Short Hills, Prestden't "Of City Government Is Not Perfect
"\ Fifty-Third Year, Number 3 Monday, SepiemBeTTt Established 1S89 and Summit' Record FRED L. PALMES, Editor $2.50 A YEAR JOHN W. CLIFT, Editor Emeritus 3c A COPY J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Manager Tax Appeal Dates Moses V, FaitDttte, Set By County For In Support Of Summit Mayoral Candidates Many in Military Seryice Will Lose Vote 1,900 Land Owners Steel Firm Head, selected. These board members to- from the growing realization that In Primary Election on September 16-" Confronted by more than 1,900 Guido F. Forster • gather with the Coritmon Council Ernest F Leathern ou,r form of City government' is Dies in California tax appeals from property owners, The following release has been are administering the. city's affairs This Is (he third In a series of somewhat antiquated and a little Only 91 Ballots Mailed to Summit Men submitted by the He-elect Forster, articles on civic affairs under the the Union County Board of Tax- capably, and will continue to do HO. creaky from old. age. The structure ation .has set dates for hearingsio 1'ommittee: «en«»nil title, "Should Summit Have of local government under which Moses W. Faltoute t>t_ Hobart Tills is an unfinished world—our NEW PROVIDENCE TQWNSHIP HAS ONE VOTER Various communities. Included in August 28, 1941. a Major", written by Krnext F. our affairs are administered is not avenue, Short Hills, presTden't "of city government is not perfect. the date listing are the following: Mayor ForsteV's opponent has Leathern, cnmlittute for the liepub- set up to operate with the effi- Many things need to be done, Does There are 4,788 Union County men currently known to be the Faltoute Iron and Steel Co.
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