The Oxford Democrat.


the harbor of Gloucester shows the wharfs, but there waa a the search to come and at "What do you think 1 ought to do with danger In proper go jronr pleaeorer tho flah V Wftiuirr. JKR8KY8 FOR CHIE8I. THE FA1E. ths winbouiM, Mil aad (lock*. %-lL„ which would follow in the cabins. Dan* Mark bar, and bending FISH AT AMONG THE FARMERS. approached yoof On thiinUn of the bajr, which are atrlk- •' A Counaalor, would tha he low took her hand and kiaeed It There "(Uckoa y' moufbt gimme back my Attorney A SDirNIIim) MKMl'LT.—THE WORLD'S U1 remember negro girl lngly reel, rid* accural* models of Olou- uld • had let in the and woold wan in the act to remind bar gun," Jakey. schooners Used from lftO to rAEI», FAIR TEST PUT# THE JERSKTS AT night before, something Walter Wellman Writes of • Oaatar fishing GflflTTJNOOGfl The officer coald not a mlU ^*An,e* surmise that the waa the the men of the lion—after the training. repreec tha prveent time. Ofcoursethere has been *huftkf» I»fM IIKAU AS CHEKSR MAKER*. MTTOHEL (Lata U. & AJL pereon „»«r TUR BjT.L "What Romantic Hera in laarn what OinMiinliiii m i|Tlr«kinl Mfto were looking for. Would Daniel betray gunf Industry. great pragma. nujr Is hmm. >Stim ill iiwwiitnttf--la- "Th' one tnk t'other few of us erar knew bafora—bow tba word him? He not. Daniel gave no yer day." IHM Iwikh Hni( D. IUm- 1M, Am*r1o*i Plw AmMi* thooght CHAPTER XV. dtfutMill* The srs renowned u butter popjrlcbt, by "Go and the gun, "achoonar" originated. bill pretty lit- Mmu, A(TkiH«r»l Bailor Omfenl DwifU, Jerseys hint, for presently Mark aaw the trio get boy'i orderly," PBEOIOUB OUT TO MAE test at the Km.] •OUR] AMD J A KIT. OGEJJTB tle * OounaaJora, Cut* Ma. producer*; bat the cheese lid* to the be said to a eoldier on doty at the door. story. \ttorneye ftWftj Join troop. 0u« waaan world's (air them st the bead as was to Captain Andrew RoMnaon **«»• pat Laura Fain had a no more The gun not be found then, * ago rigged of town luwori a human life happy In receiving It which we sea at tba Among the rvporU aa oae was, that the nax*! mm. bility of weighed upon her tba for* and aft style Assured, every "Do know what been do- 11m AnUm UMm la Mmrwmy mmd which have been this spring record■ aa At one moment ehe woold yon you're praaent day, and wben be launched bar publbhol Jerseys would auataln their heavily. OInmIw to Aatrtaft-Wkal ■ "—n~ *u noticed om of » town «bm there the officer returned, addreeelng and sba tba water soars old wag of uueens of butterinakera at the World's picture Mark'* face, pale, hftggftrd, de- ing?" dipped at Law. s covi and Souri. "You've a to DI4 a outi Attorneys ■bout hundred kept only Fair teat, comparatively few ■pftiring, u he would be dragged from helped epy eecape bjraUndar aung another dairy — on* bog In town, iwl now comet of the who will duoUleee carry information to Wokld's Jqm 11— ''(), bow she acoonsl" • MAIWB. breeder* and still fewer dairying hie hiding place. The next the waa FxiM, [SporlaL] •mil* IM borwi,NO oieo^M cows, 80 enetnlM "Very well, a schooner let bar be," said KlUrr C. P»rk. reporting that the little Jersey conscience stricken at the she waa the of your country." One of th« moat surprising (wtum of the r llrrrfck. .130 and H bora. public expectad part Hoblnaon. Vl other cattle, sheep only would before her In Souri made no She atood look- Is the fisheries building and Captain men lu town wno carry everything playing in shielding an enemy of her reply. xposltion Glouoaatar now baa 400 K IIOI.T. Aa there am only UU but such has Ashingscboon- the contest for cheese; cause of her ing at the officer with her big black he exhibit which U houses. In a former a It la evident (hat It niuat be cause—the her brother and era of aver-gs of elghty-ooe tons. par poll tax. to be the case In the a capacity 0IUIUBI proven greatest, heard the as eye*. Fortunately for her, be had etter I described the bMutlMof tbeaalt sxbibit made & Counselor. a farming town to keep ao much stock. teat lover. She dogs Mark had Tba novel and Intonating Attorney most public and well authenticated about her tha TliW la further ahown the statement heard them on the river and daughter age. ind fresh water aquaria and charm bera ber board of trade flxsa In tba mams. by that haa ever taken In the world. bank, lay by vat. place Meanwhile aotne Tenneeaeeans who ax arc 1m ov»r do tba fact that that In a total valuation of WW,000, only shivering till the baying died away in .heir countleee Inhabitants mind aa nothing elta could Mali The cheeae test begso Thursday, May aent tha ,w»y Klurk. la In mllW and machinery. hail-xl from Jaaper had been for, thonaanda of vlalton e vary On* tba quaint Capo Cod town la greatest II.t •&.hno and was concluded May Wth, em- the distance. Then in the morning she nany day. arises: 11th, came in to bare a look at the canter on tba weatarn continent. From tbeae tlgurea the question aud In It the saw the the officer come and they an understand that, for the privilege of flaking bracing fifteen days Jersey cavalry go by; lnatructlre < IU*U»W, Have theae farmers and Several of them Among hundreds of dUplays