on Monday afternoon, May young Eng)l»hinnn who hnd scttlni In "iniity attended a convention of the Mth. at the home of Mr.*. Andrew Virginia. Jnnn hnd OB* HOII, anil In- In Full line of Tubes Hi»tory TcachcrM' Association ol' theCftrlwn, at * o'clock. turn was thp parent of 0M HOD Bed Middle States Hnd Maryland on I'Viilay daughtera. This HOM'H grout in Stock srandron was Willliun IlolvomU Belt In i'iiil;, | .||»hia. ( ( The W. C. T. U. Institute Ing, tho falhi»r of MTH. Wooclmw Wil- son.—New York World. Accessories of all Wttfefni ItM TV Spring Institute of the Woman's ll;llr:in Washington. hriBtdfUl Temperance Union of Somer- kinds at right prices li;"'lt>H lliiMHcv, Jr.. a stmlont at Da Vinci'. "The Last 8upp«r." H County will be held Monday, May kirnofl Oolltgt, 1'a., ll visiting his During tlm lust. yeui'H of thn llftcontli •1M, in the Reformed Chuch at Bed- DeBOWS GARAGE "t;. Mr. and MTH. Chwltl EfafM? century Irfonurdo tin Vln 1 i for the Dultfl of Mllnn his p HI KNARIVSVII.I J In UM Stud Season of 11)17. Bftcd tot Hunters and Army Mounts • l"Tt Htrcnt, The morning Howiion convened at 10:30 ni wlnttiiff, "Tlio Last SUIMHMV" :I vnil Ask for "if Women"* Auxiliary of the KJIIM o'clock; the afternoon meeting at 2 (MGONtSOfl In Hie rolVi'tnry In th<»mnii 11''' ('Iniri'h, meeting \tfi% Thurmliiy o'clock and the evening tustmion at 7:30ustory of Hnnla Mnrln dollo (Tras'lr. DENNIS CRIBBIN Bernardsville, N. J. '" lM(l pariah houxe, clcctod the follow- o'clock. An addreiw will be made by Mllftii OWIHK chloily In his »«. of to1' "flleors: l»resimnln*. !lnl. •'•"novor and Mr*. ChnrloN Whi( An auto bua will leave the Library at lp| while for iHiriinKo* of nimly It in BC6W Cesspools " > .-em-tary, Mrs. Marry .). Davis; 7 p, m. fur tlio accomodation of all who nary to rofcr tC BW nuiny coplw hy to attend from here. "*M, Mra. James Huist, D* Vlnrl's puirtls, th(« l>o«t of wtlcfa WAR BONDS tn> thono l>y Miirro d'O^ono, In 8t. i Henry Marker of New York Emptied Qradtd Jntiapplnees. Pflt<f phyHienl nnd to I(«n"ni«llo M glfld to rwoivo subscriptions from our flo|irwitoni and offer our •"»• fur the children of Ihr |mn>ehinl Tean are the nhnwi m that fertllle* Odorless System this world; and memory of things print, llm «>rl(iliiiil nkino ''""'I Out hour will bo jrlvm Friday »iu<« llnm(fh fnlnt Wloft of Un- •ervieon to Ihpm without commission etosirgea or profit* of any precious keopeth t»rm the heart ttoat kinH to " ' "I'M nnd on.' hour Friday onno did hold tiiem, They ar« poor l IIK'IIIIHW "i"' HH'HIHK cold (lias. Pfadcnhauer > ' Hprironnt BftfttfT WM fOf\ ttml iimn loit nothing; iliny nn- poor Tlio pallltUlf wn» 10 «

Tt>* nrs* I'nlta'lan chunk. Ttaf tend bus tsaeated i call a* P»*&* to Ch«. E. Allshctkey 'Phone 24-M Villlam F. Allshak «oyd Hampton Valentine, a student ey NEWS BREVITIES iu tbe Heetrttle eoBege, ivunsylranla. wbo win £ radii me iJ ALLSHESKEY BROTHERS . . . Manufacturers of • . . WhiMk.usf cadets have elected OF NEW JERSEY these t.rthers; ITeskient. Leoaai* FINE HARNESS, «*"" w CLEAN UP! Mitchell; vice preaMeat Kenneth Mac- DWCU; stvr.-wr.T. Rutaeil Yawgt-r: Horse Furnishing Goods and Auto Supplies interesttng Happenings !n thetreasurer. Howard Krtakwater. State Carefully Condensed. , , . Oi Every Description.. . , By action of the Imai'd of trustees of Drew Theological seminary, Madison. ' EXPERT BUILDERS OF RIDING SADDLES TO ORD2R Yes! Ev*nt« »f All Kindi Gather** From any snidt'iit who enlists in government Repairing Neatly and Promptly Doue service win receive credits la lull tut V*ri**« PwMtS I" the St«t« and 8» panned tbroagb tbe year. R*OJC#« In Si*e That They Will Ap- . NEW JERSEY put te All CIIMM o< Reader*. For the eweomJ time in less than a Branch Stoie »t Peapack Clean House A* • t**ult •* HK building of the year PeBBSgrore is wilhout a borough glass «v»rW* Olseilwm !• enjoying IIMMr, Jiuvid A. English. Hke his predecessor, having resipned because be ivusiderul tl»t> salary insufficient. F«rtr >"&r Hills Wpb Kfaaol bOJi Me at work at th*> newly cmMMed Frob Alfred S. Manh of New Brunswick farm colony. has taken his seat as a member of the state public utility commission, suc- ceeding John .1. Treuey of Jersey City. MICHAE MADDALUNA & CO. •eooad Ufutonaut fohu Kean of with EUwbetb if preiwrtng to go to the the term i* *i* years and the salary Fort Mver training (.amp. Masons, Builders t The garment factory at New field has Dr. William II. Lawrence, hend of i-)««<) Indefinitely as a result of unsat- Overlook hospital iu Summit, has or- isfactory lalmr conditions. ganized a hospital corps for service and Contractors in the lulU'd States army. There ore ^ii more men have bWD added to the forty members. Two ambulances have mounted \>vhc? iu Camden to Increase been donated. Phone 59-W AlfWork Guaranteed P. 0. Box 60 \ the efflcieui-v of the department. SAPOLIO Charged with loitering around the Office Claremont Road, next door to Buist Building * The pond property i% South Woods- village of Mennntico and refusing t<> Bernardsville New Jersey { town ifi to be purchased by the cham- leave, much r<> the annoyance of the ber of commerce for a public park. fanners, John Klein, a Hungarian, was sent to jail for twenty days by Mayor Whitakfr at Mlllville.' Canvassing of laborers in tactories A "Sidereal Cay." •rbo have hud farm experience wag un- Iu answering a corresiKindeBt tYbc dertaken by several state departments. The Gloucester county Red Cross so- PAUL ADAMS ciety has been organised, and Lewis utked the meaning of tbe term "side real time" the Irish Times explains Officers of the Peg Lock Block com- Starr vas selected president; Mrs. SI. C, Hut«"UliiKon. vice president; Miss that that is the only truly sclentllic Horseshoeing & Jobbing pany, incorporated. Patersou. estimat- manner of recording time mid la that Margaret M. Thorpe, secretary, and CARRIAGE REPAIRING ed the loss b.r fire to their plant at which astronomers nud navigators use $100,000. Ellison H. Davis, treasurer. A "sidereal day" is the precise time MILL ST. : Bernardsville taken by the earth in revolving on its James Holland has resigned an city George Cockling of Uldgefleld Park, FINE GROCERIES axis and is twenty-three hours, fifty- marshal at Beverly, and ble resigna- one of the best known telegraphers In six minutes and four seconds. Oui tion baa been accepted by the city the country, was killed in an automo- sundials, however, record a -rery dif commission. bile accident. His son, Dewitt, and an employee "who was in the car with ferent