National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dorothy Vaughan Instructions: Count the number of each object you find. Record the number of Hide & Seek each object in the boxes on the page 2.



Dorothy J. Vaughan was the first African-American female supervisor at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). She was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and later lived with her family in Morgantown, West Virginia. At age 19, Dorothy earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from in Ohio. Dorothy began working as a human “” at NACA in 1943. After working as a human “computer” and supervisor, she became an expert in digital and their applications in NASA programs. Dorothy retired from NASA in 1971. Read more about her at Coloring Page! NP-2020-08-063-LaRC National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dorothy Vaughan Instructions: Count the number of each object you found on page 1. Record the Hide & Seek number of each object in the boxes below.

How many Moons? How many Stars?

How many Saturn V Rockets? How many Earths?

How many Report Documents? How many Computers?


How many Astronauts? How many Pens?

How many Adding Machines? National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dorothy Vaughan Hide & Seek ANSWER KEY

How many Moons? How many Stars?

3 10

How many Saturn V Rockets? How many Earths?

1 4

How many Report Documents? How many Computers?

2 2 2

How many Astronauts? How many Pens?

4 7

How many Adding Machines?