experimented h is all before her In and and talk with her whom he prUonera. recognised celng «U varieties of lire fl»h dlaport In of swept qaautlty hp mother, I can to dsscrlba but ooa mora. It j,»l(N figured and arrived at this conclusion of butter fat both Souri and Jakey, and told the mar- heir native element Uono which pause of milk, In quantity asked the negroes to call from her bed people scene Attorney at Law, as a result of careful csl- quality an actual Ashing In line- •tock growing of cheese. In this test alial that were what '.3 often But I confeee I waa represents and In quantity that he her about the they they pretended. not enjoy. a clever contrivance the aur> culatlon of and loss, or have they In might question too (my. Ily • MAWM. prodt the cows of each breed were milked Thia and their youth, together with at the Interaet manifeeted pixriKLD, when others did presence of the spy. Laura got up her- tirprlaed by Uca of tba water la counterfeited, and drifted along, selling a of the marshal waa the presence of representative at the the fact that the provoat .he throng* of eipoeltlon vUitors In the and because others hid doue milk self and stood lauding, listening r hvitii. buying a sample of the a aaved thrm from the testing committee; breathleec while talked. When the not barah man, pun- naln building of the fisheries, where no /// well In a certain line? Although of cow and of the mixed milk of they ^ each inhment There waa a great deal of feel- .In (lib are to be bnu. I eaw at town In Is l>ack, away from any and man rode away she muttered a fervent Every day Attorney Law, question ea<*h breed waa taken at each every eaat Tetinetwe- railroad or market, the Inventory Such ••Thank OodT ing agalnat "renegade" itreama of people going In and out of thla ■ MAINS. large milking by auch representative. IT, whose must ana. and bad they been men they would and I determined to are a shows fowls products Mm were sealed In the of As the morning brightened and it was •trurture, finally •■I« IM. MMf ftcUHy. plea presence the be of aomewhere, and verr soon and MIKhat do think I nuyht to do uith bavi< been taken back to "black what It waa that exercised auch faaclna- dlapitaed the representatives of the breeds t%« mil ttiimllnij on th« Uulder u-lth Ih4 time to rise, her fears were lesa intense, you A. after are especially In the I/our' bole" at the and their till it within. \TIO WOOD»U«T, M., M.a, they produced, retained under seal until taken out In irtty In her hand. »nd she began to think of bow she Jail kept tion over them warm weather, and pork products could of the waa found ueceaaary to move thom from of lam no 11 laboratory by the represents!Ive Mark stood for a moment looking should keep her prisoner concealed from It waa acarcely mow than fifteen inin- After a tour tbe building of aa IV ques- the of Am it the A Surgeon, be dlapoaed Just eaally. committee, and quantltv hitn. There were dormer the household. How should Sonii had bid Mark the ipproaching enemy. waa, amaxed at the Intereet In Physician In these te«tlng ■boat windows, the rest of ntea after god* longer popular tion la, Whr are hoga ao scarce butter fat In each ao taken, in.ii dial directed that be taken into the 'I 711 rAur MAIKB. aample which let hi the ao that he I he feed him? When her maid came when old Trigga re-entered the they Itacoutenta. I never before realized I The cannot keep up butter fat" uiooulight •I*eed Hlock omm ilar back towns? sheep and the "Solids other than another room till bo coaiii bear rrotu In the : I rrllow*' are could see in the the told her that she would take her and the flight part which flaherlea play U'l of the farms, for there milk of distinctly everything np prison grounds, mounting Important K r» l«* l»r». Hut WMfct,rwtk»l the fertilltr were determined. The mixed them. II« knew !i. room, trunks were oue the the aecond went headquarters regarding commerce of the never leas to each tax |*ver. I*ork sealed st each borne piled in breakfast in her room, bat surprised of atepa leading to story world, understood, than three each breed was securely the and the "black and In and in another souie furniture. the of food she No one aeemed to be Triggs hole," iu I do the altnoet lnflulte variety of haa been low, but beef Is still )°wer and was under seal until corner, girl by large quantity into the jail. now, a • » • >K«.K p. JiiNM, milking kept to let thetn hack to them. i<> m-u « go and their value aa In •uu more umicuu lu the cheeae vat. The cheese Among the Utter he noticed a lounge wanted brought to her. When the about the place. lie entered hia bed* fish producta food. l» proportion placed Tho officers at were too r «•. \ t in .112 cmttle In threadbare waa and wife in her headquarters aud In medicine. Above and be- Dentist, any |■ i* |hfr« waa, and Is, still being aecured under with uphoUtery, and taking breakfast cauie, Laura up room and found bin doting ibearta, a of to uiedd!e with such a ca*e. The town iplDit rlfht swine. It part aeal. Kvery precaution waa adopted to it in hia anna, carried it, treading aoftly, dressed. She directed the girl to set it