day. Milton G. Faust If you set up a sundial in a garden Employees of the city of Passaic are them were seriously Injured. BEST MEATS and observe when it Is noon today and jubilant because they bare been grant- Dry Goods : Groceries again tomorrow you will find that It ed salary Increases on account of the Elisie MW'arthey. eleven, daughter of exceeds the "sidereal day" by three high cost of living. of Mr. and Mrs. William McCartney of Midvule. is dead, the result of car- minutes and fifty-six seconds. Tbe difference is clue to the distance that Bernankrille, N. J. Daring April there were issued in ing beeu struck and dragged thirty the earth has traveled on its orbit Philllpsburg eighty-eight resident hunt- feet by an automobile owned aud driv- while it has been revolving on ita axis. ers' and fishing licenses and ninety-five eu by Senford Hhrldge of Rye, X. Y. The orbit motion makes it necessary nonresident licenses. Private John Scliitffer. Company B, for tbe earth to turn nearly four min- utes longer in order to bring any place The Best Things to The garment factory of Victor Mor- Second regiment, wus seriously Injur- L H. NUSE vay at Mlllville was sold to M. Byer ed by a train while on guard on the to the same position with regard to of Philadelphia, who will operate it as Pennsylvania railroad bridge over Itan- the sun that It had on tbe previous HORSESHOEING a aHk shirt waist plant. cocas creek and is at the Zurbrugg (Uy. —AND— Memorial hoaplttil iu Riverside. JOBBING Eat-ALWAYS Many mackerel fishermen are mak- The Novict't Mistake. ing the Cape May harbor their landing A Jury awarded Peter Paovi, a Fhil- In "Tales of the Flying Service"' C. Special attention riven to place and are shipping barrels of blue- Upsburg machinist. $7,500 In his suit G. Grey tells about a strange entry hi Coach and Driving* Horses, ash to the markets dally. the official report of an officer who had Wheelvrightlnjr and Rubber against the Kasteru Pennsylvania Tire Work a Specialty Power company for personal injuries recently joined the service and WOB A company of home guards has been received by coining iu contact with a sent to pass a seaplune through its LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED formed at Berlin for tbe township, with live wire while crossing a Phillipsburc test for the English navy. He bad to All Work Guaranteed David R. Lee as organizer, and a street. go up as a passenger with tbe con- Agent for Racine and Goodyear heavy enrollment Is anticipated. structor's pilot and to keep a log of Automobile Tires and the Vuited States marines guarding the what occurred during the test. Westeott Automobile The vacant yard ntid lot improve former German radio station near This is what he put down: "0:05 a. in. TlLEPHONI 1834. ment committee has assigned approx- Tiukertou will tiiul life more pleasant left slip; 0:10 a. xa. altimeter shows MAIN ST., BERNARDSVILLJE, N. J. imately 1,200 vacant lots in Newark to this summer. The Ocean county mos- 300 feet above sea; 9:12 a. m. curious THE PARTICULAR STORE 1,004 prospective vegetable growers. quito commission lias caused the drain- phenomenon. Met a seagull living ing of the meadows in the vJclnity of backward!" Instead of eatables, the Emprie Steel the plant. That meant that the machine. flyin« and Iron company will "plant" homes at the rate of about eighty miles an DR. L R. HAUBR1CH on one of its large lots at Mount Hope. Military drill under the command of hour, overtook a seugull—which is not Tbe buildings will be for employees. a United fctntes army officer has been a fast flyer—going at about forty miles Dogs Boarded and Treated Main Street started by students of Stevens Insti- an hour, and that up in tbe air, with- •Irs. Arthur Johnson is president of tute of Technology! Hoboken. Cap- out any background to give a proper Bernardsville \£TERINARIAN CE1MF & MAYBERRY, a newly organized suffrage league at taLu George VV. Bunford, Twenty-sec- sense of direction, tbe bird looked as Carney's Point, one of several being ond United States infantry, la super it it were flying toward them tall first. and Infirmary Ketobam Place | started in Salem county by field organ- vising tile drills. Probably the officer knows better now. izers. Phone 140-W A grosblll, a bird not seen for yeai> Teach Children Thrift. Instead of blocking country roads In Ui Merchantville. has made its nest in We Americans are notoriously the moving a dwelling from HaineBport to a tree In the yard of B. M. Thomas. most thriftless of peoples. You have W. SHAFFER'S Ht-idgeboro, William Van Vane moved The uews that a grosbtll was there heard Low much we throw awuy. We it on a flathoiit down the Rancocas reached the state bird department at ure too prone to think of thrift as stin- BUS LINE Trenton, and a representative was sent creek. giness. We hate to hear about saving. Leaving Bernardaville there to i-onttrin this. Dorothy Canu'eld Pislier in her recent Moraine -7:00, 8:00 end 10 o'clock The state department of health an- book, "Self Reliance," gives parents e Afternoon- 1:00,3:60; 5:00. nounced that 3,911 deaths were report- The Newnrk Home Defense Emer- strong word of warning. She says: Saurdky Ni|hts-7:OO o'clock. ed In March for Xew Jersey, a death gency league favors the Houston bill ''There is nothing ia the fact of bsi&g Sundays—7tOO trip omitted. rate of lfi.Tii compared with 16.90 for for notional control of the country's children which need cut off uur sons February, food. A resolution to this effect wan and duughters from u threat deal of ac- Arriving Bernardavllle passed after Edward W. Scudder had curate information ;uul rouslderable The Vineland Woman's club has made a report on the conservation of MoraiBg-StOO, 9:30 and 11:30. Quality Ice Cream 1 pra^ticnl experience with tbe ins and ndii't' '! a resolution railing on the farm and other resources. outs of wise money (pending*, But Aft.rnoon 2:30; 4:30; 6:30. mayor ninl corumlsHioners to order the there N a tcreat deal in Hie fact of their Sunday-8:00 trip omitted Ktred* eleuned up for fear of infantile Princeton university students have belli;: American! whk'fa will Bliut them Leaving Morriatown Plus Ideal Service imralysls. agreed to Hct as enumerators In a cen- off from such toformntlon and experi- Morning 7:30, 8:00 and 11:00 sus ordcral by Governor Edge to asrer ence unless parent* make a VSJJ deter- Aft«f noon- 2:00; 4:00; 6:00. The use of superior materials, care in making and skill Mrs. Henrietta Mowrlef. fifty-three tain how many men now employed in miiuil effort to MV tlmt tliey gel the years QM, fell dead while doing the New Jersey manufacturing establish Sunday-7:30 trip omitted. in serving are some of the things which make proper training, for tbe whole spirit of family Ironing nt her home in Mill inentH are nvnilable to work on farms Saturday Nigbte-11:00 our Ice Cream different and better. rllle. 