Oklahoma Aviator- May 03.PMD
TheThe OklahomaOklahoma AAviatorviator Vol 21, No 5 Your window to Oklahoma Aviation...Past, Present, Future May 2003 Oklahoma Aviator, 32432 S. Skyline Drive, Cookson, OK 74427 HistoricHistoric Curtiss-WCurtiss-Wrightright HangarHangar toto bebe ReconstructedReconstructed atat WileyWiley PostPost AirportAirport by Bob Kemper have stiff competition from about advertising. Vegas. By the early 30s, Braniff motor, started an aircraft manu- Glenn Curtiss. Through the At about the same time, had acquired other larger and facturing company at Curtiss- Most everyone in Okla- early 1920s, they battled one Oklahoma City’s municipal air- faster aircraft and had expanded Wright Field. Seeing the ben- homa is aware of Wiley Post another in court for the rights port, located at SW 29th and their routes. They outgrew efit of having a world-renowned Airport (PWA) in Bethany. to manufacture airplanes. May Avenue, was a going con- Curtiss-Wright Field, but con- pilot employed, Keeden hired Active and vibrant, Wiley Post However, by then each com- cern. However, companies and tinued to make Oklahoma City Wiley Post as the president of is one of the two busiest gen- pany had gained a firm foothold pilots complained about high their corporate home until the company. As such, Post’s eral aviation airports in the in the market. Further court rental rates for hangars and 1945. main duty was to fly each of the state. However, perhaps some challenges seemed unlikely to land, so some of them moved In 1934, Mark Kleeden, a people are not aware that in the succeed, so in the mid-1920s, to Curtiss-Wright Field.
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