chair by the window. He anked for the busy yond all this there la a glamou. of ro- • MAIMS, be a marshal's communication was XORWAT. th« farmer* irll milk lhfr» rouit make the te»ta beyond any question of to one of the windowa at the front of on a table and tbeu sent her to the stable colored girl, and hia wife told him that provost il) an c« about the fishing Industry. It must waste milk from loof to secure returned with the follow ing indorsement: large amount of doubt, and the arrangements the houae. The room waa very hot, and with a message to Daniel abont ber rid- ahe had not returned with the medi* go to aea In boata, must hear the dangers J. W. DAVIS, yet of th« rovi thtt could be used more |»rof< award were as as ltr»|«clfull)' referred lock to Hie pruvnt an Impartial perfect he raised the sash, it with great, lier tnaid gone, Laura cine. He waited, every min- of the has In It that which develops j |i:. other war. moving ing pony, having expecting ■wnhkl wtlli authority to do with Uteee prto- deep, for twine than any with now and then Itably po««lble. care, so as not to make any aound. Then took up the breakfast and carried it to ute that ahe would come in. Had he uot be tblnke (or I lie beet latrreetsof I be character and feeling, Selling milk at prraent prior* brings In Mr. Fuller kept "tab" on the weigh* NMM he aat down on the lounge, and the noticed an absence of the groana to •rrvlre. Tbe ipjr bat In* nr»|«d ll dk- than he did. Aa it fate. Souri was awaro of the enormity aud aea la ahown Inhabitants of tie milk at the atart and five cows each, was as follows: tap trap door. 0|>eniug it he tic, regarding handsome ment much longer river here; old the debrla of nmad* a severe rocks, wrvcka, would need to make profit- aaw a bundle extended the fair band much like a in her it occurred to him that the of her offense and ex|tected (tun* sea the coral animal—sea other stock JKMIII. by ing very gentleman waa, perhapa deep grottiiM, alwuL Tha lUh ara thrrv, too, awiuinilng will consume much Uhiuent. Hhe had determined to the tho able Knmtb, |>l(i I.1JWJIIM. of liia preserver. lie took it, and lettiug brother's clothes, lie in turu was re- primmer might be dead. beg aneniouea that bluaaom miles below aU.ut unconacloua of their 1 m[►. nI than par for their keeping Milk MM •lltba flsbe*—whale*, aharka, devil <. M tilling, Artllk-UI r*M taw what he "will there and out of any great C a when l.ultor fat |>rr brother. fast be was for. Then he took means of the candle rap- you go keep their fllin-llko Very Interesting Mllwr an-l and lie worth as much ready Aterajc* M hungry tracery. sword flah with ■Wa«|wrU:i« *ays, " n.U'U I3.W concern the, mammoth lobster*, wnea en sea work, In pn>|»egNtlug attan* I tense. A large part profits grateful aen*utiou to Mark. Having put seen Mark dressed becomingly. This deception. llere a glue manufacturer calls your Milk NLMiti better re- our rlvera aud lakes. Ji »\ES, under the modern methods for the he laid was man she had beeu instrumental he "air dead?" "Well, 1 reckon you'd go," and stocking to the uaefulne** of another flah dairying A »rr;i,'r liultrr fal S.> |wr ml. on what he ueeded uight the "Yank," Mid, jr* tlon on " A feature of the allow wlilcli •very on# comes from the sale of pork grown N lailal a»llI ntrklMrjr' l»l cared for aud supplied with the turn them the Uulf of bt. nearly jeais iat»l« an-1 erly hellttle. Thfjr proclaim .lfr*y waa in hia clothe* than he had to see that he was to look Sonri over he at once recog- side of the river ami adrift, trade Wcla**ed with thell»h« I l«- There are too people er*. and herald a confirmation of her llurayou may f»' •. |'um|Muf alt aaw the ruaa Honri'a heart into her throat U not a fl»h. This strange *n-l rr for that reason are callcd heard the bark of houuda. were lute mouth! Those locks are goldeu and In an instant he through Jumped speaking, aerie* of cage*; lob*t*r pot*, which ara I >« «. ir»|M, rtr Mwllir |>ruin|>lr on farms, aud of of hutter- They «w*r. undiluted title "<^ueen her on who* akin r»pre*ut* »i« water u |>l|>lng farmer*, who have makera." on the water'a edge, and he knew by fitted eyes practiced. step- ami sho "Thank about the highest type of romfort acalea from *» odd* beau«e bogs will stand waa were to are blue. And all this to interrogate lie", he rushed from the officer, said, you." removing the lUh, bich, old belief that It will lie noticed that clieeae aounda that they eudeavoring heaveuly beauty ping In the winter of clvill- stock It la I nec- "Mr. said "1 thauk elegance garments aim Invented bera lu Chicago; more abu*e than other hut ten out of the fifteen, hut the aceut of hia tracka. holds a soul of into the room paat the at the door Oasifer," Jakey, ly cuougTi, \ made daya pick up callable plungiug U nn He Uvea princi- « 0 VlfcVKNS, treatment. uie back Mtiou, amphibian. the skeleton of u hump-back hale fort r- essary part of their They «»ach breed will he credit for the he aaid. "When 1 leave the most of dangers. und out to the guardhouse. There he y' fur gitnmen my gun." the Iauy slops ANN of the other live day*. tliia I'll take with me aouiething to dio And this U'in ,', so dazzling to a young gave tho alann, acd in a moment the forming thereon at them wallow In mud brewliuK purpose*, lugton, and one of the ear* ofthlaaanij Civil Engiu—r and Surveyor, few weeds, and let of fat contained In the milk of was in motion. vaat settle- quantity with. I'll not t>e takeu alive, and if I girl scarcely tweuty, was iu ber power. whole guard preseut. rt-rtain acaaoua of the year monaterof the a little ball ofcarti* in «iimm«-r ami gnaw •« m u..