1 loath was saU to be due to our country :uul ft|o I- inviilnst tut in during tt>i> planting and harvextiug sen. the effort." heart trouble. SOU, All Errands and Parcels cafe] If your arc particular Q_f^T"^ A X011 ^rin1', then fully attended to. The PaQlsboro board of trade has One thousand men began work on The City ef th» Dove. about the kind of OV/l/r\ come to our givon m> the proposal of having the the Henry Ford property on the Kenr When iniuhty Atnvu vent to conqner fountain. We ask this because we know that our Soda plant of the Viii-umn Oil company, lo- D.v meadows for the erection of n gi Egypt be camped uu tltci eust bank of the Nile Opposite Memphis, tbat gtcut R. E. Mosedale, M.R.C.V.! will appeal to you. cated ta (Jnvmvlcu township, annexed Kiiutli- shipyard. wlwe wooden HIIIJIH. to the bWOh proposed by the United Htatra ship twenty mile loog ca|iltul of mud ping board to offset tIn- tonnage de brick* whose Western Verge wan the VETERINARIAN John KlmluT, for many yean eou- stroywl V»y QtffBaQ Mibinarlnew, will p,» ruinldH and Whose mud brick houwex wltl) nested the Milk Iteporter, now M built. have all vanished. Ainrii minlied the TeL 12-M BeroardiTillf, N ^ L. S. GRAHAM EK.vpti'iii. ninl i-ijiiic back to get IiN published In SUNWX, hi dead at bis hotm> Ui Ml order forbid nciir th" top head und iiont win tec Into cotatniseioa DENTIST thfl Nile, It Is today Cairo. Mcinpbix Subscribe for legs, lnil not NiM'imiNl), mid WM taken Mint' Mn.v 14. I' nil service IM to \to IM only a DSDM. to In effsd from Mny 27.

An H' •*••" iii h-ii Of f ti in HTM IN tii'luit p ReMCfeMf, twenty fonr Can Youf fortned In HofllSlOWU, Members will nun "iii. rtaBgtiftf of Atbtn Im Hero JIr«- n few ililufc'M tlmt you can lulu- mivnntntfi* uf tbe federal rpsprvi' I'hmiC II Wealthy • ?m piiifc- iiiNti uf Ho not do: The Bernardsville News Yon ''11111101 lot down the *(|tiarc root SCHEUERMAN AGENCY Iniin net Ot&Stl iilrnitlv Inivp made hohctl ninl OIIMI ^t» In Hutiunlt will rul(Wat#e1i|lii only |i«iklin: lit tbc o«|per lit a miimt. I icroU HilJili'Mlt tO till' |{'>lf rOOlU You iiiidi'il |iiil your left ffM»t «iul Loans Negotiated The Newspaper That It The fadcnU foranflMBt bu trrant nentwr «in 0TS twenty hour* i© sboukler sgatnei H will mni •d Its iHinwui for tin- lniliiiitu: of a nrdenlDfl work, «iii mk-'M' "IMIII liy |>r;>< ti'iil K«niMinr» Th» Illulldinr N. J the B*w uiauki liwl plM and •rorewli from tht> i>r(»lu< U wP fee I Old lull *.. DIFTERBNT kat) at uap* Mar k'Tutet! to iiiillnual dsfSHS. The Bernardsville News, Thursday, May 10, 1917

HIS ' MAKING A The Story SWEETHEART MARKET Chenoworth Tells By WARREN MILLER B» RICHARD MARKLY By ELINOR MARSH * serving with my regimes! us When [ finished my detective story. Mi>« Msirj'Tio Mm kciiiio euMttf \\ surgeon at Munila I received a letter Tbe Octagon House,"' I sent it ti> from my ohl fiiuud Pick Tuuiston at frum a liuuiunotii department stare every publisher without succ«H8. I Bad Butaria, Java, asklug mo if it would and looked aJbott fur it taxlcab, •sod up my fuinb while writing It uud be possible f<>r uie to come down and Tuerv wero several automobile*, was confronted with starvation. Ouo see him. tie was ill. :iml despite tna drawn up t,> the sidewalk, ktlas Mac of tho publishers had suggested that I fact that he wus taking the bent of keui',U' Inquired o( several cuauftVuni Bfent Notuo method of tuuklug a mar- core of himself he didn't £t't any bet- whether they wars iHwimmeii. nctir* ket for my work. I didn't understand ter. Couldn't I obtain a leave even for Ing anstrefa from aome that the con- what be meant, and lu» mpluliitHl tluit a. short time? veyances. ttn-y drove were private troaa I think up some story about it taut others that tl)«-y wore wuithig for per* I confess I did not relish the. idea would attract the attention of thepub- sous lu tho store. .\i the end of the of making tho Jouiuey, Inn Dick mid I I told him that I had done ln- Hue a ,vouiij{ matt sell lu his cur rt'nUtiig bad tong been cronies and I would uo vcotiug enough In writing tbe aovel a nenspaiicr. Miss Mnckciitlc m». more think of refusing him tltau my aud had no Ingenuity left, proachod him, and the first ttiUig he own brother. I put. a« advertWcnu'tit In a news- knew of her presence watt bearing a I succeeded In getting a leave, nnd 1paper statin); that a rain of large ex- very well modulated voice ask: found Dick Tburston uu a coffee plan- perience wished a position In a detec- "is this cab aagtge&r tation, where be had gone some months tive bureau. I received one reply. It The young mau looked up mu> Ilia* before in the Interest of tin American was from a man who lived fifty miles Mackenzie's liquid eyes. lie did not grocery concern. He was living with a away from where I lived, nnd I was reply at unco, but wh»>n he did he Javanese family, consisting of a moth- obliged to go to see him by tram. I asked where the young lady wished er, a daughter some twenty-live years feared to risk finding him, bat sloe* I 0 go. She mild tluit tihe desired to go old and several children. The young had nothing else In view I concluded lome, giving him her street and nun- woman was attending to the patient's to do so. Throwing a few things lute wr. He hesitated a moment, then said wants. ladeed, she bad the whole care a suit case, I went to the station and he thought he could take her there of Urn. was soon logging along oa a way and get back to tbe store before a lady train for my destination, with my hand Dick was suffering from malignant ho was waiting for should tlult»h heherr A dysentery- 'I put him under treatment, baggage in tbe rack above my head. hopping. It was not long before I saw a man bat got no response. A couple of days Miss Mackenzie WHS about looking at me from a seat on the oppo- it to step/ after I began be was as bad as ever. into the rear part of the vehicle when site side of the aisle. I flrst notice! What puzzled me was that his trouble she paused and said that sue always tbat he was Intent upon my salt case, was Intermittent. At one time be >referred to rldo lu front. The chauf- the end of which protruded from