„, each hv sister j deep, Ufh I«1 171. each cow waa ascertained day u word him over to that the aeutiuel at the Tho next day the brother aud railed "naikerle*." It that hiiow Mow* ou me« t aome of ahall roll over." Could she not at give Souri ho|*d nu'Dta happen# aliout aa big aa j our flat. There la a and Ilv where ||m» the llxlicock you you re- lage MaIBK trough the teatlnc committee, hy could she would iu the chas«, in which arrived home, and great was the tin-mil of the north hrllle oroan make V.«a »T, all the year fml Then there came an inexpressible an ignominious death? And door join a( nxalel of the ineub*«h.«t they had to ••at country, do haa been lavished. Made of I'rofeaeor WlloM.of the r'lnlth* to dlacover her woman enter a rage of a lion with only the "black hole" for him to guard, he that art can direction fl»hlng, mora fl»heruien and mora Inteul* their treatment and con- MARKETING. waiting for old Trigga aud ilUry ing TWO STYLES OF a beautiful of are of niacin. colored, ami than altera* lx* a What would do to her? a alender in her hand, aud the weut no farther. jt rich, plush dragon's ooulan, papier ore of tackle appliance* dltlon tlx* *e**oij. It would two farmers de- deception. they whip li the through This morning I met Sonri heard the bark- it from tbe accurate, for Piwoeaor Klllott great* atiou liealdt*. Twothlngaln document. Would a mere huge beaat had obeyed her Blighteat mo- In five minutes blood hue, liangs proscenium thiadcptiV uiorw in»t native their butter In a And Jakey? they injure e%t In the world on seal life. I* livering large city hounds without. arch in artistic folds. The curtain waa authority meut left a deep Impreeaioa on my mind. all other animal*, ohould w if he ahould tion. Mark waa her lion, and she felt ing of I*ig*, like market. (»ne h»ad*llt» and through the winter cleaned cannot the whole fame of once or by pmmUe* and the Mains from poorlv but ha aoon "Miss Fain," Mark aaid, "you waa aent in to rejxirt affair. achieved the being parodied terior of the ialaud, killing place, canoe froiu ouo end of tha atate to tha weeds In th« •uinmer, Muaiug he fell aaleep, | hou*r wa*te ami were noted on the horses' of the fervor of an lie was to in a illnt of about lug awl waving of cloth*. other with abort now and a stables easily waa hare any conception my Being infantryman, obliged Gaiety burlesque. only portage* cold weather comea *tart awoke. It paat midnight—the day a where and when sld**«. The straw In the bottom of the atuud between tue and which took time. waa Mr. curtain at tho Crite- Another llluatratea "ro-ikery," tlieu. The ether, the aoniewbat aurpriaing «uiall execution. He ahuddered. gratitude. You walk, Cavalry Wyndham's tediou* of boiling pota- and ami the of hia the Mala, the male* bellowing tan*n e\er campaign sleigh was musty dusty, death—not the death of a soldier, but tho arm of the service of rion is a creation of Maple & Co. and full-grown fact that the largest caught I • >».. aud in meal He tried to to again, but the only capable out of the better toes ami pumpkin* mixing butter and of bore wit- go aleep and lighting, have hauled up waa taken u woman. 1 kuow little about «. ... »ol Wllnilatfton terth on- Jar* hags apples of a felon. And here," to the mau withacbauco coat about £120. At the Gaiety the pres- by IM. and the victim* Iwyond the whom fate which would have been jioiutiug following tlteescaped to the laud. At the Nn.itor *n ilratUte a» ehea|> terth, #4 (tutting ness to the fact. The farmer, I dreadful •urf dry Pribylov but I do know that lk »un- are to of and must be ferried ent act is the work of Mr. George flablug, of their stomach* or their and hia not Souri aaved him, aud on the breakfaat, "you ministering my success, cavalry drop Ialaud* ago one could see acre* and in the fact that ha pacltr know to be worth more than had take# year* Quay takea mora prhle CIAS rUEE. and calling It fatteuiug wauts with own hands." across tho river or ordered from Dallua, Banks. The artist's conception with the forma of the* ani- •corvhed hide, out of debt, wore an old battered derby very but evening before his inteuded your acre* black once caught a tarpon In Florida than la or nor* It ofteu satin «.. ■ f .* who w l»h to on material "Aud 1 told not to come here." on the other ten mile* altove. The tho form of a white cloth, are now much reduced t<> all them. More good and a six beard. (He prob- into hia head, aud ho yet you side, great mal*, but the herd* of aaeatluthe luited States Mghteva >«-ar» days* stubby execution, got hUponfeealoii V• \tra>lr.| without |k*1m wa*ted thi* "fattening" proceaa, by A "1 did not understand so." latter cour*e was ami two with a opening two cur- in aife. A third model I* not a very ploas- that Auioa m towU* by shaves every Sutidav morning.) not drive it out. And uow, were you chosen, squad* solitary figure senate. I know Cummluga, i«laJa •»*» Ulty. feeding faded brown overcoat with greasy houuda him foi Mark hurt runs proceed once, Huvoy the New York congreaaman journal- auf M have enough which he hud were In part line, there been is a curtain which ground. half hla time. to apples she should ing hiinaelf on her generosity. several Uiilos below. Had "creepy" melodrama, Fisheries building 1* tilled When It la not convenient |n*»ture wormy and un- Ami Laura Fain, suppttso The great the greatest tMpun ever hauled from wa- but contaiued enough am that kind* nearer, Mark wuuld have lias marked tho of count- From almost kuinmer, a of aweet coru (Ml she after all. "1 sorry yon regret your any cavalry resting places with auch illustrations. a woman took him. Thl* gam* flah pig* In patch sound ones to make them beg'sale at weaken; snpj>use should, II Ju»t ter and aUmt thi* time to ness," he added, with aluioat a tremble bad a very slender chance to get away. ies* pieces of the transpontine type. country In the world cometheboata, aud wa* mora than •hould tie planted aupp- cents bu*hel. He asked only 27 consider it lier duty to give him up, every welglttdUO pountla GRANITE WORKS, per uue uf the a scene in Hherwood forest of lUbermcii, with SO. PARIS in with food. I'laut It thick in his voice. As it was, he barely escaped tackle and appliance* feel The woutan who won ly t lie green cents for his butter. Ills egg were clean a deuiaud ithould be made to represents leren long. to ibow suppose Robin Hood and his mer- of the fishermen themselves, and when It la about ready went for 2N thousand "1 did uot aay that I regret ted it" squadrons. in tho days of llguie* fame In hla taking wua Mr*, htagg, of and of even sl*e; still, they •earch the house; sup|io«e—a ho* la tliiu it out and the cutting* me not noon the after Mark's men.—London Million. 1 model* ahowlug met pict- Ihiaia woman's era, aura ^Ollln ■ HFl% tvlMHCt *pludie« give oo the market. The poor "Out you remind that it la About of day ry, merry employed, Frankfort. Ky. eat cents general chased each other through acene* ni»d station*, aud an to the no more than they will be- supiusitious the authuritiea ure* of flailing mough. jtly Coiupiiuieuta to Jir*. Htagg. pig*, fellow was somewhat discouraged hraiu. agreeable to you." escape military began in the hhwu, after the his excited Inllnlto variety of fl*h product*. clewu. Later his turkeys ouly IS cents "Uow can it be? You are a Yankee— to relax their effurta to recapture him, Literary M«n'» r>p«n. WilTU WlLUIA*. be cause brought He till before dawn, make# what 1* probably the •talka tough, the earn may pluck- It would not lay tossing just leave* behind Norway A. W. get dressed, and thought pay a on a mlaaiou to diacover the aa had other matter* of importanco lie ii a wiao man who theoe The WALKER, Proprietor. ami there la no other food when he agaiu fell into a troubled alum spy—and they mo*t Interesting of displays. ed for th«-m, to to raise any next rear. the coun- or of them him try inoveiuenta of our troops." to attend to, but they Induced him uo letter* j»er*onal paper* any are famoua fishermen. The AND SCEPTER. « that will fatten this: her. Northmen CROWN cheaply grown What was the trouble? Slmplv a tu con* in the his- from of then, do you uot give uie upr try peuple, by hope of reward, Mirt that mean much private thenter of their operation* extends faater. not, or rather thought He was awakened by a squadron "Why, txawtt* M»««m*at*. friend could 1 search within a radius of ten if he is a iu the aouth to the limit of the henelf to h«r Bona nn«l a that will not eat My The She shrugged her shoulders. "Cau tinut> the tory of hi* life, particularly Christiana The queen algna If you have pig he could not, take time to clean up the cavalry passing along the road. Thr*e Tablet* «a4 fatten or fifteen miles from The more tbaA all other Ico north of tipitxlicrgeu. dauglitrr*ln-liw, "Alwajr* your affection- beeta or turnip* raw, and himself, and but it was turn executioner*" Chattanooga. literary man, for, polar pack pumpkin*, sleigh, harness, team •uu had uot yet riseu, light atart earl* In thovear for the V. l( 1." Work other ami tell him. It doe* has "1 see. 1 am indebted for marshal aeut fur 8ouri and the daw* like to peck at tboee of Norwegian* at0 mother, C*n*t*rjr J niui on food lost • wages It. He look down ou them, my present pruvost hearts, schooners hou«e he big day's by He could right moat Arctic ocean, driving their little U the nam* of not to be about the to the fact that do not care with a view togniuingfroin them men who are favored of fame. The friiutM Ikk family |wt pay »l,>pplng become so accustomed to Itelng slipshod could not see him. safety you Jakey with an which a tended though they They souls Into the ic« intrepidity FVnlin of I'.irnm. owing lwr by careleaa boy* •metis either, for that matter. "You must draw your own