the would appear so well that I couldn't eur thercupou oiientxl the door beside rack. When be lowered Ills eyes b« believe there was anything the matter llm, aud the lady entered by tliat seemed to take me In for some pur- with him. Then, when I was congratu opening. pose. I assumed that be suspected me lating myself that he was going to "It's a beautiful morning, mlas," tlie of being some one else and was trying come out of It, down he would go liautfcur remarked. to make up his mind as to my Identity. again. As to the drugs I gave him, "Indeed, it is. If yon were not «•«• When tho person sitting beside me they appeared to hate no effect what- ;nged 1 would have you take nie to ths left the train the man vino bad been ever. park." observing uu>—he was a brutal looking I hadn't been attending him long be- "I think I can do tbat and get back fellow—came and sat down beside me. fore I discovered that the Javanese ;o the store before the lady I ana drlv- "Howdy, Mack," he said lu a low girl who nursed him was In love with .ng finishes her shopping. It always voice. htm. This set me to thinking. I had takes her a long while." seen an extract somewhere—I think It I turned and looked at him. "Well, If you thluk you won't get was In a newspaper—from an old Now, a writer of detective stories into trouble you can take me for a Dutch report stating that when a Jav- and one ambitious of shining as a de- ride." anese woman takes a fancy to a Euro- tective is not likely to throw an ad- The chauffeur drove to the mi of pean she will either have him or poi- venture over his shoulder. I hasardei the |,nrk, turned, and drove hack, turn- son him if she gets tbe chance. Might a guess that the man was a crook ant ed again nnd again driving back and not this be a case In point? Without had mistaken me for another crook. forth. An hour liud been consvmed, saying anything to Dick I resolved to It was not flattering to be mistaken duriug which Miss Mackenzie was «o watch her. She was very regular In for a jailbird, but In th» hope of turn- pleased with the park scenery, the ve- bringing in his meals, nnd on severa ing up something I put my pride in my hicles glittering hi the sunshine, and occasions when she did no I concealed pocket. the conversational powers of bee com- myself in a closet, keeping my eye to a "When did you get outf I asked, panton, remarkable for a chauffeur, nail hole. But If she was poisoning his "Two weeks ago." that she supposed but ten minutes had food she didn't do it when she gave It "Have you got on to anything since7* elapsed. She asked the driver If his. to him. "Tea, but the cops have got me tied fare would not likely lie through tier "Dick," I said to my patient, "your up with It I can't realize on It with shopping and need him, hut he a«id nurse loves you." out their spotfln" me." she bad told him he would have to "You don't mean It!" ho exclaimed, "Maybe I can help you." wait a long while fur her, nnd he en- astonished. He made no reply to tbta for awhU». tered upon another hour's drive, at too Shall it be grown for THIS! "Have you been making love to her?" It occurred ti> mo that ae would not end of which he deposited the lady at "I have never thought of such a relish trusting uw. 1 broke tbe silence her home. On banding him his fare ainonsf oecome aggravated whenever thing." h.v asking him what kind of swag he she asked him if she could not use his and wherever Intoitcating liquors are "Have you any objection to doing BO?" had got on to. He said It was sliver cab occasionally, to which, he replied plate. Plate is bulky, and I bad no that she could aud save her his tele- ABOLISH LIQUOR, habitually used. Confronted with PRACTsCAi. HEALTH HINT. 4 Dick demurred, but as I told him I these facts, we are about to undertake had a theory connected with his illness doubt that be would find difficulty la phone number, telling her to call for the creation ef a targe army of the '4r Indication. 4 he flaally consented. The next time disposing of It. Charlie. people and to prepare It for participa- * F«r chronic indigestion caused 4> she was with him he called her to him. "I'll tell you what I'll do," he said After that Miss Mackenzie railed CARTER ADVISES tion la the most gigantlt straggle lu * hy too g-jreat acidity of the stom- 4 took her hand In his and told her that after considerable reflection. "I'll put frequently for Charlie, taking long the history of wan. * ach Juices, bicarbonate of soda Is • her kindness was winning his heart. a part of It into your hands and give rides with him, paying liberally there- When the army was reorganized In 4f. the usual treatment, but Dr. * She did not object to a caress and went yon a quarter tf you'll turn it Into for, with an occasional tip for himself. 1901, following tat war with Spain, 4- Louis T, M. de Bajoos of Pklla- * away looking very happy. cash. If you're straight about that One afternoon when be called for her PROHIBITION AIDS EUROPE there was introduced Is the act pro- * delpbla quotes approvingly In the 4 The next day Dick was better. and succeed I'll give you some more." an elderly lady was In the cab. hibitory legislation regarding the sale * New York Medical Journal Dr. • I told him to keep up bis lovemaklng "No such risk except on halves," I "I must apologize for my presence," of wines and beere upon military res- 4- Hayem's most recent procedure. 4 for a few days, and he did so, with the said. she said. "Charlie Is my tav«rtt* ro Give or 8tll Intoxicants to One ervations. There was much resent- * Thai ts to administer artificial 4 result that his Improvement was re- He asked me how I proposed to do chauffeur as well as yours. When I Who It Training to Defend Hit Coun- ment on the part of the army at this * Carlsbad water, the effects of 4markable. I didn't care enough for fur- the job, and I replied tbat I would asked him to take me to my slater's discriminatory legislation, for, while it ther experimenting to ask him to cedle meit the stuff aud dispose of It as raw try It • Troatonablo Act Against th» 4 which, he says, seem to be more 4 tliis afternoon he said that he waa en- Introduced prohibition on reservations, Ills devotional attitude and grow worse, material. I made up a story about my gaged to tako you out. I told him that Nation, Major Qonoral Asotrts—Tom- 4 pronounced aa well as more last- 4 it encouraged border line saloons la 4 me. 4 so I resolved to eat some of his food ability to get a flre hot enough for tbe he might take me In for a half poranct 8oorta Big Victories. surrounding territory. 4 Dr. Hayem's artificial Carlebad 4 myself. But to get the food that I was purpose and I bad mold* for Ingots dropping me at my destination, Navy Alto Bant Liquor. 4 water la made thus: Sulphate of 4 sure was pefsened I was obliged to tbat I had acquired for a similar par- must not bin me him." By MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM save aim do this very thing. He turn- pose. In the course of time following the 4 soon, 44 parts; bicarbonate of 4 Miss Mackenzie got Into tbe back HARDING CARTER, U. 3. A. ed away from her, but dtd not eat the abolition of the sale of beer and wines 4 soda, 38 parts; chloride of soda, "How much of It Is there?" I asked. teat with the lady, who made herself With the declaration of war with nest meal she brought him. I smug- —alcoholic liquors were previously 4 18 parts; sulphate of potash. 2 "Well, to tell the truth," he replied so agreeable that the girl forgave her gted m some food for him, ate a little Germany and the enactment of the se- barred—on military reservations the 4 parts. Of these salts one tea- 4 "there's not much of tbe sliver, trot for what sue had done. The lady «f that the girl brought him and madn lectiTe draft law, we hare assumed naval regulations banished Intoxicat- 4 spoonful to given in a half plat 4 there's some jewels tbat belonged to a seemed to take a desperate fancy fee away with the rest surreptitiously. The obligation! whose ultimate enda ao ing drinks from war vessels. Modern woman of the multimillionaire C, her snd when they parted asked tor 4 ef water at between 90 and 120 4 test fnlllled tbe conditions. The whole nun can foresee. Primarily we hare battleships, destroyers and atibmarhaes Including a seven string necklace* el her address. Mlas Mackenxt* gave It 4 degrees F, «ae hour before break- 4 length of my alimentary canal became had become tea complicated to bo in- pearls." cheerfully, and as soon as the cah bad BOW become responsible for the prepa- 4 feat. 4 Irritated. This was the same symp- trusted la any part to minds beclouded "Tou won't get rid of tbat very turned a corner Charlie palled us, and ration of hundreds of thousands of 4 4 tom as Thurston's. I didn't care to re- with drink. Efficiency and safety ef 4444 *>44 444444 4 44 4* easy," I said. "I'll do tho silver for Hhe took the seat beside him. young men for the stern duties and peat the experiment. you, because melted metal la like dead operation alike demanded the eicta Profit by "Is that tbe lady yon were waiting hardships of war, and in the natural Tbere was now nothing to do but men—It tells no tales." sloa of liquors from war vessels, awl De not be content wlta following for," she asked, "when I hired yon the order of thing* they wilt constitute the get the patient from out the clutches I made an arrangement with him to It ts certain tbat If th* reeteretlea »f good odrtce; catch tip with it first time?" human element available for the na- at this too much loving nurse, but my call at a deserted, dilapidated oli the wine men for the period of the Keep an eye oa the Job ahead, but "Yex, miss." tion's defense for many years to come. curiosity was aroused as to what poi- building the next evening to remove war were put to a vote of naval offi- keen the ottoer eye and both bands on A week later Miss Keckeoste receiv- The nation owes It to the young men son she was using. I thought of the silver or such part as he was cers It wouM be orerwhelmlagly de- the Job you have. ed a note from Mm. Chetioworth, the who are selected for military tminlng feated. watchlag her as she prepared the food, willing to trust me with ts a first test lady who had divided the cab with Tbere is plenty ef roosa at tae top, but to do this was impracticable. I of my honesty and separated from and service that from the very flrst ObHcrrlig tin •f»ratitiis of ts* oo her, exnreHslng her appreciation of the because those who get there are the would have tested the food chemically, him. Before leaving him I asked him they shall know that (be training will called aatl-canteea law, waicfe stamped irlrl's kindly assent to that Intrusion few wae started early to avoid the but had no materials for the purpose. what tbere was In me ti» attract his be carried on under circumstances the sale of wlno tad beer at post ox- and Inviting her to dinner. Miss alac- I was puxxled. attention, I supposed It wan the name changes or canteens, it was Sound that wifi a hit uncertain about ae- above reproach. The nan who goes halfway to meet McCoy painted on the end of my suit for a time the offenses Involving drunk I had, among other Instruments I an Invitation on so short an Fortune in more likely to And her than case, but be said ho would linvp known The development of minds and enuess Increased at army pesta located had bronght with me, a pocket micro- iici|tirilniiiuci>, but the lady had seemed the aaa who watts for her to knock scope. It was by no menns so power- mo by my own "ugly mug," Io IK> II ietlne ful IIN the regular Instrument, but cx- After leaving my pal I visited tbe kenzie fmd been much pleaded with The men wbe succeed beet wheu oellent for its grade. For the want of party who had advortiiwd, and it re the most modern hygienic surround- the fact that men went considerable her. Si» Him accepted. they wort for others are these who see something better I one day took up quired but n few minutes to prove tha ings, but the almence of every form of distances from barracks for liquor and, On the evening of tbe dinner Charlie tbat la doing so they an also worklnpr tbls nilcroftcoiic and brought It to (MM neither had ISM for I he other. Then I WIIM telephoned for, and when he personal dissipation, Any one who not expecting to repeat the trip soon, for themselves, indulged in te» muck for their own en some of the food I had eaten, Im- went to the town from which my Milled up In front of the hows*, al- sells or gives Intoxicants or amirs of good. The statistics of disciplinary ac- mediately the caune of the trouhlo hulled and Informed the police that I though the evening was warm, he Plain of Damascus, any kind to young men undergoing tion through a n amber of years seemed wtit* rcvcnlwl ID me. Tlu* substance had got on to n«im<« ntolrn gnoiln. From woro an overcoat buttoned from tbn fertile plsln In which Damage UN truliilnK for the uHtlou's defense not to establish that more than 60 per cent wan filled with due hair* -not niilmul, what I told them they