infer- identity and bia missiun. i* irnwiatibly tempting and all for to. or mhiw other and were evideutly the with ateaui veeael* appllauce* low of fun. Orders attended muck! dirt the other farmer sleepy. They waa that man is dead and lil Ji MplriUaiMl promptly enough chip I have been watching ence." Houri, whose unly cluthing when tho famous gone are afraid to follow. FUlier- In the to tliem dry, farm tueu who had ]uused the uight before, flght lug Ice, Infant* substance |tena keep some time. He bought a largj to be her M.a. to can no that this let*' The Kulallv'aname1»pronoaneftl all for "But 1 should like grateful, left by Mark, begged Trigg* where he longer *ay mt u from Tromsoa and lliiiumcrfe*t every aud the of manure will pay tor aud I and were going back from an unsuccess- lu K|Miiil»h M If »(n IUi| a no-lah Iiv a. wlili pile some three years ago, thought can when tell me that her more suitablo apjatrel before ter or that, thi* or the other, meant feata In the northern Farmer. the differeut (low I you you get poem year accomplish m il to the U»t Hahl* iiihI the labor.—Mirror aud but lie ful hunt. Mark uoticed to tha fame of the mwiI on ■) went into debt pretty heavily, uio that white hands takeu out of the IIa«' the a not an of his Water* which would add took in order to do all this for your beiug jail. only mood, abiding part tin1 Init1*1 »o»i U run ti«Hlifr. Th«- noma a trade lu "warranted fresh" many of them but tha are had good positious a theiuir" old wouiau excuse, iudeed had it Norwegian* the market took may not have statu nj»u any life.—Bo*ton Transcript. Arctic explorer*, U tlreek ami mean* "wi ll upokvu." PREPARE FOR A DRV SUMMER. at about 10 ceuta above rest in their saddle*. The sight 11 seal. wslru*,elilerdown, whale*, eggs U not that should not been fur the of the guard I Ifter rlutf butter feel at the door, there is no telling what she In • 11 capital. glory. whone life imi that there will lie graa* and hegau taking to be iu the with them. grateful." craft north of 8pltxb*rgvn ■overelgna now reigning ii|ioa t-lined to feel Jersey grades, stirrujw again dune to Bouri. To have thcM llttla go be £1 cents a the Mark studied her face for a moment might have Doctor man, you w It bin 600 Iim liern mail* At lr*»t « v«n all summer and that It would contracts, flrst at pound There is uo time like a wakeful night (to patient)—Young aud reach a latitude that 1* geo- attempt yet enough .'*• in a as aa I ax* then tie renewed them at Then hit manner changed. beeu thus duped put her towering do not seem to up fast the north Occa- or eight attempt* of Hi in kiwi have lata to In cropa for summer feeding. year round, to distress, aud nothiug like an earnestly. pick graphical mllea of pole. folly |>ut he advanced his magnify "take Blie weut into Souri's cell aud niMile airaiuat the III* of lit* gmmlmotlier, are followed cents, and a year ago "Miss Pain," he said, {minting, passion. pected you would. oue la nipped In tha ico up there, Itut such «|>rtuic« usu.tlly In- unclouded rising sun to drive it away. aloually ftr«*tl late In the to 33 cents. The trade kept the breakfast." berated her with her tongue and shook Patient—That's so, doctor. I don't and tha muter and crew, unlea* rescued Qumi 101 by a aeaaon of short prices Mark looked out ou the stretch of coun away ami Instead of the nice cleau in her but refrained from would be able to leave the muat |»a*# the l-ng Mill rvtaln tbrlroM bar. summer, and uow is the time to prepare creasing, "Why sof* she asked, startled. her list face, feel as if 1 by other fishermen, The KuaaUn» a of sleek Kxmore try to be seeu from his window—the hula aud aul>- mimI nbeii the em* It. For u*e sweet corn la drawn by pair not l» under further obli- her. When Bouri asked for a for some time I believe Arctic winter lu Improvised baric love of »plmof Kuropv who Mill make a and planted tlilu euough drawn by huge grey unreasonably hopeful of the marshal atill she is 18 old and flret locality and from the hounds and from the gallows. pleasure provost "Well, only year* bonee are found on oo- ou It. and If the whole l« tall the potatoes, turnips been Ilia pleasurable aen successfully; others, their of Wearing n eruvvn great rare will grow apples, de*i>oudent. now be than she had if she should aend practice CURE. eara were In in the Were it not for you 1 should further very good looking." where atarratloo or acurry wilnw. Jm THE not needed for cuttle feeding the other truck brought sations suddenly received a new check. In tho aprlng aa>l have been to mount the scaffold or a to him not dressed she 111 have to another Ihio earh aoatrtl U| off wlieo aoft and uaed lumber wagon, aud U must that either about girl pruperly "I think prescribe them. Otbo of llavari.i U etcadilf or l»jr may be picked An officer of the cavalry had paaeed. left M.til King ,... |;»l,l»Hv.t'«»hu at I>r««r1*t« for both It, hare this time into that laud selected an old calico frock of her own nurse."—Texas show here specimens of ... Mr*et.N*w the washed between every trip, came passed by Sifting*. The Norwegians woree ami now run Ijr etijor*any "U'tllHt-r* H arr*a for fattening pig*. clean. followed by two men, riding back. with which growing \ out our old the harness aud team were always where the human attribute I can and gave it to her. craft aed tho woapooa i.I oc- ,i We muit plan to bein were to the house. only I'm In. Interval* III* forty-ftlih birthday owner and sometimes the Maybe they coming were led to the mar* Thai la AmImI. t ho aeal and tha polar raaturea. There la no other part of the Sometimes the imagine hm fitted to be there is charity. Bouri and Jakey Snp«i»tltloa they a«*ul 1 tha walrua, cur ml recently, ami hi* family emh-avoml but They stopped at the gate. One of the ahow al*o tha uaraphernalla unleaa It la the average garden, hired man made the delivery, they Whether the is now from shal's office, followed by a crowd of In many parts of Oreat Britain the hear They toolTerblia eon;;nttul.ilion* ami gift*, hut farm, as dismounted and danger paseed dressed and were tueu rode forward, oue of the moat wonderful fishing flew Into it that la ao much neglected and abused. were always neatly, this 1 don't kuow, but 1 curious people, who were aware that still survives that it la folly of the unfortunate mailman per PIANO and ORGAN POLISH. be when it. The officer entered and rodf neighborhood superstition world contains, that at and milk year clean as men can handling e|wned mean* of the a u jcenea which tho feet when be mw them We tell off atock perhaps am to risk it I am going down they had been the escape or madness to sava drowning man, aud fury approach. the Kach to whom a de- to the front door. going the I/ofoden Ulaud* lu February ■>!••l«» for <-l»ai »*• UrtaMaat«S after and In many caaea drive person up this roof." a but when arrived the sooner or later do an to The ftliah ha* an unfort unate affect lou for Wry rbulH «l[ year, to have their •tairs and out from under of spy, they he will injury ten months of the year a»lai"I »urultura. W cawt* p*r ao that moat of their waa made felt proud Mark'a heart seemed to March. During the •r«aa«. cows up ulghta, ftroduce.Ivery stop beating. were left outside. rescuer. The oemse lor Great llritaln. lie la always writing of brought to "You will do no such thingl" crowd the superstition ialand* are deaerted. Vtoaatehy are left In the yard* or along wInter produce He could not see what waa going on what of theso practically offering to vUU lier mnje»t y, who It W.J. WHKRLKH. dropplnga supply the man "1 wilir And had she not her* Never was a man more pusxled down from our ancestors, yet traoes tho aun docs not ahow bluiatdf. queen and If we cut a few bushes thein In such and young so bat placed two montha to hara hail enough of MtkrukM* the style, below close under his window, than the marshal in other In* and wlilto- thought, however, highway, self between him and the trap he would to do with prisoner* it exist among the Sioux and Th<» scene is oao of |Hilar calm once a we think we are taking profited by It. heard the officer to blni la»t time, lie not only drink*a bottle year, a man to wear presently talking of Hour! and tie uw a seem to have Inherited II of cod flali aud at aoou It Is not necessary for bare carried oat his intention. ibe cam Jakey. dians, who dcx*. Hut lu February myriad* eater care of the paaturea, sotne oue on the veranda. knowo from of hrniMlj n day, hilt U al*o an opium good to sell his In a white sources. The belief la to no one ahade can be aeea above the a white shirt and broadcloth where you are!" she laid simple, modest, poor country girl, from aboriginal some tho Uland*, of violent ami IrreaiioutibU aa a green the "A Federal last night "Stay The flahermen come, MrilitMl lu the atock and In, but If he wants to get spy escaped there waa out of her "teena," and a most in Cornwall and various where, to apawn. iuoa« In we turn produce in voice in which something apparently no) prevalent ktUU aprlug he must be neat from Chattanooga, madaiu. He was wbo waa not thou mvl iui n come, bringing Blank Books, to and give milk. most out of his business it u looking boy. very of Scotland.—Chicago Herald. too. Thirty expect them grow In There was commanding. piil parte boat*. create a ao that at about his his produce up the disguise of a negro girl." from 7.000 to *,<») They I*aaturea ahould be divided person, put what do you assume to far into tbem. boats 111- and waa unintelli- "By authority their SCIENTIFIC WAIF8. each attractive form, his team wsgon mora which not a Dalian tho shorts. Dy day -4 least one year out of three part keep something mer "Wbo am your be asked of Botxri The ffaeeef Silver SToo and inliee— be ashamed of Ids busi- direct cover tho sea for nillee be aheep or young atock clean, and not gible. who In orally the can occupied by has some- "Your life belong* to me." inkindly. Some numismatist delights la dono within sight from According lo 8lr William Thornton, Stationery not driven up nights ness. Of course, reputation Then Mark heard the word "no" •U their flsblng or that are his bead. "Minaonrt Slack." the face of the American dollar, such aa cannot Mrtti RU a fluid HIM* between iJUO.UUU.UUO plga them to do with and the butter, "True." He bowed studying land—making a spectacle cau have extra food to enable thing in a voice which he thought waa and prices but spoken understand me.