Iwntwl the rob thrnnt to his ankle*. On reaching lire. k situated Is about thirty miles in unly commits n crime nRnlimt the In- of the cases of desertion and absence liut ve'k'i'tnlilr hollow tulifs spiked like bery nnd said Hint tfaa pearl nivklnco Clipnoworth'a Mlsa Mackenzie, after diameter and Is due to the river Ru- dividual, but a treasonable ai't against without loavs wero due to drunken- bayonet*. was worth $ banding Charlie the customary fen, rada, which ts probably the Afoium of the nation. ness. Ami thi-si> thing* hail been patting word offered for It ttOBs of $10,000. with a tip for hlnmelf, went Into the Scripture. Two other streams, thothrough Dfedfl dlftltlri orgaim. No secured a written Ifpeatnefi! with house, was received by the hosts** The experience of European nations Big Victory For Ttwporsnoo, Wady llelhon on tbe north and the frontier that l«> wus ill. A compara- thttn nnd flit* nest nljjht piloted thfia nnd, having removed her wraps, the hast made it clear that to nifllntnlii a While the current returns of the in- Awn) on tbe south. Increase this fertil- tively fow of thorn (mil made me feel to tho nfldrcw tlint had I>M»H (riven mo two sat convening in the drawing modern nrmy In tt>9 HoM there numt ternal revenue luirrmi of eh* treasury ity, and them two contend for the as If I had 1'iih'ii hot UMIII. Nearly *ioo,oM worth of property room waiting for dinner to be an- bo organized Industry nt home. Any- make It appear tbat the income from honor of re|tf*nenUng the Pbarpbar. I took HOIIH' of tin1 foixl to ii .Inva- was recovered, !hi» reivardN for whir* nounced, " that militate* agatnat this ny the manufacture of beer ana Ha.MM the cither scriptural stream. MW iiitui from whom THck hml been iijTRTWotcd $l.*.fx», all of which wan the liiiman clement of Its Rut a few minutes had elapsed wheat hnrt steiidlly Increased, there can be a« hnyinn (•offw», showed him the bairn paid IBs, pnerKy, working under war a young man In evening dress walked qnentlon that the temperance, and total viewers Without Petals. will) tlu> inlcrimciipc ami .-iskcd blui I ajked my victim wlint made him Pressure, must be combated and If need Into the room. abstinence campaigns of the past »•• Mniiy rtliowy flower* have no what they wpro. HO rertnln I wan a former tnwimnaroo L'e dost royed, Was MIHM MackenziedneamtngT ••re- years have brought about a marked but their iilncee are token by tho M> "Those," bs said, "IN bamboo poi< liln nt tha nts.t»» prison, mid ho s«l«l ly that Immaculately attired young IntoKloantt Produce Criminal*. change in American Uf». It Is aepata, UN In Hie cum of tlu> illy and tlu> win Utilrw, m> otttMJ from Ui<> fsQt that •\\IIR tiio Imago nf JlW Mc''o.v, wbosi inns could not he Oharlle. Naverth*- The public IN fur letter nilvlncd to longer fashionable to servo wins* tad tulip, Benin flowers, so called, havt> they nro um'il bf mir (MOpSe* who wish piOtUM wn» In thi» roRiie*' gallery, it>M« ho WMM Charlie and smilingly a*> 111 ,\' I lum over liol'orti COBMFfiiBf '"• liquors in tbe lavish way vMck at- noltlmr llwil, nre sliowy, but the bright ti» put tons oiii' mil of rho wiiy." wont to Mm Knllory. sii v the Illuw* vnneed with outstretched hand to Mba •'ITtM'U of Hie hnbluml DM Of tntoil- tained 1B former years. That tenser eotortd purl* are merely florel bracts. Afli>r n Consultsttoil Hick mid I do nnd found thnt the original intiflt b •lints In producing crlinliiiil, Insane nnd ante has won a lasting victory • at- Hoii|!Hlrivllli>iiH, ptlasettlas and ilo^r elded thai we didn't nn to have ifly< nenr tlOQgtl llk»« nit* to bo my Iwli "< Ibarna H my son," saM airs. Oheno- •intriiNl worlli.v iiii'i) timl women and tested by tbs large increase la terri- WOIXIM mi- ("dimples, also ttit* milk thltiit to BO witb Javanese jttfttMi M brother, thougb of I different kind, wortii, "in well as my chauffeur. Hej degtaertti children, Prtwnit «*»• tory covered by prohibition law* and white N|inltip 0( tk| i-nlla. I tdVifted Illln I" K''i|i "li fund lorms wtu'B i went boftie I rejoiced in) forced me to hire a cab to get home tutoi mill public nformiitortai taruiM In the drastic regulations fereratag wild hi* "sweetheart for n few » nu more Mpiiirn in nil nothing tbon{ tha Bletup* In n ir;», 1 concluded that If I wished hi* 1 MIOIIK these lines The IncmiKltlK tin- occupations, when individual* are re- i," HHI,«'I| Tommy, "wlint am hji itotnach and gel welt Newrthi* rogues gallery i<> sourly tiki) ••, en I u-otilil need »" make your w discipline of Amorl'iiiis Ima N'en ol>- sponsible for the liven of others )((«,!<, before b"> its snj ot tlM food 11*• I went Into luminous with tny i liintnttoca In. order that we could 8r?td utirt noted bf liivesik'iiliiri nnd •roaKisit tisniu. Htm, my lioy." ttM unvi' linn I c iiniliii il It Wtttl my RltSI forever ttCbtwiug drtoHlvo work ni>i thn better nrmnse for a nlvldpcl SOTV- •tudanti for many yetf* 'I'M*|N |lVl Mrs. X.-Whpn my liuabnml Mny* fitber 'nun one! nne nornlng w« walked detectlvi itorlej, though my ln>." 'W'ticwl In Igcd of PtspfCi fflF [MirrlllH. ,,ut nil I'luhi I rsfute to «<>l him %tA nwiiy, iMTlng tin rnnldon Rittinfl nl of ihe moid* property nato a • Imrlte Chenoworth tetll ttlsj nfnr.f fot Hie H.IMI, I'm I'm ofActTI Of tH« liw bnakfatt, Mnii V, Wbtii my but' We like lu'r'vi' in iba sunlight, io t*. Kii'U from Ine ftooi wbwt I"' ba^ Mid for both my n'»vf>l ami a pcsltlou n« « M to hmv lie got Ills wife wllh |1M| Mini for I he lllW ItMU. It llliwnl"" I i mil nil Btfkl I irtJ ws)i •\c In the Bflfk, •oodbf in her, " uiilfurrn abwrratlen Uwi tiUtM•" " m \

PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE NEAR BONNIE NEWS BURN SANATORIUM BETWEEN SOMER- nJ In SET COUNTY AND UNION COUNTY. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv- KENNETH R. MACKENZIE ed by the Joint Committee of the Board ALL AROUND THE COUNTY of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Somerset and the Board of Chosen Free- Decorating and General Painting J holders of the County of Union, at 2 P. For Pure Milk and Cream, Phone H M., on Monday May 21, 1917, at the Child* Sons Co. Tel. 164. BM ressssinszsiLnsz^^ Borough Hall, North Plainfield, N. J., Wall Hangings, Shades to Order for the following described work: FOR FARMS-Cheap or expensin- New steel beam deck bridge, 20 feet Homes, Buildings Lots; Beautiful M1LUNGTON Mappfl tht United StatM. span and 25 feet width over Green Sites, call on Heman Childs. 'Phmu! Beginning Bearlji forty years ago to Brook on Plainfield avenue near Bonnie 164- 8-31-tf Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Etc The Senior Dancing Class of this Burn Sanatorium, between North Plain- ronsiruit iiivmiUt' lop^fftpWc and FAMILY HORSE.-Lady candrVe place held a reception Tuesday in the 1 1 tlH field Township in Somerset County and fire house. The affair was given by fteol(.Kl<' limps "I" t" " ' known and New Providence in Union County. Price reasonable. Inquire NEWS Of Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Tel. Connectio tin' uncxi'K'ivd refiottl uf Uie United fice Mrs. William Tripp, in honor of the Also at same time and place bids for - 6-l-tf .suites, tlie I Dited Slates geological reinforced concrete arch, county line class, which held its final lesson at the surve.v him apeedlly impressed with bridge over Green Brook, at Norwood FOR SALE—Gentle road horse, Phae ton, surrey, Two seated sleigh, har same time. Miss Helen Kirkpatrick of tlil» pint of lti «iTk until topographic avenue, Plainfield. ness. All at bargain and on reason- Summit is the instructor. inapt of -i" pt* 'fni of 'lu' eauntry are Detailed plans and specifica Uons for k able terms. Inquire at NEWS Office now imMi^linl, toaidefl BMJI tot large this work may be examined at he office «f the County Engineer of Somerset 8-ctf ' CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY PEAPACK-GLADSTONE •TOM In Alaaka iiml Hiiviiii. Esten- County. Joshua Doughty, Jr., >omer- LOST-A pair of Oxford gold framP The International Concert Band gave du> incus liiivc jiis.< been covered by ville, N. J.; and also at the office of the eyeglasses, with black silk ribbon THIS IS TO CERTIFY chat we have appointed as our agent geologic iniips. niul nil tlit* work from a concert Saturday night in Aliens County Engineer of Union County, 120 attached with gold slide, and also ilie begtonlBg "t tin1 tit'ld survey to Broad street, Elizabeth, N. J. case bearing the name of Dr. s OTTO EHRLER Auditorium for the benefit of the Pea-ihc prinilii.. of toa ilnlf<' at n ht'lgUt of 0,007 By virtue of the above-stated writ TO RENT - House, 6 rooms and bath; Expert Electrical and Mechanical Repairing hot and cold water; lights; on Orchard feet abovo wu I§?«1 to H»H> olijects ut n of Fi. Fa., tome directed and deliver- A meeting was held in the Methodist ed, I will expose for sale at public ven- street Harry Becker. 3-29-tf Cars for Sale and to Hire Church Monday night t5 organizes Red dlBUiu'c of ii hundred mile*. The dis- due, on tance In mill's nt which mi object upon r Cross association. MONDAY, THE TWENTY-FIRST (21) OR SALE—Norway spruce, two to Quick Service the Burfaca of (lie curtli \* visiiiic is DAY OF MAY NEXT, six feet high. John Ryan, Blazure* Mrs. Gustavus Le Latcher and daugh- equal tu tin- fQUBrj MOl <>f one and Corner. 4-6-2mp 1 between the hours of twelve and five Kelly-Springfield, Mohawk, Michelin ter Faith of Brooklyn have been visit- one-hulf tldSI (lit licltrlit <>f tlie ob- o'clock in the afternoon of said day, ing the former's sister's home on Hill server lu fwt abovo HCII level, Sfiuie that is to say, at two o'clock P. M., at HATCHING EGGS from prize winning Top road. nllowttiKi> IJIIN to h«> liiaili' for tbe ef- the Court House, in Somerville, to wit: Rose Comb brown Leghorns, layers and Firestone Tires of large white eggs—and lots of them, fect of utiuiiMplicrlc rcl'ractidii, but aa All that tract or parcel of lands and J. Murray Veague and family of tflerefracllmniirlis nt different heights 15 eggs for $1.50, Mrs. Robert Kay, Bernaidsville, N. J. premises, situate, lying and being in Liberty Corner, N. J. 4-12-t4 QUIMBY LANE Brooklyn have been spending several and la iiffecieil by tin- varluiiH states of the Township of Bernards, in the Coun- days with Mrs. Veague's parents, Mr. tbe weutber BO |IT< Iscly gecurfitfl fig- ty of Somerset and State of New Jer- BARGAIN—Buick touring car, good and Mrs. Everitt L. Garrabrant. ures for Kctici'iil puriitiscH can lie giTOQ. sey. condition. This car was taken in ex- The Book and Thimble Club held a Probably from mic foiii'tcciitli to oue- Beginning in the middle of the road change for a new Studebaker. WiH leading from Bernardsville to Liberty meeting in the library Tuesday after- tentli of tlie tlisiaiiri- ^Iveu by tbe sell cheap to quick buyer. DeBow's formulu would have to lie deducted Corner at the northeast corner of a Garage. 4-12-tf noon. owing to tin- nfracttOD of the utiuoH tract of land purchased by James Thompson and Samuel Hall in the line The Woman's Christian Temperance pbere. dAN—Or large boy, with experience, JOHN URL of lands formerly belonging to Robert to assist with garden and poultry on Union met Wednesday at the home of R. Hand, now John White; thence private place. Permanent position. Mrs. Clarence D. Carleyt Caustic Critieiim. north sixty-four and one-half degrees Alfred J. Smith, Supc.Mendham, N.J. A youuK New Vticli iniin, a member west nineteen chains and twenty-three 4-12-tf John Hayes of New York is a guest links; thence north sixty-four and one- UPHOLSTERER of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moran. of out* of the first families us far aa wealth Is eOBCtRtfld, hud been in tbe half degrees east six chains; thence f you pay balance $1H1, on handsome north twenty-one and one-quarter de- Curtaios, Portiers, Draperies, Shade!, Made and Hung. Mattres- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley N. Hoffman are habit of will lu K poi'iim, vlilrh, unable Upright Grand Piano used 9 weeks, entertaining Miss Bertha Rowe of Pot- grees west six chains and forty-seven it is yours. The Gibb Piano Co., 71- to dlsi»t«e of, \w iiiniiiigKl to get print- links; thence south sixty-six degrees 73 Main St., Springfield, Mass. ses Made to Order; also made over. Furniture Boxed and Shipped tersville. ed lu cerluln ]iul>llciitious by paying eight minutes west nine chains and 4-19-ti Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMurtry have tbcrefor at advartiilBg ratc«. He at- twenty-nine links, more or less, to the Tel. 187-J. CLAREMONT ROAD, Ben»rd«il!e, N. J. middle of a proposed road; thence in a as a guest Mrs. McMurtry's mother, tended a «'M'ii(| ^atheriug nt which a FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS cynical old follow iiuined Tliuble, who southwesterly direction along the cen- } Mrs. Wilton Carley of Chatham. despised tlu> would be poet, knowing tre line of said proposed road the sev- riyate residence of 8 rooms fully fur- eral courses thereof to the north side nished