* Bhe with "Where do you Href announces that It "presents upon the ob» ho found also in tha wot Id. (jot and 4,000,000 yeare ago. SCHOOL SUPPLIES this It 'Eg*' garden produce and poultry, "You spoke anywhere to eurkh the land. For purpose Mrs. Fain'a. not far from a likeness in will soon make more than before. "1 "Oo the Anderson road, verse slds not only very good eminent regulate* overythlng theto The earth only Inlrmpli om twenty- well to In some crop for and cleanliness even authority la also put quality "He was tracked to the river, which tho men there is niic rttillimitIt such a for line 1 own life. You are of II, but also a clearly delineated Caheri-H. Among »>,U» three hundred and «i«!it j AT summer nir you Just reputation own yoo. your Jasper." George feeding.—Mirror. of he must have crossed. He probably head of the British Ill UtloniVrf IIIJ trinir. tiu iu»va*«MUMS of lbs total amount of hot glreu o(T farm produce aa the owner "Gilt-edge slare in a stronger sense than my "And this boyf repreeentation of the part himself.—Cor. landed a mile or two below Chattanooga, my ara alio wad oa tho Ulanda. All tba the rao. Farm" has made for colored "He's my brother." lion." It is said that theee unpatriotic liquoni by round* occa- and we believe he is somewhere girl." txwti mutt lem tlx Untl at a certain of SHURTLEFF'S DRUG STORE, Thejeat that goee th« Gentleman. hiding human "When did come from hornet" emblems were surreptitiously introduced A ton of m« water yield* a grain gold, | Couutry "U is thatownenhipof beings, yon In tba and a maunlflcent of the milkman "who apologia* within a few miles of this place." was em- bour morning, ao (bat there niuat ha far mora gohl IteUI sionally, down to you from "Three days ago." bv a who of bla milk, welcome Mark could Miss Pain, coming perfidious ^Englishman moat ba whan Mrcn thousand than baa been obtalmd South Pari*, Malna. ed for the blue appearance that iwirrai of beea "You are to"— the or how did mint—Ex- alghtlt In aolutlun yet had It appeera atrajr that has given you "What brought yon, yon ployed In the Philadelphia each mannad four oarauiao, dip "the wntbrr had baen tobnllt not hear to what the officer wu past generations, cruft, by fruin tha earth. that *r* property, belonging welcome, ma now." the waa here and In baa a founda- only qualified to tyrannise over know that prisoner change. Iba watar at a aljpuU and raco to tba hi* cows tha blnea," la ictiul or wltb- bat be surmised It wu to March the spirit A llritlali acientlat recently atated thai given ahown to the ooe poaaeaalon, In fact. have "1 tyranniier J.4iir • H*klk tog gmunda. wen lion Kxperimenta la of tbem until be baa made poe- boo—. ■apUUIaf If a mau weighing 110 |iounda placed richer milk In light Then «u a that wu not sent me word." ailllion cod ara caught arery jraar that cowa will give bright, If be teavea tbem, ao mrpria* "Jakey Aw lUditidin tniktt the Thirty under a iireea aiul flat weather. aeealou complete. "What time did yon go to bedr what »he observant In thaaa and ao Important hydraulic M|Ueraed Windows anil Blinds, weather than In cloudy some 8be did not realize ••This boyr great flabarlea, a atu Doors, aunoy loae of tbem, and feigned. >easi 111 that with n> the nrault would ha 10ft |touudaof richer M to alfbt The reply wu inaudible. «m»«j-the government In dark ooea. They aunllght loae claim to tbem be- M "He sent roe a Mlk bankercher would npon by yon." wboss fsaturss aro of to tba commarcU! exchangee In olty Tbara U now In tha Uortioultura build- beat aa math u a party the a warm "And everything wu that opal ten than jronng ladiss arary velop their qaalltlea uauae he could not ahow that There wu a ■abmiaeion In the young t'other nn." Mollrr U tba ln- 1U InflnlU vartatr of attrao* C. L. give the Qrook or Ronuui typo. Then there of Cbrletandom. Petar ing among Hathaway's, ooe which be left. •'clock." that natiifled the "How did tend it, boyT bar* la mountain pUnt. wu the Identical •oldier'i tone imperious you of somo duatrial king of tafoden, and tlona a collect loo of praaaad "Yss, «lr." may bo method In tho habit Nl She waa ready to heal the cata the "Niggers." tba flaherlua bulldlug tba manwbowon Hum They ara the property of Mr*. b. B. ahonld keep of the Rural New "You are I reckon." ladiss of turning up thstr noma! Tha man who ralaea grala A correspondent good Confederates, I bat the waited for him to "Um." young faaa and fortuna by dlecovary of tba Walkar, of Caatla ltock. Cola, and art not hla feed are could not CI. given, man that them.—Boa- I TMTin WHAT enough etock to convert rough Yorker claim* that #000,000,000 "Y«*, sir; my son"— Mark two are pretty yoaag to every approaohee ateam method of tba oil from for aala. Nothing ta qulU ao tandar, frail who drlnka that •peak again. "Well, yon purifying Into aaanure, ami the farmer keepa a lu atroog hear the rest, except the word "army." ton Transcript. tba llrer of tbe ebowe ua bla prooeaaaa and beautiful aaa mountain flower, Lu