to rent. All improvements; ••••••»••••••••••••+••»•»•++••••••••••••••••»•»»••••• A miscellaneous shower was given to of hla manner of olitiiiuliig publicity, large airy porch, spacious grounds, cbaurcd to IH» piVHent. Tbe rich young of a lane; thence in a westerly direc- Miss Wilhemina Peterm8n Friday eve- tion along the said north side of said lot 100x250 feet; plenty of all kinds ning by the Epworth League of the man lost no eufOCt of referring to bis lane to where the same enters a wood of fruits; garden planted; use of chick- I WARNING TO BOYS UNDER TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD ! Methodist Church. "works," iiiul finally rouinrki'd, osten- lot, being the end of the said lane, being ens; garage holding two cars. Sit- Having had at least a dozen boys under age, the past tattuudly. Hint In- wan born urth ovor put sucli a Report of the Condition of the goes up to aphelion with a retarding Dated Aprill 4, 191.7. ($13.40) or decreasing motion, but & bullet fired thouRbt BH tlmi lute* your di-ar bead, BARGAIN — Indian motorcycle with BERNARDSVILLE NATIONAL BANK 11 by a woman at a burglar will turn a darling? trailer, in good condition. Will sell Bt BerninlsvilU'. N. J.. in the State of New Jersey, at the close of buiinei oa Mar 1st, 1917 street corner and hit on innocent pe- ""Cuune over tlieru they think all fat combined or separate. Heman Childs. 6-3-tf destrian in the leg nine times out of wouivn arc lieauliful." RESOURCES ten.—Florida Times-Union. "Ilurrj', If joti tlur<> to open your loan* and dlHCounts $298,000.57 FOR SALE.-House and lot in Far Cverdrufts, unsecured 9.53 mouth ugiiln this evening yw\ will be DR. J. GORDON ROSS Hills, to settle an estate. Inquire of V. S. bonds dcpoHlted to (secure circulation 80,000.00 The Uplift went to lied MIIII nothing to eat!*'— of J. Dowling. 3-29-t7j> BondB other than 17. S. bonds pledged to secure postal "I§ she a help to her mother V asked llfialtl. Announces the Removal of GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted RUVlllgH dojlOHltH 4,000,00 one woman. Securities othur tlmn U. S. bonds (not Including stocks) for general housework in small "Yes, indeed," replied the other. Nonainkibl* 8afe« For Shipa. his Office on April 1st, 1917 family. No washing. Mrs. George owned unjilt il^t-il 300,502.42 Nouslnkuble •siei 10 iiluced tbat 304,502.42 "She bas taught her to nay 'culinary W. Bums, Bernardsville. 5-10-tf Tolul bonds, necurltles, fctc they will rlsi> to tho Murface na nrxui Block of Federal Kuwrve Bank |,'m per cunt uf subscription |.... 1,500.00 art' instead of 'cooking.'" to the residence on Claremont aa a Hliip Btolta IIiv tlie lnvcnllon of INFERTILE EGGS for waterglass. "Value of tanking house (If unencumbered) 39,000.00 Meiiotti Nuiiui, Tin; Popular Science Day-old chicks. Willow Brook Farm, Itt-iil oHlnti! owned other thiin bunking houm- 5,395.95 On* of The** Crary Quotient. Road next to the Bernardsville G. S. Voorhees, Bask ing Ridge 5-10-tf net umount duo from unproved reserve ngonta In New "Well, great guiin, Jones! I set* Monthly In dOBOtlbuig tliein tells of tho York, Chicago, ami St. Louis 19,884,02 you're wearing glasses. Wbiit for?" Unndredn of laillloni uf dollars now nt Bank, Bernardsville, N. J. WANTED Position as chauffeur, first tbe bottom of the tea that might bate Net amount due from approved reserve UBeiits In othor "For a HprulniHl knee, you darned and Bi":ond man, by two young men 1,826.87 beeu Biivt'd l»y their UM, aged 21 end as respectively; have rcHirvc Oitltfl 21,161.49 rool/ Wbnt you suppose?" Net amount du« fnmi Imnkniinil luuiki-m lothvr than ini-lnd«J In 12 worked together in the same garage or SW| 832.90 driving and repairing, for five years. OutHide cheokH anil ollinr OBlh Itoni 2,603.26 Address NEWS office. 5-10-tf Fractional currency, nick'In, and cents,.,, 320,14 2,923.39 FOR SALE—Jersey heifer, one year of oilier national bmikn ,.. 300.00 wlJ. Luuia Kubes, Beruurdaville. Fwleml Rmvrii- Hunk NHICK 1,200 00 Lackawanna DECORATION Instruction in French l*w f ulru>fromVulirul IU»t>rveBank 46.O24.iW Lackawenna 5-10-t4 Redemption fund with u. a. Tr«aaur»f aid due from and Art Work LOST—May 1st or 2d, between school U. H. Treuaurttr Railroad 1, B00.00 DAY Ra ilroad at your residence or in class. and Essex avenue, a gold bracelet Total $752,351.23 Reasonable prices. Summer cour- watch. Initialled "F. B. M." $5 re- UAH1MTIES ward for return to Mrs. It. E. Moaer ses, if enough participants. French dale. , 4-10-t4 Cuiilt.11 atock paid In $30,000. (K) method. Native teacher. Painting Htii'iiliiH fund .,..,. 20,000. (HI lliullvl.l.d in tilltu 24,914.68 in oil, water colors, pastel-china. Lean eurrunt ctxpniman, lnti'r««t, mid Inxon (>iiid .... 7.H79.83 17,086.85 Inquire at 22 Mount Airy road, ClrcululliiK not*! outstanding 29, MX). 00 Niagara Falls Bernardsville, 5.3.^4 IH'llKilil ISJIUHIIS: AttheCLAREMONT Individual ilniioslts aulijoct to clinck 272,-116.27 Cert Iliad chi'cki 1,078.23 ulivokH OUtltandlAg , 80.08 EXCURSION If its Good Whiskey yon want, tavlnia iii'iioHiiH 2,475.44 'riii.ii (lrinaiiii dapoilti 276,019.97 I sell it If its a Head- Utlicr tlmn di'piiHlIx ,,, 979,696,9] Total of time depoalta :t7i»,0!»r».9i ache and a Drunk you want- Tot ill $758,851.28 $11.80 First Class Mason talt of Nnw Jt rwy, County of Huttinrmtt, ••: try some other place. I.ChmtorC. llniwii. (-iiHliliTur Uii'iilKivr- IIIIMIKI hunk, iln inU-mnly KWMir ihnl th« nlmvi- «t«lu> mi'iit lulruuto I he U.'it uf i.iy kiinwliidgu and Iwllef. and Contractor CHMTBBC. DROWN. I'mlilur. Hulmerlbeil nml nworii tu Lwfor* me lliln Mlnlnv uf Mnjr, KH7. Ticket! good going on all trains of HUNK I1. UOWHAN, Nutmr I'ul'lir, Correct—At tout: J. W. HOFFMAN M. K. kills, Jobbing Promptly Attended To It. V. Kandolnh, MA Y 28 and 29 Chariot L, Itolwrti, Estimates Furnished Return Limit, May 31st, Inc. Whan • Book la Worth Something. Box 73 Bernardsville No book Ii worth anything which ll Fc f«rth.r Wcrmallc. a»d Pullman rotation. eoillu,t locd M,BU „ ^ lot worth much; nor ii It •errtoeable, until It haa been read, and reread, and J. L. HOMER, Division Pawenger Agent A» U %tm WaUr Waaon. loved, and tared again; and marked, Uncle BUI Bottlstop nyi th* water ao that yon can refor to the wagon would b« more popular wltti a yon wa&t In H, M % tottier can Eernardsville News $1.50 Year riBBMKN'B BLD'0., Co,. Bread and Market SUeeta, N.wark, N«w Jer,e, ' of DiwUntlom folks If it had to b« hia needa In MI armory, or a bring tU aplo* ah« •*•*• frost Her